Organizational Behavior Quiz 1- Chapter 5 Personality and Values

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what are the determinants of personality?

a combination of heredity and environment, the first being of greater importance.

extraversion - why is it relevant?

better interpersonal skills, greater social dominance, more emotionally expressive

agreeableness - why is it relevant?

better liked, more compliant and conforming

approach-avoidance framework

casts personality traits as motivation. Approach and avoidance motivation represents the degree to which we react to stimuli whereby approach motivation is our attraction to positive stimuli, and avoidance motivation is our aversion to negative stimuli.

other attributes that are powerful predictors of behavior in organizations

core self-evaluations, self-monitoring and proactive personality.


describes an individual's ability to adjust her behavior to external situational factors. high self-monitors pay closer attention to the behavior of others, and are more capable of conforming than low self-monitors.

extraverted (E) vs introverted (I)

extraverted individuals are outgoing, sociable and assertive. Introverts are quiet and shy

what is heredity?

factors determined at conception.

conscientiousness - why is it relevant?

greater effort and persistence, more drive and discipline, better organized and planning

emotional stability- what does it affect?

higher job and life satisfaction, lower stress levels

high conscientiousness =

higher levels of job knowledge therefore higher levels of job performance. It is more important than other traits.

extraversion - what does it affect?

higher performance*, enhanced leadership, higher job and life satisfaction

agreeableness - what does it affect?

higher performance*, lower levels of deviant behavior

conscientiousness - what does it affect?

higher performance, enhanced leadership, greater longevity

openness - why is it relevant?

increased learning, more creative, more flexible and autonomous

the big five and behavior at work

individuals who are dependable, reliable, careful, thorough, able to plan, organized, hardworking, persistent, and achievement-oriented tend to have higher job performance.

what is narcissism?

individuals who have grandiose sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration, have a sense of entitlement and are arrogant.

what is machiavellianism?

individuals with high machiavellianism are pragmatic, maintain emotional distance, and belief ends can justify means.

what is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

is the most widely used personality assessment in the world; 100 question personality test that asks people how they usually feel or act in situation.

why is it important to know how to measure personality?

it is important for managers to know how to measure personality because research has shown that personality tests are useful in hiring decisions and forecast who is best for the job.

the big five personality model

its thesis states that five basic dimensions underlie all other and encompass most of the significant variations in human personality.

judging (J) vs perceiving (P)

judging types want control and prefer order and structure. perceiving types are flexible and spontaneous

what is psychopathy?

lack of concern for others, lack of guilt or remorse when their actions cause harm.

emotional stability - why is it relevant?

less negative thinking and fewer negative emotions, less hyper vigilant

socially undesirable traits - Dark Triad - personality framework

machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy

what problems come from self-report surveys?

respondents might lie when they know the test will be used by managers for hiring and another problem is accuracy: a person's responses might change depending on their mood

sensing (S) vs Intuitive (N)

sensing types are practical, prefer routine and order, and focus on details. Intuitives rely on unconscious processes and look at the "big picture"

big five factor 2: agreeableness

the agreeableness dimension refers to an individual's propensity to defer to others. Highly agreeable people are cooperative, warm and trusting. People who score low on agreeableness are cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic.

big five factor 3: conscientiousness

the conscientiousness dimension is a measure of reliability. A highly conscientious person is responsible, organized, dependable, and persistent. Those who score low on this dimension are easily distracted, disorganized and unreliable.

big five factor 4: emotional stability

the emotional stability dimension - often labeled by its convene, neuroticism - taps a person's ability to withstand stress. People with positive emotional stability tend to be calm, self-confident, and secure. Those with high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious, depressed and insecure.

big five factor 1: extraversion

the extraversion dimension captures our comfort level with relationships. Extraverts tend to be gregarious, assertive, and sociable. Introverts tend to be reserved, timid and quiet.

Problems with the MBTI

the model forces people in one type or another, there's no in between. The model is also hard to interpret and it requires trained interpretation.

who is personality measured?

the most common means of measuring personality is through self-report surveys in which individuals evaluate themselves on a series of factors.

big five factor 5: openness to experience

the openness to experience dimension addresses range of interests and fascination with novelty. Open people are creative, curious, and artistically sensitive. Those at the other end of the category are conventional and find comfort in the familiar.

what is personality?

the sum of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. We most often describe it in terms of the measurable traits a person exhibits.

thinking (T) vs feeling (F)

thinking types use reason and logic to handle problems. Feeling types rely on their personal values and emotions.

core self-evaluations

those who have positive CSE like themselves and see themselves as effective, capable, and in control of their environment. Those with negative CSE tend to dislike themselves, question their capabilities, and view themselves as powerless over their environment.

proactive personality

those with proactive personalities identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs.

openness - what does it affect?

training performance, enhanced leadership, more adaptable to change

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