philosophy final

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In philosophy, an argument is (select all correct answers):

-A series of propositions that all together provide a case for or against a position. -A series of premises that support a logical conclusion.

Which of the following might be the best description of Gilbert Ryle's "Logical Behaviorism"?

Cognitive terms are rooted our experience of the observable behaviors and activities that we associate with those terms.

William Dembski argues that arrangements of genes in living organisms exhibit ____ and _____ that suggest directedness to a specific goal, and proof of intelligent design.

Complexity; specificity

In Philosophy, the phrase "theory of knowledge" is also referred to as


The Theist responds to the Problem of Evil by arguing that:

Evil is necessary to justify the existence of "free will"

Immanuel Kant's objection to the Ontological Argument is famously summarized by which statement?

Existence cannot be a real predicate.

In the story, what happens when one of the prisoners returns after experiencing the "real" world?

He tries to tell the other prisoners that their experience in the cave is not "real".

Darwin argued that...

Human beings evolved randomly over time as the result of natural forces.

Antonio Damasio, the neuroscientist from the Ted Video "The Quest for Consciousness", would most likely align with which of the following theories of human nature?

Identity Theory

The Ontological Argument might best be summarized by which statement:

If we can truly conceive of God as the greatest possible being, then he must exist.

In Descartes view of self-identity, ...

It is the continuity of the thinking mind or soul that makes a person endure as the same person over time.

In Plato's book The Apology, he describes the trial of Socrates, in which

Socrates was condemned to death for corrupting the young people of Athens.

The Ontological Argument was first put forward by:

St. Anselm

The Cosmological Argument was put forward by:

St. Thomas Aquinas

How does the "Ship of Theseus Problem" suggest a problem with using "body continuity" as a basis for identifying ourselves as the same being over time?

The "Ship of Theseus Problem" suggests that, if an object changes gradually over time, such as the human body, it will not be the same object after most or all of its parts have been replaced.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the impact of the Big Bang Theory upon the Cosmological Argument?

The Big Bang Theory supports the scientific version of the universe coming into being as the result of a cataclysmic, primordial event but not the existence of the Judeo-Christian Concept of God.

Agnosticism is the position that

We do not have sufficient knowledge or understanding to decide whether or not God exists.

What is a key premise in the Cosmological Argument from Causation (First Cause)?

What is caused to exist must be caused by another thing, for nothing can cause itself to exist.

What might Plato be referring to in this allegory, besides the problem of limited experience?

What is real or fake. Can we be confident in what we see and know.

Guanilo provided a counter-argument to St. Anselm's Ontological Proof of God's Existence by making the claim that he could imagine __ ________ _______ 'greater than that which no other could imagine.'

a perfect island

Descartes argues that what enables us to identify ourselves as the same person over time is our soul, which we recognize as

a thinking mind.

A Valid argument is one in which it is possible for the premises to be true while the conclusion may be false.


According to Berkeley's objective idealism, the regularity, order, and continuity of the "external" world is sustained by existing in his mind.


According to the textbook, all religions have some institutionalized beliefs that involve a personal commitment to one or more gods.


Arguments where the premises are meant to suggest that the conclusion is true are called Deductive Arguments.


As long as you know that an argument is valid, you can assume that the conclusion is true.


In Chapter 3, on the question of "Is Freedom Real?", determinism is the view that people have control over what they do, and are free to choose to act otherwise.


It is the job of philosophers and logicians to prove that the premises of an argument are true before determining whether or not it is valid.


Jean Jacques Rosseau argued that original man was free from sin, temptation, and corruptive influences, and therefore would be like a brutal savage.


Materialism is the philosophical view that human beings are possessed of only a physical body composed of material substance, we should be able to explain the inner workings of the mind in terms of the interactions of the body with the soul.


Thales was a philosopher that argued that the ultimate reality of which everything in the world is made is fire.


The theory of the atomistic self argues that my own identity—who I really am—depends on my relationships with others and that I cannot be who I am apart from my relationships with others


Theology is the historical study of religion, by religious scholars of a given faith.


_______ was the ancient Greek philosopher who believed that the only thing that was permanent in the World around us was change -- the universe is in a constant state of change.


In the Design Argument, Paley argues that the complexities of the ______ ____ force the conclusion that it must have been created by an Intelligent Creator.

human eye

Berkeley's "Idealism" can best be summarized as the idea that "the whole of our perception, and the world that we perceive, is composed of_____."


Heisenberg's principle of ___________, indicates that a subatomic particle cannot be observed at any specific location or moment in time.


One of the major criticisms of Cartesian Dualism is that

it is impossible for an immaterial mind to interact with a material body.

Soren Kierkegaard argues that belief in God requires a personal commitment that exceeds rational justification; he calls this a

leap of faith

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution provides a mechanism that can explain the appearance of "design" in nature. This mechanism is the process of ________ ________.

natural selection

According to Ninian Smart, most religions include some or all of the following dimensions: (select all that apply)


The philosopher Dembski, makes the claim that the best explanation for the existence of the "________ __________" in the universe is that an intelligent being produced it.

specified complexity

Which of the following options is not a version of Aquinas's Cosmological Argument that was covered in class?

the Argument from Creation

The major difference between the approach of the ancient Greek Philosophers and the ancient Eastern Philosophers, like the Vedas and Upanishads, was that

the Greek philosophers were focused on trying to explain the properties of the external world, while the Eastern philosophers were centered on understanding the inner self as a path to understanding ultimate reality.

In Plato's Allegory, the cave represents what?

the World

Religious belief, as used in the text, can be defined as

the doctrines of a religion about the universe and religion's relation to the supernatural.

The word "philosophy" is derived from two Greek words, phileo and sophia. In combination, what do these two words mean?

the love of (or pursuit of) wisdom.

Atheism includes which of the following claims or beliefs (select all that apply):

-Empirical evidence, such as provided by the scientific method, is the best approach to gain reliable knowledge. -The knowable world is comprised of energy and matter. -We should focus our attention on moral and social concerns in order to improve the world.

In Thomas Hobbes definition of Materialism, ... (Select all that apply)

-Every function (operation or state) of the mind can be completely explained by observing the physical characteristics and processes of the body. -There is no need to postulate the existence of "immaterial substances", because only material things exist.

Charles Sanders Peirce argues that intellectual concepts must ... (select all that apply)

-Have some practical bearing upon the conduct of life. -Be based on hypotheses that can be resolved by experimental science. -Try to establish general concepts that are verifiable by science.

One criticism of Berkeley's idealism is that

-It fails to distinguish between an individual perception of a thing and the thing itself. -It defies our common sense notion that there is an external world outside of our minds. -It complicates things by introducing God's mind into all of our perceptions of reality. -Things in the external world are subject to change over time

Materialism is the metaphysical theory that ... (select all that apply)

-Reality is ultimately made up entirely of matter -Anything that is non-material or mental in nature is not real. -Mental states are identical with states of the material brain -The material world must be measurable and quantifiable

Idealism is the metaphysical theory that... (select all that apply)

-Reality is ultimately nonmaterial, made up of ideas in the mind. -Outside of ideas in our mind, nothing exists. -There is no material external world.

A logical syllogism is a propositional argument

-that attempts to demonstrate a proof of certain statements based on logical principles. -that lays down conditions or facts as true.

According to John Locke,

According to John Locke, what makes a self the same self over time is memory or consciousness.

The Problem of Evil is an argument against the existence of a God who is ...

All of the above.

William James argued that all metaphysical theories must have premises that

All of the above.

The Philosophical Pragmatists claimed that the metaphysicians, like the Materialists and Idealists, made the mistake of

Looking for absolutes in questions about the nature of reality.

Darwin proposed three key ideas that were the biological and environmental causes for what we call Human Nature. They included all except which of the following:

Metaphysical Soul

________________ is the belief that there is only one God.


For the Logical Positivists, a claim that is "verifiable in principle" ...

Must be capable of being verified by observation, even if we may lack the capability at the present time

The Free Will defense against the Problem of Evil might explain human choice between moral options, but it does not justify the existence of _____ ____.

Natural Evils

What is one reason that "Metaphysical Questions" might be important to human beings?

Other forms of knowledge may not be enough to explain the world and our place in it.

What is one reason that Metaphysical Question might be important to human beings?

Other forms of knowledge may not be enough to explain the world and our place in it.

Who are the residents of the Plato's Cave?

Prisoners of the government.

What is the name of the book from which this story is taken?

The Republic (BOOK 7)

David Hume's objection to Paley's version of the Design Argument can best be summarized as:

The argument involves a "false analogy" -- that a watch implies a watchmaker, does not prove that an "eye" proves a "eyemaker".

The validity of an logical argument is an important quality in philosophy because:

The logical form of an argument may be used to validate arguments that take the same form.

In The Natural History of Religion, David Hume concludes that

The primary religion of mankind arises chiefly from an anxious fear of future events

In his work, "The Will to Believe", William James argues that we have a "Living", "forced", and "momentous" choice to make, and that is:

To protect ourselves from missing out an ultimate truth by choosing to believe in God.

A logical fallacy is a

all of the above

According to Rudolf Otto, a numinous experience is one in which:

all of the above

According to the author of the text, the study of Philosophy can lead to

all of the above

Bertrand Russell, the 20th Century philosopher, would most likely say that:

all of the above

St. Thomas Aquinas argues that any attempt to look for the first cause of any observed motion or causation in the universe will yield _________________________ that cannot be explained.

an uncaused first cause

For the Materialist, the primary thing that enables us to identify ourselves over time is

body continuity

One argument used to establish that we are the same person over our lifetime is...

body continuity, meaning that we occupy the same body over our lifetime.

Gilbert Ryle argues that the both Dualism and Materialism commit a ___________ ________ in attempting to define "mental" or "cognitive" activities as something different from the meaning of the words that we used to describe them.

categorical mistake

The 17th century philosopher, Anne Conway, developed unique and non-traditional ideas about God and the universe that differed significantly from then mainstream theology and philosophy, including the idea that

there are an infinite number of worlds in the universe, along with an infinite number of living, thinking, and feeling creatures.

An argument is comprised of a set of statements, called premises, that is meant to lead you to another statement, called a conclusion.


Dualism is the philosophical view that human beings are made up of an immaterial mind (soul) and a material body.


In philosophical language, a proposition is a statement asserting a state or action that can be assessed to be true or false.


La Mettrie compares the human body to an enlightened machine.


Libertarianism is the view that people always have an option to choose an option different than what their circumstances might push them to do.


Malebranche's Defense of the the Dualist view of Parallelism, consists of the argument that Mind-Body interaction occurs when God steps in to synchronize the two parallel worlds.


Monotheism is the belief that there is one God, who is creator of the Universe.


The Sophists, like Thrasymachus, were skeptical about man's ability to truly understand the World around them, and in fact denied that any true knowledge was possible.


The philosophy of religion is the rational study of religious belief.


Zeno, a student of Parmenides, argued that only permanent things are truly real, and things like motion are just an illusion of the senses.


Gotfried Liebniz argued that the interaction of the soul and the body could be likened to...

two parallel clocks running synchronously.

The twentieth century Protestant theologian, Paul Tillich, argues that all people, including atheists, believe in an eternal and unknowable but all-encompassing interest in life that he calls our ________ _______.

ultimate concern

In the Design Argument, William Paley uses an analogy to describe the origins of the world, comparing God to a divine ___________.


Thales theorized that ultimately, the World, and all that makes it up, is made up of ________.


Compatibilism is the view that while are actions are caused or influenced by preceding factors and circumstances,

we nevertheless are held responsible for the consequences of our actions.

As defined in the textbook, St. Anselm used the latin phrase "credo ut intelligam" to make the point that,,,

without belief, one can have no understanding of God.

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