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1) directive

I request that you log in to the Gmeet session ten minutes before the actual class time. 1) directive 2) representative 3) expressive 4) declaration 5) commissive

Informative listening is listening in order to learn something new or get new pieces of information.

Which of the following statements about the given types of listening is TRUE?

Perceiving sounds is the first step to listening

Which of the following statements is NOT true about listening?

Representatives are utterances which commit the hearer to the truth of the expression. It can be a form of stating, asserting, denying, confessing, admitting, and notifying.

Which of the following sub-levels of Illocutionary Act is CORRECT?


Which of the following visuals is best to use when the information is too detailed to fit in a slide or if the speaker wants the audience to have a full record of his speech?


"Can everybody, please, stop talking?" Mr. Cabangon exclaims after seeing that some members of the class are arguing. What type of illocutionary act could be identified from the scenario?

1) Ad misericordiam

"Sir I did not violate the traffic rule intentionally. I was merely in a hurry so that I can come home just in time for my son's 5th birthday. You wouldn't break a child's heart, would you?" 1) Ad misericordiam 2) Ad verecundiam 3) Ad populum 4) Ad hominem

2) Ad ignorantiam

"You cannot claim that you are telling the truth because you don't have any evidence to prove it." 1) Complex question 2) Ad ignorantiam 3) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc 4) Petitio Principii

Interest and Needs

A student from the ABM strand organizes a symposium about the economics of governance, where most of his attendees are STEM and HUMSS students. Which of the following aspects of audience analysis did the student fail to consider in his speech preparation?


A claim that opposes an existing law is considered as a proposition of fact. a) TRUE b) FALSE

2) Petitio Principii

A delinquent person is one who shows or manifests delinquent acts. 1) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc 2) Petitio Principii 3) Complex question 4) Ad ignorantiam


A law student suggested, "Everyone drives over the speed limit; therefore, there's no need to regulate it." What fallacy was committed?

Proposition of Policy

A persuasive speech calling for the government to intercede in private institutions' manner of implementing the Senior High School Curriculum, would serve as an example of which proposition?


A speech contestant arrived late in the contest with disheveled hair and untidy suit; moreover, when he started delivering his speech, he kept on stuttering, and the props he used were poorly printed on crumpled papers. Which persuasive strategy did the contestant fail to effectively use in his campaign?

Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc

A student claimed that when a good number of Thomasians follow the Secretary General's announcement of "Yellow Day", the UST Basketball team wins. What fallacy is evident in this argument?


Which of the following speech types would be manifested in a talk about the discovery of a new strain of HIV?

2) Ad populum

A teacher who is just new to the school was told by his colleague that he will not be reprimanded by not following the principal's instructions because everybody does the same thing. 1) Ad hominem 2) Ad populum 3) Ad verecundiam 4) Ad misericordiam

5) critical

A teacher who tries to hear both sides of the story to know which of his students is telling the truth is applying what type of listening? 1) comprehension 2) dialogic 3) relationship 4) evaluative 5) critical

4) informative

A tourist in Luneta Park listens attentively to the tour guide as the latter explains the role of Rizal in Philippine history, Which type of listening is demonstrated by the tourist? 1) appreciative 2) dialogic 3) comprehension 4) informative 5) discriminative

4) evaluative

After consulting two doctors and hearing their different diagnosis of her illness, Sheilla decided to take the advice of Doctor A. Which type of listening is evident in the scenario? 1) comprehension 2) informative 3) therapeutic 4) evaluative 5) critical

End the speech with a call to action.

All but one can be done to conclude a speech:


An expository speech entails convincing others to change their attitude towards something or act on a certain issue. a) TRUE b) FALSE


Argumentum ad hominem is attacking the character of a person, rather than the idea or argument per se. a) TRUE b) FALSE

Proposition of Policy

Article 266, Section C of Republic Act 8353 or the Anti-Rape Law of 1997, extinguishes criminal liability of rape through marriage. It is for this reason that Sofia wants to draft a speech recommending to completely abolish it, for it violates women's rights. Which type of persuasive speech should her claim be considered?

1) declaration

As the founder of this group, I abbreviate the Committee for Untested Trials and Experiments as CUTE. 1) declaration 2) expressive 3) expressive 4) commissive 5) representative


As the teacher discusses the new lesson, Student A has realized that it is something that they have already encountered in another subject, but it was discussed differently by the teacher. The student starts paying more careful attention to what is being discussed in order to find out which of the two teachers is giving the right explanation about the lesson. Which type of listening is manifested in this situation?


Based on the 2019 Third Quarter Survey by the SWS, an estimated 2.3 million families experienced 'involuntary' hunger in the past six months. Which of the following persuasive strategies is used in the given statement?

1) biased

Belen who is a devout Catholic and is forced to listen to a group of Mormons share their religious beliefs would probably manifest which type of listening? 1) biased 2) comprehension 3) critical 4) informative 5) evaluative


Commissives are speech acts that can be in a form of requesting, ordering, forbidding, warning, advising, suggesting, insisting, and recommending. a) TRUE b) FALSE


Critical listening is the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a message and is considered a pre-requisite to evaluative listening. a) TRUE b) FALSE

It is the analysis of the message received

Which of the following statements BEST describes critical listening?

3) Ad hominem

During the 1998 presidential election, there was a black propaganda against Miriam Defensor Santiago by questioning her capability; hence, she was branded as "Brenda" for brain damage. 1) Ad populum 2) Ad misericordiam 3) Ad hominem 4) Ad verecundiam


Emphatic listening focuses on knowing and identifying the emotions or feelings of the speaker. a) TRUE b) FALSE


Fallacies are rational arguments that help the speaker advance his or her claims in a persuasive speech. a) TRUE b) FALSE

3) representative

I predict that the stock market will be able to recover during the first quarter of 2021. 1) expressive 2) directive 3) representative 4) declaration 5) commissive

2) commissive

I promise to take you to Batanes on our first wedding anniversary. 1) representative 2) commissive 3) expressive 4) declaration 5) directive

2) directive

I recommend that you eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber to help you with your diet. 1) expressive 2) directive 3) declaration 4) commissive 5) representative

4) dialogic

Gilbert who finds out random pieces of information about Macy as they engage in casual conversations would probably demonstrate which type of listening? 1) informative 2) comprehension 3) sympathetic 4) dialogic 5) relationship

5) directive

I allow you to attend the debut party of your friend, but you have to be home by midnight. 1) representative 2) commissive 3) expressive 4) declaration 5) directive

5) representative

I am not involved in the cheating incident that happened in our class. 1) declaration 2) directive 3) commissive 4) expressive 5) representative

1) directive

I beg you not to go out while there is still a typhoon. 1) directive 2) representative 3) commissive 4) declaration 5) expressive

5) expressive

I commend you for being the top-notcher in the bar exams and bringing honor to our school. 1) commissive 2) directive 3) representative 4) declaration 5) expressive

3) expressive

I compliment your excellent choice of home furniture and decorations. 1) directive 2) declaration 3) expressive 4) representative 5) commissive

4) expressive

I curse the day that our paths crossed. 1) representative 2) commissive 3) directive 4) expressive 5) declaration

2) declaration

I excitedly named the gold fish given to me by mother as Ellie Goldy. 1) commissive 2) declaration 3) expressive 4) directive 5) representative

3) expressive

I honor you for winning a gold medal in the Olympics. 1) declaration 2) commissive 3) expressive 4) directive 5) representative

1) Ad hominem

I was given a lawyer to help me win my legal battle, but I don't have any confidence in his expertise because he is very young. Which fallacy is evident in the statement? 1) Ad hominem 2) Ad populum 3) Ad misericordiam 4) Ad verecundiam

3) emphatic

If the person tries to understand why a speaker may feel sad after hearing a bad news, what type of listening is exemplified? 1) relationship 2) dialogic 3) emphatic 4) sympathetic 5) therapeutic

2) commissive

If you need extra manpower for the relief operations, I gladly offer my family's help and support. 1) representative 2) commissive 3) directive 4) declaration 5) expressive


In an impromptu speech, the speaker is given a few minutes to draft an outline before the delivery. a) TRUE b) FALSE


In order to capture the attention of the audience, a speaker may employ strategies like asking rhetorical questions or reciting few lines from a popular poem a) TRUE b) FALSE


In this type of speech delivery, the speaker might end up either speaking in a monotone pattern or might take a fast pace as he struggles to recall the content of the speech. At times, the speaker cannot control his stage fright which might cause him to forget his lines.

1) therapeutic

Jamie who extends assistance and offers help to his friend with family problems demonstrates which type of listening? 1) therapeutic 2) emphatic 3) appreciative 4) sympathetic 5) relationship

1) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc

Laida Magtalas performs the "sun dance" and this actually causes the rain to stop. 1) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc 2) Complex question 3 )Ad ignorantiam 4) Petitio Principii

Analyzing one's audience

Most members of the audience seem uninterested in Carl's talk about world religions. He later found out that majority of his audience are agnostics and atheists. Which of the following principles did Carl fail to consider in preparing his speech?

2) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc

Mr. Engracia postponed our test in English. Maybe our Science test with Ms. Calvelo will also be canceled because the two are friends. 1) Petitio Principii 2) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc 3) Complex question 4) Ad ignorantiam

Logos and Pathos

Mr. Subido explained to the voters during the Miting de Avance that he deserves to win the elections because he has authored bills that helped alleviate people from poverty, adding that he is 'tired from the suffering', as he lived a poverty-stricken childhood himself. Which of the following modes of persuasion did Mr. Subido use in his statements?


Ms. Rebosado obliged her students to watch the speech contest held by her school organization. For this reason, the students are _________ audience of the speech.

2) commissive

My family will donate a humble amount to the families affected by Super Typhoon Rolly through the office of the Vice President. 1) directive 2) commissive 3) representative 4) expressive 5) declaration


Nicole listens to podcasts as a means to escape work-related stress and anxiety. Which of the following types of listening does Nicole exemplify?

2) Ad populum

One commercial says: 9 out of 10 dentists would choose Smiley toothpaste for their own families to use. Which fallacy is evident in the advertisement? 1) Ad hominem 2) Ad populum 3) Ad verecundiam 4) Ad misericordiam

2) Petitio Principii

People are materialistic since our inclinations are geared towards material things in life. 1) Ad ignorantiam 2) Petitio Principii 3) Complex question 4) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc


Pia, a Grade 8 student, wondered why her classmates didn't have any reaction to her speech about the fluctuation of the Philippine stock market. Which of the following did she fail to consider in coming up with a topic?

1) Complex question

Professor: You were absent last time. Why did you choose to cut classes during my time? 1) Complex question 2) Ad ignorantiam 3) Petitio Principii 4) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc


Regardless of the type, speeches should have an introduction, body, and conclusion a) TRUE b) FALSE


Representatives can come in the form of any of the following EXCEPT:


Speech acts are verbal actions or performances that serve to accomplish specific deeds like commands, requests, summons, or orders. a) TRUE b) FALSE

Field of Discipline

Which of the following is NOT included in the list of things to consider to make sure that the speech has undergone situational analysis?


Sympathetic listening involves understanding the feelings and emotions of the speaker by trying to put yourself into the speaker's shoes. a) TRUE b) FALSE


The CNN Democratic Presidential Debate allows voters to carefully examine the platforms of each candidate. Which of the following types of listening may be exemplified by the voters in the scenario?


The President will deliver the State of the Nation Address. What mode of speech delivery is most effective for the occasion?

Complex question

The defense lawyer, during the cross-examination, asked the witness when the relationship between her and the victim started in order to discredit her testimony. What fallacy should the prosecution lawyer give in order to protest the defense lawyer's line of probing as invalid?

1) Ad verecundiam

The perfume must smell good, Kris Aquino uses it. 1) Ad verecundiam 2) Ad populum 3) Ad hominem 4) Ad misericordiam


There are essentially four types of speech according to purpose, namely: expository, persuasive, inspirational, and extemporaneous. a) TRUE b) FALSE

Receiving, Perceiving, Interpreting, and Responding

Which of the following shows the correct order of stages of the listening process?


Through the effective use of ethos, pathos, and logos, a speaker may increase the likelihood of being able to convince his or her audience. a) TRUE b) FALSE

Expository and Persuasive

To address a recent measles outbreak, the Department of Health spearheaded a talk on the risks of non-vaccination to families in Tondo. Which of the following speech types would most likely be exemplified in the talk?

Proposition of Fact

To argue that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the Philippines as supported by the Philippine Statistics Authority, is an example of what persuasive speech?


To convince his prospective employer, Renz wore a corporate attire and brought his portfolio during the job interview. What persuasive strategy did Renz use?

c) Ad hominem

We cannot approve of this outreach program because it was conceptualized by a group of weird and introverted students. Which fallacy is evident in the statement? a) Ad verecundiam b) Ad misericordiam c) Ad hominem d) Ad populum

1) discriminative

What type of listening is demonstrated by a student who knows the difference between a "mop" and a "map" upon hearing these words? 1) discriminative 2) comprehension 3) evaluative 4) informative 5) critical

1) appreciative

What type of listening is exemplified when a person tries to listen to classical music as a way of relaxation? 1) appreciative 2) informative 3) relationship 4) emphatic 5) therapeutic

5) sympathetic

What type of listening is utilized by a person who knows what the speaker is feeling? 1) emphatic 2) relationship 3) appreciative 4) therapeutic 5) sympathetic


What type of proposition is evident in the statement below? Filipino, Panitikan, and Constitution should be established as required courses in college.


What type of proposition is evident in the statement below? Human cloning is an ethical procedure.


What type of proposition is evident in the statement below? Shifting to a vegan diet will help one save more money on food.


What type of proposition is evident in the statement below? The Philippines is the leading contributor to global warming and climate change in Asia.

Petitio Principii

When asked to explain through an interview why Ricci Rivero of U.P. still deserves to be given the MVP award despite losing to UST, the coach simply said, "He should be accorded the award because he is the best performing player of the season." What fallacy is evident in the coach's interview answer?

Be extra careful in your research preparation.

When you know that the position you plan to support in a persuasive speech contradicts the prevailing opinion of your audience, you should:

Controlling one's surroundings

Which key to effective or active listening suggests that one must be able to adjust to the environment where interaction is taking place, especially when it is not conducive to meaningful interaction?

Are you still a heavy drinker?

Which of the following is NOT a Complex Question?

Finishing the speaker's thoughts

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an attentive listener?

To influence the audience's belief about a subject

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of an expository speech?

Discriminative Listening

While strolling at the mall, Mars heard the melodic jingle "Here at SM, we've got it all for you!" She immediately asked Liza and Kaye, "Is it the voice of the contemporary singer, Moira Dela Torre?" Which of the following types of listening is reflected in this situation?

4) Complex question

Wife to her husband: You always go home late at night. Which bar did you visit this time? 1) Ad ignorantiam 2) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc 3) Petitio Principii 4) Complex question

1) Ad ignorantiam

You claim to have embraced Pope Francis, when you don't even have a picture to show us. You are obviously lying. 1) Ad ignorantiam 2) Petitio Principii 3) Post hoc; ergo, propter hoc 4) Complex question

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