physical science

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In the circuit shown below, the battery voltage is 20 volts. What will be the reading of the ammeter shown in the circuit?

0.40 amperes

A chair has a mass of 10 kilograms on Earth. What is the mass of the chair on Mercury?

10 kg

A fan cart with the fan set to High rolled across a floor. The cart's speeds are shown below. If the fan were set to Medium instead, what could the cart's speed be at 5 seconds?

10.9 cm per second

What is the total resistance of the circuit shown below?

12 ohms

What is the volume of this box?


Assuming weightless pulleys and 100% efficiency, what is the minimum input force required to lift a 120 N weight using a single fixed pulley?


What volume is shown in this graduated cylinder?


A graduated cylinder contains 20.0 mL of water. After a rock is placed in the cylinder, the level rises as shown below. What is the volume of the rock?


What is the best estimate of this lion's speed? (The trees are 5 meters apart.)

15 m/s

Silver (Ag) has a molar mass of 107.8682 g, nitrogen has a molar mass of 14.0067 g, and oxygen has a molar mass of 15.9994 g. What is the molar mass of silver nitrate, AgNO3?

169.8731 g

A mineral sample has a mass of 4.2 grams and a volume of 2 milliliters. What is the density of the mineral?


What is the best estimate of the frequency of the wave shown below?

2.50 Hz

A person is able to pull a rope with a force of 700 N. What is the minimum number of fixed and moveable pulleys that the person will require to lift up a 27,800 N elephant? Assume the pulleys themselves are weightless and the system has 100% efficiency.

20 fixed, 20 moveable

Rebecca puts her backpack on a fan cart and turns the fan on. She then measures the speed each second afterward. At 10 seconds the cart has a speed of 20 cm per second. How fast will the cart be moving at 12 seconds?

24 cm per second

Experiments have shown that adult human hearing is most sensitive in the frequency range of the sound of a human baby crying. Based on the threshold of audibility curve shown for an adult male shown below, into which frequency range does most babies' crying fall?

2500 - 5000 Hz

What volume is shown in the graduated cylinder below?


In the image from the Gizmo™ shown below, which frequency has the highest decibel level?

30 Hz

You are determining the mass of an object using a triple beam balance. When the pointer is lined up with the zero mark, the riders show values of 300 grams, 20 grams, and 8.10 grams. What is the mass of the object?


Which set of coefficients would balance the following equation? Mg + AlCl3 → Al + MgCl2

3Mg + 2AlCl3 → 2Al + 3MgCl2

What is the density of a block with a mass of 36 g and a volume of 9 cm3?

4 g/cm3

In the circuit shown below, the battery voltage is 12 volts and the light bulbs are all identical. What is the voltmeter reading?

4 volts

Based on the image, what is the mass of the object being measured?


The sphere shown below is placed in a full overflow cup and sinks to the bottom. How much water is displaced by the sphere? 4.6cm


What is the best estimate of this zebra's speed? (The trees are 5 meters apart.)(0.5-3.5s)


In the pulley system shown below, a 360 N weight is slowly lifted. Assuming the system is 100% efficient and each pulley is weightless, what is the minimum input force needed to lift the weight?


what is the weight of the turkey

71 newtons

A system with one fixed and one moveable pulley operates with 90% efficiency. The moveable pulley has a weight of 5 N. Using this pulley system, what is the minimum input force needed to lift a piano weighing 1,595 N?


What is the role of a fuse?

A fuse is used to break a circuit when there is too much current.

what is a true gas

A gas has a changeable shape and will expand or shrink to fill any container.

Which of the following statements best explains the usefulness of a pulley system with at least one moveable pulley?

A pulley system is useful because it produces a large output force given a small input force.

What is the best description of sound waves?

A source vibrates back and forth, causing air molecules to move back and forth in the same direction that the wave is transmitted.

How could you increase the power of a wave in a spring?

All of the above

What do wind turbines, hydroelectric dams, and ethanol plants have in common?

All use generators to produce electrical current

What is the amplitude and wavelength of the wave shown below?

Amplitude: 15 cm; wavelength: 150 cm

What is the amplitude and wavelength of the wave shown below?

Amplitude: 30 cm; wavelength: 110 cm

In the picture below, the green spheres represent particles of solute that have been added to water. Bonds between the solute particles are indicated by orange lines. When this substance dissolves in water, what happens to the bonds between these particles?

As they absorb energy, they are broken.

In the simulation shown below, each insulated beaker contains equal amounts of the same fluid. The starting temperature of beaker A was 100.0 °C and the starting temperature of beaker B was 0.0 °C. Assuming no heat is lost, what is the best estimate of the temperatures of each beaker at 10 minutes?

Beaker A will be 72 °C and beaker B will be 28 °C.

The two systems shown below are identical except for the rod connecting the two beakers. Initially the temperatures of the beakers are as follows:

Beakers C and D will reach their final temperatures first.

Sailors use a capstan (shown below) to raise and lower the anchor. It takes two sailors located 1 meter from the center to turn the capstan.

Both B and C would work.

The two insulated beakers shown contain equal amounts of identical liquids. The temperature of Beaker A is 80°C. The temperature of Beaker B is 50°C. A copper rod connects the beakers. The system is then left alone for several hours. What would you expect to find when the system is examined after this time?

Both of the beakers would be at a temperature of 65°C.

If all four switches below are turned on, which light bulb will light up? (W is wood, S is silver, and Y is yarn.)

Circuit C

What type of wave is shown below?

Combined wave

Which of the following statements is true about the movement of fluid in a convection cell?

Cool fluid sinks because it is denser.

Which of the following pressure graphs matches the simulation snapshot shown below?

Graph B

Which acceleration graph corresponds to the pressure graph shown?

Graph D

Which of the following displacement graphs matches the simulation snapshot shown below?

Graph D

Which set of coefficients would balance the following chemical equation?H3PO4 + RbOH → H2O + Rb3PO4

H3PO4 + 3RbOH → 3H2O + Rb3PO4

If the equal loudness curve below shows the threshold of audibility for a person while in middle school, which curve is most likely to represent the threshold of audibility for the same person at his or her 60th birthday?

Image B

The graph below shows the temperature changes occurring in two hot packs that are made from different materials. The same amounts of water and CaCl2 were used to make each pack. Which of the following inferences is supported by the graph?

LDPE would be the best choice for a hand warmer designed to release heat quickly.

In general, which type of compound tends to have the lowest melting point?

Molecular solids

An unknown substance is a white solid at room temperature and has a melting point of 78 °C. Which of the following substances is most likely to be the identity of the unknown sample?

Naphthalene, a molecular solid with the formula C10H8

A petroleum refinery is producing the four products shown in the table. The table also shows the state of matter at room temperature of each of the substances. All of these compounds are molecular compounds consisting of only hydrogen and carbon. Which of the following products is likely to have the highest molecular weight?

Paraffin wax

Insulators prevent the loss of heat. A company is designing a mug that will keep coffee warm for a long time. Which one of these materials would do this best?


Two sets of flasks are connected by a hollow copper pipe, as shown. Which set will change temperature most quickly?

Set A (cold water above, hot water below)

Which set of flasks will change temperature most quickly?

Set A (solid gold chunk between flasks)

The following transition occurs at a molecular level for a substance. What transition corresponds to this change in microscopic structure?


The calorimeter pictured below shows the final temperature after calcium chloride was added to water. (The initial temperature was 25 °C.) Which of the following best describes what occurred within the calorimeter?

The bonds that formed were for the most part stronger than the bonds that were broken

What will happen when a light bulb is removed from the circuit below?

The brightness of the remaining light bulbs will not change.

A fan cart is moving forward on a frictionless surface. If you change the fan speed from High to Low, what will occur?

The cart will continue to speed up, but not as quickly as before.

A hot sun warms the surface of a lake on a calm day. What will happen to the cold water at the bottom of the lake?

The cold water will remain at the bottom and won't mix very much with the warm water at the top.

What is the biggest difference between an exothermic and endothermic process?

The direction of energy flow.

The strongman lifts the pig by pulling down at position 1. How will the distance that he pulls down compare to the distance that the pig moves up?

The distance that the pig moves up will be less than the distance that the strongman pulls down.

Based on the displacement graph below, which divider is likely to experience the greatest negative acceleration?

The divider originally located at 4 units.

What is the most important reason that caffeine (C8H10N4O2) has a lower melting point than copper (II) chloride (CuCl2)?

The intermolecular forces holding the caffeine molecules together are weaker than the ionic bonds in CuCl2.

A chemical reaction is done in the setup shown, resulting in a change of mass. What will happen if the same reaction is done in a sealed container that is placed on the electronic balance?

The mass will stay the same because the gases produced in the reaction are kept inside the container.

A photographer runs away from an angry rhino toward the safety of her Jeep. What will happen? (Speeds and distances are shown below the image.)

The photographer will get to the Jeep before the rhino catches her.

What will happen when a light bulb is added on the left side of this circuit (where the arrow is)?

The remaining light bulbs will dim.

What will happen when a light bulb is removed from the circuit below, leaving a gap?

The remaining light bulbs will go out

In the series circuit shown below, what would happen if one of the light bulbs and its attached wire segment were removed?

The remaining lights would go out.

In the parallel circuit shown below, what would happen if one of the light bulbs and its attached wire segment were removed?

The remaining lights would shine with the same brightness.

What are two reasons that ocean water sinks in the Arctic Ocean?

The surface water is colder and more salty than normal.

A copper rod connects two insulated beakers that contain liquids. The temperature of the liquid in Beaker A is 85°C and the temperature in Beaker B is 15°C. Over the next 60 seconds, what will occur?

The temperature in Beaker A will decrease and the temperature in Beaker B will increase.

For the cold pack shown below, the temperature on the outside surface has dropped considerably from its initial temperature of 25 °C. Which of the following provides the best explanation for this temperature decrease?

The thermometer is measuring the temperature of the surroundings, which is losing energy

The speed-versus-time bar graph for a fan cart experiment is shown below. What could have happened?

The track was frictionless, and the fan was changed from High to Off after 8 seconds.

A chef leaves a copper spoon, a wooden spoon, and a steel spoon in a pot of boiling soup for several minutes. Which spoon should the chef grab with his bare hand to stir the soup?

The wooden spoon

Imagine that you created the equal-loudness curve shown below. If you then played each sound at the decibel level shown, which frequency of sound would sound the loudest to you?

They would all seem to have the same volume.

What type of lever is shown below?

Third-class lever

A mechanic is trying to loosen a nut with a wrench, but it is stuck. What could the mechanic do to help loosen the nut? (Hint: This is a wheel and axle situation.)

Use a longer wrench

Which wheel and axle would allow a load to be dragged with less force?

Wheel and axle B.

What device would an elderly person most likely have trouble hearing? (Assume each sound has the same decibel level.)

a smoke alarm

A mineral sample scratches fingernails, pennies, and glass but does not scratch steel as shown below. What is the hardness of the mineral?

about 6

Which energy path shows one way energy can get to a light bulb?

all of the above

Why is the following equation invalid?Al + 2O2 → Al2O3

all of the above (-An atom of aluminum (Al) is created in the reaction. -An atom of oxygen (O) is destroyed in the reaction. -The equation violates the Law of Conservation of Mass.

Pyrite is called "fool's gold" because it looks a lot like gold. Which properties can be used to tell gold and pyrite apart?

all of the above (density, hardness, streak)

A white powder is added to a solution. The images show observations made before the powder is added, just after the powder has been added, and a little while later. (The liquid in the small beaker is phenol red solution.) What evidence shows that a chemical change has taken place?

all of the above (gas is produced, the ph changes, the temperature changes)

based on the images what is the mass of the flowerpot(kg)

between 4kg and 5kg

A watermelon is balanced by a dog, a pumpkin, a flowerpot, and a baseball as shown below. Which statement or statements are true?

both a and b are true (the weight and mass are equal)

What mineral is described below? (Feel free to use the Mineral Key.)


When hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is added to potassium iodide (KI) solution, the hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2). The chemical equation for this decomposition reaction is:


An unopened bottle of water is taken out of the refrigerator and placed on a table. After a while, the bottle is covered with droplets of water. What phase change has occurred?


Which of these objects converts light to chemical energy?


A group of mill workers are trying to turn a large wheel and axle to grind grain. What can they do to move the wheel with less effort?

decrease the radius of the axle

Fill in the blank: The greater the amount of matter that is packed into a given space, the greater the _______________________.


Which set of diagrams shows a balanced chemical equation?

diagram c

It takes four athletes to turn the wheel below. How many athletes would it take if the wheel radius were doubled and the axle radius stayed the same?

fewer than 4 athletes

Force is needed

for a moving object to change its speed

Molten lava pours from a volcano in Hawaii. After a few hours, the liquid lava hardens into a shiny gray rock. Which phase change has taken place?


What is the phase of water when its temperature is 150 °C?


Which unit is used to measure mass in the metric system?


What phases are shown in the three images below?

image 1 is liquid, image 2 is solid, image 3 is gas

A forest fire is burning near a cold lake. Which image correctly shows the convection cell that would develop?

image A

A burner is placed below the right side of a beaker. Which image shows the motion of the liquid that will result?

image b

Which image shows the burner placement that will produce the convection cell shown below?

image b

The turkey weighs 100 N. If the strongman pushes on the lever at position 1, what is the smallest effort that he would need to lift the turkey?

just over 100 N

The goat weighs 900 N and is 1 meter from the fulcrum. The strongman pulls down on the lever 3 meters from the fulcrum. What is the smallest effort that the strongman can use to lift the goat?

just over 300 N

A reaction produces a gas, which is collected in a glass cylinder. When a glowing splint is placed inside the container, it burns brightly, as shown. Which gas was produced in the reaction?


This giraffe walks at a speed of 2 meters per second. Where will the giraffe be 5 seconds from now? (The trees are 5 meters apart.)

photo c (third space in between trees)

Where would you push or pull on the lever shown to lift the sheep most easily?

point A

Based on its formula, what type of chemical reaction occurs between silver nitrate (AgNO3) and copper (Cu)? 2AgNO3+Cu-->2Ag+Cu(NO3)2

single replacement

what mineral property is being shown below


What source of energy causes winds to blow around the Earth?


The two insulated beakers shown contain equal amounts of identical liquids. The temperature of Beaker A is 85°C. The temperature of Beaker B is 40°C. A metal rod connects the beakers. Five minutes later, the temperature of Beaker A is 75°C and the temperature of Beaker B is 50°C. What might the temperatures be after another five minutes have passed?

temp. of Beaker A = 68°C, Temp. of Beaker B = 57°C

According to the picture, which is the least dense? chess piece or soldier

the chess piece

The person and elephant are traveling from left to right. The second photo was taken a few seconds after the first. Who is traveling faster?

the elephant is walking faster

Based on the image, what can you infer about the mass of the object being measured?

the mass is slightly less than 255g

You place a mass of 250 grams on the measurement tray of a triple beam balance and then set the rider on the 500 gram beam to the 200 gram mark (the other riders are set to 0 grams). Which of the following statements is true?

the pointer will be above the zero mark

the force of gravity on the surface of mercury is much less than on earth. A rock has a weight of 100 newtons on earth. What do you know about the weight of the rock on Mercury?

the rock will weigh less than 100 newtons

The image below shows the same egg in water (on the left) and in seawater (on the right). What must be true about these liquids?

the seawater is denser than the plain water

What is electrical energy converted to inside a toaster?

thermal energy and light

What property is being measured in the image below?chess piece in water


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