Old Testament chapter 32

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content of Hosea

1. God commanded Hosea to marry Gomer some believe she was unfaithful after marriage, some believed she was before marriage 2. God takes Israel to court the word rib = God was bringing a legal dispute against Israel Israel stood guilty for failing to live up to the covenant God made with her 3. Hosea's invitation tarnished the people ignored Hosea's invitation to return to God Israel's harlotry included religious and political Israel worshiped idols Israel appealed to other nations rather than to God 4. God's final arguments against Israel God would remove Israel's king Samaria, the northern capital, would fall 5. the possibility of restoration Hosea called on the people to repent and acknowledge God alone could provide for their needs Hosea used agricultural terms to describe Israel's restoration flourish like the vine blossom like the lily take root like the trees of Lebanon

What 4 things did Hosea compare Israel to?

1. a bunch of choice grapes that have spoiled God said she would no longer bear fruit 2. Israel was like a vine that grew according to its own plan choosing her own way rather than God's way 3. a trained Heifer who loved to thresh grain because she could eat as she threshed 4. Israel was like a toddling son God taught Israel everything, but Israel turned to Baal

reasons for Joel prophesied during 500-450 b.c.

1. refers back to Babylonian exile 2. Joel mentions priests and elders but no king Judah may not have had one at that time 3. Joel mentions no opposition from pagan cults

major themes of Hosea

1. spiritual adultery God and Israel were husband and wife Israel joined with Baal & other lovers Israel worshiped other idols 2. knowledge of God the people lived lives that opposed God because they did not know God they rejected His Law & prophets 3. God's frustrated love God's frustration surfaces in Hosea's words

What were the 4 parts to God's answer?

1. the land would experience restoration 2. the people would experience a spiritual awakening 3. God would judge unrepentant nations 4. Judah would enjoy special blessing and prominence

Joel's message

1. the locust plague compared to a mighty army that ravaged the land Joel called to the people to cry out to the Lord only God could save them 2. the day of the Lord return to God with all their hearts call to deep repentance is the turning point

Why was Israel going to be punished by God?

1. the powerful oppressed the weak caring only for their personal gain 2. sexual sin everywhere 3. pagan temples 4. Israel showed no gratitude for being taken out of Egypt and placed in Caanan 5. Israel silenced God's prophets 6. they mocked the Nazirites 7. Israel burdened God with their sins

When did Joel most likely prophesise?

500-450 b.c.

Various prophecies against Israel

Amos used many methods to drive home his prophetic points: a) he asked a series of rhetorical questions to set up his final question of if God caused the disaster to bring His people back to him b) he compared Israel's actions to other nations the Philistines and Egyptians had higher moral codes, but they did not follow God so, Israel's strength would be removed and her goods c) pampered women of Israel would be next they oppressed the poor compared to well-fed cows of Bashan a region of rich soil and good cattle the women would be dragged away by the enemy d) Amos then sang at Israel's funeral by using a lament lament = song or chant to mourn the dead

How God helped Amos understand what he was going to do next

God showed Amos visions

Who does Amos only mention?

Jeroboam Uzziah so this may indicate Amos prophesied between 767 b.c. and 753 b.c.

symbolic names for Hosea's 3 children

Jezreel = the place where Assyria would win a decisive victory over Israel Lo-ruhamah = not pittied God would not pity Israel any longer Lo-ammi = not my people a coming separation of God and Israel

Joel's background

day of the Lord = locust plague people need to repent Joel was the son of Pethuel Joel = The Lord Is God

In spite of humiliation from his wife's adultery, what did Hosea do?

he had courage, and prophesied

Amos's message

he spoke out against nations God had singled out for judgement he commenced his prophesy with Damascus and Philistia, then Tyre he then prophesied against Edom, Ammon, Moab

How did Amos make his prophetic points?

he used a variety of oratorical methods

What shaped Hosea's ministry?

his courage and conviction his wife committed adultery

Why did Amos prophesies against Damascus?

it brutalized the people of Gilead

Why did Amos prophesy against Philistia?

it deported captive Israelites to Edom to sell as slaves

Why did Amos prophesy against Moab?

it desecrated the bones of Edom's king

Why did Amos prophesy against Judah?

it had forsaken the Mosaic Law and followed false gods

Why did Amos prophesy against Edom?

it made war with Israel and showed no compassion

Why did Amos prophesy against Tyre?

it sold Israelites as slaves in Edom

five visions of judgement

locust fire a plumb line basket of summer fruit (Israel was ripe for judgement) final vision pointed to absolute certainty of God's judgement

symbolism of Hosea buying back Gomer

one day God would do the same for Israel

Amos background

sheepherder in Tekoa, Judah he tended sycamore trees God sent him to prophesy in Israel

When was the book of Hosea written?

shortly before Samaria's fall

Hosea means?

the Lord saves

How did Israel's spiritual decay display itself?

through social injustice the rich exploited the poor the powerful dominated the weak

Why did Amos prophesy against Ammon?

unborn babies were killed

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