Private Pilot License Written Exam

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Name the 3 primary sensory sources that provide you with an awareness of your body's position in space

Awareness of your body's position is a result of input from three primary sources: vision, the vestibular system, and your kinesthetic sense

Climbing Procedure

-Carb cold -Pwr increase -Control airspeed pitch -Altitude pwr

Descending Procedure

-Carb heat on -Pwr reduce -Maintain altitude until desired airspeed -Start decent, control airspeed w/ pitch -Control altitude pwr

Describe at least two functions performed by the engine oil system

-Lubricating the engines moving parts -Cooling the engine by reducing friction and removing some of the heat from the cylinders -Providing a seal between the cylinder walls and pistons -Carry away contaminants which are removed as the oil passes through a filter

Level-off procedure

-Reduce pwr (2000rpm) -Reduce pitch level flight attitude (dinner plate) -Check airspeed Maintain altitude

Describe the lost communication procedure used for landing at a Class D airspace primary airport

-Set your transponder code to 7600 -Remain outside or above the Class D airspace until you have determined the direction and flow of traffic. -Join the airport traffic pattern and maintain visual contact with the tower to receive light signals -In the daytime, acknowledge light signals by rocking your wings and at night by blinking your landing or navigation lights -A steady green signal indicates that you are cleared to land


-Take off into the wind to help with lift -Aileron into the wind when landing -Quartering headwind = turn to -Quartering tailwind = dive away

Runway Safety Check

-Windsock -Runway # -Mag compass = check -Mixture = rich -Directional Gyro = to compass

What are the 3 methods of broadcasting your intentions and receiving airport information at uncontrolled airports?

1) Communication w/ a UNICOM operator 2) Contacting an FSS on the field 3) Making a self-announce broadcast

Abort Procedure

1) Power to idle 2)Maximum effort (without skid) 3) Breaks 4) Stop 5) What's the problem

When transmitting on a CTAP, how many miles from the airport should you normally make your initial contact?

10 miles

Select the VHF frequency range used for aircraft communication radios

118.0 to 135.975 MHz

What is the maximum amount of position error that most civil users can expect from a GPS receiver?

15 meters

Class A airspace begins at what altitude?

18,000 ft MSL

Approximately what will a DME display indicate when you are directly over the station at 12,000ft AGL?

2 nautical miles

What is the maximum airspeed that you can fly below 10,000ft MSL?


What is the weight of 42 gallons of aviation gasoline?

252 lbs

How many GPS satellites are required to yield a three dimensional position?


If the CDI is deflected 3 dots to the right and your VOR indicator & heading indicator are in general agreement, where is your desired course?

6 degrees right

What marking indicates a closed runway?

A closed runway is designated by a yellow X

What is a line of position?

A range of possible positions along a specific line, one of which is the actual position of the aircraft

Which information can you obtain from the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)?

ATC procedures, a description of the airspace system and flight safety information

In addition to providing power to turn the propeller, what other functions does the engine in a typical training airplane perform?

Accessories mounted on, or connected to the engine generate electrical power, provide a vacuum source for some flight instruments and in most single-engine airplanes provide a source of heat for the pilot and passengers

What is the primary source document for identifying and ordering advisory circulars?

Advisory Circular Checklist (AC-00-2)

What are the restrictions to general aviation flight in the vicinity of the president?

All flight training activity is prohibited within 30 NM and nearly all general aviation flight is prohibited within in 10 NM

What is the term for the visual illusion of movement that occurs when you stare at a fixed light against a dark background for more than a few seconds?


Pronounce/write the following aircraft call sign using the phonetic alphabet: Cessna649SP

"Cessna six four niner Sierra Papa"

What should you do if you observe criminal activity, such as someone breaking into an airplane?

Call 911 and then call 1-866-GA SECURE

Beacon light pattern: white/ green

Civilian Land Airport

Explain the difference b/w the cone and rod cells of the retina?

Cones are concentrated in the center of the retina in a slight depression known as the fovea. The cones are sensitive to bright light and colors. The cones also slow you to see fine detail, but they do not function well in darkness. The rods, which are dispersed outside foveal area, react to low light and are responsible for most of your night and peripheral vision. The rods do not perceive color or detail well.

An airplane with a wheel mounted on the tail is equipped with what type of landing gear?

Conventional landing gear

What is the term used to describe the illusion of rotating in a different plane after moving the head during a constant rate turn?

Coriolis illusion

While flying at night, you observe a steady red and flashing red light ahead of your aircraft. Based on this light configuration, what is other aircrafts direction of movement?

Crossing from right to left

What is the term for the reference plane from which all horizontal measurements are made for weight and balance calculations?

Datum or reference datum

The uncontrolled, explosive ignition of the fuel/air mixture w/ in the cylinder's combustion chamber describ'es which type of abnormal combustion? What actions can you take while airborne to help correct for this problem?

Detonation. Since detonation can occur when the engine overheats, if you suspect detonation while in flight you should attempt to lower the cylinder temperature. Methods include: retarding the throttle, enriching the fuel mixture, and/or lowering the nose to increase airspeed and the cooling airflow around the engine

What information is usually entered on a navigation log?

Distance between checkpoints, cruising altitudes, true airspeed, wind correction angles, corrections for magnetic variation and compass for magnetic variation and compass deviation, estimated and actual groundspeed, fuel consumption rates, and estimated and actual times between checkpoints

Explain why your vestibular system does not sense any motion during a prolonged constant rate turn

During a prolonged constant-rate turn, your vestibular system may not sense any motion since the fluid in the semicircular canals eventually reaches equilibrium and the hair cells are no longer deflected

What is 121.5 frequency's appropriate use?

Emergency frequency

FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) publication description

Federal regulations require that this publication be carried in the aircraft during all flight operations

How is unusable fuel defined?

Fuel which cannot be drained or safely used in flight

Before Landing Check (GUMPS)

Gas - both Undercarriage - down Mixture - rich Prop - fixed Seatbelts/switches - on

The inability of the cells to effectively use oxygen

Histotoxic Hypoxia

What is true in regards to INS?

INS is a self-contained system; a typical INS unit derives its information from gyro-stablized accelerometers; it is unusual to find an INS installed in a light general aviation training aircraft

Explain when it would be necessary to request a special VFR clearance

If you wish to operate within an area of Class B,C,D, or E airspace which extends to the surface around the airport, when the ground visibility is less than 3 statute miles and the cloud ceiling is less than 1,000ft AGL. A special VFR clearance may allow you to enter, leave, or operate within most Class D & E surface areas and some B & C if the flight visibility is at least 1 statute miles and you can remain clear of clouds. At least 1 statute mile ground visibility is required for takeoff and landing

Compared to a lightly loaded airplane, what flight characteristics could be expected from a heavily loaded airplane?

It will stall at a higher speed, cruise at a lower speed and have less range

What is 122.9 frequency appropriate use?


Beacon light pattern: white/white/ green

Military Airport

ADF equipment is capable of recieving signals from what type(s) of facility?

NDBs & AM commercial broadcast stations

Explain the differences between NOTAM(Ds) and FDC NOTAMs

NOTAM(D) information is disseminated for all navigational facilities which are part of the U.S. airspace system, all public use airports, seaplane bases, and heliports listed tin the A/FD. FDC NOTAMs issued by the National Flight Data Center, contain regulatory information such as temporary flight restrictions or amendments to instrument approach procedures and other aeronautical charts

How can you learn the time and location of temporary flight restriction (TFRs)?

Obtain a weather briefing before every flight and ask for TFRs

Pitch control Airspeed, Power controls Altitude

Pitch - attitude of aircraft nose to horizon

What are the advantages of pilotage over dead reckoning?

Positions are found by direct observation of visual landmarks, off-course drif can be deflected in between checkpoints, and the results off-course corrections or changes in winds can usually be observed directly. It is the simplest chart and a pencil, and is immune from mechanical failures or breakdowns

If the center of gravity is too far forward, what flight characteristics would you expect?

The airplane would be more stable and stall at a higher speed

Select the true statement regarding the magnetic compass

The compass heading is the source used to set the gyroscopic heading indicator

When using a VORTAC-based RNAV system, how does the course displacement display differ from that associated with traditional VOR navigation?

The deviation scale is in nautical miles instead of degrees

Pilots Operating Handbook (POH) publication description

The format for this publication was standardized in 1975

What constitutes the difference between basic empty weight and licensed empty weight?

The weight of usable oil

Explain why an engine equipped with a fuel injection system is less susceptible to induction icing than one equipped with a float-type carburetor

There can be a sharp temperature drop in a float-type carburetor due to fuel vaporization and decreasing air pressure in the venturi. If water vapor in the air condeses when the carburetor temperature is at or below freezing ice may form. Since engines equipped with a fuel injection system eliminate the carburetor, they are relatively free from the formation of induction icing

Pilots Information Manual (PIM) publication description

This publication can serve as a useful study tool even though it may not contain information about optional equipment

Take Off Debrief

This will be a _________ take off on runway ________. Any problems prior to rotation we will abort the takeoff and stop on the runway. Any problems after take off and enough runway remains we will land on the available runway. If not enough runway remains, we will go to best glide @ 65 kts and land straight ahead.

Describe the procedure for activating 3-step pilot controlled lighting

To activate 3-step pilot-controlled lighting, the mike must be keyed seven times on the specified frequency to turn all the lights on at maximum-intensity, and three times for the lowest intensity lighting. The mike must be keyed the required # of times within a period of five seconds

What is the purpose of trim devices?

Trim devices aerodynamically help move a control surface, or maintain the surface in a desired position

If you fail to close your VFR flight plan, an expensive and potentially dangerous search can be started for your airplane


The indications on an HSI change with aircraft heading


What is the frequency 122.8 appropriate use?


Explain the purpose of a displaced threshold and the operation limitations associated with it

Usually a displaced threshold indicates that there are obstructions such as trees, powerlines, or buildings off the end of the runway. This might prohibit a normal descent and landing on the initial portion of the pavement. Although the pavement leading up to a displaced threshold may not be used for landing, it may be available for taxiing, the landing rollout, and takeoffs

What is an advantage of the VHF frequencies used for VOR navigation?

VHF radio waves are less susceptible to interference than low frequency radio waves

Beacon light pattern: white/yellow

Water Airport

If the fuel grade specified for your airplane is not available can you use a lower grade of fuel? A higher grade?

You should not use a fuel grade lower than specified because it can cause cylinder head and engine temperature to exceed normal operating limits. You may substitute the next higher grade, but only if it is approved by the manufacturer

What is your first indication of carburetor ice in an airplane equipped with a fixed pitch propeller?

Your first indication of carburetor icing in an airplane w/ a fixed-pitch propeller will be a decrease in engine RPM

What navigation capability does a VORTAC provide?

course guidance and distance information

If ATC gives you a clearance that compromises your safety or would cause you to violate a regulation, you should comply with it.


Maneuvering speed increases with a decrease in weight


Moment is usually expressed in inches


The ADF reciever gives you a clear warning when the station signal is unreliable


The rudder is located on the horizontal stabilizer


You must obtain a clearance prior to operating within a 30 nautical mile radius from the primary airport in Class B airspace


As an airplane climbs, do you enrich or lean the mixture to maintain optimum fuel/ air ratio?

lean the mixture

If a constant-speed propeller is set to a high RPM, will the blade pitch (angle) be high or low?


The moment for a rear-seat passenger is 14,800. If this passenger sits in a front seat, will her moment be higher or lower?


What are the 3 main GPS segments?

space, control, and user

Why is it important to set your VOR indicator to generally agree with your intended course?

to avoid reverse sensing

Which layer of the atmosphere contains most of the Earth's weather?


Dead reckoning uses calculations of time, speed, distance and direction to navigate without reference to visual landmarks


Magnetic variation is the difference between true north and magnetic north


Runway Incursions are primarily caused by errors associated with clearances, communications, airport surface movement and positional awareness


The primary advantage of dead reckoning over pilotage is that it provides accurate navigation over areas that have few, if any, visual checkpoints


To prevent internal engine damage in an airplane equipped with a constant speed propeller, you should avoid low RPM settings with a high manifold pressure


When landing on a runway that slopes uphill, the tendency is to fly an approach that is too low


When you move the control wheel to the left, will the left aileron move up or down?


While preparing for a flight in another airplane, you discover that the proposed loading places the CG 1in behind the rear CG limit. The total weight is 2,655lbs. Use the weight shift formula to determine how much weight needs to be shifted from the baggage area (arm=140) to the back seat (arm=114) to bring the CG within limits.

weight moved/ weight of airplane = distance CG moves/ distance between arms 102lbs

Limitations of ADF equipment

Reception range for L/MF facilities can vary greatly, depending on transmitter pwr, atmospheric conditions and time of day. Since the ADF indicator does not have an OFF flag, it is possible to inadvertently refer to the signal after it is no longer reliable. If the heading indicator precesses or is not set correctly, your courses will be off by as many degrees as the heading indicator is in error. Night effect may cause NDB signals to be refracted by the ionosphere and return to Earth 30 to 60 miles or more from the station which lads to needle flucuations on the ADF indicator. When in close proximity to an electrical storm, thunderstorm effect can cause the ADF needle to point to the sourse of the lightning flashes rather than the tuned NDB. Precipitation static can interfere w/ ADF indications and cause the bearing indicator to wander. Terrain effect can occur when mountains reflect the radio waves and cause erroneous bearing indications. In addition shorelines can refract low frequency radio waves when they cross at small angles

If your weight check shows that the airplane will exceed the maximum ramp weight specified in the POH, which of the following actions would be appropriate?

Remove passengers, cargo, or fuel until the weight limit is reached

Describe how runway numbers are determined

Runway #'s correspond to a magnetic north reference. The runway's magnetic direction is rounded off to the nearest 10 degrees, with a the last 0 omitted. Any runway that is between the heading of 010 and 090 is designated with a single-digit runway #. The # at the end of the runway corresponds to the direction that you are heading when taking off or landing on that runway. Ex: Runway labeled 9 on one end is labeled 27 on the opposite

If flight had been attempted without changing the loading weight, what flight characteristics could be expected?

Tail heaviness, requiring additional forward trim; light control forces longitudinal (pitch) instability, and a higher cruise speed for the power setting

What must you do before flying anywhere within 60 miles of the Washington (DCA) VOR?

Take special awareness training from the FAA and have a certificate of completion in your possession

What are the actions you would take to comply with the following ATC clearance: "Cessna 52 Sierra, Runway 17, taxi via Bravo, hold short Runway 26 right"

Taxi along taxiway Bravo toward Runway 17, stopping at the hold line for Runway 26 Right and waiting for ATC clearance to cross Runway 26 Right

Name at least three factors that you would consider when choosing a cruising altitude

Terrain and obstruction clearance, climb time and aircraft performance, effects of headwinds or tailwinds, radio reception range, and the VFR cruising altitude rule

Transponder Operation

The FARS require that you have an operating Mode C transponder in Class B airspace and within 30 nautical miles of the Class B primary airport

How often must the ELT battery be replaced or recharged if the battery is rechargeable?

The FARs require that the ELT battery must be replaced, or recharged if the battery is rechargeable after one-half of the battery's useful life or if the transmitter has been used for more than on cumulative hour

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