Practice Test 2.1-2.4

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In a chemical reaction in which sucrose is heated and decomposes to form carbon dioxide and water, which of the following is a reactant? A. Sucrose B. Carbon Dioxide C. Water D. Heat


Which of the following does NOT involve a change in chemical properties? A. Rusting B. Fermenting C. Boiling D. Burning


A golf ball has more mass than a tennis ball because it... A. Takes up more space B. Contains more matter C. Contains different kind of matter D. Has a definite composition

Contains more space

All of the following changes to a metal are physical changes EXCEPT? A. Bending B. Melting (burning) C. Grinding D. Polishing


A chemical change occurs when a piece of wood ______ A. Is split B. Is painted C. Decays D. Is cut


What must be done to be certain that a chemical change has taken place? A. Check for the production of bubbles before and after the change B. Demonstrate that a release of energy occurred after the change C. Check the composition of the sample before and after the change D. Demonstrate that energy was absorbed by the reactants after the change

Check the composition of the sample before and after the change

Which of the following does NOT involve a physical change? A. Mixing B. Melting C. Grinding D. Decomposing


When paper turns yellow brown upon exposure to sunlight, what type of change is likely taking place? A. A physical change B. A chemical change C. Neither a physical nor chemical change D. Both a physical and chemical change

A chemical change

Which of the following CANNOT be considered a single phase? A. A pure solid B. A pure liquid C. A homogenous mixture D. A heterogenous mixture

A heterogenous mixture

Which of the following is a chemical property? A. Color B. Hardness C. Freezing point D. Ability to react with oxygen

Ability to react with oxygen

All of the following are physical properties EXCEPT for... A. Mass B. Color C. Melting point D. Ability to rust

Ability to rust

Which of the following CANNOT be classified as a substance? A. Table salt B. Air C. Nitrogen D. Gold


A vapor is which state of matter? A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. All of the above

All of the above

Which if the following are considered physical properties of a substance? A. Color and color B. Melting and boiling point C. Malleability and hardness D. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is a physical change? A. Corrosion B. Explosion C. Evaporation D. Rotting of food


Which of the following is NOT a physical change? A. Grating cheese B. Melting cheese C. Fermenting of cheese D. Mixing two cheeses in a bowl

Fermenting of cheese

Which of the following does NOT indicate that a chemical change may have taken place? A. Fracture formation B. Gas production C. Precipitate formation D. Energy transfer

Fracture formation

Which state of matter expands when heated and is easy to compress? A. Gas B. Liquid C. Solid D. All of the above


Which state of matter takes both the shape and volume of its container? A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Both b and c


Which of the following is NOT an example of matter? A. Air B. Heat C. Smoke D. Water Vapor


All of the following are physical properties of a substance in the liquid state EXCEPT? A. Indefinite volume B. Definite mass C. Not easily compressed D. Indefinite shape

Indefinite volume

Which of the following is NOT a physical property of water? A. It has a boiling point of 100 B. It is a colorless liquid C. It is composed of hydrogen and oxygen D. Sugar dissolves in it

It is composed of hydrogen and oxygen

Which of the following is a chemical property of water at 4 degrees Celsius? A. It's color B. It's state C. It's temperature D. It's ability to decompose into hydrogen and oxygen

It's ability to decompose into hydrogen and oxygen

Which state of matter has a definite volume and takes the shape of its container? A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Both b and c


Which state of matter is characterized by having an indefinite shape, but a definite volume? A. Gas B. Liquid C. Solid D. None of the above


A substance that forms a vapor generally in what physical state at a room temperature? A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Liquid or solid

Liquid or solid

An example of an extensive property of matter is... A. Temperature B. Pressure C. Mass D. Hardness


Which of the following is a heterogenous mixture? A. Air B. Salt water C. Steel D. Soil


Which state of matter is characterized by having a definite shape and a definite volume? A. Gas B. Liquid C. Solid D. All of the above


Which of the following indicates that a chemical change has happened during cooking? A. The food darkens B. Bubbles form in boiling water C. Butter melts D. Energy is transferred from a stove to a pan

The food darkens

What must occur for a change to be a chemical reaction? A. There must be a change in chemical properties B. There must be a change in physical properties C. There must involve a change of mass D. There must involve a change in volume

There must be a change in chemical properties

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