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Conflictual Party Systems

System in which the legislature is dominated by parties that are far apart on issues or are antagonistic towards each other and the political system


Terrorist group respsonsible for Mumbai terrorist attack


The Army of Mohammad a major jihadi organization based in Pakistan.[1] The group's primary motive is to separate Kashmir from India and it has carried out several attacks primarily in Indian-administered Kashmir.[2][3] It has been banned in Pakistan since 2002, yet continues to operate several facilities in the country.[4] According to B. Raman, Jaish-e-Mohammed is viewed as the "deadliest" and "the principal terrorist organization in Jammu and Kashmir".[1][5] The group is regarded as a terrorist organization by several countries, including India, United States[1] and United Kingdom.

Indo Pakistani War

The constant fighting between India and Pakistan. Wars have happened in 1947, 1965, 1971, 1999.


The largest city and the provincial capital of the Balochistan Province of Pakistan. Quetta sits near the Durand Line border with Afghanistan and is an important trade and communications centre between the two countries as well as an important military location occupying a vital strategic position for the Pakistani Armed Forces.


The largest of four states in Pakistan dominated by the Baloch tribe. Many Balochs are fighting a guerrilla war against the Pakistan Army in a dispute over profits from natural resources. The central government is creating a deepwater port and international trade center in Gwadar, Pakistan's principal seaport, and displacing many Balochs.


The upper Indus River Valley, straddles the modern borders between India and Pakistan

Walk the Fire

Tribal Law in Pakistan. If you get burned while walking across hot coals then you are guilty of the charge against you. If you don't get burned the accuser must pay you.

Electoral Authoritarianism

When there is a facade of democracy providing "some space for political opposition, independent media, and social organizations that do not seriously criticize or challenge the regime."

Line of Control

a 450-mile line that is supposed to indicate the boundary between the part of Kashmir controlled by India and the part controlled by Pakistan


Inter-Services Intelligence; intelligence agency of Pakistan; helped the CIA train and field the Mujahedin in their fight against the Soviets; backed the Taliban with intelligence, arms, and funding during their reign over Afghanistan.

Sharia Law

Islamic Law: based on varying degrees of interpretation on the Qu'ran


Islamic terrorist organization led by Osama bin Laden. They are responsible for numerous terrorist attacks, including the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.

Tribal Law

Law followed by tribes. Generally Islamic in nature, following the Quran. Basic set of laws, eye for eye etc.


Literally, the land of the Waziris, a tribal region between the North-West Frontier Province and Balochistan. Waziri tribes clashed with the Pakistan Army from 2004 to 2006, and they support several jihadist operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Al Qaeda and Taliban forces operate in Waziristan.

Fundamentalist Jihad vs. Moderate

Moderate: Work within Democracy and tend to bend rules with Quran and traditions. Fundamentalist: Strict, fundamentals, no breaking away with tradition, strict islamic code.


Mulsim immigrant from India when Britain left. India split into two states, Mohajirs went to Pakistan.

2008 Mumbai Attacks

Mumbai, India was attacked in November of 2008 when 60 men entered Mumbai by boat, a large portion of the terrorists were Pakistani. Over 160 people were killed and more than 300 injured.


Muslim University. Advanced learning in how to read and interpret the Qur'an.

Afghan Arabs

Muslims that volunteered to go Afghanistan to fight the Soviets, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden, and others.


non-written ethical code and traditional lifestyle which the indigenous Pashtun people from Afghanistan and Pakistan follow.

Party Systems

occur when party conflict takes a regular, stable form in terms of the number of parties competing, the relative vote share each party receives, and the types of interests they represent

Muslim League

organization formed by muslims in 1906 to protect their interests against British Rule.

Authoritarian Party System

parties seek to direct society.

Pakistan People's Party

political party, controlled by Benazir Bhutto and her husband.

Inclusive governing party

recognizes and accepts at least some other groups and organizations, but may repress those that it sees as serious challenges to its own control

Patron-client networks

structures where a central authority grants patronage (benefits) in exchange for loyalty

Kalashnikov Culture

the attitudes and behavior in a social group that resolves political disputes by force of arms


the capital of Pakistan in the north on a plateau

Duverger's Law

the generalization that if a nation has a single-member, plurality electoral system, it will develop a two-party system.

Accommodative Party System

the parties mostly commanding the legislative seats are not very far apart on policies and reasonably trust each other in the political system b) bargaining can be intense but it usually doesn't threaten the actual system.


the traditional Hindu or Muslim system of keeping women secluded

Syed Abu Ala Mawdudi

was a Pakistani journalist, theologian, Muslim revivalist leader and political philosopher, and a controversial 20th century Islamist thinker. political figure in Pakistan and was the first recipient of King Faisal International Award for his services 1979.

Pervez Musharraf (Mohajir)

(1943-) Pakistani general; he overthrew the elected government of Pakistan in 1999 and became president. Current Leader.


Highest ranking of Pakistan tribal leader. All refer to him and there is no rank higher

Closed-list PR system

...the elective representatives are drawn from the parties list of candidates

Asif Ali-Zardari

11th and current president of Pakistan and the Co-Chairman of the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party

Mohajir National Movement

Group of Muslims that moved from India to Pakistan because of the split of India. Hinduism in India and Islam in Pakistan.

Osama Bin Laden

Arab terrorist who established al-Qaeda (born in 1957)

Houbara Bustard

Bird that is religiously hunted by muslims in Pakistan. Serious political ties as princes and Kings pay Pakistan money to hunt. Send to be aphrodisiac.

Bhutto and Thatcher

Common in both women leaders. Cooperated with controlling drug trafficking among other things. Strong relationship between the two.

Median Voter result

Downs' theory that two-party systems will inevitable target the center and "converge"

Durand Line

Established to separate Pashto people in Afghanistan and Pakistan (then India), a controversial dividing demarcation line between Pakistan and Afghanistan

Strategic Voting

Giving support to a party or candidate that is not first choice in order to avoid an even worse outcome.


Pakistan city located at the mouth of the Kiber Pass, no government, lots of terrorism, american troops.

Harakat ul-Mujahideen

Pakistan-based Islamic militant group operating primarily in Kashmir. The group splintered from Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI), a Pakistani group formed in 1980 to fight the Soviet military in Afghanistan.


Pakistani group founded by Maududi that advocates Islamist state in Pakistan.

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan

Pakistani nuclear scientist and a metallurgical engineer, colloquially regarded as the founder of HEU based Gas-centrifuge uranium enrichment programme for Pakistan's integrated atomic bomb project. Founded and established the Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL) in 1976, he was both its senior scientist and the Director-General until his retirement in 2001, and was an early and vital figure in other science projects.

Zulfikar Ali-Bhutto (Sindh)

Prime Minister of Pakistan government until taken over and killed by General Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq. Father of Benazir


Prince or minor ruler within a territory or area. Subject to a Sardar/


Region at mouth of Indus river, area first conquered by Arab Muslims , 711. Also a title to the people that live there

Benazir Bhutto's Iddat

Shunned or an outsider. Someone jailed or exiled.

Muhammad Zia al-Huq (Punjab)

Sixth President of Pakistan from July 1977 to his death in August 1988. Distinguished by his role in the Black September in Jordan military operation in 1970, he was appointed Chief of Army Staff in 1976 by Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Jammu and Azad Kashmir

Southernmost political entity within the Pakistani-administered part of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. It borders the present-day Indian-controlled state of Jammu and Kashmir to the east.

East Pakistan

a Muslim republic in southern Asia bordered by India to the north and west and east and the Bay of Bengal to the south

West Pakistan

a Muslim republic that occupies the heartland of ancient south Asian civilization in the Indus River valley


a Muslim trained in the doctrine and law of Islam


a Pashto term for a decision making assembly of male elders

Plausible Deniability

a believable explanation or denial of a covert operation allowing the perpetrator to deny responsibility or involvement that others can believe


a conservative and intolerant form of Islam that is practiced in Saudi Arabia


a democratic system designed to ease communal tensions via the principles of recognizing the existence of specific groups and granting some share of power in the central government to each, usually codified in specific legal or constitutional guarantees to each group (Iraq, Switzerland, Belgium, Lebanon)


a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal

Khyber Pass

a mountain pass of great strategic and commercial value in the Hindu Kush on the border between northern Pakistan and western Afghanistan

Competitive Party Systems

a) goal is to build electoral support b) play a big role in interest aggregation, trying to build support for party and party candidates

Consensual Party Systems

a) the parties mostly commanding the legislative seats are not very far apart on policies and reasonably trust each other in the political system b) bargaining can be intense but it usually doesn't threaten the actual system

Exclusive governing party

an authoritarian party that insists on total control over all political resources

Military Government

an autocracy in which military officers rule, perhaps with the help of appointed civilians, but without any sort of auxiliary structure such as a political party


an ethnic minority speaking Pashto and living in northwestern Pakistan and southeastern Afghanistan

Benazir Bhutto (Sindh)

became prime minister of Pakistan in 1988. Heir to the political legacy of her father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (prime minister from 1971 to 1977), she was the first woman in modern times to head the government of an Islamic state.

Nawaz Sharif (Punjab)

became the prime minister of Pakistan in 1996


city in northeast Pakistan

Chagai 1998

codename referring to the five underground nuclear tests conducted by Pakistan. It was carried out in response to India's Operation Shakti nuclear tests on 11 and 13 May of 1998.


divide into parts, pieces, or sections


eastern Iranic ethnic group who mainly inhabit the Balochistan region. In the Punjab province of Pakistan almost 10% of peoples are Balochi.


fundamentalist Muslim group, gained power, restored order, but imposed an extreme form of Islam on Afghanistan, supported al-Qaeda.

Runoff Elections

if no candidates get a majority of the votes then the top 2 vote getters compete in another election

Zina Ordinance

intended to implement Islamic Shari'a law, by enforcing punishments mentioned in the Quran and sunnah for Zina (extramarital sex).

Tora Bora

is a cave complex situated in the White Mountains. Tora Bora was known to be an important area for the Taliban and insurgency against the Soviet Union in the 80's.

Gulbadin Hakmatyar

is an Afghan Mujahideen leader who is the founder and leader of the Hezb-e Islami political party and paramilitary group. Hekmatyar was a rebel military commander during the 1980s Soviet war in Afghanistan and was one of the key figures in the civil war that followed the Soviet withdrawal. He was Prime Minister of Afghanistan from 1993 to 1994 and again briefly in 1996.

North-West Frontier Province

is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, located in the north-west of the country. It borders Afghanistan to the north-west, Gilgit-Baltistan to the north-east, Azad Kashmir to the east, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) to the west and south, Balochistan to the south and Punjab and the Islamabad Capital Territory to the south-east.

Customary Law

law based on tradition and the customary practices of traditional societies; usually passed on orally between generations

Shalwar Kameez

long, loose shirt and trousers, worn by both men and women. Men's are all one color, with pockets in the side and on the chest. Women's are different colors and patterns, sometimes elaborately embroidered or beaded

Mohammad al-Jinnah (Sindh)

was the leader of the Muslim League

Interest aggregation

ways in which demands of citizens and groups are amalgamated into proposed policy packages (e.g., leadership, political parties, etc.

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