poly sci 8, 11, 12

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Cabinet departments account for about 60 percent of the federal workforce. How many cabinet departments are there in the United States? a.10 b.12 c.15 d.18 e.22


In what year was the Green party founded? a.2010 b.1990 c.2000 d.1997 e.2005


A ________ is an interest group who cannot spend more than half its budget on political campaigns. a.lobbying firm b.501(c) c.super PAC d.caucus e.political action committee (PAC)


In 2004, most of the outside spending for elections came from ________. a.public funds b.527 political committees c.Super PACs d.political action committees e.501(c) organizations

527 political committees

In 2012, just over ________ of the GS 13-15 jobs were held by men. a.56 percent b.60 percent c.65 percent d.50 percent e.44 percent


One requirement of a successful campaign is to have _____________. a.tax-free income b.no political outsiders to hire c.few challengers d.a lot of money e.political activists on the payroll

A lot of money

Which of the following is an example of a contrast ad? a.A republican candidate says his voting record on economic issues represents his constituents better than his opponent's record. b.A republican candidate says he is against outsourcing, because there are rumors his opponent will attack him on this issue. c.An independent candidate says that his opponent is for shipping jobs overseas to give tax breaks to corporations. d.A democratic candidate says that an appointee for federal court judge is unsuitable for the position. e.A democratic candidate says his policy will create more jobs and stimulate the economy.

A republican candidate says his voting record on economic issues represents his constituents better than his opponent's record

Which of the following is the main reason why some candidates do not take matching funds? a.Because it results in a drop in polls b.Because using public funds is not something taxpayers look favorably on c.Because they do not want to place a limit on fundraising d.Because they do not want to disclose their contributors e.Because they want to retain control over their campaign commercials

Because they do not want to place a limit on fundraising

An important step all candidates must take early on in the campaign is __________. a.hiring security guards b.building a campaign staff c.learning to wait for the other candidate to make the first move d.discussing their experience in public office e.covering up any improprieties

Building a campaign staff

To improve electability, the candidate will hire a ___________ who brings technologies, strategies, and services to the campaign. a.press secretary b.campaign manager c.pollster d.campaign consultant e.financial advisor

Campaign consultant

A majority of political action committee donations go to ___________. a.open seat challengers b.Republicans c.congressional candidates d.presidential candidates e.challengers

Congressional candidates

Which of the following factors best explains the low level of voter turnout in the United States? a.The parties have taken the initiative to register large numbers of minority voters (particularly blacks and Hispanics). b.Voting requirements have become less and less restrictive. c.Voters do not enjoy the interaction with political parties trying to motivate them to vote. d.Voters have so many attractive choices that they become confused and can't make up their minds. e.Cumbersome registration laws reduce voter turnout.

Cumbersome registration laws reduce voter turnout

________ give (s) candidates a chance to show off their oratory skills and discuss campaign platforms. a.Meeting with voters to learn about their needs b.Candidate training programs c.Debates d.Toastmasters e.Campaign advertisements


According to the federal election campaign act, candidates must _________. a.disclose who contributed to their campaigns and how the money was spent b.apply for federal funds if they are running in a presidential election c.reject any contributions from political action committees (PACs) that exceed $1,000 d.return all donations originating from extremist groups e.raise their own campaign funds

Disclose who contributed to their campaigns and how the money was spent

The two basic methods of voter canvassing are ____________. a.meet-and-greets and fundraisers b.campaign stops and glad-handing c.door to door solicitations and phone banks d.fundraising and managing the campaign e.public opinion polls and focus groups

Door to door solicitations and phone banks

The number of ________ is one explanation for low voter turnout in the United States as compared to most other industrialized democracies. a.candidates b.political parties c.issues d.elections e.voters


The __________ is an independent federal agency that was created to enforce national election laws. a.FEC b.FTC c.FAA d.FDIC e.Constitution


The rapid growth in the number of political action committees (PACs) began ________. a.following the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act b.after the 2000 presidential election c.during the 1980s d.during the 1990s e.following the campaign reforms of the 1970s

Following the campaign reforms of the 1970s

In the 2010 senatorial elections, 90% of senators up for reelection were reelected to their seats. This is an example of ____________. a.riding presidential coattails b.the Electoral College c.the incumbency advantage d.redistricting e.the incumbency disadvantage

Incumbency advantage

Bipartisan campaign reform act (BCRA) limits are adjusted during odd-number years to account for ____________. a.tax decreases b.deflation c.budgeting d.inflation e.tax increases


According to the constitution at the time, Thomas Jefferson became John Adam's vice president because _________. a.Jefferson exceeded his term limits b.Adams chose Jefferson as a running mate c.Jefferson was a member of the Federalist party d.Jefferson lost to Adams in the presidential election e.Adams appointed Jefferson to the position

Jefferson lost to Adams in the presidential election

A professional who produces a candidate's television, radio, and print advertisements is called a(n) ______________. a.ad canvasser b.media consultant c.audiovisual designer d.media guru e.video architect

Media consultant

The 2012 republican presidential nominee was __________. a.Mitt Romney b.Ron Paul c.Newt Gingrich d.Barack Obama e.Rick Santorum

Mitt Romney

Voters whose positions are middle-of-the-road are politically termed ___________. a.liberal b.moderates c.conservative d.non-affiliated e.independents


A famous ________, "Peace Little Girl," was aired only once in 1964 and was launched by the Johnson campaign. a.negative ad b.inoculation ad c.emotionally determined ad d.positive ad e.issue-dependent ad

Negative ad

Which of the following statements is true of political action committees (PACs)? a.PAC money does not support congressional incumbents. b.PACs are not governed by rules or regulations. c.PACs are not regulated as to how much money they can give a candidate. d.PACs raise money for direct contributions to candidates in national elections. e.PACs are least active during the election cycle.

PACs raise money for direct contributions to candidates in national elections

_______ are officially recognized fundraising organizations and can contribute directly to a candidates campaign. a.Political action committees b.527 political committees c.Charity groups d.Labor unions e.Trade unions

Political action committees (PACs)

Which of the following is a result from the enactment of the bipartisan campaign reform act? a.Campaigns were funded through dense money. b.Campaigns received funding through buying bulk purchases of books to avoid limits on campaign contributions. c.Campaigns relied on the McCain-Feingold loophole to save money. d.Campaigns received more funding through illicit contributions from foreign governments. e.Political committees became more active in campaigns.

Political committees became more active in campaigns

The most powerful predictor for candidate preference among voters is __________. a.gender b.political party identification c.age of the candidate d.voters' education level e.ethnicity

Political party identification

In a nomination campaign, candidates are ____________. a.chosen at national conventions by state delegates b.running against others from the same party c.chosen by successful fundraising methods d.running against others from opposing parties e.chosen by those who run the best campaign

Running against others from the same party

President Obama was __________, and therefore able to avoid running a nomination campaign. a.running unopposed b.busy with foreign affairs c.understaffed d.busy with domestic matters e.already nominated

Running unopposed

What is the benefit of a political action committee (PAC) receiving funds from a 501(c) committee, a nonprofit education and organizing group? a.The 501(c) committee can engage in direct advocacy for a candidate. b.The 501(c) committee does not need to disclose its donors right away. c.The 501(c) committee is the same as a Super PAC and is unregulated. d.The 501(c) committee is not limited to issues advocacy. e.The 501(c) committee is publicly financed.

The 501(c) committee doesn't need to disclose its donors right away

A candidate running for office first needs to secure the nomination by winning over voters and party leaders through __________. a.an endorsement phase b.ticket-splitting c.the nomination campaign d.a general election campaign e.the national convention

The nomination campaign

Which of the following is a factor driving the length of a general election campaign? a.The age of the candidate b.The timing of the presidential election c.The timing of state primaries d.The timing of the national conventions e.How much money is raised

The timing of state primaries

Which of the following is true about political action committees (PACs)? a.They must report their contributions to the Federal Election Commission. b.Most exist for about the length of a campaign and then die out, to be replaced with new ones in the next election cycle. c.They are not required, but are encouraged, to report their contributions to the Federal Election Commission. d.They can contribute an unlimited amount of money to any campaign, contingent upon the contribution being made publicly. e.Their numbers have declined precipitously in recent years.

They must report their contributions to the federal election commission (FEC)

People who are _______ are more likely to vote. a.poor b.illiterate c.unemployed d.not religious e.union members

Union members

Who does the bulk of the voter canvassing for a campaign? a.The candidate b.The communications director c.The field organizer d.The campaign manager e.Volunteers


With regard to presidential debates, candidates have no control over ____________. a.what they are told to say during the debate b.how they appear on screen before and after the debate c.the message they convey during the debate d.their facial expressions and body language when answering questions and listening to opponents e.what the media will focus on after the debate

What the media will focus on after the debate

A group that often funds political campaigns on behalf of a candidate is ________. a.the superdelegation b.a PAC (political action committee) c.illegal d.party-funded e.non-profit

a PAC (political action committee)

In Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court ruled that there will be no spending limits placed on money from ________. a.a candidate's personal resources b.PACs c.individual donors d.527 political committees e.public funds

a candidate's personal resources

The growing numbers of groups that are organized around ________ can explain the increasing number of interest groups. a.occupational interests b.economic interests c.a cause, interest, or belief d.political parties e.religious groups

a cause, interest, or belief

Amtrak is an example of which of the following? a.A Cabinet-level department b.An independently regulatory commission c.The spoils system d.The merit system e.A government corporation

a government corporation

Which of the following is a legal way to spend money on campaigns? a.An individual citizen contributing $10,000 to support their party's presidential campaign. b.A Super PAC directly contributing $5,000 to an individual campaign. c.A 527 campaign committee buying an ad space promoting a specific candidate in a Senate election race. d.A 501(c) creating an attack ad against a republican candidate for the House. e.A political action committee directly contributing $10,000 to a national party committee.

a political action committee directly contributing $10,000 to a national party committee

Which of the following most accurately describes party organization in the United States? a.A triangle where the national level is the base for both the local and state levels b.A circle where all levels share power, influence, and resources with each other c.Separate points on a graph where local, state, and national parties exist completely separate from each other d.A straight line where local, state, and national parties are equal in power e.A pyramid where the local party represents the base and the national party is the pinnacle

a pyramid where the local party represents the base and the national party is the pinnacle

Which of the following is an example of an illegal protest activity? a.A group organizes a boycott of a company's products. b.A neo-Nazi group carries banners in a parade. c.Individuals write letters to a corporation demanding environmental responsibility. d.A radical group sets fire to a building to protest government policies. e.A pro-life group obtains a permit to protest outside of an abortion clinic.

a radical group sets fire to a building to protest government policies

The disturbance theory states that interest groups form as a result of changes in the political system. Which of the following is an example of disturbance theory? a.Members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) throw flour on celebrities who wear fur. b.Students gather to protest the lack of scholarship options in their state. c.Riots break out in Los Angeles when police officers beat an African American. d.Retired politicians create political action committees to support party members. e.A religious advocacy group forms to speak out against the breakdown of family values in society.

a religious advocacy group forms to speak out against the breakdown of family values in society

Which of the following activities is legal under current federal campaign finance laws? a.A 501(c) group holds a fundraiser for a candidate. b.A 527 group donates money to a candidate's campaign. c.A Super PAC creates an issue ad independent of a candidate. d.A Super PAC coordinates with a candidate on an issue ad. e.A Super PAC creates an ad for a candidate.

a super PAC creates an issue ad independent of a candidate

With the two-party system, ________ of the losing party's campaign pledges will become national policy. a.only one-quarter b.about one-half c.none d.approximately two-thirds e.close to three-quarters

about one-half

The most effective lobbyists develop a reputation for ______. a.spending large sums of money b.traveling c.bribery d.accurate information e.accurate accounting

accurate information

Decision making by a bureaucratic agency that settles disputes between persons or businesses not in compliance with federal laws in a manner similar to a court hearing is called ________. a.interpretation b.implementation c.adjudication d.regulation e.The judicial process


________ is a process in which a bureaucratic agency settles regulatory disputes between two parties in a manner that is similar to the way courts resolve disputes. a.Injunction b.Administrative adjudication c.Implementation d.Publication e.Administrative discretion

administrative adjudication

Agencies and boards may hire ________ to hear cases as part of the administrative adjudication process. Though employed by these groups, the individuals hearing cases are to remain impartial. a.advisors b.independent regulatory experts c.federal judges d.administrative law judges e.members of Congress

administrative law judges

The spoils system was perhaps more overt than at any other time in the history of the U.S. federal government under the administration of ________. a.George Washington b.Jimmy Carter c.Abraham Lincoln d.Andrew Jackson e.Franklin D. Roosevelt

andrew jackson

In the context of the federal government, Cabinet departments ________. a.have independent boards and are run like private companies b.are the smallest units of government c.are the largest units of government d.are small organizations with a narrow policy focus e.operate autonomously from the president

are the largest units of government

________ lists the powers delegated to Congress to create laws for the creation of bureaucratic entities. a.The Declaration of Independence b.The Bill of Rights c.Article VI of the U.S. Constitution d.Article I, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution e.Article VIII, section 1 of the U.S. Constitution

article I, section 8 of the U.S. constitution

The president's power to choose the Cabinet is limited by the fact that members of the Cabinet must ________. a.come from a group of applicants approved by his party b.have prior experience working in the federal bureaucracy c.be chosen from a group of applicants approved by the House of Representatives d.win the approval of both houses of Congress e.be confirmed by a majority in the Senate

be confirmed by a majority in the senate

The purpose of an inoculation ad is to counter an attack ad ________. a.by stressing the candidate's qualifications, family, and issue positions b.by comparing the records and proposals of the candidates, with a bias toward the candidate sponsoring the advertisement c.by launching an attack on the opponent's character d.before it is launched by the opposition e.by associating the candidate with a person or group that is viewed favorably be voters

before it is launched by the opposition

Which of the following might be problematic for a candidate who is campaigning for the nomination? a.Being too extreme b.Being too strategic c.Focusing too much on polls d.Raising too much money e.Speaking at too many events

being too extreme

Since the Revolutionary War, illegal protests have been one tactic of organized interests. What early American protest was illegal but did not result in anyone being physically injured? a.Operation Rescue abortion clinic blockage b.Identity theft c.Circus bombing d.Boston Tea Party e.Whiskey Rebellion

boston tea party

A minor party that was based on a political figure's charisma was the ________ Party. a.Bull Moose b.Populist c.Socialist d.Libertarian e.Communist

bull moose

Which of the following is true concerning how the campaigns use new media? a.Campaigns try to avoid speaking in sound bites. b.Campaigns use free media for their longest attack ads. c.Campaigns attempt to inundate the press with access to the candidate. d.Campaigns try to get their message out by using talk shows and comedy programs. e.Campaigns avoid spinning campaign events so as not to be perceived as browbeating reporters.

campaigns try to get their message out by using talk shows and comedy programs

What was the result of the passage of the Twenty-Sixth Amendment in 1971? a.The use of poll taxes in federal elections was prohibited. b.African Americans were granted the right to vote. c.Citizens ages 18 to 20 were granted the right to vote. d.Native Americans were granted the right to vote. e.Women were granted the right to vote.

citizens age 18-20 were granted the right to vote

Collective goods are those that cannot be withheld from anyone. Which of the following is an example? a.Job security b.Yearly wage increases in keeping with inflation c.Health insurance d.Clean air e.Food stamps

clean air

Which of the following would be a campus club dedicated to helping with voter mobilization? a.College Democrats of America b.Republican Governors Association c.National Federation of Republican Women d.Republican National Committee e.Reserve Officer Training Corps

college democrats of America

Political action committees (PACs) are ________. a.committees organized by interest groups to channel money to parties and candidates b.state commissions organized to reform campaign-financing practices c.subcommittees of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) d.groups organized by political activists to increase voter participation e.committees formed to lobby government officials on behalf of their interests

committees organized by interest groups to channel money to parties and candidates

Why do many believe that competition among interest groups benefits our political climate? a.Competition creates imbalances that require people to continue to educate themselves regarding political activity. b.Competition requires government to listen to and balance the needs of the groups. c.Competition prevents lawmakers from passing too many laws too quickly. d.Competition decreases interest group campaigns among the public. e.Competition causes groups to join together to dominate specific issues.

competition requires government to listen to and balance the needs of the groups

Political parties are the most visible in ________. a.national conventions b.the presidency c.the Senate d.elections e.Congress


Which of the following statements describes the kind of direction that Congress gives federal agencies when passing a new law? a.Congress gives agencies administrative discretion in implementing the law. b.Congress gives agencies the discretion to either implement or rewrite the law. c.Congress gives agencies almost no discretion in interpreting and implementing the law. d.Congress gives agencies discretion in interpreting but not implementing the law. e.Congress gives agencies complete discretion in interpreting and implementing the law.

congress gives agencies administrative discretion in implementing the law

________ committees have the power to keep power in check in a bureaucracy by confirming or rejecting nominees in top bureaucratic positions. a.Congressional b.Independent c.Senatorial d.Executive e.Judicial


What ideology says that government should have a restricted role in economic regulation and overcoming racial inequality, but an active role in social issues? a.Conservatism b.Socialism c.Libertarianism d.Bipartisanship e.Liberalism


The federal regulations written by executive branch departments and agencies are designed to do what? a.Express the opinions of Cabinet heads b.Convert laws into actions c.Forward the ruling party's political agenda d.Circumvent the will of the president e.Undermine the legislative power of Congress

convert laws into actions

________ can be pivotal in determining the outcome of an election. a.Radio advertisements b.The state of the housing economy c.Arguing skills d.Character strength e.Debates


The ________ platform strongly supports a woman's right to choose. a.Democratic b.Republican c.Libertarian d.Reform e.Prohibition


By the 1790s, which party opposed the Federalists? a.Democrats b.Democratic-Republicans c.New Federalists d.Freemasons e.Independents


What is one cause of secular realignment? a.Demographic shifts in voters over time b.Critical elections c.Sudden shifts from one major party to the other d.Sudden and significant changes in the party system e.The rise of a new major party

demographic shifts in voters over time

In which of the following agencies is a high rate of employee turnover a big concern, not just to the agency but to the well-being of the public as well? a.Department of Homeland Security b.Department of Education c.Department of Agriculture d.Department of Transportation e.Department of Commerce

department of homeland security

Which of the following department is under the control of the attorney general, rather than a secretary? a.All independent regulatory commissions b.Department of Defense c.Department of State d.Department of Veterans Affairs e.Department of Justice

department of justice

Which of the following government agencies is primarily responsible for overseeing foreign affairs? a.Department of Homeland Security b.Department of Interior c.Department of State d.U.S. Embassies e.U.S. Trade Representative

department of state

Which of the following Cabinet departments was one of the three original departments created by the first Congress in 1789? a.Department of the Treasury b.Department of Health and Human Services c.Department of Agriculture d.Department of Energy e.Securities and Exchange Commission

department of treasury

Lobbying is ________. a.an activity by which powerful economic actors refuse to purchase the goods that they normally consume b.a process by which candidates campaign for elective office c.an illegal but widely practiced form of bribery d.directed to a government decision maker with the hope of influencing that official's decision e.a form of demonstration involving marches and other public gatherings

directed to a government decision maker with the hope of influencing that official's decision

Most bureaucrats have some leeway in their ability to make choices regarding the best way to implement congressional intentions through administrative ________. a.procedures b.adjudication c.discretion d.extrapolation e.rules


The fact that each government agency specializes in its own type of specific work is an example of what feature of bureaucracy? a.Division of labor b.Impersonality c.Regulation d.Red tape e.Chain of command

divison of labor

The federal bureaucracy employed the greatest number of people during what time? a.The 1960s b.During and immediately following World War I c.The 1890s d.The 1990s e.During and immediately following World War II

during and immediatley following WWII

When in U.S. history did political parties develop? a.Just before the Civil War b.During the 1796 presidential race c.During the Corrupt Bargain of 1824 d.When Andrew Johnson was elected president e.Immediately following the Civil War

during the 1796 presidential race

Political parties were stable and dominated state and local governments ________. a.before 1850 b.during the "Golden Age" c.after World War II d.before the Civil War e.after the Great Depression

during the golden age

To start a general election campaign, the candidate must ________. a.fundraise b.receive the popular vote c.be confirmed by state legislature d.win the Iowa caucus e.earn the party nomination

earn the party nomination

In midterm elections, voters ________. a.nominate presidential candidates b.elect local officials c.elect senators and representatives, but not a president d.elect only state legislators e.decide on referenda

elect senators and representatives, but not a president

What is the primary function of national party organizations in the United States? a.Fund candidates in state and local races. b.Establish regulations and rules concerning elections. c.Manage subnational party organizations and provide funding to them. d.Establish a cohesive vision for partisan identifiers nationwide. e.Mobilize voters at the local level for get-out-the-vote efforts.

establish a cohesive vision for partisan identifiers nationwide

How often do you get to vote on who will represent you in the House of Representatives? a.Every six years b.Every eight years c.Every four years d.Every two years e.Every year

every two years

The ________ supported the strong central government identified in the Constitution. a.Democratic-Republican Party b.Federalist Party c.Whig Party d.Dixiecrats e.Republicans

federalist party

By the 1824 election, which major party had dissolved? a.National Democrats b.Federalists c.Whigs d.Democrats e.Republicans


How are public funds financed? a.From Internet taxes b.From state employment taxes c.From taxes on political merchandise d.From general tax revenues e.From payroll taxes

from general tax revenues

Historically, the Republicans have enjoyed greater ________ success than other groups. a.political b.national c."micro-targeting" d.organizational e.fund-raising


Political alliances did not become longstanding groups like modern political parties until after the presidency of ________. a.Abraham Lincoln c.Andrew Johnson d.Henry Clay e.George Washington f.Thomas Jefferson

george washington

Interest groups sometimes lobby lawmakers and other government officials one-on-one, which is called inside lobbying. ________ occurs when interest groups campaign with the public to encourage political activity. a.Grassroots lobbying b.Bundling c.Direct lobbying d.Issue advertising e.Patronage

grassroots lobbying

Candidates have ________ campaign advertising content. a.no control over b.great control over c.little use for d.little interest in e.little control over

great control over

A political candidate who campaigns almost entirely on environmentalism is most likely a member of which of the following parties? a.American Independent Party b.States' Rights Party c.Green party d.Tea Party e.Prohibition Party

green party

A political candidate who campaigns almost entirely on environmentalism is most likely to belong to which of the following parties? a.Prohibition Party b.Green Party c.States' Rights Party d.American Independent Party e.Tea Party

green party

Which of the following describes disturbance theory? a.Groups form as a result of changes in the political system. b.Public policies result from exchanges or transactions. c.Political power is widely distributed. d.The electoral process makes it easy for third parties to win seats. e.People gain benefits without joining groups.

groups form as a result of changes in the political system

Most regulatory agencies adopt specific ________ to carry out a policy, based on what they believe was the intended purpose of the policy at hand. a.guidelines b.merit principles c.incentive systems d.iron triangles e.mandates


Compared to a candidate for Senate, those running for state legislatures tend to ________. a.have more money b.have a small staff c.receive more public funding d.rely on paid staff members to run their campaign e.have a large staff

have a small staff

Which bureaucratic principle is evident when the resident director of a college dormitory tells all the resident assistants to drop what they are doing and clean up the quad before a group of prospective students arrives on campus? a.Efficiency, because it maximizes the effort of each individual employee to accomplish a task b.Hierarchy, because lower-level employees are subject to control and direction by higher-level employees c.Specialization, because workers are selected to perform certain tasks based on their skills and experience d.Record keeping, because a specific process is followed that is predictable and systematically performed e.Division of responsibility, because individual workers are assigned specific tasks to increase efficiency

hierarchy, because lower-level employees are subject to control and direction by higher-level employees

The Administrative Procedures Act requires that agencies considering a new rule or policy give public notice in the Federal Register, and ________ before adopting the new measures. a.place advertisements in major newspapers b.achieve a two-thirds vote in the Senate c.bring the measure before a vote of the House of Representatives d.hold public hearings to solicit comments e.wait one fiscal year

hold public hearings to solicit comments

The Libertarian Party is an example of a party that bases its appeal to voters on ________. a.ideology b.a single economic issue c.a single presidential candidate d.a single social issue e.a weakness in the major parties' candidates


The Libertarian Party is an example of a party that is centered on ________. a.low-information voters b.a single presidential candidacy c.ideology d.a weakness in a major party's candidate e.a single issue


________ is the process by which a law or policy is put into operation. a.Administrative discretion b.Adjudication c.Rule making d.Injunction e.Implementation


When did the railroad industry become a powerful interest group? a.In the early 1800s b.At the start of the 1900s c.In the mid to late 1900s d.In the late 1700s e.In the mid to late 1800s

in the mid to late 1800s

Primaries and caucuses are held ________. a.at regular intervals throughout the election year b.during a five-month period in the second half of an election year c.during the last quarter of the year before the election year d.during the nine-month period before the election year e.in the winter and spring of an election year

in the winter and spring of an election year

What is one result of candidates visiting numerous localities throughout their campaign? a.Voter approval polls are not influenced b.Local campaign workers lose interest c.Increased media coverage d.Campaigning can end earlier e.Caucuses are held earlier

increased media coverage

Free media can help a candidate by ________. a.increasing name recognition b.controlling airtimes c.staging media events d.controlling coverage content e.increasing broadcast coverage

increasing name recognition

________ typically have narrow responsibilities for a specific policy issue (such as the environment), which are not covered by one of the federal departments. a.Oversight committees b.Government corporations c.Independent agencies d.Government institutes e.Independent regulatory commissions

independent agencies

The Federal Reserve Board is an example of a(n) ________. a.Cabinet department b.independent executive agency c.government corporation d.independent regulatory commission e.dependent presidential board

independent regulatory commission

The four general categories of bureaucratic agencies are Cabinet departments, government corporations, independent executive agencies, and ________. a.independent regulatory commissions b.state governments c.chambers of commerce d.trade councils e.boards of executives

independent regulatory commissions

The parts of the federal bureaucracy with responsibility for different sectors of the economy, and making and enforcing rules designed to protect the public interest, are the ________. a.independent executive agencies b.government corporations c.commercial ministries d.independent regulatory commissions e.Cabinet departments

independent regulatory commissions

Lobbying refers to ________. a.influencing public policy by contacting public officials b.threatening members of Congress c.influencing policymaking through violence d.organizing angry citizen demonstrations e.buying favors in Washington, D.C.

influencing public policy by contacting public officials

Which of the following methods does a contemporary campaign use to disseminate information quickly? a.Telephone calls b.Instantaneous online publishing c.Print newspaper ads d.Print magazine interviews e.Door-to-door conversations

instantaneous online publishing

Many of the key cases brought to the federal courts are initiated by ________. a.Republicans b.Democrats c.nonvoters d.interest groups e.third-party candidates

interest groups

Why might U.S. citizens choose to join interest groups rather than just exercise their right to vote? a.Interest groups represent the majority of voters on any one issue. b.Interest groups twist research in order to get the support of the public. c.Interest groups offer a way for underrepresented people to have their voices heard by government. d.Interest groups campaign privately to earn the support of officials rather than trying to spread information about a little-known issue. e.Interest groups are subsections of government agencies and, as such, receive funding from the government.

interest groups offer a way for underrepresented people to have their voices heard by government

An increasingly significant role in the communication staff is(are) the ________. a.press secretary b.campaign director manager c.policy director d.Internet team e.party spokesperson

internet team

The first independent regulatory commission created in the United States was the ________. a.Federal Communications Commission b.Interstate Commerce Commission c.Federal Trade Commission d.Securities and Exchange Commission e.National Labor Relations Board

interstate commerce commission

Congress created the ________ in 1887 in response to the tremendous growth of big business, widespread price fixing, and unfair business practices. a.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) b.U.S. Postal Service c.Federal Reserve Board d.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) e.Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

interstate commerce commission (ICC)

Congress can hold the bureaucracy accountable through ________. a.overriding presidential vetoes b.appointing agency heads c.investigating bureaucratic activities d.removing agency heads e.issuing executive orders

investigating bureaucratic activites

The relationship between the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars is an example of a(n) ________. a.interagency council b.Cabinet department c.lobbying group d.spoils system e.iron triangle

iron tirangle

Loose and informal relationships that exist among a large number of actors who work in broad policy areas are known as ________. a.government corporations b.subcommittees c.issue networks d.hierarchies e.independent regulatory commissions

issue networks

Why would candidates refuse public funding? a.Public campaign funding is taxed at a very high rate. b.Those candidates can make the argument to the electorate that they have not been "bought." c.Such funding comes with restrictions on how it can be spent and when. d.It becomes the sole source of funding for the campaign. e.Those candidates are legally required to step in during their term on policy issues on behalf of the funding party.

it becomes the sole source of funding for the campaign

What is one function of a party label? a.It complicates political realities for voters. b.It allows voters to make more rapid changes in government. c.It helps voters learn about prospective public officials. d.It ensures the loyalty of voters. e.It always identifies a candidate's stance on issues.

it helps voters learn about prospective public officials

What is one function of the party label? a.It ensures the loyalty of voters. b.It helps voters learn about prospective public officials. c.It complicates political realities for voters. d.It allows voters to make more rapid changes in government. e.It always identifies a candidate's stance on issues.

it helps voters learn about prospective public officials

Why is decentralization of the bureaucracy important to its function? a.It reduces the cost of operations. b.Having offices in locations outside of Washington insulates the bureaucracy from partisan politics. c.It makes the bureaucracy more accessible to the people it is intended to serve. d.It helps break down iron triangles and opens up the policy-making process to more players. e.It keeps agencies from directly influencing policy makers.

it makes the bureaucracy more accessible to the people it is intended to serve

The ________ has the authority to require policy changes to comply with the law. a.judiciary b.president c.House of Representatives d.executive branch e.Senate


Some state legislatures have considered passing a right-to-work law, which prohibits workers from being required to join a union in order to get a job. Which type of interest group is most likely to lobby against this law? a.Environmental interest groups b.Public interest groups c.Think tanks or research groups d.Labor unions e.Groups that represent state and local officials

labor unions

What kinds of interest groups are most likely to use public events and protests in order to draw attention to their campaigns? a.Labor unions and environmental groups b.Academic and professional associations c.Government groups and free riders d.Manufacturers and business associations e.Think tanks and universities

labor unions and environmental groups

Party-identified voters tend to be ________ than party activists. a.less moderate b.less extreme c.more conservative d.more extreme e.more liberal

less extreme

In 1995, Congress passed the ________, which required lobbyists to register with Congress and provided more transparency into their activities. a.Lobbyist Reform Act b.Honest Leadership and Open Government Act c.Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act d.Lobbying Disclosure Act e.Interest Lobbying Act

lobbying disclosure act

The diffusion of responsibility within the bureaucracy ________. a.facilitates the use of inter-bureaucracy standard operating procedures b.makes the coordination of policies both time-consuming and difficult c.helps diminish the use of administrative discretion d.allows for a diversity of opinion, thus facilitating effective administration e.increases administrative discretion

makes the coordination of policies both time-consuming and difficult

If you want a permanent federal position, you will have to take a civil service exam. The use of civil service exams as a means of selecting the best employee to perform a federal job is an example of the ________ system. a.patronage b.administrative c.federal d.merit e.spoils


Which of the following best explains why minorities tend to have lower voter turnout rates than whites? a.Minorities do not affiliate with traditional parties. b.Minorities tend to be poorer and have less formal education. c.White voters tend to intimidate minorities into not voting. d.Minorities do not speak enough English to read the ballots. e.Whites are more invested in public policy issues than are minorities.

minorities tend to be poorer and have less formal education

A majority of independents identify themselves as ________. a.left of center b.moderate c.liberal d.libertarian e.conservative


A majority of voters who do not identify with any political party have a ________ ideology. a.conservative b.libertarian c.left of center d.moderate e.liberal


Presidential and vice presidential nominees are decided during each party's ______, which is held every four years. a.national convention b.gubernatorial convention c.primary election d.national platform event e.caucus

national convention

The 2012 Republican and Democratic presidential nominees were nominated at their respective ________. a.state legislature meetings b.caucuses c.party meetings d.campaign strategy meetings e.national conventions

national conventions

The agency created to regulate labor-management relations is the ________. a.American Federation of Labor b.Federal Reserve Board c.Department of Commerce d.Department of Labor e.National Labor Relations Board

national labor relations board

Which department is a regulatory commission that controls unfair labor practices? a.Department of Labor b.The Office of Personnel Management c.The Employee Protection Agency d.Equal Employment Opportunities Commission e.National Labor Relations Board

national labor relations board

One organization that opposed the enactment of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) was the ________. a.Citizens United b.National Organization for Women c.National Rifle Association d.Associated Press e.527 Political Committees

national rifle association

Voting against a candidate by voting for the opponent is one effect of ________. a.positive ads b.inoculation ads c.the media d.negative ads e.contrast ads

negative ads

Often, citizens can log onto a candidate's website and engage in a nearly contemporaneous exchange of ideas with other supporters and with the candidate's Internet team. This is a component of ________. a.new media b.wikis c.imagined communities d.traditional media e.social capitalism

new media

Which of the following is considered traditional media coverage? a.Twitter b.E-zines c.Newspapers and magazines d.Political blogs e.Facebook

newspapers and magazines

How much public financing did Barack Obama take in the 2008 general election? a.$75 million b.None, he opted out of the system c.Public funds covered half the cost of his general election. d.Public funds covered one-third the cost of his general election. e.$85 million

non, he opted out of the system

The Democratic Party dominates in the ______. a.midwest b.northeast c.rust belt d.south e.northwest


Iron triangles, sometimes called subgovernments, are ________. a.a negative effect of the spoils system b.cause for much government waste and redundancy c.not as prevalent in the government as they used to be d.esteemed partnerships within the bureaucracy that are deeply rooted in history e.vital to the success of the bureaucracy

not as prevalent in the government as they used to be

Private citizens with an interest in potential rules are ________ to be registered as lobbyists to submit a comment to a federal agency on a proposed regulation or rule. a.not allowed b.expected c.not required d.able to request the opportunity e.required

not required

Super political action committees are _______. a.not required to disclose their sources of donations b.non-voting, symbolic delegates in the general election c.chiefly composed of superdelegates d. not very effective to candidates e.all governors form their party and non-voting delegates

not required to disclose their sources of donations

The ________ is responsible for promoting and regulating job safety in the United States. a.Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) b.American Energy Independence Council c.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) d.Department of Interior e.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)

The patronage system refers to a system ________. a.of rewards in the forms of employment, grants, or special favors given to thank supportive political allies b.of how Congress is to conduct oversight committees c.of employment practices based on criteria of professional qualifications d.of hiring practices based on the results of direct popular election for department heads e.where congressional approval is required for presidential appointees

of rewards in the forms of employment, grants, or special favors given to thank supportive political allies

Most voter canvassing takes place ________. a.months before the start of the nomination campaign b.one month before the election c.at the beginning of the general election campaign d.right after the election e.during the primaries

one month before the election

Voting based on an incumbent's previous performance would be considered ________. a.appraisal judgment b.issue-based judgment c.retrospective judgment d.partisan voting e.prospective voting

partisan voting

The battle between the two major political parties, democrats and republicans, for control for public office is _______. a.bipartisanship b.nonpartisanship c.party competition d.party polarization e.pork-barrel politics

party competition

National _______ meet every four years to nominate a candidate for president. a.party conventions b.elections c.parties-in-congress d.federalist laws e.political parties

party conventions

________ can help voters choose a candidate in elections where they may not know much about any of the candidates running. a.Education level b.Ethnic identification c.Ideology d.Party identification e.Personal income level

party identification

Jobs, grants, or other special favors given as rewards to friends and political allies for their support are known as ________. a.executive orders b.public comment c.patronage d.implementation e.adjudication


How can education affect a person's voting habits? a.People who are more educated tend to vote less because they see how little politicians care about the public. b.Level of education does not affect a person's voting habits. c.People who are more educated tend to know the issues and vote more often. d.People who are less educated tend to vote more because social issues directly affect them. e.Those who are most educated and those who are least educated vote in similar numbers.

people who are more educated tend to know the issues and vote more often

Nominating candidates to run under the party label is the key difference factor between ______ and _______. a.political parties; activists b.political parties; interest groups c.Democrats; Republicans d.activists; voters e.interest groups; activists

political parties; interest groups

People with similar beliefs seeking control of the government through elections is known as a(n) ________. a.political party b.interest group c.two-party system d.political machine e.party organization

political party

A campaign consultant who conducts public opinion surveys is a(n) ________. a.accountant b.volunteer c.media supervisor d.pollster e.campaign manager


The smallest unit of party organization is the ________. a.district b.state c.region d.precinct e.county


What is one way in which interest groups educate the public? a.Monitor government programs b.Represent members c.Produce issue-oriented ads d.Build an agenda e.Contribute money

produce issue-oriented ads

Candidates have the option of receiving ________ but they must agree to certain spending restrictions when they do. a.party funding b.McCain-Feingold funds c.corporate funding d.public funding e.congressional funding

public funding

When congressional committees held hearings after the British Petroleum (BP) oil spill in 2010, this was an example of ________. a.lobbying that leads to changes in the bureaucracy b.proactive implementation of new strategies c.a failure in privatization d.reactive oversight e.issue networks working together to solve a problem

reactive oversight

The presidential election of 1932 is an example of ________. a.surface b.malfunction c.dealignment d.overhaul e.realignment


A free rider is someone who ________. a.does not receive group benefits b.refuses to pay bus fare c.is a member of a group d.receives benefits without being a member of a group e.is the founder of a group

receives benefits without being a member of a gorup

The purpose of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) when it was created in 1887 was to ________. a.regulate the railroads along with their prices and services to farmers b.control the flow of money and set interest rates c.regulate domestic crop production d.ensure equal employment opportunity e.raise and spend taxes

regulate the railroads along with their prices and services to farmers

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) broadcast standards and rules issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to make short sales of stocks illegal are examples of ________. a.congressional mandates b.legislative oversight c.statutes d.congressional oversight e.regulations


Independent regulatory commissions are designed to operate ________. a.without congressional oversight b.mainly at the state level c.under the direct supervision of the president d.relatively freely from direct presidential control e.with the cooperation of private enterprises

relatively freely from direct presidential control

In the 1930s, opposition to the new deal coalition made which party the minority for decades? a.Socialist Party b.Whig Party c.Federalist Party d.Democratic Party e.Republican Party

republican party

Which political party traces its origins to anti-slavery activism in the 1850s? a.Democratic-Republican Party b.Republican Party c.Independence Party d.Democratic Party e.Federalist Party

republican party

Who does the public interest group AARP represent? a.Retired Americans b.Car owners c.Environmentalists d.Disabled Americans e.Gun owners

retired americans

Although 501(c) groups are not allowed to spend more than half their budgets on campaign politics, they spent as much money in the 2012 election cycle as 527 political committees by _________. a.creating Super PACs and not disclosing the amount of money in their budgets b.running issue-based ads c.funding PACs d.sponsoring lobbying groups e.starting grassroots-based movements on the local level

running issue-based ads

A "collective good" is ________. a.a good or service collected for the needy b.a good or service that is publicly owned c.a public policy that is in the public interest d.something of value that benefits both actual and potential members of a group e.a set of benefits that accrue to the group that sought them

something of value that benefits both actual and potential members of a group

The selection of employees for government agencies on the basis of party loyalty, electoral support, and political influence is called the ________. a.supply and demand system b.contractual system c.spoils system d.merit system e.reciprocity principle

spoils system

Which system of appointment allowed political parties to reward their supporters by giving them government jobs? a.Spoils system b.Merit system c.Partisan system d.Seniority system e.Administrative system

spoils system

Which of the following is(are) most responsible for regulating political parties? a.State governments b.The national government c.County governments d.City councils e.Municipal governments

state governments

The Supreme Court is considering an appeal in a lawsuit that involves an issue of great importance to your interest group, but your group is not directly involved in the case. What would be the best way for your group to influence the court's decision? a.Organize a protest outside the Supreme Court. b.Organize a "fly-in" to bring your members to Washington, D.C. c.Start a letter-writing campaign to put pressure on the justices. d.Hold a press conference to get your message out. e.Submit an amicus curiae brief on the case to the Supreme Court.

submit an amicus curiae brief on the case to the supreme court

In the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama won in ________ states such as Colorado and Pennsylvania, which are typically closely contested between the Democratic and Republican parties. a.red b.socially conservative c.swing d.blue e.libertarian


Staff support, visibility, and ________ are the primary causes for the incumbency advantage in elections. a.approval rating b.campaign contributions c.party support d.the "scare-off" effect e.gerrymandering

the "scare-off" effect

Which document prohibits the national government from limiting the right of individuals to join together regarding political issues? a.The Declaration of Independence b.The Census Record c.The Congressional Record d.Federalist No. 10 e.The Constitution

the constitution

In the 2000 presidential election, George W. Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore but won the presidency because he won a majority in ________. a.the Senate b.the Supreme Court c.the state legislatures d.the Electoral College e.the House of Representatives

the electoral college

Which federal agency sets the water quality standards that determine whether people can safely swim or fish in a lake, river, or bay? a.The Department of Homeland Security b.The United States Coast Guard c.The Army Corps of Engineers d.The Environmental Protection Agency e.The United States Maritime Administration

the environmental protection agency

Party strength was affected when social services were taken over by ______. a.religious organizations b.the government c.congressional committees d.party machines e.special-interest groups

the government

A reason the operations of government differ from those of private business is that ________. a.most public employees lose their jobs when administrations change b.divisions of responsibility are clear in a government c.government can learn little from business, but business has much to learn from government d.the government's goal is the public good, whereas one of the primary goals of a business is to make a profit e.bureaucrats are hired, not elected, which directly influences their performance

the government's goal is the public good, whereas one of the primary goals of a business is to make a profit

There's a good chance your hometown has the same House representative as it did when you were growing up. This is because a sitting representative has a much greater chance of being re-elected than a challenger, a phenomenon referred to as ________. a.the establishment advantage b.the incumbency advantage c.the financial advantage d.the insider advantage e.the outsider advantage

the incumbency advantage

The president or a presidential nominee appoints ________. a.delegates b.he national party's committee chairperson c.government bureaucrats d.campaign officials e.ballot issues

the national party's committee chairperson

Candidates test their strategies, themes, etc., during ________. a.national conventions b.the nomination campaign c.caucuses d.the general election campaign e.debates

the nomination campaign

Congress can use ________ to coerce bureaucrats to create particular policies. a.public outcry b.the power of the purse c.the chain of command d.majority opinion e.minority opinion

the power of the purse

Citizens can designate $3 of their income taxes each year to be the source of revenue for ________. a.the Presidential Election Campaign Fund b.charity organizations c.SuperPACs d.radio advertising e.527 political committees

the presidential election campaign fund

Companies that are not under the direct jurisdiction of the federal government are part of ________. a.the private sector b.non-federal institutions c.the protected sector d.unionized organizations e.the public sector

the private sector

Political parties are useful in encouraging ________. a.policymakers to seek a wide range of opinions on the issues b.citizen access to government through lobbyists c.bipartisan cooperation on essential legislation d.the creation of additional political parties e.the recruitment of candidates for political office

the recruitment of candidates for political office

Political parties are useful in encouraging ________. a.the recruitment of candidates for political office b.the likelihood of winning debates in the legislature c.additional political parties to run for office d.citizen access through lobbyists e.bipartisan cooperation on essential legislation

the recruitment of candidates for political office

The Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was created in 1874 with the goal of outlawing ________. a.slavery b.the sale of liquor c.poverty d.big government e.the segregation of women in saloons

the sale of liquor

Which area of the country is typically Republican? a.The Pacific Northwest b.The South c.The Northeast d.The West e.The Midwest

the south

Social services were taken over by the government which affected ________. a.the effect of charitable foundations b.the influence of religious organizations c.the impact of interest groups d.the strength of political parties e.the role of party machines

the strength of political parties

In 2010, Super PACs were rising due to ________. a.the elimination of political action committees b.the passage of the Hatch Act c.the status of the economy d.the Supreme Court upholding certain provisions of BCRA e.the Supreme Court striking some provisions of BCRA

the supreme court striking some provisions of BCRA

American society has used ________ to resolve social conflict. a.the Democratic-Republican Party b.the vice president c.interest groups d.the two-party system e.national committee chairs

the two-party system

The Pendleton Act was meant to put an end to ________. a.interference by the judicial branch in the appointment of federal officials b.bribe-taking by federal officials c.presidential initiative in the appointing of Cabinet officers d.inefficiency in the federal bureaucracy e.the use of the spoils system for hiring civil servants

the use of the spoils system for hiring civil servants

The party in the electorate refers to ________. a.nominees of a party for public office b.undecided voters c.organizations that fund political parties d.the voters who identify themselves with a political party e.political party activists

the voters who identify themselves with a political party

Independent agencies are termed "independent" because ________. a.they rely on public sentiment to make decisions for individuals b.they have a wide scope of responsibility in reviewing departments for inequality c.their responsibilities are independent of the overall goal of the bureaucracy d.they are independent contractors who do not work with the federal government e.they have limited responsibilities focusing on services rather than regulatory functions

they have limited responsibilities focusing on services rather than regulatory functions

Wealthy people are more likely to vote because _________. a.they are more heavily issues-based voters than the poor b.they want to represent the underrepresented c.they donate more money to campaigns d.they personally know the candidates running e.they think the system works for them and their votes make a difference

they think the system works for them and their votes make a difference

What is one main way the judicial branch has control over bureaucratic power? a.By appointing candidates to lead agencies b.Through the use of injunctions c.By approving Presidential appointments d.By elevating agencies to the Cabinet level e.By voting to deny funding to agencies

through the use of injunctions

Which of the following is one reason why the Homeland Security policy coordinating committee (PCC) was set up after 2001 terrorist attacks? a.To eliminate hierarchy within Homeland Security departments and streamline decision making b.To update standard operating procedures within the Department of Defense c.To facilitate interaction between agencies regarding the creation and implementation of complex security policies d.To increase funding for the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security e.To ensure that only one agency was responsible for setting security policy in the United States

to facilitate interaction between agencies regarding the creation and implementation of complex security policies

Many former government officials now have positions as lobbyists. Why might it be necessary to regulate this movement? a.To prevent government officials from supporting companies who promise them high-paying jobs once they are no longer in office b.To prevent officials from resigning from office midterm for a better-paying job in the private sector c.To promote favoritism among lobbyists and lawmakers d.To encourage organizations to hire the unemployed to work as lobbyists e.To leave positions open for ordinary citizens to become active in politics

to prevent government officials from supporting companies who promise them high-paying jobs once they are no longer in office

In the United States, third parties tend to form ________. a.to break a logjam in Congress b.to change the rules for elections c.to focus on success and not on issues d.to influence the two major parties e.to protest against the two major parties

to protest against the two major parties

What is the purpose of primary elections? a.To select the candidate that will represent the party in the general election b.To elect only candidates for state-level political offices c.To determine the candidate for vice president in the general election d.To get every party member to agree on one candidate for the general election e.To determine who will eventually win the seat in the general election

to select the candidate that will represent the party in the general election

What is the goal of the candidate during the nomination campaign? a.To learn about opposing party nominees b.To give incumbent party members a chance to endorse candidates c.To give party leadership insight into voter preferences d.To win the primary e.To win the general election

to win the primary

Which type of group serves as a representative for a specific industry? a.Labor union b.Trade association c.Congressional representative d.Political action committee e.Radical activists

trade associations

________ media is comprised of newspapers, magazines, television and radio. a.Contemporary b.New c.Traditional d.Free e.Social


Who are most likely to support Democrats in elections today? a.Older voters b.Business owners c.Trial lawyers d.Religiously committed voters e.People in rural areas

trial lawyers

If your classmate promises to get you a work-study job if you help her win the student council election, this is an example of ________. a.common practice in awarding work-study jobs b.corrupt politics c.finding a well-qualified person for a job d.a criminal offense e.using a political favor to win loyalty

using a political favor to win loyalty

Get-out-the-vote efforts depend on the campaign's ________. a.communications director b.financial advisor c.funding resources d.volunteers e.manager


When is it most likely that a government corporation will be created? a.When a market need exists but private companies are unable or unwilling to step up and fill that need b.When the government closes one agency for budget reasons and creates a for-profit corporation out of it c.When the private market tries and fails to meet the demand for a needed service d.When the government sees an opportunity to make a profit in the private market e.When the government cannot regulate the cost of the service in the private market

when a market need exists but private companies are unable or unwilling to step up and fill that need

Which major American political party gave way to the Republican Party? a.Socialist Party b.Federalist Party c.Democratic Party d.Whig Party e.Democratic-Republican Party

whig party

As of 2012, the limit an individual can contribute to a state or local party committee is ________. a.$100 b.$2,500 c.$5,000 d.$10,000 e.$30,400


According to federal law, the maximum amount an individual could contribute to any one candidate in 2011-2012 was _________, with primary and general elections considered separately. a.$7,500 b.$5,000 c.$2,500 d.an unlimited amount e.$100


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