OOP - Ch 13

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1) ________ are the providers and the consumers of data. A) Applications B) Database management systems C) Interfaces D) UMLs


14) ________ exposes the services of an object. A) The interface B) Encapsulation C) Polymorphism D) The data service


15) ________ hides the services performed by the object. A) Encapsulation B) The interface C) Polymorphism D) Hidden services


2) Applications must manage the interaction between ________. A) object space and data space B) inside the system and outside the system C) solution domain and solution space D) users of the system


21) ________ improves the performance of data operations by storing indices or "keys" to data records. A) Indexed sequential access B) Sequential access C) Direct access D) Slow access


23) Which of the following is NOT a type of early database models? A) digital B) flat C) hierarchical D) network


25) ________ software functions as a layer that mediates between the application and the relational database, bridging the divide between the object-oriented and relational models. A) Object-relational mapping (ORM) B) Object-oriented database C) SQL D) Object-oriented DBMS


30) ________ is the primary language for communication with relational database management systems. A) SQL B) Object-oriented C) Fortran D) DBMS E) UML


31) A ________ is a virtual table that represents a selected set of attributes from one or more tables. A) view B) row C) column D) tuple


34) A table is in the first normal form if it ________. A) contains no repeating groups B) has no foreign key C) has a unique primary key D) has both primary and foreign keys


35) A table is in the second normal form if it contains no repeating groups and ________. A) every non-key attribute is fully dependent on the entire primary key B) no repeating names C) no repeating columns D) no repeating rows


38) ________ relationships must be converted to one-to-many relationships through intersection tables. A) Many-to-many B) One-to-one C) None-to-none D) Many-to-one


39) Mapping to a relational database is the application of relational and normalization rules to ________ and their relationships. A) classes B) data C) variables D) attributes


4) Changes in data management systems bring about ________ adjustments in system development. A) revolutionary B) small C) incremental D) no


41) ________ classes form the overwhelming majority of tables. A) Entity B) Control C) Boundary D) Utility


8) The two important objectives of data management are ________. A) safe storage and easy retrieval of data B) to screen and calculate data C) to minimize the storage capacity and maximize the usage of database D) to match data and application with the user requirements


11) When a collection of databases shares one physical space, we have a ________. A) DBMS B) database server C) data space D) network


18) The ________ is the carrier of messages and data between the application and the database. A) interface B) driver C) data language D) application


24) The relational model presents a(n) ________ view of the database organization and provides the basis for using a high-level language for database management. A) physical B) logical C) open D) closed


27) The ________ is an attribute in one table whose value must match the value of a primary or an alternate key in a different table. A) first column B) foreign key C) first row D) best value


10) A distributed database is a collection of databases that ________. A) serves different applications B) serves different users C) resides on separate physical devices D) has different entities


16) The most important function of persistence objects is to ________ into a language that is understandable to the data management system A) manage the compiler B) install the interpreter C) translate application requests D) work with the interface


20) When data is grouped in records that are stored and retrieved serially from beginning to end, we call it ________. A) direct access B) listing access C) sequential access D) data access


22) When we find an employee by the Social Security number and do not need to read the entire employee file but, instead, can process the records in the index file, find the entry with the right number, take the "key" to the full record, and retrieve it quickly, we are using ________. A) direct access B) fast access C) indexed sequential access D) DBMS


26) A relational row represents an entity, similar to an object in the object-oriented model, and each entity in the table must be ________. A) known B) redundant C) unique D) hidden


3) The design of the database must satisfy ________. A) only present requirements B) present and past requirements C) the requirements of the entire information system present and possibly future. D) only future requirements


36) A table is in the third normal form if the table is in the second normal form and ________. A) contains no repeating groups B) has two foreign keys C) no non-key attribute is dependent on another non-key attribute D) none of the above


6) Data has meaning only within the context of a(n) ________. A) object B) use case C) variable D) structure


13) Data management belongs to the ________. A) problem space B) outer space C) data space D) solution space


17) The persistence layer is a collection of ________ objects, instances of classes that mediate between an application or the entire information. A) entity B) control C) flow D) boundary


19) A good database management system should be ________. A) reliable B) robust C) flexible D) all of the above


28) A relational database management system protects data integrity at ________. A) the column level B) the row level C) inter-table and procedural levels D) all of the above


29) Another name for a procedure, a named sequence of programming statements, is a ________. A) function B) method C) routine D) any of the above


32) A trigger is executed automatically in response to ________. A) insert B) delete C) update D) all of the above


33) Data normalization is a set of guidelines, techniques, and concepts that allow us to ________. A) identify logical relationships among attributes B) combine attributes to form relations (or tables) C) combine tables in a schema to form a database D) all of the above


37) Denormalization might become necessary due to ________. A) logical considerations B) performance degradation C) technological constraints D) all of the above


40) From an object-oriented viewpoint, variables ________. A) are attributes of objects B) belong to the messages that the objects exchange with each other C) belong to the messages that the objects exchange with the outside world D) any of the above


5) Which of the following is NOT a type of data? A) quantitative B) dependent C) qualitative D) composite


7) Data management is storing and organizing data in a manner that can satisfy the needs of ________. A) the information system B) users C) applications D) all of the above


9) A stored collection of data is called ________. A) an entity B) an attribute C) a table D) a database


12) Which of the following is NOT an operation of a database? A) create data B) delete data C) retrieve data D) updatedata E) analyze data


44) The changes in data management has been very rapid.


46) Digital information systems can handle both discrete and continuous data.


50) It is easy to replace an existing database.


52) The interface of a database is the same as the interface of an application system.


54) A persistence object must translate application requests for data operations into a language that is understandable to the application software.


56) The integrity of data is determined at the system analysis phase.


57) Sequential access is a method in which data is grouped in files that are stored and retrieved serially from beginning to end.


60) The relational model presents a physical view of the database organization.


62) Structured Query Language is used only for query.


63) The popularity of relational database has helped the adoption of OO database.


65) An attribute in the relational terminology is different from an object-oriented attribute.


67) In a relational database, rows have to be in a logical order.


69) A table must have one and only one foreign key.


71) A relational database management system protects data integrity at only four procedural levels.


73) Triggers, stored procedures, and transaction processing assure data security when and where the relationships among entities is complex.


74) Data definition retrieves data from the database.


75) A view is a virtual table that represents an entire set of attributes from one or more tables.


76) Stored procedures provide an effective mechanism for ensuring data security.


42) Object space and data space are separated by DBMS.


45) A data item does not exist in a vacuum. It exists in relation to other data and to its context.


47) Identifiers form the most widely used group of categorical data.


48) A data item finds significance when it is associated with a variable.


49) Age is a derived attribute because it is decided by both the Birth Date and the Current Date.


51) CRUD stands for Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete.


53) The services and the exact design of persistence classes depends on the requirements of the application system and the technology that it employs.


55) Drivers carry messages and data between the application and the database and are managed by the operating system.


58) Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) improved the performance of data operations by storing indices or "keys" to data records.


59) In the hierarchical model, data records are organized as master and detail collections.


61) Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase are example of relational databases.


64) Object-relational mapping is used to bridge relational and object-oriented databases.


66) The primary key is an attribute or a set of attributes whose values uniquely identify a record.


68) The foreign key is an attribute in one table whose value must match the value of a primary or an alternate key in a different table.


70) The table whose foreign key relies on the values in another table is called the referencing table.


72) Relational database management systems automatically guard against any duplication of primary key values.


77) A table is in the third normal form if the table is in the second normal form and no non-key attribute is dependent on another non-key attribute.


78) Denormalization might become necessary due to performance degradation.


79) Many-to-many relationships must be converted to one-to-many relationships through intersection tables.


80) The main modeling tool for modeling a relational database is the entity-relationship diagram.


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