PSY 100 exam 4

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Shawn has a fraternal twin who was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Research suggests that the chances are _____ that Shawn will also suffer from bipolar disorder at some point in his life.

2 in 10

In a typical ECT treatment in 2010, a psychiatrist delivers _____ seconds of electric current to the patient's brain.

30 to 60

After 3 days of taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), Dennis is disappointed because he is not feeling any better. However, it generally may take up to _____ for this type of antidepressant to reach full effect.

4 weeks

The risk of suicide is ____ times greater in individuals who have experienced depression.


Billy has an identical twin that was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Research suggests that the chances are _____ that Billy will also suffer from bipolar disorder at some point in his life.

7 in 10

After three sessions of ECT each week for 2 to 4 weeks, _____ percent or more people suffering from severe depression improve markedly.


For the last three months, Selma has been seeing her therapist weekly. She may be feeling much better because: she has more hope. she has been given a new perspective. her therapist is empathic and she feels he cares about her. of all of the reasons listed may have been effective in her therapeutic treatment.


Medications are not the only way to lift an individual's mood. What else can help decrease depression and/or reduce anxiety? cognitive therapy exercise cognitive-behavioral therapy All of the reasons listed can improve an individual's mood.


Whose therapy teaches people new and more adaptive ways of thinking and acting, and is based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and our emotional reactions?

Aaron Beck`

This psychologist proposed the social-cognitive perspective.

Albert Bandura

Studies of child rearing across different cultures show that children thrive in: individualistic societies that emphasize independence. Asian and African cultures that emphasize emotional closeness. cultures in which parents hand over much of the care-giving to others. All of these things are true, as studies show that children thrive in all cultures.

All of these things are true, as studies show that children thrive in all cultures.

_____ is characterized by its three key symptoms, including extreme inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

_____ applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors.

Behavior Therapy

Shock treatment, deep-brain stimulation and the use of antidepressants are all forms of _____.

Biomedical therapy

_____ is a therapy procedure that does NOT condition new responses to a stimulus that originally triggered an unwanted behavior.

Biomedical therapy

_____ is a type of treatment that physically changes the brain's functioning.

Biomedical therapy

_____ is characterized by moods that alternate between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the euphoric, hyperactive state of mania.

Bipolar disorder

According to the text, many _____ psychologists consider DID a "wacky American fad."


This psychologist believed that people are basically good.

Carl Rogers

Who emphasized the importance of active listening in the process of psychotherapy?

Carl Rogers

_____ emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard in healthy personality development.

Carl Rogers

Zander has been struggling with personal issues and has decided to seek help at a mental health clinic. Unfortunately, he was put on a waiting list and told that he would have to wait several weeks before he could meet with a therapist. According to Hans Eysenck's findings, what will probably happen to Zander?

Chances are good that he will improve during this waiting period.

_____ therapy is empirically supported for treating depression.


Tonya is interested in studying psychological disorders. If she wants to study the classification system most often used in the United States, she should read the _____.


Dr. Cheng studies social influence. He is concerned because he is finding that rates of conformity in his experiments are much higher than those reported by his cousin, another social influence researcher. Which reason might account for this difference?

Dr. Cheng is conducting his experiments in a country that prizes collectivism, whereas his cousin is conducting experiments in a country that prizes individualism.

Patients receive a general anesthetic and muscle relaxant prior to treatment with _____.


_____ are therapies that treat anxieties by exposing people to the things they fear and avoid.


_____ was originally performed without a general anesthetic and muscle relaxant prior to treatment.

Electroconvulsive therapy

Which of the following theorists works in the area of trait theory?


Who touched of the debate about psychotherapy's effectiveness when he summarized 24 studies of psychotherapy outcomes?


One of the hallmarks of schizophrenia is disorganized thinking. Theorists suggest that people with such disorganized thoughts have:

False bleifs

_____ is a psychoanalytic method for exploring the unconscious. With this method, patients are told to relax and say whatever comes to mind.

Free association

Aggression is more likely to occur if a person has damage to what lobe of the brain?


According to the text, many psychologists from this nation consider DID, a "wacky American fad."

Great Britain

Therapists often suggest _____ when the client's problems stem from their social interactions with others.

Group therapy

Evidence suggests that heredity influences some aspects of alcohol abuse problems. Which finding supports this theory?

Having an identical twin who suffers from alcoholism is a greater risk factor than having a fraternal twin who suffers from alcoholism

For the last three months, Selma has been seeing her therapist weekly. Which is most likely NOT a reason she is feeling much better?

Her therapist maintains a professional distance.

_____ therapists have attempted to reduce the inner conflicts that are impeding natural developmental growth by providing clients with new insights.


Conducting cognitive-behavioral therapy through the _____ has recently been seen as being beneficial, however, whether it is more beneficial than face-to-face therapy has yet to be determined.


The perception of vivid geometric images and dreamlike scenes is MOST likely to be triggered by:


Of these individuals, who is MOST likely to benefit from the use of lithium?

Miranda, who experiences periods of extreme sadness, followed by episodes of optimistic overexcitement

Kayden had to take a Rorschach inkblot test for his new job. He is worried because he has heard that the Rorschach is not a very good test. Critics would agree and suggest that the Rorschach is:

Not very reliable

Without success, Maxine spends hours each day trying to suppress the intrusive worry that she may have forgotten to lock her house when she left for work. Her experience is most symptomatic of:


All of the following have been successfully treated with behavior therapy EXCEPT:


_____ is to anxiety as a(n) _____ is to a windy day.

Panic disorder; hurricane

This reformer insisted that madness was not demon possession but a sickness of the mind caused by severe stresses and inhumane conditions.

Philippe Pinel

_____ result(s) from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval.


Which of these drugs is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)?


When schizophrenia develops slowly (chronic or process schizophrenia), how likely is it that individuals will recover?

Recovery is unlikely for chronic schizophrenia.

Dr. Yen is designing an experiment on obedience to authority. She will set up a learning laboratory and have participants deliver loud blasts of sound as punishment for incorrect answers (given by a confederate of the researcher). How can Dr. Yen increase the likelihood of the participants' obedience?

She can make sure the participants know that she has a Ph.D. from a prestigious university

Keesha's friend is giving a speech tomorrow and is worried because she just got an unflattering haircut. She is convinced everyone will stare at her bangs and will discuss her unattractive hair. Her overestimation of people's reactions is known as:

Spotlight effect

This researcher's experiments on obedience at Yale University are some of the most famous and involved deception.

Stanley Milgram

To help Carl reduce his fear of flying, a therapist encourages him to physically relax and then simply imagine that he is taking off in an airplane. The therapist's technique best illustrates _____.

Systematic desensitization

To help Kyle reduce his fear of dogs, a therapist encourages him to physically relax and imagine that he is walking toward a friendly and harmless little dog. The therapist's technique best illustrates _____.

Systematic desensitization

The major active ingredient in marijuana is:


Cora wishes for her students to have high self-esteem, so she praises them no matter how they perform. What is the most likely effect of her strategy?

The less successful students score even lower on the next test.

Which of these drugs is MOST likely to provide schizophrenia patients with some relief from their auditory hallucinations and paranoia?


A patient recently admitted to the hospital is complaining of auditory hallucinations. She might be treated with:


Today, Ellen is going to the mental health clinic for a new treatment. During the procedure her brain will be exposed to repeated pulses of magnetic energy. This type of treatment is known as:

Today, Ellen is going to the mental health clinic for a new treatment. During the procedure her brain will be exposed to repeated pulses of magnetic energy. This type of treatment is known as:

Which of these drugs is an antianxiety agent?


Around the world, people may experience the same genetically based disorder quite differently, depending on their personal expectations and their cultural definition of abnormality. This best illustrates the need for what model?

a biopsychosocial approach

In a study using _____, half of the patients receive a drug and the other half receives a similar-appearing placebo. Neither the patients in the study, nor the staff administering the treatment, know who gets which treatment

a double-blind technique

A depressive disorder is most likely characterized by:

a persistently sad mood and low energy level.

Although Mark realizes his behavior is unreasonable, he is so distraught by high bridges that he avoids them and takes an unnecessarily lengthy route to and from work each day. Mark appears to suffer from:

a phobia.

Card players who attribute their wins to their own skill and their losses to bad luck BEST illustrate:

a self-serving bias.

Jack attributes his failing grade in chemistry to an unfair final exam. His attitude illustrates:

a self-serving bias.

This afternoon, Mica's boss wants to meet with her. She is sure it is about the customers who complained about her yesterday. The best-case scenario would be for Mica's boss to decide that her behavior was the result of:

a situational attribution.

In an eating disorders clinic, the patients receive merits for good eating behaviors such as finishing their meal, and not exercising after their meal. This BEST illustrates an application of:

a token economy.

One of the "Big Five" personality factors is:


Because they both depress the central nervous system, antianxiety medications should not be taken with _____.


In lab rats, binge drinking contributes to: impairing synaptic growth. reduced birth rate of new nerve cells. death of nerve cells. all of the areas listed are disrupted by binge drinking.

all of the areas listed are disrupted by binge drinking.

Raquel was initially excited to make the cheerleading squad. However, her parents noticed that she has stopped eating dinner with them, wanted to help make most meals, and had a list of good and bad foods. She then began portioning the amount of food she ate and claiming to have already eaten. Most concerning was the significant weight drop from a healthy 105 pounds to 90 pounds. This case demonstrates symptoms of:

anorexia nervosa.

Tardive dyskinesia is associated with the long-term use of _____ drugs.


Tardive dyskinesia is associated with the long-term use of which type of drugs?


Bobby stole money from the local grocery store on the corner to buy beer. He later assaulted a 72-year-old woman and stole her purse. In the alley, he dumped the purse, went to Starbucks for a cup of coffee, and proceeded to take the train to the suburbs. On the train, someone stepped on his shoes, and he threw the hot coffee on their face and laughed. Bobby may have a(n) _____ disorder.

antisocial personality

Bob has never been able to keep a job. He has been in and out of jail for armed robbery, sexual assault, and spousal abuse. Bob would MOST likely be diagnosed as having:

antisocial personality disorder.

Kyle is extremely manipulative. He can look anyone in the eye and lie convincingly. His deceit often endangers the safety and well-being of those around him, but he is indifferent to their suffering as a result of his actions. His behavior best illustrates:

antisocial personality disorder.

Brian often interrupts his teacher while she is speaking and frequently forgets to complete his homework assignments. He also has difficulty taking turns in playground games with classmates. Brian MOST clearly exhibits symptoms of:

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Lila's professor is curt with everyone on the first day of class. She thinks that her new professor is rude. This _____ will likely influence Lila to act negatively toward her professor.


The _____ indicates that, although people often cannot directly control all of their feelings, they can influence their feelings by changing their behavior.

attitudes-follow-behavior perspective

According to the _____ theory, people explain behavior by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition.

attribution error

This form of treatment associates an unpleasant state (such as nausea) with an unwanted behavior (such as drinking alcohol).

aversive conditioning

To help Carter overcome his smoking habit, a therapist puts him in a room with a carton of cigarettes laced with a chemical to induce nausea. He displays images of the dangers of smoking both on the walls and on a television set. This approach to treatment best illustrates _____.

aversive conditioning

To help Monica overcome her nearly irresistible craving for chocolate, a therapist provides her with a supply of chocolate candies that contain solidified droplets of a harmless but very bitter-tasting substance. This approach to treatment BEST illustrates:

aversive conditioning.

What tends to happen to personality traits as we age?

become more stable

As a parent, you are skeptical of treatments that sound too good to be true. When you arrive at the psychologist's office, you ask about what is the empirically supported treatment for bed-wetting as your 6-year-old son has been having difficulties. You learn that _____ is the empirically supported treatment.

behavior modification or conditioning therapies.

_____ therapy is empirically supported for treating compulsions.

behavioral conditioning

After study participants were told that a videotaped interviewee was a psychiatric patient, they characterized the person with phrases like "passive type" or "frightened of his own impulses." This study BEST illustrates the:

biasing power of diagnostic labels.

Carlos is suffering from bipolar disorder, a disorder where Carlos' mood shifts between periods of depression, periods of mania, and normal functioning. To help control the symptoms of his disorder, Carlos takes medication regularly. Carlos most likely sees a therapist who specializes in what type of therapy?

biomedical therapy

Dr. Cobbs believes that psychological disorders are influenced by genetic predispositions and physiological states. He is also aware that inner psychological dynamics, social dynamics, and culture influence psychological disorders. Dr. Cobbs believes in a(n) _______ model.


Dr. Gonzales seeks to account for the substance abuse of her therapy clients in terms of their abusive home environments, their limited sense of life purpose, and the altered functioning of their neurotransmitter systems. Dr. Gonzales is most clearly using a(n) _____ approach to understanding addictive behaviors.


Dr. Phelps believes that psychological disorders are influenced by genetic predispositions and physiological states. He is also aware that inner psychological dynamics, social dynamics, and culture influence psychological disorders. Dr. Phelps believes in a _____ model.


Renold has a fraternal twin who was recently diagnosed with _____ disorder. Research suggests that the chances are 2 in 10 that Renold will also suffer from this disorder at some point in his life.


The police brought Elaine to the emergency room after she was seen running down the street in her underwear yelling that she "has the power!" Elaine was also spending large amounts of money across town and was rude and reckless over the last five days. In the emergency room, Elaine would not be quiet long enough for the nurse to ask her questions. Elaine is MOST likely suffering from a(n):

bipolar disoder

Psychologist call the overgeneralizing and self-blaming thinking associated with depression _____.


Therapy is likely to be most effective when a client's problem is:


Humanistic therapists refer to those in therapy as _____.


it is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy because:

clients generally speak kindly about their therapists.

In Stanley Milgram's experiments, the level of obedience was highest when the "teacher" was _____ the experimenter and _____ the "learner."

close to; far from

Which of the following psychoactive drugs produces a quick and very powerful rush of euphoria?


People tend to feel discomfort when their thoughts are inconsistent, and so they act to reduce that discomfort. This is known as:

cognitive dissonance theory.

Aaron Beck's therapy, which teaches people new and more adaptive ways of thinking and acting, is based on the assumption that thoughts intervene between events and a person's emotional reactions. This therapy is called:

cognitive therapy.

Your therapist believes in using only empirically supported therapies for treating your depression. She will probably use:

cognitive therapy.

several years after his wife's death, Mr. Sanchez remains incapacitated by feelings of guilt and sadness. To reduce Mr. Sanchez's depression, a therapist is actively encouraging him to stop blaming himself for his inability to prevent his wife's death. The therapist's approach is MOST representative of:

cognitive therapy.

This is a widely practiced integrative therapy which aims not only to alter the way people think, but also to alter the way they act.

cognitive-behavioral therapy

Andrea experiences extreme anxiety when she approaches any lake. Her therapist suggests that her fear is the result of a traumatic childhood boating accident. The therapist's suggestion reflects a _____ perspective.


the "Big Five" personality factors include:

conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion.

Frieda is organized, careful, and disciplined. She would likely score very high on a personality test that measures:


According to humanistic therapy, _____ is more important than unconscious thought.

conscious thought

Carl Rogers said, "The only question which matters is, 'Am I living in a way that is deeply satisfying to me?'" Which statement is NOT how critics of Rogers would MOST likely object to Rogers' statement? a. It encourages too much individualism, which can lead to self-indulgence and selfishness. b. It encourages too much individualism, which can lead to an erosion of moral restraints. c.It fails to recognize that people who focus beyond themselves are more likely to experience life satisfaction. d.It encourages people to be "undeterred" by others' needs as they seek self-actualization.

d.It encourages people to be "undeterred" by others' needs as they seek self-actualization.

Frieda is typically very shy. However, while watching a rock concert with a huge crowd, she lost her inhibitions and behaved in a sexually provocative way. Frieda's unusual behavior is BEST understood in terms of:


The students at the university charged the field after the game in response to their team's loss. They vandalized the opposing team's field and the police had to be called. This behavior is BEST understood in terms of:


Blake's doctor told her that she should not drink alcohol while taking Xanax. This is because antianxiety agents such as Xanax:

depress central nervous system activity.

Alcohol, barbiturates, and opiates calm neural activity and slow body functions. They belong to this category of psychoactive drugs.


David Rosenhan and colleagues conducted a study examining the biasing power of diagnostic labels. They went to mental hospital admissions offices and complained of "hearing voices" saying "empty," "hollow," and "thud." This was the only complaint they reported and displayed no other symptoms. They were all:

diagnosed as mentally ill and the causes for their disorders were "discovered."

In a study examining the biasing power of _____ labels, researchers went to mental hospital admissions offices and complained of "hearing voices" saying "empty," "hollow," and "thud." This was the only complaint they reported and they displayed no other symptoms. They were admitted and released an average of 19 days later.


Following the introduction of school desegregation in the United States and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, White Americans expressed _____ racial prejudice.


Thirty-year-old Nellie has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is unable to ignore irrelevant stimuli and she often gives her undivided attention to minute stimuli such as a spotlight shining in a window. This type of attention problem is thought to contribute to:

disorganized thoughts.

Jorge was reprimanded for an accounting error by his boss in front of his co-workers. Jorge gets home from his job and yells at his wife for not having dinner ready. His wife then yells at the children for leaving their toys all over the house. This BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:


Which of these disorders is almost never diagnosed in countries such as Great Britain, Japan, and India?

dissociative identity

Last week Becky read that labels can bias perceptions, so she does not support placing diagnostic labels on psychological problems. If you were trying to convince her that these types of labels do have benefits, you might tell her that mental health professionals use labels to: communicate about their clients. choose the most effective course of treatment. comprehend the underlying causes of psychological problems. do all of the things listed.

do all of the things listed.

Antipsychotic drugs are to _____ as a cork is to a _____.

dopamine receptors; bottle

the double-blind technique is most likely to be used in evaluating the effectiveness of _____.

drug therapies.

Schizophrenia often first appears during what stage of life?

early child hood

Marlow is suffering from schizophrenia. In addition to medication, Marlow sees a therapist once a week to help him re-socialize and modify his maladaptive behaviors. Marlow's therapist is most likely using what approach?


This drug is both a stimulant and a mild hallucinogen that can destroy serotonin-producing neurons with repeated use.


This treatment was originally performed without a general anesthetic and muscle relaxant prior to treatment.

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Garrick is a calm, self-satisfied man who appears to be secure. Which "Big Five" personality factor would BEST describe his personality?

emotional stability

The most effective psychotherapists are those who establish a(n) _____, caring relationship with their clients


Alexandra is well liked by her friends. When one watches her, one can see that she mimics her friends' gestures and seems to match their moods. Social psychology would suggest that this automatic mimicry is a component of:


The humanistic perspective of personality:

emphasizes the growth potential of "healthy" individuals.

Feelings of great happiness and well-being are described as a sense of _____.


Therapists that provide an empathic, caring, and trusting environment can help the client to _____ themselves


Medication and therapy are not the only way to lift an individual's mood. _____ has also proven successful in decreasing depression and/or reducing anxiety.


Which of these is effective in the treatment of phobias?

exposure therapies

Which type of therapy most often uses virtual reality technology?

exposure therapy

Systematic desensitization is a form of:

exposure therapy.

In a study, researchers temporarily deflated the self-image of participants by telling them they did poorly on a test. The participants were MORE likely to:

express heightened racial prejudice.

The therapy with a 15-year-old patient has been going well, but she tends to avoid discussing her relationship with her mother. The doctor believes that she can benefit from her family's involvement which will promote positive communication. Today's session brings together the patient and her parents. They are engaging in:

family therapy

This therapy assumes that no person is an island, and that we live and grow in relation to others, especially our families.

family therapy

One criticism of diagnoses of dissociative identity disorder is that it is possible that individuals are simply:

fantasy prone.

The aim of Freud's therapy was to bring a patient's repressed _____ into conscious awareness.


Bradley served two tours of duty during the war in Iraq. Since his return home, however, Bradley finds himself reliving many of his experiences from his time in the Armed Forces. Sometimes he swears he smells gun fire and feels the terror of being shot at. Bradley is most likely suffering _____ associated with _____.

flashbacks; PTSD

Defensive self-esteem is to _____ as secure self-esteem is to _____.

fragility; sturdiness

Ryan just started first grade and is very disruptive. He constantly interrupts others and usually blurts out an answer to the teacher's question before it is completely asked. His _____ traits make it more likely he will abuse later.


The three main features that humanistic therapists exhibit are _____, acceptance, and empathy.


Jaelyn is having trouble with stressful relationships with her family and friends. Which type of therapy would be the most effective?


Several high schools send students to a mock state assembly on a field trip. The students tended to prefer other students from their own high schools. What social psychology phenomena may be occurring?

group polarization

Denia is an expert on psychometrics and assessment; however, three of the clinicians disagree on her choice of scales. She decides to change her opinion for the good of the group. This BEST illustrates:

group think

Which phenomenon in social psychology contributed to the false idea that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction during the presidency of George W. Bush in the United States?


Michael complains that threatening voices are constantly telling him he is so evil he should kill himself. Michael is experiencing:


People with schizophrenia often have disturbed perceptions called _____, which are sensory experiences without sensory stimulation.


Therapeutic drugs that block dopamine receptors are MOST likely to reduce:


Groupthink is fueled by a desire for:


Good therapies seem to share much in common, including:

hope for demoralized people.

according to one study, good therapies share much in common, including:

hope for demoralized people.

These therapists have attempted to reduce the inner conflicts that are impeding natural developmental growth by providing clients with new insights.

humanistic therapists

Prejudice can occur automatically without conscious decision-making because it is often:


Classical psychoanalysts are especially interested in:

interpreting the meaning of clients' resistance to therapeutic procedures.

Krystal is friendly but often feels drained by social situations and needs time to recharge. She would most likely be high in which trait?


Asking a client to provide an example of a statement they made may encourage the client to say more. This is called _____.

inviting clarification

Thirty-seven-year-old Steven is a single male who has suffered from depression all his life. He has been in treatment for the last week and a half and has begun taking an antidepressant. He is starting to feel better, but he is tired of living this way and doesn't want to face another depressive episode. In terms of risk factors for suicide, Steven:

is more likely to attempt suicide, because his energy and initiative are rebounding.

Elsa is a 50-year-old teacher who is openly gay. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Elsa's homosexuality:

is not classified as an illness.

Although group therapy does not provide the same degree of therapist involvement as individual therapy it does provide all of the following EXCEPT:

it is easier to schedule an appointment for

According to the DSM-5, all of the following are required to be diagnosed with "insomnia disorder" EXCEPT:

lack of distress or impairment in everyday functioning.

Which of the following is one of the highest correlates of crime?

level of self-control

For the past four weeks, Odessa has been feeling lethargic and worthless. Her friends are worried because she no longer shows interest in her normal social activities. It is very likely that Odessa is suffering from:

major depressive disorder.

An overabundance of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine is MOST likely to be associated with:

manic state.

A sudden loss of _____ is one symptom of a dissociative disorder.


In the term schizophrenia, "phrenia" means _____.


It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy because testimonials from former patients can be _____.


Schizophrenia is a severe disorder that is NOT characterized by:

multiple personalities.`

Men who are diagnosed with schizophrenia have more ______ symptoms than women.


Mr. Hoffman has always been cautious with his money. But, over the past 2 weeks, he has developed grandiose plans to bet his entire savings on a single horse race. With unrestrained exuberance he has also been giving everybody he sees unsolicited advice on how to make millions in the stock market. Mr. Hoffman's behavior is most indicative of:

no disorder.

Antidepressants work by increasing the availability of what?

norepinephrine or serotonin

Personality inventories are to _____ as projective tests are to _____.

objective scoring; subjective scoring

People who suffer from _____ are so preoccupied by unwanted repetitive thoughts and/or actions that they have difficulty functioning in their daily lives.

obsessive-compulsive disorder

The brain areas involved in impulse control is especially likely to be hyperactive in those with:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Without success, Maxine spends hours each day trying to suppress the intrusive worry that she may have forgotten to lock her house when she left for work. Her experience is MOST symptomatic of a(n):

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

At some point in Don's life, he became one of those people who crossed the line from normal preoccupations and fussiness to his current debilitating condition known as:


Researchers find that conformity to the group increases when all of these occur EXCEPT:

one is made to feel secure.

In a residential treatment facility for troubled youth, adolescent children receive large colored buttons when they hang up their clothes, make their beds, and come to meals on time. The children return the buttons to staff members to receive bedtime snacks or watch TV. This best illustrates an application of _____.

operant conditioning

The proper order of Sigmund Freud's psychosexual stages is:

oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.

Several times in the past 2 months, Ava has experienced a racing heart, intense fear that something horrible is about to happen, and an inability to breathe. Ava most likely is suffering from _____.

panic attacks.

This disorder is characterized by a person experiencing sudden episodes of intense dread.

panic disorder

An aroused state of intense positive absorption in another is to _____ love; as deep affectionate attachment is to _____ love.

passionate; companionate

It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy because:

people often enter therapy in crisis, and these crises often pass without professional help.

Psychoactive drugs are chemicals that change mood and _____.


Although _____ are more common, depression is the number one reason people seek mental health services.


All of the following have been successfully treated with cognitive therapy EXCEPT:


Hallucinations and disorganized or deluded speech are examples of _____ symptoms of schizophrenia.


Years after he barely survived a violent attack that killed his wife and two children, Mr. Puskari suffers recurring flashbacks and frequent nightmares of the event. They render him incapable of holding a steady job. Mr. Puskari is MOST clearly showing signs of:

posttraumatic stress disorder.

Behavior therapies assume that _____ are the problems.

problem behaviors

What is the most powerful predictor of beginning a friendship?


Medical doctors who prescribe medications for individuals with serious psychological disorders are:


Except for traditional _____, most therapies may also occur in small groups.


The suggestion that dissociative identity disorder symptoms are created as defenses against the anxiety caused by one's own unacceptable impulses best illustrates the:

psychoanalytic perspective

_____ evolved out of the classic psychoanalytic therapy.

psychodynamic therapy

If a person exhibits persistently harmful thoughts, feelings, and actions, he or she has a _____.

psychological disorder

Antipsychotic medications, such as Thorazine, help deal with symptoms associated with _____, or the split with reality commonly seen with schizophrenia.


Angelina is suffering from depression. Once a week she sees a therapist and with the therapist's help she has begun to explore her past experiences and how they might have contributed to her depression. In addition, Angelina's therapist has Angelina begin to adopt new ways of thinking about the current events in her life. Angelina's therapist is more than likely using which type of therapy?


It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of _____ because people often enter therapy in crisis, and these crises often pass without professional help.


Bruce has been smoking since he was 15-years-old. His doctor tells him that he needs to quit for his health. Bruce tells the doctor, "Look, smoking is the only bad thing I do, and besides, you have to die from something." This BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:


This defense mechanism offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening unconscious reasons for one's actions. This is known as:


Bryce often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce BEST illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:

reaction formation.

Anxious people tend to be on the lookout for potentially threatening events; they perceive the world as threatening. Their personalities shape how they interpret and react to events. This is known as:

reciprocal determinism.

Lately, Harold and Grant cannot get along. Harold often expects the worst of people, and yesterday he thought Grant was mad at him. As a result, Harold ignored Grant's phone calls and other attempts at conversation, angering Grant. However, in truth, Harold created the situation to which he was reacting. This is an example of:

reciprocal determinism.

Mirroring what you are sensing a client is feeling by their body language and emotional intensity is called _____.

reflect feeling

With _____, patients receive repeated pulses of magnetic energy to the brain. These pulses can be used to stimulate activity in various areas of the brain.

repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

When a patient in psychoanalysis blocks anxiety-laden material from their consciousness, they are experiencing:


Cognitive dissonance theory is MOST helpful in understanding the impact of:

role-playing on attitude change.

A depressive disorder is most likely characterized by a persistently _____ mood and low energy level.


This theory proposes that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.

scapegoat theory

Regarding the treatment of _____, dopamine-blocking drugs have little effect on persistent negative symptoms.


In psychology, the _____ is thought to be the organizer of a person's thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as the pivotal center of personality.


Expectations of whether we will succeed when facing a challenge is called:


Labels of mental illness can be _____.


Twenty-year-old Brianna lives in a small town. She has always been extremely shy, but lately she has been feeling intensely afraid that others are scrutinizing her. She avoids speaking in class, she no longer goes to parties, and she starts trembling whenever she is in a public place. Brianna seems to be suffering from ________ disorder.

social anxiety

If someone has an intense fear of speaking in public, eating out, or going to parties, that person may be suffering from:

social anxiety disorder.

Penny is an intensely shy person who rarely attends social gatherings. In addition, she normally will not accept dinner invitations and refuses to speak in public, even if it is among a group of friends. Penny mostly likely suffers from:

social anxiety disorder.

At her health club, Bonnie pedals an exercise bike much faster when other patrons are using nearby equipment. This BEST illustrates:

social facilitation.

What culturally determined mental files about how to act do people use when they are unsure of how to behave?

social scripts

Which of these BEST illustrates a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

social withdraw

The _____ perspective emphasizes that personality is the result of interactions between people and their situations. The way one thinks about a situation affects one's behavior.


What principle of social psychology explains why we help children and others who cannot give back as much in return?

social-responsibility norm

When Vanessa noticed she was wearing mismatched socks, she overestimated the extent to which others would also notice. Her reaction BEST illustrates:

spotlight effect

Although developed to treat depression, antidepressants have also proven successful in treating numerous other disorders EXCEPT:

substance-related disorders.

If you want to listen more actively in your own relationships, these three hints may help:

summarize, invite clarification, and reflect feelings.

To help Adam reduce his fear of dogs, a therapist encourages him to physically relax and imagine that he is walking toward a friendly and harmless little dog. The therapist's technique BEST illustrates an early stage of:

systematic desensitization

It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy because:

testimonials from former patients can be misleading.

Lately, 5-year-old Liam has been acting strangely. He clings to his mother and expresses jealous feelings toward his father, almost as if his father is a rival for his mother's love. Sigmund Freud would suggest that Liam is experiencing:

the Oedipus complex.

People often commit the fundamental attribution error, especially when they explain:

the behavior of strangers.

Though neighbors heard someone screaming for help as she was being murdered, they failed to call the police in time to save her. This BEST illustrates:

the bystander effect.

It is an election year, and a volunteer asks if Jay would put a small sign in his yard. He agrees. The next week, Jay's wife cannot believe he agreed to put a 3-foot sign on the front lawn. This scenario is explained by:

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

Researchers asked homeowners for permission to install a large, poorly lettered sign in their front yards. Only 17 percent of the homeowners consented to the installations. Researchers then approached different homeowners and asked if they could post a small sign. Nearly all agreed. Then, when asked two weeks later if they could post the large, ugly sign, 76 percent consented. The results of this experiment support:

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

Shortly after learning he did not make it onto his high school football team, Alex vandalized the team's locker room and broke several of the school's windows. His behavior is BEST explained in terms of:

the frustration-aggression principle.

Marilyn thinks strict class attendance policy is an indication of her professor's overly controlling personality rather than a necessity dictated by the limited number of class sessions (the course meets only once a week). Her judgment BEST illustrates:

the fundamental attribution error.

Sigmund Freud suggested that three interacting systems can explain the dynamics of the human mind. These three systems refer to:

the id, the ego, and the superego.

When buying groceries, many shoppers prefer certain products simply because they have a familiar brand name. This preference BEST illustrates the importance of:

the mere exposure effect.

Some psychologists believe self-actualization and self-transcendence is the ultimate psychological need. It only arises after basic psychological and physiological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved. Self-actualization refers to:

the motivation to fulfill one's potential.

Laurie is traveling in Japan and finds that she has more difficulty matching names to faces. What principle of social psychology may explain her difficulty?

the other-race effect

All of the following may influence the perceived effectiveness of psychotherapy EXCEPT:

the perception of the client's family and friends.

Because she mistakenly believes the herbal remedy she is using will help her lose weight, Mrs. Redding is feeling a considerable reduction in her appetite. This BEST illustrates:

the placebo effect.

Arianna displays very dysfunctional behavior. She is unable to care for herself, cannot dress herself, and has limited understanding of her surroundings. Prior to the reform movement influenced by Philippe Pinel, Arianna's behavior would most likely have been considered:

the result of demon possession.Tonya is interested in studying psychological disorders. If she wants to study the classification system most often used in the United States, she should read the _____.

After the attacks on the United States in September 2001, some Americans began boycotting Arab-American stores and lashing out at any Middle-Eastern person they saw. This behavior is BEST explained in terms of:

the scapegoat theory.

Benny enjoys the feelings created by drinking alcohol. However, over the last several years he has noticed that it takes more and more alcohol to create the desired effects. This phenomenon may be the result of:


At his weekly therapy session, Henry became agitated at his therapist, saying that she was controlling, domineering, and trying to ruin his life with all of her mothering. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


At his weekly therapy session, Henry became agitated by his therapist, saying that she was controlling, domineering, and trying to ruin his life with all of her mothering. A psychoanalyst would suggest that this illustrates:


Last week Angela read that labels can bias perceptions, so she does not support placing diagnostic labels on psychological problems. If you were trying to convince her that these types of labels do have benefits, you might tell her that mental health professionals use labels to choose the most effective course of _____.


Mel and her doctor are trying to decide which medication Mel should use to reduce her psychotic symptoms. Her doctor told her that the first-generation dopamine-blocking drugs can have side effects such as:

twitches and tremors.

Given a nonjudgmental, grace-filled environment that provides _____, people may accept their worst traits and feel valued and whole.

unconditional positive regard

_____ is a caring, accepting, nonjudgmental attitude, which Carl Rogers believed to be conducive to developing self-awareness and self-acceptance.

unconditional positive regard

An attitude of total acceptance toward another person is known as:

unconditional positive regard.

Kate comes home with three "A's" and two "B's," to which her mother replies, "Is that the best you could do?" and walks away. Rogers refers to this attitude as the opposite of:

unconditional positive regard.

Sigmund Freud emphasized the importance of:

unconscious processes.

Eysenck's research showed that _____ people had similar rates of improvement when compared to those who received treatment.


This therapy progressively exposes people to simulations of their greatest fears, such as airplane flying, spiders, or public speaking.

virtual reality exposure therapy

Although Alex is frequently caught stealing money and other valuables from friends as well as strangers, he does not feel guilty or remorseful about his actions. Alex MOST clearly demonstrates a(n):

week superego

Jose is trying to quit smoking. He might experience all of the following withdrawal symptoms EXCEPT:

weight loss.

Which of the following can be predicted from scores on the Big Five trait theory?

words used in blog posts

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