Perspectives of Latin America Final Exam

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Keen and Hayes calculated about ____ African slaves were sold to the Americas


In 1492, e estimated population of indigenous people in Latin America was

100 million

In South America there are a total of ____ countries. Which one is not a free country?

13, French Guiana

By disposition of the peace treaty US paid Mexico indemnification of _____ dollars. Mexico lost the territories that corresponded to the current states of

15 million, California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Texas

It was August 23 the year ____. At midday it was dark like night. Thousands of _____ were flying over the dead bodies.

1521, ravens

The Incas sled to the mountains and jungles and kept the resistance alive until the year


In the year ____ the last Inca ruler in the resistance is

1572, captured

The struggles between liberals and conservatives continued until _____ when _______ (a cuadillo) aided by a group of Texan capitalists with strong links to New York banks, overthrew the liberal government. He ruled with an iron fist (in a nominal democracy) offering the people of Mexico a choice: _______ or ______ . With the support of Great Britain and the US, big land owners, bankers, big businesses, and the high echelons of the church, he stayed in power until 1910, when the Mexican revolution exploded. Viva _________!

1876, Porfirio Diaz, Pan or polo, la vida

Cuba fought it's first war against Spain the result was a stalemate. The second war against Spain, known as the Cuban independence war started in


There are ____ Spanish speaking countries in Latin America


The triumph of the Cuban revolution is January 1


Liberalism was implanted in Latin America in the

19th century

How many European languages are spoken in South America?


How many archipelagos are there in Latin America?


There are ____ territories in Latin America


This population was reduced to ___ in about two centuries

3.5 million

From 1898 to 1931, the US intervened militarily in the Caribbean about

30 times

There are ____ states in Latin America


Porfirio Diaz was in power in Mexico for ____ years


The Organization of American States (OAS) is supposed to include the free and independent countries (states) of the Americas. The only non Latin American members of the OAS are US and Canada. How many members should the OAS have?


Columbus made ___ voyages to the Americas. He never found a path to Asia.


The US won the war swiftly and occupied Cuba for _______ years. The US armed forces evacuated Cuba in _____. Nevertheless, they imposed an amendment to the Cuban constitution _________. This amendment turned Cuba into a ________ of the US because it gave the US the right to militarily intervene whenever the US deemed is necessary.

4, 1902, Platt amendment, colony

Today, there are about ____ indigenous people in Latin America

45-50 million

The US military intervened in Cuba _____ times. Finally the _______ was derogated in ______

5, Platt Amendment, 1934

In 1519, Cortes leaves Cuba with a total of ___ soldiers in order to conquer Mexico, a region of about 25 million inhabitants.


The total population of Latin America is around

650 million

There are ____ countries in Continental Central America


The Muslim Arabs invaded the Iberian Peninsula in _____ and occupied it for approximately ___ centries.

711 CE, 7


80% of the population were owners

According to Terror Archives, Plan Condor is responsible for the torture, assassination, and disappearance of more than

80,000 people

Between 1519 and 1605, the indigenous population of central Mexico declined bu about


The majority of soldiers in the Cuban during the War of Independence of Cuba


In February 1836, President Antonio Lopez de Sant Anna from Mexico, Commander of chief of the Mexican troops besieged the _____ and when it surrendered (March 6, 2019), Santa Anna gave the order to shoot by firing squad the 161 soldiers taken prisoners. The shooting of these prisoners originated the following war cry ________

Alamo, remember the Alamo

All of these were reasons for US opposition to Socialist Salvador Allendes democratically elected president, except

Allende's coalition government military allied with the Soviet Union and Cuba

____ as a very important cacica (women leader of a chiefdom) who lived in the island of Hispaniola (La Espanola: present day Haiti and Dominican Republic)


One of the worst measures of the Catholic Sovereigns in Spain was the expulsion of the ____ who were excellent merchants, and the expulsion of the ____ who controlled the ____

Arabs, Jews, finances

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was the first women to become president 2007-2015 in


Jorge Rafael Videla

Argentina 1976-1982

They were taken away from _____ by _____ in 1834

Argentina, the UK

The constitution of 1917 was approved. The main articles of the constitution were

Art 3- church control of education, Art 123-rights of labor Art27- property rights

Papiamento is spoken in

Aruba, Bonaire, Curazao, and Suriname

The last Inca Emperor was _____ who was strangled in 1533


Of the 3 plans the only one that was truly revolutionary was ________ because ______

Ayala, land reform

The 2 civilizations more represented in the postclassic period are

Aztec and Inca

The three great macro-ethics of Latin America are the ____ from Central Mexico, the ____ who were concentrated in Guatemala, Honduras and southern Mexico, and the ___ mainly from Peru and Ecuador

Aztecs, Mayans, Incas

In what archipelago is located this tiny island?


The Lucayan islands refer to the


Which archipelago is the smallest?


Latin American archipelagos are

Bahamas and the Antilles

The 13 independent states of the Caribbean

Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevus, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent/Grenadines, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago

AT the time, the power in Cuba was in the hands of the dictatorship of


A central American country that does not speak Spanish is


The indigenous peoples of Latin America crossed through ____ about ___ years ago

Bering Strait, 40,000

What statement about Bermuda falls in line with our definition of Latin America?

Bermuda shares a similar culture with English speaking Caribbean islands

The Conference of Guayaquil celebrated in 1826 at Guayaquil, Ecuador, was a meeting between

Bolivar and San Martin

Evo Morales was the first indigenous president, 2006-2019, of


What Latin American Country has no outlet to the sea?


The silver mine of Potosi was located in

Bolivia (upper Peru in the 1500s)

Hugo Banzer

Bolivia 1971-1978

Luiz Ignacio Lula Da Silva was the first working to become president, 2002-2010 in


The largest country of Latin America is


Pizarro and Atahualpa meet at ______ to have a peaceful conversation.


_____ was the only caudillo of the Mexican Revolution that was not assassinated


In 1938 President ________ nationalized all foreign oil refineries


_________ distributed the largest amount of acres of land


In what region of Latin America are the largest number of territories?


The name of the Caribbean is in honor of the

Caribs Indigenous peoples

On July 15, 1914, Dictator Victoriano Huerta fled to Europe, and there was a vacuum of Power in Mexico. The 2 main rivals were

Carranz and Obregon and Villa and Zapata

Neoliberalism in Latin America was first introduced in


Augusto Pinochet

Chile 1973-1989

In order to prove his fidelity to this alliance, Cortes had to attack ____ a city where he staged a massacre that wiped out the nobility and hundreds of warriors of that city.


In 1916, Villa crossed the US border and invaded the city of _____ in New Mexico


The last Aztec Emperor _____ among his starving and ailing people, surrendered to the Spaniards. Since he would not confess where the treasure of Moctezuma was, he was tortured by burning his feet. Finally he was ______

Cuahtemoc, execute

The last Aztec emperor was


The only communist government in Latin America nowadays is


The only two Spanish speaking countries that did not gain freedom during the Wars of Independence of Latin America, fought during 1810-1824 and remained under Spanish hegemony until 1898 were

Cuba and Puerto Rico

When defining Latin America and its peoples, which one of these criteria is best?

Cultural history (and geography)

The capital of the Inca empire was


Which of the following countries were not members of Plan Condor?

Ecuador and Panama

When Moctezuma _____ learned about Cortes and the Spaniards, he thought that Cortes was ____ a benign god who a long time ago was expelled from Mexico. He also thought that this god was coming back to fight for his throne.

Emperor, Quetzalcoatl

Liberalism is an ideology born in


The path to Asia was found by ____ who at the service of Spain rounded _____ and crossed into the ____ ocean. He invaded the archipelago of the ____. He took possession of this archipelago and renames it in honor of King Phillip II of Spain. It took him and his crew ___ years to circumnavigate the earth, this proving the earth was round.

Ferdinand Magellan, South America, Pacific, the Philippines, 3

The US had bought _______ in 1819 from Spain. In 1803 , the US bought _____ from France. President James K. Polk offered to buy _____ and _____ but Mexico refused. Polk looked for a pretext to start war with Mexico.

Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, and California

In 1862 Mexico was invaded by _____. Mexico defeated the invaders in the famous Battle of ______ celebrated every year in Mexico, the US, and all over. The name of this famous holiday in Mexico is ________. Nevertheless, the invaders recovered and stayed Mexico until _______. Two years before in 1865 the US had ended ________. Under the command of General Sherman, the US stationed 50,000 troops around the border of Mexico, and gave France and ultimatum. Napoleon III was forced to evacuate Mexico. Maximilian was captured, and together, with Mexican generals Miguel Miramon and Tomas Mejia, he was condemned to be executed by firing squad. There was huge international pressure to save the Emperor Maximilian. Nevertheless _______ the first indigenous president in Mexico (from the ethnicity of the Zapotecs, in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, he was elected president in 1867-1871; and again in 1872, when he died from a heart attack), champion of the law and order, gave the execution order. The three of them were executed by firing squad in the Cerro de las Campanas (Hill of the Bells) in 1867.

France, Puebla, Cinco de Mayo, 1867, conservative, 1867, the Civil War, Benito Juarez

When Porfirio Diaz fled for Europe in 1911, new election were held and the winner was

Francisco Madero

Due to his honesty, decency, and good intentions, Allende could be compared with

Francisco Madero in Mexico

The military coup that overthrew Allende on September 11, 1973 was led by

General Augusto Pinochet

After Villa's raid, the US sent ________ to chase Villa and punish him

General John Pershing

In February 22, 1913, President Madero and VP Pino Suarez were murdered by

General Victoriano Huerta

The name of the first place where Columbus and his crew arrived in their first voyage is


The ________ was located mainly in the highlands. It produced wheat, maize, beans, meat, and other products. It was oriented towards the external market, but in its beginnings, it also satisfied the demands of the internal and local markets. It is a kind of self-sufficient system with it's own church, jail, store, plaza, and big house where the owners live. This economic unit, with the pass of time gives birth to latifundia, landless peasants, and mass migration to big cities. This economic unit typifies better than any other model, the mixture of feudal and capitalist elements that characterize Latin American economies for centuries.


The first liberated country in Latin America was


2 of the most famous pirates and corsairs who attacked Spanish ships, ports, towns, and even a train loaded with Peruvian silver were _____ and _____ who were protected by the English crown

Hawkins and Drake

The union of Central America is represented in the flag of


Garifuna is spoken in

Honduras, Guatemala, and Belize

The ________ was a Spanish monopoly that restricted trade to 2 parts in Spain (Cadiz and Seville) and 3 main ports in the Americas: Cartegena de Indias in Columbia, Vera Cruz in Mexico, and Nombre de Dios (Portobelo) in Panama. It also had connections with Havana, Cuba, Acapuleo, Mexico, and Lima, Peru. Aside of these ports, trade was strictly prohibited.

House of Trade (Cases de Contratacion)

The president who wanted to transform his country with the "socialism of the 21st century" was

Hugo Chavez of Venezuela

Two aboriginal people of the Iberian Peninsula are

Iberians and Celts

At that time the ____ is engaged in a civil war between two brothers, successors to the Inca throne

Inca Empire, Atahualpa and Huascar

Columbus and his crew sailed westward, looking for a path to ____. The first place they saw and visited was ____, which is located in the archipelago of _____

India, Guanahani, Bahamas

More than defending the rights of the Africans, Bartolome de las Casas was a friar who passionately defended the human rights of _____. He realized that the encomendors were exploiters who opposed the crown and the church as far as labor exploitation was concerned.

Indigenous peoples

One of the harsh measures imposed by the Catholic Monarchs was the establishment in 1478 of the ___ a church tribunal to burn heretic in the bonfire.


The original Spanish name for the Falkland Islands is

Islas Malvinas

Which of these talented Black and Mulatto revolutionaries declared independence of Haiti in 1804?

Jean Jacques Dessalines

Paraguay prospered during the first half of the 19th century under the leadership of

Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia

The three heroes of the Wars of Independence of Cuba were _________. Of these three leaders _________ was a black mulatto, _____________ was a white creole and ______________ was from the Dominican Republic. They represented the union of all races in the Cuban Independence war.

Jose Martin, Antonio Maseo, Maximo Gomez, Maseo, Martin, Gomez

The woman (wife of Queretaro's Corregidor) who formed part of Hidalgo's Revolution committee for the independence of Mexico in 1810 was

Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez

Cortes reserved 1/5 of the gold for _______ Then he told hid soldiers not to carry anything heavy with them. Many of the soldiers disobeyed, and when fleeing they fell into the waterways (most of the street were water channels). With the heavy load of gold, many of the soldiers sank. They were captures by the ______. They were brought to the high pyramids, where they were ____ in a tribute to placate the gods.

King Charles, Aztecs, sacrificed

Liberalism was not apt for Latin America because

Latin America lacked the social and economic structures that had nurtured liberalism in Europe

Before going to Castile to ask support for his project, Columbus had gone to ____ but the King's advisors rejected his proposal


The following writers could be considered as precursors of liberalism

Locke and Montesquieu

Zapata broke with the new president because

Madero postponed agrarian reform

He brought with him ___ a girl who served him as an interpreter, advisor, spy, and mistress. Nowadays, in Mexico, her name is synonym of treason.


The woman who saved Bolivars life in 1828, known as "La Libertadora" was

Manuela Saenz

Evo Morales, Bolivia's ex-president, comes from a mixed family: his mother is indigenous and his father is European descendent. The phenotype that better characterizes Morales is


The _______ was fought during 1846-1848. he final treaty, signed in 1848, which put an end to the state war between the two countries was _______

Mexican-American War, The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

The people threw stones and arrows to _____ who, although captive of the Spaniards, had exited to the balconies of the palace to calm them down.


With thousands of indigenous allies, cortes arrived to _______. Ina very audacious and swift move, he managed to capture ____ and keep him captive as if he were his guest.


The fact that Moctezuma mistook Cortes for Quetzalcoatl implies that

Moctezuma was overwhelmed by religious beliefs

Several months have passed with _____ captured as a guest-prisoner, when Cortes had news that ______ had sent from Cuba 900 troops to capture him.

Moctezuma, Governor Velazquez

What is the prevalent phenotype in the Caribbean?


5 indigenous languages of Latin America

Nahuatl- Mexico, Maya- Guatemala and Honduras, Quecha- Peru and Ecuador, Aymara- Bolivia, Guarani- Paraguay, Mapuche- Chile, Chibcha- Columbia

_____ appears when a powerful country exerts excessive control of another country through economic and financial means


The 5 viceroyalties established in the Americas were

New Spain, New Granada, Peru, Brazil, La Plata

This central American country ___________ was invaded by the US and it was occupied for a total of 20 years.


In which of these organizations where the US and Canada a part of?


In April 1915 ____ won the 2 battles fought at _____

Obregon, Celaya

The independence of _____ is achieved in 1903, after US president Theodore Roosevelt sent 40,000 marines to support it's independence movement


Example of neocolonialism is

Panama and the US

In South America, Francisco Pizarro leaves ____ in the year ____ with a force of ___ men. Their purpose is the conquest of _____.

Panama, 1531, 200

The creole language of the Black, Mulatto, and Zambo community or Aruba, Bonaire, and Curazao is called


Alfredo Stroessner

Paraguay 1954-1989

The ______ was located mainly in the low lands and tropical valleys ( the Caribbean, the coastal plains of Columbia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, etc.). It produced sugar, cotton, cacao. and other products strictly oriented towards external markets. It relied mainly on African slaves. The cultivation of maize, beans, wheat, and other products needed for internal market consumption was very scarce or totally absent. Hunger and undernourishment became real social problems in this model, due to maximization of exports. Nevertheless, in its beginnings, it also satisfied the demands of internal and local markets. This economic unit soon concentrated huge amounts of land, thus originating latifundia, landless peasants, and mass migration to big cities


The Atlantic slave trade was started around 1444 by


There are two countries in the Iberian Peninsula: located at the Atlantic coast in the west band is _____ and bordering the Mediterranean in the east coast is ___

Portugal, Spain

Vasco de Gama, at the service of _____ circumnavigated ____ and arrived to India. He came back with a shipload of _____ and was honored by the court.

Portuguese Crown, Africa, spices

Which one does not belong in this set: latifundium, land reform, poverty, oligarchy, monoculture?

Poverty because the rest are structural problems

An example of colonialism is

Puerto Rico

What is the largest colony of the Caribbean?

Puerto Rico

Which is the smallest of the Greater Antilles?

Puerto Rico

Some of the countries in which the US intervened during 1898-1932 are

Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Haiti

Besides Cuba, at the end of the war, the US acquired three other countries

Puerto Rico, Philippines, Guam

4 important happenings that took place in Spain 1492

Queen Isabella (Castille) and King Ferdinand (Aragon) get married, Spain is united, Muslims are ejected from the Arab kingdom of Granada. so were the Jews, Columbus is funded to search for a new route to Asia

The Catholic sovereigns were: _____ from Castille and _____ from Aragon.

Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand

The indigenous name of the island where the Spaniards built the Christmas Fortress (el Fortin de la Navidad) is ____. Columbus renamed it ___. Curently the island is shared by two countries: ___ in which French is spoken and _____

Quisqueya, Hispaniola, Haiti, Dominican Republic

Which one does not belong to this set: undernutrition, mass emigration, illiteracy, corruption, raw material exports?

Raw material exports because the rest are nonstructural problems

The ______ obligated indigenous peoples on pain and war, to acknowledge Spain's sovereignty and the supremacy of the church.


The ____ invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 215 BCE, and imposed their culture, institutions, laws, and values. Their language was ____ which gave birth to spanish.

Romans, Latin

Santa Anna was finally defeated by ______ in April 1836, in the Battle of San Jacinto.

Sam Houston

The other two names of this place are

San Salvador and Watling

The Rebel army came down the mountains of ________ and took power

Sierra Maestra

The laws of the Indies were made in


The ___ were forced to flee and evacuate the city when it was dark.


What 2 European languages are spoken in South America?

Spanish and Portuguese

The five European languages spoken in Latin America...

Spanish- Puerto Rico, English- Jamaica, French- Haiti, Portuguese- Brazil, Dutch- Suriname

The capital of the Aztec empire was


Cortes and the Spaniards went back to _____ the capital of the Aztec Empire. They _____ it for four months. The hunger and disease brought by the ______ decimated the population. Even Emperor Cuitlahalic, the successor to Moctezuma, died of _____

Tenochtitlan, surrounded, Europeans, small pox

The dominant Mesoamerican state in the classic period was


Before being annexed by the US in 1845 _______ was an independent republic for ten years. That is the reason why its motor vehicle plates have the logos _________

Texas, The Lone Star State

Mexican urban youth of the 50s and 60s were influenced by Rock and roll artists such as

The Beatles and Janis Joplin

Liberalism is an ideology originated during

The Enlightenment

Salvador Allende, a doctor, won the 1970 presidential election in Chile because

The National party, representing conservatives, refused to ally with Christian democracy (the center party)

That night is known in the history of Mexico as

The Night of Sorrows (la Noche Triste)

In April 1898, the US entered in the war. The best name for this war is

The Spanish Cuban American War

The first problems of Allende aroused when

The US declared economic war on Allende's program

Which of the following could be considered as the main cause of the Latin American wars of independence

The deep riff between Peninsulars and Creoles, who were excluded from top economic decisions and beliefs

What distinguished the Hidalgo revolt in Mexico from other Latin American revolutions was

The large scale participation of indigenous and mixed-blood proletariat

The 3 plans announced by 3 different leaders of the Mexican Revolution were

The plan of San Luis Potosi- Francisco Madero, The Plan of Ayala- Zapata, The plan of Guadalupe- Carranza

As far as Moctezuma's death is concerned, which of the following statements is true?

The versions of his death differ, but signals of steel sword wounds were found on his body.

On October 2, 1968, the Mexican Army attacked students in a protest, and killed 300-400 people. This mass killing is known in Mexican History as

Tlatelolco Massacre

In his way to meet Moctezuma, Cortes made an alliance with ___ a state that had not been vanquished by the Aztecs.


Cortes and a few of the spaniards escaped and took refuge in _____ their major allied. In a council of war made by the allies of the Spaniards, the young generation were in favor of ____ the Spaniards. Nevertheless, the old generations advice prevailed and they saved the Spaniards.

Tlaxcala, killing

A distinctive feature of Bolivars military leadership was hi advancement of soldiers for merit, without regard to social background or color


A major difference between the American revolution and the Latin American struggle for independence was that the Latin American revolutionary wars were spread along a vast and fragmented geography with great cultural and social differences


As a result of Napoleon's decision to place his brother Joseph Bonaparte on the Spanish throne, creole leaders in the Americas prepared to sieze power on the pretext of loyalty to Ferdinand VII


In 1815, Uruguayan leader Jose Gervasio Artigas made a land reform in Uruguay, the first agrarian reform in Latin America


In the late 1700's the conflict of interest between Spain and it's colonies was most sharply expressed in the cleavage between creoles and peninsulars


Some spanish writers attributed alleged creole indolence and incapacity to he noxious affects of American climate and soil


Sor Juanes Ines de la Cruz was a literary giant who's intellectual achievements were fostered by convent life hat freed women from male domination and exploitation


The Atlantic slave trade was not an external cause of the wars of independence in Latin America


The Templars was not a religious order in Spanish American colonies.


The Venezuelan constitution of 1811abolished indigenous tribute


The Venezuelan llaneros (cowboys) initally supported the royalists because the Venezuelan republic attempted to transform them into semi servile peons


The great revolt of Tupac Amaru II opened with the execution of corregidor Antonio de Arriaga


The last major battle in the Spanish American wars for independence was won by Sucre, Bolivars Lieutenant, on December 9, 1824 at Ayacucho


The liberation of New Granada (Columbia) was achieved by the decisive patriot victory and Boyaca


The virgin of Guadalupe is an authentic Mexican virgin. The cult to this virgin reflects the creole efforts to establish the spiritual primacy of the colonies over Spain


The last Inca leader, captured and executed in 1572 was

Tupac Amaru

10/17 colonies that we find in the Caribbean

Turks and Caicos, Puerto Rico, UK Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Saint Martin, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Saint Barthelemy, Monserrat, Guadeloupe, Martinique

On February 15, 1898, _____________ exploded in the Havana Harbor

USS main

Atahualpa ____ the apparent small forces of the Spaniards.


He was authorized by _____ the governor of Cuba. But later, the permit was revoked.


Unit the 18th century legal commerce with the Indies was restricted to

Vera Cruz, Cartagena, and Nombre de Dios

The US intervened and occupied ______ from April 1914-November 1914


_______ was destroyed in the battle


Besides the Potosi silver mines in the Peruvian highlands (Present day Bolivia) also there were very rich silver mines in the _____ and _____ in Mexico.

Zacatecas, Guanajuato

In 1919, Carranza ordered the killing of ______ who was ambushed and assassinated


Brazilian path to independence was characterized by

a mild revolution almost bloodless

The brutal dictatorship that toppled Allende in 1973 ended in 1989. The government instituted in the Chile in the 1990s- still the current government- is best described as

a neoliberal democracy

During the first 3 decades of the 20th century Cuba was _________ of the US

a protectorate

By the end of the 1960s, the rock music flourished in Mexico City. The Mexican youths creation of their own bands like Los Loud Jels, Los Rebedes del Rock, and Los Teen tops reflects, in part

a sense of liberty and rebellion versus traditional cultural patterns ans a political system of blatant repression

The pink tide refers to

a series of progressive governments that appeared n Latin America during the decade of 2000

An unexpected turn is that Hidalgo's movement soon became

a truly social revolution

Hidalgo's social reforms included

abolition of slavery and tribute

Bartolome de las Casas proclaimed that

all Spanish conquests and wars in the New World were illegal

When Cortes arrived into the coast of Mexico he made ____ with the caciques and indigenous chiefs. In that way, they would defend each other.


Which is a characteristic of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain?

an accelerates production of manufactures

During the 1st decades after its wars of independence, Latin America went through a period of

anarchy and cuadillismo

Bay of pig was

and invasion to Cuba by the CIA and Cuban exiles

The ____ was a royal contract with a foreign company to sell black slaves in Spanish colonies.


The only institution with limited self-rule in the Spanish colonies was the

audimiento (cabildo)

A major factor in the transformation of the Argentine economy after 187- was the introduction of ______ and alfalfa ranges

barbed-wire fencing

The two prevalent phenotypes in Bermuda and the Lesser Antilles are

black and mulatto

In Latin America, neoliberalism was accompanied by

bloody coup d'etats and brutal dictator ships

Before departing for Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, Cortes collected 1/5 of the king, and sent it to Spain. Then he _____ the ships, so that no one could escape Cuba.


At the signal given by Pizzaro, his hidden men open fire and ____ Atahualpa, who pays a ransom: a large room filled with ____ up to the ceiling. Nevertheless, Pizarro does not honor his word. He keeps Atahualpa captive, and finally Atahualpa is ____

capture, gold, execute

The exploitation of the Spanish colonies during more than 3 centuries is an example of


Another name for a possession or territory is


Main causes of the defeat of the Aztecs and Incas

constant warfare and revolts of subjugated states, religious beliefs, overpowered by superior armaments, excessive taxation and tribute imposed on defeated states, divisions among themselves, diseases brought by the Spaniards, no immunity

The purpose of the trade policy when restricting commerce was to avoid ______. Nevertheless, illegal trade was always practiced. It also gave incentive to pirates and corsairs to attack Spanish fleets, harass and even invade Spanish territories in the Americas.


San Martin, a creole professional military returned from Spain to Argentina, and trained an army that

crossed the Andes and liberated Chile

During more than 50 years, 1821-1876, Mexico suffered from political and social instability (according to historiography, these were the years of disorder and anarchy). In fact during those years there was an absence of unified power capable of providing social cohesion to the newborn Latin American republics. In this juncture, appears the figure of a _____________ or strong man, who gives social cohesion to a country.


The successes of a slave revolt in Haiti

dampened the support of creole elites to fight for independence

Some countries in Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina) are struggling to become developed countries. Although they are not underdeveloped countries anymore, they are not yet developed countries. They are ____ countries.


Underdeveloped countries are also called third world countries, _____ or ____ countries

developing, emergent

Liberalism was a ____ in Latin America


Some big problems when Porfirio Diaz left the government in 1910 were

discrimination and lack of political liberties

However, the most crucial structural problem in Mexico in 1910 was

distribution of land

The ____ was the assignment to a colonist of a group of natives to serve him with tribute and labor.


A major cause of the ____ was the catastrophic _________ in the 16th century.

encomienda decline, decline fo the indigenous people

A novel feature of Paraguays early postcolonial economic program was the

establishment of state farms and ranches

Both of them were tortured and _____ by the Spaniards.


Latin American liberals usually forced a

federal form of government

Toussaint L'Ouverture was a

former slave who led the Haitian revolution in its demand for the abolition of slavery

Education and healthcare in Cuba are

free and universal with equal access to everyone

England had severe protectionist (proteccionism) policies when it started the process of capital accumulation. This economic doctrine is called protectionism. Once England became the leader of the industrial revolution, it started practicing the opposite economic doctrine which is called

free trade

During the 1st 40 years of its independence 1821-1860 Mexico

had 50 changes of presidenet

To eliminate the problem of latifundium in Latin America, the governments

have to implement a land reform

The purpose of the Conference of Guayaquil was to discuss

how to secure continental liberation by defeating Spanish forces in the Peruvian highlands

The 6 basic phenotypes

indigena, european, mestizo, mulatto, zambo, african

What are the prevalent phenotypes in the Andean region? (the plateaus and highlands of Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, for example)

indigenous and mestizo

Although hunting and fishing, and the craft industry were important productive activities, economic life in Aztec Mexico rested on a base of ____ and _____ agriculture.

intensive, extensive

Not a true statement for Liberalism is that

it is socially compatible with feudalism and the Middle Ages

The purpose of the urban reform was to solve the main problem of

land distribution

The christian kingdoms united and started a war against the arabs in order to "regan their lost ___ and ___." The name of the war was_____

lands, serfs, The Reconquest War

The concentration of huge extensions of land in the hands of one person or a few persons is called


What are 6 structural problems of Latin America?

latifundium, land reform, oligarchy, monoculture, militarism

The Latin American wars of independence

left existing economic and social structures basically intact

The history of Mexico during those 50 years of social instability is best characterized by foreign interventions and civil wars between _______ and ______ (the two main political forces of political parties that dominated the life of Mexico during the 19th century).

liberals and conservatives

After destroying the Spanish army in the Battle of Maipu, San Martin headed north to

liberate Peru

During his tenure in office, Allende

liquidated the latifundio system by the means of agrarian reform

Among the most important plants domesticated in ancient America were pumpkins, beans, and the most important of all


According to tradition 7 of the Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Mayans, all men and women were created out of mud, but it rained and all the men and women ere dissolved in the tempest and they perished. Then they were made out of wood , but in a fire they were burned and they perished. Finally, they were made out of ____ and they developed deep roots that grew deep into the earth, and they lasted forever. Latin American men and women are attached to the land, and they need it to survive. They can't be deprived of a piece of land to cultivate their corn, squash, beans, pumpkins, and other vegetables and fruits. Symbolically, this passage helps explain the migratory waves from the ____ to the _____ to the huge metropolis like NY and LA and Chicago.

maize, country side, cities

When Cortes went down to the coast to subdue the soldiers, Pedro de Alvarado and the Spaniards committed a ____ against the Aztec nobility: they assassinated more than 1,000 to steal their necklaces, bracelets, and golden objects.


The practice of diversifying the production is practiced by

metropolitan countries

A large political role for the military in the post-independence was ensured by the

militarization of the new states as a result of years of destructive warfare

The _____ was a socio-economic institution created to better regulate the work in the mines. It assigned a pool of Indigenous population to work in the mines for a six month periods, one year in seven.


The colonial economy was a

mix of feudal and capitalist elements

Mexico obtained its independence in 1821, and it's first government, 1821-1823 was a _______ under Augustin I. It lasted for less than two years and then the government changed to a republic when Vincente Guerrero as the first president of Mexico. A republican constitution was approved in 1824.


The main export in Venezuela is oil; in Cuba, sugar; in Chile, copper; in Uruguay, meat. This abnormal process, which affects most Latin American countries, is called


Fiscal adjustment policies means that the government

must make cuts in social programs and public services

Colonialism is the direct intervention and control of a country by a foreign country. The intervened country is a colony of the interventionist country. The interventionist country is the metropolis. This is classic and plain colonialism. Since the creation of the United Nations, most countries of the world have gone through process of decolonization. International law prohibits colonization. Nevertheless, the countries look for ways to subject free countries to their hegemony, for example, through loans, threats, economic sanctions, and even blackmail. This new form of economic domination is called


Colonialism is to neocolonialism as liberalism is to


Chile's major exports have been

nitrate and copper


no more than 10% of income

The Spanish crown was very distrustful of its colonial officers. Thus, it developed a system of checks and balances. This system made sure that every public functionary was checked by higher functionaries. Some of these functionaries were local, others were appointed by the king.


By contrast to Cuba's strategy in the cuban revolution; during the early 1970s Chileans opted for a model of

peaceful, democratic transition to socialism

African slaves were principally employed in

plantation agriculture

A large-scale influx of foreign capital into Latin America did not occur in the first half of the 19th century because

political disorder in Latin America discouraged foreign investment

For more than 50 years, Chile has been a model of

political stability and democracy

The triumph of Porfirio Diaz was also the triumph of


Not a characteristic of Liberalism is


Which is not a characteristic of neoliberalism?


The land reform agenda in early postcolonial Uruguay included

redistribution of royalist lands to the landless poor


reduced from 24% to 4% due to massive campaigns

Due to the excessive decrease of the Indigenous population in the 1600s, the encomienda was discontinued. Instead, the new economic model was the ______ which assigned a quota of working days a year for the Indigenous population.


The ______ sought to regulate the use of an ever-diminishing pool indigenous labor.


The asiento and hacienda replaced the ______ and the ______ as economic units.

repartimiento and encomienda

Bolivar's political program for Venezuela envisioned the establishment of a


When Cortes arrived back to the capital of the city, the Aztecs had _____ and were fighting against the Spaniards.


This new president wanted to find a middle way between the

revolutionaries and the reactionaries

When Boaz Long, US minister in Cuba by 1920 deplored the "indecent" music he referred to


According to Keen and Haynes, the war between US and Spain was

short and nasty

Their father, Inca Emperor Huayna Capac, was victim of a disease brought by the Spaniards

small pox

The current protests in Chile, Columbia, Bolivia, and Ecuador indicate that

socio-economic problems have aggravated and neoliberalism is incapable of solving them

During 1962-1973 the US government

spent about $20 million to opposed Allende's socialist program for Chile

The Indigenous peoples' economy in the Americas was a ____ economy very different from the monetary economy of the ____

subsidence, tribute

During the US occupation and subsequent years of tutelage in Cuba

sugar cane cultivation increased, monoculture, latifundium and proletarianization grew

The prelude to US imperialism is

the Mexican American War

Plan Condor was engineered and financed by

the United States

One of the first measures implemented by the Cuban revolution as early as 1959, to help peasants resolve their problem was

the agrarian reform

The fact that a US marine and a white Cuban soldier in a cartoon appear playing soccer with the heads of two Afro-Cuban leaders reflects

the blatant racism and discrimination of the Cuban society under the US protectorate

In 1806 and 1807, the British invaded Argentina, but they were quickly defeated by

the creole militias and the people of Buenos Aires

When assessing the results of the Wars of Independence of Latin America, what statement could be accurate?

the creoles replaced the Spaniards in reaping the benefits of the new created republics

Neoliberalism dominated Latin American politics, economy, and society during

the decades of 1980 and 1990

The main goal of the popular upheaval going nowadays in Chile is

the end of neoliberalism, and writing a new constitution

One of the strongest blows to Allende in 1973- at the time, he was reluctantly forced to negotiate and make major concessions to his opponents- was

the general strike launched by the truck drivers and subsidized by the CIA


the lowest rate in Latin America

Among these social classes, merchants, the priesthood, the artisans, the spaniards, which one was the main integrating force in Aztec society?

the priesthood

Of the 4 stages social stratification was more developed in

the state

In the context of the socialist revolution which force does not belong to this group?

the workers

The fact that there 5 European languages are spoken in the Caribbean indicate that

there was a huge struggle to control the Caribbean

The main cause of the Civil War in the US was

to eradicate latifundia and monoculture and to unify the country

Colonialism is best described as

total subjection of a country to another country

racial discrimmination

totally eradicated and prohibited by law

The School of the Americas was dedicated to

train soldiers in techniques of torturing, killing, and disappearing people

One of Salvador Allende's biggest mistakes in his program of peaceful socialist democracy was

trusting the regular army and not forming a popular militia

Monoculture is a characteristic of _____ countries; diversifying the production is a characteristic of ____ countries.

underdeveloped, developed

The supreme military and civil authority in the Spanish colonies was the


Paraguayan prosperity and its novel program of national development were destroyed by the

war of the Triple Alliance

The fact that Allende had a marxist platform in his program of government

was a new political phenomenon in Chile

During the years of Allendes socialist government, the mass media

was controlled by the right wing, opposed to Allende's popular unity (UP) program

The colonial elite that emerged from the wars of Independence with the greatest power was the

wealthy land owners

During the first year Allende's changes and reforms

were good, since he won the municipal elections with more than 50%

Salvador Allende won the 1970 election

with a very narrow margin on 1%

Other domesticated plants in ancient America were manioc, also called ____ a starchy root cultivated by the Tainos, Caribs, and chibchas in the tropics and the ____ in Peru.

yuca, potato

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