pelvis and hip

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iliolumbar ligament

-between T.P. of L4-5 vertbrae and posterior iliac crest -stabilizing L4-5 -deep to thoracolumbar aponeurosis, multifidi muscles, and quadrates lumborum M.

sacrotuberous ligament

-between ischial tuberosity and edge of sacrum -deep to gluteus Maximus M. -about one inch wide and inflexible

function of trochanteric bursa

-reduce friction between greater trochanter and gluteus Maximus M. -other bursa around greater trochanter also reduces friction of the gluteus medium and minimus M's.

inguinal ligament

-superficial between ASIS and pubic tubercle -superior border of the femoral -triangle and lower edge of abdominal aponeurosis -part of attachment site of external oblique muscle

posterior sacroiliac ligaments

-superficial to sacroiliac jt -supports union of posterior sacrum and ilium -oblique fibers with several sections between the sacrum and area around the PSIS -deep to thoraculumbar aponeurosis

muscles that May Assist on the Coxal or Hip joint flexion

Adductor Magnus: anterior fibers Gluteus Medius: anterior fibers

action piriformis

ER coxal JT

what primary muscles use extension on the Coxal or Hip joint?

Gluetues maximus- all fibers Biceps femurs long head semitendinosus semimembranosus

assist action semimembranosus

IR coxal JT

from the location of the axis motion on the piriformis M. what is the degree must it be in order to change the Rotation at the coxal JT.

IR of coxal JT at >90 degrees of hip flexion

assist action semitendinosus M.

IR the coxal JT

what is another name for lateral fascia?

Iliotibial band

what are the "Borders" of the Femoral Triangle?

Inguinal ligament top Sartorius Adductor Longus

what is another name for the Anterior Border of the Tibia?

Pes Anserine

what primary muscles use flexion on the Coxal or Hip joint?

Psoas major Iliacus Tensor Fasciae Latae Sartorius Rectus Femoris Gluteus Minimus Adductor Longus Pectineus Adductor Brevis

primary action of gluteus minimus

abduct and IR

primary action of the gluteus medius of all fibers

abduct coxal JT

may assist Gemellus inferior

abducting flexed thigh

may assist Gemellus superior

abducting flexed thigh

may assist obturator internus

abducting flexed thigh

may assist piriformis

abducting flexed thigh extension of coxal JT

action adductor brevis

adduct coxal joint; flex coxal joint

action pectineus

adduct coxal joint; flex coxal joint

action on both fibers at adductor magnus

adduct coxal jt

action adductor longus

adduction of coal joint; flex coxal joint

action gracilis

adduction of coal joint; flex knee ( tibiofemoral JT)

may assist obturator externus

adduction of coxal jt

what muscles are adductor group?

adductor Magnus adductor longus adductor brevis pectineus gracilis

what primary M. use adduction on the coxal or hip joint?

adductor Magnus adductor longus adductor brevis pectineus gracilis

what May Assist muscles use extension on the Coxal or Hip joint?

adductor Magnus: posterior fibers gluteus medius: posterior fibers piriformis: at <90 degrees of hip flexion

what are the motions of the pelvis with regards to one or more hip joints being in weight bearing?

anterior and posterior pelvic tilt lateral tilt forward and backward rotation

insertion gluteus minimus

anterior border of greater trochanter of the femur and the hip JT capsule

ligaments at the pelvis

anterior longitudinal ligament anterior sacroiliac ligament posterior sacroiliac ligament sacrospinous ligament sacroturberous ligament inguinal ligament pubic symphysis obturator membrane

origin tensor fasciae latae

anterior part of the external lip of the iliac crest outer surface of the anterosuperior iliac spine and deep surface of the fascia lata

what are the motions of the pelvis and hip in R LE WB( L LE NWB) and upright posture

anterior pelvic tilt> hip flexion posterior pelvic tilt> hip extension lateral pelvic tilt(drop on LT side)> RT hip adduction lateral pelvic tilt (hike on LT side)> RT hip abduction forward ROT. of LT side> RT hip IR backward ROT. of LT side> RT hip ER

what are the motions of the pelvis and lumbar spine in R LE WB (L LE NWB) and upright posture?

anterior pelvic tilt> increased lordosis of L spine posterior pelvic tilt> decreased lordosis of L spine lateral pelvic tilt(drop on LT side)> LT lateral sideband of L spine

origin sartorius

anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and superior half of the notch just distal to the spine

origin Piriformis

anterior surface of sacrum

origin adductor longus

anterior surface of the pubis at the junction of the crest and the symphysis

assisting actions of the upper fibers of gluteus Maximus

assist to abduct coxal JT; helps to stabilize knee in Exentsion through ITB

assisting actions of the lower fibers of gluteus maximus

assist to adduct coxal JT

where is the location of the iliotibial band?

between the tubercle of the iliac crest and the lateral condyle of the tibia B.

what Assisting muscles use external or lateral ROT. action on the Coxal or Hip joint?

biceps femoris long head psoas major Iliacus

anteriorly pelvic rotation on the left side goes what direction?

clockwise rotation

anteriorly pelvic rotation on the right side goes what direction?

counterclockwise rotation

insertion adductor brevis

distal 2/3 pectineal line and proximal half of the medial lip of liner aspera of the femur bone

origin of the long head at the biceps femoris M.

distal part of the sacrotuberous ligament and posterior part of the tuberosity of the ischium

action of the long head at the biceps femoris

extend coxal JT

primary action of all fibers of the gluteus Maximus

extend, externally ROT. Coxal JT

may assist action on gluteus medius on the posterior fibers

extension of coxal JT

may assist action of adductor Magnus posterior fibers

extension of the coxal jt

what is deep and covers a certain region of the leg?

extensive deep Fascia Lata covers gluteal region a thigh like sleeve

may assist action with origin fixed of psoas major

external ROT. and abduction of coxal JT

what is the proximal attachment at the Fascia Lata?

external lip of iliac crest sacrum and coccyx sacroturberous ligament ischial tuberosity ischiopubic rami inguinal ligament

origin gluteus minimus

external surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines and margin of greater sciatic notch

origin of the gluteus medius

external surface of the ilium bone, between the iliac crest and posterior gluteal line dorsally, and the anterior gluteal line ventrally, and gluteal aponeurosis

origin Gemellus superior

external surface of the spine of the ischium

primary action of gluteus medius on the posterior fibers

externally ROT Coxal JT

action obturator externus

externally rot. coal jt

assist action of the long head at the biceps femoris

externally rot. coxal JT

action Gemellus inferior

externally rotate coxal JT

action Gemellus superior

externally rotate coxal JT

action quadratus femoris

externally rotate coxal JT

may assist action iliacus

externally rotate coxal JT abduction coxal JT

action Obturator internus

externally rotate coxal JT;

what is in the "Inside" of the Femoral Triangle?

femoral N., A., V. Inguinal lymph nodes great saphenous V.

innervation sartorius

femoral N., L 2 *, 3 *, (4)

innervation iliacus

femoral N., L(1), 2*, 3*, 4

innervation pectineus

femoral and obturator N., L2*-3*, 4

what are the non-contractile tissues of the hip and pelvis area?

femoral triangle trochancteric bursa sciatic N. ligaments

action sartorius

flex externally rot. abduct coxal jt. flex tibiofemoral jt

action with origin fixed iliacus

flex Coxal JT (by flexing femur on trunk)

may assist actions of gluteus minimus

flex coxal JT

insertion fixed and bilaterally action iliacus

flex coxal JT (by flexing trunk on femur)

primary action with origin fixed of psoas major

flex coxal JT flexing femur on trunk

primary action with insertion fixed and bilaterally acting of psoas major

flex coxal JT (flex trunk on femur), increase lumbar lordosis

action semitendinosus M.

flex knee (tibiofemoral JT); internally rot. the knee (tibiofemoral JT); extend the coxal JT

action semimembranosus M

flex knee at tibiofemoral JT, IR knee at tibiofemoral JT, extend coxal JT

action of the long and short head at the biceps femoris

flex knee. (at tibiofemoral JT); laterally rot. knee (at tibiofemoral JT)

action tensor fascia latae

flex, IR, and abduct coxal JT, tenses the fascia lata

what are the motion of the Hip/ Coxal joint

flexion extension IR/ medial rotation ER/ lateral rotation Adduction ABduction

may assist action on gluteus medius on the anterior fibers

flexion of coxal JT

may assist action of adductor Magnus anterior fibers

flexion of coxal jt

whats another word for pelvic rotation?

forward rotation

what assisting M. use adduction on the coxal or hip joint?

gluteus Maximus lower fibers obturator externus

what Assisting muscles use abduction on the coxal or hip joint?

gluteus maximus upper fibers psoas major iliacus

what primary muscles use external or lateral ROT. action on the Coxal or Hip joint?

gluteus maximus- all fibers piriformis quadratus femoris obturator internus obturator externus gemellus superior gemellus inferior gluteus medius: posterior fibers sartorius

what primary muscles use abduction on the Coxal or Hip joint?

gluteus medius- all fibers gluteus minimus tensor fasciae latae sartorius piriformis: when hip is flexed

what are the muscles for the second pelvis and hip?

hamstrings adductors sartorius tensor fasciae latae

when you're upright during posterior pelvic tilt, what happens to the hip?

hip joint extend

when you're upright during anterior pelvic tilt, what happens to the hip?

hip joints flex

innervation of Gluteus Maximus

inferior gluteal N., L5*, S1*-2*

origin gracilis

inferior half of the symphysis of the pubis and medial margin of the inferior ramus of pubic B.

origin of the anterior fibers at the adductor magnus

inferior rami of the pubis, rami of ischium

what is the structural arrangement with TFL and 2/4 of the gluteus Maximus?

insertion allows for their influence on the stablity of the extended knee joint

origin Obturator Internus

internal or pelvic surface of the obturator membrane and margin of the obturator foramen, pelvic surface of the ischium posterior and proximal to the obturator foramen, and to a slight extent the obturator fascia

primary action of the gluteus medius on the anterior fibers

internally ROT Coxal JT

assist action sartorius

internally rot the knee

insertion of gluteus maximus at the Deep fibers of the distal portion?

into gluteal tuberosity of the femur bone

Insertion of Gluteus Maximus on the larger proximal portion and superficial fibers of distal portion of the muscle?

into iliotibial tract of the fascia lata

insertion tensor fascia latae

into the iliotibial tract of the fascia lata at the junction of the proximal and middle thirds of the thigh

origin of the posterior fibers of the adductor Magnus

ischial tuberosity

origin semimembranosus M.

ischial tuberosity, proximal and lateral to the biceps femoris and semitendinosus

ligaments at the hip

ischiofemoral ligament iliofemoral ligament pubofemoral ligament

may assist action of the tensor fascia

knee extension

assist action with insertion fixed and unilaterally action of psoas major

lateral flexion of trunk ipsilaterally

origin of the short head at the biceps femoris M.

lateral lip of liner aspera of femur bone, proximal 2/3 of supracondylar line of femur bone, and lateral inter muscular septum

what is another name for Hip Hike?

lateral pelvic tilt

insertion iliacus

lateral side of tendon of Psoas major and just distal to the lesser trochanter of the femur bone

insertion biceps femoris M.

lateral side of the head of the fibula, lateral condyle of the tibia, deep fascia on the lateral side of the leg

insertion psoas major

lesser trochanter of the femur bone

innervation psoas major

lumbar plexus, L1, 2*, 3*, 4

insertion Gemellus superior

medial surface of greater trochanter (with tendon of obturator internus)

insertion Gemellus inferior

medial surface of greater trochanter (with tendon of the obturator internus)

insertion Obturator internus

medial surface of greater trochanter, proximal to the trochanteric fossa

insertion gracilis

medial surface of the body of the tibia, distal to the condyle (pes anserine); proximal to insertion of semitendinosus and lateral to the insertion of the sartorius

insertion adductor magnus

medial to the gluteal tuberosity, middle of line aspera, medial supracondylar line, and adductor tubercle of the medial condyle of the femur bone

insertion adductor longus

middle 1/3 medial lip of liner aspera of the femur bone

what is the posterior position in the saggital plane in the upright position?

most anterior part of the pelvis should be in a vertical line (ASIS and pubic symphysis)

insertion of the gluteus medius

oblique ridge of lateral surface of greater Trochanter of the femur bone

innervation gracilis

obturator N, L2*-4*

innervation adductor brevis

obturator N., L2*, 3*, 4*

innervation adductor longus

obturator N., L2*-3*, 4

innervation adductor magnus

obturator N., L2,3*,4* sciatic N., L4*,5,S1

innervation obturator externus

obturator N., L3*-4*

what May Assisting muscles use abduction on the coxal or hip joint?

obturator internus gemellus superior and inferior piriformis

origin adductor brevis

outer surface of the inferior ramus of pubis

what is the distal attachment at the Fascia Lata?

patella tibial condyles head of fibula medial fascia is thin lateral fascia is thick

insertion pectineus

pectineal line of femur B.

how does forward rotation work?

pelvis rotates around the left hip joint, right leg unweighted and moves forward on the right. results in IR at the left hip joint.

Origin of Gluteus Maximus?

posterior gluteal line of the ilium and portion of the bone superior and posterior to it, posterior surface of the lower part of the sacrum, side of the coccyx, aponeurosis of the erector spinae, sacrotuberous ligament and gluteal aponeurosis

Location of trochanteric bursa

posterior/lateral side of greater trochanter

insertion semimembranosus M.

posteromedial aspect of the medial condyle of tibia

origin quadratus femoris

proximal part of the lateral border of the tuberosity of the ischium

insertion semitendinosus M.

proximal part of the medial surface of the body of the tibia (often called Pes Anserine) and the deep fascia of the leg

insertion sartorius

proximal part of the medial surface of the tibia near Anterior Border

insertion quadratus femoris

proximal part of the quadrate line, extending distally from the intertrochanteric crest

origin Gemellus inferior

proximal part of the tuberosity of the ischium

what muscles make up the hip external rotator group?

quadratus femoris obturator internus obturator externus Gemellus superior Gemellus inferior piriformis

Origin Obturator Externus

rami of pubis and ischium, external surface of the obturator membrane

innervation quadratus femoris

sacral plexus, L4*, 5*, S1*, (2)

innervation Gemellus inferior

sacral plexus, L4-5, S1- (2)

innervation Obturator internus

sacral plexus, L5*, S1*, 2*

innervation Gemellus superior

sacral plexus, L5*, S1*, S2*

innervation piriformis

sacral plexus: L (5), S1*-2*

innervation of the short head at the biceps femoris

sciatic N. ( perineal branch), L5*, S1*-2*

innervation semimembranosus

sciatic N. (tibial branch), L4, 5*,S1*,2

innervation semitendinosus M.

sciatic N. (tibial branch), L4-5*, S1*-2*

innervation of the long head at the biceps femoris

sciatic N. (tibial branch), L5, S1*-2*, 3

origin iliacus

superior 2/3 of iliac fossa, internal lip of iliac crest, iliolumbar and ventral sacroiliac ligaments, and Ala of sacrum

insertion piriformis

superior aspect of greater trochanter

innervation gluteus minimus

superior gluteal N., L4*-5*, S1*

innervation tensor fascia latae

superior gluteal N., L4*05*, S1*

innervation of the gluteus medius

superior gluteal N., L4*_5*, S1*

origin pectineus

surface of the superior rams of pubis, ventral to the pecten, between the iliopectineal eminence and the pubic tubercle

what happens during lateral pelvic tilt?

the WB leg hip ADducts with lateral tilt, and the NWB leg hip ABducts

what are the hip abductor muscles doing during later pelvic tilt?

the hip abductor muscles on the WBL work to keep the pelvis level with the other leg in the air

when standing what happens during the lateral pelvic tilt?

the iliac crests should be level

what happens during Hip Hike?

the pelvis goes up on the unsupported leg

insertion obturator externus

trochanter fossa of femur

origin semitendinosus M.

tuberosity of the ischium by the tendon common with the long head of the biceps femoris M.

origin psoas major

ventral surfaces of the transverse processes of all lumbar vertebrae, sides of the bodies and corresponding intervertebral disks of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae, and the membranous arches that extend over the sides of the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae

what is a hip drop?

when you pick up the LT or RT leg and the same leg that was lifted that hip drops

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