Pro Tools 210M

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The following is true of Dynamic Transport mode?

- Allows for the playback to be independent of the current timeline selection - Unlinks the Timeline/Edit selection - Can be toggled on/off in the Options menu

The following Beat Detective operations work for both audio and MIDI tracks

- Bar/Beat Marker Generation - Groove Template Extraction

The following are ways to add a Meter Event

- Click the Add Meter Change button ("+" symbol) at the left of the Meter ruler - Double‐click the Current Meter button in the Transport window - Choose Event > Time Operations > Change Meter

If you needed to make a safety copy of an audio file, which methods would create a new whole-file clip on the hard drive

- Consolidate the clip - Use the AudioSuite Duplicate Plug-In

The following are valid methods to enter Dynamic Transport mode

- Control + Command + P - Right click the play button

The following will prepare tracks for Track Punch (i.e. to make the record arm buttons flash blue in color)

- Control click the record buttons on the individual tracks you will be punching on - Click twice with the mouse on the the record arm buttons on the individual tracks you will be punching on

The following will open the Import Session Data window

- Drag and drop a Pro Tools session file from a browser into the session - Option + Shift + I - File Menu > Import > Session Data

The following are valid ways to access the Alternate Matches pop up window?

- Hold Command and click the selected clip with the Selector Tool - Right click the clip and select Alternate Matches

The following are valid ways to enter QuickPunch mode?

- Options > QuickPunch - Right-click the record button in the transport - Press #6 on the numeric keypad (in Transport mode)

The following can be done "on the fly" in Pro Tools

- Select audio or midi on a track - Adjust edit selection in/out points - Place, spot or arrange clips

The following will open the Information Window for a file on a Mac computer

- Select the file and then press Command + I - Right-click the file and select Get Info

Event operations Change velocity window.

- Set all to: sets all velocities to the same value specified by the slider - Add/subtract: increase/decrease all velocities by specified value - Scale by: scale all velocities by a percentage of their current value - Change smoothly: create smooth velocity ramp up/down (crescendo/decrescendo) - Change smoothly by percentage: smooth change based on percentages of original values - Limit to: restrict changes made to a specified velocity range - Randomize: supply random variations to velocities

Splitting notes between tracks: separating the baseline and melody from a piano performance

1. place track in notes view and resize as needed 2. click and drag across mini keyboard to select bass note range 3. Press command + X to cut selected notes and place them in the clipboard 4. duplicate the original track without the playlists, and paste notes to the duplicate track

How many voices does a 5.1 surround track in Quick Punch mode use?

12 quick punch uses two voices at a time 5.1 uses 6 voices so times 2 that makes 12

How many running punches are allowed in Quick Punch mode?


MIDI Beat Clock is based on ______ pulses per quarter note.


The Pan Law states that any audio signal of equal amplitude and phase that is played in both channels of a stereo system will increase the loudness by up to_____________ dB (subject to the accuracy of the monitoring system and room acoustics).


Equal Power cross-fades produce an even level where cross-faded audio is not in phase, however if the cross-faded audio is in phase, using an equal power cross-fade may result in:

A boost in level

Which types of MIDI messages are filtered out by default in MIDI Input Filter settings?


The Preview automation feature is activated via the:

Automation Enable Window

Groove templates may be extracted with Beat Detective from:

Both Audio and MIDI

Dragging the Song Start Marker will,

Cause only Tick Based tracks and markers to move

Control change messages belong to which classification of MIDI messages?

Channel Voice Messages

How do you add a new patch in structure?

Click on the word patch above the patch list

The following quick key will write automation to the currently displayed graph?

Command + /

The following quick key will open the Beat Detective Window

Command + 8 (# pad)

Hold __________ while using the Trim tool to trim up to another clip and stop at the boundary.


What is the quick key to add meter events by clicking in the meter ruler?


A song in a compound meter with a mid to fast tempo would most likely have a metronome click value of a(n):

Dotted Quarter Note

From which tab on the preference page can fades be added to punch in/outs?


When the two sections of audio that are being crossfaded are in phase with one another, which of the following fade shapes would be the best choice?

Equal gain

Flatten a MIDI performance.

Event > Event Operations > Flatten Performance

How would you undo all event operation changes to a midi performance?

Event > Event Operations > Restore Performance

Apply groove quantization to a midi performance.

Event menu > event operations > quantize Option+0 (zero) with midi selected

Which of the following menus allows you to move the song start marker?

Event>Time Operations

T/F AMS is a utility available on both Macs and PCs.


T/F CC data is affected by the track's automation mode.


T/F Having Conductor Mode enabled could cause Identify Beat to be grayed out.


T/F MIDI Beat Clock may only be used to synch hardware synthesizers, it will not apply to virtual instruments.


T/F MIDI parameters are locked to the CC graph at all times.


T/F Playlist View is available on both audio and MIDI/Instrument tracks.


T/F Track-Based Real Time Properties can override the Clip-Based Real Time Properties.


T/F creating tracks with the select/split notes command can be undone

False, it cannot be undone

Real time proprties floating window

Functions are similar to the different event operations windows. But can be applied on a clip only basis

In order to edit the shape of a fade after it has been created, double click the fade with the:

Grabber tool

The Analysis pop up menu in Beat Detective provides three choices: High Emphasis, Low Emphasis and Enhanced Resolution. Which of the three is best suited for cymbals?

High Emphasis

Permanently apply real-time property changes made to a clip.

Hit write to clip button

Drag midi notes while preserving note start times

Hold shift while dragging

When editing a drum set, if a noticeable drop then rise in level occurs at the cross-faded edit point, it means the cross fade:

Is too long

Regarding the Edit Menu>Automation>Write to All Enabled command

It only writes parameters that are currently writing

In order to enable the black squares on the fade graphs that allow you to adjust the fade in and out points independently, the link option in the fade editor window should be set to:


Which tab on the preference page allows for new playlists to be created for each loop recorded pass?


What is the quick key to open the Quantize Operation WIndow?

Option + 0

Bring up the Event operations window

Option + 3 (on keypad)

What is the quick key to open the Event Operations Window?

Option + 3 (on the numeric keypad)

Bring up midi real time properties

Option + 4 (on keypad)

What is the quick key to open the MIDI Real Time Properties Floating Window?

Option + 4 (on the # pad)

The following quick key enables input only monitoring on record-armed tracks?


The only destructive editing tool in Pro Tools is the:

Pencil Tool

Resize a track from the keyboard

Place edit cursor in the track and press Control + up/down arrow

What is the purpose of using collection mode when creating triggers with Beat Detective?

Prevent the attack of the close miced drum tracks like the kick and snare from being cut off.

How can you set up your Pro Tools session to automatically coalesce trim automation after every pass?

Pro Tools cannot automatically coalesce trim automation; it must be done manually.

In order to assign a virtual instrument control to a CC code you must _________ click on the control.



Selecting this option will hard quantize the timings of notes/events to a 16th note grid before applying the group template. Without this option Notes will be moved by the timing percentage toward the template from their recorded positions, instead of from the grid.

lets you set the pan depth in a Pro Tools session?

Session Set Up WIndow

The MIDI Input filter is found in the __________ menu.

Set Up > MIDI

The following menu will open the MIDI Beat Clock dialog box?

Set Up > MIDI > MIDI Beat Clock

The default MIDI Thru instrument in Pro Tools is configured in which menu?

Set Up>Preferences>MIDI

Which Menu in Pro Tools allows you to launch the Mac Audio MIDI Setup?


Event operations select/split notes window

Splitting notes for use elsewhere: 1. makes selection of midi clips or notes 2. choose event > event operations > select/split notes 3. Configure the pitch, Velocity, duration, and position criteria as needed 4. select split notes option and choose copy or cut 5. select the desired destination 6. if desired you can include all continuous midi data

The Song Start marker is found in the:

Tempo Ruler

If a Groove Template from a one-bar loop in 4/4 time is applied to a one-bar loop in 3/4 time, which of the following is true?

The 3/4 loop will be stretched to fill out a full measure in 4/4.


This option moves notes/events randomly forward or backward in time after quantization occurs, to provide a more natural sounding performance. Setting of the percentage slider determines amount of variation in the randomization.

When/Why might it be wise to consolidate clips after using Beat Detective?

To reduce strain on the CPU due to to all the auto-created clips created by using Beat Detective. Consolidate all the auto-created clips into one, so you can then remove the unused clips from the session.

Which menu allows you to manually coalesce trim automation?


In order to view continuous controller data that is not currently displayed, click on...

Track view selector > Controllers

T/F In Dynamic Transport mode, the Play Start Marker may be repositioned during playback.


T/F Only unused playlists may be deleted.


T/F Selecting a clip and holding Control+Option+Command plus [1-5 on # pad] will rate the clip.


T/F Trimming the outer edge of a fade in Shuffle mode will affect the synch and position of all other clips on the track, just as regular trimming on Shuffle mode does.


T/F When extracting a Groove Template with Beat Detective from drum tracks, the amplitude of the audio is converted to MIDI velocity data and stored in the Groove Template.


T/F beat detective can be used to extract the groove from both midi and audio clips.


T/F clip-based real-time properties apply to a Clip or a selection of clips and remain in effect even if the clip is moved to another midi or instrument track.


T/F any MIDI real-time properties associated with the track or clips are copied to the new tracks or clips created by the select/split command.


Under what conditions can you freely change a parameter setting and have the control stay where you leave it during playback?

When Preview mode is active When automation is suspended using the suspend button in the automation enable window

The Write to All command in the Automation Enable window can only be used:

When the transport is playing back

What does the Coalesce Trim Automation command do?

Writes the effects of trim automation to the volume playlist, and clears the trim automation playlist

What color is used to display the trim automation graph?


When using the transpose function in the MIDI Real Time Properties to transpose a note that's on D1, if the pull-down menu is set to Transpose In, and the key is D major, then a value of +2, would result in the note being move up______________

a major third

Groove templates may be extracted with Beat Detective from both

midi and audio tracks

T/F The Write to Current command can write to multiple parameters per track.


T/F The Write to Current command writes automation even if a tracks' automation mode is set to off.


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