Operant/Instrumental Conditioning

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The weakening and eventual disappearance of a response because it is no longer being reinforced.

3 Drawbacks of Punishment

1. Can become Aggression if given in anger 2. Doesn't erase an undesirable habit 3. Can produce unwanted side effects

4 Qualities of Effective Punishment

1. Consistency 2. Immediacy 3. Sufficient 4. Instructions

4 Types of Partial/Intermittent Reinforcement

1. Fixed Ratio: set number of responses 2. Fixed Interval: Set amount of time 3. Variable Ratio: Changing number of responses...average 4. Variable Interval: Changing amount of time...average


A response is weakened by an outcome that follows it

Law of effect

A response that leads to a satisfying consequence is strengthened and likely to be repeated and a response that leads to an annoying consequence is weakened and is not likely to be repeated

Spontaneous Recovery

An extinguished response returns without reinforcement(after delay in presentation of the stimulus)


An operant response occurs to a new antecedent stimulus or a situation similar to the original.


An operant response will occur to one antecedent stimulus but not to another

Extinction Burst

Behavior increases rapidly before it decreases during operant extinction

Secondary Reinforcer

Conditioned(learned) reinforcers learned through classical conditioning

Negative Punishment

Decrease in behavior by removing something pleasant(response cost)

Escape vs. Avoidance Conditioning

Escape- learning to end painful stimulus Avoidance- responding to a signal to avoid painful stimulus, stimulus is never present

Continuous Reinforcement(acquisition)

Evertime behavior is engaged in. leads to fast learning, but also fast extinction.

Application of Operant Conditioning

Help children to learn appropriate behavior token economy program train police and therapy dogs

Negative Reinforcement

Increase in behavior by removing something unpleasant

Positive Reinforcement

Increase in the behavior by giving something pleasant

Discriminative Stimuli

Indicates condition for reinforcement, is a signal that responding to this stimulus will get you reinforcement

Operant/Instrumental Conditioning

Making an association or connection between a response and the consequences of behavior

BF Skinner

Operant Conditioning, used two instruments to study operant conditioning(Skinner box/Maze)

Premack's Principle

Reinforcing a less desirable behavior with a more desired one, "Grandma's Rule" Ex. after eating veggies you get dessert.


Reinforcing successive approximations towards a final response. Once a behavior has been shaped, it must be maintained.

Operant Behavior

Stimulus emits a response, focuses on consequences of behavior

Primary Reinforcer

Stimuli that an organism naturally finds enforcing because they satisfy basic biological needs

Negative Reinforcer

The aversive stimulus that is removed

Positive Reinforcer

The pleasant stimulus that is given


The stimulus or event that increases behavior

1. Acquisition

Time it takes to make the association between response and consequence

Schedule of Reinforcement(Acquisition)

Time table for determining when to reinforce a behavior

Eon Thorndike

Used instrumental conditioning by studying trial and error

Positive Punishment

decrease in behavior by giving something unpleasant

Respondent Behavior

stimulus elicits a response, focused on antecedents of behavior, seen in classical conditioning

Partial Reinforcement Effect

various schedules make behavior resistant to extinction Ex. Gambling strongest response rate with variable schedules, weaker with fixed interval

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