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What is the frustration-aggression hypothesis of violence? How is justice related to workplace violence?

FRUSTRATION- AGGRESSION HYPOTHESIS: -Frustration leads to a stress reaction, and individuals spend energy to relieve this stress through performing violent behaviors JUSTICE HYPOTHESIS: -violent acts may be reactions to perceived injustice -procedural injustice is associated with aggression against supervisors, and alcohol consumption interacted with these feeling of injustice

What is unconscious bias? How can we assess unconscious bias?

*UNCONSCIOUS BIAS*= "the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an *unconscious manner*" -e.g., employers prefer resumes with white male names TESTING -Implicit Association Test

What is voice? Which type of justice does it affect?

*VOICE*= the ability to challenge & influence a process -having a voice increases perceptions of procedural justice

What are the features of workplace incivility? How is it different from violence?

*WORKPLACE INCIVILITY*= "low- intensity deviant behavior with ambiguous intent to harm the target" -*interpersonal* (e.g., supervisor neglecting to thank you for holding the door) -*cyber incivility* (e.g., ignoring emails; using all CAPS) -*victimless* (e.g., not refilling the office coffee machine or printer) -may be low in intensity, but quite high in frequency -effects of incivility can compound over time a. linked to higher levels of employee burnout -may cause a spiral of incivility a. spiral may eventually escalate to violence

What are the three types of justice? Given an example, can you tell which type of justice it concerns?

1. Distributive Justice *The perceived fairness of how outcomes are allocated* *three ways to define "fair in distributing rewards* -equity norm: people who work the hardest or produce the most should get the greatest reward -equality norm: every member gets the same share of rewards, regardless of effort -need norm: People receive rewards in proportion of their needs *cultural differences* -equity norm is most popular in US -equality norm is stronger in scandinavian and asian countries 2.Procedural Justice *Perceptions of whether the process used to make the decision was fair* -what leads to a procedure being seen as fair? -other factors influencing procedural justice include consistency, accuracy, correct ability, & ethicality *Distributive justice predicts satisfaction, whereas procedural justice predicts trust and commitment* 3. Interactional Justice *Perceptions of whether the organization treats people respectfully and explains decisions adequately* -*Two forms of interactional justice* a. Interpersonal justice: treating people with dignity and respect b. informational justice: giving people clear and thorough explanations about the procedures used to determine outcome -critical in layoff or pay cut situations

What are the three ways of distributing rewards?

1. Equity Norm: People who work the hardest or produce the most should get the greatest reward 2. Equality norm: Every member gets the same share 3. Need norm: People receive rewards in proportion to their needs

What are the possible antecedents and consequences of justice? How are they related to different types of justice?

ANTECEDENTS: 1. Employee Participation -the extent to which employees feel that they are involved in decision making or other organizational procedures -higher level of participation leads to higher *procedural justice* 2. Communication -accurate, timely, and helpful communication can improve *interpersonal & informational justice* 3. Justice Climate -team- level perception of justice can influence individual's own views of justice CONSEQUENCES: 1.Attitudinal Changes -Job satisfaction (distributive) -Trust (procedural) -Organizational commitment (procedural) -Burnout .perception of justice is negatively related to emotional exhaustion 2. Behavioral Outcomes -Performance (when people perceive injustice, they seek to restore justice by altering their level of job performance) -OCB (higher perception of justice leads to more OCB) -Withdrawal (*distributive justice* perceptions are most strongly & negatively related to withdrawal)

What are the differences between procedural and distributive justice? Interpersonal and informational justice?

PROCEDURAL & DISTRIBUTIVE -Distributive justice predicts satisfaction, whereas procedural justice predicts trust & commitment -Procedural justice promotes people's acceptance of even undesirable outcomes, and ameliorate people's negative reactions to undesirable outcomes (i.e., distributive justice) INTERPERSONAL & INFORMATIONAL: -Interpersonal: treating people with dignity & respect -Informational: giving people clear & thorough explanations about the procedures used to determine outcome

What does the social exchange theory assume? What is psychological contract?

SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY -Relationships evolve over time into trusting, loyal, and mutual commitments -We engage in relationships at work based on reciprocity a. economic exchange b. social exchange -People calculate the overall worth of a particular relationship by subtracting its costs from the rewards it provides *PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT* -Set of beliefs about what benefits an employee and an organization provide to each other

What is stereotype threat? How to address that?

Stereotype threat is a situational predicament in which people are or feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group.

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