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The FEV1/VC ratio is clinically significant because it is an indicator of ____. A healthy individual's FEV1/VC ratio is near _____% , while an individual with an obstructive lung disease will likely have a FEV1/VC ratio of less than ____% because of a _____ of the small airways.

1. airway resistance 2. 80% 3. 50% 4. collapsing

In order to measure the rotation angle of a reflex or reaction on LabStation, the Marker should be placed ______ and the Point Selector should be placed at the _____ .

1. at the beginning of the response 2. at the peak of the response curve

To measure expiratory reserve volume (ERV), the Point Selector should be placed _____ and the Marker should be placed ____ .

1. at the valley of a tidal expiration 2. at the valley of the maximal expiration

The pressure change in the previous question is detected by the ____ in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch which then initiate _____ impulses sent to the cardiovascular control center in the medulla oblongata. As a compensatory response to the pressure change, the cardiovascular control center increases _____ and decreasing _____ firing. This will _____ heart rate, which will ____ cardiac output and constrict arterioles, _____ total peripheral resistance. these mechanisms will collectively ____ the mean arterial pressure..

1. baroreceptors 2. fewer 3. sympathetic 4. parasympathetic 5. increase 6. increase 7. increasing 8. increase

Using the data in the previous two questions, you can see the vital capacity didn't significantly change because of the obstruction while peak expiratory flow ____. Due to this change in flow, the total amount of time required to expire the entire volume of the vital capacity ____as a result of the obstruction. Also as a result of the obstruction, FEV1 ____, which, in turn, ____ the FEV1/VC ratio.

1. decreased 2. increased 3. decreased 4. decreased

The discrepancy in the molar concentrations in the previous two questions is explained by NaCl's ____ in water. Because of this principle, there are ___ the number of osmotically active particles in solution as glucose for a given molar concentration. This increases the ____ of the NaCl solutions, preventing water from entering the cells and lysing the cells at lower molar concentrations.

1. dissociation 2. 2x 3. tonicity

When a subject moves from horizontal to progressively more upright, there is a ____ in blood pressure in the upper parts of the body. This is commonly associated with a feeling of dizziness and is termed ____.

1. drop 2. orthostatic hypotension

The difference you calculated in the previous question indicates there is a(n) ____ in daily caloric consumption which will lead to weight ____ over the long term. Further, if the daily caloric consumption exceeds the daily caloric expenditure, _____ will compensate for any extra calories consumed which would otherwise not be expended.

1. excess 2. gain 3. exercise

A large bucket of water and a small glass of water are each brought to a boil in a cold room. The small glass will cool ____ due to its _____ surface area to volume (SA:V) ratio. Its relatively ____ surface area compared to the volume facilitates convective heat ____ ; the bucket loses heat ____ due to its relatively ____ surface area compared to the volume.

1. faster 2. larger 3. large 4. loss 5. slower 6. small

Based on the values measured above for normal tidal breathing, inspiratory flow is ____ expiratory flow. This is because muscular effort is used only for ____ at rest; conversely, ____ is passive recoil/relaxation of the diaphragm. Further, due to the flow rates above and the fact the volume inspired is equal to the volume expired, inspiratory time is ____ the expiratory time.

1. faster than 2. inspiration 3. expiration 4. less than

Glucose is freely ____ at the glomerulus, where it enters the tubule of the nephron. However, all of the glucose entering the nephron is normally ____ at the proximal convoluted tubule via the sodium-glucose co-transporter, which also reabsorbs Na+. Glucose is not ____ into the nephron tubule. Because of this, no glucose is _____ in a healthy individual.

1. filtered 2. reabsorbed 3. secreted 4. excreted

In the solutions that that "clear" when blood is added, the red blood cells are _____ because the cells are in placed in a ____ solution. That is, ____ is/are permeating the cell membranes and _____ the intracellular volume until the cells ____. This destruction of the cells' ______ allows light to pass straight through the solution without being refracted.

1. hemolyzing 2. hypotonic 3. water 4. increasing 5. burst 6. membranes

If the system were left until equilibrium was reached, eventually the _____ pressure would increase in magnitude such that it was ______ in magnitude and in the _____ direction of the _____ pressure; this would result in a flatter plateau than seen in Figure 2 resulting from the cessation of movement of the solution up the capillary tube.

1. hydrostatic 2. equal 3. opposite 4. osmotic

Tidal volume _____ after exercise because CO2 production _____ owing to the increased metabolic rate of exercising skeletal muscle. This change in CO2 stimulated the ____ _____ resulting in ____ and _____ breathing. As a result of the tidal volume increasing, inspiratory and expiratory volumes both ____ while vital capacity ____ . Since total lung capacity is equal to the vital capacity plus residual volume (which is a constant), total lung capacity ____.

1. increased 2. increased 3. central 4. chemoreceptors 5. faster 6. deeper 7. significantly decreased 8. did not significantly change 9. did not significantly change

Mice have a ____ SA:V ratio than humans and therefore lose heat ____ than humans. Since mice are endothermic (warm blooded; capable of internal generation of body heat), they must generate ____ heat per m2 via metabolism than humans to prevent their body temperature from _____.

1. larger 2. faster 3. more 4. falling

In the macroscopic observations portion of the experiment, what was your measurement for the following characteristics of the urine sample? Color This finding is Turbidity This finding is Odor This finding is

1. light/medium yellow 2. normal 3. slightly cloudy 4. normal 5. nutty 6. normal

In comparing the hypothermia and the control reflexes, the latency of the hypothermia reflex was _____ because the drop in temperature _____ the kinetic energy which _____ ion movement across the muscle cell membrane, thus _____ the speed of action potential generation in the muscle cells. In comparing the hypothermia and control reflexes, the rotation angle of the hypothermia reflex was _____ because the drop in temperature _____ the ATPase enzyme activity of the muscle cells, which reduces the potential force of the quadriceps muscle contraction.

1. longer 2. lowered 3. slows 4. decreasing 5. less 6. reduces

Put the six steps of the Scientific Method in order of their occurance.

1. observe 2. question 3. hypothesize 4. experiment 5. interpret results 6. conclude

Of the four solutions tested, the only one that contained ion-dipole attractions was ____ . The nature of these _____ forces (a full ionic charge attracted to the ____ charge of the dipole in water) results in the strongest intermolecular attractions (and the ____ drop diameter) of the solutions tested.

1. potassium chloride 2. intermolecular 3. partial 4. smallest

The longer the subject hyperventilated, the longer they could hold their breath because hyperventilation ____ _____from their blood, thus removing the stimulus to breathe.

1. removed 2. carbon dioxide

In comparing the control reflex and the control reaction, the latency of the reflex was _____ because reflexes are ______ while reactions are _____. In other words, reflexes send impulses across _____ synapse(s) while reactions cross ______ synapse(s). Because crossing a synapse involves converting the electrical signal (via a(n) _____ ) to a chemical signal (via a(n) _____ ) and back to an electrical signal (via a(n) _____ ), more time will elapse with an increasing number of synapses to cross.

1. shorter 2. monosynaptic 3. polysynaptic 4. one 5. multiple 6. action potential 7. neurotransmitter 8. action potential

In order to measure the latency of a reflex or reaction on LabStation, the Marker should be placed at the beginning of the _____ and the Point Selector should be placed at the beginning of the ______ .

1. stimulus 2. response

A physiologic explanation for the observed effect of exercise on heart rate would be the following: Exercise-induced _____ stimulation to the _____ cells of the SA node _____ the permeability of the muscle cell membrane to _____ ions, bringing the membrane to threshold at a more rapid pace.

1. sympathetic 2. autorhythmic 3. increases 4. both calcium and sodium

A physiologic explanation for the observed effect of exercise on PQ interval would be the following: Increased ____ stimulation ____ the excitability of the AV node and thereby ____ the length of the AV node ____.

1. sympathetic 2. increases 3. decreases 4. delay

At time 0, the osmotic pressure was driving the movement of ____ _____ the bag and forcing the sucrose solution up the capillary tube. However, as the experiment continued, the speed of the solution rising up the tube_____ due to increasing _____ pressure.

1. water 2. into 3. decreased 4. hydrostatic

In ethanol and isopropanol, the partial charge on oxygen was ______ than water, since oxygen also has to share electrons with _____ in these molecules. However, isopropanol's oxygen has to share electrons with _____ carbon(s) (ethanol's oxygen only shares electrons with ______ carbon(s)), further reducing the partial charge on isopronaol's oxygen relative to ethanol and, consequently, the reducing intermolecular forces in that solution.

1. weaker 2. carbon 3. three 4. two 5. reducing

The other three solutions contained the relatively ____ dipole-dipole interactions, which are attractions between molecules due to two dipoles. Water had the second greatest intermolecular forces (after potassium chloride) due to the ____ between only oxygen and hydrogen, making the partial charge on oxygen relatively strong (compared to ethanol and isopropanol).

1. weaker 2. uneven sharing of electrons

A subject determines their urine specific gravity to be 1.016. The subject then exercises vigorously, sweats profusely and drinks no extra fluids. Of the following choices, which would be the likely measurement you would expect of their urine specific gravity after this experiment? 1.008 1.016 1.027


For the threshold stimulus, what was the force generated by the muscle for this weakest contraction?

12.49 mN

For spatial summation, what was the maximal force generated when all the motor units had been recruited?

27.49 mN

An average person consumes 2000 Cal/day from food and beverages. Calculate the calorie difference between the average resting caloric expenditure you reported above for the human subjects and the consumption of 2000 Cal/day


For spatial summation, what was the smallest stimulus current required to evoke the weakest contraction (i.e., the threshold stimulus)?

4 mA

If arterial blood pressure is 110/50, the pulse pressure is __________________ mm Hg.


For spatial summation, what was the smallest stimulus current required to evoke the maximal contraction?

7 mA

If arterial blood pressure is 110/50, the mean arterial pressure (MAP) is __________________ mm Hg.


Of the following, which was not a controlled variable in the experiment?

All of the above were controlled variables

Osmotic pressure is the driving force for the influx of water into the dialysis bag and, by extension, the force that drives the sucrose solution up the tube. As the solution height increases, the weight of the column of solution also increases, resulting in a downward force; this is the hydrostatic pressure. What effect does the hydrostatic pressure have on the movement of sucrose up the tube?

As the hydrostatic pressure increases, the speed of the solution movement up the tube decreases.

Using the data on Canvas (and 763 mmHg as the barometric pressure in the metabolism chamber), report the average and standard deviation of the resting metabolic rate of mice and humans

Avg metabolic rate for mice: 94.8 Std Dev for mice: 26.9 Avg metabolic rate for humans: 46.4 Std Dev for humans: 10.5

Calculate the post-exercise metabolic rate (Cal/hr/m2) for each human subject. Using this metabolic rate data, along with the human resting metabolic rate data, calculate the total caloric expenditure per day (Cal/day) for each subject in each of these conditions by multiplying EACH metabolic rate by 24 hours and the surface area of the subject.

Avg resting total caloric expenditure: 1965.5 Std dev for resting: 420.1 Average post exercise: 2574.3 Std dev for post: 557.5

Give a physiologically sound explanation why contraction velocity is faster than relaxation velocity.

Ca2+ reuptake by the lateral sacs is active and requires the use of pumps while Ca2+ release from the lateral sacs is passive and does not require the use of pumps.

For spatial summation, describe the muscle contraction response as the stimulus current was increased.

Contraction force increased until reaching a plateau when all the motor units were recruited.

What is the spirogram's red line measuring?

Flow (L/sec)

Briefly state the hypothesis that tested in this experiment. Remember that a hypothesis has to be specific, testable and refutable. Based on your background knowledge, create a hypothesis which will predict the outcome of your experiment. Include in your hypothesis a description of how intermolecular bonds explains the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. It is a good practice to state a hypothesis in the form of "If [condition], then [prediction]." For example, "If I break the speed limit [condition or cause], then I am likely to be cited by the police [prediction or effect]." Note: make the hypothesis universal, then observe how the hypothesis applies to your specific situation. Finally, be sure NOT to reverse cause and effect (e.g. "If the police give me a citation, then I will break the speed limit").

If a solution has relatively strong intermolecular forces, then it will have a relatively small drop diameter.

Generate a hypothesis about the migration rate of the two dyes through the agar. Remember how to formulate a hypothesis from the Scientific Method lab.

If the molecular weight is greater, then the diffusion rate will be slower.

Explain the mechanism of temporal summation.

Increasing the frequency of stimuli results in less time for Ca2+ to be returned to the lateral sacs and when the following stimulus occurs, the Ca2+ released from the lateral sacs is added to the remaining Ca2+ in the cytosol which results in more cross-bridging and a greater contraction force.

The variable over which the experimenter has control is the __________________ variable.


Which of the following is the strongest intermolecular attraction?


Why is protein not found normally found in the urine?

It is too large to be filtered

For the single twitch, where are the marker and the point selector placed to measure the force?

Marker = beginning of contraction; point selector = peak of contraction

For the single twitch, where are the marker and the point selector placed to measure the latent time?

Marker = beginning of stimulus; point selector = beginning of contraction

For the single twitch, where are the marker and the point selector placed to measure the relaxation time?

Marker = peak of contraction; point selector = end of contraction

Using the data table you completed, calculate the averages and standard deviations for the drop diameters of each of the solutions.

Solution 1 avg: 16.3 mm Solution 1 std dev: 0.6 mm Solution 2 avg: 31.3 mm Solution 2 std dev: 1.2 mm Solution 3 avg: 12.3 mm Solution 3 std dev: 1.2 mm Solution 4 avg: 24.7 Solution 4 std dev: 1.5

What would you suspect if the urine was positive for ketones and everything else measured was within normal limits?


How does your body mimic the same effect of increasing stimulation frequency?

Temporal summation

Since your body operates by means of action potentials, which are all-or-none, how does your body mimic the same effect of increasing current?

Temporal summation and firing more neurons

Given the following bonds between atoms... a) C - O - H b) H - O - H the correct statement below.

The O in (a) will be less partially negative than the O in (b).

A physiologic explanation for the observed effect of age on pulse wave velocity would be the following: PWV velocity is directly correlated with vascular stiffness. As one ages, the vessels progressively become "stiffer" due to things like arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis which increases the velocity of the pulse wave. (True or False)


In terms of the relationship between body size (weight) and oxygen consumption, body weight increases, O2 consumption increases (True or False)


In terms of the relationship between of body size (weight) and metabolic rate, as body weight increases, metabolic rate decreases. (True or False)


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are quite common in cases of glycosuria because bacteria, especially e-coli, survive by fermenting the residual sugar left behind in the urinary tract. (True or False)


What is the spirogram's blue line measuring?

Volume (L)

Soda lime is placed in the mouse metabolism chamber to _______________.

absorb carbon dioxide

Look up the molecular weight of eosin and blue dextran. Match their molecular weights below.

eosin- ~650g/mol blue dextran- ~2,000,000 g/mol

An experimental "control" and a "controlled" variable are the same thing.


The attraction (or repulsion) between two or more molecules in a solution is an example of an intramolecular force.


A nomogram is used to determine _______________.

human surface area

Given your answers from the previous question, humans should have a higher resting metabolic rate than mice because they have _______________.

humans should not have a higher resting metabolic rate than mice

The fluid in the body's capillaries has a greater concentration of protein than does the interstitial fluid surrounding the capillaries. The capillary wall is freely permeable to water, but impermeable to protein. In what direction will water move in this system?

into the capillaries and out of the interstitial fluid

A MetaCheck machine is an instrument used to _______________.

measure human oxygen consumption

In this lab, metabolic rate is measured indirectly using _______________.

oxygen consumption

Based on what you know about intermolecular forces and using your data/figure, identify the the four solutions.

solution 1: h2o solution 2: isopropanol solution 3: potassium chloride solution 4: ehtanol

State the dependent variable of the experiment.

the drop diameter

State the independent variable of the experiment.

the solutions

The sounds of Korotkoff are produced by

turbulent blood flow.

Which of the following molecules is the is the most polar?

water (H2O)

In the Chemstix urinalysis portion of the experiment, what was your measurement for the following characteristics of the urine sample? Specific gravity 1.025 This finding is Normal pH 7.5 This finding is Normal Protein Negative This finding is Normal Glucose 1000 This finding is Abnormal Ketones Large This finding is Abnormal Nitrites Positive This finding is Abnormal Blood Moderate (non-hemolyzed) This finding is Abnormal Bilirubin Negative This finding is Normal Leukocytes Moderate This finding is Abnormal Urobilinogen 1 This finding is Normal


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