Plant Science Lab: Horticulture: Vegetable - Fruit Lab
WI ranks __ in cranberry production in the US
what part do you eat: potato
minimum winter temp and zone it could be grown in: blackberries
-15; 5
minimum winter temp and zone it could be grown in: peaches
-15; 5
minimum winter temp and zone it could be grown in: apples
-30; 3
the USDA zone map is determined by the extreme minimum temp of an area over __ years and can be used in conjunction with this table (table 3) to predict which fruit crops could be grown in various areas of the US
familiarity with some of the growth characteristics of common vegetables will help you appreciate their areas of __
fabaceae (legume, pea, of broadbean)
alfalfa, snap (green) bean, lima bean, mung bean, pea
fruits __ __ ready at the same time
are not
lilaceae (lily)
amaranthaceae (amaranth)
beet, swiss chard, spinach
brassicaceae (mustard)
brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, horse radish, mustard greens, radish, rutabada, turnip
what part do you eat: onion
which state appears to be the most important in terms of production value and acreage
climatic adaptation
can survive in dry weather, or winter; Ex: artichoke
apiaceae (celery)
carrot, celery, parsnip, celeriac, parsley
vegetable crops play an important role among other agricultural commodities in the state's __ __
cash receipts
alliaceae (allium)
chives, onion, garlic, leek
climatic adaptation (growing season): table 3 classifies vegetable crops according to climatic adaptation.Ex of cold and warm season
cold: pea, lettuce, broccoli, radishes warm: tomato, zucchini, peppers, sweet potato, squash, pumpkin
which are fruits/nuts are grown in any significant quantities in WI
cranberries, strawberries, dates, cherries, plums, apples
however, one indigenous fruit crop of major interest in WI is the __
other plant species produce fruit without __-__
thus, one can grow blueberries and apricot trees in the river falls area, but one will not get fruit unless extremely hardy __ are chosen
green beans grown commercially for fresh or processed products are call __
harvest timing
determinate or indeterminate
doesn't survive winter
harvest timing
early or late season
solanaceae (nightshade)
eggplant, potato, pepper, tomato
determinate plants cease vegetative growth when __ begins
late spring frosts also pose a significant hazard in WI, as the low temps can kill young __ or __
flowers, fruits
vegetable crops are produced commercially, as well as in home gardens (~2 million acres) as a hobby, to save money, and/or to ensure __ and __
freshness and safety
what part do you eat: cucumber
name of indeterminate vegetable grown by home gardeners
green bean, tomato
different ways vegetables classified
harvest timing; life cycle; climatic adaptation
cucurbitaceae (gourd)
honeydew melon, watermelon, muskmelon (cantelope), cucumber, pumpkin, squash
__ plants, on the other hand, continue to grow vegetatively __ flowering begins
indeterminate; after
many of the fruit crops grown in the US are not __ here
what part do you eat: broccoli
what part do you eat: lettuce
asteraceae (aster)
lettuce, endive
culinary vegetable
loose definition
fruit and nut crops are grown in the __ populated areas of the world
minimum winter temp and zone it could be grown in: strawberries
mulch; 1?
which botanical family appears the most important as far as the number of fruits found within it
winter hardiness is a limiting factor for many fruit crops in __ states and traces ultimately to tissue desiccation from cold temps
many are grown in __ areas in the summer and in __ areas during the winter
northern; southern
botanical vegetable
not from sexual reproduction (leaf/stem) (fruits from sexual repro)
not the average cold winter temp, is the coldest night of the year
malvaceae (cotton)
__ __ production in WI has become increasingly important
organic vegetable
life cylce
perennial; annual; Ex: asparagus is perennial
the competitive nature of these __ commodities restricts the commercial production to areas with the most favorable __, __, and __
perishable; climate, soil, market
many plant species require __ from another individual withing the species to produce fruit
additional fruit types to be studied include the __, __, __, __, __, and various types of berries
pome, drupe, nut, multiple, aggregate
poaceae (grass)
popcorn, sweet corn
life cycle: table 2 classifies vegetables according to their life cycle. some are annuals, biennials, or perennials. some plants may be perennials in their native habitat, but are non-hardy in colder climates. example of a non-hardy perennial vegetable in WI
when one ranks the importance of a crop, several statistical measures may be used: __ __, __ __, and __ __
production tonnage (processing vs fresh), dollar value, acres harvested
many vegetables provide significant quantities of high quality __ as well, especially peas, beans, and other legumes
polygonaceae (buckwheat)
what part do you eat: carrot
all of the beans will be ready for harvest (machine or by hand) at the __ time
they produce ripe fruits over a period of __ weeks
plants that possess __, __ flowers typically co-evolved with insect pollinators
showy, fragrant
WI also ranks highly in __ __ production tonnage
sour cherry
simple fruits
stand alone, don't bunch together
one of the most important methods of classifying and identifying fruit crops is by actual study of fruit __
convolvulaceae (morningglory)
sweet potato
drupe (Stone fruit)
the peach, nectarine, plum, prune, and cherry, together with the apricot, avocado and almond, possess similar basic structures. this is single-seeded, fleshy, indehiscent fruit derived entirely from an ovary. possesses a "stony" endocarp
the study of fruit and nut production
the study of vegetable production
they are MULTI-SEEDED, fleshy, indehiscent fruits. some berries have relatively soft skins, ex: grapes and blueberries. cucmbers, squash (summer and winter), and other members of the gourd family possess berries with thickened rinds; these berries are known as pepos. members of the rue family (oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit) possess berries with leathery exteriors. we call this type of berry a hesperidium
multiple fruits
they, like the pineapple, fig, or mulberry, is derived from the fusion of many ovaries and receptacles of many flowers. in the case of the mulberry and pineapple, the flowering stem of the plant is populated with closely crowded fruitlets derived from many flowers
aggregate fruits
they, such as a strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry, are derived from many ovaries of a single flower. the strawberry fruit is characterized by an enlarged and juicy receptacle studded with dry single-seeded dry fruits called achenes. blackberry and raspberry fruits are composed of a number of carpels, each of which forms a small drupe or drupelet. stay together, to look like one unit
think like a cucumber or squash
this (apple, pear, quince) is a multi-seeded, fleshy, indehiscent fruit. its pistil contains several carpels (5-7). as it matures, the ovary and receptacle fuse. the fleshy, edible portion is an enlargement of a receptacle. actual fruit surrounded by receptacle
this, such as the walnut, pecan, or hickory, is a single-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit. derived from the fusion of the ovary and the perianth (calyx and corolla combined). in the case of walnuts, the hull adheres to the shell. in the hickories, the hull splits and drops from the shell. the edible portion is the seed. note that the pericarp is composed of the exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp. pericarp is dry
other factors include: __ and __ of extreme cold, and fluctuating temps and humidity
timing and duration
Wisconsin brags a significant harvested acreage of __ __ for processing (like canning it/preserve) in the US, but its presence in the commercial fresh market is minimal, compared to states like Texas, california, and florida
vegetable crops
usually flower buds will be killed by milder winter temps than __ buds
vegetables play an important role in providing essential __, __ and __ in the human diet, as compared to food staples such as rice, wheat, corn, and cassava, which are more important providers of carbs (energy)
vitamins, minerals, and fiber
which state leads in the production tonnage of apples
cyperaceae (sedge)
water chestnut
__ leads the rest of the world's fruit crops in production tonnage
why aren't grapes and bananas more important to people world wide than watermelon
watermelon dont ship well so more of a local thing (perishable); bananas and grapes ship well
the pollinator for many nut trees is __
winter survival is much more complicated than minimum __ __
winter temp
fruit __ is influenced by both the presence and activity of __ as well as proximity to compatible genotypes
yield; pollinators