Practice questions - GU

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The most common route of lower UTIs is _______________, a process whereby bacteria (often from fecal contamination) colonize the periurethral area and enter the bladder.


A person with uric acid stones should follow a low-purine diet.


Urinary tract infections (UTIs), the most common cause of acute bacterial sepsis in patients older than 65 years of age, have a 50% mortality rate when associated with gram-negative sepsis.


Visible, painless _____________ is the most common symptom of bladder cancer.


A female client who is diagnosed with a malignant tumor in her bladder is advised to undergo cystectomy followed by a urinary diversion procedure. Which of the following would be most important for the nurse to assess preoperatively? a Client's manual dexterity and vision b History of allergy to iodine and seafood c Dietary habits involving cholesterol-laden food d Menstrual history


The nurse has been asked to provide health information to a female patient diagnosed with cystitis. Select all the teaching points that apply. a Cleanse around the perineum and urethral meatus after each bowel movement. b Drink caffeinated beverages twice a day to increase urination. c Drink liberal amount of fluid d Void no more frequently than every 6 hours to allow urine to dilute the bacteria in the bladder.

A, C

Mr. Pike has just undergone a urinary diversion procedure and has been sent to your nursing unit. You are reviewing the physician's orders and the plan of care. What management issues related specifically to urinary diversion would you expect to see included? Choose all that apply. a Observing for leakage of urine or stool from the anastomosis b Maintaining renal function c Assessing for signs and symptoms of peritonitis d Encouraging oral intake


The nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of discharge teaching for a client with an oxalate urinary stone. Which statement by the client indicates the need for further teaching by the nurse? Select all that apply. a "I will never have another urinary stone again." b "I need to take allopurinol." c "Tylenol is best to control my pain." d "I need to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day" e "I am so glad I don't have to make any changes in my diet"



It is essential to assess manual dexterity, vision, and level of understanding of a client who undergoes a urinary diversion procedure because this information will determine the client's ability to manage stoma care and self-catheterization following the urinary diversion procedure. The client's history of allergy to iodine and seafood, dietary habits related to high cholesterol intake, and menstrual history are not important factors for this situation

Functional incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine through an intact urethra as a result of sneezing, coughing, or changing position.

false (stress)

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