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Which of the following global trends best exemplifies the concept of sustainability? (A) An increase in the use of agricultural pesticides, because farms using agricultural chemicals produce more food. (B) An increase in the use of electric vehicles, because their reduced emissions result in less environmental pollution. (C) A decrease in the amount of polar sea ice, because it opens more sea lanes for shipping. (D) An increase in the number of people living in coastal areas, because residents will feel more connected to nature. (E) A decrease in the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture, because large irrigated farms produce food more efficiently.

(A) An increase in the use of agricultural pesticides, because farms using agricultural chemicals produce more food.

Which of the following scales is represented in the map shown? (A) Local, showing the towns and township areas in a county (B) Regional, showing the states or provinces in one part of a country (C) State or province, showing the counties or parishes (D) Neighborhood, showing the block along street boundaries (E) Block, showing the property lines and names of owners

(A) Local, showing the towns and township areas in a county

In descriptions of interaction between people and the environment, the term "environmental determinism" implies that (A) the physical environment exclusively shapes humans and their actions (B) humans by their actions and technologies alter the physical environment to suit their needs (C) determination of environmental limitations is a primary task of geographers (D) capitalist economies do not contribute to global environmental degradation (E) there exists no interacting relationship between people and their surrounding physical environment

(A) the physical environment exclusively shapes humans and their actions

The concept of environmental sustainability is best explained by which of the following examples? (A) Strip-mining of coal on mountainsides, to keep miners from working in underground conditions (B) Terracing rice paddies on hillsides, to prevent soil erosion and provide gravity-fed irrigation (C) Clear-cutting trees in coastal woodlands, to provide building materials for constructing homes (D) Fattening cattle in dryland feedlots, to practice agriculture efficiently and at the lowest cost (E) Draining of wetlands in residential areas, to reduce the presence of stinging insects

(B) Terracing rice paddies on hillsides, to prevent soil erosion and provide gravity-fed irrigation

Which of the following describes the perspective of environmental determinism? (A) A twentieth-century idea that human cultures are imprinted on the landscape in different forms of land use and architecture (B) A contemporary ecological view that human activity is affecting the global environment toward a negative outcome (C) A former scientific viewpoint stating that factors within the physical geography of a region shape the local population's culture and behaviors (D) A theory that humans hold the ability to modify Earth's physical geography to meet the resource needs of a society (E) A belief system based on an ideology that humans have dominion over Earth and its natural resources

(C) A former scientific viewpoint stating that factors within the physical geography of a region shape the local population's culture and behaviors

Which of the following best identifies the scale of analysis for each of the maps shown? (A) Global and regional (B) Regional and urban (C) Continental and country (D) Global and local (E) Country and local

(C) Continental and country

Why would a town planner use a map at the 1:24,000 scale rather than a map at the 1:250,000 scale? (A) The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows a much larger area. (B) The map at the 1:24,000 scale is easily converted to non-metric measurements. (C) The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows the town close-up in more detail. (D) The map at the 1:250,000 scale shows the town in too much detail. (E) The map at the 1:250,000 scale shows too small of an area to see the whole town.

(C) The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows the town close-up in more detail.

The above map shows von Thünen's model applied to a map of the contiguous United States. Which of the following realities would NOT be accounted for by the theoretical predictions shown on the map? (A) Wyoming is a major cattle-ranching area. (B) Oregon has established a Forest Resources Institute. (C) New Jersey's nickname is the Garden State. (D) Florida's government has a Department of Citrus. (E) The first cheese factory in the United States was near Rome, New York.

(D) Florida's government has a Department of Citrus.

Which of the following best describes the data presented in the image? (A) Coordinates for a satellite navigation system (B) Political map of a region (C) Series of geographic information systems layers (D) Remote sensing satellite image of land use (E) Cartogram of quantitative spatial information

(D) Remote sensing satellite image of land use

The data on median household income in Table 1 is presented in different (A) culture regions (B) physical regions (C) map scales (D) scales of analysis (E) vernacular regions

(D) scales of analysis

Which of the following scales of analysis would provide demographic data that could be used to compare one urban neighborhood to other urban neighborhoods across a country? (A) State or province (B) Metropolitan area or urban region (C) County or parish (in Quebec and Louisiana) (D) City or municipality (E) Census tract or enumeration area

(E) Census tract or enumeration area

Which of the following is the primary assumption of environmental determinism? (A) Human destiny is controlled by the cultural environment . (B) The physical environment has little influence on humans . (C) Humans have complete control over the physical environment . (D) Many human adaptations are possible within a specific physical environment. (E) The physical environment controls human culture.

(E) The physical environment controls human culture.

Most Latin American cities are focused on a A. central plaza B. government housing project C. zone of heavy industry D. skyscraper office building E. squatter settlement

A. central plaza

Which of the following is the name for political redistricting that produces unusually shaped districts to create a political advantage? A. Gerrymandering B. Redlining C. Zoning D. Politicization E. Gentrification

A. Gerrymandering

According to the von Thünen model, which of the following economic factors determine the pattern of land use shown on the diagram? A. Accessibility of railroads and highways B. Costs of labor, transport, and land rent C. Size and distribution of urban populations D. Adoption of new farming techniques E. Type of transportation and land rent

B. Costs of labor, transport, and land rent

Which factor is most responsible for the increase in Japan's dependency ratio? A. An increase in life expectancy B. An increase in the death rate C. An increase in the rate of natural increase D. A decrease in the doubling time E. An increase in the total fertility rate

A. An increase in life expectancy

Which of the following best explains how Christianity became the dominant religion in the Philippines? A. Christianity was brought to the Philippines through relocation diffusion when the Spanish colonized the Philippines in the sixteenth century. B. Christianity entered the Philippines through the ministry of representatives from the Russian Orthodox church. C. A secondary hearth for Christianity arose in the Philippines in the twelfth century, and since that time Christianity has remained the dominant religion in the Philippines. D. Christianity entered the Philippines through contagious diffusion because of its proximity to Indonesia. E. Export-oriented logging companies from Japan brought Christianity to the Philippines during the twentieth century.

A. Christianity was brought to the Philippines through relocation diffusion when the Spanish colonized the Philippines in the sixteenth century.

The country of Costa Rica has protected 25 percent of its land in the form of national parks or other protected areas. Which of the following best explains the desired effect of Costa Rica's process of land preservation? A. Costa Rica's national parks and preserved areas are intended to promote international ecotourism and support the country's sustainable local economic development. B. Costa Rica's national parks and preserved areas are designed to attract multinational corporations, providing Costa Rica with economic sustainability. C. Costa Rica preserved these areas to meet the requirements to join the Central American Common Market, which funds environmental sustainability initiatives in member countries. D. Costa Rica preserved these areas to establish special economic zones for the exportation of manufactured products to the United States. E. Costa Rica is predominately an agricultural nation and preserved these areas for the future expansion of global agricultural commodity chains.

A. Costa Rica's national parks and preserved areas are intended to promote international ecotourism and support the country's sustainable local economic development.

Which of the following is an example of a shatterbelt region? A. Eastern Europe B. Western Europe C. Siberia D. South America E. Southern Africa

A. Eastern Europe

In 1982 the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) established freedom-of-navigation rights and defined territorial waters as a 12-nautical-mile limit from the coast where individual states have political and economic sovereignty. However, Greece and Turkey still only claim a 6-nautical-mile territorial sea. If Greece and Turkey adopted the UNCLOS system and expanded their territorial seas to 12 nautical miles, as shown in Map 2, which of the following scenarios best explains the resulting geographic pattern? A. Greece would be required to guarantee the right of passage for ships transiting from the Dardanelles to the Mediterranean Sea. B. International ships transiting from the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea would only be able to sail in Turkey's coastal waters. C. Black Sea countries like Bulgaria would have to ship goods by land through Europe or Russia to participate in international trade. D. Greece would only guarantee right of passage to ships from other European Union countries due to the open border policy. E. Turkey would be forced to join the European Union in order to participate in international trade and benefit from the open border policy.

A. Greece would be required to guarantee the right of passage for ships transiting from the Dardanelles to the Mediterranean Sea.

Which of the following best explains how immigration affects the cultural landscape of religion? A. Immigrants often retain their religion during the process of acculturation, contributing to religious diversity within the cultural landscape of the receiving country. B. Immigrant communities fuse their own religion with the dominant religion in the receiving country to create a syncretic religion. C. Ethnic religions do not diffuse past their hearth, so immigrants must adopt a new religion when relocating to a new country. D. Immigrants bring their religion with them when they relocate, and their religion quickly spreads to the overwhelming majority of citizens in the receiving country. E. Immigrants' original religions disappear as immigrants fully assimilate into their new culture and adopt the dominant religion of the area.

A. Immigrants often retain their religion during the process of acculturation, contributing to religious diversity within the cultural landscape of the receiving country.

Which of the following is the primary reason for the rapid population growth in megacities throughout the developing world? A. Interregional migration B. A decline in the death rate C. The natural increase rate D. The decline in the dependency ratio E. A decrease in the doubling time

A. Interregional migration

Which of the following developments is predicted by the von Thünen model of land use around cities? A. Large-scale growing of flowers and vegetables in the Netherlands B. Large-scale rubber plantations in Malaysia C. Large-scale commercial fishing in Japan D. Extensive cattle raising in northern France E. Very large dairy farms in Utah and southern Idaho

A. Large-scale growing of flowers and vegetables in the Netherlands

With regard to environmental sustainability, which of the following explains an advantage of urban light-rail networks in Europe and East Asia compared to most light-rail systems in United States cities? A. Light-rail is integrated with fast commuter railroad networks and subways and extends out to multiple suburbs. B. Light-rail networks connect locations in downtown central business districts. C. Light-rail stations tend to be simple boarding platforms that do not have parking areas. D. Light-rail lines tend to lack a large central train terminal for passengers to transfer between trains headed in different directions. E. Light-rail lines often work on the honor system where a pass or permit is used to ride the train and there may be random ticket checks.

A. Light-rail is integrated with fast commuter railroad networks and subways and extends out to multiple suburbs.

Which of the following best explains why, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Thomas Malthus proposed his population theory? A. Malthus theorized that, if left unchecked by regular cycles of famine and misery, population would increase beyond the ability to feed itself. B. Malthus theorized that the ability of a population to feed itself would increase with the expansion of the population; more people would mean greater knowledge invested in expanding food production. C. Malthus theorized that reductions of infant mortality would eventually result in slower population growth rates. D. Malthus theorized that agricultural developments in the mid-to-late eighteenth century would result in a significant expansion of food production, therefore alleviating the threat of overpopulation. E. Malthus theorized the only way to prevent overpopulation would be to create policies that would limit the number of children a family could have.

A. Malthus theorized that, if left unchecked by regular cycles of famine and misery, population would increase beyond the ability to feed itself.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals do not mention population growth, but most of the goals will affect population growth. Which of the following statements correctly explains a link between the Sustainable Development Goals and population growth? A. Reducing infant mortality rates can lead to a desire to have a smaller family. B. Reducing poverty and hunger increases population growth as it makes larger families possible. C. Gender equality and empowering women leads to fewer women in the paid labor force. D. Combating communicable diseases and improving maternal health means more potential mothers survive and have additional children. E. Economic development strategies make it possible to support larger families.

A. Reducing infant mortality rates can lead to a desire to have a smaller family.

In the contemporary pattern of migration to cities in more developed countries, migrants are more likely to settle in A. Suburban areas B. The central city C. Brownfield sites D. Squatter settlements E. Areas of gentrification

A. Suburban areas

The Philippines and Malaysia lay claim to resources under and around the Spratly Islands. Which of the following best explains how the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) influences claims to the islands by both countries? A. The claims to the Spratly Islands by both the Philippines and Malaysia overlap due to exclusive economic zones up to 200 nautical miles from their coasts. B. The Philippines and Malaysia both claim the islands lie within their territorial seas up to 12 nautical miles from their coasts. C. The claims to the islands by the Philippines and Malaysia overlap due to the median line principle. D. The Philippines and Malaysia both claim ownership to the resources based on a historic possession of the islands. E. The Philippines and Malaysia both claim the islands lie within their contiguous zones between 12 and 24 nautical miles from their coasts.

A. The claims to the Spratly Islands by both the Philippines and Malaysia overlap due to exclusive economic zones up to 200 nautical miles from their coasts.

Examining the countries shown in white on the map of the former Yugoslavia, which of the following explains why the area would be referred to as a shatterbelt region? A. The countries comprise a strategically positioned area and have unstable national governments. B. The countries have an open-border policy and have abolished all passport and customs controls along their shared political boundaries. C. The countries comprise a multiethnic culture region and have strong federal governments. D. The countries are outside of the European Union but are inside of the European continent. E. The countries are former communist states and remain allied with the Russia.

A. The countries comprise a strategically positioned area and have unstable national governments.

Which of the following describes the process of creolization? A. The mix of Native American, African, and European influences to create new cultural forms B. The representations of Spanish, Portuguese, and French linguistic culture on the landscape of Latin America C. The layering of the European cultural landscape over the Native American landscape D. The exchange of crops and animals between the Old World and the New World E. The adoption of Native American toponyms for place-names of European settlements A. The mix of Native American, African, and European influences to create new cultural forms

A. The mix of Native American, African, and European influences to create new cultural forms

Which of the following explains a significant obstacle to sustainable development in more developed countries? A. The reliance on fossil energy sources for electric generation and vehicle fuel has depleted resources globally and contributed to atmospheric pollution in cities. B. The reliance on renewable energy for local electric generation and home heating creates significant risks, as alternative energy storage is more expensive than using fossil fuels. C. High energy prices and low energy consumption have reduced the need for the development of additional sources of renewable energy for individual vehicles and homes. D. Low population growth in more developed countries has reduced the need for the development of additional sources of renewable energy for individual vehicles and homes. E. Increased economic productivity in less developed countries has moved investment funding away from the development of new sources of renewable energy for individual vehicles and homes.

A. The reliance on fossil energy sources for electric generation and vehicle fuel has depleted resources globally and contributed to atmospheric pollution in cities.

Christianity has expanded through repeated patterns of relocation diffusion to spread to the Americas. Which of the following explains the impacts of this diffusion on Christianity in the Americas? A. The repeated relocations have resulted in a wide diversity of Christian religious beliefs and practices. B. The repeated relocations have resulted in a single form of Christian religious beliefs and practices. C. The repeated relocations have resulted in a decline in the size of the Christian population. D. The repeated relocations have resulted in a single ethnic Christian population. E. The repeated relocations have resulted in a small number of ethnic Christian populations.

A. The repeated relocations have resulted in a wide diversity of Christian religious beliefs and practices.

In the early part of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, Thomas Malthus developed a theory that population increases exponentially, while food production can increase only arithmetically. Which of the following statements best explains how the Industrial Revolution reduced the threats forecast by Malthus? A. The resulting rural-to-urban migration for jobs in factories led to a decline in birth rates and lowered population growth rates below what Malthus predicted. B. Industrialization led to the manufacture of weaponry used in warfare, resulting in higher mortality during the conflicts of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that dramatically reduced populations. C. The migration of people from rural areas to factory cities allowed farmers to expand their farm size and increase food production above Malthus' predictions. D. Industrialization enabled and promoted European imperialism, and Europeans migrated to overseas colonies, reducing the European population. E. Mechanization expanded to agriculture, increasing the need for agricultural labor to run the equipment, leading rural families to have more children and increasing population growth.

A. The resulting rural-to-urban migration for jobs in factories led to a decline in birth rates and lowered population growth rates below what Malthus predicted.

Which of the following terms best describes the spatial effects of the Internet on the global diffusion of culture? A. Time-space convergence B. Complementarity C. Cultural divergence D. Push factors E. Pull factors

A. Time-space convergence

The provisions of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea give coastal countries navigational and economic sovereignty over which of the following zones? A. Twelve-nautical-mile territorial sea zone B. Export processing zone (EPZ) C. 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone D. Empowerment zone E. Continental shelf

A. Twelve-nautical-mile territorial sea zone

In 1798 Thomas Malthus argued that populations grew exponentially while food supplies grew arithmetically. Consequently, Malthus argued that food shortages would develop until famine and other checks slowed population growth. What statement correctly explains why Malthus' prediction did not come true in 1800s Europe? A. Urbanization resulted in smaller household sizes, and the mechanization of agriculture increased food production. B. Immigration to Europe and the abolition of slavery resulted in a more productive agricultural labor force. C. Rising education levels among women and increased numbers of single-person households reduced fertility and the demand for food. D. Antinatalist population policies placed limits on the number of children per family and reduced the demand for food. E. Global trade in manufactured food products increased the food supply and offset the demand for food.

A. Urbanization resulted in smaller household sizes, and the mechanization of agriculture increased food production.

The Gullah language is spoken in African-American communities of the coastal southeastern United States, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida. It is a combination of Elizabethan English and African dialects. One can describe Gullah as a A. creolized language B. lingua franca C. Sino-Tibetan dialect D. language family E. linguistic branch of the Niger-Congo family

A. creolized language

Central place theory describes the A. spatial patterns of urban and outlying areas based on the flow of goods and services B. tendency of different ethnic groups to congregate in a single location C. tendency of civilizations to form around certain natural features D. outward radiation of cultural patterns from a central place E. tendency of wealth to concentrate in urban core areas

A. spatial patterns of urban and outlying areas based on the flow of goods and services

The European Union is an example of A. supranationalism B. nationalism C. a fragmented state D. a unitary state E. a nation-state

A. supranationalism

The ability to travel and communicate over greater distances in shorter amounts of time, due to technological innovations such as the airplane, automobile, telephone, and Internet, represents the idea of A. time-space compression B. stimulus diffusion C. friction of distance D. relocation diffusion E. possibilism

A. time-space compression

Which of the following describes the most likely cause of death for a citizen of a country in stages 4 and 5 of the demographic transition model? A. Infectious diseases due to poor sanitation B. Degenerative diseases due to old age and lifestyle C. Starvation due to an unstable food supply D. Infectious diseases due to a lack of vaccines and antibiotics E. Reemergence of previously eradicated diseases

B. Degenerative diseases due to old age and lifestyle

In the late nineteenth century, a large proportion of Swedish immigrants that came to the United States settled in rural areas of Minnesota. Descendants of these communities remain in Minnesota today, as shown on the map. Which of the following best describes the pattern of Swedish-American ethnicity within Minnesota's cultural landscape? A. A diffused pattern of Swedish ethnicity evenly distributed across the state B. A clustered pattern of Swedish ethnicity C. A Swedish ethnic majority in the northern half of the state D. A Swedish ethnic majority throughout the state E. A single remnant area with a high percentage of Swedish ethnicity

B. A clustered pattern of Swedish ethnicity

Which of the following country demographics would be used to explain the need for the pronatalist policies shown? A. A country with a birth rate of 43, a death rate of 12, and a rate of natural increase of 3.1, passes a law that requires paid maternity leave. B. A country with a birth rate of 11, a death rate of 13, and a rate of natural increase of −0.2, legislates tax credits for working parents. C. A country with a birth rate of 16, a death rate of 4, and a rate of natural increase of 1.2, establishes long maternity leave periods from work. D. A country with a birth rate of 12, a death rate of 10, and a rate of natural increase of 0.2, requires full-day kindergarten. E. A country with a birth rate of 20, a death rate of 10, and a rate of natural increase of 1.0, provides state-subsidized day care centers.

B. A country with a birth rate of 11, a death rate of 13, and a rate of natural increase of −0.2, legislates tax credits for working parents.

Which of the following describes a unitary form of governance? A. Stronger states and transnational corporations indirectly control weaker states. B. A state has a strong central government with no power given to regions. C. A collection of independent communities shares government services. D. A state's more powerful central government shares power with its regions. E. A sense of unity, often derived from ethnic or cultural traits, binds a country together.

B. A state has a strong central government with no power given to regions.

Which of the following variables has an inverse or negative relationship with the level of economic development of a country? A. Literacy rate B. Birth rate C. Percent of labor force in tertiary sector of economy D. Life expectancy E. Percent of urban population

B. Birth rate

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea sets the limit of the exclusive economic zone at 200 nautical miles from a country's coastline. In cases where countries are less than 400 nautical miles apart at sea, which of the following explains how the exclusive economic zone boundary is determined for each country? A. Both countries will state their case to the United Nations during a hearing of the Security Council. B. Both countries will follow the median-line principle. C. Both countries will share all of the water area. D. Neither country can claim the area as an exclusive economic zone because the area is considered international water. E. Both countries will receive increased territorial sea claims up to 24 nautical miles but will have no exclusive economic zone.

B. Both countries will follow the median-line principle.

Which of the following correctly compares the impact of centripetal forces at the local scale with the impact of centripetal forces at the national scale? A. Centripetal forces may cause uneven development at the local scale but not at the national scale. B. Centripetal forces at both the local scale and the national scale may lead to increased cultural cohesion. C. Centripetal forces may lead to stateless nations at the national scale but not the local scale. D. Centripetal forces may result in nationalism at the local scale but not at the national scale. E. Centripetal forces at both the local scale and the national scale may lead to failed states.

B. Centripetal forces at both the local scale and the national scale may lead to increased cultural cohesion.

Which of the following has contributed most to the deindustrialization of regions like the English Midlands and the North American Manufacturing Belt? A. The increased percentage of women in the labor force B. Competition from foreign imports C. Environmental legislation D. The formation of free trade associations E. The decline of labor unions

B. Competition from foreign imports

Which of the following activities is most likely to be found in the outermost zone of von Thünen's model of agricultural land use? A. Mixed farming B. Subsistence farming C. Specialty farming D. Dairying and market gardening E. Extensive grain or stock raising

E. Extensive grain or stock raising

In 1982 the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) established freedom-of-navigation rights and defined territorial waters as a 12-nautical-mile limit from the coast where individual states have political and economic sovereignty. However, Greece and Turkey still only claim a 6-nautical-mile territorial sea. What do the maps indicate regarding the political geography of the Aegean Sea? A. Turkey controls most of the islands in the Aegean Sea. B. Greece controls most of the islands in the Aegean Sea. C. Turkey and Greece share control of most of the islands in the Aegean Sea. D. Turkey controls all access from the Dardanelles to the Mediterranean Sea. E. Greece controls all access from the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea.

B. Greece controls most of the islands in the Aegean Sea.

In 2017 the Ivory Coast exported $5.6 billion worth of cocoa beans and cocoa-derived products, such as cocoa butter. This represented 55 percent of the country's exports and was worth four times the country's combined gold and oil exports in that year. Which of the following best explains the international trade economy of the Ivory Coast? A. High level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that increases national economic development and increases foreign direct investment B. High level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that increases national economic risks during times of global economic crisis C. Low level of dependency on primary-sector production and resource processing that will increase the country's level of development D. Low level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that decreases national economic risks during times of global economic crisis E. Low level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that increases national economic development and increases foreign direct investment

B. High level of dependency on a single agricultural commodity that increases national economic risks during times of global economic crisis

Although gentrification can revitalize cities by rehabilitating residential areas, which of the following problems can be explained by the type of building renovations shown in the before and after images? A. More parking leading to decreased public transportation use B. Higher rents causing displacement of existing residents C. New buildings causing environmental sustainability issues D. Disuse changing areas into zones of abandonment E. Unfair real estate practices resulting in housing and insurance discrimination cases

B. Higher rents causing displacement of existing residents

Which of the following explains the significance of the similarities between Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in terms of the percent of women working agriculture? A. Women own or rent much of the land cultivated for plantation crops such as cacao, coffee, or tea. B. In the subsistence-based rural economies in these regions, female farmers produce much of the food that their families need for survival. C. In rural agricultural regions, women control the political and social lives of the community and consider farming as their primary role. D. In tropical regions soil and climate conditions are so favorable that little labor is required to farm crops. E. In the shifting cultivation found in rain forest regions, women do the work of claiming land and clearing the forest of trees.

B. In the subsistence-based rural economies in these regions, female farmers produce much of the food that their families need for survival.

Compare the two maps and examine the data for Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. Which of the following statements is supported by the comparison of the two maps? A. There is less food produced in these regions and therefore fewer women working in agriculture. B. Many women in these regions work on farms and grow food for their families, but not all are paid to do this work. C. Agriculture is considered a prestigious field in these regions, and they have the highest percentage of women working in agriculture. D. There is a strong correlation between countries with a large percentage of women in the paid workforce and women working in agriculture. E. Typically women in these regions work for agribusiness in the formal paid workforce.

B. Many women in these regions work on farms and grow food for their families, but not all are paid to do this work.

Which of the following is a likely outcome of gerrymandering? A. Splitting areas of majority group voters across a number of legislative representatives' districts B. Packing areas of minority group voters into a single legislative representative's district C. Disrupting electronic polling machines or the data networks run by elections officials D. Placing a legislative representative's districts in a row pattern while drawing a new electoral map E. Supporting political party candidates with campaign funds intended to be used in particular geographic areas

B. Packing areas of minority group voters into a single legislative representative's district

Which of the following factors best explains the development and expansion of squatter settlements? A. Gentrification of megacities in more developed countries displacing large numbers of urban dwellers B. Rapid urbanization and inability of infrastructure to keep pace with the growth of megacities in developing countries C. Urban dwellers seeking residential housing and shopping outside the congestion of the city D. Zoning laws in developing countries that prevent current urban dwellers from obtaining land to build residential structures E. The growth of urban agriculture encouraging migrant farm workers to move to cities requiring more housing

B. Rapid urbanization and inability of infrastructure to keep pace with the growth of megacities in developing countries

Which of the following best explains how the expansion of feedlots for raising cattle has affected environmental sustainability in rural areas? A. Concentrating large numbers of farm animals in small spaces has decreased the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. B. Runoff from animal waste has increased the pollution in local water supplies. C. Feed grains have eliminated potentially harmful invasive plant species from farmland. D. Land development has increased the available water supply for other farming practices. E. Composted manure has introduced valuable nutrients into previously depleted soils.

B. Runoff from animal waste has increased the pollution in local water supplies.

Which of the following is an example of a supranational organization with the main mission of increasing economic integration? A. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization B. The European Union C. The United Nations D. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement E. The United States Federal Reserve

B. The European Union

Which of the following occurs when the cities in a country follow the rank-size rule? A. There are two large cities with similar population sizes. B. The largest city is two times the population of the next-largest city. C. The largest city is three times the population of the next-largest city. D. The largest city is four times the population of the next-largest city. E. The largest city is five times the population of the next-largest city.

B. The largest city is two times the population of the next-largest city.

Which of the following statements explains the characteristics of cities in a postindustrial economy? A. The postindustrial city has new structures since the buildings of the industrial city cannot be reused. B. The postindustrial city has a large share of offices housing technology and information services. C. The postindustrial city has very few companies in the manufacturing sector. D. The postindustrial city is a high-density, compact city to facilitate information and technology businesses. E. The postindustrial city has few low-skill or general service jobs because of the demands of technology industries.

B. The postindustrial city has a large share of offices housing technology and information services.

Which of the following agricultural inputs were the most recent technological innovations employed in less developed countries during the Green Revolution? A. Metal plows and harvesting equipment B. Irrigated farm fields C. Seed hybrids and animal breeds D. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides E. Terracing in highland terrain

D. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides

Debt-for-nature swaps are financial transactions in which a portion of a developing country's foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for local investments in environmental conservation measures. Which of the following explains the significance of debt-for-nature programs? A. The programs utilize a dependency theory-based approach to improve local economic development. B. The programs provide a sustainable-development approach to reducing uneven levels of development between countries. C. The programs combat the economic decline of deindustrialization and improve service and technology development. D. The programs provide improvements in environmental health and sanitation that reduce mortality and epidemic disease rates. E. The programs invest in environmental education that informs youth populations about preserving economic resources for future use.

B. The programs provide a sustainable-development approach to reducing uneven levels of development between countries.

Von Thünen emphasized which of the following factors in his model of agricultural land use? A. Labor cost B. Transportation cost C. Fertilizer cost D. Machinery cost E;. Seasonal fluctuations in prices of farm products

B. Transportation cost

Cultural differences within a country's population, such as different religions, languages, and ethnicities, have political impacts and can best be described as A. centripetal forces within a state B. centrifugal forces within a state C. the effects of diffusion on the state D. the effects of imperialism on the state E. globalizing forces within a state

B. centrifugal forces within a state

The shape of North Carolina's Twelfth Congressional District, shown above, is most likely the result of A. watershed boundaries B. gerrymandering C. county boundaries D. decentralization E. amalgamation

B. gerrymandering

A primate city such as Mexico City is A. always located in the center of its country for maximum accessibility B. more than twice the size of any other city in its country and dominant economically and culturally C. most likely to share its rank size with at least one other city in the country D. always a national capital serving as the seat of government and industrial center of the country E. much larger than the cities in any neighboring country and serves as the region's financial capital

B. more than twice the size of any other city in its country and dominant economically and culturally

In which of the following contexts could a neo-Malthusian perspective most successfully explain population characteristics? A. A country experiencing population decline, where birth rates are low B. A country with a low rate of natural population increase, where a small percentage of citizens work in agriculture C. A country with a high rate of natural population increase, where food supplies are at risk D. A country experiencing significant out-migration, where economic conditions lead many job seekers to move to other countries E. A country recovering from an environmental disaster, where infrastructure must be rebuilt

C. A country with a high rate of natural population increase, where food supplies are at risk

Which of the following describes a characteristic of a country moving from stage 2 to stage 3 of the demographic transition model? A. Shorter life expectancy B. Increasing birth rate C. High level of female education D. Declining death rate E. Increasing dependence on farm labor

D. Declining death rate

Which of the following explains an unintended consequence of China's antinatalist one-child policy? A. A dramatic reduction of the birth rate and a decline of the rate of natural increase rate, resulting in lower population growth. B. Agricultural families were forced to relocate to the nearest city to search for employment, resulting in increased urban population. C. A projected shortage of working-age people to care for the rising elderly population, resulting in an increase in the cost of living for older people. D. Decreased spending on childhood expenses, such as education and nursery supplies results in a drop in domestic economic productivity. E. A decreased emphasis on education due to the decreasing numbers of school-age children results in a loss of international competitiveness.

C. A projected shortage of working-age people to care for the rising elderly population, resulting in an increase in the cost of living for older people.

Which of the following events could be a threat to a state's sovereignty at the national scale, while holding a region together at the global scale? A. A natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami occurring within the country B. A member of the state's minority political party being elected to lead the country C. Admittance into a supranational organization such as the European Union D. Decommitment to environmental resolutions established by the United Nations E. A shift from a federal system to a unitary system of governance within the state

C. Admittance into a supranational organization such as the European Union

Which of the following best explains the degree to which the Human Development Index (HDI) accurately calculates a country's level of economic development? A. The HDI is a simplified means of comparing gross national income per capita in an indexed score that is on a 0 to 1.0 scale. B. The HDI is a simplified means of combining life expectancy and education levels in an indexed score that is on a 0 to 1.0 scale. C. Although the HDI factors in gross national income per capita, it also calculates indicators for health care and education to estimate the social aspects of development. D. Although the HDI factors in gross national income per capita, it also calculates the impact of exports and imports on the domestic economy. E. The HDI is a simplified means of ranking countries into distinct levels of development based on the total size of a country's national economy.

C. Although the HDI factors in gross national income per capita, it also calculates indicators for health care and education to estimate the social aspects of development.

Which of the following statements accurately compares a difference between the Human Development Index (HDI) and Gender Inequality Index (GII) as shown in the table? A. Although women workers are often paid less than their male counterparts, GII scores can remain high. B. High numbers of women working in education and health care directly result in a higher GII score. C. Although there are more women in the wage labor force, females do not necessarily have the same level of empowerment as men. D. In most countries women's life expectancy is higher than men's, which improves gender equality. E. Although HDI and GII indicators are measured on a scale of 0 to 1, a high HDI score should indicate a high GII score. C. Although there are more women in the wage labor force, females do not necessarily have the same level of empowerment as men.

C. Although there are more women in the wage labor force, females do not necessarily have the same level of empowerment as men.

Which of the following countries is best described as being at Stage 3 of the demographic transition model? A. China: birth rate = 13, death rate =7 B. Democratic Republic of the Congo: birth rate = 44, death rate = 10 C. Bolivia: birth rate = 24 , death rate = 7 D. Ivory Coast: birth rate = 37, death rate = 13 E. Hungary: birth rate = 10, death rate = 13

C. Bolivia: birth rate = 24 , death rate = 7

Which of the following agricultural practices has the most significant long-term environmental impact in tropical regions? A. Clearing small patches of land to pasture dairy cows, which decreases water pollution from runoff B. Building terraces on sloping land to grow rice, which destabilizes hillsides C. Burning extensive areas of forested land to create pasture, which decreases biodiversity D. Burning small areas of forested land for subsistence farming, which increases biodiversity E. Moving livestock to higher pasture areas in the spring, which leads to soil degradation

C. Burning extensive areas of forested land to create pasture, which decreases biodiversity

Which of the following terms best describes the food preferences, architecture, and land-use practices found in a particular region? A. Cultural relativism B. Ethnocentrism C. Culture traits D. Unitary state E. Culture hearth

C. Culture traits

Which statement best describes population growth patterns in the world today? A. In the world as a whole, women have an average of five or more children, leading to Malthusian crises. B. Fertility rates in low- and middle-income countries worldwide are higher now than 25 years ago. C. In the world as a whole, fertility rates have fallen in the last 25 years. D. In sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Pacific, fertility rates have doubled in the last 25 years. E. Fertility rates in most high-income countries have risen in the last 25 years.

C. In the world as a whole, fertility rates have fallen in the last 25 years.

Based on the data in the table, which of the following statements is accurate? A. The HDI and GII are directly related; as one increases so does the other. B. As economic development increases, the percent of women in the workforce increases. C. Increased levels of economic development often conceal gender inequities. D. Gender equality is closely tied to cultural norms and not affected by economic conditions. E. Since the GII is one component of HDI, HDI always increases with GII.

C. Increased levels of economic development often conceal gender inequities.

Which of the following does NOT act as a centrifugal force for a state? A. Uneven development B. Substate nationalism C. Linguistic homogeneity D. A fragmented territorial base E. A strong tradition of local governance

C. Linguistic homogeneity

Which of the following terms best describes the political entity of the Republic of Ireland? A. Stateless nation B. Multinational state C. Nation-state D. Autonomous region E. Dependent territory

C. Nation-state

According to the rank-size rule, which of the following is typically true of higher-order services, such as hospitals with a large number of medical specialties? A. They are located in suburbs. B. They are located in small towns. C. They have smaller ranges and thresholds. D. They have larger ranges and thresholds. E. They have larger ranges and smaller thresholds.

D. They have larger ranges and thresholds.

Country A is a more developed country with a low birth rate, a low total fertility rate, a high life expectancy, and a high percentage of urban population. Based on this information, which of the following outcomes is most likely to occur in Country A? A. Guest workers from less developed countries are needed to fill the labor shortages in urban areas. B. Falling birth rates and declining youth populations result in an increase in school construction in urban areas. C. Pressures on pension and social security programs are at critical levels as the number of elderly increases. D. Provincial and national politicians must tailor their political campaigns to appeal to rural voters. E. Suburban house

C. Pressures on pension and social security programs are at critical levels as the number of elderly increases.

Which of the following terms refers to an area of instability located between regions with opposing political and cultural values? A. Rimland B. Heartland C. Shatter belt D. Enclave E. Gerrymandered area

C. Shatter belt

Sheep production in New Zealand and poultry production in Arkansas produce food animals for human consumption. Which of the following best describes the differences in the agricultural practices and land use for these products? A. Sheep production is an example of intensive agriculture requiring large amounts of fertilizer, whereas poultry production is an example of extensive agriculture practiced mainly in more developed countries. B. Sheep production and poultry production are both examples of extensive agriculture practiced on large areas of land, but requiring different climates. C. Sheep production is an example of extensive agriculture requiring large pastures, whereas poultry production is an example of intensive agriculture often practiced indoors. D. Sheep production and poultry production are both examples of intensive agriculture practiced on small areas of land but requiring different amounts of labor and capital. E. Sheep production is an example of extensive agriculture that is declining because of an insufficient supply of open land, whereas poultry production continues to be practiced on small areas of land.

C. Sheep production is an example of extensive agriculture requiring large pastures, whereas poultry production is an example of intensive agriculture often practiced indoors.

Which of the following features is most useful for describing the cultural landscape shown in the image? A. The ethnicity of the people in the image B. The dragon that the people are holding C. The French language on the banner hanging from the building D. The density of the crowd E. The clothing of the people participating in the parade

C. The French language on the banner hanging from the building

Compare the largest urbanized-area populations for each country, and then select the following statement that correctly draws a conclusion regarding the pattern in the data. A. China has a primate city, and the United States follows the rank-size rule. B. Neither country follows the rank-size rule. C. The United States is closer to following rank-size rule. D. Both countries have a primate city. E. The United States has a primate city, and China follows the rank-size rule.

C. The United States is closer to following rank-size rule.

Which of the following statements explains the cost and distance relationship illustrated in the model in relation to the urban area's residential patterns? A. Since land is more expensive in the suburbs, wealthier families build larger single-family homes in zone 5 in areas that provide amenities such as private schools for their children. B. Land is cheaper near the central business district (CBD), resulting in the construction of low-income apartments and giving low-income residents access to the amenities of the CBD. C. The lower cost of land farther from the CBD makes it affordable to build single-family homes in zones 4 and 5 for middle-income and high-income residents who desire to move into less crowded areas. D. People do not live in the CBD because of the traffic congestion, high cost of land, and lack of amenities such as museums and restaurants. E. Population density increases with the distance from the CBD as land prices decrease, allowing residents of all income levels to move farther away from zone 2.

C. The lower cost of land farther from the CBD makes it affordable to build single-family homes in zones 4 and 5 for middle-income and high-income residents who desire to move into less crowded areas.

With the exception of Hawaii, the map shows the pattern of production for coffee beans by country. If the map was reproduced at the subnational state or provincial scale, as Hawaii is on the map, what changes in pattern would be expected in other parts of the world? A. The inland provinces of African countries would not show any production. B. Southeast Asian islands would not show any production. C. The states in northern Mexico and northern India would not show any production. D. The Amazon Basin and Congo Basin would show concentrated areas of production. E. Provinces in southern China would show concentrated areas of production.

C. The states in northern Mexico and northern India would not show any production.

As migrants from rural areas continue to move to cities for jobs, cities face a variety of economic and social challenges. Which of the following economic or social challenges is best illustrated by the photograph shown of Mumbai, India? A. The city's infrastructure cannot support the high population density in the central business district. B. A large number of unemployed people live in the city. C. There is a significant income gap between residents on the periphery of the city and residents in the city center. D. The city's economic status in the global market is declining. E. There is a high level of homelessness in the city's central business district.

C. There is a significant income gap between residents on the periphery of the city and residents in the city center.

With the exception of Hawaii, the map shows the pattern of production for coffee beans by country. Which of the following best describes the pattern of coffee bean production at the global scale? A. A core and periphery B. A hierarchical diffusion C. Within tropical latitudes D. Inside arid climate regions E. In more developed countries

C. Within tropical latitudes

An urban center that is disproportionately larger than the second largest city in a country and that dominates the country's social, political, and economic activities can be best classified as A. a megalopolis B. a conurbation C. a primate city D. an edge city E. an imperial city

C. a primate city

Squatter settlements exist in cities of less-developed countries because A. city governments set aside vacant areas for new migrants B. people want to live near the center of the city, where jobs are located C. affordable housing is not available elsewhere for new migrants to the city D. new migrants prefer to live in squatter settlements with other recent migrants E. new migrants need to be isolated from other city residents until they adjust to urban life

C. affordable housing is not available elsewhere for new migrants to the city

Core-periphery models are generally based on the idea that A. all world regions are equally well developed B. levels of social and economic development are fairly uniform between core areas and peripheral areas C. sharp spatial contrasts in social and economic development exist between economic heartlands and outlying subordinate areas D. the growth and prosperity of core countries has not been achieved at the expense of peripheral countries E. the economic and social heart of a territory should be at its geographic center

C. sharp spatial contrasts in social and economic development exist between economic heartlands and outlying subordinate areas

Cultural landscape can be defined as A. the types of art, music, dance, and theater practiced in a particular region B. the ways that people in differing cultures perceive the environment C. the forms superimposed on the physical environment by the activities of humans D. the diversity of distinctive cultures within a particular geographic area E. a particular area within a geographic region dedicated to cultural activities

C. the forms superimposed on the physical environment by the activities of humans

The measure of the average number of children who are born to women of childbearing age in the population is called the A. actual birth rate B. crude birth rate C. total fertility rate D. adjusted birth rate E. net reproduction ratio

C. total fertility rate

According to the rank-size rule, if the largest city in a region has a population size of 900,000, then the third largest city will have a population of A. 3,000 B. 9,000 C. 45,000 D. 300,000 E. 900,000

D. 300,000

According to the rank-size rule, if the largest city in a country has a population of 10 million, the next largest city will have a population of A. 9 million B. 8 million C. 7.5 million D. 5 million E. 3.5 million

D. 5 million

The global pattern of gender inequality index scores is similar to the expected pattern of countries by level of economic development, with the exception of a few countries such as A. South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand B. Japan, Spain, and Canada C. Venezuela, Syria, and Iraq D. Brazil, Libya, and China E. Mexico, Argentina, and India

D. Brazil, Libya, and China

Which of the following forms of agriculture would best be described as extensive farming? A. Citrus production and vineyards to produce table grapes B. Dairy and poultry farming C. Truck farming and hothouses to produce vegetables D. Cattle ranching and wheat farming E. Floral horticulture and tree nurseries

D. Cattle ranching and wheat farming

Which of the following best explains why New York City has more specialized stores than do smaller urban places in the United States? A. Its status as a primate city B. The rank-size rule C. The gravity model D. Central place theory E. The Burgess concentric zone model

D. Central place theory

Which of the following best explains the effect of French language and culture on the federal state of Canada's political power? A. French language and culture act as a centripetal force throughout Canada as the majority of Canadians have English as a first language and the government uses both languages in official communications. B. As an expression of political power, the Canadian federal government restricts French language and culture from media and government proceedings. C. French language and culture act as centripetal forces and unify all of Canada's people and government into a single nation. D. French language and culture act as a centrifugal force in Canada because independence movements in Quebec have attempted to secede the province from Canada. E. Because French Canadians are spread across the country's provinces, the Canadian government implemented federal laws to create a common culture and language for all Canadians.

D. French language and culture act as a centrifugal force in Canada because independence movements in Quebec have attempted to secede the province from Canada.

Based on the diagram of von Thünen's model of agricultural land use, which statement best explains the connection between land value and agricultural production regions? A. Land value increases as one moves away from the market town because rural land is more valuable to farmers. B. Market gardening materials require heavier applications of chemicals to produce greater profits, which reduces the land value near the market town. C. Pasture land is the most valuable land since more is needed to raise livestock in a ranching environment. D. Grain crops require extensive acreage and are grown on land that is less costly and farther away from the market than other agricultural land uses. E. Forested areas are the highest land value since they are often preserved for parks and natural activities

D. Grain crops require extensive acreage and are grown on land that is less costly and farther away from the market than other agricultural land uses.

Based on the data provided, which of the following best describes how changing roles for women influence patterns of social values? A. Similar birth rates shown in the table for France, Russia, Brazil, and China indicate that women in these countries have access to similar levels of education. B. High death rates shown in the table for Nigeria and Russia reveal a similar lack of women's rights and access to health care in these countries. C. Women living in France choose to have less children but die at higher rates than in Egypt due to greater pollution in industrialized countries such as France. D. Higher birth rates in African countries suggest that women in African countries have less access to education and employment than European women. E. All women in developing countries have higher fertility rates due to the lack of medical care and political rights.

D. Higher birth rates in African countries suggest that women in African countries have less access to education and employment than European women.

Which of the following best illustrates the geographical concept of the nation-state? A. Canada B. Russia C. Belgium D. Iceland E. India

D. Iceland

Which of the following would be most likely to increase life expectancy in a less developed country, resulting in an aging population in that country? A. An increase in the country's birth rate B. Rural-to-urban migration within the country C. Improvements in transportation and communication networks D. Improvements in access to health care and sanitation E. A decrease in the country's total fertility rate

D. Improvements in access to health care and sanitation

According to the rank-size rule, which of the following is true about the second-largest city in a country? A. It is almost equal in population to the largest city. B. It has a population that is twice the size of the third-largest city. C. It has half the number of functions as those in the largest city. D. It has half the population size of the largest city. E. It is located half as far from the largest city as is the third-largest city.

D. It has half the population size of the largest city.

Which of the following describes a feature of the original central business district (CBD) found in most cities? A. Manufacturing space is located in the middle of the original CBD. B. Residential space is generally not permitted in the original CBD. C. Retail space is generally not permitted in the original CBD. D. Land values are the highest of any zone in the metropolitan area. E. Land values are the lowest of any zone in the metropolitan area.

D. Land values are the highest of any zone in the metropolitan area.

Which of the following models of urban structure depicts a commercial spine bordered by an elite residential sector extending outward from the central business district? A. Urban realms B. Concentric zone C. Multiple nuclei D. Latin American city E. Southeast Asian city

D. Latin American city

The examples in the table show states that gained or lost United States House of Representatives districts based on 2010 census data. The states were required to revise district boundaries based on census data. Using the data in the table and the description, which of the following identifies the scales of analysis that are reflected in this redistricting? A. Member state representation in a supranational legislature B. Local representation in the state legislature C. State representation in the regional legislature D. Local representation in the national legislature E. Local representation in the regional legislature

D. Local representation in the national legislature

Which of the following best explains a geographic characteristic shared by megacities in the global periphery? A. Megacities developed due to major investments in high-speed railways and subway systems. B. Abundant job opportunities in megacities lead to low unemployment rates. C. Deindustrialization is causing megacity populations to decline. D. Megacities demonstrate unplanned growth patterns and often contain squatter settlements. E. Megacities were built in strategic defensive locations and maintain a strong military presence.

D. Megacities demonstrate unplanned growth patterns and often contain squatter settlements.

Historically, Iceland had only one period of human migration. The country has never been invaded and possesses a common culture and language. As a result, Iceland is regarded as a good example of which of the following concepts? A. Absolute monarchy B. Theocracy C. Constitutional monarchy D. Nation-state E. Exclave

D. Nation-state

Which of the following types of urban land use is most common on the periphery of cities in Latin America? A. A plaza surrounded by a central business district B. Parks and recreation areas C. Upper-class residential developments D. Residential squatter settlements E. Rail transportation corridors

D. Residential squatter settlements

As a less developed country's economy evolves, the size of the primary sector, the size of the secondary sector, and the size of the tertiary sectors fluctuate. Which of the following statements best describes the highest level of job-opportunity change as countries shift from the periphery to the semiperiphery level of development? A. Primary sector employment increases as the country's domestic demand for food and energy increases. B. Primary sector employment increases as the country's economy becomes increasingly export oriented. C. Tertiary sector employment grows more quickly than any other sector because of foreign direct investment. D. Secondary sector employment increases as the demand for manufactured products increases. E. Secondary and tertiary sector employment declines as factories and offices are increasingly automated.

D. Secondary sector employment increases as the demand for manufactured products increases.

The image shows a religious structure in Mexico City. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on the image? A. Social class divisions determined by the Spanish aristocracy are evident in Latin American cities. B. Socialist planning resulted in segregation of Mexico City. C. Gentrification of the central market area of an urbanized zone led to an increase economic development. D. Spanish colonialism influenced architecture of the cultural landscape. E. Mass transportation systems were designed to alleviate traffic congestion.

D. Spanish colonialism influenced architecture of the cultural landscape.

Which of the following statements explains the regional location in the United States where the figures shown in the image are most likely part of the cultural landscape? A. The Northeast, because residents are influenced by British Protestantism. B. The Southeast, because residents are influenced by traditional religions from West Africa. C. The Great Plains, because residents are influenced by Native American traditional religions. D. The Southwest, because residents are influenced by Spanish Catholicism. E. The Northwest, because residents are influenced by Russian Orthodoxy.

D. The Southwest, because residents are influenced by Spanish Catholicism.

Which of the following processes explains the change in coal miners employed in the United States from 1950 to 2000? A. Technological diffusion B. Just-in-time production C. Industrial revolution D. Devolution E. Deindustrialization

E. Deindustrialization

The map above shows percent change in population for counties in Texas from the 2000 to the 2010 census. The three largest metropolitan areas are Dallas-Fort Worth (Tarrant and Dallas Counties), Houston (Harris County), and San Antonio (Bexar County). Which of the following statements best explains urban growth in the period from 2000 to 2010 ? A. Population in the extreme western counties in Texas remained stable with little growth or decline during the 2000-2010 period, indicating a low birth rate. B. The greatest percentage growth in population occurred in locations in central Texas during the 2000-2010 period, indicating a trend of city residents moving to rural areas. C. All of the counties surrounding the major metropolitan areas experienced negative growth in the 2000-2010 period, indicating the process of deindustrialization. D. The greatest percentage growth in population occurred in counties adjacent to the three largest metropolitan areas, indicating continued suburbanization. E. There has been a steady increase in population growth for all counties in the extreme southeastern coastal area, indicating the popularity of coastal living.

D. The greatest percentage growth in population occurred in counties adjacent to the three largest metropolitan areas, indicating continued suburbanization.

All of the following statements about worldwide patterns of development are correct EXCEPT: A. Per capita income in the United States is higher than in China. B. The gap in per capita income between rich and poor countries has increased over time. C. On average, population growth is higher in peripheral countries than in core nations. D. The largest concentration of the least-developed countries in the world today is in Latin America. E. Several Asian countries, so-called Asian Tigers, made enormous strides in per capita income and levels of development in the past 30 years.

D. The largest concentration of the least-developed countries in the world today is in Latin America.

With the exception of Hawaii, the map shows the pattern of production for coffee beans by country. Which of the following explains the limitations of the map shown for identifying the agricultural production regions of coffee beans? A. The map does not identify whether the country is a major exporter of coffee beans or whether the country consumes much of what it grows. B. The map is thematic, identifying countries by type, instead of a choropleth map that classifies countries by the amount produced. C. The map uses the descriptors "major" and "minor" and should instead use the amount of coffee beans produced per capita of the country's total population. D. The map mainly identifies all land within a country, as opposed to the foothills and upland areas where coffee beans are grown. E. The map shows only coffee produced for the formal economy and does not account for informal or illegal production of coffee beans.

D. The map mainly identifies all land within a country, as opposed to the foothills and upland areas where coffee beans are grown.

Which of the following best describes the difference in urban transportation issues faced by cities in different parts of the world? A. Extreme traffic congestion during rush hour is a largely North American issue due to high levels of automobile ownership. B. High rates of ridership on public transit in western Europe and Japan reflect lower income levels compared to the United States. C. Most less developed countries continue to avoid urban transportation issues, but government planners fear development will bring transportation problems. D. The relatively low population density of North American cities encourages automobile use, sprawl, and traffic congestion. E. Many cities around the world are successfully fighting traffic congestion by building more limited-access expressways.

D. The relatively low population density of North American cities encourages automobile use, sprawl, and traffic congestion.

The photograph shows a road sign in the Republic of Ireland. Which of the following best describes the sign's significance within the cultural landscape? A. The sign indicates that County Cork is a linguistic region of the Republic of Ireland. B. The sign delineates an international political border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. C. The sign promotes the use of a single language in the region. D. The sign promotes the use of traditional language among citizens of the Republic of Ireland. E. The sign represents a uniform cultural identity within the region.

D. The sign promotes the use of traditional language among citizens of the Republic of Ireland.

Australia, Ireland, and Germany have the highest GII values in the table shown. What do these countries' high GII values indicate when compared to their HDI values? A. These countries offer greater access to women's health care despite lower levels of economic development. B. These countries are characterized by greater empowerment among a wealthy female population. C. These countries have less disparity between men and women than in wealthier countries. D. These countries have less gender equality despite high levels of education and health care. E. These countries have the greatest gender equality as a result of high levels of education and health care.

D. These countries have less gender equality despite high levels of education and health care.

Which of the following correctly explains the placement of an agricultural product within von Thünen's agricultural land-use model? A. Beef cattle are raised close to the market because meat spoils quickly. B. Grain is grown close to the market because it is bulky to transport. C. Firewood is harvested far from the market because the best agricultural land is closer to the market. D. Tomatoes are grown closest to the market because they spoil quicker than beef or grain. E. Beef cattle are raised close to the market because land is cheapest closer to the market.

D. Tomatoes are grown closest to the market because they spoil quicker than beef or grain.

What is a common impact of urbanization regardless of a country's level of economic development? A. Urbanization means a loss of agricultural production due to the loss of farmland and farmworkers. B. Urbanization leads to a more egalitarian society as the difference between urban and rural lifestyles is reduced. C. Urbanization creates a larger cultural and economic gap between urban and rural areas. D. Urbanization creates a labor force with a diversity of job skills and compensation levels. E. Urbanization creates socially and economically diverse cities that have little social conflict.

D. Urbanization creates a labor force with a diversity of job skills and compensation levels.

A good example of a centripetal force in political geography is A. the existence of different language regions B. rugged topography C. religious diversity and conflict D. a primate city E. a poorly developed road network

D. a primate city

Comparing both photographs, each image shows the significance of temples, religious statuary, and iconography on the A. cultural hearth B. ethnic culture C. traditional toponyms D. cultural landscape E. colonial architecture

D. cultural landscape

The Malthusian view of the world argues that A. the contemporary problem of famine in developing countries is a result of the colonial legacy B. the problem of population growth is a result of economic underdevelopment C. one way to solve population growth in developing countries is to reduce their foreign debt D. famine in developing countries can be explained by examining their patterns of population growth E. population growth is helpful to developing countries because it provides a larger rural workforce

D. famine in developing countries can be explained by examining their patterns of population growth

According to central place theory, the threshold is defined as the A. economic base of a central place B. distance away from a central place C. gross value of the product minus the costs of production D. minimum number of people needed to support a service E. point at which consumer movement is at a minimum

D. minimum number of people needed to support a service

Owing to their localized geography or their locations on islands or peninsulas, many small political entities such as those labeled on the political map of the world can be identified as A. federal states B. autonomous republics C. multistate nations D. nation-states E. colonial territories

D. nation-states

The European Union, the Arab League, and the United Nations are all examples of A. pressure groups B. nation-states C. centrifugal organizations D. supranational organizations E. federations

D. supranational organizations

According to the US Committee for Refugees, the three largest groups of international refugees are A) Vietnamese, Indian and Indonesian B) Sudanese, South African and Colombian C) Ethiopian, Nicaraguan, and Somalian D) Mexican, Pakistani, and Colombian E) Palestinian, Iraqi, and Afghan

E) Palestinian, Iraqi, and Afghan

Which of the following is an example of a cultural landscape? A. Coastal wetland B. Cloud forest C. Stand of mangrove trees D. Eroded shoreline E. Adobe ruins

E. Adobe ruins

Which of the following statements explains one of the limitations associated with utilizing the measures of development shown in the table above? A. Gross national income per capita allows for the comparison of the wealth level in a country on a per-person basis. Therefore, the relative wealth of the population in China and Namibia can be compared. B. All the statistics measure economic aspects of development and fail to measure social aspects of development. Frequently, social aspects of development are just as important as economic. C. The Gender Inequality Index measures aspects of gender disparity for married women. D. The Human Development Index and Gender Inequality Index use the same data and therefore measure the same noneconomic aspects of development. E. All the statistics aggregate data to the country level. Frequently, there is a great deal of variation in development within countries that is hidden by aggregated data.

E. All the statistics aggregate data to the country level. Frequently, there is a great deal of variation in development within countries that is hidden by aggregated data.

Country X has a high youth-dependency ratio. Country Z has fears of running out of agricultural resources. Which of the following explains why Countries X and Z would implement anti-natalist policies? A. Antinatalist policies promote higher birth rates so the country will have an adequate future workforce. B. Antinatalist policies promote immigration so the country will be able to sustain its population. C. Antinatalist policies correct skewed sex ratios so the number of each sex will be relatively even. D. Antinatalist policies promote health and sanitation to lower the number of deaths from infectious diseases. E. Antinatalist policies promote family planning and education of women to reduce fertility rates.

E. Antinatalist policies promote family planning and education of women to reduce fertility rates.

Which of the following accurately describes the city population data in the table? A. Bangkok is both a metacity and a primate city. B. Hanoi is both a world city and a primate city. C. Ho Chi Minh City is both a megacity and a primate city. D. Hanoi is both a capital city and a primate city. E. Bangkok is both a megacity and a primate city.

E. Bangkok is both a megacity and a primate city.

Cultural landscape is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. Cultural ecology B. Nonmaterial culture C. Environmental determinism D. Physical environment E. Built environment

E. Built environment

Which of the following compares the impact of increased global communications technology to the impact of state-controlled media? A. Both global communication technology and state-controlled media act as centripetal forces that present a common message, which is utilized by the government to bind citizens together. B. Neither global communications technology nor state-controlled media have any impact on the viability of a state when it comes to centripetal or centrifugal forces. C. Global communications technology is utilized as a centripetal force to present a common message, whereas state-controlled media may bring in new ideas that act as centrifugal forces. D. Both global communications technology and state-controlled media act as centrifugal forces because they give citizens access to concepts or ideas that may inspire dissent. E. Global communications technology may bring in new ideas that act as centrifugal forces, whereas state-controlled media is utilized as a centripetal force to present a common message.

E. Global communications technology may bring in new ideas that act as centrifugal forces, whereas state-controlled media is utilized as a centripetal force to present a common message.

Hinduism and Buddhism have their origins in South Asia. Much of Hinduism's population is concentrated in South Asia, whereas much of Buddhism's population has diffused to other parts of Asia. Which of the following best explains this difference in the cultural diffusion of Hinduism and Buddhism? A. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion concentrated in the region near its cultural hearth, and Buddhism is a monotheistic religion that has spread to regions where the religion has been adopted. B. Hinduism is a monotheistic religion concentrated in the region near its cultural hearth, and Buddhism is a polytheistic religion that has spread to regions where the religion has been adopted. C. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion concentrated in the region near its cultural hearth, and Buddhism is an ethnic religion that has spread to regions where the religion has been adopted. D. Hinduism is a universalizing religion concentrated in the region near its cultural hearth, and Buddhism is an ethnic religion that has spread to regions where the religion has been adopted. E. Hinduism is an ethnic religion concentrated in the region near its cultural hearth, and Buddhism is a universalizing religion that has spread to regions where the religion has been adopted.

E. Hinduism is an ethnic religion concentrated in the region near its cultural hearth, and Buddhism is a universalizing religion that has spread to regions where the religion has been adopted.

Nunavut in Canada is a semiautonomous region that allows an indigenous group within Canada to maintain their own culture and local government, reducing the threat of fragmentation. Which of the following best compares the impact of the creation of Nunavut at both local and national scales? A. It created centrifugal forces at both local and national scales. B. It created centrifugal forces at the local scale but not the national scale. C. It created centrifugal forces locally and centripetal forces nationally. D. It created centripetal forces at the national scale but not the local scale. E. It created centripetal forces at both local and national scales.

E. It created centripetal forces at both local and national scales.

Which of the following is a correct statement about the demographic transition model? A. It is applicable only to eighteenth-century Europe. B. It predicts the growth of population in Russia reasonably well. C. It divides the demographic changes of a country into two stages of slow growth and high growth. D. It supports the idea that technology can remove or extend the limits of food production. E. It is characterized by relatively low growth rates at stage 1 and stage 4.

E. It is characterized by relatively low growth rates at stage 1 and stage 4.

Which of the following explains why Korea and Vietnam were viewed as shatterbelts during the Cold War? A. Korea and Vietnam were politically controlled by regional powers. B. Korea and Vietnam kept two political adversaries geographically separated. C. Korea and Vietnam fragmented into new states due to internal tensions. D. Korea and Vietnam tried to control land and sea areas around their states. E. Korea and Vietnam experienced conflict due to a dispute between global powers.

E. Korea and Vietnam experienced conflict due to a dispute between global powers.

Although photovoltaic solar farms appear to be a free resource with few negative impacts, there are environmental problems related to this type of renewable energy production. Which statement explains the limits to the sustainability of solar panel farms to produce electricity for a city in a more developed country? A. Buildings supporting solar photovoltaic panels are not suitable for housing. B. Nearby residents complain of changed air circulation patterns and low-frequency noise. C. Migratory birds flying near the solar panels can be injured. D. Operating costs are high and it is difficult to transmit solar power through the electrical grid. E. Large amounts of land, permanently cleared of natural vegetation are needed.

E. Large amounts of land, permanently cleared of natural vegetation are needed.

Which of the following best explains why farmers would plant both strawberries and watermelons in the same field? A. Limited farmland encourages intensive farming and monocropping to produce high yields. B. Unlimited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields. C. Unlimited farmland encourages extensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields. D. Limited farmland encourages extensive farming with monocropping to produce high yields. E. Limited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields.

E. Limited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields.

Which of the following describes a federal form of governance? A. A centralized government creates a barrier to local participation in the political process. B. Autonomous regions act outside the authority of a central government. C. Federal states encourage devolutionary movements and break apart quickly. D. Laws are enacted in a single language to promote cultural unity. E. Multiple substates have local control and are unified to pursue common goals at the national level.

E. Multiple substates have local control and are unified to pursue common goals at the national level.

In the fundamentals of central place theory, which of the following terms is defined as the maximum distance a consumer will travel to acquire a good or service? A. Distance decay B. Threshold C. Cost-to-distance ratio D. Relative location E. Range

E. Range

Based on the data shown, which of the following describes the most likely population context for the countries listed? A. High youth dependency ratio and a lack of economic resources to provide for large families B. Rapid population growth in cities as people migrate from rural to urban areas for industrial jobs C. Shortage of arable land on which to raise crops and other food products to support the population D. Unstable food supply due to a rapidly growing population E. Stage five of the demographic transition model due to very low birth rates

E. Stage five of the demographic transition model due to very low birth rates

As Buddhism diffused through East Asia, Buddhist traditions blended with local cultural customs to create distinct religious practices, such as Daoism in China and Shinto in Japan. Which of the following terms best describes this blending of cultural traditions? A. Assimilation B. Acculturation C. Possibilism D. Multiculturalism E. Syncretism

E. Syncretism

Based on von Thünen's model of rural land use in an isolated state, which statement explains the most suitable place for a farmer to purchase a large parcel of land necessary for raising livestock? A. The ring closest to the market, because livestock are perishable goods and need to reach the market quickly. B. The ring closest to the market, because the land is more fertile for growing feed for livestock compared to other areas. C. The second ring, because livestock are heavy and more expensive to transport to market. D. The third ring, because the livestock would be closer to the suburban market areas with moderate transportation costs. E. The ring farthest from the market, because the land is less expensive and outweighs transportation costs to get the livestock to market.

E. The ring farthest from the market, because the land is less expensive and outweighs transportation costs to get the livestock to market.

Which of the following best explains the practice of placing indigenous children in boarding schools in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? A. The schools were intended to promote multiculturalism by introducing European culture to indigenous youth. B. Many schools appropriated indigenous culture by using tribal names for sports teams. C. The schools represented a traditional cultural trait of many indigenous societies. D. The schools were intended to blend indigenous and European cultures through syncretism. E. The schools were intended to diffuse Christianity and assimilate indigenous youth into European culture.

E. The schools were intended to diffuse Christianity and assimilate indigenous youth into European culture.

In 1982 the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) established freedom-of-navigation rights and defined territorial waters as a 12-nautical-mile limit from the coast where individual states have political and economic sovereignty. However, Greece and Turkey still only claim a 6-nautical-mile territorial sea. If Greece and Turkey adopted the UNCLOS system and expanded their territorial seas to 12 nautical miles, as shown in Map 2, which of the following would be true for a Turkish-owned oil tanker sailing into Greek territorial waters? A. The ship and its cargo would be confiscated for violating a United Nations treaty. B. The ship could be sunk by the Greek Navy for entering Greece's territorial waters. C. The ship would be charged tolls for sailing through Greek canals and internal waterways. D. The ship would be ordered by a Greek naval blockade to turn away as it is considered a threat. E. The ship could be stopped by Greece's Coast Guard for safety and environmental inspections.

E. The ship could be stopped by Greece's Coast Guard for safety and environmental inspections.

Which of the following explains why Bosnia and Herzegovina would want to join the European Union (EU)? A. To increase the chances of joining NATO and protection against Russian invasion B. To benefit from the EU single currency and open borders that exist between their country's neighboring states C. To benefit from the EU single currency and eliminate the cost of currency exchange with the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Sweden D. To participate in the EU free trade zone and automatically receive the protection of NATO E. To benefit from the EU free trade zone and achieve economic and social stability

E. To benefit from the EU free trade zone and achieve economic and social stability

In Latin America, data for employment in many large urban areas are most likely to be incomplete because A. employment is growing too rapidly B. most people are unemployed C. people change jobs regularly D. records are kept mainly for male workers E. many people work in the informal sector

E. many people work in the informal sector

The dependency ratio is most useful for indicating the A. reliance of a country on imported fossil fuels B. degree of gender equality within a country C. relationship between the total fertility rate and the infant mortality rate D. percentage of foreign ownership within the secondary sector of a country's economy E. relationship between the potential labor force and the remainder of a country's population

E. relationship between the potential labor force and the remainder of a country's population

The early stages of the core-periphery model describe the A. relationship between the outward appearance of a place and its internal functioning B. ways that suburban workers commute to urban workplaces C. relationship between the underlying structure of a society and its outward expressions D. social and cultural differences between urban and rural people E. relationship of power and the transfer of resources from less developed to more developed areas

E. relationship of power and the transfer of resources from less developed to more developed areas

Which of the concepts below best explains an economic reason why a new farmer might choose to raise chickens in a feedlot versus in an open range system? a. Feedlots are generally more environmentally sustainable since the chicken's waste is contained. b. Feedlots are less regulated by the federal government than open range systems. c. Chickens raised in feedlots are generally healthier due to increased use of antibiotics, whereas chickens raised in free range often contract more diseases from the environment. d. Economies of scale allow the farmer to lower their production costs by increasing the volume of production. e. The startup costs for chicken feedlots is significantly less than free range startup costs.

d. Economies of scale allow the farmer to lower their production costs by increasing the volume of production.

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