Prenatal Development and Birth

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A new mother's feelings of inadequacy and sadness in the days and weeks after giving birth.

postpartum depression

_____ is the process that occurs when the developing zygote embeds into the placenta.


In the fetal period, the fetus grows from the length of a final thumb joint to about _____ inches in length at birth.


Which of the following is a reflex that is critical for survival? A. Moro B. Babinski C. rooting D. stepping


The average length of active labor in a first birth is about _____ hours.


Sam was born preterm at 22 weeks. He may survive with medical intervention because he has reached the _____.

age of viability

An unlearned, involuntary action or movement in response to a stimulus. It occurs without conscious thought.


In a normal birth, fetal hormones trigger _____, setting the spontaneous onset of labor in motion.

uterine contractions

symptoms of pregnancy and birth experienced by fathers


Exposure to teratogens during weeks 3 to 4 of pregnancy may result in birth defects to which of the following parts of the body?


In the germinal period, about half of developing organisms do not survive. This can be explained by _____ failure.


The process, beginning about 10 days after conception, in which the developing organism burrows into the placenta that lines the uterus where it can be nourished and protected as it continues to develop.


_____ in the uterus has to occur for a woman to confirm her suspicions that she is pregnant.


a form of newborn care in which mothers, and sometimes fathers, rest their babies on their naked chests, like the mothers that carry their immature newborns in a pouch on their abdomen.

kangaroo care

The onrush of _____ in the male fetus is one reason why neurological sex differences occur in the third month of pregnancy.


Newborn Simi enthusiastically moves her arms and legs when her mother pulls a T-shirt over her head and momentarily covers her face. She is demonstrating the _____ reflex.


In prenatal development, the point at which a teratogen is relatively harmless in small doses but becomes harmful once exposure reaches a certain level.

threshold effect

an image of a fetus, or an internal organ, produced by using high-frequency sound waves. Also called sonogram.


A body weight at birth of less than 3 pounds, 5 ounces - 1,500 grams

very low birthweight (VLBW)

Contractions at the beginning of labor are typically _____ minutes apart.

15 to 20

What event in the development of the brain leads to the need for synaptic pruning?

During the fetal period and extending into early childhood, neural networks grow at a rapid rate; in particular, the extensions of neurons and the gaps between neurons (synapses). Pruning removes some of these gaps, allowing customization to the individual's nervous system and life experiences.

A preterm baby is born ____ or more weeks before the full 38 weeks of a typical pregnancy.


A baby described as small for gestational age (SGA): A. weighs significantly lower than expected for the time since conception. B. weighs less than 3 pounds at birth. C. always has chromosomal abnormalities. D. is a premature baby.


A father's presence during the birth process may reduce: A. medical complications. B. contractions. C. the need for fetal monitoring. D. the need for medical support.


A teratogen is: A. a substance that increases the risk of prenatal abnormalities B. genetic markers that influence development C. waste product from the fetus D. a cell with an extra chromosome


Afterbirth includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. fluid from the amniotic sac. B. the placenta. C. the umbilical cord. D. other membranes.


All of the following are difficulties likely to affect infants born with fetal alcohol syndrome EXCEPT: A. limb malformations. B. problems with attention and memory. C. problems with language development. D. poor social skills.


Baby Anna is one-week-old. Her father places his finger near her mouth and she immediately begins to suck on it. This reflex is one of the set of reflexes that manages: A. feeding. B. body temperature. C. comfort. D. oxygen supply.


Cerebral palsy results in impairment of: A. motor functions. B. hearing. C. sight. D. cognitive ability.


Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) may cause a group of problems that fall under the label of: A. fetal alcohol effects. B. toxoplasmosis. C. FAS has no long term effects. D. attention deficit disorder.


High levels of alpha-fetoprotein are an indicator of neural tube defects. A. true B. false


In order to fit within the skull, the outer layers of the developing brain form: A. folds. B. layers. C. rings. D. gaps.


Mary, age 37, is pregnant for the first time, and her doctor has ordered a series of routine screening procedures. Mary's doctor probably will NOT order: A. chorionic villus sampling. B. amniocentesis. C. sonogram. D. AFP assay.


NBAS is an acronym for which of the following? A. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale B. National Behavioral Association System C. National Baby Assessment Scale D. Newborn Baby Awareness Study


The brain part that expands throughout the fetal period is the cerebral cortex. A. True B. False


The connections between neurons—where chemical signals from one cell's axon travel to another cell's dendrite or body—are at the synapses. A. true B. false


The end of the germinal period is marked by the _____ of the _____ in the wall of the uterus. A. implantation; blastocyst B. implantation; zygote C. differentiation; blastocyst D. fertilization; zygote


The prenatal term "viability" means: A. life outside the womb can be possible. B. survival WITHOUT medical intervention is possible. C. the lungs have developed sufficiently to function unaided. D. brain development is complete.


List the categories of teratogens.

- Medicines - Maternal Diseases and Infections - Environmental Pollutants - Psychoactive Drugs - Poor Maternal Nutrition

What do you think are the most important themes of development during the fetal period? Be sure to support your thoughts with specific details in the space below.

- dramatic growth in body size as the fetus is approximately one inch long at week nine and approximately 20 inches at birth - shift in proportions as the lower portion of the body begins to catch up with the early and rapid development of the head that occurred during the embryonic period - functional development of the various organ systems as each system gradually begins working and then becomes more efficient in preparation for birth.

What do the developmentalists mean when they say that the embryonic period is the most critical period of prenatal development?

- the support systems for the future baby are formed during the embryonic period - all of the basic organs of the body take shape during the embryonic period - all of the body systems begin working during the embryonic period - development after the eighth week, which marks the end of the embryonic period, will be primarily growth and refinement of the features that are formed during the embryonic period.

A quick assessment of a newborn's health. The baby's color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone, and respiratory effort are given a score of 0, 1, or 2 twice - at one minute and five minutes after birth - and each time the total of all five scores is compared with the maximum score of 10, which is rarely attained.

Apgar scale

During the fetal period, the rate of growth slows as the infant prepares for birth. A. true B. false


In what percentage of births in the United States are cesarean sections performed? A. 41 B. 34 C. 21 D. 11


Newborns impact their families both directly and indirectly. An indirect impact would be the fact that the baby will make its parents into a mother and a father. Which of the following is an example of a direct impact the child will have? A. an increase in birth hormones alters the mother's body chemistry B. psychological problems like post-partum depression C. decrease in parental brain activity D. lower cortisol rates between the parents


Risk for the majority of teratogenic effects is greatest during: A. the germinal period. B. the embryonic period. C. the fetal period. D. delivery and birth.


The SRY gene signals the development of the: A. cardiovascular system. B. sex organs. C. neural tube. D. placenta.


The embryo has all the basic organs and body parts (except male and female organs) at approximately how many weeks after conception? A. 1 week B. 8 weeks C. 15 weeks D. 4 weeks


The embryonic period begins with _____ and lasts for _____ weeks. A. fertilization; three B. implantation; six C. implantation; eight D. fertilization; thirty-six


To test the implications of early emotional bonding, scientists have explored infant emotionality by separating monkey babies from their natural mothers in the first days of life, allowing them to be raised by another of their species. This strategy is called: A. inter-family care. B. cross-fostering. C. bond-breaking. D. abandonment.


What percentage of zygotes grow and survive to become living newborn babies? A. 22 percent B. 40 percent C. 11 percent D. 55 percent


A test often administered to newborns that measures responsiveness and records 46 behaviors, including 20 reflexes.

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)

Anika watches her newborn son, dressed in only his diaper, on the changing table as she grabs a new sleeper. She notices that he tucks his legs up close to his body before he begins to cry. These reflexes are part of the set of reflexes that manages: A. oxygen supply. B. feeding. C. maintaining body temperature. D. comfort.


Couvade and the parent-infant bond are similar because both: A. involve 2-week-olds. B. rely on medical support. C. are empathetic states. D. involve skin-to-skin contact.


Mike and Ted are newborns. Mike's mother finds his sucking reflex is strong, while Ted's mother worries that his sucking reflex is weak. This difference signals that: A. Ted is lazy. B. Ted does not like breast-feeding. C. the boys are unique individuals. D. Mike has more strength than Ted. Mike has more strength than Ted.


Newborns affect their families both directly and indirectly. An indirect impact would be that the baby will make the people who created him or her into a mother and father. Which is NOT an example of a direct impact that the child will have on his or her family? A. the fetal hormones alter the mother's body chemistry B. an increase in parental brain activity C. a decrease in emotional attachment between the father and mother. D. the impact of the child on the parent's emotionality


The development period when the brain experiences the most growth and maturity is the: A. embryonic period. B. germinal period. C. fetal period. D. conception.


__________ is a blood test that can be performed between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy. A. Chorionic villus sampling B. Amniocentesis C. Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) assay D. A Doppler test.


Karen's doctor has warned her about _____. These are agents and conditions that can harm the prenatal brain, impairing the future child's intellectual and emotional functioning.

behavioral teratogens

Lithium use during pregnancy: A. can harm the baby's teeth. B. can affect the development of the baby's facial features. C. can cause limb deformities. D. can cause heart abnormalities.


Teratology is the study of: A. embryonic development. B. fetal development. C. birthing methods. D. variables that increase the risk of prenatal abnormalities.


The Apgar scale measures all of the following except: A. color. B. heart rate. C. respiratory effect. D. size.


The embryo goes through many changes. One of those changes includes the phases of development of the spinal cord. What is the correct order of the phases below? A. CNS, neural tube, spinal column B. neural tube, primitive streak, spinal column C. neural tube, spinal column, primitive streak D. primitive streak, neural tube, central nervous system


Which of the following happens during the germinal period? A. The neural tube forms. B. The blastocyst becomes a fetus. C. The indifferent gonad differentiates. D. Implantation


Which term refers to an involuntary response to a particular stimulus? A. symbolic representation B. habit C. motor skill D. reflex


Why exposure to teratogens during the embryonic period carries the greatest risk for developmental abnormalities?

During the embryonic period, all of the major organ systems, such as the circulation, nervous, and digestive systems, are beginning to develop. The movement of cells to their final destinations and the differentiation of cells into their specific roles can be disrupted if the chemistry of the uterus is changed by the introduction of a teratogen. Therefore, the major organs are very vulnerable to teratogens during this period.

Seven-year-old Sam cannot sit still in class and is often disruptive. His teacher has noticed that he has difficulty reading and playing with other children. She knows that his mother has a drinking problem. Sam could be displaying effects of _____.

behavioral teratogens

Dr. Nelson is researching the formation of the _____, which is formed from a shell that will become the placenta, and a nucleus that will become the embryo.


the age (about 22 weeks after conception) at which a fetus might survive outside the mother's uterus if specialized medical care is available

age of viability

A lack of oxygen that, if prolonged, can cause brain damage or death.


Agents and conditions that can harm the prenatal brain, impairing the future child's intellectual and emotional functioning.

behavioral teratogens

A disorder that results from damage to the brain's motor centers. Genetic vulnerability, teratogens, and maternal infection are often the cause of this disorder. People with this disorder have difficulty with muscle control, so their speech and/or body movements are impaired.

cerebral palsy

A surgical birth, in which incisions through the mother's abdomen and uterus allow the fetus to be removed quickly, instead of being delivered through the vagina. Also called simply section.

cesarean section (c-section)

A woman who helps with the birth process. Traditionally in Latin America, she was the only professional who attended childbirth. Now they are likely to arrive at the woman's home during early labor and late work alongside a hospital's staff.


the name for a developing human organism from about the third through the eighth week after conception


The stage of prenatal development from approximately the third through the eighth week after conception, during which the basic forms of all body structures, including internal organs, develop.

embryonic period

Marta's newborn daughter had problems breathing, was pale, and had limp muscle tone immediately after birth. When a neonatal physician came to the delivery room, she knew Marta's daughter's Apgar score would be less than 4, indicating that _____ is needed.

emergency help

The result of a laboratory test that reports something as true when in fact it is not true. This can occur for pregnancy tests, when a woman might not be pregnant even though the test says she is, or during pregnancy when a problem is reported that actually does not exist.

false positive

A cluster of birth defects, including abnormal facial characteristics, slow physical growth, and reduced intellectual ability, that may occur in the fetus of a woman who drinks alcohol while pregnant.

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

The stage of prenatal development from the ninth week after conception until birth, during which the fetus gains about 7 pounds (more than 3000 grams) and organs become more mature, gradually able to function on their own.

fetal period

the name for a developing human organism from the start of the ninth week after conception until birth.


The first two weeks of prenatal development after conception, characterized by rapid cell division and the beginning of cell differentiation.

germinal period

A body weight at birth of less than 5 and 1/2 pounds - 2,500 grams.

low birthweight (LBW)

The _____ reflex occurs when a baby is startled.


When the phone rang and woke 1-month-old Alice from her nap, she cried and flung her arms out and then brought them back to her chest. She was demonstrating the _____ reflex.


The speed of neural impulses along an axon is increased greatly by ____


A doctor is examining an ultrasound of an embryo and observes a thin line that will become the _____ running down the middle of the embryo.

neural tube

Newborn Tabitha enthusiastically moves her arms and legs when her mother pulls a T-shirt over her head and momentarily covers her face. This movement demonstrates one of the reflexes that maintains _____.

oxygen supply

At about 38 weeks after conception, the fetal brain signals the release of hormones, specifically _____, which prepares the fetus for delivery and begins labor.


When infant Graham grabbed his mother's finger after she touched his hand, he was demonstrating the _____ reflex.

palmar grasping

the strong, loving connection that forms as parents hold, examine, and feed their newborn

parent-infant bond

Cooperation between a mother and a father based on their mutual commitment to their children. In this, the parents support each other in their shared parental roles.

parental alliance

A birth that occurs 3 or more weeks before the full 38 weeks of the typical pregnancy, that is, at 35 or fewer weeks after conception.


A doctor is examining an ultrasound of an embryo and observes a thin line called the _____ running down the middle of the embryo; this will later become the neural tube.

primitive streak

When Rachel was playing with her infant son, Leo, she brushed a cloth gently against his cheek. Leo moved his mouth toward the cloth and began to suck it. He was exhibiting the _____ reflex.


The baby is actually pushed out and delivered in the _____ stage of labor.


A term for a baby whose birthweight is significantly lower than expected, given the time since conception. For example, a 5-pound, 2,265-gram, newborn is considered this if born on time but not this if born two months earlier. Also called small-for-date.

small for gestational age (SGA)

Remy's father loves to play airplane with his 3-week-old. He holds Remy in a football hold, where his abdomen rests against his father's arm, and moves through the air, while Remy stretches out his arms and legs. Remy is demonstrating the _____ reflex.


An agent or condition, including viruses, drugs, and chemicals, that can impair prenatal development and result in birth defects or even death.


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