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Hapiness..When people are asked to rate their level of happiness, the vast majority rate themselves as___....Your book lists the three factors that are very important to happiness. What are they?

"fairly happy."... 1. Love and marriage. 2. Work 3. Genetics and personality.

Explain any 3 suggestions for what to look fo in a self-help books.

1. Clarity in communication. 2. books that don't promise too much. 3. books that focus on a certain kind of problem.

List and explain the so-called "Big 5" personality factors

1. Extraversion- people who score high in this field are characterized as outgoing, sociable, upbeat, friendly, assertive. 2. Neuroticism- people who score high in this field tend to be anxious, hostile, insecure, vulnerable. 3. Openness to experience- people who are associated with curiosity, flexibility, and fantasy. 4. Agreeableness - people who are associated with being sympathetic, trusting, modest. 5. Conscientiousness- people who are associated with being diligent, disciplined, well organized dependable.

Explain the following memory techniques: 1. Verbal Mnemonics. 2. Acrostics and Acronyms. 3.Ryhmes 4. Link Method. 5. Method of Loci

1. Verbal mnemonics happens when you remember information by encoding it using words. designed to make abstract material more meaningful. 2. Acrostics are phrases in which the first letter of each word helps to recall abstract words. Acronym is a word formed out of the first letters of series of words. 3. Rhyming is something to remember that is an old and useful trick "I before E except after C". 4. The Link method involves formatting a mental image of items to be remembered in a way that links them together. 5. Involves taking an imaginary walk along a familiar path where you associated images of items you want to remember with certain locations.

Explain the following conclusions to the research on happiness: 1. Objective realities are not as important as subjective feelings. 2. When it comes to happiness, everything is relative. 3. How good are people at predicting what will make them happy? 4. People often adapt to their circumstances

1. your health, wealth, job, and age are not as influential as how you "feel" about them. 2. you evaluate what you have relative to what the people around you have. if your neighbor has a mansion and you have an apartment, it might be a source of sadness instead of happiness. 3. people are bad at predicting what will make them happy. People overestimate the pleasure that will happen from buying an expensive car or an exotic vacation. 4. This effect is one of the reasons why an increase in income doesn't bring an increase in happiness.

What is the definition of Adjustment?

Adjustment is when people manage or cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life.

What are Defense Mechanisms?

Defense mechanisms are largely unconscious reactions that protect a person from painful emotions such as anxiety and guilt.

Many theories are in agreement that the basic challenge of modern life has become the search for___


Explain Freud;s theory on the structure of personality: Id, Ego, Superego

Id- is a personality that operates to pleasure... ego- is a personality that operates to reality... Superego- is a personality that operates about standards of what is right and wrong.

Regarding the book "The paradox of Choice: Why more is Less" explain: Maximizers and why people who score high in this trait tend to feel more depressed that Satisfiers

Maximizers tend to feel more depressed than satisifers because they need to feel confident that every decision they make yields a possible outcome. That causes stress that they have to yield the best all the time, reducing a hopefulness future of being successful.

Summarize the paradox of progress by briefly explaining the points and counterpoints of progress

One of the points in the paradox of progress is allowing us humans to save time in our everyday activities. In automobiles, telephones house cleaners, and computers. for example, if money is an issue for you to go across the world to visit family members, you can have a webcam chat transmitted in seconds allowing you to see each other and hear eachother like you are right next to each other. But many people claim they don;t have time for themselves anymore with all this technology available for them to use. Also causes people to not be satisfied with their financial status. Since all this technology is being made and advertised, the costs of these items are very expensive. This causes people to be sad and depressed and even ashamed because they cannot purchase these highly advertised items that state they are the "key to happiness".

What is the definition of Psychology?

Psychology is the science that studies the human behavior or the study of the mind.

Define these DM's- Rationalization , Repression, Projection, Displacement, Reaction Formation, Regression, Identification

Rationalization- creating false but plausible excuses to justify bad behavior. Repression- keeping distressing thoughts and feelings buried in the unconscious Projection- attributing one's own thoughts, feelings, or motives to another. Displacement- diverting emotional feelings from source to a target. Reaction Formation- behaving in a way that is exactly the opposite of one's true feelings. Regression- reversion to immature patterns of behavior Identification- bolstering self-esteem by forming alliance with a person

What are self-help books? what are some problems with it?

Self help books offer do-it-yourself treatments for common personal problems. The problems with these book is that they don't promise any change to the reader's life and also only a few books have been tested in clinical trials with good results. they also place more emphasis on sales then on scientific soundness. and self help books also don't usually provide directions on how to change your behavior and also teaches a self centered approach to life.

Regarding Seligman's book "what you can change and what you can't" Upon what assumption are self-help programs predicted? What does Biological Psychiatry say about what you can change? What does Seligma conclude about the 2 viewpoints of the permanent changeability of behaviors?

Self-help programs are predicted on the assumption that people can permanently change themselves for the better. Biological psychiatry say that personality, intelligence, physique and vulnerability to psychological disorders are from genetic inheritance and are unchangeable. Seligma states that self-help programs are too optimistic while biological psychiatry are too pessimistic about people's capacity for change.

Critical Thinking involves 3 Ss: Subjecting ideas to___. List 4 of 8 guidelines for thinking critically

Systematic Skeptical Scrutiny.... Define the problem, Examine the evidence, Don't oversimplify, Ask questions; be willing to wonder.

Dr. Laura gives advice over the radio. What does the editor of Psycohlogy Today say about her?

The editor said that no real mental health professional would ever give the kind of hateful advice that Laura gives.

What is the Unconscious?

The unconscious contains thoughts, memories, and desires that are well below the surface of conscious awareness

Explain the book "The Secret"... This book provides "a remarkable demonstration of how_______"

This book teaches that your current thoughts are creating your future life. This book tells you that it's your thinking that counts more than anything else. This book provides "a remarkable demonstration of how seductive self-help books can be.

What is meant by the statement that scientific Psychology is empirical?

it is meant by its conclusions are based on systematic observations rather than on reasoning, traditional beliefs, or common sense.

List the four major theoretical perspectives that will be discussed in this chapter

psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, and biological perspective

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