Practice Test 3 Questions Answered Wrong

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for a dx of dmdd, sx need to be present prior to the age of


A job applicant who scores below the cutoff on a selection test and is, therefore, not hired, but who would have actually obtained a satisfactory job performance rating if she had been hired, is best described as a:

False Negative (i.e., doesn't have the target characteristic) but who actually does have the characteristic.

A young girl volunteers to clean her room and do other chores around the house because she wants her mother's approval and affection. According to Kohlberg, this child is in which of the following stages of moral development?

Seeking the approval and affection of others is characteristic of the "good boy-good girl" orientation, which is the first stage in Kohlberg's conventional level of moral development.

Sedation (drowsiness) is most likely to be a side effect of which of the following antidepressants?

TCA --MOST LIKELY TO PRODUCE DROWSINESS/SEDATION Pamelor (nortriptyline) is a tricyclic antidepressant and, of the antidepressants listed in the answers, is most likely to produce sedation.

NOT a culture fair test

Woodcock Johnson

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a culture-fair test of intellectual ability? Select one: A. Leiter-3 B. KABC-II C. Ravens Progressive Matrices D. Woodcock-Johnson III

Woodcock Johnson

A T score of 65 or higher on the MMPI-2 clinical scales is most suggestive of:

a high level of psychological symptoms being reported

according to Kohlberg, moral development is directly related to

cognitive skills and social perspective taking

Which of the following would be most useful when a test administrator wants to use test scores to determine how much a person has learned during the course of a six-week training program?

percentage scores of test content that the examinee has mastered.

Baumgartenn's longitudinal research

post-diagnosis turning point, immersion, post-immersion turning point, integration, and disclosure

Primary goal of Minuchin's structural family therapy is

replace rigid and diffuse boundaries with clear boundaries. replace rigid boundaries with clear boundaries replace rigid boundaries with clear boundaries

motivational interviewing techniques

try and use techniques that foster empathy

conduct a court-ordered evaluation of a defendant in a criminal case. In terms of an informed consent,

do not have to obtain informed consent but must notify the defendant of the purposes and intended uses of the evaluation

False Positive

false positive has been identified by the predictor as having the target characteristic but actually does not have the characteristic

According to Troiden (1988), homosexual identity development involves which of the following stages?

feeling different, confusion, assumption, integration FCAI

h m patient had difficulties ____________memories

forming new

test retest would be most appropriate for examining

general intelligence (most stable overtime)

The best conclusion about the etiology of Major Depressive Disorder is that:

genetic and environmental factors both play a substantial role in the development of this disorder

Law of Effect

responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become more likely to occur again in that situation, and responses that produce a discomforting effect become less likely to occur again in that situation

An item characteristic curve (ICC) indicates:

info about actual item characteristics

a structural family therapist will

inject/create stress to unbalance the family homeostasis

Solomon 4 group is used to evaluate

internal and external validity

Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder

involves episodes of arousal during REM sleep that are usually associated with VOCALIZATIONS and/or complex MOTOR behaviors that are consistent with the person's dream. Upon awakening, the person is alert and oriented.

a memory in sensory memory

is coded in the form of the original stimulus

for transtheoretical model of change, what are the two factors that move people forward

perceived self efficacy and decisional balance

True Positive

someone who has been identified by the predictor as having the target characteristic and, in fact, does have the characteristic.

True Negative

someone who has been identified by the predictor as not having the target characteristic and, in fact, doesn't have the characteristic.

The owner of several used-car lots wants to determine the effectiveness of sales training for his salespeople. He randomly assigns one of his lots to Training Program #1, another to Training Program #2, and a third to a no-treatment condition. It turns out that one of the training group lots is in a low-income neighborhood, while the other two lots are in a middle-income neighborhood. The owner will compare the gross sales of the three lots during a randomly-chosen week in the middle of the summer after the training programs have been completed. The effects of the location of the car lots: Select one: A. is a source of unreliability. B. is a source of reactivity. C. is a threat to internal validity. D. is a threat to statistical validity.

threat to internal validity

Cerebellum is responsible for

timing and coordination voluntary motor movements

fiedlers contingency theory

to be most effective, a leaders personality should meet the demands of a situation

When a test's reliability coefficient is equal to 0, the standard error of measurement for the test is:

which equals the standard deviation of the test. the formula for the standard error of measurement indicates that, when the reliability coefficient is 0, the standard error of measurement equals the test's standard deviation times the square root of one minus zero,

Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Arousal Disorder

, sleep terror type experiences sleep terror episodes that are usually accompanied by a panicky scream. The person shows signs of autonomic arousal, usually does not fully awaken, is unresponsive to the efforts of others to comfort him/her, rarely remembers any dreams he/she may have had, and has amnesia for the episode on awakening in the morning.

for every 50 Whites that apply, 6 are hired, and for every 50 African-Americans that apply, 3 are hired

12% of White applicants (6/50) are being hired and 6% (3/50) of African-American applicants are being hired.

for a dx of ADHD, diagnosis requires a minimum of ______ sx for at least ______ months

6, 6 (in at least two settings)

according to Piaget, a child cannot gain a true understanding of addition and subtraction until they are how old?

7 years of age

An item characteristic curve (ICC) indicates: Select one: A. the relationship between the likelihood that an examinee will endorse the item and the examinee's level on the attribute measured by the test. B. the expected number of scale items answered correctly as a function of the attribute(s) measured by the scale. C. the expected range within which an examinee's obtained score is likely to fall given the effects of measurement error. D. the degree to which the item is actually measuring the attribute purportedly measured by the test.

A ICC provides info about an items characteristics

Surveys of heterosexual men and women have found that, with regard to sexual satisfaction in mid- to late-adulthood: A. men report being more physically and emotionally satisfied with their current sexual relationships than women do. B. women report being more physically and emotionally satisfied with their current sexual relationships than men do. C. men and women report nearly identical levels of physical and emotional satisfaction with their current sexual relationships. D. men report being more physically satisfied but women report being more emotionally satisfied with their current sexual relationships.


The concept of triangulation is central to general systems theory and can be found in the work of Bowen, Minuchin, Satir, and others. Although these theorists differ somewhat in their definition of triangulation, in general, it is said to be occurring when: Select one: A. to reduce tension between them, a two-person system draws in a third party. B. to reduce tension between them, the members of a two-person system focus their attention on a third party. C. to avoid dealing with the conflict between them, a two-person system forms an alliance against a third person. D. to reduce conflict, two members of a three-person system assume a submissive role when interacting with the third dominant member.

A Minuchin described three types of triangles

Without rehearsal, information is held in short-term memory for a brief period of time. According to interference theory this is due to which of the following? A. a limited capacity B. insufficient consolidation C. inadequate memory cues D. the decay of memory traces over time

A, a limited capacity

method of loci/other nemonic most useful for

A. information that is not inherently meaningful.

A large law firm is facing a difficult and involved case. The senior partner asks a group of four lawyers to verbalize all ideas that come into their minds about the case, no matter how absurd the ideas may be. He then asks four other lawyers to do the same thing separately (individually) rather than as a group. The senior partner can expect that:

A. the individual lawyers will come up with the best ideas.

ADHD and OCD may be hard to distinguish in some kids because

ADHD kids may compensate for attention deficits by making repettitive routines

traditional American Indian decision making is best described as

As a group, American Indians place greater emphasis on the family and the tribe than on the self and this is reflected in their social organization and decision-making process, which have been described as "consensual collateral."

Major Depressive Disorder has been linked to all of the following sleep disturbances except: Select one: A. reduced Stage 3 and Stage 4 sleep. B. increased slow-wave (non-REM) sleep. C. decreased REM latency. D. decreased sleep continuity.

B less non-rem sleep Decreased slow wave sleep

During the third therapy session, a client reveals to you that he has been seeing another psychologist for the past six months. The client claims that this therapist doesn't seem to be "doing any good," and that he feels you'll be better able to help him. As an ethical psychologist, you should: Select one: A. call the psychologist and inform her of the situation but only with the client's consent. B. tell the client you will continue therapy with him but discuss the implications of the situation. C. tell the client you cannot continue therapy with him unless he terminates therapy with the other psychologist. D. continue seeing the client but suggest that it would be best if he terminates therapy with the other psychologist.

B tell the client you will continue therapy with him but discuss implications of the situation

Mental health professionals are sometimes called upon to assist the court in assessing a person's potential for violent behavior. In general, the predictions made by psychologists and psychiatrists yield an abundance of: Select one: A. false negatives. B. false positives. C. true negatives. D. true positives.

B, False Positives MH professionals tend to predict they will be violent when they really won't

From the perspective of traditional psychoanalysis, transference is: A. an impediment to therapy progress. B. a form of resistance. C. a form of catharsis. D. an ego defense mechanism.

B, a form of resistance or an unwillingness to relinquish one's fantasy that one's infantile wishes will be gratified.

Taylor russel tables

Base rate selection ratio validity coefficient

Dr. Cooper is appointed by the court to evaluate a 42-year old man who is the defendant in a court proceeding. With regard to privilege, Dr. Cooper should be aware that: Select one: A. the defendant is the holder of the privilege and must sign a waiver of confidentiality before any information is given to the court. B. Dr. Cooper is the holder of the privilege in this situation and it is his responsibility to determine what information to release to the court. C. privilege is waived in this situation but Dr. Cooper should inform the defendant of the limits on confidentiality. D. privilege is waived in this situation and Dr. Cooper can decide if it is appropriate to inform the defendant of the limits on confidentiality. Feedback


The APA's (2002)Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct states that when conducting a psychological assessment of a client, an informed consent: Select one: A. is required in all situations. B. is required in all situations and must be in written format and signed by the client. C. is required except in certain circumstances. D. is required except in certain circumstances and, when required, must be in written format and signed by the client.


you receive a letter from the Ethics Committee asking for information about a former client who has filed a complaint against her current therapist. You stopped seeing the client over seven years ago. You should: not comply with the Committee's request initially and claim privilege on behalf of your client. B. cooperate with the Committee's request by sending them the information you believe is relevant to the case. C. cooperate with the Committee's request by sending them the information you believe is relevant to the case after confirming that the client has signed a release. D. inform the Committee that the information you have about the client is obsolete and that you're ethically obligated not to forward it to them.


According to Kelman (1961), __________ occurs when a person changes his/her behavior as the result of social influence in order to obtain reinforcement or avoid punishment. Select one: A. conformity B. compliance C. internalization D. exernalization

Compliance want to gain a reward and avoid a punishment

According to the APA's Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations, when the linguistic skills of a psychologist do not match the client's language, the psychologist: Select one: A. must make a referral. B. may ask the client to bring an interpreter. C. should retain the services of a translator who has the appropriate cultural/linguistic knowledge and professional training. D. should make a referral or, if not feasible, should retain an appropriate translator.


Work by Perry and colleagues (1986) suggests that highly aggressive children: Select one: A. were exposed prenatally to high levels of androgens. B. are less sensitive to physical discomfort than less aggressive children. C. exhibited a disoriented/disengaged attachment pattern as young children. D. show little remorse after hurting another child.


Research comparing younger and older workers has found that: A. younger workers tend to be more satisfied than older workers are. B. younger workers have more realistic expectations about their jobs than older workers do. C. younger workers are more concerned about pay and job security than older workers are. D. younger workers expect more personal fulfillment from their jobs than older workers do.

D younger workers expect more personal fulfillment from their jobs than older workers do

psychologists don't/do have to protect third party HIV people



Excitatory role in long term potentiation (LTP) which is believed to be responsible for long term memory formation excessive levels can produce excitotoxicity

Which of the following neurotransmitters has been implicated in both long-term potentiation and the "excitotoxcity" that is believed to underlie several neurodegenerative disorders? Select one: A. serotonin B. acetylcholine C. norepinephrine D. glutamate


Baumgartner's longitudinal research (2001) identified a six-phase process for incorporating a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS into one's identity. The final phase in this process is: Select one: A. post-immersion turning point. B. stabilization. C. immersion. D. integration.


principles of equipotentiality

Lashley (1890-1958) positing that all areas of the brain are equally able to perform a task. ... For example, memory functioning was thought to be diffusely distributed throughout the cortex rather than related to defined circuits or pathways.


Micro-- meso---exo---macro

All or None principle

Refers to the fact that the action potential in the axon occurs either full-blown or not at all.

multitrait-multimethod matrix to organize the data she has collected in a validation study of her newly developed self-report measure of self-esteem. The matrix indicates that the correlation between her self-report measure of self-esteem and an established (previously validated) teacher rating of self-esteem is .91. This correlation coefficient suggests that the self-report measure of self-esteem has: Select one: A. high reliability. B. low incremental validity. C. adequate convergent validity. D. adequate discriminant validity.

The correlation between the newly developed test (the test that is being validated) and a measure of the same or a related trait provides information about the test's convergent validity. When that correlation is relatively large (and a correlation of .91 is considered a large correlation), this suggests that the test has an adequate level of convergent validity.

Bandura and imitation

boys and girls IMITATE an aggressive model EVEN WHEN THERE IS NO REINFORCEMENT for them or for the model for doing so.

High score on ______ scale of mmpi suggests

carelessness in responding, an attempt to look bad, malingering

for binge eating disorder, treatment

cognitive behavioral therapy alone is superior to treatment with an SSRI alone but, for some patients, combining the two treatments improves outcomes.

utilization review

cost effectiveness of services

best way to memorize word pairs

create visual images w the words that links each word pair

Bronnfenbrennners macrosystem consists of

cultural values, beliefs, and customs

Use of which of the following provided Broadbent (1958) with support for his filter theory of attention?

dichotic listening task

amphetamine-induced psychosis supports the link between _______ and Schizophrenia.


borderline personality sx are most severe during which stage of life

early adult years

glutamate is responsible for ________ and alcohol

effects of alcohol on cognitive abilities

Implicit vs. explicit memory

explicit- have to work hard to remember implicit-- word stem technique? whatever comes to mind effortless and automatic

Resilient children

have a "cluster of protective factors" but that one element in the cluster of all children was a consistent relationship with a parent, grandparent, older sibling, etc.

circular questioning is used in systemic family therapy in order to

help family members realize differences in perceptions

research on visual imagery links it to which part of the brain


Parametric tests require

homogeneity in variance across tx groups

critical incident technique (CIT)

identifies employees effective and ineffective job behaviors

An assessment center is likely to include a

in basket technique

In an organization, an assessment center is most likely to include which of the following?

in basket techniques

Lewinsohn initially focused on what for tx of depression

increasing activity levels (behavioral activation)

One criticism of BARS is that: (EXPECT)

it requires raters to indicate the kinds of behaviors they would expect of ratees rather than the behaviors that they have actually observed.

participant modeling

live modeling is combined with having the individual perform the behavior with assistance from the model. This is referred to as participant modeling

neurotransmitter glutamate is believed to be responsible for:

long term potentiation excitatory underlies neurocognitive disorders

Why is it necessary to carefully monitor a heroin addict who is being administered methadone while going through withdrawal?

maintain a constant therapeutic level within the bloodstream

factitious disorder vs. malingering

malingering-= secondary gainn l

binge eating disorder

must engage in binge eating once a week for at least 3 months

which shift has most detrimental impact on health

night shift

Information on which of the following would be most useful for determining whether a client's impotence has a physiological or psychological etiology?

nocturnal erections

Research by the French social psychologist Serge Moscovici (1985) suggests that, if you represent the minority position on an issue and want to convince other group members that your position is best, the best strategy is to

not waiver from your position

While treating a client for snake phobia, a therapist handles the snake and then guides the client through a series of steps until she is able to handle the snake herself. This technique is referred to as:

participant modeling

quality assurance

quality of services/availability

utility analysis

return on investment of programs

Social psychologists define __________ as knowledge about particular situations and how events in those situations ordinarily unfold. Select one: A. prototype B. script C. heuristic D. propositional network


for animal research, which is not explicitly discussed in the ethics code

security of the lab

most common side effect of bentos is


noncontingent reinforcement leads to

superstitious behavior

client should be given the supervisors name (if an intern is seeing client) when

that the client be given the supervisor's name when "the supervisor has legal responsibility for the case."

Causality in an ABAB research design is when

the behavior reverts back to baseline when the treatment is removed/withdrawn

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