PADM 3100 - Workplace Conflict (Quizzes/Test for Entire Course)

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Frank said, "I have to work on Saturday every week this month. I hate this extra work." Which of the following statements is not an effective paraphrase of Frank's statement?

"You're seriously complaining about working on Saturdays?"

In her negotiation for her annual budget Mary wants $675,000, but she will accept no less than $625,000. The budget officer is wants to provider her $600,000, but will go no higher than $645000. The settlement range or zone of possible agreement is?


Jesse and Sara are preparing to negotiate over a workplace conflict between two teams. Which answers describe some of steps they should follow to help them be successful? There are multiple answers.

Alternatives interests options

The EEOC web site lists several sources from which neutral third parties may be selected. All of the following are sources which the EEOC recommends except?

American arbitrtors guild

Accoding to the readings this week, which answer is not a source of Workplace conflict?


Which statement best describes an I-Message?

It is an honest statement that discloses how you genuinely feel

Which of the following are less commonly used conflict resolution venues or methods from this week's reading? There are multiple answers.

Ombudship conciliation peer review fact finding

Which of the following is the best example of a power-based approach used by an employee?

Tamika, tells the HR manager that she will hire an attorney if the manager does not approve her performance award.

Which of the reasons might explain why a person would choose an avoidance approach to conflict? There are multiple answers.

Unsuccessful efforts in dealing with conflict in the past the person lacks the skill, experience, or confidence to effectively advocate for the desired interests the person cannot change a decision made by some person or entity

Which choice best reflects the negotiator's dilemma?

a choice between sharing information to identify mutual interests and not weakening one's own position.

Under which conditions is facilitation not recommended? Select all that apply.

a final solution is required the differences between the parties is significant the parties are blinded by emotional there is a high degree of mistrust

Under certain conditions mediation is not appropriate to resolve conflicts. In which of the following situations is mediation an appropriate venue to resolve a dispute. Chose the best answer.

a manager and an employee disagree about the expectations of a work assignment

According to the course definition of facilitation, it is all of the following except?

a process to assist parties in compromising

Of the relationships and scenarios that follow, which best exemplifies a positional approach to addressing conflict?

a used car salesperson and a prospective buyer making offers and counteroffers regarding the price of a used car

The [ Blank ] conflict style may be appreciated in an organization because of its emphasis on promoting harmony and fostering relationships. Yet it may be interpreted as pacifism. A person relying too heavily on this style will often find that the issues truly important are deferred, minimized or ignored. Which conflict style does the statement above best describe?


What Dual Concerns strategy or response best describes a situation where one party involved in conflict accedes to the other's demands without achieving the desired outcome?


Which terms best describes the type of conflict resolution process arbitration is?


A mediator is all of the following except? There are multiple answers.

advisor to the parties decision maker

The process of brainstorming as described by the authors of Conflict Survival Kit includes all of the following except?

agree that no idea is too crazy or out of the box.

Juan is meeting with the budget department next week to negotiate his annual budget allocation. He wants to make sure he is successful so he identified the answer to several questions: 1) what he would like to have; 2) the point at which her could settle; 3) what he had to have at minimum; and 4) what his alternatives are if he can't get the funds needed. Which step in the negotiation process was Juan trying to satisfy?


All of the following are types of ADR listed on the EEOC Federal Sector ADR site except?


Which resolution methods or venues are not used in the EEO resolution complaint process? There are multiple answers.

arbitration Federal court negotiation

The least questionable negotiating tactic from those described is?

as negotiations are concluding the other party says she neglected to mention a particular item and would like to discuss it now; she aplogizes for the oversight.

The Dual Concerns model is concerned with both conflict "styles" and conflict "strategies". Which pair of words describes the Y and X axes for the conflict "styles"? Styles refer to how people respond to conflict while strategies are how they may choose or attempt to resolve it.

assertiveness verses cooperativeness

Appreciative Inquiry as presented in this course begins with which step? Select the answer that best describes the first step.

assume ignorance for oneself

John filed a complaint using the company's conflict resolution process because his supervisor, Kathy, issued him a Letter of Reprimand that he thought was inappropriate. The HR manager contacted Kathy to find out what happened so she could respond to John's complaint. Kathy, was upset, and said that she hated disciplining John, but he kept disregarding her instructions and she did not know what else to do. After listening to Kathy, the HR manager suspected the real problem was one of communication between John and Kathy. She asked them if they would be willing to sit down with her in an attempt to resolve the issue. The HR manager's request is an example of?

attempting to explore the parties' interests.

Which answer is not a goal for effectively managing conflict?

avoiding problems

Morpheous and his partner are buying a house. They have narrowed their list down to 3 homes and will buy the one for which they can get the best price. They don't know any of the home owners will most likely never see them as the negotiations are conducted through the realtors. What approach to negotiation will they likely choose?


Which is not an advantage of negotiation?

cheaper than mediation

The advantages of mediation include all of the following except?

cheaper than negotiation

Kendra wants to encourage two employees to talk through an incident in which one employee allegedly made a sexist remark to another employee. However, Kendra believes the remark was misinterpreted and that the speaker did not intend to offend the employee. She hopes that she can get the employees to come to some sort of agreement so that a formal complaint can be avoided. If possible she would like them to return to their prior cordial relationship. Of the possible styles she might encourage them to adopt, which are the most consistent with her desired outcome?

collaborating or accommodating

The Integrative conflict resolution approach is most closely associated with the Dual concerns model strategy.


The Integrative conflict resolution approach is most closely associated with the Dual concerns model strategy?


The mediation process most resembles which Dual Concern's Model strategy?


Which Dual Concerns model strategy is explained by a high degree of assertiveness and a high degree of cooperativeness?


People who too often adopt [ blank ] as their conflict style will realize costs in terms of lost trust, severed relationships, and unfavorable outcomes. Which Dual Concerns model conflict style does the statement above best describe?


Which answer correctly lists the strategies in the Thomas-Kilmann (Dual concerns) model?

competing, accommodating, compromising, avoiding and collaborating

Which answer correctly lists the strategies in the Thomas-Kilmann model (Dual Concerns)?

competing, accommodating, compromising, avoiding and collaborating

People who routinely employ the [blank] Dual Concerns conflict style, may soon find they are sacrificing more of their positions or demands than necessary and that others may take advantage of their flexibility in the conflict resolution process. Which Dual Concerns model conflict style does the statement above best describe?


What Dual Concerns strategy or response best describes a situation where two parties working together settle their differences by agreeing to some percentage distribution or action that is less than their mutual desired demands or positions?


Tamika works for an accounting firm and audits accounts for various departments in the company. Her supervisor approached her this morning and proposed to relocate her to a larger office on the other side of the building where most of her clients are. She is really upset. She doesn't qualify for an accomodation under the American with Disability Act, but her knees bother her when she walks long distances. Her new office would be much farther from the parking garage and that worries her. Tamika does not want to upset her supervisor or possibly jepordize a promotion for which she applied by refusing the move, but she fears the distance will be too much. Tamika's supervisor sensed a concern when he proposed to relocate her office. He scheduled a meeting with her and asked what she thought about the proposal. He asked her is she had any concerns? What conflict management theory is the supervisor most likeing applying?


Workplace conflict is sometimes defined in different terms, but the definitions most often share certain ideas or concepts. From this week's readings, which of the following attributes best define, or are related to the definition of workplace conflict?

contested differences Interdependent parties competing outcomes

Self-reflection leads to which of the following?

critical reasoning

Sarah filed an EEO complaint alleging her supervisor discriminated against her when she assigned her a smaller office than she previous had. The supervisor had to make an office assignment because a new employee was reporting for duty. She had noticed that Sarah was always running up and down the hallway to use the conference room so she gave Sarah the office next to it and assigned the new employee to Sarah's old office at the end of the hall. The supervisor left on a trip for the company before she could tell Sarah why she made the change. The company's EEO officer talked to both of the parties and suggested they meet informally to collaboration on a solution. What steps should the parties follow in their collaboration? There are multiple answers.

define the problem commit to a solution express their concerns brainstorm

Which of the following is not an element of "interests" in relation to approaches for resolving conflict?


Steven has been very curt and disrespectful to his co-workers during the past couple of weeks. Several of them have complained to Sumatra, his supervisor. Sumatra has given the situation some thought and has decided it best to confront him. Which actions should Sumatra take when she meets with Steven if she wants to use the Assertive Confrontational Model? There are multiple answers.

describe his behavior state the desired change explain the impact

Halvor Nordby discusses 6 types of organizational conflict is the book Management and Conflict Resolution: Conceptual Tools for Securing Cooperation and Organizational Performance. Which of the answers is not a type of conflict discussed in the assigned reading from Nordby's book?


During the past 4 decades, Workplace complaints increased and prompted businesses and governments to create alternative dispute resolution venues to reduce the cost of litigation. Which answer best describes the reason for the increase in Workplace conflicts?

expanded statutory protections

The financial auditing team at Dudley Doright is having difficulty in deciding how to plan a large audit project that starts next month. There are a lot of data and information, timelines and deliverables about which to discuss and make decisions. Not everyone agrees on the correct approach to take. Which is the best conflict resolution method for the team to consider in this situation?


Framing an issue is most effective when using which method?

formulate a question that captures both parties' concerns

When the parties are engaged in the process of brainstorming, they are most Iikely....

generating ideas and options that may resolve the issue

The qualifications of a good mediator include all of the following except? There are multiple answers.

good decision maker qualified legal advisor

The BATNA is useful to a negotiator for all of the following reasons, except that it

helps the negotiator assess his or her capability in using tactical maneuvers to outwit his or her opponent.

Sweeny is preparing for a meeting with his supervisor which has been scheduled to resolve a complaint he filed. All of the following are questions Sweeny should ask of himself before the meeting except?

how do I get what I deserve?

The first step to resolving a conflict is to:

identify problem ownership

Which of the following is not a part of the three alternative rule?

ignore the problem

The purpose of engaging in a Workplace Conflict Resolution method is to: Select all that apply.

improve relationships among the parties with conflicts. produce lasting agreements to which everyone can agree. Settle the dispute

Rafa was scheduled to negotiate the standards of performance for one of her major programs with Natalie, the specialist in the Programs office, but when she arrived Natalie refused to negotiate. What is the least effective method Rafa could use to encourage Natalie to negotiate?

increase her negotiating power by improving her BATNA.

Tamika and George disagreed how their teams should approach working a project together. They got into a heated argument that became personal and now they can't stand to be in the same room together. Their manager contacted a mediator and asked her to meet with the two employees in hopes of helping them resolve their dispute. Which of the following are valid actions the mediator might take in this case? There are multiple answers.

inform the manager the employees' emotions are too strong for mediation to be successful conduct pre-mediation meetings with both parties and then proceed directly into individual caucuses have the employees attend a mediation, conduct the opening session and then separate them into caucuses

Gabriela was recently assigned as the team lead for a project at work. There are 5 other team members. The company rules are flexible in regards to schedules. Gabriela worries because she has to pick her child up from school each afternoon. That was not a problem when she worked by herself, but now on a team she is not sure. Her fears are compounded by what she knows about her team members. Sara, who is working on her PhD, has classes some mornings. Mary is the owner of a small graphic design company and likes to work 10 hours a day so she can take one day a week off. Fred likes to come in really early in the day so he can be home when his kids arrive. Chyou prefers to work late or evening shits so she can be off in the mornings to take pictures for her studio. Gabriela wants to deal with the issue of schedules in the team's first meeting. Considering your knowledge in the course so far, what is the best approach, strategy or action for Gabriela pursue?

inform the team of the issue and suggest they meet to collaborate on a solution.

De Bono (1985) defines conflict as a: "clash of interest, values, actions, views, or directions". What important elements are missing from this definition based on what we learned this week?

interdepent parties incompatible interests

Saura works for "Heavenly Helpers", a non-profit group that helps disadvantaged children. She works on a team that is devoted to finding creative solutions working with local community leaders, hospitals and other non-profits. There are 10 members on the team. Lately Saura hates her job. In every meeting Rusty complains. It seems there is no way to satisfy him. He creates an atmosphere of negativity in every session. When the team visits different facilities, he complains the whole way there and back. Saura has had it. She begins talking to Jean, her co-worker, about quitting, but Jean suggested that she confront Rusty or have an intervention with the group. What category of conflict best describes the situation with Saura?


Tamika works for an accounting firm and audits accounts for various departments in the company. Her supervisor approached her this morning and proposed to relocate her to a larger office on the other side of the building where most of her clients are. She is really upset. She doesn't qualify for an accommodation under the American with Disability Act, but her knees bother her when she walks long distances. Her new office would be much farther from the parking garage and that worries her. Tamika does not want to upset her supervisor or possibly jeopardize a promotion for which she applied by refusing the move, but she fears the distance will be too much. What category of conflict best describes Tamika's situation?


[blank] describe our needs, fears or wants? Which word best fits this description?


Which statements are true about the BATNA? More than one answer is possible.

it is an action taken outside negotiation. may strengthen your bargaining position. it is pursued after negotiation fails.

Which answer best describes the way in which mediation differs from facilitation?

it uses various conflict resolution strategies

The text discusses the direct, indirect and opportunity costs of conflict. Which are the direct costs of conflict presented?

labor, overhead, litigation and health care

According to the text Conflict Survival Kit, the types of Workplace conflicts that may be predicated on a "power-based" approach include all of the following except?

manager/supervisor behaviors, labor/management, and employee behaviors

Shane and Joanna are struggling with an interpersonal conflict. Shane made a statement that Joanna inferred as sexual. She has known Shane for several years and can't believe he intended to hurt her, but she is upset and doesn't know whether or not to file a formal complaint. Shane has declined to apologize because he feels that his statement was misunderstood. He told Joanna, that his explanation of intent in the statement should be sufficient. He is angry that she actually thinks his statement was sexual given all the years they have worked together. Joanna wants to talk to Shane and resolve the issue one way or the other, but she doesn't think they will be able to without some help. What type of process or resolution venue would best serve as a means for Shane and Joanna to resolve their differences.?


All of the following are reasons a party might chose arbitration except?

mediation is more expensive

Conflict resolution methods or venues sometimes involve third parties to assist those in conflict reach an agreement or resolution. Which Workplace conflict resolution method usually does not employ a third-party?


What are the "principal" Workplace Conflict Resolution methods/venues? There are multiple answers?

negotiation facilitation mediation arbitration

Which of the following are hard-ball tactics used in negotiation?

one last thing take-it-or-leave-it extreme demands delays

All of the following describe a genuine impasse as compared to hard-ball tactics, except which one?

one party says it wants to call off negotiations to take time to think about a proposal.

Caucuses are a valuable tool when mediating disputes to help the parties reach resolution. Under which circumstance would a caucus not be appropriate?

one party wants the mediator to convince the other party to accept a particular resolution

Which of the following are important aspects of interest-based approaches to resolving conflict?

open communications consideration of needs and interests concern for relationships

Traditional conflict theory posits that conflict is counter productive, caused by problematic employees and should be subdued. What outcomes are not likely in an organization that embraces this traditional view?

openly discussed differences acceptance of controversial ideas contrary opinions valued

Which statement is most accurate? Conflict is not bad, but....

our experiences cause us to often view conflict as bad and therefore, avoid it

Which of the following answers make up the Conflict Triangle? There are multiple answers.

people problem process

Which answer is not a type of conflict discussed in the article "3 Types of Conflict and How to Address Them"?


Several terms are grouped together by their relationships. Which grouping has terms that are not directly related?

positional, compromising, and zero-sum game

Which of the following terms best describe the Distributive approach to conflict resolution?

positional, zero-sum game, competing and win-lose

Conflict sometimes emerges when an individual(s) controls situations, makes choices for others or determines outcomes in an organization. What category of conflict best describes those actions or behaviors?


George works at Supra-Soap and Services in accounting. He has been there for 15 years. When George arrived at work on Monday he noticed that his new supervisor, Tamika, had sent him an email. He read it, and was immediately angered. Tamika advised him, in the email, that she was transferring him from the audit team to the training team and she was changing his schedule from 8-4 to 9-5. George decided he was not going to let this go quietly. While there was no rule preventing Tamika from taking the actions, she did not even bother to talk to him to explain why she was making these changes or to even find out if he could change his hours. George called HR, explained the problem and requested to talk to the CEO. HR talked George in to meeting with Tamika first to see if they could resolve the problem. George agreed. What category of conflict best describes the situation with George?


Using the course definition, negotiation is characterized by all of the following except?

promotes accommodation

The model in the text Conflict Survival Kit for collaboration describes the first step as analyzing the situation. Which situation described in the answers is not appropriate for this step?

research and develop your position to persuade the other party to agree with you.

Juan is a supervisor at the local hospital. Last year he was injured in a car wreck which left him partially paralyzed and on crutches. He was out of work for months. Upon returning to work, Juan submitted a request to the manager of his department for a designated parking spot closer to the doors of the building as an accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act. A couple of days after Juan submitted the request, he saw the manager in the hall and inquired if she had seen his request for an accommodation. She responded, "yes, I saw it the day you submitted it. You have to understand, I am really busy and don't have time to grant special favors to employees. If I give you a "special" spot, everyone will want one." Juan headed down the hall to file a complaint. What category of conflict best describes the situation with Juan?


Last week Jean was promoted to team lead. She was excited when she heard the news because that meant she could park right next to the building and her name would be painted on the spot. However, when Jean talked to building maintenance, she was told the company was doing away with reserved parking. The team leads for the company have parked in reserved spots for more than 10 years. She is upset. In what category of conflict does Jean's situation belong?


Since the 1960s, the federal government has passed numerous laws to protect employees in the workplace. In what category of conflict do these statutes belong?


The text Conflict Resolution in the Workplace discusses "triggers" for conflict. Which answer best reflects the triggers given?

role ambiguity, values, relationships and information asymmetry

If you are "claiming value" in a negotiation, you are?

securing as much as possible for yourself while giving up as little as possible.

Which of the following is not a negotiation pricing element?

settlement aspiration

Contemporary theory posits that conflicts between humans are unavoidable. They emerge as a natural outcome of human interaction in society and organizations and can be beneficial if managed effectively. Which of the following answers does not describe outcomes of this theory in regards to workplace conflict?

subdued disagreement

When experiencing workplace conflict, what is the first action a person should take when attempting collaboration?

take a step back

Which of the following statements best describe the process of facilitation? There are multiple answers

the parties control the outcome interaction among the parties is expected the flow of information is improved

Rights-based complaints in employment are typically related to which of the following? There are multiple answers.

union contract. laws. employee handbook of benefits and workplace standards.

Consider the following scenario: Wendy is a mid-level accountant in a large department of a leading manufacturer. Her supervisor, Todd, manages 30 accountants and a staff of 10. Todd is clearly busy. Todd communicates primarily through email and instant messages to assign work, respond to questions and to approve most requests. He rarely meets face-to-face with his team outside of a weekly meeting with the most senior accountants and staff. Todd values hierarchy in his organization and protocol. He does not have close relationships with most of his subordinates. Wendy recently passed Todd and Jim, a senior accountant, in the hall as they were laughing about a recent shared experience at the gym. As Wendy walked by, she felt very left out. Todd has never attempted to have a personal conversation with her and wonders why. Is it because she's only a mid-level professional; or went to OU instead of UT; or because she's a woman? Wendy begins to question all of Todd's moves and decisions and suspects he's not the professional that others suggest. She wonders why he always uses email instead of talking to her as a supervisor should. She avoids him altogether. She raises her concerns about his a


Which of the attributes listed are associated with the definitions of collaboration? There are multiple answers?

working with others to resolve conflict. preserving relationships mutual interests interest based solutions

The term that is often used to describe resolving conflict through various informal and formal methods is known as [ blank 1 ].

workplace conflict management resolution

Which of the following terms best describe the Integrative approach to conflict resolution? There are multiple answers.

works to expand options focused on interests results in win-win outcome

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