Part 107- Regulation

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To avoid a possible collision with a manned airplane, you estimate that your small UA climbed to an altitude greater than 600 feet AGL. To whom must you report the deviation?

Upon request of the Federal Aviation Administration. (can break rules in emergency, but upon request will need to report to the FFA)

According to 14 CFR Part 107, what is required to operate a small UA within 30 minutes after official sunset? (PI)

Use of anti-collision lights. (no training is required for twilight, only in night flying)

Whose sole task during an sUAS operation is to watch the sUAS and report potential hazards to the rest of the crew?

Visual observer. (read carefully)

Under what condition, if any, may pilots fly through a restricted area?

With the controlling agency's authorization. (According to 14 CFR 107.47, flying in restricted areas is only possible with the controlling agency's authorization.)

Unmanned aircraft means an aircraft operated

Without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft.

You acquired a Category 2 sUAS and plan to use it to record video footage at weddings. Can you legally fly over the bride/groom during a private photo session? (PI)

Yes, as long as the aircraft is listed with an FAA-accepted Declaration of Compliance.

During your preflight briefing, you realize that the visibility in your area is reported as 4 statute miles. Can you legally fly your mission?

Yes, as long as you remain 500 feet below clouds and 2000 feet horizontally away from them.

You purchased a new quadcopter that weights 0.43 lbs (195 grams) to complete roof inspections. Is this operation subject to 14 CFR Part 107?

Yes, there is no lower weight limit for operating under 14 CFR Part 107.

You have accepted football tickets in exchange for using your sUAS to videotape the field before and after the game. Is this sUAS operation subject to 14 CFR Part 107?

Yes, this sUAS operation is subject to Part 107. (gaining profit is not categorized as "flying for fun")

You plan to operate a 33 lb. sUAS to capture aerial imagery over real estate for use in sales listings. Is this sUAS operation subject to 14 CFR Part 107?

Yes, this sUAS operation is subject to Part 107. (must be less than, not equal to 55 lbs)

To be eligible to operate over human beings under Category 4 operations, the small unmanned aircraft must

be operated in accordance with the operating limitations specified in the approved Flight Manual.

You crashed your $1,200 quadcopter to the point where it cannot be repaired, you should

cancel the registration on the FAA Drone Zone. (no need to notify anyone if it was just user-error and no one was injury/property damaged)

Your company purchased a Category 3-approved sUAS. Because of time constraints, you have not been able to notify everyone on the construction site that you will be flying. What should you do? (PI)

ensure that the human beings who are not participating in the operation are under a covered structure or inside a non-moving vehicle. (construction site is already restricted access)

To conduct Category 4 operations, the RPIC must use a small UA that: (PI)

has an airworthiness certificate issued under Part 21.

You hire an German company to help you work on a technical project that requires special UAS equipment. All their aircraft are currently registered in Germany and will be flown by your team of Part 107 pilots. Can they register their UAS with the FAA Drone Zone under Part 107?

if a foreign operator, who already registered their UAS in another country, wants to operate for commercial purposes, they must register their UAS in the country in which they are eligible (Germany in this case) and obtain operating authority from the Department of Transportation

a rPIC can opperate from a moving vehicle as long as:

it is in a remote area, or sparsely populated

If two Remote Pilot in Command want to exchange control in flight, they must (PI)

maintain line of sight throughout the entire process.

A flight control failure causes your UAS to collide with the ground without damage to any other property. A report

must be made immediately to the NTSB.

To conduct Category 2 operations, the remote Pilot in Command must use a small Unmanned aircraft that (PI)

must not cause injury to a human being equivalent to 11 ft-lb of kinetic energy. (Cat 3 is 25 ft-lb)

Responsibility for collision avoidance in an alert area rests with

the Remote PIC.

A person without a Part 107 remote pilot certificate may operate an sUAS for commercial operations:

under the direct supervision of a remote Pilot in Command.

A person convicted of growing or selling marijuana can be denied application to a remote Pilot certificate for a period of? (PI)

up to 1 year after the date of final conviction. (anything related to illegal drug distribution)

The maximum speed a sUAS is allowed to fly under Part 107 is

100 mph or 87kts

Can you use binoculars to watch a drone for inspection?

14 CFR Part 107.31 states that Remote Pilot-in-command and the visual observer (if used) must be able to see the unmanned aircraft throughout the entire flight with vision that is unaided by any device other than corrective lenses.

Which Category of small unmanned aircraft must have an airworthiness certificate issued by the FAA?


You are hired by a hazardous waste company to transport a sample of their marine pollutants to a lab located 10 miles away. Your operation received a waiver to fly beyond line of sight (BVLOS) and all airspace waivers are secured. Can you complete the mission?

According to 107.36, a sUAS may not carry hazardous material

According to 14 CFR Part 48, when would a small UA owner not be permitted to register it?

According to 14 CFR Part 48.25 (b), "a small unmanned aircraft must be registered by its owner using the legal name of its owner, unless the owner is less than 13 years of age. (...)"

Can a Category 3 aircraft be flown over an open-air assembly of humans while transiting from point to point? (PI)

According to Part 107 Subpart D, a Category 3 UAS cannot be flown over open air assembly.

Personnel at an outdoor concert venue use an sUAS to drop promotional t-shirts and CDs over the audience. The drone is labeled as Category 3. Is this sUAS operation in compliance with 14 CFR Part 107? (PI)

According to Part 107 Subpart D, a Category 3 UAS cannot be flown over open air assembly.

Which of the following types of operations are excluded from the requirements in Part 107?

Aircraft for hobby use (there is no exception for sub 250g drones)

According to 14 CFR Part 48, when must a person register a small UA with the Federal Aviation Administration?

All civilian small UAs weighing greater than .55 pounds must be registered regardless of its intended use. (According to 48.15(b), aircraft operated under USC 44809 (the "recreational" rules") don't have to be registered if they weigh less than 0.55 lbs. However, any aircraft operated under Part 107 must be registered, regardless of weight.)

While operating a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS), you experience a flyaway and several people suffer injuries. Which of the following injuries requires reporting to the FAA?

An injury requiring an overnight hospital stay. (any serious injury, or making someone unconscious)

Which operations must comply with 14 CFR Part 107?

Civil operations. (NOT: public or military operations)

The consequences of refusing to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results are (PI)

Denial of an application for a period of up to 1 year or suspension/revocation of a remote pilot certificate.

Falsifying records that are required to show compliance with any requirement of Part 107 can lead to

Denial of application for Remote Pilot, waivers, or suspension/revocation, or a civil penalty.

Which of the following individuals may process an application for a Part 107 remote pilot certificate with an sUAS rating?

Designated Pilot Examiner.

The latest date to exercise the privileges of your Remote Pilot certificate was April 30th of this year. If you did not pass the recurrent aeronautical training by April 30, what must you do? (PI)

Fly as a recreational flyer until you pass the recurrent training online with the FAA.

Which of the following is permissible with authorization from the Administrator, if the sole purpose of the mission is aeronautical research.

Flying without Remote ID. (There are two categories of operations that do not require Remote ID. One is if the flight is conducted under Aeronautical Research and the other one is operations conducted by Federal agencies.) NOT: flying in a prohibited area- flying in class B airspace without ADSB-out

Under what conditions may objects be dropped from an aircraft?

If precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage to persons or property on the surface. (14 CFR 107.23(b) states no person may allow an object to be dropped from a small unmanned aircraft in a manner that creates an undue hazard to persons or property.)

What must a person, who is manipulating the controls of a small unmanned aircraft, do if the standard remote identification fails during a flight?

Land the aircraft as soon as practicable.

Standard Remote ID broadcasts which of the following information

Location and altitude of the controller. (unfortunately, can be dangerous)

You own a Category 1 sUAS and are a current Remote Pilot. You want to take videos of your friend riding her bike, while hovering over while she rides. You are on a busy sidewalk in a city park. Is this legal under Part 107? (PI)

No, the other people in the park are not on notice.

Before each flight, the Remote PIC must ensure that

Objects carried on the sUAS are secure. (do not always need ATC clearance, and the rPIC is in command, not a site supervisor)

Which of the following operations would be regulated by 14 CFR 107?

Operating your sUAS for an imagery company. (NOT regulated: recreational purposes, public operations)

In accordance with 14 CFR Part 107, you may operate an sUAS from a moving vehicle when no property is carried for compensation of hire

Over a sparsely populated area.

Which crewmember is required to be under the direct supervision of the Remote PIC when operating an sUAS?

Person manipulating the controls.

You recently renewed your certificate by taking the Recurrent Exam. While mapping a property for a client, an FAA Aviation Safety Inspector asks to see documents showing that you can legally fly your sUAS for commercial purposes. Which document will you provide?

Remote Pilot Certificate, Registration Card, and a copy of your Recurrent Written Exam results.

You passed your FAA initial written exam on September, 12 of this year. The date on your Remote Pilot certificate is October 25 of this year. What is the last day you can exercise the privileges of your Remote Pilot certificate without completing recurrent training? (PI)

September 30th, two years from this year. (According to 107.65, to maintain recency, one must, within the previous 24 calendar months, pass an initial knowledge test or recurrent training (free on the FAA website). The initial exam is the beginning of your currency date. In the meantime, you cannot exercise the privileges of your certificate. Remember that calendar months expirations are valid until the end of the month, 24 months later.)

If the Remote PIC is supervising a non-rated pilot, he/she must be able to immediately take direct control of the sUAS. This can be accomplished via which method? (PI)

Standing next to the non-rated pilot and be ready to take over the controls, - Use a "buddy box" system with two controllers, - Use an automated system that the rPIC can trigger to place the aircraft into a safe mode

Where must a small unmanned aircraft's serial number be listed when using STANDARD remote identification?

The Certificate of Aircraft Registration. When registering your aircraft with the FAA (on the FAA DroneZone), you will also enter your Remote ID serial number. "Document of Compliance" is not a real term. "Method of Compliance" is the paperwork the manufacturer will submit to the FAA to get approval for a specific drone. It does not require the serial number.

When can ADSB-Out be used on small Unmanned Aircraft?

The FAA does not allow the use of ADSB-out at all for sUAS. This is a technology reserved for manned aircraft.

What source should a remote pilot use to determine if a drone or module is remote ID compliant?

The FAA's DOC list. NOT- FAA drone zone- the manufacturers website

What are the requirements to become a Remote Pilot?

The applicant must be at least 16 years old.- speak and understand english

Who is responsible for ensuring an aircraft meets the remote ID broadcast requirements?

The operator of the aircraft. NOT- owner of aircraft- manufactuerer

Who must retain maintenance records of category 4 aircraft? (PI)

The owner of the aircraft. (cat 4 requires a lot of upkeep and maintenance records)

According to 14 CFR Part 107, how may a remote pilot operate an unmanned aircraft in Class C airspace?

The remote pilot must have prior authorization from the Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility having jurisdiction over that airspace. (cannot operate in controlled airspace)

It is possible for two remote Pilot in Command to transfer the controls as long as (PI)

They can maintain line of sight and without loss of control.

During a night flight, you realize that the strobe light on your UAS is making it difficult to discern an obstacle near you. What should you do? (PI)

Turn down the intensity of the light (According to 107.29 you may reduced the light intensity if the PIC determines that it would be in the interest of safety to do so.)

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