practice exam 2

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*A patient with COPD has developed respiratory acidosis. What is the MOST important thing the PTA should carefully monitor? a. disorientation b. tingling or numbness of the extremities c. dizziness or lightheadedness d. hyperreflexia


*You are reviewing a patient's past medical history. The history indicates that the patient has been taking a medication that produces side effects similar to Cushing's syndrome. What drug could produce such side effects? a. cortiosteroids b. benzodiazepines c. tricyclic antidepressents d. none of these


You are treating a 15 year-old male soccer player who sustained a grade II inversion ankle sprain 2 weeks ago. You determine that the patient is now in the early subacute phase of rehabilitation. Which of the following interventions should the patient be performing? a. closed chain lower extremity strengthening, proprioceptive exercise and orthosis b. weaning off the crutches to a cane c. protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation d. open chain lower extremity exercises only


You are treating a patient with known diabetes mellitus who begins to present with diabetic acidosis. What are the signs/symptoms indicative of acidosis? a. fruity odor to breath b. cyanotic lips and cheeks c. shallow breathing d. headache


You have been treating a patient with a diagnosis of TOS for 1 week. She describes increased burning pain over the past week. She also has ischemic symptoms in the upper extremity whenever she exercises or while engaging in simple functional activities. This means: a. there could be a progressive axonal disruption and compromise of the vascular supply; the physician should be notifies b. the pt has not been complaint with instructions for posture and safe exercises c. the exercises have been too vigorous and should be decreased in intensity d. this is a typical reaction to exer for TOS


*What federal law mandates that individualized educational services in the least restrictive environment be provided, free of charge, for qualifying children with disabilities? a. section 504 of the rehibilitation act b. individuals with disabilities education act c. Americans with disabilities act d. technology assistance act


A PT is examining stairs in a patient's home. The patient is 5 feet tall, using a single axis cane for gait. Which of the following concerns should be addressed FIRST? a. handrails 38 inches high b. stair height of 7 1/2 inches c. nosings on steps d. lack of nonslip surfacing to stair edges


A PT is reviewing a patient's medication during an evaluation. Which of the following medications would be contraindicated if the patient were pregnant? a. coumadin b. celebrex c. catapress d. habitrol


A PTA is asked to estimate the percentage of a patient's body that has been burned. The patient is a 32 year-old man of normal size. Burns are located along the entire anterior surface of the face. The patient also burned the entire anterior portion of the right upper extremity in an attempt to guard himself from flames. Using the rule of nines, what percentage of the patient's body is burned? a. 9% b. 18% c. 4.5% d. 27%


*You are working with a patient who reports that he becomes short of breath and wheezes when he runs, mows the lawn, or does heavy work. Which of the following lung diseases would you MOST LIKELY suspect the patient has? a. brochial asthma pulmonary emphysema c. chronic bronchitis d. acute bronchitis


A PTA is gait training an older adult in the home setting who has had a recent total hip arthroplasty. The patient is complaining of new tenderness in the groin, anterior hip, and thigh area. What additional diagnosis could tenderness in these areas be an indication of? a. constipation b. diarrhea c. inflammatory bowel disease d. gastritis


A PTA is instructing a PTA student in proper positioning to prevent the typical contractures in a patient with a transfemoral amputation. What position should the assistant stress? a. prone lying with the residual limb in neutral position b. a wheelchair with a gel cushion and adductor roll c. supine lying with the residual limb resting on a small pillow d. side lying on the residual limb


A PTA is treating a patient on a cardiac medication in the home health setting. What are the effects of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor on the heart and cardiovascular system? a. it prevents constriction of blood vessels and retention of sodium and fluid b. it constricts arterioles and increases retention of sodium and fluid c. it alters the conduction patterns of the heart d. it prevents blood clot formation


A PTA is working with a patient recovering from a stroke. In which of these conditions would it be MOST important for the assistant to implement additional safety precautions during treatment? a. anosognosia b. ideational apraxia c. unilateral neglect d. ideomotor apraxia


A diagnosis of bicipital tendinitis has been made following an evaluation of a patient with shoulder pain. Which shoulder position will BEST expose the tendon of the long head of the biceps for application of phonophoresis? a. ER and wxt b. IR and abd c. horizontal abd d. abd


A patient is s/p 6 weeks ACL reconstruction. The patient remains PWB and does not understand the ongoing weight bearing restrictions from the physician. What would be an acceptable rationale? a. patient demonstrates poor plus quad strength b. patient demonstrates equal hyperextension as compaired to the non-involved limb side c. pt has decreased anterior thigh superficial cutaneous sensation d. pt demonstrates fair hs strength


A patient with a transfemoral amputation has been fitted with a prosthesis that utilizes a quadrilateral socket. Following gait training, where should the PTA expect to observe evidence of weight bearing on the residual limb? a. ischial tuberosity and lateral sides of the residual limb b. adductor mangus and medial side of the residual limb c. distolateral end of femur and ischial seat d. perineal area and medial side of the residual limb


A patient with an Erb's palsy will have paralysis of all of the following muscles EXCEPT: a. flexor carpi ulnaris b. rhomboids c. brachialis d. teres minor


A patient with emphysema complains of shortness of breath and generalized weakness in the upper extremities when performing daily chores. The PT should encourage: a. pursed lip breathing b. gravity assisted exercises before performing chores c. use of oxygen with daily activities d. avoidance of activities that consume a lot of energy


In which of the following wounds would the PT consider using enzymatic debridement? a. black eschar over the wound b. clean wound c. a dry ischemic wound d. a dry wound with active infection


The PT in beginning examination of a patient in an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation facility. A chart review shows that this patient has active atrial fibrillation with a controlled ventricular rate. What is the MOST appropriate intervention for this patient? a. low intensity aerobic exercise b. high intensity aerobic exercise c. high intensity lower extremity exer only d. low intensity low er extremity exercise only


The therapist is examining a 38 year-old man who complains of right sacroiliac joint pain. The PT decides to assess leg length discrepancy in supine vs sitting position. When the patient is in supine position, leg lengths are equal; however, when the patient rises to the sitting position, the right lower extremity appears 2 cm shorter. Which of the following should be a part of the treatment plan? a. right posterior SI moblization b. right anterior SI moblization c. left posterior SI moblization d. left anterior SI miblization


What is a common orthopedic finding for individuals diagnosed with acromegaly? a. widening of the joint spaces b. thinning of the cartilage c. carpal tunnel syndrome d. thoracolumbar pain


A 14 year-old girl with right thoracic scoliosis is referred to PT. The PTA should expect which of the following findings? a. left shoulder high, left scapular prominent, right hip high b. left shoulder low, right scapula prominent, left hip high c. right shoulder high, right scapula prominent, right hip high d. right shoulder low, right scapular prominent, left hip high


A 60 year old woman is referred to outpatient PT services for rehabilitation after receiving a left total knee replacement 4 weeks ago. The patient is currently ambulating with a standard walker with a severely antalgic gait pattern. Before the recent surgery the patient was ambulating independently without an assistive device. Left knee flexion was measured in the initial examination and found to be 85 degrees actively and 94 degrees passively. The patient also lacked 10 degrees of full passive extension and 17 degrees of full active extension. Which of the following does the therapist need to FIRST address? a. lack of passive knee flexion b. lack of passive left knee extension c. lack of active left knee extension d. ability to ambulate with a lesser assistive device


A 64 year old male who has been diagnosed with COPD, and CHF exhibits an increase in total body weight of 10 lbs over the last few days during inpatient therapy. The PTA should: a. contact the pts physician immediately b. check the intake and output on the pts flow sheet c. encourage the pt to ambulate to reduce LE edema d. check the ots vitals every 2 hours


A PTA is assessing a patient in the ICU that has been receiving PT for 1 week. The patient has the following signs: weak pulse, quick respiration, acetone breath, and nausea. Which of the following conditions is MOST likely occurring? a. hypoglycemic pt b. hyperglycemic pt c. cardiac arrest d. end-stage renal failure


You are evaluating an infant for normal reflexes. You deliberately temporarily lose grip of the infant causing him to startle and to begin to cry. Which reflex are you MOST LIKELY assessing? a. asymmetric tonic neck reflex b. moro reflex c. landau reaction d. righting reaction


You are about to enter a patient's room to provide exercises and bed mobility work after the person has had a transtibial amputation. This patient has a comorbidity of atrial fibrillation. You take the patient's resting pulse. At which of the following rates is it wise to avoid PT activity until further medical consultation is received (the lowest rate at which you would defer PT)? a. 80 bpm b. 95 bpm c. 115 bpm d. 124 bpm


You are taking a blood pressure measurement on a 1 month old infant. What would be the MOST typical based on the infant's chronological age? a. 55/40 mmHg b. 65/45 mmHg c. 85/60 mmHg d. 120/80 mmHg


You are treating a patient with complex regional pain syndrome of the right upper extremity. What intervention(s) should be avoided with this patient? a. PROM of the right upper extremity b. gradual exercising of the right upper extremity c. ice or heat applications d. joint protection techniques


An overweight 12 year-old presents with hip pain and weight bearing difficulties. These symptoms presented rapidly following physical activity. On examination, limping is observed and PROM are limited and painful. Which of the following is the MOST probably diagnosis? a. legg-calve-perthes disease b. transient hip synovitis c. congenital hip dysplasia d. slipped femoral capital epiphysis


Fourteen weeks after surgical repair of the rotator cuff, a patient presents with significant deltoid weakness. Range of motion is WNL and equal bilaterally. Internal and external rotation strength is equal bilaterally. Flexion and abduction strength is significantly reduced. What is the MOST likely cause of this dysfunction? a. poor compliance with HEP b. tightness of the inferior shoulder capsule c. surgical damage to the musculcutaneous nerve d. surgical damage to the axillary nerve


Hip flexor impairment will result in a change in the normal gait cycle. The therapist should suspect hip flexor dysfunction when observing gait and noting a: a. lengthened stride b. posterior lurch of the trunk at foot contact c. lateral shift of the trunk over the stance leg when the opposite leg swings d. forward flexion of the trunk during weight bearing


Which muscles would you stimulate if you were using NMES to help correct a subluxed glenohumeral joint in a patient who has had a stroke? a. anterior and posterior deltoid b. rhomboids and serratus anterior c. supraspinatus and latissimus dorsi/teres major d. supraspinatus and posterior deltoid


Which of the following functional activities should a patient avoid for the longest period of time after rTSA? a. reaching overhead b. hugging with both arms c. reaching into abd in the scapular plane at drive-through window d. fastening a bra behind the back


Your patient had a laceration anterior to the medial malleolus that required stitches. He is now in your office c/o pain along the medial border of the foot. Which nerve is MOST likely involved? a. sural nerve b. deep fibular nerve c. tibial nerve d. saphenous nerve


Your patient sustained a fracture of the right calcaneus as the result of a motor vehicle accident 3 months ago. After 10 weeks in a cast followed by a rocker bottom immobilization boot that prevented ankle and foot motion, the fracture shows radiological evidence of bony union. The patient has been ambulating (WBAT) while wearing the boot and is now supposed to discontinue wearing it slowly. Your examination reveals marked limitation of dorsiflexion and plantarflexion and a high, rigid arch. There is no visibly swelling, and pain (2/10) occurs at the end of the day and during PROM with overpressure. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate intervention during the first week of therapy? a. PROM of the ankle (DF/PF and calcaneal inv/ever) b. gentle passive stretching of the ankle musculature c. grade II join mobilization of the subtalar joint d. grade III joint moblization at the midtarsal joint


Which of the following definitions BEST describes direct current?

the unidirectional uninterrupted flow of charged particles with a duration of at least 1 second

*You are setting up an exercise program for an obese patient who is 75 lbs overweight and recovering from a mild myocardial infarction. The MOST appropriate exercise prescription for this patient is: a. walking at an intensity of the 50% the patients max HR b. jogging at an intensity of 60% of the pts max HR c. swimming at an intensity of 75% of the pts max HR d. riding a bicycle at an intensity of 30% the pts max HR


A PT is examining a 5 day old infant with cerebral palsy. The infant has an abnormal amount of extensor tone. Which of the following is INCORRECT positioning advice for the family and nursing staff? a. keep the infant in a supine position b. keep the infant in a prone position c. keep the infant in a right sidelying position d. keep the infant in left sidelying position


*A 17 year old boy presents to PT after being involved in a MVA resulting in C7 quadriplegia. The PT is setting long-term goals for the patient. Which of the following goals represents the MOST reasonable and highest level of function that the patient should achieve? a. use of a wheelchair with power hand controls on even terrain b. negotiation of uneven terrain with a manual wheelchair c. ambulation for short distances on level surfaces with KAFO d. use of powere WC with head or chin controls on even surfaces


*The MOST beneficial piece of adaptive equipment to aid a client with C6 tetraplegia to work toward independence with lower extremity dressing is: a. a trigger reacher to get pants over the feet b. loops to manipulate the lower extremities c. a universal cuff to assist with grip and closures d. a standard dressing stick


A PTA is gait training a patient with left hemiplegia who has been recently fitted with a new AFO. The assistant is overwhelmed with too many patients and asks the SPTA to take over. This is the student's first affiliation (second day) and the student has never performed tissue inspection for a patient with an AFO. The assistant will be in the same vicinity treating other patients. What is the MOST appropriate action to take in this situation? a. direct the student to perform b. direct the PT in charge c. direct another PTA working nearby d. send the pt to their room and direct the nurse


A PTA is performing grade I and II mobilizations to reduce a patient's pain level. Which upper extremity joint is characterized by the osteokinematic and arthrokinematic glide occurring in the same direction? a. glenohumeral joint b. radiohumeral joint c. metacarpal joint d. acromioclavicular joint


A PTA is treating a patient on the tilt table due to orthostatic hypotension. The patient has been gradually raised from supine to 60 deg when the patient's blood pressure begins to suddenly decrease. What is the MOST appropriate action for the PTA to do while lowering the tilt table? a. immediately lower the table to 0 deg and call the PT for assistance b. lower the pt in 5-10 deg increments until the BP stabilizes c. return the table to 45 deg and stay at this level for the remainder of the session d. immediately lower the table to 0 deg and call a medical emergency


A PTA works with a patient with limited knee flexion range due to inadequate rectus femoris length. Which proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique would be the MOST appropriate to increase the muscle length? a. rhythmic stabilization b. contract relax c. alternating isometrics


A patient had a myocardial infarction and developed congestive heart failure. What pulmonary signs and symptoms would MOST LIKELY be present? a. inspiratory wheezing and SOB b. crackles and cough c. productive cough with thick yellow secretions d. crackles and barrel chest


A patient has a known history of cardiac disease. The patient is experiencing angina while riding on the recumbent bike. The patient self-administers a sublingual nitroglycerin tablet. Nitroglycerin helps control angina by: a. decreasing HR b. facilitates peripheral artery and wein dilation c. facilitates vasospasm of the coronary arteries d. decreases platelet aggregation


A patient has started rehabilitative therapy following an abdominal surgery and prolonged bed rest. The patient has only been out of bed a few times with assistance from the nursing staff to the bedside commode. What is the MOST important objective measurement to assess after assisting the patient from supine to sitting? a. diastolic blood pressure b. systolic blood pressure c. oxygen saturation d. heart rate


A patient recovering from a stroke is having difficulty bearing weight on the left lower extremity. The patient is unable to advance the tibia forward and abbreviates the end of the stance phase on the left going directly into swing phase. Which factor following stroke is MOST likely to result in failure to advance the lower extremity when walking? a. weakness or contracture of hip extensiors b. spasticity or contracture of the plantar flexors c. spasticity of the anterior tibialis muscle d. weakness or contracture of the dorsiflexors


A patient starting to use antihypertensive medications must be observed when getting up or leaving a warm therapeutic pool in order to avoid an episode of: a. bradycardia b. orthostatic hypotension c. dysrhythmias d. sketeal mm weakness


A physician notes a vertebral fracture in the X-ray of a patient involved in a car accident. The fractured vertebrae has a bifid spinous process. Which of the following vertebrae is the MOST likely to be involved? a. 4th lumbar vertebra b. 5th cervical vertebra c. 12th thoracic vertebra d. 1st sacral vertebra


An elderly and frail resident of an extended care facility presents with hot, red, and edematous skin over the shins of both lower extremities. The patient also has a mild fever. These are signs and symptoms of which condition? a. dermatitis b. cellulitis c. herpes d. scleroderma


During initial evaluation of a patient with a complaint of LBP, you perform a standing posture alignment screening and discover that his left leg appears shorter than the right as you compare iliac crests, greater trochanter, head of the fibula, and medial malleolus. What related possible foot deformity should you look for while still in standing? a. excessive right foot pronation compared with the left b. excessive left foot pronation compared with the right c. excessive left foot supination compared with the right d. hallux valgus on the right


Each of the following is a precaution that should be taken after a total elbow arthroplasty involving a triceps-reflecting or triceps-splitting approach EXCEPT: a. limit assisted elbow flexion to about 90-100 deg for the first 3-4 weeks postoperatively b. for about the first 3-4 weeks, perform active elbow flex/extension only while lying in the supine position c. postpone elbow extension against manual resistance or lightweights for 6 weeks or longer d. avoid pushing movements with the operated upper extremity during functional activities, such as pushing up from a chair, for at least 6 weeks.


When examining a patient with a new above-knee prosthesis, you notice the heel on the involved foot moves laterally at toe-off. What is the MOST likely cause of this deviation? a. prosthesis is too long b. excessive IR of the prosthetic knee c. prosthesis is too short d. excessive ER of the prosthetic knee


While examining a patient you noticed color changes in the skin during position changes of the foot. Specifically, pallor develops during elevation of the leg and hyperemia develops when the limb is then positioned in the dependent position. Based on your findings, what is the LIKELY cause of this? a. chronic venous insufficiency b. arterial insufficiency c. raynauds phenomena d. buergers disease


Whiplash injury from a rear-end collision would tear the: a. posterior longitudinal ligament b. anterior longitudinal ligament c. ligamentum nuchae d. ligamentum flavum


You and your supervising PT are trying to determine the etiology of lower extremity edema. You have it narrowed down to venous insufficiency or lymphedema. Which of the following symptoms suggests that lymphedema is the pathology? a. increased skin temperature b. swelling that is not relieved by elevation c. mild pain d. pt reports heaviness or tightness in the legs


You are helping a patient learn a motor skill. You set up several variations of the same task (walking on several types of surfaces). You have the patient perform one variation of the task and have him identify his own errors after the first repetition (or point out errors to him after the first repetition). Next, allow him to repeat the same variation of the task one or two more times before moving on to another variation of the task. What term BEST describes this type of practice? a. blocked b. random-blocked c. random d. augmented


You are reviewing a patient's medical record in the intensive care unit. According to the patient's chart, the patient suffered an intracranial bleed due to trauma. What is the MOST common type of intracranial bleeding due to trauma? a. subdural hemorrhage b. subarachnoid hemorrage c. intercranial bleeding d. extracranial bleeding


You are treating a patient in the intensive care unit with the PT. The patient demonstrates no eye opening, no verbal response and no motor response. Using the Glasgow Coma Scale, how would you score this patient? a. 0 b. 3 c. 5 d. 7


Your patient reports having had a sudden onset of severe pain in the left posterior thigh yesterday while sprinting. Today he is unable to fully extend his left knee while walking because of pain. Which of the following interventions is MOST appropriate today? a. passive knee flexion/extension with the hip flexed to 90 deg b. passive knee flexion/extension with the hip positioned in 0 deg extension c. active knee flexion but no passive or active extension d. submaximal resisted knee flexion in the prone-lying posistion


Though relapses associated with multiple sclerosis tend to decrease during pregnancy, postpartum they increase. As PTs we are concerned with these patients' _________, _________, and ________ to care for their new baby.

balance, fatigue, and ability

*You are treating a patient with a painful shoulder as the result of supraspinatus tendonitis from chronic impingement. There is no evidence of tendon rupture or joint instability. Acute symptoms have subsided. Each of the following is appropriate to improve active elevation of the arm at this stage of rehabilitation EXCEPT: a. reinforce the importance of maintaining an erect trunk during elevation b. teach the pt to apply cross fiber massage to the supraspinatius tendon while it is on stretch, followed by isometric contractions of the mm c. as the pt actively elevates the arm within the pain free range, apply an anterior glide of the head of the humerus d. strengthen key scapular stabilizers such as the serratus anterior, middle trap, and lower trap, in closed chain and open chain position


A 16 year old track athlete returns to PT after seeing his physician. The physician informed the patient the MRI has shown a significant tear in the medial meniscus of the left knee. As you review the chart, which special test would you expect to be positive? a. Lachman b. pivot shift c. McMurray d. apprehension


Which of the following waveforms has been reported to be favored in the treatment of tissue healing, and why? a. symetrical biphasic, where there is no net charge b. asymmetrical biphasic, where there is no bet charge c. asymmetrical buphasic, where there is a net charge d. only uninterrupted wave forms have yielded results, because they cause polar effects


A 48 year-old woman is being examined by a PTA. Her diagnosis is right rotator cuff tendinitis. She reports right shoulder weakness and pain for the past 2 months. The patient describes "pins & needles" over the lateral right shoulder and upper extremity, extending into the thumb. She also reports no causative trauma. MMT in the right upper extremity reveals the following data: flexion = 4/5, extension = 3+/5, abduction = 3+/5, adduction = 4/5, IR = 3+/5, ER = 3+/5. MMT in the left upper extremity reveals the following data: flexion = 4+/5, extension = 5/5, abduction = 5/5, adduction = 4+/5, IR = 4+/5, ER = 4+/5. Active and passive shoulder ROM is WNL and equal bilaterally. All thoracic outlet tests are negative. All shoulder special tests are negative. Which of the following steps would MOST likely assess the source of the patient's problems? a. elbow strength and ROM testing b. grip strength testing c. cervical spine testing d. scapular mm strength testing


A PT is treating a patient with a Colles' fracture. The patient's forearm has been immobilized for 3 weeks and will require 4 additional weeks in the cast before the patient can begin functional tasks. An initial focus of treatment should be: a. PROM b. placement of the extremity in a sling c. movement of the joints surrounding the fracture d. to avoid treatment until the cast is removed


A PTA is discussing an aerobic exercise program with a pregnant woman. Which represents accurate information for the patient? a. she should discontinue aerobic exer until she gives birth b. she must limit participation in aerobic exer to the first and second trimesters and then discontinue c. she may notice that she reaches her maximum or preferred work level more quickly than she did prior to pregnancy d. she should limit her aerobic exer choices to bicycling or swimming


A PTA is treating a patient in cardiac rehabilitation who also has Graves' disease. What should the PTA be cautious with to AVOID? a. bradycardia b. cool exercise enviroment c. overheating the pt d. decreased blood pressure


A home visit is performed for a patient who had a total hip replacement 4 wks ago. The patient is PWB on the surgical side. The patient lives alone. The minimum recommendations for this patient to increase safety in the bathroom are? a. tub bench, hand-held shower b. grab bars in the shower, next to the toilet c. hand rails for toilet, tub, bench, hand-held shower d. the patient should not shower until their weight bearing status increases


A patient complains of a burning sensation on the anterolateral aspect of the right thigh. Which nerve could lead to these symptoms? a. ilioinguinal b. genitofemoral c. lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh d. Obturator


A patient has undergone surgery and subsequent immobilization to stabilize the olecranon process. The patient now exhibits an elbow flexion contracture. What is an absolute CONTRAINDICATION for joint mobilization in this situation? a. soft end feel b. springy end feel c. empty end feel d. firm end feel


A patient is recovering from a triple coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and is to start phase III cardiac rehabilitation. During the resistance portion of the circuit training program, why should the patient be instructed to AVOID the Valsalva maneuver? a. to avoid elevating the HR and blood pressure b. to avoid accumulation of peripheral fluid and resulting edema c. because it may produce lowering the pulse and increased venous pressure d. because a cholinergic or vagal response may occur


A patient whose exercise-induced heart rate in less than the heart rate was before exercise is MOST LIKELY starting therapy with: a. Anticholinergic drugs b. Alpha blockers c. Beta blockers d. antianginals


A patient with a spinal cord injury at the level of C8 would like to be independent in mobility. Based on expected functional outcomes, the PT would recommend the following piece(s) of adapted equipment: manual wheelchair a. manual wheelchair b. a motorized wheelchair c. a manual wheelchair and sliding board d. a walker and a wheelchair


A phase II outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program uses circuit training for a 50 minute program. One station uses the upper body ergometer. What principles apply when comparing upper extremity exercise to lower extremity exercise at a given workload? a. higher systolic and diastolic BP b. exercise capacity is reduced owing to higher stroke volumes c. HR, systolic and diastolic BP will all be higher d. HR will be higher while systolic BP will be lower.


All of the following are developmental milestones with their appropriate age, EXCEPT: a. sit independently @ 5-6 months b. walk @ 12 months c. belly cawl @ 3-4 months d. cruise @ 11 months


Ideal postural alignment is influenced by appropriate muscle balance. What combinations of muscle imbalance would likely contribute to increased anterior pelvic tilt? a. short hs and elongated hip flexors b. strong anterior abdominal and strong hip flexors c. short hip flexors and lengthened anterior abdominals d. strong anterior abdominals and strong hip extensors


Partial body weight support is replacing the use of parallel bars in some clinics. All of the following are advantages of the body weight support over traditional parallel bars EXCEPT: a. interlimb and intralimb timing can be practiced before ability to fully support body weight b. reduce risk of falls c. increase use of UE for support d. learned nonuse id prevented


The plan of care for a patient following acute whiplash of the cervical spine calls for initiating cervical stabilization exercises. The patient is tolerating cervical nodding exercises and has a pain rating of 5/10. As the patient maintains the cervical nod, how should the PTA progress the cervical nodding exercise? a. perform active shoulder flexion to 90 deg while sitting on a ball b. perform active shoulder flexion to 180 deg while supine d. perform active shoulder flexion to 180 deg while standing


Which of the following statements is true in comparing infants with Down's syndrome to infants with no known abnormalities? a. motor milestone are reached at the same time with both groups b. postural reactions are developed in the same time frame with both groups c. postural reactions and motor milestones are developed slower in pts who have down syndrome, but with the same association as with normal infants d. postural reactions and motor milestones are not devolved with the same association with patients who have down syndrome as with normal infants.


Your examination of a patient who sustained a soft tissue injury reveals that she experiences pain only at the end of the available ROM when you apply overpressure. Based on this finding, which of the following would be the MOST appropriate technique to include in the treatment plan to decrease the patient's pain? a. immobilize and rest the painful structures b. grades I and II joint distraction or gliding techniques c. end range joint or mm stretching techniques to increase the mobility of the tight structures d. progressive resistance exercises to work through the pain


*Medical records indicate a patient has developed a condition of respiratory alkalosis. Which of the following clinical signs would NOT apply to a condition of respiratory alkalosis? a. muscle tentany b. syncope c. numbness d. anxiety


A 23 year old woman arrives at an outpatient PT clinic with a prescription to examine and treat the right hand. One week earlier the patient underwent surgical repair of the flexor tendons of the right hand at zone 2. She also had her cast removed at the physician's office a few minutes before coming to PT. What is the BEST course of treatment for this patient? a. US to decrease scarring b. gentle grip strengthening with putty c. splinting the distal interphalangeal joint and proximal interphalangeal joints at neutral d. splinting with the use of rubber bands to passively flex the fingers


A PTA is following the inpatient POC for a patient who had a coronary artery bypass graft 3 days ago. What is the MOST appropriate exercise regimen for this patient at this stage of his recovery? a. ankle pumps and heel slides ti increaase the heart rate 15 bpm over resting b. shoulder flex, abd, elbow flex with 3 lb weight at an intensity to increase the HR 15-25 bpm c. exer that increasaes the HR 30 bpm over resting including UE exer using 1 lb weight while sitting d. ankle pumps and marches in sitting at an intensity to increase the heart rate 10-15 bpm over resting


A PTA is working in the ICU with a patient who has been admitted for a flare-up of inflammatory bowel disease and dehydration. The POC includes ambulation for endurance and lower extremity strengthening exercises. What is the MOST important for the PTA to consider? a. limit lower extremity exercise to active exercise and avoid resisted exercise b. frequently offer water throughout the treatment c. exercise in a semi-Flowlers position d. closely monitor heart rate and blood pressure with upright activity


A PTA treats a patient with limited shoulder ROM. The PTA hypothesizes that the patient's limited ROM at the end range is due to a tissue restriction. Which graded oscillation technique would be the MOST appropriate to treat this patient? a. grade I only b. grade II only c. grade III only d. grade IV only


A home health PTA is working with an older adult who has a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. On this day, the patient is confused with shortness of breath and generalized weakness. What information should the PTA immediately report to the supervising PT? a. mental changes are indicative of early alzheimers disease b. the patient may be experiencing unstable angina c. the patient forgot to tale his or her hypertension medication d. the patient may be presenting with early signs of myocardial infraction


A patient has recently been diagnosed with symptomatic bradycardia. Which of the following medications is the MOST recognized for treatment of symptomatic bradycardia? a. questran b. digitalis c. nitroglycerin d. atropine


A patient is beginning cardiac rehabilitation after recent coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). Which of the following would be a clinical sign to discontinue or modify the patient's current exercise? a. resting HR of 100 bpm b. oxygen saturation of 98% c. body temp of 99.1 deg F d. blood pressure during exer 280/120 mmHg


A patient is being seen in an outpatient wound care center at the local hospital. The patient presents with a copiously draining wound with large amounts of serous fluid. The PT POC calls for cleaning and dressing change. What is the MOST appropriate dressing for this wound? a. a transparent dressing b. an autolytic debrider covered with a gauze wrap c. an alginate covered with a cushioned dressing d. an absorbent dressing


A patient suffered a severer TBI and multiple fractures following a MVA. The patient is recovering in the ICU. The PT referral requests PROM and positioning. On day 1, the patient is semi-alert and drifts in and out during treatment. On day 2, the patient is less alert and the status is changing. Signs of symptoms of a possible life-threatening situation that would require emergency consultation with nursing and the physician include: a. developing irritability and disorientation b. decresing functional eye movements c. rigidity in the neck muscles d. decreasing consciousness with slowing pulse


A patient suffered carbon monoxide poisoning from his home and is left with permanent damage to the basal ganglia. Intervention for this patient will need to address expected impairments of: a. motor paralysis with the use of free weights for strengthening b. muscke spasms and hyperreflexia with the use of cold packs c. impaired sensory organization of balance with the use of standing platform balance machine d. motor planning with the use of guided and cued movements


A patient who sustained a severe heart attack was categorized at a metabolic equivalent table (MET) level of 2 to 3. The patient has completed the goal of doing homemaking activities such as washing dishes and ironing. The PT should progress intervention to include the occupational task of: a. driving b. performing upper and lower extremity dressing c. gardening in the yard d. preparing 1-2 meals per day


A patient who underwent an acromioplasty 8 weeks ago presents with complaints of pain when reaching overhead and during the last 30 deg of shoulder flexion. End range pain is also felt when using PROM into horizontal adduction, shoulder flexion, and shoulder abduction. Which of the following treatments would be MOST helpful for this patient? a. shoulder mobilization anterior shoulder capsule b. shoulder mobilization for the superior shoulder capsule c. acromicolavicular joint mobilization with the upper extremity in 20 degrees of shoulder flexion d. acromiclavicular joint moblizations with the upper extremity in 140 deg of shoulder flexion


A study of the local population was necessary to determine the need for a new PT center in the area. The researchers performing the study divided the population by sex and selected a random sample from each group. This is an example of what type of random sample? a. systematic random sample b. random cluster sample c. one-stage cluster sample d. stratified random sample


An infant has a myelomeningocele at level L4-L5. Which of the following muscles would MOST likely have normal function in this individual? a. tibilian anterior b. gluteus medius c. peroneus brevis d. iliopsoas


An infant was referred to PT for right torticollis. In order to MOST effectively stretch the muscle, the head and neck should be positioned into which position? a. flexion, left sidebending, and left rotation b. extension, right sidebending, and left rotation c. flexion, right sidebending, and left rotation d. extension, left sidebending, and right rotation


What is the safest and most effective way of stretching the multijoint flexor digitorum profundus?

with the wrist stabilized in neutral position first extend the distal interphalangeal joint, then the proximal interphalangal joint, and then the metacarpophalangeal of each finger

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