Pathology FSE-214-0904 Final

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A. Achromatopsia

A "big box" black and white tv from the days of old would have what structural abnormality if it were human A. Achromatopsia B. Occulta C. Amelia D. Aplasia

D. Hemolytic disorders

Blood disorders are divided into 1 of 3 categories. Which is not one A. Diseases of red blood cells B. Diseases of white blood cells C. Bleeding disorders D. Hemolytic disorders


Crohn's disease is commonly known as... A. IBS B. Colitis C. Enteritis D. Appendicitis

A. True

Dermoid cyst is a common cyst found in the walls of ovary that contain greasy material produced by sebaceous glands A. True B. False

A. 5

How many stages does a bedsore have? A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2

E. Calcium

Hyperparathyoidism increases the level of what in the blood? A. Sodium B. Potassium C. Water D. Chloride E. Calcium

A. Oxygen

If you did not know the definition of a term, one could break the word down into its component parts. Using this technique, a young scientist who lost his Tabor's Cyclopedic Dictionary could reason that "hypoxia" is most closely associated with A. Oxygen B. Blood C. Fat D. Excess amounts

A. True

Longevity refers to the absolute biological limits that a human can survive. A. True B. False

A. Atelectasis

Presence of any substance in the pleural cavity puts pressure on the lungs and make them collapse, a condition with the term___ A. Atelectasis B. Hemothorax C. Tuberculosis D. Empyema E. Urethritis

A. Dehydration and edema

Which postmortem condition is NOT associated with respiratory disorders? A. Dehydration and edema B. Cyanosis C. Emaciation and cavitation D. Hemorrhage and hydrothorax

A. Cavitation

Which postmortem condition is NOT associated with urinary disorders? A. Cavitation B. Edema C. Uremia D. Dehydration

A. Angiomas

Which tumor is comprised of vessels and can be located anywhere in the body A. Angiomas B. Chondromas C. Papillomas D. Rhabdomyomas

C. Hemorrhoids

Formation of varicose veins in the rectum are called___ A. Hernia B. Ulcer C. Hemorrhoids D. Hernia

B. False

Gingivitis is the decaying of the teeth A. True B. False

B. False

Goiter is the decrease in size of thyroid gland that may be caused by the deficiency of iodine in the body. A. True B. False

B. False

Gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, and HIV are sexually transmitted diseases that are caused by viruses and that is why they are difficult to control. A. True B. False

A. Cyanosis and odor

What postmortem condition is NOT associated with digestive disorders? A. Cyanosis and odor B. Ascites C. Rapid decomposition D. Rapid coagulation of blood

A. Result in vascular damage that impede introduction of embalming fluid

Why would diseases of the heart and blood vessels be of particular concern to the embalmer A. Result in vascular damage that impede introduction of embalming fluid B. Rise in heart-related deaths nation wide will increase business at the firm C. Nature of these diseases for the use of PPE D. There is no concern

B. Cushing's disease

___ is a common form of hyperadrenalism in which the control of body's water and salt level is affected. A. Addison's disease B. Cushing's disease C. Hyperthyroidism D. Waterhouse-Friederichsen syndrome E. Myxedema

D. Scoliosis

___ is a developmental disorder in which the spinal cord contains an abnormal curvature A. Osteomyelitis B. Osteoporosis C. Osteomalacia D. Scoliosis E. Osteoarthritis

B. Osteosarcoma

___ is a malignant tumor of bones. A. Osteoma B. Osteosarcoma C. Osteomalacia D. Osteoporosis

D. Cryptoorchidism

___ is the condition in males when the testes do not descend down to the scrotum before birth A. Paresis B. Vaginitis C. Orchitis D. Cryptoorchidism

E. Emphysema

___is not infection but is long term chronic deterioration and destruction of lung tissue A. Cystic fibrosis B. Tuberculosis C. Lung asscess D. Rhinitis E. Emphysema

A. Prevent swelling in the head while embalming by using a specific injection technique

A "Head Freeze" is a technique used to A. Prevent swelling in the head while embalming by using a specific injection technique B. Capture the last facial expression of the victim by shooting him in the forehead unexpectedly C. Snort cocaine so fast that it feels like the "Brain Freeze" children get after gulping a slurpee D. Reattach the head of a decapitated car accident victim

A. A form of regeneration

A blizzard loses its tail in a horrific garden accident. The process of the lizard regrowing it's tail is an example of A. A form of regeneration B. Physiological hyperplasia C. Normal hypertrophy D. Pathological hyperplasia

B. Comminuted

A fracture in which a bone is crushed or splintered is called... A. Compound B. Comminuted C. Greenstick D. Complete E. Partial

A. Compensatory hyperplasia

A human body has the ability to regrow some internal organs that have been reduced in size, often from surgery. The spontaneous regeneration of such organs is an example of A. Compensatory hyperplasia B. Physiological hyperplasia C. Normal hypertrophy D. Pathological hyperplasia

A. Purulent inflammation

A large puss-filled knot or lesion on your body is an example of A. Purulent inflammation B. Serous inflammation C. Fibrinous inflammation D. Granulomatous inflammation

A. True

A tumor can still be malignant even if it ends in the suffix -oma A. True B. False

A. True

According to the CDC, there are over 1 billion colds in the US each year caused by over 200 different viruses. A. True B. False

A. Regressive cellular change

Cellular swelling, fatty degeneration and amyloid degeneration are 3 examples of A. Regressive cellular changes B. Hypertrophy C. Necrosis D. Adaptive responses

A. True

Endogenous (internal) pigmentation could refer to the discoloration of blood pigment caused by a bruise on the skin A. True B. False

B. Endometriosis

Endrometrial tissue is the tissue present in the lining of the uterus but when it is found elsewhere it causes problems such as pain, swelling, and bleeding. This condition is called... A. Eclampsia B. Endometriosis C. Ascites D. Endometritis

B. False

Exogenous (external) pigmentation refers to the change in color of the skin resulting from a very bad sunburn A. True B. False

A. Dehydration B. Rapid blood coagulation D. Rapid decomposition

For an embalmer, infections of the digestive system can lead to several problems, such as... (select all) A. Dehydration B. Rapid blood coagulation C. Spread of the disease D. Rapid decomposition E. Choice of chemicals

A. Encephalitis is caused by a virus; Hydrocephalus is not.

Hydrocephalus and encephalitis both cause swelling of the brain. What is the primary difference between the two? A. Encephalitis is caused by a virus. Hydrocephalus is not. B. The damage is caused in 2 different parts of the brain C. Encephalitis can be shunted away. Hydrocephalus cannot. D. Hydrocephalus has 2 forms. Encephalitis has only 1

B. Osteoporosis

In this condition, bones become porous, brittle, and have a tendency to break easily. A. Osteomyelitis B. Osteoporosis C. Osteomalacia D. Scoliosis E. Osteoarthritis

A. Nosocomial infections

Infections you catch in the hospital are called A. Nosocomial infections B. Idiopathic infections C. Healthier infections D. Sporadic infections

A. Lobar pneumonia

Inflammation that affects the lobes of the lungs is called___ A. Lobar pneumonia B. Viral pneumonia C. Bronchial pneumonia D. Emphysema

Stab wound - Incision Blunt force trauma - Laceration Close range gunshot wound - Wide zone of powder stippling Langer's lines - Similar to a grain of wood

Match Stab wound, Blunt force trauma, Close range gunshot wound, and Langer's lines A. Wide zone of powder stippling B. Laceration C. Similar to the grain of wood D. Incision

A. The black tarry stool caused by the digestion of blood in the gastrointestinal tract

Melena is A. The black tarry stool caused by the digestion of blood in the gastrointestinal tract B. The degree of pigmentation found in a persons epidermis C. What give color to ecchymosis D. Related to the petechiae that indicate breaks in the capillaries that lead to superficial bleeding

B. False

SIDs is often caused by structural abnormalities and birth defects A. True B. False

A. True

Skin infections due to fungi are known as dermatomycoses A. True B. False

A. dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater

The brain and spinal cord are protected by 3 layers of protective membranes called the meninges. These meninges are; A. dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater B. dura mater, arachnoid mater, and epidural mater C. dura mater, extra dural mater, and pia mater D. neural mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater

A. Greenstick

The classification of bone fracture that is characterized by a break that does not include the entire bone is... A. Greenstick B. Green Piece C. Closed D. Colles

B. False

The end result of cremation would be a 3rd degree burn. A. Ture B. False

B. False

The nervous system is divided into 2 parts, central nervous system and anatomical nervous system A. True B. False

A. Pitting edema

The ring around your calf that you get upon taking your socks off is an example of A. Pitting edema B. Hyperemia C. Exsanguination of the distal tibia D. Hypoxia

A. Forensic pathology

The type of pathological study one would typically see on a crime drama on TV would be A. Forensic pathology B. Medicolegal pathology C. Gross pathology D. Special Investigative pathology

A. Hemophilia

This blood disease is characterized by having a lack of clotting factors that stop bleeding A. Hemophilia B. Purpura C. Thrombocytopenia D. Polycythemia Vera

A. Sickle cell anemia

This hereditary blood disorder primarily affects people of color A. Sickle Cell Anemia B. Pernicious Anemia C. Anemia D. Race-based anemia

C. Cerebral Palsy

This nervous system disease is not caused by any infection and is not progressive in nature and is found in children. A. Parkinson's B. Crutzfeldt-Jakob C. Cerebral Palsy D. Alzheimer's E. Multiple sclerosis

B. Epidural

Trauma to the head may result into cerebral hemorrhage which are often categorized based on where they occur in relation to the meninges. The hemorrhage that occurs outside of the dura is called _____ A. Sub-arachnoid B. Epidural C. Sub-dural D. Meningitis

B. Hypoplasia

Underdevelopment of the kidney is called___ A. Calculitis B. Hypoplasia C. Ureteritis D. Polycystic kidney E. Acute kidney failure

A. Excess of bilirubin

What causes jaundice? A. Excess of bilirubin B. Excess of biliverdin C. Cat scratch fever D. Cirrhosis

A. Osteoporosis

What disease would an astronaut most likely acquire over time during his journey that would be in common with an earth-bound post-menopausal woman of 70? A. Osteoporosis B. Osteomyelitis C. Osteomalacia D. Osteoarthritis

A. Anasarca

What is NOT a postmortem condition associated with the disturbance in circulation A. Anasarca B. Edema C. Dehydration D. Rapid dehydration

A. Look at the suffix of the tumor in questions

What is a very simple way of knowing if a tumor is malignant or benign A. Look at the suffix of the tumor B. Research the full definitions in the medical dictionary C. Determine what part of the body the tumor affects D. Evaluate the postmortem conditions associated with it

A. Bright's disease

What is the ancient, outdated term for kidney disease that is no longer in use today? A. Bright's disease B. UTI C. Renal disease D. Kidney stones

A. Benign enlarged prostates are not cancerous

What is the difference between general benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer? A. Benign enlarged prostates are not cancerous B. Prostate cancer pushes against the abdominal wall causing a hernia C. Benign hyperplasia presses against the bladder D. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is detected through a digital rectal exam; prostate cancer is detected through blood antigens

A. None

What is the major difference between a broken bone and a fractured bone? A. None B. A broken bone is a simple fracture, a fractured bone is a compound fracture C. The location of the bone break D. The classification of the bone break

A. Weakness in the muscle wall that contains the affected organ

What is the primary cause of hernias A. Weakness in the muscle wall that contains the affected organ B. Cystic Fibrosis C. A malformation D. Phocomelia

A. Hydrocele is a congenital defect. Orchitis occurs post-birth

What is the primary difference between Orchitis and Hydrocele? A. Hydrocele is a congenital defect. Orchitis occurs post-birth B. The location of the inflammation C. The number of females affected in the population D. The onset of hydrocele is acute, while the onset of orchitis is chronic

A. Rheumatoid is a chronic autoimmune disease; Osteo is degenerative and genetic

What is the primary difference between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis? A. Rheumatoid is a chronic autoimmune disease; Osteo is degenerative and genetic B. Osteo results from lifestyle activities, not aging C. Rheumatoid inflames joints as does Osteo D. Osteo leads to psoriatic arthritis while rheumatoid leads to bursitis

A. Endometritis is primarily due to bacterial infection

What is the primary difference between endometriosis and endocervicitis? A. Endometritis is primarily due to bacterial infection B. The location of the inflammation C. The location of the inflammation: ovary vs vagina D. The location of the inflammation: cervix vs Fallopian tube

A. Eclampsia is characterized by severe agitation and seizures

What is the primary difference between pre-eclampsia and eclampsia? A. Eclampsia is characterized by severe agitation and seizures B. The causes of both are unknown C. Pre-eclampsia can progress into eclampsia during the pregnancy D. Eclampsia lines the uterus. Pre-eclampsia lines the urinary tract

A. To isolate contaminates within the injury site from other body parts

What is the underlying purpose of vasoconstriction relative to inflammation A. To isolate contaminates within the injury site from other body parts B. To slow your heart rate by limiting the flow of blood to the affected area C. Reduce swelling in the affected area D. To achieve a state of resolution

A. Edema

What postmortem condition is NOT associated with disorders of the integument? A. Edema B. Discoloration C. Dehydration D. Pigmentation or depigmentation

A. Discoloration

What postmortem condition is NOT associated with disorders of the lymphatic system? A. Discoloration B. Edema C. Emaciation D. Metastasis

A. Dehydration

What postmortem conditions are NOT associated with endocrine gland disorders? A. Dehydration B. Edema C. Deformities D. Discoloration

A. Lymphangitis

Which of the following disorders is characterized by red streaks extending from the infected space or groin? A. Lymphangitis B. Lymphoma C. Lymphadenopathy D. Tonsillitis

A. Aldosterone

Which of the following is not associated with hypoparathyroidism? A. Aldosterone B. Chvostek's sign C. Trousseau's sign D. Tetany

A. A gumma

Which of the following lesions is indicative of the tertiary stage of syphilis? A. A gumma B. A chancre C. A red rash of the soles of the feet D. A cold sore

A. Splenomegaly

Which of the following may occur in cases of sickle cell anemia? A. Splenomegaly B. The Bookies C. Vitiligo D. Lymphangitis

A. Cushing's syndrome

Which of the following results from an excess of the hormone cortisol? A. Cushing's syndrome B. Addison's disease C. Graves' disease D. Down syndrome

A. Neurotropic

Which of these diseases would relate to the nervous system? A. Neurotropic B. Immunologic C. Ectopic D. Osteoporotic

A. Atrial septal defect

Which type of heart disease cause too much blood to pass from the heart into the lungs and results in the "baby blue" effect A. Atrial septal defect B. Hypertensive heart disease C. Rheumatic heart disease D. SIDs

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