physical science 2/7 test

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If C moves to position 5 (60 meters), what is its average velocity during these 5 seconds?

) 12 m/s

A car's position in relation to time is plotted on the graph. What is the car's average velocity for segment C?

-0.25 m/s

Determine the velocity of the running man with respect to car A.

-55 km hr

Cars are safety tested to see how quickly they come to a stop under many conditions. The distance and time of one of these tests is graphed.

0 m/s

Choose the correct statement about the acceleration of the car.

The acceleration of this car is zero.

During which interval are the persons represented by the graph not moving?

1.5 to 2 hours

What is the velocity in meters per second of a runner who runs exactly 110 m toward the beach in 72 seconds.

1.53 m/s toward the beach

A happy graduate throws her cap into the air. It comes back to her hand (at the same height) in exactly 2.0 seconds. With what velocity did she originally throw the cap? Assume the acceleration due to gravity is -10

10 m s

A car's position in relation to time is plotted on the graph. What is the car's average velocity?

10 m/s

If C moves to position 5 (60 meters), what is its average velocity during these 5 seconds?

12 m/s

This diagram shows the movement of a skater at 1-second intervals. What is the magnitude of the average velocity, in m/s, if the skater went for a total of 12 meters?

3 m/s

Martina travels from school to her mom's office. From there, she walks to school. After school, she walks to the library and then to a friends house before finally ending back at home. Find Martina's total distance travelled.


If the graph shown is a position-time graph of an object moving at constant velocity, what is the velocity of the object? Assume that the units of position are meters and the units of time are seconds.

50 m/s

Ben and Jerry took a four day mountain hike during summer vacation. The distance traveled is seen in the illustration. Assume they stayed on the red path. They traveled to point A on day one; point B on day two. They turned around and went back home on day three because Jerry forgot his allergy medicine. Their hike ended at point C.

30 km

Light travels from the sun to the earth, a distance of 144,000,000,000 meters, in 480 seconds. Calculate the approximate velocity of light in the direction it travels toward the earth.

300,000,000 m

The velocity-time graph of an object moving north-west is shown here. What is the instantaneous velocity of the object at time t = 7.0 s?

4.2 m/s

A velocity-time graph is shown, displaying the behavior of a race cart along a linear track. During which time interval did it travel in a negative direction?

40-50 min

While travelling, John left destination A at 9 am. Driving until 7 pm, he travelled a total of 500 miles. The next day, John left at 9 am and drove until 5 pm, covering 270 miles. What was the average speed for both days, while driving?

43 mph

A car starts from rest at a stop light and reaches 20 m/s in 3.5 s. Determine the acceleration of the car.

5.7 m s2

A train engineer started the train from a standstill and sped up to 5 meters per second, she then rounded a corner at a constant speed. She then sped the train up to 10 meters per second on the next straightaway. Next, the train chugged around another bend at 10 m/sec, and then its speed slowed to 5 meters per second after coming out of the bend. Finally, the train reached the station, and the engineer applied the brakes and brought the engine to a stop. How many times did the train accelerate?


A girls walks 4 steps forward and then 3 steps backward. The girls distance walked is _________ steps and her displacement is ____________ steps.


A car is traveling in a straight path due east with a velocity of 8 meters per second. In a 10 second interval, how many meters will the car travel?

80 m

Derek reads at rate of 25 words per min. How long would it take him to read a 225 word article if he read at a constant rate without stopping?

9 minutes

Which object is accelerating?

A ball on a string whirled in a circle at a constant speed.

Consider the motion diagram. It illustrates a car's velocity (V) and acceleration (A). The BEST description of a car's velocity in this diagram is:

A car's velocity decreased from 10 m/s to 5 m/s.

Which example best demonstrates how unbalanced forces change the speed of an object's motion?

A child on a bicycle braking at a stop sign.

The graph represents the acceleration of two cars, Accel 1 and Accel 2, during a road trip. Which statement BEST describes the differences between the two cars' acceleration during the trip?

Accel 1 has a constant rate of acceleration; Accel 2 accelerates at different rates during the trip.

Based on the graph, which statement BEST describes the acceleration of the two objects?

Acceleration 1 - constant acceleration. Acceleration 2 - varied acceleration.

"Seat belts save lives" is not just a safety catch phrase but the law to wear seat belts in a moving car. Why would Newton say that we wear seat belts?

An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acting upon by an external force.

What must occur to a shopping cart at rest in order to make it roll forward?

An unbalanced force applied to the cart pushing or pulling it forward.

Which example best represents an object with balanced forces acting upon it? A) A boat moving through the water. B) A book sitting on a high shelf. C) A wagon rolling down a steep hill. D) A baseball thrown thrown in the air.

B) A book sitting on a high shelf.

After a long day of foraging, a squirrel drops a nut from a tree. Which correctly describes the nut's motion?

B) The nut experiences unbalanced forces and accelerates.

The speed of a car during a trip is represented in the graph. Compare distance and displacement at four hours into the trip.

Both distance traveled and displacement are 300 km.

Which BEST describes the speed and velocity of the graph?

Both speed and velocity are changing.

Corita bounced a ball four times. She measured how high the ball bounced each time. She recorded her data in the table. Which bounce was made with the greatest force?

Bounce 4

At the county fair, Carrie and Sam climbed up on the carousel horses. Around and around they went; the horses also bobbed up and down. When they got off of the carousel, Carrie told Sam they had been accelerating during their ride. Sam disagreed; they had been moving at a constant speed. Whose response is fully correct, and why?

Carrie is, because velocity includes speed plus direction, and both changed.

Tommy was walking at a rate of 4 miles hour at noon and at 12:30 pm he was walking at a brisk rate of 6 miles hour . Two hours later Tommy was walking at a leisurely rate of 2 miles hour . What was Tommy's acceleration between noon and 12:30 pm?

D) 4 miles hr2

If the sun were to suddenly disappear, how would the motion of Earth be affected?

Earth would continue moving with a constant velocity in a straight line.

Robert decides it would be fun to jump off of the back of his canoe while fishing in the lake one day. After he jumps out of the canoe, he notices that the canoe is no longer in the same place from where he jumped.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

A dog named Rascal leaves his home and travels a short distance and then returns home. The graph shows his position as a function of time. How does his velocity on his return trip compare to his velocity for the first 5 second

His velocity on the return trip was twice as fast when compared to the first 5 seconds.

Joe is the best baseball player in the world. He can throw a baseball faster than anyone. If the mass of the baseball was increased by 50%, but he applied the same force as he did to a lighter baseball, which of these would best describe Joe's attitude?

Joe would be unhappy as the new ball would have a slower acceleration.

Which planetary body has the GREATEST gravitational pull?


Roger and Natalie travel in similar cars. Roger's car drives the two miles to school in 7.5 minutes. Natalie drives the same distance in the opposite direction but in only 6.5 minutes. What is true of their velocities?

Natalie's velocity is greater in magnitude than Roger's velocity.

Based on the graph, how would you describe the net forces acting on the moving object?

Net force equals zero.

A ball is thrown upward and reaches a maximum height of 100m and then returns back to where it was launched. The displacement of the ball is

O m

Based on the data table, find the acceleration and then predict the velocity at the time 3.5 seconds.

The acceleration is 10 m/s/s and the velocity at a time of 3.5 seconds will be 35 m/s.

How is the acceleration related to the time for the data table?

The acceleration is a constant.

A student applies a force to a cart that experiences friction. The cart has a small acceleration. If the student doubles their applied force, explain how the motion changes.

The acceleration of the cart will more than double.

Infant car seats are made to face the rear of the car. This is safer in a front end collision because of Newton's First law. Newton's first law suggests

The baby will continue to move forward as the car slows and be push into the padded car seat.

Which would BEST describes what occurs when a ball is thrown against a wall?

The ball exerts a force on the wall and the wall exerts a force back.

A soccer ball is rolling past Ramon. He kicks it in the same direction that it is rolling. What will MOST LIKELY happen?

The ball will speed up.

A car traveled at a constant velocity of 70 mph from noon to 2:00 pm. At 3:00 pm the velocity of the car was 80 mph; and finally at 4:30 pm the velocity of the car was 40 mph.

The car had a positive acceleration between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

A car's position in relation to time is plotted on the graph. What can be said about the car during segment B?

The car has come to a stop and has zero velocity.

Consider this line graph that represents speed in meters/second. The X-axis is labelled in seconds; the Y-axis is labelled in meters. Suppose that a moving object is moving at a constant speed of 4 m/s. How would the graph for constant speed 4 m/s look, compared to the line graph seen here?

The line would be straight and diagonal, going through point [.5, 2} first.

Ben is exercising his pony on a large, oval track. The pony is trotting at a constant speed of 10 m/s around the track. Which statement can be made about the pony's acceleration?

The pony is accelerating around the track.

Corinne uses a model rocket in her physical science class. The rocket begins its trip traveling vertically at 22 m s . It reaches a peak height of 24 meters and then begins its descent. Just before it hits the ground, it reaches a velocity of 22 m s . Which statement is true regarding the rocket's trip?

The rocket's velocity on the trip down is the negative of the upward trip.

Identify the action force in the example.

The runner's feet pushing against the ground.

Consider the acceleration graph. If the mass of the object that is accelerating does not change, but the force applied is tripled, how would the slope of the line change?

The slope of the line would increase.

A racecar driver circles a racetrack with a constant speed of 110 km/hr. Which BEST describes the speed and velocity of the car?

The speed is constant and velocity is changing.

The diagram represents the movement of a train from left to right, with velocity v. Which statement is true?

The train is slowing down.

In which situation is the acceleration of the car negative?

The velocity of a car reduced from 50 km/h to 35 km/h over one minute.

Sam and Sally are both running the mile at the region track meet. One mile equals four laps around the oval track. They are neck and neck during most of the race, but at the half-mile mark Sam starts to pull ahead. He wins the race with a time of 5 minutes 25 seconds. Sally stops at .9 miles to have a drink of water and then continues to the finish line.

Their displacement is the same, zero miles.

John and Caroline go out for a walk one day. This graph represents their distance from home. Which statement accurately describes their walk?

They walked in one direction, then they were still, then they walked in the opposite direction.

Tommy was walking at a rate of 4 miles hour at noon and at 12:30 pm he was walking at a brisk rate of 6 miles hour . Two hours later Tommy was walking at a leisurely rate of 2 miles hour . Which statement about Tommy's accleration is true?

Tommy had a positive acceleration between noon and 12:30 pm.

Which BEST describes the difference between speed and velocity?

Velocity includes rate of change and direction.

As the skydiver falls to Earth, she experiences positive acceleration due to


The tendency of two masses alone in the universe to drift together is a result of


Larry and Balky set up an experiment to analyze the motion of a marble as it rolled down an incline. They started the marble at the top of the ramp and set up photogates to collect data as the marble rolled down the ramp. Which graph format will allow Larry and Balky to calculate instantaneous accleration from the slope of the graph?

Velocity on the y-axis, time on the x-axis

Which statement below is false?

Weight is a constant no matter where you are located.

A boy, standing at point O, is whirling a ball on a string over his head. After several whirls, he lets go of the string and the ball travels in a straight line. Describe the velocity of the ball in both situations: whirling overhead and being let go.

While whirling overhead, the velocity changes. Moving in a straight line, the velocity does not change.

During summer break, Jamie's family went camping in the mountains. There were no roads to their camp, 8 miles away, and it took them about 4.5 hours to reach the campsite on foot. Did Jamie's family stop to rest during the trip? How can you tell from the data?

Yes. After 1.5 hours, there is no change in position for 30 minutes.

Which car is accelerating?

a car that rounds a curve at a constant speed

Ramon is playing soccer. The ball comes straight at him, and he kicks it to a player on his right. His kick is an example of

a force that changes the direction of the ball.

Between which pair of objects would the LARGEST gravitational attraction be found? Assume there is an equal distance between the first and second items mentioned in all four answer choices?

a person and the earth

A boy, standing at point O, is whirling a ball on a string over his head at a constant speed. Even though the speed is constant, the ball is undergoing


Once a carousel is in motion, the constant movement of the carousel horse around the center of the circle can BEST be described as

acceleration; change in velocity.

Maria drove to the store, did some shopping, and then came home. During Maria's trip, when was her displacement equal to zero?

at 0 hours and 2 hours

This graph describes the motion of a sky diver that jumped from an airplane. The skydiver is MOST LIKELY

being influenced by equal amounts of gravity and air resistance.

When a ball rolls downhill, the rolling motion results in the ball ____________.

changing position

The graph above represents an object moving with a __________________.

constant positive acceleraiton

Which graph illustrates constant speed and velocity?


The variables _______ and ________ affect the gravitational force between objects.

distance, mass

The velocity of an object is equal to the distance divided by time. The equation is velocity = distance/time. If you wanted to calculate the TIME required for an object to travel a distance and you knew the velocity, you would

distance/ velocity

The acceleration of an object would increase if there was an increase in the

force on the object.

Diego kicks a soccer ball from the end line. His fellow students time and mark the soccer ball as it moves down the field. The graph represents the ball's progress. Based on the graph, during what time is the soccer ball not moving?

from 4.5 to 5.0 seconds

The game is on the line and it's your job to pick one football player to give the ball to run for the winning touchdown. You do not want the opposing team to stop him, therefore, you want the one with the largest momentum. Which player would you pick?


A stationary rock is pushed off a very high cliff. Which graph correctly represents the acceleration due to gravity as the rock undergoes free fall to the ground?

Newton's law of universal gravitation works well in ordinary situations on earth, but it does not work well

in large stars, because they are too massive.

If the distance between two objects decrease and the masses of the objects remain the same, then the force of gravity between the two objects


Planets are constantly moving. In fact, the name planet means wanderer. What force is responsible for the constant movement of the planets in our solar system?


The position of a 25 kilogram pumpkin is carefully recorded. The pumpkin is then left outside for 24 hours. When the observer returns, the pumpkin has not moved. Which word BEST explains the behavior of the pumpkin?


This graph shows that as an object's mass increases its

intera increases

An object that is moving must have a change in

its position.

Which type of graph would be MOST appropriate for a track runner to use, in order to look at how his speed varied during a 440 meter race?

line graph

Any change of position is considered


If a car is seen stopped at a stoplight at a certain instant and then it is seen 100m away from the light at some time later, the car must have been ________ at some point between the two observations.


The Smith family is travelling in their car at 50 km/h due east. Mr. Smith is using cruise control to maintain a constant speed. Describe the net force acting on the Smith car.

net force equals zero

As an astronaut goes out into space (not on another planet but in space), her mass _______________ and her weight ____________________.

stays the same, decreases

Three features describe the motion of an object. They are

position, direction, and speed.

Based on the graph, how would you describe the motion of the object?

positive velocity, zero acceleration

Which device in a car helps to protect riders from the effects of inertia in the event of an accident?


Which device in a car helps to protect riders from the effects of inertia in the event of an accident?


Consider this line graph that represents speed in meters/second. The X-axis is labelled in seconds; the Y-axis is labelled in meters. Imagine that the moving object stops after 2.5 seconds and stays stopped for 0.5 seconds. What would the line for that time interval look like on this graph?

straight and horizontal at Y equals 14, to {3, 14}

According to Newton's Third Law, what is the equal and opposite force to the downward force of gravity pulling on a man standing on the beach?

the man pulling upward on the earth

In the fable of the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise eventually wins the road race over the fast running hare. As an observant science student, the data table above gives several clues to the tortoise's win. Read the explanations below and pick the explanation that BEST fits the data.

the tortoise moved at a constant velocity throughout the race; the hare stopped to rest periodically.

Students in Ms. Sawyer's class built balloon cars. The balloon car works this way. As the gas in the balloon is released, the car moves in the opposite direction. The bigger the balloon initially, the farther the car moves. This balloon car is a good model of Newton's

third law of motion.

Two classes of students line up for a tug of war. If both classes have the same number of students on a team, what other factor is very important so one team can win?

total mass of each team

Once out in space, the space shuttle needs to ________________ to keep going in the same direction at the same speed.

turn off its engines

Displacement is to velocity as ____________ is to acceleration.


The moon orbits our Earth. The opposite would never be true; the Earth would never orbit the moon. One reason is due to the force of gravity. The object ____________ has a greater gravitational force and that determines what satellites orbit around it.

with the greater mass

Standing at the same location, which organism would have the GREATEST gravitational attraction to the earth?

your pet elephant

Which object would have a LARGER gravitational force acting upon it? (assume the objects are at the same height above the Earth.)

2540 kg elephant

Mr. Harden's class decides to perform an experiment to determine how long it takes different objects to hit the floor when dropped from a desk. The class dropped three balls from a desk, one weighing 2 pounds, one weighing 4 pounds, and one weighing six pounds. It took them all the same amount of time to hit the floor. After evaluating these results, you predict that a 10 pound ball will take

about the same amount of time to hit the floor.

If the forces acting upon an object are balanced, then an object MUST

be moving at a constant velocity.

Providing that it does not collide with another object, what is the most likely reason that an object moving through space would change velocity?


Two forces, F1 and F2 (with F1 > F2), act on an object of mass m. The two forces act along the same line but in opposite directions. Which formula gives the acceleration of the object due to these forces?

(F1 - F2) / m

It is almost time for the summer Olympics. The Olympic hammer throw is a throwing event where the object is to throw a heavy metal ball attached to a wire and handle. The name hammer throw comes from an older contest where men threw a sledge hammer. The hammer have different weights, ranging from 16 pounds down to 8 pounds. Imagine there are four hammers to throw: 16, 12, 10, and 8 pounds. If you throw each hammer with the same amount of force, which hammer will move the shortest distance?

16 pounds

A 20 kg mass is dropped from a tall rooftop and accelerates at 9.8 m/s2. What is the weight of the dropped object?

196 N

What is the acceleration of an object with mass of 42.6 kg when an unbalanced force of 112 N is applied to it?

2.63 m/s2

A sled is accelerating down a hill at a rate of 1 m s2 . If the mass of the sled is suddenly cut in half and the net force on the sled is doubled, what is the acceleration of the sled?

4 m s2

Imagine you are on the top of a mountain with four basketballs. The mass of the four basketballs are 100 kilograms, 200 kilograms, 300 kilograms, and 400 kilograms. If the basketballs rolled down the hill, which one would supply the greatest force at the bottom of the mountain (assume that their velocities were equal at the bottom of the mountain)?

400 kilogram

Using the data in the table and the fact that Newton's second law states that force equals mass times acceleration, find the acceleration of the object.

5 m/s2

A 267.5 N unbalanced force applied to push a stuffed chair across the room, causing an acceleration of 4.2 m s2 . What is the mass of the chair?

63.69 kg

Using software, a simulation of a javelin being thrown both on Earth and on the moon is created. In both cases, the velocity and angle of projection are kept the same. On Earth, the javelin covers a distance y. What distance would it cover on the moon? (The moon's gravity is about 1/6th that of Earth.)


A wayward communications satellite is equal distance from the Earth and the moon. Which of these statements is true?

The gravitational force or pull acting on the satellite will be larger from the Earth.

How is the weight of an object in a spaceship near the moon related to the distance that the spaceship is from the moon?

As the distance to the moon decreases, the weight of the spaceship would increase.

Carl and Juan were playing catch, getting ready for the start of baseball season. Carl, who wanted to be the pitcher, was trying out his pitching arm. "Here comes a fast ball!" shouted Carl. "Ouch!" yelled Juan. "That ball really hurt when I caught it!" Which of the these does NOT explain, in part, why the fast ball hurt Juan's hand.

As the fastball accelerated, the force on the ball increased.

Newton's third law of motion states For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.. Which model BEST represents this law of motion?


A weight hanging from a spring will remain hanging until the weight is pulled down and released. When the weight is released the spring will bounce up and down. Which of Newton's laws explains why the spring will bounce?

The first law - The spring is a rest and pulling the weight supplies the force needed to start it moving.

Although Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun, it travels in a fixed orbit around the Sun and never changes its path. What is the reason for this?

The gravitational pull of the Sun holds Neptune in its orbit.

Steve is whirling a rubber cork, tied with a string to his finger, over his head as shown in the figure. The motion of the cork is similar to the motion of a planet in the Solar System around the Sun. Which force in the Solar System is similar to the tension in the string?

Gravitational force

Consider a person sliding down a water slide at constant velocity. What are the forces acting on the person as they slide? Are the forces balanced or unbalanced? Explain.

Gravity and friction are acting on the person. The forces are balanced. There is no net force because the person is moving at a constant velocity.

Consider the free body diagram. It is a graphic representation of Mike exerting a force on a refrigerator. Four balanced forces are acting on the refrigerator in this case, No matter how hard Mike pushes, he cannot move the refrigerator. Mike asks Bill to help him. Both men push with 2N of force. If Mike and Bill both push on the refrigerator, all BUT ONE statement would be true.

If both men push, they each use about half as much force.

What can we say about the rock as it falls to Earth?

It accelerates as it falls.

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that the force of gravity between any two objects with mass is proportional to the product of both masses. The force is also inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. The force of gravity between the earth and a small object depends on the mass of both objects. Why then do all falling objects on earth have the same acceleration due to gravity regardless of mass?

Large masses have greater force on them, but require more force to accelerate according to the equation F=ma.

You hop on the carousel horse. The attendant flips the switch and you move up and down, around and around. When the ride ends, the attendant again flips the switch. The up and down motion stops, as you continue to move in a circular motion, gradually slowing to a stop. Why?

Mechanical systems need an external energy source to maintain their motion.

The law of inertia states that an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Which law of motion is this describing?

Newton's First Law

A bobblehead doll consists of an oversized replica of a person's head attached by a spring to a body and a stand. A light tap to the oversized head causes it to bobble. As the head bobbles, it illustrates vibrational motion. Your tap caused the head to leave its resting position. What law of motion does this vibrational motion BEST represent?

Newtowns 1st Law

A small diameter lead ball and a large diameter rubber ball are dropped from a tower. The balls hit the ground at the same time. What conclusion can be drawn about the force of gravity?

No conclusion can be drawn without more information about the two balls. t

Three metal spheres are placed next to each other as shown in the picture. A has two times the mass of B. C has one-third the mass of A. The distance between A and C is half that between A and B. Given these conditions, which statement is true?

The gravitational force between A and B is three-eighths that between A and C.

A 4 kg and 6 kg bowling ball are dropped from the same height at the same time. The two balls strike the ground at the same time. Which statement is true about the force due to gravity on the balls?

The 6 kg ball has a greater force of gravity exerted on it.

The gravitational force between Earth and the Sun is a two-way force. Both the planet and the Sun attract each other. However, Earth revolves around the Sun rather than the Sun revolving around Earth. Which statement BEST explains the orbit of the Earth around the Sun?

The Sun's mass is much greater than Earth's.

A person jumps forward off the front of a stationary boat floating on a lake. Identify the reaction force in this case, between the person and the boat.

The boat applying a force on the person pushing her forward.

If Shane and Susan both push on a box with a force of 25N, but in opposite directions, what will happen to the box?

The box will not move.

Four boxes of increasing size and weight must be pushed up a ramp. To push the boxes at the same speed, what must you do?

The larger and heavier the box, the more force you must use when pushing.

Carrie went with her mother to the rifle range to practice shooting. Firing the rifle created the force needed to send the bullet to the target. But the rifle also recoiled and hit Carrie's shoulder each time she fired. Based on Newton's third law, what do you know about the acceleration of the rifle against Carrie's shoulder?

The mass is greater so acceleration is less.

If the force of gravity between the sun and the planets disappeared, what would happen to the path the planets follow?

They would move in a straight line at a constant speed and velocity.

Four wrestlers step on a scale for a tournament. Wrestler A weighs in at 170 pounds; wrestler B weighs in at 168 pounds; wrestler C weighs in at 171 pounds; and wrestler D weighs in at 169 pounds. Which of these wrestlers experiences the greatest force due to gravity?

Wrestler C

A cup of coffee sits on the dashboard of an automobile. The car goes around a sharp curve. Even though you hold the cup still, coffee still splashes out.


You are sitting in a car that isn't moving; suddenly, the car quickly accelerates. Your body seems to be pushed back against the seat. Which word best explains why your body seemed to be pushed backward against the seat?


A planet similar to Earth has four moons roughly the same distance away. The moon that will MOST affect tides on the planet is the one that has the greatest


On the planet Jupiter, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 26 m s2 , roughly 2.7 times the acceleration due to gravity on the earth. An object with a mass of 1000 kilograms lands on the surface of Jupiter. Determine its weight on Jupiter.

26,000 N

It is almost time for the summer Olympics. The Olympic hammer throw is a throwing event where the object is to throw a heavy metal ball attached to a wire and handle. The name hammer throw comes from an older contest where men threw a sledge hammer. The hammer have different weights, ranging from 16 pounds down to 8 pounds. Imagine there are four hammers to throw: 16, 12, 10, and 8 pounds. You can pick any hammer to win the contest. Which would be the best choice if you want to throw the hammer the farthest you can?

8 pounds

Gravity is a force between any two objects with mass. Why doesn't a person feel a gravitational force between him/herself and another person?

The gravitational forces of people is so small it is overshadowed by that of Earth.

Susan goes out to exercise. She runs for one hour at a constant speed and velocity. What is the overall net force acting on Susan?

The net force acting on the runner must be zero.

What will be the effect of two forces of equal magnitude acting on a moving rigid body from opposite directions along the same line?

The object will remain in static equilibrium.

A basketball rolls to a stop along a gym floor without anyone touching it. What answer choice BEST explains why this occurred?

The opposing force of friction stopped the ball.

Imagine a satellite is orbiting the moon. How would the satellite behave if the moon were to suddenly disappear?

The satellite would travel in a straight line into space.

Why does an object in motion stay in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force?

because forces are what stop and start motion

Ben helped his parents load boxes and furniture onto the moving truck. He easily carried several boxes out of the house and up a ramp into the truck. Then loaded small pieces of furniture by pushing them up the ramp. Finally, Ben tried to move the refrigerator. He pushed and pushed, but it did not move. Why?

because the refrigerator was much heavier than the other objects

Between which pair of objects would the LARGEST gravitational attraction be found? Assume there is an equal distance between the first and second items mentioned in all four answer choices?

between a person and the earth

The image illustrates that as the distance between two objects increases, the force of gravity ____________.


The image illustrates that as the distance between two objects increases, the force of gravity ____________.


Sonny and Manuel had to set up a demonstration to model one of Newton's laws. This is a photo of their demonstration. When Manuel hit the index card with his finger, the penny fell into the cup. Their demonstration modeled Newton's

first law of motion.

Consider the four spheres. As illustrated by the diagram, we would expect spheres A - C to be attracted to sphere D. Sphere D has the greatest gravitational force because as represented here, it

is the most massive.

In a bumper car arena, two cars of equal mass are heading straight toward each other. The orange car is traveling at a velocity of 5 m s . The green car is traveling at a velocity of 2 m s . After the collision, both cars move off in the direction in which the orange car was travelling with a velocity of 1.5 m s . Which car has the largest change in velocity?

neither, because they both change equally

An empty truck and a fully loaded truck are next to each other at a traffic light. When the light turns green, the lighter truck increases speed more quickly. Which of these best explains this situation?

newtons second law

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