Perception Test 2

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People with amusia tend to have difficulties comprehending speech

color constancy

color of objects is determined by the wavelengths reflected off of that surface - for a wide range of illuminance, the perception of color is more or less constant -- this allows us to recognize common objects by color in the wide range of lighting conditions we find ourselves in


condition of blindness to the color green


condition of blindness to the color red


condition of insensitivity to the color red


condition of sensitivity to the color green


corresponds to the physical property of flux


degree of color mixing - a totally saturated color corresponds to a single, pure wavelength of light - to the extent that other wavelengths become mixed, color becomes desaturated

amusia (tone-deafness)

difficult to judge the relative size of the differences in pitches - cognitivitely normal


dominant source of light is assumed to be above us


effect of adding bandpass noise to a faint signal on sensitivity to that signal -- if we add bandpass noise to a pure tone in a signal detection experiment, it raises the threshold to detect the tone

How we code pitch?

frequencies: > 1000Hz -> place-coded < 1000Hz -> frequency-matched

Volley principle

frequency coding is generated by the mass action of the 1000s of neurons

characteristic frequency of a cell

frequency that best causes a change in firing rate of a hair cell

3 components of color

hue, brightness, and saturation


if one object partially covers another, then the occluding object is probably in front of the occluded object

phase differences

if the wavelength of the sound is the large enough, then the ears will receive the sound on a common cycle but different phases and the degree of this phase shift provides a clue to direction

apparent motion

if two state images of an object in slightly different locations are seen in quick succession, the object appears to move - basis of movies

less likely

in apparent motion, as the stimuli get further apart in space, apparent motion becomes ______________ _____________

two static images

in apparent motion, if the flashes get further apart in time, _______ _______ _______ are seen


in general, as we get older, sensitivity to taste __________

biaural cues of spatial location

interaural time difference, phase differences, and intensity

monocular cues

interposition, aerial perspective, shading, elevation, linear perspective, texture gradients, relative size, motion parallax, accommodation

Perceptual delay

- because the time between retinal transduction of light and the first activity in V1 in between 30-50ms -- V1 activity does not peak until about 130ms ---- higher cortical visual areas do not finish processing until even later

inner hair cells

- far more are connected to auditory nerve cells - thought to discriminate a wide range of frequency, but require relatively high amplitude to generate action potentials - transduce sound

outer hair cells

- far more numerous - thought to detect very low amplitude, low frequency vibrations - thought to amplify sound

Pacinian corpuscles

- found in hairless skin (soles of feet, lips, palms of hands) - most are mechanoreceptors - respond to onsets and offsets of pressure but not to continuous pressure

free nerve endings

- most common type of receptor - found throughout skin - primarily transduce pain sensations but also transduce mechanical and thermal energy

3 factors for determining the intensity of heat and cold

1. rate of energy transfer from skin to object or vice versa 2. temperature of skin 3. extent of skin that's stimulated

retinal and smooth pursuit motion detection

2 ways in which motion can be detected


Absolute (perfect) pitch requires musical training in childhood


For successive stimulation of different retinal cells cannot account for our perception of an object's motion while we are tracking it with the smooth pursuit eye movement system -- smooth pursuit important because if something out there is moving, and the eyes are moving with it, the motor signal jiggles the static retinal signal so that we perceive the object as moving


For the most part, particular sensations (pressure, heat, pain) do not appear to be the result of specific types of receptors, but rather the ______________ of receptors that is activated by a stimulus.

aerial perspective

Objects far away appear less clear (blurred), more hazy (lower contrast) and desaturated in color relative to objects that are close by (this applies mainly to objects that are VERY far away).


The auditory detection threshold is independent of sound frequency


The cultural influence on taste perception is so strong that some cultures abhor sweet and crave mainly bitter foods

melodic contour

The experiment by Dowling and Fujitani (1971) indicates that the _____________ ______________ is the most important in determining recognition of a melody


__________ are more sensitive to to odors than males

flash-lag phenomenon

a moving light is perceived to be ahead of a flashing light when the two are physically aligned

relative pitch

ability to recognize differences in pitch


acidic foods generally taste ________


adaptation to a chemical with a given taste reduces sensitivity to other chemicals with the same taste


alkaloids compound taste _________


all other things being equal, less intense sounds are further away


amplitude of sound waves decreases with distance and when sound waves curve around an obstacle -- it can cause slight loudness differences between the 2 ears that indicate direction


basic compounds taste _______


biological evidence was discovered for BOTH the trichromatic and opponent-process theory


carbon+water (carb) compounds usually taste _______

monaural cues to spatial location

loudness and doppler shift

perception of pain

mechanical and/or thermal energy at extreme intensities -- usually associated with tissue damage cause the sensation of pain

three categories of sensation

mechanical energy, thermal energy, and pain


most people are most sensitive to _________ (primary taste)

problem with freq matching

neurons can only generate action potentials at a rate of 1kHz but humans hear frequencies up to 20kHz


non-tasters tend to consume more of ____________


notes played close together in time are more likely to belong to the same melody than notes played at very different times


notes that are more similar to each other are more likely to belong to the same melody than notes that are dissimilar

common fate

notes that rise or fall or stop together are more likely to belong to the same melody

chemical energy

olfaction involves the transduction of __________ _____________


olfaction is the only sense that does not pass through the ____________ before being processed in neocortex


olfactory sensitivity __________ as we age

point localization

our ability to locate the source of stimulation on the skin

thermal energy

our perception of heat and cold are the result of transduction of ____________ __________

figure and ground organization

part of a musical passage that requires the least attention to hear is probably the melody

Gestalt principles of audition

proximity, similarity, common fate, and figure & ground organization

hair cells (Organ of Corti)

receptor cells that transduce vibration of the basilar membrane into action potentials


receptors that aspect to give rise to pain sensation when stimulated


reduction in sensitivity to an odor with prolonged exposure

receptive field

region of skin that when stimulated causes a change in the firing rate of the neuron -- this type of stimulation required to change a cell's firing rate varies

primary somatosensory cortex

representation of the body in sensory cortex

moderate; cold

sensitivity depends on many factors, including the temp of a tastant. generally, we are most sensitive to chemicals at ________ temperatures, and least sensitive to chemicals at _________ temperatures.


sensitivity to the primary tastes is evenly distributed across the tongue

point localization and 2-point localization

sensitivity to touch is most commonly measured with ____________ ___________ and _________ __________________

2-point localization

smallest distance between 2 points of stimulation that can be discrimination from stimulation at a single point

repugnant; delicious

supertasters will likely find broccoli __________, while non-tasters typically find it __________

chemical energy

taste involves the transduction of ______________ ___________


temporal acuity (ability to resolve time) and frequency resolution (ability to discriminate nearby frequency) are ___________-__________

texture gradients

textures become more crowded with distance

place theory of frequency coding

the SHAPE of the basilar membrane causes the maximum displacement of the membrane to occur at a location that depends on frequency -- frequency is then coded by the relative rate of firing of hair cells in different locations along the basilar membrane


the perception of pitch corresponds to ____________ of sound medium oscillations

frequency matching theory

the basilar membrane acts like a microphone membrane, simply vibrating synchrony with the stimulus -- in turn causes neural discharges that match the frequency of the stimulus


the basis of the distribution of sensitivity to primary tastes across the tongue is not well understood, but does not appear to be result of specific receptors for each of the primary tastes

interaural time difference

the difference between when a sound wave reaches one ear and the other - source is closer to whichever ear senses it first

critical band

the frequency range, beyond which additional noise will not change sensitivity to a faint sound


the perception of loudness corresponds to ___________ of sound medium oscillations -- freq can also affect this

doppler shift

the pitch of an object changes as it approaches and then recedes

melodic contour (def)

the shape of the sequence of rising and falling pitches


there are __ types of color-sensitive photoreceptors


there are ___ primary tastes

no primary

there are _________ ____________ smells

trichromatic theory

there must be 3 color receptors that respond optimally to different wavelengths of light - the percept of a particular color is the result of the relative activity levels of each of the 3 types of receptor


they transduce mechanical displacement of skin

elevation and linear perspective

things that are higher are further away as are object closer to the vanishing point on the horizon

pressure; mechanical

touch is the perception of _________________ -- the type of energy being transduced is ______________ ____________

opponent-process theory of color perception

two factors are competing with each other for activation - the activity of one process drives down activity of the other and vice versa - normally results in equilibrium -- but when one process receives some extra help, it can temporarily overcome the other process -- this cannot last forever and when the winning process is exhausted or its input goes away, the opponent process is able to push back past equilibrium


type of photoreceptor cell that mediates color vision


umami - is the taste of ______, a common food additive

primary tastes

umami, sour, bitter, sweet, salty


we are able to discriminate a given taste from pure (tasteless) water at a ________________ threshold than we are able to identify the taste


what we commonly perceive as color - corresponds to the physical property of wavelength

retinal motion detection

when the retina is fixed relative to the head, and the head fixed relative to the environment, light reflected from moving objects sweeps across the retina - basis for apparent motion

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