Physics chapter 1-10

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An object moves around a circle. If the radius is doubled keeping the speed the same then the magnitude of the centripetal force must be

Half as great

The SI standard of time is based on

None of these

Which of the following is a vector quantity

None of these

Acceleration is always in the direction

Of the net force

An object is shot from the back of a railroad flatcar moving at 40 km /h on a straight horizontal road. The launcher is aimed upward, perpendicular to the bed of the flatcar. The object falls

On the flatcar

Two objects are traveling around different circular orbits with constant speed. They both have the same acceleration but object A is traveling twice as fast as object B. The orbit radius for object A is ______ the orbit radius for object B.

One half

A man sits in the back of a canoe in Stillwater. He then moves to the front of the canoe and sits there. Afterward the canoe

Is rearward of its original position and not moving

A projectile in flight explodes into several fragments. The total momentum of the fragments immediately after this explosion

Is the same as the momentum of the projectile immediately before the explosion

A ball is thrown upward into the air with a speed that is greater than terminal speed. On the way up it slows down and , after its speed equals the terminal speed but before it gets to the top of its trajectory

It continues to slow down

A body at rest in a system is capable of doing work if

It is free to move in such a way as to decrease the potential energy of the system

The center of mass of a system of particles remains at the same place if

It is initially at rest and the external forces sum to zero

There is no SI base unit for area because

Area can be expressed in terms of square meters

The term "mass" refers to the same physical concept as


The mass of a body

Is independent of the free fall acceleration

Only if a force on a particle is conservative

Is it's work zero when the particle moves exactly once around any closed path

Two objects p and q have the same momentum. Q has more kinetic energy than p if it

Is moving faster than p

The work done by gravity during the descent of a projectile

Is positive

Two objects, one having three times the mass of the other, are dropped from the same height in a vacuum. At the end of the fall, their velocities are equal because

None of the above

Whenever an object strikes a stationary object of equal mass

None of the above

Which one of the following is true

None of the above

Which of the following statements is true for the system consisting of the two masses

None of the above are true

A particle moves on the x axis. When its acceleration is positive and increasing

None of the above must be true

A watt per hour is a unit of

None of these

A block slides across a rough horizontal table top , the work done by friction changes

Only the kinetic and internal energies

We say that the displacement of a particle is a vector quantity. Our best justification for this assertion is

Operating with displacements according to the rules for manipulating vectors leads to results in agreement with experiments

A stone thrown from the top of a tall building follows a path that is


A particle moves at constant speed in a circular path. The instantaneous velocity and instantaneous acceleration vectors are

Perpendicular to each other

A ball is in free fall. Upward is taken to be the positive direction. The displacement of the ball during a short time interval is

Positive during ascent and negative during descent

The wound spring of a clock possesses

Potential but no kinetic energy

A block is attached to each end of a rope that passes over a pulley suspended from the ceiling, the blocks do not have the same mass. If the rope does not slip on the pulley, then at any instant after the blocks start moving the rope

Pulls on both blocks but exerts a greater force on the heavier block

A professor holds an eraser against a vertical chalkboard by pushing horizontally on it. He pushes with a force that is much greater than is required to hold the eraser. The force of friction exerted by the board on the eraser increases if he

Pushes so his force is slightly downward but has the same magnitude

A brick slides on a horizontal surface, which will increase the magnitude of the frictional force on it

Putting a second brick on top

Velocity is defined as

Rate of change of position with time

Acceleration is defined as

Rate of change of velocity with time

The inertia of a body tends to cause the body to

Resist any change in its motion

Which of the following is a scalar quantity


The rotational inertia of a wheel about its axle does not depend upon its

Speed of rotation

A bullet shot horizontally from a gun

Strikes the ground at approximately the same time as one dropped vertically from the same point at the same instant

Two bodies are falling with negligible air resistance side by side above a horizontal plane. If one of the bodies is given an additional horizontal acceleration during its descent, it

Strikes the plane at the same time as the other body

A feather, initially at rest, is released in a vacuum 12m above the surface of the earth. Which of the following statements is correct

The acceleration of the feather remains constant during the fall

Which one of the following statements is correct for an object released from rest

The average velocity during the first second of time is 4.9 m/s

A lead block is suspended from your hand by a string. The reaction to the force of gravity on the block is the force exerted by

The block on earth

The angular velocity vector of a spinning body points out of the page . If the angular acceleration vector points into the page then

The body is slowing down

The reaction force does not cancel the action force because

They are on different bodies

A car travels east at constant velocity. The net force on the car is


A cart loaded with sand slides forward along a horizontal frictionless track. As the cart moves, sand trickles out at a constant rate through a hole in the back of the cart. The acceleration of the cart is


A heavy steel ball b is suspended by a cord from a block of wood w. The entire system is dropped through the air. Neglecting air resistance, the tension in the cord is


A line drive to the shortstop is caught at the same height as it was originally hit. Over its entire flight the work done by gravity and the work done by air resistance respectively are

Zero negative

A baseball is thrown vertically into the air. The acceleration of the ball at its highest point is

g, down

A newton is the force

That gives a 1 kg body an acceleration of 1 m/s^2

The amount of work required to stop a moving object is equal to

The kinetic energy of the object

An elevator is rising at constant speed consider following statements

1 2 and 4 are true

The velocity of a projectile equals its initial velocity added to

A constantly increasing downward velocity

Uniform circular motion is the direct consequence of

A force of constant magnitude that is always directed toward the same fixed point

An example of an inertial reference frame is

A frame attached to a particle on which there are no forces

For a two body collision involving objects with different masses a frame of reference which has the same velocity relative to the laboratory as does the center of mass of the two objects is

A frame for which the total momentum of the two objects is zero

If the total momentum of a system is changing

A net external force must be acting on the system

A good example of kinetic energy is provided by

A tornado

A force with a given magnitude is to be applied to a wheel. The torque can be maximized by

Applying the force at the rim , tangent to the rim

The momentum of an object at a given instant is independent of its


In SI units a force is numerically equal to the _______ when the force is applied to it

Acceleration of the standard kilogram

Why do raindrops fall with constant speed during the later stages of their descent

Air resistance just balances the force of gravity

An object rests on a horizontal frictionless surface. A horizontal force of magnitude f is applied. This force produces an acceleration


No kinetic energy is possessed by

An elevator standing at the fifth floor

A disk is free to rotate on a fixed axis. A force of given magnitude f in the plane of the disk is to be applied. Of the following alternatives the greatest angular acceleration is obtained if the force is

Applied tangentially at the rim

An object moves in a circle at constant speed. The work done by the centripetal force is zero because

Centripetal force is perpendicular to the velocity

The center of mass of the system consisting earth sun and planet mars is

Closer to the sun than to either of the other bodies

The coordinate time graph of an object is a straight line with a positive slope, the object has

Constant velocity

If the angular velocity vector of a spinning body points out of the page then, when viewed from above the page, the body is spinning

Counterclockwise about an axis that is perpendicular to the page

The area under a velocity time graph represents


Which of the following groups does not contain a scalar quantity

Displacement acceleration force

A ball is in free fall. It's acceleration is

Downward during both ascent and decent

To increase the rotational inertia of a solid disk about its axis without changing its mass

Drill holes near the axis and put the material near the rim

A wheel starts from rest and spins with a constant angular acceleration. As time goes on the acceleration vector for a point on the rim

Increases in magnitude and becomes more nearly radial

A watt second is a unit of



Equals the time rate of change of momentum

Compared to the windshield the airbag

Exerts a much smaller force

In raising an object to a given height by means of an inclined plane, as compared with raising the object vertically, there is a reduction in

Force required

A stone is tied to a string and whirled at constant speed in a horizontal circle. The speed is then doubled without changing the length of the string. Afterward the magnitude of the acceleration of the stone is

Four times as great

A disk starts from rest and rotates around a fixed axis subject to a constant net torque. The work done by the torque during the second 5s is ________ as the work done during the first 5s

Four times as much

An object is thrown vertically upward with a certain initial velocity in a world where the acceleration due to gravity is 19.6 m/s^2. The height to which it rises is ____ that to which the object would rise if thrown upward with the same initial velocity on the earth. Neglect friction.


An object moving in a circle at constant speed

Has an acceleration of constant magnitude

The mass and weight of a body

Have the same ratio as that of any other body placed at that location

An object moving at constant velocity in an inertial frame must

Have zero net force on it

Which of the following is NOT an example of acceleration motion

Horizontal component of projectile motion

Two identical carts travel at 1m/s in opposite directions on a common horizontal surface. They collide head on and are reported to rebound each with a speed of 2m/s then

If some other form of energy were changed to kinetic during the collision, the report could be true

A body having constant velocity and variable accceleration

Impossible bitch

The vector of -A is

In the direction opposite to A

The sum of the kinetic and potential energies of a system of objects is conserved

None of the above

If a satellite moves above earths atmosphere in a circular orbit with constant speed then

It's acceleration is toward the earth

An object is shot vertically upward. While it is rising

It's velocity is upward and it's acceleration is downward

A force on a particle is conservative if

It's work depends on the end points of every motion, not on the path between

A ball is thrown upward into the air with a speed that is greater than terminal speed. It lands at the place where it was thrown. During its flight the force of air resistance is the greatest

Just after it is thrown

When the brakes of an automobile are applied, the road exerts the greatest retarding force

Just before the wheels start to slide

The SI base unit for mass is


An elastic collision is one in which

Kinetic energy and momentum are both conserved

A uniform solid cylinder made of lead has the same mass and the same length as a uniform solid cylinder made of wood. The rotational inertia of the lead cylinder compared to the wooden one is


which of the following is not a vector


The physical quantity "impulse" has the same dimensions as that of


An inelastic collision is one in which

Momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not conserved

The thermal energy of a system consisting of a thrown ball, earth, and the air is most closely associated with

Motions of individual particles within the ball and the air

You stand on a spring scale on the floor of an elevator. The scale shows the highest reading when the elevator

Moves downward with decreasing speed

You stand on a spring scale on the floor of an elevator, the sale shows the highest reading when the elevator

Moves upward with increasing speed

The center of mass of earth atmosphere is

Near the center of earth

Throughout a time interval, while the speed of a particle increases as it moves along the x axis, its velocity and acceleration might be

Negative and negative, respectively

A baseball is hit high into the upper bleachers of left field. Over its entire flight the work done by gravity and the work done by air resistance respectively are

Negative negative

A nonconservative force

None of the above

If the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is greater than the magnitude of either vector then

None of the above

The coefficient of kinetic friction

None of the above

The average speed of a moving object during a given interval of time is always

The distance covered during the time interval divided by the time interval

The center of mass of a system of particles has a constant velocity if

The external forces acting on particles of the system sum to zero

When you step on the accelerator to increase the speed of your car, the force that accelerates the car is

The force of friction of the road on the tires

The thrust of a rocket is

The force of the exiting fuel gases on the rocket

A book rests on a table exerting a downward force on the table the reaction to this force is

The force of the table on the book

Identical guns fire identical bullets horizontally at the same speed from the same height above level planes, one on the earth and one on the moon. Which is true?

The horizontal distance traveled by the bullet is greater for the moon and the flight time is less for the bullet on the earth

A bomber flying in level flight with constant velocity releases a bomb before it is over the target. Neglecting air resistance, which is not true?

The horizontal velocity of the plane equals the vertical velocity of the bomb when it hits the target

When a particle suffers a head on elastic collision with another particle initially as rest the greatest fraction of kinetic energy is transferred if

The incident and target particle have the same mass

An object has a constant acceleration of 3 m/s^2. The coordinate versus time graph for this object has a slope

The increases with time

The magnitude of the acceleration of a point on a spinning wheel is increased by a factor of 4 if

The magnitude of the angular velocity is multiplied by a factor of 2 and the magnitude of the angular acceleration is multiplied by a factor of 4

The law of conservation of momentum applies to a system of colliding objects only if

The net external impulse is zero

Two uniform circular disks having the same mass and the same thickness are made from different materials. The disk with the smaller rotational inertia is

The one made from the more dense material

Two particles interact by conservative forces. In addition, an external force acts on each particle. They complete round trips, ending at the points where they started. Which of the following must have the same values at the beginning and end of this trip?

The potential energy of the two particle system

The mechanical advantage of any machine

The ratio of the force exerted by the machine to the force applied to it

A disk starts from rest and rotates about a fixed axis, subject to a constant net torque. The work done by the torque during the second of revolution is _______ as the work done during the first revolution

The same

A woman lifts a barbell 2 m in 5 s. If she lifts it the same distance in 10 s , the work done by her is

The same

A feather and a lead ball are dropped from rest in vacuum on the moon. The acceleration of the feather is

The same as that of the lead ball

Two bodies of unequal mass placed at rest on a frictionless surface are acted on by equal horizontal forces for equal times. Just after these forces are removed the body of greater mass will have

The same momentum as the other body

If the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is less than the magnitude of either vector, then

The scalar product of the vectors must be negative

The SI standard of length is based on

The speed of light

A free falling body has a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 this means that

The speed of the body increases by 9.8 m/s during each second

If a wheel turns with constant angular speed then

The wheel turns through equal angles in equal times

Given a potential energy function u the corresponding force f is in the positive x direction if

U is a decreasing function of x

A ball is thrown downward from the edge of a cliff with an initial speed that is three times the terminal speed. Initially it's acceleration is

Upward and greater than g

A car travels north at constant velocity. It goes over a piece of mud which it sticks to the tire. The initial acceleration of the mud as it leaves the ground is

Vertically upward

Which of the following five units represents a quantity that is not the same as the other four


Which of the following is not a correct unit for work


Mass differs from weight in that

Weight is a force and mass is not

A golf ball is struck by a golf club and falls on a green three meters above the tee. The potential energy of the earth ball system is greatest

When the ball reaches the highest point in its flight

A kilowatt hour is a unit of


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