Parts of the nose restorative art
A single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the superciliary arches in the inferior part of the frontal bone above the root of the nose.
Straight nose
Also called a Grecian nose. It is straight from root to tip.
Dome over the nasal cavity. Point of greatest projection. The arched portion of the nose supported by the nasal bones.
How many parts of the nose does the dorsum include?
Four- root, bridge, protruding lobe, tip
Lateral lobes of the nose. The widest part of the nose bordered by the nasal sulcus and the anterior nares.
Sides of the nose
Lateral walls of the nose located between the wings of the nose and bridge. They recede laterally from the dorsum.
convex nose
Roman, aquiline or hooked. Curved, as the beak of an eagle, a nose that has a hook as seen from a profile; may exhibit a hump in the bridge.
concave nose
Snub, pug, infantine, or retrousse. Characterized by a dip in the bridge and turned up at the end.
What are some associated structures with the nose?
The Nasolabial fold and the nasal sulcus
The anterior protruding ridge of the nose extending from root to tip, it includes the bridge
root of the nose
The apex (top) of the pyramidal mass of the nose which lies directly inferior to the forehead. The concave dip inferior to the forehead
Nasal bones
The paired nasal bones are inferior to the glabella, forming a dome over the superior portion of the nasal cavity.
What is the greatest protrusion of the nose?
The tip
WHat is the widest part of your nose?
The wings
What is a deviated septum?
When the septum of the nose is not completely straight and it deviates to one side or the other
White elastic substance that attaches to the ends of bones
a nasal classification which is medium broad and medium-low bridged; common to individuals of Asian descent
a nasal classification which is short and broad and has the minimum of projection; common to individuals of African descent.
a nasal index common to individuals of Western European descent having a long, narrow, and high-bridge.
anterior nares
external nostril openings
Major cartilages of nose
septum (1), lateral cartilages (2 superior, 2 inferior)
Columna nasi
the fleshy termination of the nasal septum at the base of the nose; located between the nostrils; the most inferior part of the mass of the nose
Nasal cavity
the orifice in the bony face bounded by the margins of the nasal bones and the maxilla
Protruding lobe of the nose
the rounded, anterior projection of the tip of the nose
Nasal spine of the maxilla
the sharp, bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of the nasal cavity. This indicates the bony length of the nose