Prothero Cumulative Quiz Study Guide

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(see adam and eve)

Garden of Eden

(see adam and eve)

4 Noble Truths

Buddhism's core teachings Existence of Suffering (dukkah), Origin of Suffering, Cessation of Suffering (suffering reversed with nirvana), Path to Cessation of Suffering (via 8-fold path


Hebrew Bible is also called tanakh, which is acrostic for Hebrew, torah= law, neviim for prophets, and Ketuvim for writings.


Hebrew bible patriarch, father of "Abrahamic" religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam. covenant with God- Canaan Muslims call him "Ibrahim"

4 Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John good news, birth teachings miracles death resurrection of Jesus

tao te ching

book called in English "the classic of the way and its power" written by Lao Tzu, who is also the founder of Taoism. This book has seen more translations in US that any scripture other than Bible


denial of existence of any or all gods.

Separation of church and state

first amendment

5 K's

identify male members of Sikh order Kes (uncut hair), Kanga (comb), kirpan (sword), kara (steel wrist bangle), kachh (short pants)

Joan of Arc

o 15th century French saint, martyr, national hero. NOT Noah's wife

Judas Iscariot

o One of Jesus's 12 apostles that betrayed Jesus with a kiss in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. o He gave Jesus up to authority's b/c Jesus asked him to assist his lord in sloughing off the man that clothes me (his body)

African Methodist Episcopal Church

one of largest black church denominations in US, "AME" founded by Richard Allen

7 deadly sins

pride, envy, greed, anger, sloth, lust, gluttony

Decalogue (See 10 commandments)

see 10 commandments

Apostle's Creed

short statement of Christian's beliefs composed long after Apostles' deaths I believe in one God...

born-again Christian

someone who accepted jesus as savior/Lord, sudden conversion or "new birth" John 3:7 "Ye must be born again" distinction b/w born again and evangelicals but are used as synonyms usually


term for GOD in Arabic and Islam described as merciful, gracious, compassionate created, sustainer, ruler, judge, redeemer of universe "taw hid" = divine oneness, Muslim- There is no God but God. God is great

David & Goliath

• 1 Samuel 17 • David= small Israelite shepard boy (later was 2nd king of Israel and author of Pslams) • Goliath= philistine giant • David killed Goliath with single stone rocketed from slingshot, gave victory to Israelites over Philistines • Theme for Hollywood sports movies-Hoosiers


• Christos = messiah or "anointed one" • Not Jesus's last name, but calling him Jesus THE CHRIST

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints (see Mormons)

• Mormons- bible, book of Mormon, pearl of great price, and doctrine, and covenants, ongoing revelation • American political force, may be new first great world religion since Islam


• pilgrimage to Mecca once in life (for physically and financially able)


•Belief in multiple Gods •Hinduism

Secular humanism

•More an epithet of religious right than a self-designation, the view that human beings can get along just fine without God

Prodigal son

•character in one of the most popular parables of jesus. Luke 15:11-32 •son leaves home and family with money his father has given him, uses all the money, returning home he begs for his father's forgiveness, and surprisingly his father welcomes him back with celebration


Christian term, appears only once in Bible Revelation 16:16 "a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon" refers to place where fiery battle between good and evil will take place in the last days. it refers to this battle itself.


rite of initiation into Christian community in which candidates immersed in water or water poured over them John the Baptist cleansing of sins infusion of Holy Spirit means of grace

10 commandments:

• Catholic version: 1. I am the lord your god you shall not have strange God's before me 2. You shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain 3. Remember to keep holy the lord's day 4. Honor your father and your mother 5. You shall not kill 6. You shall not commit adultery 7. You shall not steal 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife 10. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods


• Islamic sacred tradition, second to Quaran regarding Islamic law • Relating words and deeds of Muhammad as transmitted by trusted confidential people • Muslims interpret the quaran in light of these hadith and use teachings (divinely inspired ones) to life lives to the example of Muhammad's life • 2 parts o text o chain of authority- traces transmitters of text back to its source- used to determine how much trust to place in hadith (sound good or weak)

Hail Mary (see Mary)

• Most common act of Marian devotion includes praying rosary which inclues the "Hail Mary" prayer

Establishment clause (see first amendment)

• Part of first amendment • 1st clause concerning religion • "congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion"

Latter-day Saints, church of jesus Christ of

• See Mormonism

Christian Coalition

• Successor to Moral Majority, conservative political pressure group supported by evangelics and Catholics established by Pat Robertson and failed bid for R. presidential nomination • Ralph Reed leader in 90's • Today called Christian Coalistion of America, promoter of "family values" and America's leading grassroots organization defending our godly heritage"


• Wildly Diverse Indian religion • Beliefs: reincarnation, yoga, scriptures: Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavid Gita • No founder, no standard scripture/commentary • Called "polytheistic b/c features hundreds of divnities • Many hindus (esp in America) are monotheists who believe that these divine manifestations of divinity is oen Absolute Reality • About 80% of Indians population of 1 billion


• Year end festival held annually from December 26 to January 1 to commemorate African heritage of African americans. • Each of festival's 7 days centers on a different principle-unity, self determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, faith, lighting of candle on 7 branched candelabrum


• first book of bible, most influential in American life • adam eve noah Abraham sarah joseph pharaoh garden of eden Sodom gomorroah creation flood Isaac covenants, good and evil

Old Testament

• first portion of Christian bible • protestants divide it into 39 books, catholics divide it into 46 books • jews do not refer to these books as the OT • adventures of Israelites- covenant with adam noah Abraham and moses, foreshadows birth/death of jesus


-Protestant group rooted in teachings of William Miller who predicted end of world and second coming of Jesus on various dates in 1843 and 1844 -Observe Sabbath Day on Saturday instead of on Sunday

Catholics' 10 Commandments

1. i am lord your god you shall have no strange gods before me 2. you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain 3. remember to keep holy the Lord's day 4. honor your father and mother 5. you shall not kill 6. you shall not commit adultery 7. you shall not steal 8. you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 9. you shall not covet your neighbor's wife 10. you shall not covet your neighbor's gods

Adam & Eve

2 creation stories 1: created at same time in divine image 2: woman created second out of Adam's ribs, "Adam's helper" blames woman for fall don't eat from Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, tricked by serpent Fall: humans have original sin


Catastrophic end times battle in which forces of "good" triumph over forces of "evil" and usher in of a new age of justice and peace in Greek it means "unveiling of hidden things" : messiah/christ and horrors and glories that attend his coming Revelation - apocalyptic literature "Apocalypse"


Jesus • Central figure in Christianity, second person of Christian trinity • Born to virgin mary, raised as carpenter by joseph • Baptized by John the Baptist, public ministry, healed, 12 apostles • Passion- story of suffering and death told in all 4 gospels starts with last supper • According to Nicene creed of 4th century (accepted by catholic protestant orthodox Christians)- only begotten son of god, begotten of father before all worlds, god of god, light of light, very god of very god.


Jewish and Christian scriptures, different translations Hebrew Bible AKA "Tanakh": 24 books in 3 sections: Law, Prophets, Writings Christian Bible- OT, NT: 27 books: 4 gospels, acts, 21 letters, epistles (pauline), revelation Protestant's OT 39 books (similar to HEbrew) Catholics OT: 7 more books, total = 73 books best selling book in American History. Word of God


Jihad • From Arabic word that means "to struggle" or "to make an effort" • To participate in a jihad is to struggle on behalf of God • 2 types seen by Muslims o greater is spiritual struggle of each believer against his/her lesser nature o lesser is physical struggle against enemies of Islam, through these Muslims follow strict regulations against harming women, children, etc. ♣ those who participate in this jihad are mujahedeen ♣ those who die in this battle may be martyrs and be sent straight to paradise instead of waiting

Abrahamic Tradition

Judaism, Christianity, Islam are described as Christian faiths in hybrid way of American US should stop being called Judeo Christian but use Judeo Christian Islamic or Abrahamic

Osama bin Laden

Saudi born head of al-Qaeda, one of CIA's most wanted, hero to Muslim youth inherited wealth from father founded al- Qaeda 1996 declared holy war against US "Jihad against jews and crusaders" = kill Americans and allies (civilian and military) 9/11 (NY, DC, penn), other terrorist attacks his influence is father of islamist fundamentalism- Sayyid Qutb

7 sacraments

catholics: Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Marriage, Ordination of priests, Anointing of sick Protestants: baptism, holy communion

8 fold path of buddhism

course from suffering to nirvana 3 parts: wisdom, morality, concentration


for Christians, death of Jesus on Cross is how sinners get right with God and wins them salvation. Jesus' salvation is example of divine love feature of Judaism- Yom Kippur = Day of Atonement : Jews Fast, pray asking God to forgive their sins committed in year before


international terrorist organization founded by Osama bin Laden 9/11 seems to see transnational Islamic empire that adheres to strict interpretation of Islamic Law


largest Protestant group in US different from Christians because: rejection of infant baptism in favor of believer's baptism believe baptism is a sign of grace ALREADY received largest black denomination today is Southern Baptism Convention

Black Muslims

members of black nationalist sect of Nation of Islam (NOI) led by Louis Farrakhan leadership of Elijah Muhammad Cassius Clay --> Muhammid Ali boxer son of Elijah took NOI and renamed it American Society of Muslims (accepted whites)

Bhagavad Gita

most popular scripture in contemporary Hinduism, part of Hindu epic called Mahabharata battlefield discussion of Hindu ethics between an Indian warrior named Arjuna and Hindu god Krishna (disguised as Arjuna's charioteer) example of bhakti=devotional Hinduism 3 paths to God bhakti yoga- disciplines of devotion, karma yoga- action jnana yoga- knowledge


o one of major world religions o religion more of practice than belief o attempt to follow Torah, or Law o rest once a week on Sabbath which they celebrate from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday o celebrate Passover (celebrates exodus of Israelites from slavery to freedom), Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year), Yom Kippur (day of atonement" o monotheistic, lord our god is one Lord, one God who is creator lawgiver judge whose words are in Torah-law/teaching o scripture is called Tanakah- torah, neviium, ketuvium; covers commandments and story of god's relationship with God's chosen people the jews-covenants, exile, return. o Judaism provided Christianity and Islam religions, all 3 are Abrahamic religions o Types: conservative Judaism, orthodox Judaism, reconstructionist Judaism

12 apostles

original followers, disciples "those who are sent forth" Peter, Andrew, James (greater and lesser), john, philip, bartholomew (Nathaniel), matthew, thomas, jude, simon, judas iscariot (betrayed, replaced by Matthias)


part of Episcopal Church in US, Anglican communion. holy communion weekly like Catholics


protestant theological tradition based on teachings of theologian John Calvin spread through Congregational and Presbyterian churches AKA Reformed Theology: absolute sovereignty of God & total depravity of human beings belief that God fated every human being, before birth, to either heaven or hell TULIP: total depravation, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, perseverance of saints


religion founded in Northern India by Buddha = Awakened one after experiencing enlightenment converts to buddhism take refuge in 3 jewels -the Buddha - the Dharma = teaching - the Sangha = buddhist community see dukkah (suffering/unsatisfactoriness) as core human problem and trace the origin of suffering to ignorance uprooting of ignorance and suffering as nirvana I is composite of other things seek to end suffering by eliminating desire and ignorance, use chanting and meditation 3 vehicles of Buddhist tradition: -Theravada (way of elders): earn nirvana by self-help -Mahayana (Great Vehicle): easier path, can win nirvana with help of others, need compassion -Vajrayana: combines both, use cosmic maps and sacred sounds to achieve nirvana


term in hinduism, buddhism, especially Jainism for NON-VIOLENCE jains believes his is highest duty (face masks, sweep) influenced Mohandas Ghandi-universal compassion


• "teaching" in Hebrew, broadly it refers to jewish law- oral and written • narrowingly refers to Pentateuch- first 5 books of Hebrew bible-and to synagogue scrolls on which these holy books are written • famous effort to distill torah is from rabbi Hillel, when asked to summarize torah on one leg he said "what is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole torah; the rest is commentary. Go and study it"

Daosim (see Taoism)

• 1 of 3 great teachings of China • Taoism spelled Daoism also, started with Lao Tzu author of "The Classic of the Way and its power"- several translations • Different versions over the years, today "religious Taoism" seeks healthy and physical immortality through medication techniques and dietary practices • First came to US with Chinese immigrants, martial arts, karate, tai chi, ying/yang, qi (vital energy), and wu-wei (non action) • In simpsons

Stations of cross

• 14 images found in some roman catholic and episcopal churches, depicting passion of Jesus, intended as devotional aids for Christians seeking to walk with Jesus during his final hours. • Stations: Jesus is tried and condemned to death, picks up cross, falls, veronica wipes his face, falls again, speaks to women of Jerusalem, falls 3rd time, stripped of clothes, nailed to cross, dies, body is taken off cross, corpse is laid in tomb • Gibson's movie "Passion of the Christ"


• 1st century church leader author of many NT epistles, according to some "real founder of Christianity" • paul was born jewish, was Pharisee and persecutor of chrisitans • saw resurrected Christ on road to demascus and converted • traveled and preached gospel • arrested, tried, executed under roman emperor nero in 65 CE • whose given name was saul • MLK read his Roman's book "justification by faith"


• 2 opposite yet complementary forces in cosmos, important in Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese popular religion • referred to shady and sunny sides of mountain • yin is dark, passive female cool • yang is bright active male warm • Chinese art of feng shui-way of wind and water, relies on this


• AKA political Islam, the ultraconservative Islamic movements that use their religion to advance a political agenda


• African American Baptist minister and civil rights leader who combined religion and politics • Bus boycott, used nonviolent civil disobedience to end racial segregation, 3rd Monday of January each year is MLK day, only federal holiday commemorating the life of an African American and the only such day commemorating the life of a clergymen

Sunni Islam

• Along with Shiite Islam, one of 2 main divisions in Muslim division • Larger of the 2 • Sunna= "custom" or "tradition" in Arabic, referring to religious and ethical model set by Muhammad • "Adhere" strictly to traditions of Quran and exemplary sayings and actions of Muhammad "the way of the prophet" as recorded in hadith • Split from Shiites after Muhammad's death, Sunnis said prophet's successor should be elected by "ummah" or Muslim community, rather than coming from Muhammad's bloodline (as Shiites say) • Sunnis invite less atuthority in leaders rather than Shiites do • View Shiite prayers uttered in name of ali or husayn or other imams (leader) as violations of principle of divine oneness (tawhid) • 85% muslims are sunnis, afgh, Algeria, Egypt, indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi arabia, turkey

Edwards, Jonathan "heart, famous sermon"

• American philosopher, theologian, and congretionalist preacher whse church in Northampton, Mass. Stood at center of Great Awakening of 1730's-40's • Writings on revivalism- head religion and heart religion= intellect and emoitions • His theology combined Calvinist orthodoxy, philosophy of John Locke, and physics of Isaac Newton • Missionary to Housatonic Indians in stockbridge, Mass. • Before death appointed president of College of New Jersey (Princeton University" • Most Famous sermon "sinners in Hands of Angry God"- fire and rhetoric not like his preaching style

Eid "eid dad's muslim work friend"

• Arabic for "feast" • Refers to 2 festivals of Muslim calendar o Eid al FITR- feaast of breaking of fast at end of Ramadan, lesser of 2 feastivals- pray visit friends family exchange gifts o Eid al ADHA-feast of sacrifice that concludes the pilgrimage to Mecca, sacrifice lamb or other animal to commemorate Abraham's willingness to offer son Ishmael to Allah and Allahs mercy in accepting lamb instead. Allah is their God. • Pres. Bill Clinton welcomed Muslim families into White House to celebrate FITR, prompting 1st lady hilary Clinton to call holdy an American event • Sept 2001 US postal service issued first muslim themed stamp celebrating both Eids o Eid Mubarak- "may your festival be blessed"

Taw hid

• Arabic for "oneness and uniqueness of God" • Expressed in first half of muslim creed the Shahadah "there is no god but God.." • Central teaching of islam and of Quran • Doctrine of radical monotheism denies atheism and polythesis, but also Christian trinity, which muslims condemn as shirk or ascribing partners to God • Used in Islamic history as call for unity of world's muslims, Wahhabis denounce popular devotions to saints as violations of tawhid


• Arabic term meaning any partition separating 2 things, but most commonly to a veil or head covering worn by some Muslim women • Quran mandates modesty in female dress, but doesn't say what form this modesty should take • So hijabs vary from country to country, believer to believer, some muslim women wear no head coverings at all


• Belief shared by jews Christians muslims and others that there is only ONE GOD. • 1954 US congress inserted phrase under god into pledge of allegiance-suggesting that US is monotheistic

intelligent design (see creationism)

• Belief that creation account in genesis is historically and scientifically correct, God created all species in short time span and that human beings are not the result, as Darwin argued of natural selection (NOT precisely 7 days)


• Belief that creation account in genesisis historically and scientifically correct, God created all species in short time span and that human beings are not the result, as Darwin argued of natural selection (NOT precisely 7 days)

Good Samaritan

• Best known parable of Jesus, story of kindness to strangers • Samarian stopped to see an attacked man left on the road, who was passed by several people • Jewish people disliked Samaritans, but in this story the hero is the Samaritan • Used in american public life

City upon a hill

• Biblical image part of America after sermon in 1630 by John Winthrop • "we shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us." • President Ronald Reagan "shining city on a hill" • Americans will lead by example: Winthrop it was conditional "if Gods people acted well, God would bless them" & for Reagan it was not conditional, not about God's covenant with people • Winthrop got this from Matthew 5:14: ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid"

inerrancy, biblical

• Biblical inerrancy is a Christian belief (common among fundamentalists) that bible is entirely without error, not only in theology/ethics but also in history, geography, and science. • (less strict view of bible is that it is inspired by God)

Gospel of wealth

• Capitalisms answer to the social gospel • Comes from book by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie • Acres of diamonds sermon by russel Conwell • Partly Calvinism, partly social Darwinism, part laissez faire capitalism • "Teaches that prosperity is God's reward for morality and hard work" • "name it and claim it" theology ask god for health/wealth and get it

Just war theory

• Catholic tradition, dating to Thomas Aquinas describing what makes a war just (jus ad bellum) and what conduct is justifiable during such war (jus in bellow) • War theorists cite principles like discrimination (direct at other fighters, not civilians) and proportionality (force cannot be out of proportion to injury suffered) • Prohibits torture and mandates proper care for prisoners of war

Holy communion

• Central act of Christian's worship, AKA Eucharist, lord's supper, mass, communal meal celebrated with bread and wine. Commemorates the last supper of Jesus and his disciples on night before his crucifixion • This rite is said to be based on the Passover Seder meal of Jews • Catholics believe in transubstantiation- wine and bread transformed during literagy into blood and body of Christ • Protestant groups (Episcopalians and Lutherans) deny transubstantiation, but insist on "real presence" of Jesus. • Methodists and Baptists see this rite as memorial


• Christian doctrine that the one God exists in a community of 3 divine persons- F, S, HS- who share one divine substance • Christians call themselves monotheisits, some outsiders see polytheism in this belief • Unitarianism (from England to US) rejects trinitarianism on grounds that it cannot be found in bible. • Codified in council of Constantinople in 381 • Divinity, equal, unity

Virgin birth

• Christian teaching that jesus was conceived by mary without human father • NT gospels refer to mary becoming pregnant without having sexual intercourse with Joseph, Apostles creed refers to jesus being "conceived by power of Holy Spirit" and "born of virgin mary" • Some Christians believe mary was virgin her entire life • Doctrine of virgin birth- accepted by muslims, protestants, catholics, orthodox Christians, shouldn't be confused with catholic doctrine of immaculate conception- that states mary herself was born without sin

Lord's prayer

• Christianity's most popular prayer, taught by jesus to his followers and widely recited by Christians today. • Of the 2 NT versions: matthew and luke, matthew's is most popular. "our father who art in heaven.."

Sodom and Gomorrah

• Cities destroyed by God for their sinfulness. • In Genesis 18/19 people from Sodom and Gomorrah that Lot give over 2 angels staying with him so that they might "know them" • After Lot refuses, these people attack his home but are thwarted by God, who strikes them blind and destroys their cities • Christians understand this as condemnation of homosexuality, sodomy comes from this text, others argue theme is hospitality to strangers, not about sex (in debates about homosexuality and gay marriage), others believe Sodom and gommorrah were husband and wife.


• Dec 25, celebrating birth of Jesus in bethleham and US holiday of Santa Claus • 96% report celebrating this today in US

Dispensational premillennialism

• Dispensationalism= school of Bible interpretation that divides sacred history into distinct periods called dispensations- in which different plans for salvation apply • Premillennialism-view that Jesus will return before thousand year reign (milleniem) prophesized in NT of revelation • 2 together create this core teaching of protestant fundamentalism • end of current dispensation is imminent (forthcoming) • it will end with rapture of believers into heaven, followed with those who are left behind by Great Tribulation of 7 years- appearance of Antichrist and battle of Armageddom • jesus will come down from clouds and defeat Antichrist and establish 1,000 year reign of peace and justice • this eschatology (theology of last days) developed by John Nelson Darby British theologial, spread in US after Civil war • Scofield Reference Bible, Late Great planet earth, Left behind novels • Most popular form of prophecy in US informing conservative Chrisitan support for state of Israel


• Episcopal church in the USA is part of international Anglican communion. • From church of england • Of all protestant denominations, this is closest to Roman Catholic tradition • Episcopal means it includes bishops • Like catholics - liturgical, holy communion • NOT LIKE catholics - reason, tradition • George Washington, Thomas Jefferson


• Evangelical in Greek = "good news" • Theologically conservative protestants who stress the experience of conversion (being born again) • View bible as inspired & authoritative word of God, emphasieze evangelism and believe that salvation comes by faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ • Bible = divine inspiration


• Faith of over 1 billion people and world's second largest religion after Christianity • Islam = "submission" • Muslims show their submission to Allah (God) by practicing 5 pillars of Islam: praying, fasting in month of Ramadan, almsgiving, going on pilgrimage to Mecca, testifying to oneness of Allah and prophet hood of their founder Muhammad. • Holy book = Quran-caring for poor, day of judgement, bodily resurrection • Holiest cities= mecca, medina, Jerusalem • 2 branches: Sunnis (majority) & Shiites • represented by Muslim public affairs council, American Muslim council, American Muslim alliance, council on American Islamic relations • many live in US, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India

Falwell, jerry (see moral majority)

• Falwell jerry founded the moral majority pressure group • Judeo-christian organization open to protestants catholics and jews committed to family values (against porn, homo, abortion, feminism, secular humanism) • Falwell blamed 9/11 on "pagans abortionists feminists gays lesibans who tried to secularize america"

Last supper

• Final meal shared by jesus with his disciples before his arrest, trial, and crucifixion. • Commemorated every Sunday by Christians who drink wine (blood) and eat bread (body) in sacramental reenactment of this last meal. • Most famous scene in Christendom

Luther, Martin

• German leader of the 16th century protestant reformation and founder of Lutheranism • Published 95 theses on indulgences-bold action that prompted pope leo x to excommunicate him from the roman catholic church. • Justification by grace through faith-pauline epistles and writings of Augustine; and "sola scriptura" bible alone is authoritative for Christians, not both bible and tradition (as Catholics claimed)

tower of babel

• Hebrew bible story about prideful people who try and build tower to heaven • Story is in genesis 11- god thwarts these people's arrogance (and construction project) by causing them to speak many different languages. • Unable to communicate, they abandon tower and scatter across globe taking languages with them • Babel or Babylon and balal or "confuse"-leads to babble • Cultural conservatives who believe English should be only official language use this story to argue that a nation divided against itself linguistically cannot stand

Kama sutra

• Hindu scripture popular in West, originally intended as sex manual for courtesans • Hindus recognize 4 goals of life o Kama= pleasure o Dharma= duty o Artha= wealth o Moksha= spiritual liberation (freedom) • This was written by Hindu thinker vatsyayana around 400 CD and is explicit treatise on sexual pleasure • Discusses 16 different types of kisses and positions for sex


• Hindu scriptures dating to first millenieumBCE containing philosophical and theological reflections on divinity- soul, karma, reincarnation • Believe human beings can achiever moksha or liberation from cycle of birth life death and rebirth, by realizing that Atman (essence of human soul) is same as Brahman (ultimate reality)


• Holiest city in the islmaic world, located in modern day Saudi arabia • Mecca is holy to muslims because Muhammad was born there, because he received his earliest revelations in a cave outside city and because upon his triumphant return to mecca in 630 CE he replaced polytheistic worship around city's Kaaba shrine with monotheistic worship of the one true God. • Muslims face mecca when they pray, mosques include niche in wall (mihrab) to orient them in that direction. Going at least once on hajj or pilgrimage to mecca is sacred obligation for all muslims who are physically and financially able • No none muslims are allowed in mecca


• In Greek = departure • Second book of Hebrew bible and the story of the flight of the Israelites and their leader Moses out of slavery in Egypt and (after 40 years in wilderness and Moses' death) into promised land • Moses' receiving 10 commandments on mt. Sinai, 10 plagues, parting of Red Sea, appearance of manna from heaven, god's guidance of his chosen people by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.


• In Judaism, Christianity, and islam this is someone who dies typically young and violently for a sacred cause • "witness" • muslim martyr or shahid "witness" in Arabic- is transported immediately to paradise rather than having to wait for the last judgement. • Martyrdom is emphasized among shimites (suffering and death of muhammad's grandson husayn) • In US devotees transformed Lincoln and MLKJ into American christs


• In Sanskrit this refers to both action and its consequences, but connotes more broadly the ethical law of cause and effect that drives samsara- the never ending cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and other Asian religions • Positive consequences follow from good actions, negative consequences from bad actions- either in this lifetime or in a future incarnation • Can good karma be transferred from one person to antoher? Some belief gods, buddhas, supernaturals acan transfer to them merit if they do lots of good deeds • English word karma means "what goes around comes around", "my karma ran over my dogma"


• Islamic legal opinion given by a legal scholar (mufti) in the context of a particular school of law and in response to a specific question posed by a court or individual • Muslims believe this as binding only to those who recognize the authority of the legal scholar who issues them. • Assassination of salman rushdie. "The Satanic verses" • "Fatwa" of osama bin laden "the ruling to kill americans and their allies-civilians and military- is an individual duty for every muslim" • muslim leaders believe osama bin laden (not legal scholar) had not authority to issue a fatwa, they were illegal, null, void


• Islamic militants, many are students, talib = "student" in Arabic- who were trained in madrasahs (Islamic schools) in Pakistani refugee camps during Russo-Afghan War • Led by mullah mohammad omar, taliban took control of much of afghan in 1994-running it as theocratic statewith rigid gender segregations, severe restrictions on female schooling, strict punishments, bans on TV music sports • 2001 destroyed 2 giant buddhas in cliffs of afghan valley • b/c Taliban provided shelter for osama bin laden and his al-qaeda network, they were attacked and defeated by armerican and other forces after 9/11 • in short reign on 3 of world's 53 muslim majority countries officially recognized their government


• Japenese term from Sanskrit term dhyana= meditation • Meditation school of budhism, Mahayana Buddhist school that used techniques to reach satori (enlightenment) • US by zen layman DT Suzuki and by jack Kerouac and other members of beat generation

Mary Magdalene

• Jesus' most famous female follower, an eyewitness to his death, and first witness to his resurrection • Popular tradition that she was once a prostitute seems to be based on identification of her with an unnamed sinner who anoints jesus' feet in Gospel of Luke • Another controversial rumor is that she married jesus and had children


• Jewish mystical teachings, rooted in Zohar which is text offering mystical interpretations of Jewish law • Kabbalah= "tradition", spiritual matters like angels and afterlife is supposed to be esoteric (mysterious)


• Known by Muslims as al-Quds "The Holy" • Mentioned more than 600 times in Hebrew bible • Sacred place for Jews, Christians, Muslims, pilgrimage, tourism • Built on metaphors of exile and return and on blood of Jewish, Christian, Muslim martyrs who fought to control it in crusades of middle ages • Holy places, Jews: western wall of second temple, Christians- via dolorosa (Jesus walked to crucifixion), church of holy sepulcher-where buried and resurrected • Muslims believe its sacred because its where angel Gabriel took Muhamad on famed nigh journey from mosque in mecca to dome of rock in Jerusalem and to heavens


• Large congregation typically protestant and often evangelical with a weekly worship service attendance measured in the thousands, an authoritative male pastor, and a wide array of social ministries and recreational activities. • Few are politically active, most are theologically conservative, and while many are nondenominational, 2/3 carry a denominational affiliation. Worship services put a premium on good music, with live bands and song lyrics projected on large screens

Catholicism, Roman

• Largest of Christianity's 3 main branches (Eastern Orthodoxy & Protestantism are other 2) • Catholic = universal, try to be church of whole world • Roman = church centered in Rome with Pope (also Rome's bishop) • differ from protestants: 7 sacraments, venerated of virgin mary and saints, bible be read in light of traditions, restriction of priesthood to males • JFK catholic president • War peace poverty inequality (scandals crippled this)


• Largest of world's religions, 1/3 of world pop. • Sin = core human problem, describe liberation from sin as salvation • Key to salvation is incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus (Nicene creed) • 3 branches: E. Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism • America a Christian nation? b/c Christmas and presidents swear on bible


• Mailine protestant denomination founded in 18th century England by john Wesley and his brother Charles and after the Baptists, the largest protestant family in the US • Distinctive teachings-concerns Christian doctrine of sanctification • According to Wesley sanctification culminated in second work of grace-the first salvation- which perfected the believer in love. • Helped campaign to abolish slavery • Spread fast in US in second great awakening of 19th century


• Mass murder of about 6 million Jews by Nazis b/w 1933 and 1945 • Prompted in part by centuries of Christian theologies that branded the Jews as Christ killers. This is called Shoah-calamity in Hebrew, included murders of millions of homosexuals, gypsies, poles, Jehovah's witnesses, handicapped, and other non-Jewish minorities. • This raised questions about existence and goodness of God in world that is witness to such evil


• Medieval military campaigns of 11th-15th centuries waged by Christians to recapture Holy Lands from Muslims. • Church offered indulgences for remission of sins to crusaders (Christian participants called this) and those who died in "holy wars" are called maryrs • Successfully militarily, but damaged Christian-Muslim relations-mistrust and hostility yet today b/w them • GW Bush "war on terrosim" is crusade, Osama "war on terroism" is crusade against Islam

Golden Rule

• Most common moral maxim in world's religions • Matthew 7:12 Jesus said "do to others what you have them do to you • Confused with loving your neighbor as yourself (GW Bush did this) • President kennedy got it right, "...going to treat our fellow americans as we want to be treated." • Confucious Muhammad, hillel rabii


• Most important Christian holy day- commemorating resurrection of Jesus 3 days after his crucifiction on Good Friday • Popular spring celebration of fertility and new life-chocolate bunnies, flowers, etc


• Most important figure in history of Judaism and according to muslims and Christians a great prophet • Man who received 10 commandments on mount Sinai and led Israelites on exodus out of bondage in Egypt • According to Pentateuch the 5 books of the Hebrew bible attributed to moses, he was born in Egypt, hidden in reeds in nile river after pharaoh ordered the slaughter of all male Israelite babies, and discovered by pharaoh's daughter, who raised him in luxury as her son. • After moses fled his life as adopted prince, god spoke to him from burning bush commanding him to lead Israelites out of slavery and into Promised Land • Pharaoh wouldn't free them, 10 plagues • Mount Sinai god gave moses the torah or law • 40 years moses led Israelites through wilderness and to edge of promised land by god to Abraham's descendents. Died at age 120 before he could enter Canaan


• Most popular hindu deity • 10 different incarnations-including Buddha-he appears as Rama and Krishna in hindu epics the Ramayana and Mahabharata • images of these incarnations have caused public controversy in US


• Mother of jesus and after jesus himself, the most popular figure in Christian history • In bible she is in stories about jesus' birth, infancy, childhood, and death • Roman catholics (specifically marian devotions are most prominent) give the Blessed virgin mary a role in sacred history above saints. • Pope pius IX proclaimed that she was sinless from conception (immaculate conception) and that she was assumed bodily into heaven (assumption) • Cathlolics- mary is center of devotions on several feast days and pilgrame shrines like our lady of Guadalupe in mexico and our lady of lourdes in france. Most common act of marian devotion is praying the rosary, "hail mary" prayer • Major figure in islam- Maryam and mentioned lots in Quran as mother of jesus • In quaranic chapter named after her, story of jesus' miraculous birth is told to women in labor • Son who shall be called Emmanuel, almah which Christians translated as virgin has been used to support claim that jesus came into world via virgin birth. Some suggest meaning in Hebrew is just young girl

Zionism • Movement to create a jewish nation in land of zion, Israel and Palestine

• Movement to create a jewish nation in land of zion, Israel and Palestine • Rooted in jewish hope for messiah that would fulfill god's promise of a land for abraham's descendents, dates to destruction of first temple in 586 BCE and scattering of jews into diaspora • Political form in 1897 when theodor herzl convened in zwiterland the first Zionist congress "for the jewish people a home in palestine secured by public law" • Initially opposed on right by orthodox jews (thought this was God's task) and on left by reform jews (did not want to be accused of mixed loyalties to homelands), but after holocaust, new consensus for jews and nonjews • Some Christian Zionists today support Israel b/c of belief that NT revelation describes jewish state as prerequistite for second coming of jesus.


• Neologism describes Judaism and Christianity as sister faiths in a hybrid religious tradition undergirding the American way of life. First used to distinguish American Jews and Christians from European Nazis and fascists • After 9/11 some tried to call US as country of Christians, Jews, Muslims Judeo Christian Islamic nation


• Neologism that describes Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as sister faiths in a hybrid religious tradition undergirding the American way of life • Seen in presidential rhetoric, when discussing religious congregations as churches synagogues and mosques


• Official letters circulated by Roman Catholic Church on matters of faith, practice, and morals • Contains catholic teachings on controversial social issues-labor capital relations, human rights (pacem in terries 1963), contraceptions (humane Vitae 1968), and aborption, birth control, euthanasia, and capital punishment (evangelium vitae 1995)


• Oldest and most authoritative hindu scriptures • Shruti -that what is heard, revelation; as opposed to smrti- that which is remembered, tradition • Narrowingly: Vedas from Sanskrit for "knowledge" refers to 4 hymns dating as early as second millennium BCE, used in ancient Indian sacrificial rituals- rig veda, sama, veda, yajur veda, atharva veda • Broadly: vedas is 4 types of sacred literature, four vedas ^, brahmanas- priestly commentaries on these hymns, Upanishads- philosophical and mystical treatisies • Vedanta society- hindu organization in US, Vedanta "end of vedas"

Disciples of Christ

• One of American Protestantism's mainline denominations, emerged from Alexander Campbell's "Disciples" and Barton W. Stones' "Christians" and other "restorantionists" to reconstruct modern Christianity in image of early Church • 1 of fastest growing in 19th centrury America • accept no creeds or catechisms- faith in New Testament • baptism by immersion, Holy Communion each Sunday • Garfield, Johnson, Ronald Reagan • Churches of Christ split from this in early 20th century (slightly larger)


• Protestant denomination based on teachings of 16th century german religious reformer martin luther • Justification by grace through faith & authority of bible alone "sola scriptura" • One of the more liturgical protestant groups (along with episcopalianism) • Largest Lutheran body in US is evangelical Lutheran church in American-a liberal protestant group formed ....5.1 million members; more conservative group called Lutheran group • Most prominent in Midwest and Scandinavian and german descent

Jehovah's witnesses

• Protestant denomination, known as Watchtower Bible and Tract society, rooted in the end of world teachings of Charles Taze Russel • Aggressive door to door evangelizers, publish Watchtower magazine (started by russel) in 152 languages • Refuse to salute American flag or serve in military • Deny trinity, refuse blood transfusions • Have taken several cases to Supreme Court


• Protestant movement that affirms gifts of holy spirit manifested among apostles on first day of Pentecost are still available today • Centrality of conversion, second experience of grace- 'baptism in the spirit'- gives charismatic gifts like glossolalia (speaking in tongues), prophecy, and healing

Social Gospel

• Protestant theological movement that sees sin and salvation as social and seeks to apply Jesus' teachings to socioeconomic problems • Inpsired by OT prophets and lead by Baptist theologian Walter Rauschenbusch, emerged in late 19th century early 20th • Goal: improve social ills brought on by capitalism, industrialization, urbanization "what would jesus do?" • Helped quick fundamentalist/modernist controversy, set stage for New Deal • Found in any contemporary congregation (includes Christian) that uses resources to feed poor or shelter homeless


• Rationalistic religion based on reason and nature, rather than revelation • Rejects miracles and prayer • Almighty Watchmaker who creates world and observes history without intervening in it • Critical of priestcraft and institutional religion • View morality as essence of religion


• Rejection of divinity of Jesus and therefore doctrine of trinity • Believe there is 1 god not three • Believe Human beings are born good • Rooted from congregationalism • Now in US as Unitarian universalist association-US's most theologically and politically liberal denomination • Some muslims refer to Wahhabis as Unitarians b/c emphasis on unity of God (tawhid)

Family values

• Related to traditional values and moral values • "a great dividing line b/w parties" politics • proxy (alternative) for "religious" in American political rhetoric • luke 14:26 if any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters and yeah his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.


• Religion/philosophy founded by Confucius during Warring States in Chinese history • Part of China's 3 teachings (Taosim and Buddhism are other 2) • Confucius teachings- focus on this world not the next, little interest in theological view • Confucius goal- social harmony (individual self-cultivation and social rites) • Virtues: o humaneness= jen o filial (family) piety= hsia o noble person who holds them is a sage = chun-tzu • 5 great relationships o parent and child o elder and younger siblings o husband and wife o friend and friend o ruler and subject • negative golden rule: "do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you" • boston Confucians

immaculate conception

• Roman catholic doctrine (different from virgin birth) that Jesus' mother Mary was sinless from conception. • Official church dogma in 1854 by Pope Pius IX and is part of Islamic tradition also


• Sanskirt term meaning "discipline" • In Hinduism various versions: discipline of knowledge jnana yoga • Discipline of devotion bhakti yoga • Exercise yoga comes from hatha yoga-discipline of force, which was mode of raja yoga-discipline of royalty • Indian elements are bodily postures (asana) and breath control (pranayama) • Goal is to "yoke"-one's true self (atman) with ultimate reality (brahman) • Classic yogis didn't separate yogi techniques from hindu religion and philosophy • US interest from Swami vivekanada-first hindu missionary to US, indra devi took Hinduism out of it-physical fitness and mental health


• Second holiest city in Saudi Arabic • Place where Muhammad fled after leaving mecca in 622 CE where he founded the Islamic community (ummah) and where he established himself as not only a prophet but also a patriarch politician and military • Its also where he built the first mosque, where he died, and where he was buried. • Muhammad flight in 622 from mecca to medina known as the hijra- is so important in islam that muslims date their lunar calendar from that moment.


• See 5 Ks • Ceremonial sword (identifies members of Sikh order called Khalsa)


• See Quran • Holy book of islam final revelation of allah and ultimate authority for muslims in law religion and ethics. Revealed by allah through Gabriel to Muhammad • First revelation in 610, memorized by companions and written down • 114 chapters or suras which vary in length from 3-286 ayas (verses) organized largely from longest to shortest • commentators divided chapters into recitations received by Muhammad in mecca (meccan surans) and those received by him after his flight to medina (medina surans) • teaches bodily resurrection and coming judgement, requires prayers almsgiving fasting and pilgrimage • portrays world in which one God repeatedly reveals his will to human beings through prophets and messengers that stretch from moses to jesus to Muhammad. • Jesus mentioned 100 times in quaran-miraculous woker and messiah • Muslims affirm virgin birth of jesus but do not believe he was killed on cross or raised from dead, instead believe he ascended into paradise


• See Taoism • 1 of 3 great teachings of China • Taoism spelled Daoism also, started with Lao Tzu author of "The Classic of the Way and its power"- several translations • Different versions over the years, today "religious Taoism" seeks healthy and physical immortality through medication techniques and dietary practices • First came to US with Chinese immigrants, martial arts, karate, tai chi, ying/yang, qi (vital energy), and wu-wei (non action) • "Philosophical Taoism" of Lao-tzu and chuang tzu


• See dispensational premillennialism • Dispensationalism= school of Bible interpretation that divides sacred history into distinct periods called dispensations- in which different plans for salvation apply • Premillennialism-view that Jesus will return before thousand year reign (milleniem) prophesized in NT of revelation • 2 together create this core teaching of protestant fundamentalism • end of current dispensation is imminent (forthcoming)


• See holy communion

Dalai Lama

• Spiritual leader of Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddism and political leader of Tibetan people- followers believe he is reincarnation of bodhisattva Avalokieshrava and person of extraordinary wisdom and compassion. • = "Ocean of Wisdom", like Christ and Buddha it is a title rather than a proper name • each dalai lama is said to be a reincarnation of his redecessor, noble peace prize in 1989, met with presidents including GW Bush


• The long awaited king who according to jewish tradtion will come at the last days, restore the jews to the promised land, rebuild the temple and inaugurate the just and peaceful world to come • Christians believe that jesus was this messiah (hence title Christ from christos Greek for messiah) as do jews for jesus and other messianic jewish groups


• To Sunni Muslims, an imam = "leader" in Arabic is the he man who leads a congregation in prayer • To Shiite Muslims an imam is a descendent of Muhammad chosen by God to lead the community in all areas of belief and practice. Shiites disagree on whether there were 5,7, 11 imams but most believe "hidden imam" is coming at last days to restore peace/justice on earth

"God Bless America"

• US presidents ask God to bless the nation at end of speeches or sign off as this. • Title of irving berlin song made famous by kate smith in 1930s and is sung in 7th inning stress of MLB games


• a place where muslims assemble for congregational prayer on Fridays is called a mosque in English or a masjid -place of prostration in Arabic • mosques have miaret from which a call to prayer is issued 5 times a day, fountains for ritual ablutions, nich in wall facing mecca called mihrab, and near mihrab an elevated pulpit from which a sermon is given during Friday worship • also function as educational centers-where students learn quran, hadith, Islamic law • most important mosques in muslim world are mecca, medina, and Jerusalem

Eucharist (see holy communion)

• aka holy communion, lord's supper, mass • communal meal-bread and wine, recalls last supper of jesus and disciples on night before his crucifixion, bassed on Passover meal of jews • Christians have different beliefs on how often to have it • Catholics believe it is transformed into blood and body of Jesus • Others see it as memorial


• alongside Buddhism and Confucianism, one of 3 "great teachings" of china • Taoism also Daoism began with Lao Tzu, the author of the Tao Te Ching - "The classic of the way and its power" which has seen more translations in US than any other scripture other than Bible • Later advanced by Chuang Tzu who publisihed a Taoist classic that bears his name • Early Taoists critizized Confucianism as a tradition of meaningless etiquette, empty ritual, and hyperformality • Self cultivation that emphasized naturalness, spontaneity, and freedom • Their ideal human being hungered after intuitive wisdom rather than book learning of Confucian sage • Acted not so much in keeping with civilization as in accordance with Tao "the way" "ultimate reality" "The source" • Later form was religious Taoism-- different from from "philosophical Taoism" of lao tzu and chuang tzu—seeks health and physical immortality through medication techniques and dietary practices • Came to US with Chinese immigrants, temples built in CA as early as 1850's • Karate, tai chi, yin/yang complementary opposites, qi vital energy, wu-wei nonaction


• founder and last prophet of islam, vehicle through which god revealed the quran. • Born in mecca in 570 CE, raised as orphan, buried in medina in 632 • Received first revelation from god at roughly 40, when angel Gabriel appeared to him in a cave outside of mecca and commanded him to recite • Words that he recited were memorized by his followers and written down as the Quran • Was exposed to both indigenous polytheistic traditions and to monotheistic Christians and jews • His revelations emphasized oneness of god tawhid • This flight hijra from mecca was in 622 and is now the first year in the muslim lunar calendar • 630 muhammad and followers conquered mecca and cleansed area around Kaaba shrine of idol worshipers, died in 632 • prophet, patriarch-had multiple wives, diplomat • hadith-muslim textual tradition second to the quran records his sayings and actions so that muslims might imitate both • more comparable to virgin mary than to jesus since it was through im that god delievered his revelation (Quran) to world.


• gnosis in Greek = wisdom • religious impulse found in ancient Judaism, ancient Christianity, and others • "promises salvation through secret wisdom"


• hard to distinguish from evangelical • both oppose pre-marital sex, abortion, and homosexuality, emphasize bible • bible inerrancy -history and science • don't like modernity • "the Fundamentals" book

First amendment (includes establishment clause)

• in addition to protections of freedom of speech press assembly and petition • 2 clauses concerning religion o the establishment clause "congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion" o the free exercise clause "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Promised Land

• in the Hebrew bible, the land of canaan is promised by god to Abraham and claimed by the people of Israel after their exile • longing for this land flowing with milk and honey contributed to Zionism and creation of state of Israel, it's a recurring image in American history. • Mlk talked about this on the day before he died


• jewish festival of lights, 8 days and roughly coincides with Christmas • commerates a miracle called Talmud • lamp with only one day supply of holy oil lasted 8 days, when judas and maccabee re-purified jersualems second temple (after foreign soldiers dishonored it) • hannukah (lit "dedication")-saying prayers and lighting candles each night for 8 days • lamp that holds 8 candles is "menorah" • "Jewish Christmas" in America


• mainline protestant denominations, present in contemporary American in United Church of Christ • came to US with pilgrims in Plymouth and puritans in Mass. Bay colony • great awakening split it: prorevival (New Light) and antirevival (Old light) • split along Trinitarian and Unitarian lines • name comes from insistence on autonomy of local congregation- (form of church governance that characterizes some other denominations including baptsists and non-christians)

Malcolm X

• members of black nationalist sect of Nation of Islam (NOI) • led by Louis Farrakhan • leadership of Elijah Muhammad • Cassius Clay --> Muhammid Ali boxer son of Elijah took NOI and renamed it American Society of Muslims (accepted whites) • One prison convert was Malcolm x who before his assassination in 1965 was the most powerful alternative to the more moderate civil rights message of MLKJ.

Conservative Judaism

• middle path b/w orthodox and reform Judaism, originally called Historical Judaism • observe Sabbath and kosher dietary laws (like orthodox Judaism) • ordination of women, mixed gender seating in synoggues, bible criticism (like Reform Jews) • shape with United Synague of America ( United synagogue of conservative Judaism now) • Outside US called Masorti= traditional Judaism

Moral Majority

• most visible and powerful instrument of religious right during Reagan revolution of 1980's • pressure group founded in 1979 by reverend jerry falwell-a fundamentalist Baptist pastor liberty university chancellor and televangelist • judeo Christian organization open to protestants catholics and jews commited to promoting family value by opposing porn, homosexuality, abortion, feminism, and secular humanism

Graham, Billy

• most visible religious leader to generations of 20th century americans • served as globe trotting evangelist, preached to more people than anyone else in history • raised southern Presbyterian, converted and began life as evangelist • disagreed with President Truman at first, but served as unofficial American protestant pope, consulting and praying with Eisenhower, kennedy, Nixon, Johnson, Reagan, bush, blinton.

Hare Krishnas

• name for members of International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) • hindu devotional movement • based on teachings of bengalic mystic Caitanaya and brought to US • chanting a mantra to Krishna "Hare Krishma, etc" they believe Hare Krishna/Rama is the one true God • heffron v. ISKCON, ISKCON vs. Lee supreme court trials

Orthodox Christianity

• one of judaism's three branches (others are reform and conservative Judaism) this is the most traditional • orthodox = correct doctrine • strict adherence to oral and written law

Friends, Religious Society of ( See Quakers)

• pacificst protestant group founded in England by George fox • AKA religious society of friends, Friends, Quakers believe that individuals should follw their God- given inner light rather than external authorites • Opposition to war and refusal to take oaths • Emphasize silence and spontaneity • Quaker William Penn • reject sacraments

Free exercise clause

• part of first amendment • 2nd part of the clause concerning religion • "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"


• religious movement founded in NY in 1820's by joseph smith • according to smith- an angel revealed to him the location of gold tablets buried in the 5th century in modern day upstate NY. • Smith found tablets used 2 sheer stones to translate their reformed Egyptian into English and published the resulting Book of Mormon in 1830-mormons view this book as scripture o Jesus visits new world after his resurrection and before his ascension founding his true church among native americans • Mormons recognize 4 scriptures: bible, book of Mormon, pearl of great price, and doctrine, and covenants. • Also believe in ongoing revelation-power of prophecy • Baptism for dead, Marriage for eternity, Corporeality of god and eternal progression of humans into godhood, follow health code called word of wisdom-prohibits ingestion of tobacco alcohol and caffeine


• righteous man ridiculed for building an ark on dry land but was vindicated when a great flood came. God destroys world b/c it has become so corrupt, but warns Noah and tells him to build ship with male/femal of all animals. Dove returns with olive leaf meaning waters were receding. God promises to never the destroy the world again by water. Seals covenant with rainbow

infallibility, papal

• roman catholic doctrine made at First Vatican Council (1869-70) that pope can under circumscribed circumstances speak without error on matters of faith or morals. • Catholics do NOT believe that this doctrine means that everything the pope says or does in infallible • Pope can never speak infallibly on other matters including politics

New Testament

• second portion of the Christian bible, canonized by Christians in 4th century • 27 books: 4 gospels, acts, 21 letters, revelation

Great Awakening

• series of revials that shook colonies b/w 1720's and 1760s • led by preachers, movement broken out up and down eastern seaboard • put experience of conversion front and center in American protestant life and introduced more extemporaneous and emotional style to sermons and woship • split colonial Protestantism into 2 parts: prorevival "new lights" and antirival "old lights" • turned revivalism into key component of American religion and made evangelicalism nation's dominant religious impulse • forced colonies to become one nation, towards American revolution

Non-violence see ahisma

• term in Hinduism, Buddhism, especially Jainism for NON-VIOLENCE • Jains believes this is highest duty (face masks, sweep) • influenced Mohandas Ghandi-universal compassion


• the birth of Jesus in a Bethlehem stable • court cases argue whether it should include symbols from other religions if in public display


• ultimate goal of Buddhism, extinction of suffering, emancipation from ignorance, and liberation from the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth (samsara) • nirvana means blowing out, in English means paradise


• ultraconservative sunni muslim revitalization movement that aims to reserve moral decline of muslim world by returning to pure islam of quran and Muhammad • opponents gave Wahhabis their name, derives from founder Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab-scholar of sunnis conservative hanbali school • refer to themselves as muwahhidun -upholders of divine unity OR as salafis- denounces apostulates muslims who deviate from beliefs and practices of first 3 generations of muslims • rejects as corruptions of pure faith virtually all medieval and modern accretions to islam-devotions to saints, sufi mysticism • passionate about strict adherence to shariah or Islamic law • rejection separation of church and state, view muslims who don't accept their views as heretics • spread to afghan under Taliban regime, into mosques in Europe and US • bin Laden and al-Qaeda are influenced by Wahhabism, but greater influence of them is Egyptian radical sayyid qutb


•"recitation" •holy book of Islam, the final revelation of Allah, and the ultimate authority for Muslims in law, religion, and ethics. •Muslims affirm this was miraculously revealed by Allah via angel Gabriel to Muhammad, recited by Muhammad, memorized by his companions, written down by scribes, and later compiled into a codex •First revelation came in 610 CE and official version was canonized decades after Muhammad's death in 632 •Authoritative only in the Arabic original, translations were understood to be human products. •114 chapters or suras which vary in length from 3-286 ayas (verses) organized largely from longest to shortest •chapters divided into recitations received by Muhammad in mecca (meccan surans) and those received by him after his flight to medina (medina surans) •teaches bodily resurrection and coming judgement, requires prayers almsgiving fasting and pilgrimage •portrays world in which one God repeatedly reveals his will to human beings through prophets and messengers that stretch from Moses to Jesus to Muhammad. •Jesus mentioned nearly 100 times in Quran-miraculous worker and messiah •Muslims affirm virgin birth of Jesus but do not believe he was killed on cross or raised from dead, instead believe he ascended into paradise


•16th century protestant movement to purify the church of England of unscriptural beliefs and practices, particularly lingering vestiges of roman Catholicism •the most radical puritans (pilgrims included) separated from church of England •American puritanism was dominated by Calvinism -absolute sovereignty of god and total depravity of human beings •God had predestined humans to either heaven or hell •One of the 2 most influential religious movements in American history (along with evangelicalism) - influenced Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Evangelists, •Learning was matter of head and heart


•2 distinguishing marks, 1 doctrinal and other ecclesiastical, distinguish Presbyterianism (from greek prebuteros= elder) from other mainline protestant denominations •adhere to reformed theology of john calvin in westminister confession •distinguish themselves from both episcopalalian politicy and congregational governance, by maintaining system of congregations, presbyteries (geographical units of many congregations), synods (composed of clergy and lay leaders elected by presbyteries), and general assembly (composed of synods)


•7th day of week, Jews- day of rest b/c in genesis god worked to create world for 6 days and rested on 7th •10 commandments-work is forbidden on this day, day for worship •Jews- Saturday, Catholics-Sunday, 7th day Adventists-Saturday •blue laws restrict activities on Sundays (ex: sale of alcohol) is effect on American culture

Shiite islam

•Along with sunni islam, one of 2 main divisions in muslim tradition and smaller of the two •After death of Muhammad, muslim community split over question of succession •Shiites invest both political and spiritual authority in their imams •Quran hadith, teachings of imams whom they see as intercessors b/w themselves and allah •Affirms a line of twelve, believes that final imam who went into hiding will return at end of time to restore peace and justice on earth •Most popular form of islam in iran and Iraq and there are large Shiite populations in Pakistan india Azerbaijan Lebanon Syria and Afghanistan


•Belief common among hindus that souls take on new bodies after death as part of a never ending cycle of birth, death, life, and rebirth called samsara •Buddhists believe in this •Driven by karma or law of actions and their consequences •Rebirth you get is the rebirth you deserve •Asian ones goals are to escape from samsara or rebirth, Americans affirm reincarnation as a new opportunity to do things in next life that they couldn't do in this one

Second Coming

•Belief jesus will return to judge the world at the end of time •Shakers view anne lee as second coming of jesus, bahais say Bahaullah and rastafarians to haile Selassie. Lebron james to Michael Jordan


•Belief that god has predetermined the eternal destiny of each individual, assigning the elect to heaven and in the case of double pre destination the damned to hell •This view which accents God's sovereignty at expense of human free will, characterized theology of Swiss theologian John Calvin and puritanism and other expressions of reformed theology •Opponent was Jacob Arminius whose Arminian theology believes human beings were free to cooperate with god in their salvation or damnation


•Belief that the dead will rise on some future day to stand for final judgement •This doctrine which foresees the reunion of souls with bodies lost to them at death, is similar to Jewish Christian Islamic conviction that a person is an indivisible combination of body and soul •Christians- resurrection of Jesus celebrated on Easter as a central affirmation •Muslims, orthodox Jews believe in it too •Reform Jews believe simply in immortality of soul or prefer not to speculate about the afterlife •Christian's creed affirms resurrection of body, but they argue about what shape this body will take in heaven-natural or spiritual

Sermon on the mount

•Christianity's most famous sermon delivered by jesus in matthew's gospel •Beatitudes (beatus=blessed in latin), lord's prayer, golden rule


•Democrats in Georgia and Alabama who wanted bible classes in public schools were called modern day Pharisees •Originally referred to jews around the time of jesus who were known to openness to oral traditions and belief in bodily resurrection •Jesus criticizes Pharisees in NT for being overly legalistic on matters like observation of Sabbath •Ex; is apostle paul who converted to Christianity


•In Arabic to a path to water worn by camels •The Islamic path the body of divinely inspired laws for individual and social life rooted in quran and hadith •Shariah-divine law proper •Fiqh-jurisprudence or human efforts to interpret that law •Sunnis legal interpretation: Hanafi, maliki, shafii, and hanbali


•Movement in 16th century Europe that intended to reform the roman catholic church but instead gave birth to Protestantism. •Sparked in 1517 in wittenberg, Germany when martin luther published his 95 theses against indulgences (payments for remission of sins), the reformation spread across Europe: producing 4 types of Protestantism: Lutheran, reformed, Anglican, and Anabaptist traditions •"Justification by grace through faith", "priesthood of all believers", "sola scriptura (bible alone)" •rejection of papal and priestly authority in name of individual conscience

Second Vatican council

•Of roman catholic church in 1962 by pope john XXIII in effort to effect an aggorniamento- updating of church in modern world •Outcome was more democratic understanding of church itself which was redifned as entire "people of God' rather than a hierarchy of popes bishops and priests, affirmation of religious frredom and separation of church and state, openness to other forms of Christianity and other religions-extended to repudiation of anti-Semitism and long standing dogma "there is no salvation outside of church" •Outcome politically; condemned nuclear arm race in name of peace and supported name of justice the right of workers to organize, "dignity of human person"-in latin America to liberation theology and preferential option for the poor •Greater attention to bible in private piety, church services, theology, more rote memorization in CCD classes, emphasis on social service •Removed ban of eating meat on Fridays, mass to be celebrated in vernadcular languages rather than in latin only

Reform Judaism

•One of 3 main branches in Judaism- reform, orthodox, conservative •The most liberal of the 3 •Product of 18th century enlightenment •A progressive religion, striving to be in accord with postulates of reason and accepted as binding only the moral laws of their tradition (NOT ritual and dietary) •Ordain women and worship in vernacular languages •View child as jewish if either parent was •Hebrew union college in US- jewish institute of religion and union of American Hebrew congregations •Largest branch of American Judaism-39% of Americas religious jews


•One of Christianity's 3 main branches along with orthodoxy and roman Catholicism •The dominant form of American Christianity •Began as a protest •Sola fide-faith alone, sola scriptura- bible alone •Baptism and communion only •4 branches: Lutheranism, Calvinism (-Presbyterian, Baptists, congressionalist's), Anglicanism, and Anabaptism


•One of most successful new religious movements of 20th century, founded 1953 by science fiction writer L. Ron. Hubbard "dianetics: modern science of mental health" •Seeks to uproot suffering which is caused according to scientologists as one's engrams (ingrained records of past experiences, and those in past lives) that cause one's reactive mind to repeat destructive behaviors •Scientologists who accomplish this are "clears" •Conservative Christians all this "cult of greed"

Sadducees (Pharisees)

•Originally referred to jews around the time of jesus who were known to openness to oral traditions and belief in bodily resurrection •Jesus criticizes Pharisees in NT for being overly legalistic on matters like observation of Sabbath •Ex; is apostle paul who converted to Christianity


•Pacifist protestant group founded in England in 1650's by George fox. •Officially known as religious society of friends •Believe that individuals should follow their god given 'inner light' rather than external authorities. •Opposition to war and refusal to take oaths •Their distinctive services (Don't believe in clergy nor sacraments), emphasize silence and spontaneity •Quaker William Penn founded Pennsylvania in 1681 as a safe haven for Quakers and granted liberty of conscience to all but atheists •Played key roles in 19th century social reform movements, including campaign for women's suffrage •Belief in equality of all human beings before god propelled them to forefront of abolitionist movement. •American friends service committee founded by Quakers remains key voice on issues of peace justice and human rights


•Period of obligatory fasting from dawn to sunset, observed by muslims during the 9th month of Islamic year •This month which ends with eid al fitr the feast of the breaking of the fast, commemorates the first revelation of the quran to Muhammad


•Personification of evil and god's primary antagonist in Judaism Christianity and islam •AKA Lucifer and devil, fallen angel, satan Hebrew word for adversary •Witches, exorcist, south park, satanic bible, etc.

7 day Adventism

•Protestant group rooted in teaching of William Miller who predicted end of world and second coming of jesus on dates in 1843, 1844 •Many Adventists lost faith when jesus did not return and world did not end, those who didn't formed groups- ellen gould white-in vision second coming delayed b/c believers not keeping sabath- 7 day Adventists belief that second coming is imminent by their observation of Sabbath on saturday, and by strict diet •First amendement- sherbert vs. verner


•Religious tradition founded by guru nanak in Punjab region of northwestern india •Sikh means learner or disciple, Sikhs are disciples of one God and those who learn from its gurus. •Scripture adi granth guru of sorts guru granth sahib view both as its language (Punjabi) and its script (Gurmukhi) as sacred •Community of committed believers called khalsa the pure. Men practice 5 K's sikh belief •From Hinduism and islam •Sikhs are strict monotheists who emphasize divine soverighnty, reject that god incarnates in human form, believing in formless god that can be known through singing and meditation •Sacred center in golden temple of Amritsar india •Believe in karma and reincarnation

Religious Right

•Religiously inspired political movement of conservative Christian groups seeking to revive family values and ransom the nation from moral bankruptcy •Include moral majority (jerry falwell) and Christian coalition (pat Robertson) •Came from culture shocks in 60's and 70's: banned school prayer/devotional bible readings, roe v wade, etc. •These signaled to conservative religious activists that secular humanism was becoming america's unofficial religious establishment •Focuses political efforts on issues of homosexuality porn abortion, works through local and state groups with Christian ministers


•Revivals are Christian worship services that produce mass conversions and intensify the commitments of existing Christians, often through ecstatic sermons and emotional songs. •Revivalism- impulse to affirm and produce such revivals •Most visible in great awakening 18th century and second great awakening, Dwight moody, Billy Sunday, Billy graham •Some on Calvinist base, others on arminianism (every human being is free to accept or reject saving grace offered by Jesus death_ •Revivals popular among evangelicals and fundamentalists, Methodist, Baptist, holiness, and Pentecostal groups •Heart not head

Second great awakening

•Series of revials in US during first few decades of 19th century •Charles grandison finney introduced American revivalism to many controversial new measures, understood revival as human technique, "a revival is not a miracle", but simply "the right to use of the constituted means"-paved way for contemporary American revivalism •Effects: emotion into American Protestantism, victory of Arminian theology (human free will) over Calvinist theology (accented god's sovereignty), solidified position of evangelicalism at center of American religious life, motivated protestants to work for social reforms in nondenominational organizations, etc.= contributed to decline of religious literacy in US


•Title refers to bishop of Rome who also serves as leader of roman catholic church and head of state of Vatican City •Comes from greek word for "father" •Catholics believe the authority of pope comes from apostalitic succession-unbroken line of Christian leaders going back to apostle peter •Since first Vatican council of 1870, catholics believe pope can speak infallibly on matters of faith and morals

Scopes trial

•Trial of john scropes for violating a law forbidding teaching of evolution in public schools, in Dayton tennesse in 1925 •This monkey trial featured 2 lawyers Clarence darrow and fundamentalist politician William Jennings bryan •Scopes convicted, darrow crushed bryan in court of public opinion. Fundamentalists responded by withdrawing from public view from decades focusing on own subculture of bible schools, seminaries, radio stations, publishing houses in 1930's, 40's, 50's, reemerged in 70's creationism to public school students •Dress rehearsal for culture wars

reformed theology (see Calvinism)

•protestant theological tradition based on teachings of theologian John Calvin •spread through Congregational and Presbyterian churches •AKA Reformed Theology: absolute sovereignty of God & total depravity of human beings •belief that God fated every human being, before birth, to either heaven or hell •TULIP: total depravation, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, perseverance of saints

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