Paul Helton Abnormal Psych Final

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Which of the following is an example of the treatment technique for OCD called exposure and response prevention?

Carrie has an obsessive fear of contamination, which has led to compulsive hand-washing rituals. Her therapist is treating her by making her touch dirty laundry but not allowing her to wash for increasingly longer periods of time afterward.

Illness anxiety disorder is also known as (and previously listed in the DSM as)


In terms of the level of support that will be necessary for a child with autism, which factor is used as a predictor to determine the prognosis?


Which of the following is a risk associated with misdiagnosing children with bipolar disorder, when in fact they have attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Medications for bipolar disorder are very potent and have serious side effects

Which of the following individuals is most likely to be diagnosed with a paraphilic disorder?

Mr. B, who is sexually aroused by touching strangers on the subway

Extrapyramidal symptoms, serious side effects of antipsychotic medications that occur in some patients with schizophrenia, are similar to the symptoms of

Parkinson's disease

Intellectual disability is defined as

Significantly below-average intellectual ability and adaptive functioning.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about alcoholism?

The factors that determine a drinker's susceptibility to alcoholism are not yet known.

Which of the following accurately describes the attitudes of the Catholic Church toward mentally ill people during the turbulent political and religious events of the 14th and 15th centuries?

They were seen as possessed by evil spirits and blamed for all misfortunes

Which of the following is an accurate statement about factors affecting treatment for PTSD?

Victims of PTSD often repress memories of the traumatic event.

The clinical efficacy axis of the clinical practice guidelines established by the American Psychological Association in 1995 was designed to answer the question,

What kind of research should be done to determine the type of clinician best suited for particular patients in terms of their diagnosis and chronicity?"

Which of the following statements is true regarding body fat in those with bulimia nervosa?

Women with bulimia tend to have more body fat than those without the disorder

In the type of specific phobia called "blood-injury-injection," there is an inherited vasovagal response and a tendency to faint due to

a decrease in blood pressure

Symptoms of severe depression are generally NOT considered a psychological disorder when they are associated with

a grief reaction

The experience of dissociation (feelings of unreality; blunting of emotional experience and physical pain) during or immediately following a life-threatening situation is

a normal reaction

A predictor of which patients will suffer from chronic pain is

a profile of negative emotions

In 1989, Abramson and his colleagues revised Seligman's theory of learned helplessness, changing the focus from specific attributions to ________ as the crucial factor in depression.

a sense of hopelessness

Research studies have found that generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is most common among

adults over 45 years old

Which of the following would NOT be an example of an OCD-related behavioral compulsion?


Schizophrenia appears to be more frequently diagnosed in minorities in a number of countries. An explanation for this is:

all of the above

The cause for somatic symptom and related disorders is most likely

all of the above

In the diagnosis of insomnia, the clinician takes into account several factors, one of which is the patient's

amount of sleep time that the patient believes is appropriate.

Cataplexy, as experienced by patients with narcolepsy, can be characterized by

any or all of these

Tamara gave birth to a healthy child four days ago. Now she is tearful and having mood swings. Fortunately, these symptoms disappeared relatively quickly. Tamara was probably suffering from

baby blues

According to the text, the overdose of which of the following drugs is a common means of suicide?


Emotion is generally thought to be comprised of

behavior, physiology, and cognition

Of the following, the most accurate statement with regard to the treatment of avoidant personality disorder is that

behavioral intervention programs for anxiety and social skills have had some success.

A controlled research study investigating the effects of a cognitive-behavioral treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome resulted in improvement in

both a and b

In the latter half of the 20th century, the routine institutionalization of patients with schizophrenia was significantly reduced because of

both a and b

One reason that different diagnostic criteria are used for males and females with inhibited orgasm disorder is

both are reasons: that the disorder is relatively rare in men, and that only about 20 percent of women regularly experience orgasm from intercourse

Papaverine and prostaglandin, which are vasodilating drugs used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, are delivered to the patient

by injection directly into the penis!!

The part of the brain that controls motor coordination is the


Treatment effectiveness studies of Masters and Johnson's sensate focus therapy have indicated that

certain aspects of the treatment, such as two therapists and daily therapy, are not necessary.

Since heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, it is very important, in terms of prevention, to determine if

changes in behavior, lifestyle, and attitude can prevent heart attacks

Many clinicians suggest that the most difficult part of treatment for anorexia nervosa, and the part of treatment where many people with anorexia nervosa are not successful, is

changing their attitudes regarding body and self-image

Research-based evidence in the form of recommendations on how to treat a particular psychological disorder are called

clinical practice guidelines.

A researcher studying the effect of a dietary supplement on sleep finds that research participants who take the supplement sleep an average of 7 hours and 25 minutes per night, while participants who were given a placebo pill with no active ingredients in it sleep for an average of 7 hours and 20 minutes. These findings are likely

clinically insignificant.

The fact that people who have unrealistic expectations, such as "I must sleep a full eight hours every night, or I will be unable to function," are more likely to experience insomnia suggests that insomnia is at least partially influenced by


What is one advantage of the categorical system over the dimensional system when it comes to classifying and diagnosing personality disorders?


Conversion disorder patients were conceptualized by Freud as

converting unconscious conflicts into physical symptoms

It is important to understand the process of how learned helplessness is created in laboratory animals because learned helplessness in animals resembles the human disorder of


Research findings have suggested that it might not be the stressful event itself that affects immune system functioning but rather the accompanying


Comparisons of optical functioning in the various personalities of dissociative identity disorder patients show changes that would be

difficult to fake

One of the major differences between individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder is that patients with the personality disorder generally

do not have obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

In order to be diagnosed with ADHD, ________ must be present.

either a pattern of inattention or a pattern of hyperactivity and impulsivity

The antidepressant medication lithium is also referred to as a mood stabilizer because it

helps to prevent manic episodes.

Angus had been "hooked" for a while before he decided to "go clean." Within 6 to 12 hours, he started to experience excessive yawning, nausea and vomiting, chills, muscle aches, diarrhea, and insomnia. His behavior disrupted his work and social relationships. These symptoms persisted for three days. After a week, he felt better. Angus is probably withdrawing from


The conflicting interests over civil commitment were illustrated by the 1988 case of Joyce Brown, a homeless woman diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, who was

hospitalized involuntarily.

Some patients with schizophrenia are helped to function better in the community via independent living skills programs that teach them all of the following EXCEPT

how to help others who are mentally ill

In the classic case of Anna O. in 1895, neurologist Josef Breuer treated her "hysterical" symptoms by using


The negative symptom of schizophrenia called avolition is defined as

inability to initiate and persist in activities.

One of the contributing factors in the developmental history of individuals with antisocial personality disorder appears to be that their parents were more likely to have utilized

inconsistent discipline

The public perception that people with mental illness "beat the rap" as a result of being judged NGRI is


Clifton had been experiencing a number of psychological issues, so he decided to go to a psychiatrist to see what was wrong. Dr. A told him he had major depressive disorder. He decided to seek a second opinion. Dr. B diagnosed him with generalized anxiety disorder. Wanting yet another opinion, he went to Dr. C, who told him he was obsessive-compulsive. This demonstrates poor

inter-rater reliability

Samantha started having difficulty falling asleep during final exam week. Although exams are over, she now starts to worry about sleep right after dinner. Even the sight of her bed makes her very anxious. The fact that Samantha's insomnia continues long after the stress of exams is over points to the role of ________ in the maintenance of sleep disorders.


In the diathesis-stress model, "stress" refers to

life events, in combination with an inherited tendency, that trigger the onset of a disorder

The two most frequently used methods in prevention research for examining psychopathology across time are

longitudinal and cross-sectional.

One reason that cross-sectional studies are more common than longitudinal studies is the fact that

longitudinal studies take many years to complete.

According to your textbook, the main reason that we do not have sufficient research examining the development of personality disorders is that

many individuals do not seek treatment in the early phases of these disorders.

Recent evidence regarding genetic influence on most psychological disorders has shown that

multiple genes interact, with each gene contributing a small effect

Which of the following is true regarding the ways that drugs affect neurotransmitters?

neither a nor b

?Currently, scientists' main focus in developing biological treatments for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is geared towards?

not "Finding pharmacological treatments for the core neurobiological deficits in autism" so just pick a random one

All of the following are common disorders tend to be comorbid with borderline personality disorder EXCEPT

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

In recent years, a trend of ______________ children with bipolar disorder has become problematic.


All of the following are necessary conditions for the diagnosis of a personality disorder EXCEPT

patient feelings of distress

All of the following are typical behaviors for children with autism EXCEPT

performing complex math calculations that appear well beyond their abilities.

The most common of all the male sexual dysfunctions is

premature ejaculation

Emily created an assessment that asks individuals to describe emotions elicited by geometric shapes and draws conclusions from the content of these descriptions. This assessment belongs in the category of

projective tests

AIDS is directly affected by stress. Stress may negatively affect the immune system, thereby promoting the deadly progression of the disease. This is an example of

psychological factors influencing biological processes.

Humanistic therapists regard ________ as the single most positive influence in facilitating human growth.

relationships (including the therapeutic relationship)

When individuals with dependent personality disorder are in therapy, they are

seemingly "model" patients.

In behavioral terms, drugs like aspirin are considered negative reinforcers because they

stop a person from feeling pain.

Vanessa, who is 40, apparently believes that she is a 20-year-old woman. Suddenly, however, she starts to speak and behave very differently, and says she no longer thinks of herself as "Vanessa." Instead, she claims to be Elise, a 10-year-old child. It is likely that Vanessa has just experienced a


The medications that are generally used to treat ADHD have proven particularly helpful to most patients in

temporarily reducing hyperactivity and impulsivity and/or improving concentration.

Enkephalins and endorphins are natural opioids found in

the brain

Which of the goals of deinstitutionalization have been accomplished?

the closing of large psychiatric hospitals

In an experiment by Kolb, Gibb, and Gorny (2003), animals of varying ages were placed in complex environments. Their findings suggest that

the impact of the environment on the brain is different at varying stages of life

The integration of both positive and negative reinforcement in explaining why the "crash" that follows the initial euphoria of drug use is not a deterrent to further drug use is called

the opponent-process theory

Estimates regarding the prevalence of AIDS in southern Africa indicate that

the percent of the adult population that are HIV positive comprises two-thirds of the cases worldwide.

When we compare the incidence of psychological disorders across countries and cultures, we find that

there are enormous differences in the rates of various disorders in different countries and cultures.

The specific treatment found effective in the treatment of female orgasmic disorder is

training in masturbatory procedures

When a control group is used in experimental research, the members of the control group will be treated exactly the same as the

treatment group, except that they will not be exposed to the independent variable.

The famous case of the Genain sisters, identical quadruplets all diagnosed with schizophrenia, points out that siblings raised in the same household may experience their environment very differently, a concept called a(n)

unshared environment

The term "hysteria" derives from the Greek hysteron, which means


Two common medical causes of erectile dysfunction, in addition to kidney disease,are

vascular disease and diabetes

All of the following side effects EXCEPT ________ are associated with the medications Ritalin and Concerta, used to treat ADHD.

weight gain

From a physiological perspective, the reason that a nicotine addict smokes cigarettes frequently throughout the day is to prevent withdrawal symptoms, which include all of the following EXCEPT

weight loss

A new research study is published and becomes the "hot story" in the news today. This story concerns you because the researchers report that they are the first scientists to find a higher incidence of depression in individuals who are taking a particular vitamin—the same vitamin that your physician has had you taking for years. While this may be cause for you to investigate further, you probably shouldn't panic, because

without replication, the finding could just be due to coincidence.

The first major consideration on the clinical utility axis is feasibility, which asks all of the following questions EXCEPT,

"Has research shown the treatment to be effective?"

In the general population, approximately ________ percent of people have specific fears severe enough to be diagnosed as phobias.


As an example of a behavioral pattern that leads to illness and death, smoking has been estimated to cause approximately ____ percent of all deaths.


Putname et al. (1986) examined 100 cases of dissociative identity disorder, and found that ________ percent of the subjects had experienced significant trauma.


Which of the following prevention strategies looks promising for children who are at risk for later antisocial personality disorder?

A training program for parents of toddlers (ages 11⁄2 to 21⁄2 years)

The phenomenon known as "isolated sleep paralysis" is most likely to occur in ________ who suffer from panic disorder.

African Americans

Which of the teenage girls described below is at greatest risk for developing an eating disorder?

Alice is currently on a diet; her friends also diet aggressively

Down syndrome predisposes the individual to developing

Alzheimer's disease.

Regarding Beck's views on depression, which of the following definitions of cognitive errors and negative schema is NOT correct?

Arbitrary inference means that a depressed individual emphasizes the positive rather than the negative aspects of a situation.

Which of the following is the most likely model to explain the cause of borderline personality disorder?

Biological predisposition interacting with life events such as childhood trauma and later life stressors

Which of the following is(are) the primary issue(s) in mental health law today?

Both a and b

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