Practice Exam 1

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Golden standard ACL special test?


CTSIB conditions

-1: stand on firm surface, eyes open (visual & proprioceptive) -2: stand on firm surface, eyes closed (proprioceptive) -3: stand on firm surface, visual conflict dome -4: stand on foam surface, eyes open (somatosensory) -5: stand on foam surface, eyes closed (eliminates vision & proprioceptive & most indicative of vestibular system difficulty) -6: stand on foam surface, visual conflict dome (close, but the visual conflict dome would more accurately resemble mvmts in a crowd or among moving objects, testing the vestibular system)

Pt presents to burn unit w/ partial thickness burns over the entire R arm, L arm, front of head, & front of the abdomen & thorax. What is the approximate percentage of the body that is burned? -31.5% -36% -40.5% -45%

-40.5% -entire R arm: 9% -entire L arm: 9% -front of head: 4.5% -front of abdomen & thorax: 18%

What spinal level MUST be intact to perform a press up from the wheelchair using the elbow extensors? -C4 -C5 -C6 -C7


Pt suffered vertebro-basilar CVA & has difficulty depressing the eye from an ADDucted position. Which cranial nerve is the MOST likely cause of this impairment? -CN I -CN II -CN III -CN IV

-CN IV -trochlear nerve tested by using the H pattern & assessing tracking movements -difficulty adducting & depressing the eye is indicative of trochlear nerve involvement

Patrick's test

-FABER test -rule in hip or SI jt pathology

Pt presents w/ numbness & tingling on the 4th & 5th fingers of the L hand consistent w/ nerve entrapment symptoms. Upon further exam, it is noted that the pt has normal sensation on the hypothenar eminence, but altered sensation on the 4th & 5th digits. Where is the MOST likely source of nerve entrapment? -Guyon's canal -Carpal tunnel -Cubital tunnel -1st rib

-Guyon's canal -ulnar nerve supplies sensory innervation for the 4th & 5th digits -narrows the answer to either the cubital tunnel or Guyon's canal (not carpal tunnel, which is median nerve) -if nerve was entrapped at the cubital tunnel in the elbow, the hypothenar eminence would be affected, not just the fingers

Pt w/ px that radiates throughout his LE's. Pt has significant foot drop while ambulating & complains of numbness & tingling extending from the great toe up to the knee along the anterior leg. What is the MOST likely pathology underlying these symtpoms? -sciatic nerve entrapment -deep peroneal nerve inflammation -tibial nerve entrapment -L4 nerve root entrapment

-L4 nerve root entrapment -tibialis anterior weakness & sensory loss along the anterior leg below the knee are the most common signs of L4 nerve root entrapment

Pt is receiving PT 10 weeks after an elbow fracture & displays a significant elbow flexion joint contracture. The pt's physician states the fracture is well-healed. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate initial intervention to improve elbow ROM? -Maitland grade 2 & 3 joint mobilizations -progressive active-assisted ROM to elbow jt -isometric elbow extension exercises -progressive resisted active ROM exercises to elbow joint

-Maitland grade 2 & 3 jt mobilizations -jt mobs will be effective initially to improve ROM, especially for contracted jt tissue -stretching & PROM will be good adjunct treatments to improve ROM, but not the MOST appropriate

Which of the following arterial blood gas values in MOST indicative of respiratory alkalosis? -PaO2 80mmHg -PaO2 100mmHg -PaCO2 25mmHg -PaCO2 45mmHg

-PaCO2 25mmHg -PaCO2 levels are typically b/t 35-45 mmHg -w/ decreased PaCO2, the pH of the blood increases, causing alkalosis -80 & 100 mmHg are a normal PaO2 values (top & bottom ends) -PaCO2 45mmHg is a normal level

A pt w/ a stroke affecting the R MCA has difficulty walking, especially over uneven surfaces. Which of the following describes the MOST appropriate initial treatment to improve the pt's ability to walk over uneven surfaces? -SPC in pt's L hand w/ step-to pattern -SPC in pt's R hand w/ step-to pattern -4-wheeled walker w/ 4-point pattern -Axillar crutches w/ 4-point pattern

-SPC in pt's R hand w/ step-to pattern -question implies that the pt has less difficulty w/ even surfaces, only w/ uneven surfaces -4-wheeled walker would be too much assistance -cane is in R hand because MCA lesion causes contralateral impairments on L side

Pt w/ RA & finger px. 2nd digit has a flexed MCP joint, hyperextended PIP joint, & flexed DIP joint. Which of the following is the MOST accurate description of the position? -Swan neck deformity -Boutonniere deformity -Mallet finger deformity -De Quervain syndrome

-Swan neck deformity -Boutonniere is the opposite of Swan neck -Mallet finger involves just flexion of the DIP joint -De Quervain is tenosynovitis of the extensor pollicis brevis & abductor pollicis longus as they pass under the fascial sheath that covers the two tendons

AIDS transmission prevention when treating pt? -wear gloves & mask when treating pt -treat the pt in private room to avoid exposure to other pts -avoid contact w/ bodily fluids & clean equipment before & after treatment -ask the pt to wear gloves & mask during treatment

-avoid contact w/ bodily fluids & clean equipment before & after treatment -casual contract w/ hands & surfaces is not a method of transmission -all bodily fluids should be avoided & equipment should be cleaned on a regular basis

While examining lumbar x-ray, PT notices that the L5 vertebra is displaced anteriorly on sacrum by ~50% of the vertebral body. How will this MOST affect PT if the pt is being treated for LBP? -emphasize core strengthening, especially in neutral spine -begin progressive gluteal & quad strengthening to assist the lumbopelvic fascia -avoid extension activities, especially in standing -add progressive external oblique training as tolerated to assist proper spinal alignment

-avoid extension activities, especially in standing -extension activities will exacerbate any pain from this sponylolisthesis

Beta-blockers and the Borg RPE scale

-beta-blockers work on the beta-adrenergic receptors to decrease sympathetic responses to stress, primarily the HR -Borg scale should represent Heart Rate divided by 10 -This there is a disparity in HE & exertion, indicating a blunted HR by the beta-blockers

Best dressing for a wound that is discharging heavy amounts of purulent drainage? -calcium alginate -hydrocolloid -silicon gel sheeting -hydrogel

-calcium alginate -alginates are very absorptive & are indicated for heavily draining wounds

F presents w/ neck px & stiffness that has gradually worsened over the last 2 weeks. Pt has px w/ L side bending & L rotation. Reports pc on the L at the C5-C6 junction. Hypomobility is also noted w/ R side-gliding of C6. Which technique will be the most appropriate to decrease px? -closing technique for the mid-thoracic spine -closing manipulation in extension for C5-C6 -gapping manipulation in flexion for C5-C6 -flexion/opening manipulation for mid-thoracic spine

-closing manipulation in extension for C5-C6 -hypomobility is noted at C6 w/ R side-gliding & px w/ left SB & rotation; indicating a closing restriction at the L C5-C6 facet -intervention would have to require assistance w/ closing (approximation)

A pt has a full-thickness burn to the R arm. Which of the following is the MOST effective treatment to prevent hypertrophic scarring? -compression bandage -antibiotic ointment -position optimization -appropriate splint usage

-compression bandage -compression wraps & pressure garments, combined w/ scar massage are the most common interventions to prevent hypertrophic scarring

Pt has MRSA. What do you implement?

-contact precautions -don gloves & gown when in contact w/ pt & WASH hands after -no need for mask w/ contact precaution

Pt is performing treadmill exercise stress test using the Bruce protocol. During stage 3 of the test, the P wave increases in height & the S-T segment begins to become significantly upsloping. What is the most appropriate course of action? -stop the test & refer pt to physician -lower stage back to stage 2 & monitor for improved ECG indicators -continue w/ the test w/o any modification, monitoring for symptoms of cardiac distress -discontinue the test & monitor the pt's vital signs for 10 minutes

-continue the test w/o any modifications, monitoring for symptoms of cardiac distress -both of these sign are normal responses to the stress test -p wave should increase in height & the S-T segment should upslope

Pt is recovering from an MI & presents to an outpatient clinic for cardiac rehab. Which of the following is an absolute indication to cease exercising? -cyanosis -significant fatigue -RPE > 15 on Borg scale -rise in systolic BP of 15mmHg

-cyanosis -cyanosis indicates poor perfusion -fatigue is a normal response to exercise -RPE > 15 is a RELATIVE indication to stop -Rise in SBP 15mmHg is also a normal response to exercise

Geriatric pt w/ "walking" pneumonia has a history of recent falls is receiving PT for general strengthening. What part of this person's treatment is affected MOST by his lung condition? -decreased stamina & tolerance of activity -inability to participate in complex functional activities -diminished tidal volumes -lower oxygen saturation w/ moderate activity

-decreased stamina & activity tolerance

Swan-Ganz catheter

-diagnostic tool used to detect blood pressure in the R side of the heart/pulmonary artery -monitors BP around the heart & detects heart failure

Pt reports having back pain that has increased steadily over the last 2 months that is constant & unremitting. The px radiates into both LE's & pt feels market weakness throughout the R LE. What is the MOST appropriate initial treatment? -discontinue treatment & refer pt to PCP for further testing -begin a program of core strengthening, focusing on transverse abdominis training & progressing toward a long term stabilization program -instruct the pt in appropriate LE exercises to improve leg strength, focusing on the R leg -initiate piriformis stretching as tolerated & instruct the pt in self-mobilization techniques to improve mobility throughout the lumbar spine

-discontinue treatment & refer pt to PCP for further testing -constant px w/o any relation to position if a key indicator of spinal cancer

Venous insufficiency ulcer

-typically less painful than arterial ulcers -swollen & red leg/hot to touch -wound is irregularly shaped -medial leg, usually near medial malleolus -heavy exudating wound

Pt has undergone a total hip replacement via a posterior surgical approach. Which of the following combinations of movements of the hip are MOST important to avoid? -extension, IR, ABD -extension, ER, ADD -flexion, IR, ADD -flexion, ER, ABD

-flexion, IR, ADD -these are the standard precautions to avoid dislocation w/ a THA that used a posterior surgical approach

PT is treating pt w/ ulnar nerve entrapment at the cubital tunnel. Which mm would MOST likely be weak from this pathology? -flexor digitorum superficialis -flexor carpi radialis -flexor pollicis longus -flexor carpi ulnaris

-flexor carpi ulnaris -ulnar nerve innervates the flexor carpi ulnaris & medial half of the felxor digitorum profundus -flexor digitorum superficialis - median -flexor carpi radialis - median -flexor pollicis longus - median

Pt reports pain at the R inferior border of the scapula. The PT suspects the origin is referred px. Which internal organ would most likely refer px to this area? -stomach -kidney -gallbladder -ureter

-gallbladder -px can extend around the ribs to the inferior angle of the R shoulder blade


-general "slowing down" of body systems -F>M -weight gain, water retention, poor muscle tone, decreased HR


-general "speeding up" of systems -weight loss, anxiety

Signs of intracranial pressure increase

-headache -ataxia -loss of coordination


-high blood sugar -polydipsia, polyuria, & polyphgia

Why do you not want to lay a pt down if they are experiencing autonomic dysreflexia?

-if you lay them down, the BP increases inside the head & exacerbates the effects of the dysreflexia


-impaired ability to perform rapid alternating movements (rapidly pronating & supinating one's hands quickly)

Pt is being treated for TMJ dysfunction. Pt describes that his jaw will not open & feels like it is blocked. Which is the MOST appropriate treatment? -inferior glide of the TMJ -lateral glide of the TMJ -superior glide of the TMJ -posterior glide of the TMJ

-inferior glide of the TMJ -if the TMJ is locked closed, the mandibular condyle needs to descend inferiorly to relocate onto the bicondylar disc

PT is treating pt w/ cervical px that reports the px occurs w/ most movements of the neck & feels "stiff" w/ AROM. What is the MOST appropriate action? -refer to PCP for further testing -initiate thoracic spine mobilization -instruct the pt on cervical spine stabilization exercises & issue a HEP -initiate an upper extremity exercise routine to improve shoulder IR ROM & progress as tolerated

-initiate thoracic spine mobilization -increasing amounts of literature suggest that for hypomobility of the neck, thrust manipulation of the thoracic spine can provide short-term improvements in pts w/ mechanical neck pain -result of "regional interdependence"

Brown-Sequard syndrome

-ipsilateral loss of mvmt & light touch sensation -contralateral loss of px & temperature sensation

Best exercise 7 days following ACL reconstruction, for speeding recovery

-isometric quad strengthening -maintaining quad function after knee surgery speeds recover -although extension stretching would be a good option, along w/ progressive AROM & progressive increased weight bearing, quad strength is the speediest -RESISTED HS CURLS ARE NOT APPROPRIATE

Most common complication following ACL reconstruction? -hip ABD weakness -knee flexion weakness -knee ROM deficit -decreased patellar mobility

-knee ROM deficit -anthrofibrosis following ACL repair is the MOST common complication limiting ROM


-lack of ability to carry out purposeful mvmt -commonly manifested by the confusion of objects w/ their purposes -asking pt to brush teeth & pt uses toothbrush to brush their hair

While examining a pregnant pt, a PT notices a dark line down the center of the rectus abdominis. Which of the following conditions is MOST likely pregnant? -diastasis rectus -inguinal hernia -linea nigra -pre-eclampsia

-linea nigra -dark line caused by increased melanocyte-stimulating hormone

Pt presents w/ signs of lethargy & mild dizziness w/ a resting BP of 100/70. Which medication is MOST likely to cause this decrease in BP? -Lisinopril -Prednisone -Sertraline -Metformin

-lisinopril -ACE inhibitor & used to treat HTN

Ganglion cyst pain

-localized px in hand/wrist -increase w/ direct pressure of the cyst


-low blood sugar -pallor, shakiness, & tachycardia

Underlying cause of Guillain-Barre syndrome

-lower motor neuron demyelination -myelin sheath is destroyed, eliminating nerve conduction

Lumbar hypermobility w/ A/P glides on L3. No radiculopathy or px in the LE, which is the MOST appropriate treatment option? -lumbar manipulation -lumbar stabilization -intermittent lumbar traction -direction-specific lumbar exercises

-lumbar stabilization -when there is hypermobility in the lumbar spine & no radiculopathy, stabilization will be the most appropriate treatment

Which of the following conditions is LEAST likely to result in secondary lymphedema? -congestive heart failure -pregnancy -lymphatic hypoplasia -chronic venous insufficiency

-lymphatic hypoplasia -cause of primary lymphedema -the remainder of options are all potential causes of secondary lymphedema

Pt w/ generally swollen R leg. No trauma to leg & described swelling as gradually increasing over the last 12 months. Swelling is non-pitting, primarily below the knee. Leg is not red or hot & pt indicates that his leg just feels "heavy". What is the MOST likely origin of the swelling? -systemic infection -chronic inflammation -congestive heart failure -lymphedema

-lymphedema -condition is typically associated w/ "heaviness" feeling -appears gradually & usually involves non-pitting edema

Pt has a diabetic ulcer that penetrates the subcutaneous tissue, extending into the subcutaneous fat & fascia but w/o any gangrene or osteomyelitis present. What is the MOST appropriate objective measure of the wound to document? -measure the depth & shape of the ulcer and classify it as a grade 2 ulcer on the Wagner scale -measure the depth & shape of the ulcer and classify it as a grade 3 on the Wagner scale -measure the depth & shape of the ulcer and classify it as a grade 4 on the Wagner scale -measure the depth & shape of the ulcer and classify it as a grade 5 on the Wagner scale

-measure the depth & shape of the ulcer and classify it as a grade 2 ulcer on the Wagner scale -grade 2: deep ulcer w/ penetration through subcutaneous tissue; potentially exposing bone, tendon, ligament, or joint capsule -NOT THE SAME AS PRESSURE INJURY SCALE

Pt who received a heart transplant is undergoing cardiac rehab w/ a PT. Which of the following descriptions BEST represents the cardiovascular effects that occur when this person begins exercising? -no initial change in HR followed by a gradual increase after several minutes -immediate increase in HR that gradually stabilizes after several minutes -no initial change in HR followed by a gradual decrease after several minutes -immediate decrease in HR that gradually stabilizes after several minutes

-no initial change in HR followed by a gradual increase after several minutes -after a heart transplant, there is no longer any sympathetic innervation the the heart, blunting the effect of exercise on HR -after several minutes of activity, the heart will then respond to the circulating catecholamines & increase gradually

If nursing forgot to rotate the pt for 8 hours:

-notify the nursing staff & review the importance of pressure offloading -turning the pt & documenting it yourself is only appropriate if combined w/ notifying the nursing staff

While treating a pt for cardiac rehab, a PT relies on the Borg RPE. The Borg RPE scale is MOST representative of which type of data scale? -Nominal -Ordinal -Ratio -Marginal

-ordinal -ordinal scales are used to represent data that is comparatively higher or lower than other data

Grade 2 lateral ankle sprain characteristics

-partial tear of the lateral ligament complex w/ mild joint instability -moderate intra-capsular swelling & tenderness -some loss of ROM & jt function

Pt reports px in the knee while descending stairs. Px increase w/ knee flexion, especially at ~30 degrees of flexion. Which of the following disorders is MOST likely present? -meniscal tear -patellofemoral pain syndrome -semitendinosus sprain -gastrocnemius sprain

-patellofemoral pain syndrome -px at 30 degrees of flexion w/ eccentric loading, the point of the greatest compression of the patella into the femur

Female pt is having difficulty w/ stress urinary incontinence & is seeking PT treatment. Which of the following treatment options will be the MOST effective at decreasing the bouts of incontinence? -perineal strengthening exercises -limit fluid intake to 8oz every 4 hours -instruct the pt to avoid stressful situations -gluteal strengthening exercises

-perineal strengthening exercises -by supporting the pelvic floor, bouts of stress incontinence will decrease -exercises such as "Kegel's" will be the most effect -option 2 will decrease fluid, but will likely cause dehydration -option 3 may help, but is not a long term solution -option 4 will help w/ generalized strengthening, but will not be the MOST effective in addressing the incontinence issue

59 yo M being evaluated for L shoulder px. Pt reports that shoulder px is closely associated w/ activity, including stress at work. Pt reports that at worst, the px radiates into his neck & he feels SOB w/ walking which subsides w/ rest. What would the most appropriate intervention be? -begin PROM w/in the px free ROM -postpone rx & refer pt to physician for further eval -apply modalities to the shoulder & instruct the pt on activity modification -begin the pt w/ rotator cuff exercises w/in the px reduced ROM & instruct pt on activity modification

-postpone rx & refer the pt to his physician for further eval -pt is having signs of cardiac distress that would be worsened w/ activity

Pt w/ cystic fibrosis is receiving postural drainage & percussion for the R lower lobe's superior segments. What is the MOST appropriate position? -supine on a wedge w/ the L shoulder elevated & the head lower than the pelvis -supine on a wedge w/ the R shoulder elevated & the head lower than the pelvis -prone w/ 2 pillows under the hips & treatment table flat -supine w/ two pillows under the knees & treatment table flat

-prone w/ two pillows under the hips & treatment table flat -most appropriate position for the lower lobe's superior segments bilaterally

MOST important clinical consideration in preparing to use a prosthesis? -ambulation endurance -hip ROM -residual limb maurity -psychological health

-residual limb maturity -residual limb must have a stabilized girth & integument to allow for a good prosthesis fit & loading

A pt w/ 2nd & 3rg degree burns to the face & neck is receiving treatment by a PT. Which of the following complications will be MOST significant during rehabilitation? -hypertrophic scarring -respiratory distress -keloid scarring -nutritional deficiencies

-respiratory distress -burns to the face & neck can cause high levels of edema & respiratory distress, requiring intubation & surgical interventions -hypertrophic scarring & joint contractures are possible complications, but not the MOST significant -nutritional deficiencies are a possible complication d/t inability to eat, but not the MOST significant

Which of the following is the MOST correct description of the primary function of the PCL? -restrains posterior translation of the tibia -restrains anterior translation of the tibia -restrains valgus forces of the knee joint -restrains varus forces on the knee joint

-restrains posterior translation of the tibia -anterior translation is ACL -valgus forces is MCL -varus forces is LCL

Intervention to treat px w/ overhead activities & displays superior humeral head translation during shoulder elevation

-rotator cuff strengthening exercises in open chain position -rotator cuff strength is critical to depress the humeral head during shoulder flexion

Flexion synergy pattern

-scapular retraction -humeral abduction -elbow flexion -wrist supination/flexion -finger flexion

An MRI correctly identifies 95% of patients as positive for ACL tear. Based on this info, which of the following measures would have the HIGHEST value? -Sensitive -Specific -Significant -Stable

-sensitive -a test that is sensitive will correctly identify the true positives -w/ high sensitivity, a test that is negative will likely mean you can rule OUT the condition because the positives are so reliable -specificity is the % of true negatives; with high specificity a test that is positive will rule in the condition

Pt is being treated for difficulty w/ overhead activities & subacromial bursitis. Which of the following strengthening activities will be MOST helpful? -scapular retraction exercises -shoulder flexion exercises -shoulder shrugging exercises -shoulder rotation exercises

-shoulder rotation exercises -shoulder rotation, especially external rotation is the MOST helpful at strengthening the rotator cuff, which will be the MOST helpful at treating subacromial bursitis

PT is trying to determine which special test to use for an exam & is researching the individual statistical values of each. Which of the following statistical attributes must a special test have to BEST limit Type 1 errors? -Sensitivity -Specificity -Positive likelihood ratio -Negative likelihood ratio

-specificity -Type 1 errors are false positives -specificity is the ratio of true negatives to false positives + true negatives (specificity is correctly identifying true negatives; SpPin) -With higher specificity, you have fewer false positives (Type 1 errors)

Pt w/ decubitus ulcer over the sacrum that extends through the cutaneous tissue & has subcutaneous fat visible at the bottom of the wound. What stage is the wound in?

-stage 3 -pressure injury grading -stage 3 is full thickness skin breakdown w/ subcutaneous fat visible

Pt recovering from a stroke is being evaluated. He is able to voluntarily elevate his arm through the synergy pattern w/o difficulty & is beginning to have mvmts out of the synergy pattern. Spasticity is still present. Which of the Brunnstrom stages BEST describes this pattern? -stage 1 -stage 2 -stage 3 -stage 4

-stage 4 -stage 1: flaccidity & no voluntary mvmt on affected side -stage 2: development of spasticity & obligatory synergies that occur from the result of external stimuli -stage 3: continued spasticity & limited voluntary mvmt through the synergy pattern -stage 4: spasticity present but pt begins to have mvmt out of the synergy pattern -stage 5 -stage 6: no spasticity occurs & normal mvmt is reestablished

To strengthen R hip abductors, complete standing hip abduction of the L leg w/ standing on the R leg

-standing on the involved LE & abducting the opposite, the R hip (closed-chain) is being loaded more than the L hip (open-chain)

PT is treating an individual recovering from a TKR. Therapist desires to make an objective measure regarding the functional household ambulation status of this individual. Which of the following devices would be MOST useful? -goniometer -treadmill -stopwatch -stairs

-stopwatch -stopwatch for TUG of 6 MWT would be MOST useful is determining function in a community ambulator??? -not sure about this one

Pt displays signs of shakiness, slowness of mvmt, & rigidity. Which of the following BEST represents the origin of this condition? -brain stem sclerae -substantia nigra cell death -spinal cord demyelination -temporal lobe amyloid plaques

-substantia nigra cell death -Parkinson's disease (& Huntington's) -the dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia die & reduce ability to initiate volitional movement

Intervention MOST appropriate to reduce limb volume in a pt w/ advanced lymphedema in the LE?

-superficial massage to proximal segments prior to distal -massage in distal to proximal direction, but must clear proximal segments first -must be superficial to avoid collapsing delicate lymphatic vessels

Wartenburg's syndrome

-superficial radial nerve entrapment that causes numbness of the anatomical snuffbox throughout the dorsum of the hand -not motion dependent

Pregnant pt is being treated for LBP. When placing the pt supine of the plinth, which of the following positions is MOST appropriate? -supine w/ pillows under the L hip -supine w/ pillows under the R hip -supine w/ the head slightly elevated -supine w/ the feet slightly elevate

-supine w/ pillows under the R hip -the inferior vena cava travels along the R side of the spinal column -b/c it is a low pressure system, the venous blood can be occluded by the weight of the fetus -must decrease the pressure on the inferior vena cava in supine -in general, pregnant pts should a void a full flat supine position, but many treatment positions require a supine position -placing the pillows under the R side of the body will help offload the inferior vena cava during treatment

Strongest type of research evidence

-systematic reviews -collection of RCT's & reviews them

Pt w/ a forward head/rounded shoulder posture is being examined. Pt scapulae will not retract, even during PROM testing. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the pt's poor posture? -tight pec minor -weak scapular retractors -tight posterior scalene mm -weak RC mm

-tight pec minor -pec minor attaches to scapula & prevents retraction if the mm is tight -passive motion testing revealed limited ROM, so tightness is the culprit -3 & 4 are not correct

Pt is experiencing numbness & paresthesia on the scalp, forehead, upper eyelids, & nose. Which of the following disorder is the MOST likely origin of the sensory disturbance? -C2 spinal nerve root impingement -Bell's Palsy of the facial nerve -Trigeminal nerve lesin -Vestibulocochlear neuroma

-trigeminal nerve lesion -trigeminal nerve (CN V) has 3 branches that innervate the face -the specific branch mentioned is the V1 ophthalmic nerve

Pt reports feeling a frequent need to urinate & often leaks urine before reaching the bathroom. Which type of incontinence is MOST likely present? -stress -urge -overflow -functional

-urge incontinence -often called overactive bladder, this incontinence is categorized by frequent & sudden urges that cause urine leaks

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