Principles of Children's Development

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To ensure a high-quality early childhood program, caregivers and teachers should

observe each child regularly and keep continuous written records of each child's development in each domain

To help children learn, you should

provide opportunities for children to repeat appropriate learning activities often

Time spent doing work that is beyond children's developmental level in the preschool years

robs children of opportunities to participate in activities that are developmentally appropriate

Young children learn the most from experiences that involve

several senses

Children are motivated by problems that are ____ what they have already mastered

similar to yet somewhat different from

Children's ability to interact with other people is a part of their ______ development


Children learn best from

their own first-hand experiences

Tactile/kinesthetic learners learn best

when they are active

Which of the following is the most appropriate way to assess a child's progress and potential? A. compare the child with the other children in the group B. consider each child's overall level of development C. compare the child with standard developmental norms D. compare the child with others of the same age that you have cared for over the years

B. consider each child's overall level of development

which of the following is the best course of action if a child who enters your care appears to have missed an optimal period for learning and development and is now deficient in certain skills, abilities, or knowledge? A. understand that these deficits are permanent and expect less from the child B. explain to the child's parents that the child will never be able to function well in this area C. be sensitive, understanding, and respectful of the child's deficits and provide appropriate opportunities for remedial development and learning D. ignore the child's deficits and expect the child to function the same as his agemates

C. be sensitive, understanding, and respectful of the child's deficits and provide appropriate opportunities for remedial development and learning

Which of the following has research found to be effective in improving children's basic motor performance? A. adult instruction B. physical maturation C. practice D. pointing out children's weaknesses and mistakes

C. practice

Which letter answer below places the five stages of children's social participation in play in the sequence in which the stages occur? A. onlooker play, solitary play, associative play, parallel play, cooperative play B. solitary play, parallel play, onlooker play, cooperative play, associative play C. solitary play, onlooker play, parallel play, associative play, cooperative play D. parallel play, solitary play, onlooker play, associative play, cooperative play

C. solitary play, onlooker play, parallel play, associative play, cooperative play

Which statement is true about children's intelligences? A. most children have only one of the eight intelligences V. most children have only two or three of the eight intelligences C. most children have all but one or two of the eight intelligences D. every child has all eight intelligences, but in different proportions

D. every child has all eight intelligences, but in different proportions

Which of the following is the best way to choose activities that are appropriate for an individual child? A. select activities that are recommended for the child's age B. select activities that appeal to the majority of the children in your group C. select activities that are the least trouble to prepare and clean up after D. observe the child regularly to determine his/her current level of development

D. observe the child regularly to determine his/her current level of development

To help children learn, you should I. provide opportunities for many learning experiences that involve several senses II. provide new sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and things for children to touch III. encourage children to experiment with new ways to use play materials IV> concentrate on learning experiences that involve only one sense at a time V. stick to learning experiences that involve no more than two senses at a time


Which of the following indicate strength in naturalist intelligence? I. relates well to pets II. sensitive to earth's geological features III. enjoys planing and tending a garden IV. interested in the environment V. prefers to work alone


How well a child's various intelligences develop depends on the I. child's inherited characteristics II. presence or absence of injuries to the child's brain III. child's educational opportunities IV. child's interactions with other people V. child's cultural background


Which of the following indicate an understanding of the principle that new development is based on previous development? I. Annie, the caregiver, helps Jerry grasp the concept of one-to-one correspondence before she expects him to learn to count II. Carl chooses activities for the children in his care that are familiar yet somewhat different from what the children have already mastered III. Sarah presents new concepts to the children in her care in the context of what the children already know and can do IV. Betty regularly observes the infants in her care to determine their current level of development V. When the children in Kim's care encounter new experiences, Kim helps them understand the connection between these experiences and their past experiences


Which of the following teacher behaviors respect the active nature of young children's learning? I. ask children questions and encourage them to experiment II. follow the child's lead when participating in an activity with the child III. provide plenty of time each day for children to engage in large motor activities IV. allow children to be in control of their play V. consider children's goals when assessing their behaviors


which of the following factors are important for children's learning and development? I. fresh air II. nutritious meals and snack III. rest IV. clean, safe space V. access to clean toilet facilities


Which of the following are aspects of the physical domain of children's development? I. large motor skills II. brain development III. sensory awareness IV. coordination of muscle groups V> perceptual development VI. small motor skills


Which of the following are important to ensure a high-quality, developmentally appropriate early childhood program? I. self-paced activities are available every day II. special help is provided for children whose development in a domain is challenged III. all children are expected to do the same activities in the same manner at the same time IV. children have opportunities to experience growth in each domain every day. V. limit pretend play to no more than twice a week


Which of the following indicate strength in logical-mathematical intelligence? I. enjoys logical puzzles and games II. good with numbers III. enjoys drawing IV. enjoys experimenting with patterns V. good vocabulary


Which practices will help children feel valued? I. showing them respect II. providing them opportunities to explore, discover, and learn III. giving them attention only when they demand it IV. stating rules in terms of what they should not do V. providing them opportunities to develop their independence

I, II, V

Which of the following indicate strength in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence? I. good fine motor coordination II. able to visualize images in head III. processes knowledge through bodily sensations IV. tends to move around, touch things, and gesture V. feels at home in nature


According to this lesson, which of the following skills do preschoolers need to learn in order to do well in school? I. understand and use their language II. the alphabet and numerals III. control of their own behavior IV. get along with other children V. control of their own bodies


Language development includes I. spoken language II. thinking and reasoning III. sign language IV. written language V. understanding what other say or sign


Which of the following are parts of cognitive development? I. thinking II. sensory awareness III. reasoning IV. interacting with other people V. solving problems


Children's learning proceeds from I. the simple to the complex II. the unknown to the known III> a focus on themselves to a capacity for awareness and appreciation of others IV. a perception of the whole to an ability to perceive parts of the whole V. the concrete to the abstract

I, III, iV, V

Which of the following indicate strength in verbal-linguistic intelligence? I. good storyteller II. sensitive to nonverbal sounds III. good with numbers IV. enjoys reading V. uses words effectively

I, IV, V

A developmentally appropriate early childhood program I. concentrates primarily on teacher-initiated learning activities II. focus on concrete rather than abstract III. recognizes and respects the active nature of children's learning IV. allows each child to progress at his or her own individual pace V. uses worksheets to measure children's progress VI. concentrates primarily on teacher-directed learning activities


Connections between children's brain cells I. are completely and permanently formed at birth II. grow out of children's sensory experiences III. are stronger when an experience occurs often IV. form the basis of memory V. become permanent once they are formed


Which of the following indicate strength in musical intelligence? I. good hand-eye coordination II. sensitive to nonverbal sounds and rhythms III. able to remember musical melodies IV. responsive to the emotions expressed by music V. requires quiet place to concentrate


Which of the following indicate strength in spatial intelligence? I. enjoys logical puzzles II. can construct three-dimensional forms III. able to visualize images in head IV. thinks in pictures and images V. enjoys jigsaw puzzles


Which of the following indicate strength in intrapersonal intelligence? I. has lots of friends II. learns best in individualized projects III> strong-willed and persistent IV. prefers to work with a group V. strong sense of self-confidence


Which of the following indicate strength in interpersonal intelligence? I. prefers to work alone II. has strong leadership skills III. good hand-eye coordination IV. able to read other people''s moods, feelings, and intentions V. highly motivated to achieve own goals


Field-dependent learners I. are goal oriented II. learn best in a cooperative learning environment III. value individual effort IV. perceive elements as part of a total picture V. prefer an informal, loosely structured learning environment


Children's learning proceeds from I. the symbolic to the behavior (enactive) II. goal-directed to the exploration III. impulsive to controlled IV> inaccurate to more accurate


Orderly, predictable sequences of change occur in ____ domains of children's development.

all (physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and language)

Academic early childhood programs

are inappropriate for young children

Frustration and failure

are necessary steps in children's learning process

To say children develop holistically means

children's development in each domain influences and is influenced by their development in all the other domains

Managing and expressing feelings is part of children's ______ development


The cumulative effect of children's early experiences means that

experiences that occur with frequency produce the most intense and long-last effects

All children

follow the same sequence of development but proceed at their own individual pace

Cognitive development regers to

how children come to know and understand the world

If children do not feel safe, secure, and valued

it will be difficult for them to learn and develop to their fullest potential in any domain of development

Tasks that adults expect a child to accomplish but that are too difficult for the child to master are likely to

lead to feeling of shame and guilt

Missing an optimal period for learning and development in a domain

makes development in that domain more difficult and may prevent the child from reaching the level of competency in this are that he might have reached if his development had not been delayed

Academic early childhood programs

may produce burnout in young children

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