PAD 3003 Midterm Study Guide

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in 1900, Slightly more than a million employees, budget less than $____ Billion in 1920 employee size _______ and budget would be just less than $___ billion

1.5, triples, 9

As of 2010, _____ million people make up the extended workforce.


One of the first major steps to the creation of American Public Administration Creation of the Civil Service Commission Chair in ____


Graffiti took stage in the mid-_________'s in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The first writers of graffiti are known to be COOL EARL and CORNBREAD. In order to gain attention from the local press and the community, they wrote their names in every place of the city. Gained steam significantly NYC in Washington Heights area of Manhattan in 1971. In 1980's, graffiti started to appear in galleries and exhibits through the country and world


Don't ask don't tell became a law in


Market based governance mechanisms took over in the ___s creating a departure from public management and policymaking in government only


____________ & _____________ said "We must recognize it as part of identity and practice as if not, it will reinforce the influence and increase possibility of future acts of dehumanization and destruction in the name of the public interest" "Holocaust is an example of administrative evil"

Adams, Balfour

Street artist based in Bristol, England, Started in 1992 His political and social "commentary" have been featured on streets, walls, and bridges, as well as shows in cities throughout the world makes fun of establishment rules and politics


who believed in utilitarianism


___________ defined ethics as: "Body of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the behavior of individuals and groups --- Its Ongoing contribution to the advancement of knowledge and science continues to make ethics a relevant, if not vital aspect of management theory."


Another example of organization impeding government: _____________ _________ ________ Organizational practices and cultural traits detrimental to safety occurred

Challenger and Columbia

MacArthur sent him over to revive Japan's economy as quickly as possible Needed to trade rather than rely on own resources to thrive, though it's poor reputation on quality was an issue a Statistician who was assigned to teach better quality control methods to Japanese industrial leaders in 1948 to teach continued process improvement via statistical methods


___________ __ _______ was established as First Civil Service Commission Chair established by Grant in 1871 (Unsuccessful in conclusion) went on in 1875 to England under orders of Rutherford Hays to undertake study of British civil service system, published a book in 1880-advocated the adoption of merit system in America

Doman B. Eaton

management science inquiry be concerned only with facts a part of neoclassical theory

Fact value dichotomy

Holzer and Schwester's big 10 (POSDCORB) is inspired by


who argued that : external controls is most compatible with a view of public administrator as a neutral person who merely carries out tasks "Obedience to explicit direction" Holding an official accountable for their actions is an arrangement of checks and balances Most of PA practice has been directed at external controls


out of Frederich (internal control of ethics) and Finer (external control of ethics), whose ideals did PA literature most closely agree with


____________ argues that public administration has been slow to react to different types of "public contexts" and ethical issues that emerge in those contexts


who wrote "Principles of Scientific Management"

Fredrick Taylor

the ________ ___________ ends enlightenment as French citizens essentially blame the era for breaking down values and leading to mass chaos.

French Revolution

who said ethics was "A set of normative guidelines directed at resolving conflicts of interest as to enhance societal well-being."

French and Grandose

who said: Ethics was a moral compass that would guide public administrators through the chaos of ethical dilemmas Code of ethics with internalized standards PA literature sides with him a lot


Protestants overthrow King James II and installs their own religious monarchs, William and Mary then the _________ ___________ occurs

Glorious Revolution

Thompson defined _________ _________ _________ as: The rights and duties that people should respect when they act in ways that significantly affect the well-being of others. The conditions that shared behaviors and policies should satisfy when they similarly affect the well-being of society.

Good administration ethics

Ethics is grounded in ________ tradition


what great entrepreneur followed taylorism

Henry Ford

during the Enlightenment _________ wrote Leviathan (1651) and said people are self-serving and preoccupied and need one single intimidating ruler


who said "Ethics ought to be grounded in American constitutional tradition and the regime values upon which it rests"

John Rorh

_______________ Inaugural Address focused on these values: Doing for another -Help those in need Taking on a challenge "God's Work" - Rights of man Beacon of light for other nations (Protection of free nations) Peace - Nuclear non-proliferation


who said "The student of administration must concern themselves with the history of the subject and will gain a real appreciation of existing conditions and problems only as he becomes familiar with their background"

Leonard White

_________ emerges with Two Treatises of Government (1690) which calls for a state with a representative government


______________ preached: Means to an end philosophy "A prince ought to inspire fear in such a way that, if he does not win love, he avoids hatred..." His works illustrated corruption and misdeeds in government


__________ ____________ was a precursor to human relation theory

Mary Follet

__________ ______________ wrote about this in the book "The Giving of Orders" Importance of effective leadership Leaders must be able to unify, resolve conflicts, motivate employees.

Mary Follet

who said in the book "The Giving of Orders": Importance of effective leadership Leaders must be able to unify, resolve conflicts, motivate employees.

Mary Follet

_________ worked to establish a philosophy of public management- What citizens should expect from public managers


____________ said "In theory, the 'old-school' view 'discouraged bureaucrats from exercising any abundance of imagination about the proper purposes of government and prevented them from taking any responsibility for their defining."


In "The Prince", __________ ___________ provides recommendations on how rulers can gain and maintain power. who

Niccolo Machiavella

who created the Evolution of graffiti in Brazil


who said "Graffiti can simultaneously serve as a public good through both its social commentary and artistry"


Graffiti took stage in the mid-1960's in ________________, Pennsylvania. The first writers of graffiti are known to be COOL EARL and CORNBREAD. In order to gain attention from the local press and the community, they wrote their names in every place of the city. Gained steam significantly NYC in Washington Heights area of Manhattan in 1971. In 1980's, graffiti started to appear in galleries and exhibits through the country and world


Fredrick Taylor wrote ________________ _____ _______________ ___________________

Principles of scientific management

Who said: No laws against genocide or dehumanization were broken by those who perpetrated the Holocaust, it was all legally sanctioned and administratively approved by a legitimate authority Administrators carried out their duties within a framework of ethics and responsibility consistent with the norms of technical-rational administration. there was a need for "good" managers to rebuild outweighed consideration of the administrative evil they done.


Founded by Frances Hutcheson Inspired by ideas from John Locke, and elaborated the conditions that justified overthrowing foreign leaders by tyrannized colonial peoples

Scottish Enlightenment

the two main elements of the Enlightenment

Skepticism, romanticism

____________ is a great example of a person with Machiavellan principles


who says "History serves as on of the core foundations for social investigative study"

Stephanie Newbold

_______ said employees must be able to work within framework of three goals: Loyalty to the organization Responsiveness to needs of the public Consideration for the employees own objectives and desires


in "_________ __________", Niccolo Machiavelli provides recommendations on how rulers can gain and maintain power.

The Prince

_____________ defined good administration ethics as: The rights and duties that people should respect when they act in ways that significantly affect the well-being of others. The conditions that shared behaviors and policies should satisfy when they similarly affect the well-being of society.


Who wanted: Universal education should be adopted in U.S. Wanted a national military academy Civilian university in the nation's capital that emphasized arts and sciences Hoped it would lead to active citizenship


_____________ endorsed schooling, on-the-job training


1968 Ernest Fitzgerald ____________ _________ Blackballed for doing job of reporting over-the-top expenses of a new cargo jet. - $2.3B over budget Theme of organizational dominance- Taking humanity out of work

Whistleblower case

Theory _ = external controls


Theory _ = self direction


Participation in government and the exercise of decisive judgment in public interest

active citizenship

Execution of will of state


Moore theorized this new way to view managers Viewing public managers as explorers who seek to discover, define, and produce public value. public managers are strategists instead of technicians.

alternative proposition

Public servants can establish an _____________ culture


Theory x is an ________________ style


History has shown that people are rather powerless in terms of exercising moral conscience when compared to a legitimate ____________


after kennedy's inaugural address, these two historical events happened

bay of pigs, cuban missile crisis

Traditional public administration ethics canon didn't fix ________ issues like homelessness and hunger, only small ones


Established an executive budget system at the national level along with the Budget Office and the General Accounting Office (GAO) written by william f. willoughby

budget and accounting act of 1921

A perfect ___________________ was something Max Weber actually feared! No moral choices, run like a machine


And ideal _____________ is a dominate organizational form in a legal-rational society


Bureaucracy and ___________ are mutually supportive social structures, markets demand bureaucracy


who stresses that monetary and non-monetary incentives help to secure greater worker cooperation, in turn making an organization more stable and more likely to see greater worker performance. Gives 8 types of worker incentives.

chester barnard

3 examples of public managers

chief executives, civil servants, interest group leaders

Obligations are associated with "the good citizen."

citizenship theory

theory that views the citizen's role in the American Political tradition as providing normative foundations for public administration Role is viewed as derived from the citizen Administrators representative citizens, professional citizens, fiduciary citizens, citizens in lieu of the rest of us ethical obligations tied with the good in American people

citizenship theory

Currently, one can't be a _________ ___________ and be in public disagreement

civil servant

__________ ___________ decreased almost 25 percent from 1974-1999, while the contract workforce doubled at the federal level during the same time period.

civil service

__________ _________ ___________ emerged from scientific management

classical organization theory

One best way to accomplish production task, one best way to accomplish a task of social organization.

classical organizational theory

________ _____ _________ is still a necessary first step to ensuring ethical conduct

code of conduct

Increase interdependence Ethics not in the autonomous individual, but within the community Ethics comes from the relational context within which people act within the public square PUBLICNESS Citizen administrators have a responsibility to guard against policies and practices that might engender eruptions of administrative evils.



community wide quarantine

Franklin said encouragement of virtue was a justification for liberal education and that virtue was viewed by acts of _______________


the iron triangle

congress, interest groups, bureaucracy

Bozeman said _____________ ________________ the mixture of these two elements are best for solving social problems

conservative compassion

John Rorh said ethics should be grounded in American ____________ ___________ and _________ values

constitutional tradition, regime values

We are now in an era of "Really Big Government" because _________ has expanded


Ethics is a driving force in ___________ policy, as well as executing government operations.


- Pentagon Papers, Nixon white house staffers personally campaigned against Ellsberg

daniel ellsberg

_____________ causes activities to get outsourced, there is often less quality control, ability to monitor actions. caused by increased contract work


who theorized quality circle


Philosophy that everyone should plan, collect data, analyze, construct the work, keep circle rotating to maintain quality in the company

deming wheel

greek tradition that emphasizes motives and intentions instead of consequences as the most influential element in decision making helped form ethics

deontological (deon)

Moore made this to guide managers in studying work settings and gauging the potential for effective action.

diagnostic framework

8 characteristics of Machiavellan individuals: They are ___________ They are _______ Usually __________ and full of themselves Their ends "________" their means All of their "moves" are part of a _______ Subtle use of control and ____________ They loved to be loved, but not at the expense of being __________ They only reveal true intentions if it provides an _____________ to them

dishonest, cunning, narcissistic, justify, game, manipulation, respected, advantage

Strait said public employees must deal with the challenge of balancing ___________ and ___________ demands

diverse, competing

Under policy, homosexuals (and bisexuals) may serve as long as they tell no one about their sexual orientation, refrain from ''homosexual acts'' and forgo homosexual marriage

don't ask, don't tell

In ______________ individualism, government should only intervene when we can identify a structural flaw in the market (Monopoly), which undermines ability of private sector to provide needed goods and service


A philosophy emphasizing in matters economic the values and interests of the individual

economic individualism

max weber wrote ______________ ______ _____________

economics and society

max weber said "Bureaucracies are machine-like structures, with _________________ is at the heart"


Organizational structure and culture is not equal with __________ _________

ethical conduct

Condoning corruption is the result of lowering _________ ____________

ethical expectations

A set of principles of right conduct. A theory or a system of moral values. The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy. The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession.


__________ is a driving force in creating/shirking policy, as well as executing government operations


quality circle allows problems to be solved by ______________


Finer argued for ethics that focused on _____________ standards and controls Frederich argued ethics were a standard of an individuals ____________ standards of conduct, a moral compass that would guide public admin through the morass of ethical dilemma frederich ended up winning

external, internal

a part of the systems theory means organization collects and analyzes data regarding impact of its outputs

feedback mechanism

First president of the American Political Science Association

frank goodnow

Father of Scientific management Pioneered development of time and motion studies 1911 Book Principles of Scientific Management "ONE BEST WAY" Taylorism (Coined by Justice Louis Brandeis)

frederick taylor

who theorized scientific management

frederick taylor

Father of the Scientific Management Movement

fredrick taylor

John Rorh said regime values are : ____________, ___________, __________ Not an exhaustive list

freedom, equality, property

one type of worker incentive type that chester barnard theorized The ability to work with people that have compatible values Continual and improved working conditions (organizational culture) The opportunity to contribute to a vision of a company via large projects or general input The opportunity to feel comradery and social comfort within a work setting.


a central figure to the civil service reform cause from 1865 to 1890 Brought knowledge and major argument towards the spoils system in Harper's Weekly friends with Eaton

george william curtis

found a distinction between functions of politics and the administration of government. Politics to policies, administration to execution


Moore said ideals should be ___________: They should recognize a class of problems and accurately find solutions that could solve those problems


moore said ideals should be _________ and __________

grounded, useful

experiment where Western electric company examined impact of light amplification Found it wasn't that which made a difference but notion that workers knew they were being recorded, thus worked differently Attention matters most

hawthorn experiments

what two people were big on the neoclassical theory

herbet simon, robert merton

Cook and Klay said learning __________ was important because you can learn from the mistakes of the past


Mary follet was a precursor to _____________ ____________ _____________

human relation theory

Economic Individualism is based on three central principles: 1. __________ centered, not society centered 2. gov and institutional structures should focus on the _____________ 3. all individuals are of ________ moral values

human, individual, equal

Dewey said public interest is an _______, not a term


German __________ ___________ stretched the enlightenment further by arguing that an individual's mental state dictates experiences

immanuel kant

weber was disapproving of an ideal bureaucracy because it is __________ and oppresses __________ ____________

impersonal, personal freedom

The content-specific preferences of individuals regarding what they are allowed and entitled to and the obligations of each individual and their representatives

individual public values

Alexis de Tocqueville coined __________: the Philosophy of moderated selfishness in which one favors one self and perhaps a small set of family and friends


In the U.S., the welfare state is at odds with the ideals of ________________ American tax policy arguably reverses trend of welfare state when taking to account repeals of inheritance taxes.


Philosophy of moderated selfishness in which one favors one self and perhaps a small set of family and friends


a part of the systems theory Organizational resources


Moore theorized this Ways that managers can take advantage of their settings to create value


congress, interest groups, and bureaucracy make up the

iron triangle

___________ branch has no power with administration, but can make decisions on special cases


____________ _____________ ran a ministry in her courtroom, used court time and resources

judith hawkins

Natural harmony of individual wills Strongest economic embodiment of individualism Markets are ideal system for achieving mutual advantage Maximize efficiency and freedom, just distribution sharing of social product in proportion to individual contributions

laissez fair

countering ________ ________ corruption is difficult

large scale

maxim said the government that governs the best is the one that governs the _______


which branch of government mainly controls administration

legislative (congress)

who said Public management(narrow view), management of organizations within the government or non-profit sector, driven by its need to reach its goals or missions rather than its need to make a profit. Had to do with Key responsibilities of the executive with the formulation of POSDCORB - Planning, Organizing, Directing, Staffing, coordinating, recruiting and budgeting.

leonard gulick

who said Objective of public administration is the most efficient utilization of the resources at the disposal of officials and employees, management of men and materials in the accomplishment of the purpose of the state

leonard white

the enlightenment appealed to people with ______ _________

less education

Washington believed in a _______________ education


who believed what worked for a factory could do the same for a homestead

lillian gilbreth

Strait said employees must be able to work within framework of three goals: _________ to the organization _____________ to needs of the public ____________ for the employees own objectives and desires

loyalty, responsiveness, consideration

Taylor's successes helped in pushing the need to understand __________


__________ ____________ ____________ brings the idea that market like approaches are the most useful way for govs to provide goods and services

market failure reasoning

theory x is based on _____________


worker incentives theorized by chester barnard (MDIHOA)

material, desirable work conditions, ideal benefactions (believing their work matters), habit conformity, opportunity for participation, associational attractiveness,

german socialist who considered bureaucracy to be a major element in the rationalization of the modern world and the modern state said "Organizations are an ordering of social relationships"

max weber

who wrote "Economics and Society" said bureaucratic models have hierarchical elements, which makes authority (power / decision making) centralized.

max weber

a type of system in structural theory Defined roles, hierarchical formal and top down


a type of system in structural theory better suited for stable environments


two types of systems in structural theory

mechanistic, organic

Emory Upton's focus on professionalism required ______ (sole basis for advancements) and ______ to be major factors in the promotion of professionalism

merit, training

one of the 5 fundamental parts of organization (structural theory) Middle management, supervising operating core while taking direction from strategic

middle line

Moore described how decisions are more scrutinized in public sphere because they impact the general public Innovation and imagination are viewed as more threatening public decisions take a while so it's hard to track who is accountable for what this is all called

modest challenge

congress controls administration because they control _________


History has shown that people are rather powerless in terms of exercising _________ ___________ when compared to a legitimate authority

moral conscience

__________ __________ focused on fatigue, least amount of steps to complete a task

motion studies

theory that principles are merely proverbs, as none of the terms of truly scientific said being trained as a "machine" limits one's full capacities. Adaptability becomes limited, which is against what organizations are needed to be says bureaucracy goes against democracy

neoclassical theory

Herman Finer argued that: external controls is most compatible with a view of public administrator as a _______ person who merely carries out tasks "Obedience to explicit direction" Holding an official accountable for their actions is an arrangement of checks and balances Most of PA practice has been directed at ___________ ______________

neutral, external controls

was the civil service commission chair successful?


The extent to which an organization holds public sector values Concern for public interest

normative publicness

Graffiti, like other art forms, can reflect a population's views on current affairs and can offer symbols of struggles or achievements


History of Don't ask Don't tell: in 1950, President Harry Truman signs "Uniform Code of Military Justice........Sets up discharge rules of people that engage in homosexual activity. in 1982, President Reagan states "homosexuality is incompatible with military service" People who engaged in homosexual behavior should be discharged


John Rohr says its important to look at constitututional traditions and when one joins a regime, to fit in to their standards


a criticism of gulick and urwick is that administration is simply not that easy to breakdown


in an ideal bureaucracy, Officials are personally free and appointed via contract Officials are appointed (Elections bad!) Officials are appointed on the basis of professional qualifications Fixed money salary and pension rights Post is sole and major occupation Career structure exists where promotion is based on merit Official is subject to unified control and disciplinary system, means of compulsion and exercise are clearly defined


in an ideal bureaucracy: resources of the bureacracy are not held individually by administrators resources to fulfill the duties of an administrator are provided by someone other than the official


_______________ thinks graffiti Is a public good, even as it challenges the law


one of the 5 fundamental parts of organization (structural theory) Front-line workers

operating core

a type of system in structural theory Worker roles and responsibilities less defined, communication is informal and bottom up, more decentralized


a type of system in structural theory better suited for unstable environments with a lot of change


woodrow wilson looked at the study of public administration and focused on personnel problem AND the ___________ and management in general


It deals with welcoming new or outside elements into an organization's leadership decision-making structure. It's purpose is to help an organization identify and protect itself from outside threats. introduced by phillip selznick part of neoclassical theory

organizational co-optation

Willoughby stated the need of administration through __________ ___________

organizational control

disregard for ethical considerations in interest of achieving outcomes

organizational culture

theory that attempts to ensure that worker interests are consistent with organizational interests, personified by the organizational leader's interests.

organizational economic theory

Taylorism's focus of One Best Way was to consider production as a matter of _________ looked for fastest, least fatiguing production methods Managers needed to then impose procedure upon entire workforce like a machine


a part of the systems theory goods or services organization produces


Even with separation of politics and PA, there is a tendency for necessary control to develop legally through the political ______ ___________.

party system

Allowed a federal civil service system based on merit, which employees would be hired through open competitive examinations and promoted and retained based on merit. finally enacted civil service reform

pendleton act of 1883

what finally enacted civil service reform

pendleton act of 1883

________ corruption is widely tolerated


who invented organizational co-optation

phillip selznick

ethics was a branch of __________ and is considered a ______________ science because it is concerned with the norms of human conduct, as distinguished from formal sciences (Math and logic) and empirical sciences (chemistry and physics

philosophy, normative

Holzer and Schwester said there are these 5 elements of management (POCCC)

planning, organizing, command, control, coordination

Holzer and Schwester: Gulick POSDCORB stands for

planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting

woodrow wilson separated public service/administration and ________


Expression of will of the state


The Movement for Budgetary Reform in the States (1918) had three major Threads: How Budgets would advance and provide for _________ __________ How budgets would enhance legislative and executive _________ How budgets would ensure administrative and management ___________

popular control, cooperation, efficiency

ideal of public interest without specific content, and moving towards that ideal, making it more concrete as one moves towards only known if social inquiry and discussion is looked at on a case by case basis

pragmatic idealism

theory that monetarily compensating agents in manner that influences the interests of agents allows interests of agents to converge with interest of principals Implement oversight mechanisms that make sure agents perform as expected

principal agent theory

The degree of market authority constraints and endowments affecting the institution.


What an organization does with resources a part of the systems theory


Organizations have the tendency to deprive the people who work in them the freedom to exercise their ______________ ______________

professional conscience

the personal, and corporate standards of behavior expected by professionals helps people to not just feel they are filling an employment role, but helping them to feel like a professional in teh field

professional ethics

Delivering services efficiently based on scientific principles


scientific management is now considered ________ because it considered people extensions of machines and interchangeable in a large Impersonal production machine


Due to the increase in private and non-profit work in the field of government due to privatization and contracting out, Frederickson believed organizations are now ___________ (though not fully governmental)


Society has much different expectations of ____________ managers than it does of private managers


The way that governments and administrators view public value influences what gets pushed to the top of the ___________ ______________

public agenda

Hospitals have been created as a new form of independent legal entity called _____________ ______________ _____________

public benefit corporations

Olivero thinks graffiti Is a _________ __________, even as it challenges the law

public good

acts on behalf of broad shared interests Reminds public managers, our ethical obligation is to the broad shared interests rather than the limited

public interest

the outcomes that are best serving in the long-run survival and well-being of a social collective construed as the public The decisions that benefits society best over time

public interest theory

Moore worked to establish a philosophy of ___________ __________________- What citizens should expect from public managers

public management

Administrators and stakeholders need to find new ways, possibly by changing how people participate or by creating incentives, to increase___________ ____________ in government processes

public participation

____________ _____________ rooted in economic individualism are promoted with phrases such as "progressivism," "public value," or "populism

public policies

enlightenment philosophers are rooted in ________ ________ motivation, a modern public administration scholarship said youth should be encouraged to explore the meaning and purpose of their present and future endeavors

public service

public servant creation through a sense of calling, a central concept in public administration scholarship

public service motivation

A normative consensus about the rights, benefits, and prerogatives to which citizens should (and shouldn't) be entitled The obligations of citizens to society, the state, and each other; Differs from economic value, because economic value is based on the exchange value of goods and services based on socially accepted payments

public values

The degree of political authority constraints and endowments affecting the institution.


a characteristic of an organization which reflects the extent to which the organization is influenced by political authority.


a small group of employees that work on similar tasks and meet to solve work-related issues. deming theorized this NOT for venting

quality circle

Ethics ought to be grounded in the Constitution (regime), which values freedom, equity, property.

regime values

Moore said managers succeed if they enhance their personal ___________ and advance their own careers


____________ ______________ focused on welcoming outsiders in to prevent groupthink, a specialized kind of conformity that forms in highly cohesive groups, gets in way of critical analysis

robert merton

an element of the enlightenment concentrating on emotion and instinct, not necessarily rational thinking


public administrators have little increase in ________or ______

salary, benefit

Washington said the objective of a national university is to educate American youth on the "___________ _____ ___________"

science of government

Find the way to increase output by discovering the fastest most efficient, least fatiguing production methods Managers needed to then impose procedure upon entire workforce

scientific management

fredrick taylor believed in ___________________ ____________________ Scientifically select, train and develop each worker rather than passively leaving them to train themselves Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers, managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and workers actually perform the tasks

scientific management (taylorism)

Washington ideas are centered on the _________ _________

scottish enlightenment

5 American administrative ethical norms

self determination, trust, stability, freedom, honesty

rewards for whistleblowing include: Enhancing ______ __________ Gaining and maintaining the _________ of our family and friends

self respect, esteem

___________ responsibility can lead to corruption


___________ responsibility: Time bandits Take supplies Unauthorized use of supplies Run a small personal business at work


an element of the enlightenment Can society be perfected through reason? No universal truth exists


Frederickson argues that public administration has been __________ to react to different types of "public contexts" and ethical issues that emerge in those contexts


Normative perspective in admin theory in the early 1970's; Principle of justice as crucial.

social equity

_________ __________ seen as an issue in developing countries dominated by ethnic minority mass culture moves toward a democratic gov, tension created between political and economic access

social equity

the core principle of the New Public Administration movement was the __________ __________ _________ principle Never achieved acceptance in the field as a single central ethical principle One of the major normative touchstones for administrative ethics though

social equity core

max weber thought organizations are an ordering of _________ __________

social relationships

Washington says that education can: empowers individuals and prepares them to deal with complexity, diversity, and change, as well as broad knowledge of the wider world (science, culture, society) and an in-depth study in a specific area of interest. Develops a sense of _________ ____________, with strong and transferable intellectual and practical skills such as communication, analytical and problem-solving skills, and a demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings.

social responsibility

holzer and schwester believed in the importance of ______________


one type of worker incentive type that chester barnard theorized Money and other material items Awards / Attention for a job well done Improved physical work conditions Ability to achieve and / or maintain pride in one's work


two types of worker incentives that chester barnard theorized

specific, general

One of the first major steps to the creation of American Public Administration Jefferson and Jackson noted the need for a change in the _________ _________

spoils system

public administration is the It is the glue that holds the Will of the ______ and the actions of everyday _____ together

state, life

___________ said public employees must deal with the challenge of balancing diverse and competing demands


one of the 5 fundamental parts of organization (structural theory) Organization's upper level or executive leadership

strategic apex

theory that assumes organizations are rational in that they function to accomplish specific goals and objectives Every organization, there is believed to be a best structure, organization dysfunction can be corrected through structural changes

structural theory

one of the 5 fundamental parts of organization (structural theory) Public relations, legal aid, and other services (mail, food service, custodial)

support staff

Weber pitched a rational and logical organizational ________ for organizational control


theory that focused on organization comprised of several interconnected parts, designed to achieve broader organizational goals and objectives Looks at orgs in terms of inputs, processes outputs, and feedback mechanism Inputs feed to processes which feeds to outputs which generate feedback which cycle to org inputs

systems theory

Locke said young minds are similar to blank tablets called _________ ________ and that early exposures heavily influenced development

tabula rasa

in an ideal bureaucracy: ________ are divided in functionally distinct areas each with requisite authority and sanctions Offices are arranged in the form of a __________

tasks, hierarchy

scientific management is also known as


the 5 fundamental parts of organization (structural theory) ___________ and ______________ are outside of operating core hierarchical structure

techno, support

one of the 5 fundamental parts of organization (structural theory) analysts responsible for training, standardizing work procedures and general planning


Greek tradition of importance of maximizing what is good helped form ethics

teleological (teleos)

woodrow wilson published the book _____ _______ ____ ________ Believed by some scholars to be the beginning of public administration as a specific field of study

the study of administration

Theory Y vs. X Assumes individuals dislike work and avoid whenever possible Intense supervision necessary Due to shunning of responsibility Work motivated through economic factors, threats, punishment Classic weberian model, quasi military structure, authoritarian

theory X

theory X vs. Y Open Model Individuals enjoy work and embrace responsibility Capable of self-direction, not micromanaged Possess ingenuity to solve complex problems through creativity Workers should have the space to achieve individual goals through self-directed efforts

theory Y

The most apparent cause of the Enlightenment was the _____________ __________ _________ (1618-1648) compelled German writers to critique the ideas of nationalism and warfare heavily

thirty years war

frederick taylors study of the least amount of times and movements to complete a task scientific management

time/motion studies

Moore said citizens tend to look at initiatives from elected and appointed officials with an _______________ view

unenthusiastic (jaded)

Moore said ideals should be _______________: They should help practitioners identify relevant facts pertaining to the problems and help stimulate their imaginations to find ways to solve those problems


Public __________ are linked to specific content, ideals are not


dictatorships don't have public ___________ because they restrict media


public ___________ are much more stable than public opinions


the pursuit of moral processes (work / projects

virtue ethics

Cultivation of democratic ethos in public organizations, that would allow the formation of character appropriate for public service to foster Judging the lives of others Reflect on character of others, examine them and assess character Weigh character of others in a given community Administrator desired character traits: superior prudence, moral heroism, caring or love for humanity, trust in the citizenry, continuous quest for moral improvement

virtue ethics (character based ethics)

Washington said: Education is best way to ensure ________ and __________ __________ Education is crucial for _______ __________

virtue, moral excellence, public servants

an ideal bureaucracy is bad because it is unstable and will likely fall into the hands of the ________ since those who work do not have time to govern Also can fall to domination of technical _________ if mass administration is involved due to technical superiority of those with training or experience.

wealthy, technical

Origin of ___________ state in Europe by conservatives in the late 1800's to keep public away from wanting to join unions, support socialism, and create social unrest


American tax policy arguably reverses trend of ____________ __________ when taking to account repeals of inheritance taxes.

welfare state

people don't __________ (calling attention to wrongdoings) doesn't happen much because of internal and external reasons internal- afraid of letting team down and just going with it external- don't want to lose job, don't want bad reputation for tattling, threats from officials


who played a key role in writing Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 Established an executive budget system at the national level along with the Budget Office and the General Accounting Office (GAO)

william f. willoughby

who was a member of Taft Commission (1912) made the first call for a national executive budgeting system the Director of Institute for Governmental Research Key role in writing Budget and Accounting Act of 1921

william f. willoughby

who said Business of government is to organize the common interest against the special interest


who made clear a major distinction between politics and administration

wilson, goodnow

who said Administrator is an impartial implementer (away from politics)

wilson, goodnow


working quarantine

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