Overview of Global Health

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malaria serotypes asscoiated with meningitis disease and epidemics

A , B, C, W < X, Y

stillbirth rate in USA

3/1000 births

heart disease accounts for _____ of global deaths


simple water treatments

- cholrination : suitable for ground water , spring , rain , pond water for household / rural water

why is menafrivac so helpful ?

- low cost - long term protection - doesn't require refrigeration - also protective against tetanus

meningitis C emergence causes

-insufficient vaccine stockpile - new hyper invasive strain - low population immunity - highly communicable .

resistance mechanisms

1. Beta-lactamase 2. Modification of target Penicillin Binding Proteins 3. Efflux pump 4. Impaired penetration of drug to the target Penicillin Binding Proteins

most common causes of stillbirth

1. Childbirth complications (during delivery) - 45% total stillbirths 2. Infections in womb (syphilis, malaria, toxoplasma, CMV) 3.Maternal illnesses (hypertension, diabetes) 4.Congenital abnormalities (heart defects) 5. Inadequate fetal growth ( placenta problems / oxygen, nutrients

Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance

1. Enzymatic destruction of drug 2. Prevention of penetration of drug 3. Alteration of drug's target site 4. Rapid ejection of the drug

Prevention of stillbirths

1. Screening for syphilis 2. Folic acid supplements 3. increase C-section 4. Reduce obesity, smoking hypertension 5. steroids for women in early labor

population - based studies of cancer

1. UK : Lung cancer 2. china : liver cancer 3. japan : stomach cancer 4. austrailia : skin cancer 5. US : colon cancer 6. brazil : cervical cancer 7. canada : leukemia

top 10 countries longest life expectancy

1. andoraa 2. san marino 3. japan 4. singapore 5. australia 6. switzerland 7. sweden 8. hong kong 9. canda 10.iceland

sewage disposal systems

1. bucket latrine 2. pit latrine 3. aqua privy 4. septic tank 5. batch composting 6. continuous composting 7. waste stabilization pond 8. aerated lagoon 9. conventional sewage treatment (flush toilet)

contributing factors to mortality reduction in developing countries

1. iron supplements in food , breast milk 2. iodine ( iodized salt) 3. vaccine 4. clean water and good sanitation 5. antibiotics and antimalarials 6. vitamin A

leading causes of childhood mortaility

1. malnutrition 2. respiratory infections 3. diarrhea 4. malaria

composition of breast milk

1. minerals 2. carbs 3. lipids and fats 4. growth factors 5 proteins: whey (protective) and caseins (nutritive) 6. whey:casein ratio: 60:40 (human) and 20:80 (bovine)

what are the four modifiable risk factors for heart disease , diabetes , cancer and chronic respiratory disease ?

1. tobacco use 2. unhealthy diet 3. physical inactivity 4. harmful alcohol use

how many people globally lack access to clean water

1.1 billion

top 10 non-communicable causes of death

1.High blood pressure 12.8 2.Tobacco use 8.7 3.High blood glucose 5.8 4.Physical inactivity 5.5 5.Overweight and obesity 4.8 6.High cholesterol 4.5 7.Unsafe sex 4.0 8.Alcohol use 3.8 9.Childhood underweight 3.8 10.Indoor smoke from solid fuels 3.3 ●

how many preventable childhood deaths occur a year ?

11 million or 30,000 a day

global rate of stillbirths

19/1000 births

how many people globally lack adequate sanitation facilities

2.4 billion


A genetic element with an attachment site for site-specific recombination and an integrase gene. It can capture genes and gene cassettes.


A small ring of DNA that carries accessory genes separate from those of the bacterial chromosome


A virus that infects bacteria

what two infections are likely to be co-infections ?

TB and HIV

what have families who have moved and decrease risk of certain type of cancer proven ?

That cancer risk is not completely determined by genetics , that environmental risk factors play major role in cancer risk

life expectancy

The average number of years an individual can be expected to live, given current social, economic, and medical conditions. Life expectancy at birth is the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live.

country with highest childhood mortality rate


how can one study the causes of cancer ?

by looking at the prevelant cancer types in different populations and correlate behaviors that can be cancer causing within those populations

arsenic in drinking water global health

can cause skin diseases , lung cancer , bladder cancer , kidney cancer .

Example of non-communicable disease


what disease broke out after disasters in yemen , syria and haiti ?


what is the leading cause of death in developing countries ?

communicable / infectious diseases

Sono filter

created by Dr. bul Hussam of GMU to remove arsenic from drinking water. consists od sand , charcoal , bits of brick , shards of cast iron

teenage vaccine

diptheria tetanus BCG

Example of communicable disease


traveler vaccine

hep A and B yellow fever typhoid cholera

what is the cause for increase HIV infection in SE asia ?

heroin injection use

trachoma global health

infection caused by chlamydia trachomatis . facilitated by poor sanitation and hygiene. common in children under 6. infection leads to scarring of inner eyelids leading to partial or complete vision loss. treated by tetracyline. prevention includes fly control , access to clean water for hygiene and proper waste management

elderly vaccine

influenza pneumococcus


jumping genes

countries with the highest and lowest rates of stillbirth

lowest : singapore and finland highest: pakistan and nigeria

12-18 month vaccine

measles mumps rubella

world wide what are the biggest killers ?

noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease

2-6 month vaccines

polio diptheria pertussis tentanus


vaccine that eradicated meningitis epidemic in subsaharan africa in 2015

heart disease is the leading cause of death in _______.

western countries

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

Advertising Language, Discursive Practices, and Intertextuality: 1 Coleman (1990), 2 Cook (1992), 3 Frith, Shaw & Cheng (2005), 4 Gottschalk (2002), 5 Panigrahi & Chandra (2013), and 6 Simpson (2001)

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