Outcomes Advanced U5 (Going Out, Staying In)

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(UK) feel slightly ill You look a bit ____ - how much did you have to drink last night? I feel ____ now, and I probably gained 100,000 pounds, but it was worth it.

in the backyard

(US) in a space at the back of a house, usually surrounded by a fence, and covered with grass The kids were playing ___ ___ _____.

on top of things

(about a person) with a situation under control - That's great. Thanks for being so ___ _____ ___ ______. - No problem at all.


(adjective/adverb) (about goods and products) of very high quality and intended to be bought by people who are quite rich an ____ brand name The old hotel has gone ____ in recent years.


(cause to) stop Filming was ___ed after the lead actor became ill. The government must take measures, he said, to ___ the country's slide into recession.


(esp. of words or ideas) not well connected or well ordered, and therefore often confusing The script was ____ and hard to follow. She gave a ____ account of getting lost in the woods.


(formal) relating to or considered in terms of feelings of pleasure Many purchases are related to _____ impulses. It's the combination of _____ engagement and liberation (e.g., going on a summer vacation to Cancun with your friends or family, after a heavy-laden workload during spring) that makes experiences really fun.

in the back of my mind

(idiom) in the part of my mind where thoughts and memories are kept but that are not usually thought about or not perfectly remembered Somewhere __ __ ____ __ __ ____ I knew I'd met him before. It's been __ __ ____ __ __ ____ to call José for several days now, but I haven't got round to it yet.

a slew of

(informal) a large number of He has written __ ____ __ books. The book, challenging __ ____ __ traditions, caused quite a ruckus. We still have __ ____ __ work to do on this project.

feeling peckish

(informal) feeling slightly hungry And if you're ____ ______, they serve classic English cream teas.

in stitches

(informal) laughing very hard He was telling jokes at the dinner table that had us all ___ _____.


(mainly UK, informal) a party or other social event Colin's having a bit of a ___ for his 50th birthday. It was one of those ___s where nobody really knew each other.

drop by

(mainly US) visit informally _____ ___ and pick up that book sometime. I will _____ ___ your house tonight for a coffee. I'l be at home all day tomorrow. Why don't you ____ ___?


(of a person's behaviour or way of speaking or writing) too formal and not smooth or natural He writes in a formal and somewhat ____ style. The dialogue sounded ____ and unnatural, perhaps because of the translation from the native language of the author.


(of a way of speaking, writing, or behaving) quick, confident, and effective - though not very friendly Her tone was ____ and businesslike. a ____ reply What you want to do during your speech is present your information in as ____ and a clear manner as possible.

on the tip of my tongue

I can almost remember it, but not quite The answer's __ ___ ___ ___ __ _____ - I just can't remember it.

nothing would induce me to

I definitely cannot be persuaded to _______ _____ ______ ____ ___ climb a mountain. _______ _____ ______ ____ ___ leave a spot dear to so many generations of my family, and associated with the happiest recollections in my life.

it's all in hand

It's all under control - I just wanted to check whether you've managed to sort everything out for the big meeting yet. - Yup. ___'__ _____ ___ _____ - and I've also booked a table at St John's for the evening.

the thrill of

a feeling of extreme excitement, usually caused by something pleasant There's nothing to compare with __ ____ __ watching your favorite band perform live. They sold their company and got a large sum of money, but __ ____ __ that wore off a lot faster than they'd expected.


a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources Angela's Ashes is an astonishing ______ of a poverty-stricken childhood.

flood of

a large amount of A ____ ___ cheap imports has come into the country. I found her in ____ds __ tears in the toilets.

swarm of

a large group of insects all moving together a ____ __ bees/wasps/ants/locusts The dead sheep was covered with _____s __ flies.


a law that forces people to stay indoors after a particular time at night, or the time people must be indoors The _____ was lifted (=ended) on May 6th. The government imposed a night-time ____ throughout the country.

a toss-up

a situation in which two possibilities are equally likely/both options are equal in value It was __ _____-____ who would win, right to the end of the game. We'd say it's __ _____-____ where to go for our best multicultural cheap eats

a fraction of

a small part or amount of sth that is a whole I managed to make a cheap booking online for __ _____ ___ the normal cost. He hesitated for __ _____ ___ a second.

foam party

a social event at which participants dance to music on a dance floor covered in several feet of suds or bubbles, dispensed from a machine

a walk up a steep path

a walk up a path rising at a sharp angle __ ten-minute _____ ____ __ _____ ____ will lead to an amazing panorama of London.

rooted in

based on, originated from This vivid portrayal of love and politics in medieval England is ______ ___ real life.

by turns

changing from one quality, feeling etc to another He was ___ _____ amused and mildly annoyed by her. ___ _____, a 14 year old is affectionate then aggressive, silent then outspoken. ___ _____ absurd, dark, and full of insight, it's a must-read for anyone who's ever been in a relationship!

credible dialog

conversation written for a book, play, or movie that is deserving to be believed or trusted With a protagonist who remains thoroughly likeable despite his flaws and its crisp, ____ _______, there's much to enjoy here.

synonymous with

equivalent to; also here: was known for being There was a time when Dalston was ______ ____ social deprivation, drugs, and crime.

tailor-made for

exactly right or suitable for someone or something It sounds as though you're ____-____ ___ the job.


extremely embarrassed Deaver was _____ by his mistake and immediately admitted that he was wrong. I was _____ to find that everyone else was wearing an evening dress.

bored out of my mind

fed up and extremely bored In some of the lessons, I was _____ ____ ___ ___ _____.


finds or describes the origin or development of Bob's book _____ his flying career with the RAF. The movie _____ the events leading up to the revolution in 1917. The novel _____ the history of the war.

center on

focus on All of this suggests that while love ______s ___ feelings for another person, feelings for the self are never absent. The most contentious debate had ______ed ___ the issue of religious education.


form by combining various elements or details into a connected whole Vikram Chandra ____s a complex plot in his novel Sacred Games. to ____ a tale; to ____ a plan.

told in the first person

from the viewpoint of the main character Autobiographies are _____ __ __ ____ _____.

crawl into bed

get into bed slowly because you are very tired Have you ever had a situation where you're exhausted? You are absolutely dog tired. You've had the worst, horrible, crazy day, and all you can do is _____ ____ ___.

go for a dip

go for a quick swim You can stroll round 'Hampstead Heath with its natural ponds, where some ___ _____ __ ____ all year round.

went down

got a particular reaction from someone - Were the band any good? - Yeah, brilliant. They do this kind of old-school rock and roll stuff, and they ____ _____ really, really well. Honestly, everyone was up dancing. His suggestion ___ ______ very badly

embrace a huge array of

happily accept a large variety of They say British cuisine is dreadful, which is why we've _____d __ ____ _____ __ international food.

tucked up in bed

have gone to bed It sneaks into our list for its great Zoo Late evenings, held throughout the summer after the usual family visitors are _____ ____ ___ ____.

set in

if a story, movie, etc. is ___ __ a particular time or place, the action in it happens in that time or place "West Side Story" is ___ __ New York City in the late 1950s.

factor in

include or consider something when you are doing a calculation, or when you are trying to understand something The age of the patients and their overall health must be factored into the results. Her salary is not that high when childcare costs and medical insurance are factored in.


initiate a discussion with (someone) about a disputed or sensitive issue A young man _____d him over why the council had spent money on a swimming pool The book _____s some sensitive issues, such as drug addiction and abuse. I felt that the whole subject was too sensitive to _____.

better safe than sorry

it's better to do something cautiously than to suffer the consequences later


keeps and displays The Museum of the Home, formerly the Geffrye Museum, ______ a collection of household objects and photographs of English domestic life.

vowed to

made a determined decision or solemnly promised to do something Supporters have ____ __ continue the protest until Adams is released. After the awful meals we had last Christmas, I ____ __ do more of the cooking myself.


making you feel free and able to behave as you like Having fun, in fact, is an experience of ____ engagement. I was all by myself, with nobody expecting me to do anything. It was this very sort of ____ sense.

all manner of

many different kinds of Echinacea is used by American Indians for ___ _____ ___ ailments. There were ___ _____ ___ people at the exhibition, from well-known art critics to ordinary schoolchildren

venture beyond

risk going outside of I met a foreign businessman recently who'd been coming to London every year for 20 years but had never ______d ____ Zone 1 on the underground or the classic rsites. At some point, I decided that I wanted to _____ _____ acting and get into business.

the culprit of

something that causes harm or trouble of Turns out, a contaminated water pipe was ___ _____ ___ that cholera outbreak. Africa isn't ___ _____ ___ climate change. We are addicted to seeing fast results from skincare products, and that is ___ _____ ___ damaging your skin barrier. I advocate that it's not necessary to forgive ___ _____ ___ your pain.

the rear of

the back part of something We walked round to ___ _____ ___ the house. Two police motorcyclists brought up ___ ____ (= formed the last part) ___ the demonstration.


the main character in a literary work The dialogue between the six main _______s in the novel is hilarious at times. On top of that, the film's _______ doesn't even care about the war, he's just trying to get by and make a living.

I've got far too much on

there are far too many things going on It's just that I could do without it at the moment. __'___ ____ ____ ___ _______ ___.

full of himself

thinking that he is very important in a way that annoys other people I doubt he even thought about what you might need, he's so ____ ___ _______.

can't wrap my head around

totally unable to comprehend or come to terms with something that one considers illogical, confusing, or foreign I'm sorry, but I just ___'__ ______ ___ _____ ____ paying so much money for bottled water. Tap water is perfectly fine — and free! Can you help me with these math problems? I ___'__ ______ ___ _____ ____ them.

unperturbed by

untroubled, not bothered He seemed completely ______ __ the idea of having to sing in a room full of strangers. John seemed _____ ___ the news.


very exciting or frightening in a way that you enjoy Watching Bolt win the Olympic hundred meters was one of those ____-_____ moments. She gave a ____-_____ rendition of the love song.

in bits

very upset He was ___ _____ after her death.

at the bottom of that

when you've exhaled all the air (... breath/exhale) If you find that you're __ __ ____ __ ___ breath, that's good. __ __ ____ __ ___ exhale, big breath in.

wanted the ground to open up and swallow me

wished I could escape or find instant relief from some source of mortification or extreme embarrassment I ____ ___ ______ ___ _____ ___ ___ _____ ___. I just lost my very very first case as a barrister. Hershel asked me out in the middle of class in front of everyone. I ____ ___ ______ ___ _____ ___ ___ _____ ___.

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