PSY 201 Final Exam

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Which of the following is an altered state of consciousness?


Which of the following plays a significant role in sleeping, sneezing, and coughing?


Brown and McNeil's experiment on the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon revealed that

memory storage systems are indexed according to both visual and audio cues

These neurons fire when an animal observes the behavior of another animal and that behavior stimulates imitative behavior in the first animal

mirror neurons

Behavior that is rewarded by partial reinforcement is BLANK resistant to extinction.


BLANK is best defined as a sudden variation in an inheritable characteristic, as distinguished from a variation that results from generations of gradual selection.


BLANK refers to a sleep attack in which a person falls asleep suddenly and irresistibly.


BLANK is the concept that holds that adaptive genetic variations among members of a species enable individuals with those variations to survive and reproduce.

natural selection

On his first day as school psychologist, Daniel took a trip to the school ground and quietly sat in the corner watching the children play. He noticed several patterns in the way the children behaved with each other, especially when they were playing games. Daniel is most likely using the method of BLANK

naturalistic observation

Pointing to a cat and saying, "This is not a dog" is a(n) BLANK of the dog concept.

negative instance

BLANK cannot be experienced through sensory awareness or direct inner awareness.

non conscious processes

Which of the following best identifies the behaviorists primary emphasis for the study of psychology?

observable behavior

According to BLANK, when we see modeled behavior being reinforced, we are vicariously reinforced.

observational learning

BLANK is the acquisition of knowledge and skills by watching others rather than by means of direct experience.

observational learning

The BLANK conducts sensory input to the brain, where it is relayed to the visual area of the occipital lobe.

optic nerve

Max's 3 year-old typically says things like, "I seed it" and "Mommy sitter down." These examples illustrate BLANK.

over regularization

Which of the following statements is true of sleep?

people need more sleep when they are under stress

Which of the following statements highlights the relationship between dopamine and schizophrenia?

people with schizophrenia may have more receptor sites for dopamine in an area of the brain that is involved in emotional responding

When a patient insists on having a medical cure but a physician does not believe that medicine is necessary, the physician may prescribe sugar pills. Such fake pills are called BLANK


Liz sustained a head injury in a car accident. When she was fully awake, the doctor approached her and asked questions such as "What is the last thing you remember?" and "When were you born?" Liz was ablate answer all these questions correctly. In this scenario, the questions asked to Liz summon up BLANK.

preconscious information

Some researchers consider the BLANK to be the "executive center" of the brain, where decisions are made to keep information in working memory and to solve problems.

prefrontal cortex

According to Louis Thurstone, BLANK are the eight specific factors that make up intelligence.

primary mental abilities

When Angelica studies for her college classes, she actively thinks about the new information, thinks about its applications, and tries to generate her own examples based on her experiences. Using levels of processing terminology , Angelica is

processing information at a "deep" level so that it is more likely to be encoded into long-term memory

Because of her poor health, your Aunt B had to take a lot of medication. She usually does a good job of remembering to take it but sometimes forgets to do so. This forgetting is a failure of what type of memory?

prospective memory

In the context of the human eye, the size of the BLANK is sensitive to an individual's emotions.


On a bright, sunny day, Manny leaves a dimly-lit movie theater and goes out into the street. The BLANK in his eyes adjust to the sudden increase in light.


Research that is undertaken primarily because the researcher is interested in a topic is called

pure research

Adam, a sleep researcher, noticed that his sleeping patient had a high level of neurological arousal. The patient is most likely in BLANK sleep.

rapid eye movement

The BLANK assumes that the more similar something is to our expectations, the more likely the entity belongs to that category.

representativeness heuristic

After telling the police officer everything she could recall about when she went to the bank, Lucas got to the point that he no longer recall any more information. At that point, Lucas was most likely experiencing BLANK.

retrieval cue failure

According to your text, which of the following is NOT a reason for dreaming?

role theory

Carole walked into a Moroccan restaurant and was surprised that she did not see any utensils. Her surprise stems from the fact that she has never eaten without utensils before. This is an example of a BLANK.


Professor Schwiesow is trained as which of the following?

school psychologist

Jenny is preparing for an English test, and her brother is playing music loudly in the next room. She focuses on reading her English textbooks and ignores the music. In this scenario, Jenny is using BLANK.

selective attention

Exposure to very loud sounds can lead to damage of the auditory nerve or hair cells, resulting in BLANK.

sensorineural deafness

At the start of the exam Bobbi did not notice any distracting sounds. As time passed she became more and more aware of the ticking clock on the wall. What is this an example of?

sensory adaptation

Although Crystal had practiced her presentation several times before, she struggled in the middle part of her speech when she gave it in class. This pattern of forgetting illustrates BLANK.

serial position effect

Which of the following neurotransmitters is involved in emotional arousal and sleep?


Two identical model cars are parked at the far end of the parking lot. You are able to determine that one of the cars is closer to you than the other because it appears to be slightly larger, even though you know it is the same as the other. This is an example of which perceptual cue?

size constancy

People with BLANK stop breathing periodically, up to several hundred times per night.

sleep apnea

Kira, an eight-year old girl, sometimes walks in her sleep. She also responds to questions while she is up and about. However, when she wakes up in the morning, she does not remember the incident. In the context of sleep disorders, Kira is experiencing symptoms of BLANK.


In classical conditioning, the term extinction can be misleading because

spontaneous recovery of extinguished conditioned responses can occur

As we enter BLANK, our brain waves slow down from the alpha rhythm and enter a pattern of theta waves.

stage 1 sleep

Sleepwalking typically occurs during

stage 4 sleep

A hypothesis is a BLANK

statement about behavior or mental processes that is testable through research

Identify a true statement about environmental influences on intelligence.

studies support the view that children's early environment is linked to academic achievement

Visual stimuli can be flashed too briefly, below our absolute threshold for conscious perception, to enable us to process them. This is an example of BLANK

subliminal stimulation

In the context of altering consciousness through drugs, BLANK is a problem characterized by loss of control over consumption, social impairment, risky use, and tolerance and withdrawal symptoms.

substance use disorder

The term BLANK refers to the deliberate placing of certain ideas, impulses, or images out of awareness.


The BLANK is the branch of the autonomic nervous system that is most active when you are scared.

sympathetic division

Naomi is afraid of dogs. While she is feeling relaxed, her therapist shows her a dog from a distance. The therapist gradually brings the dog closer until Naomi's fear is completely extinguished. In this scenario, which of the following techniques is being used to extinguish Naomi's fear of dogs?

systematic desensitization

Davis could not remember the last digit of his friend's cell phone number, so he kept trying different digits until he found the right one. In this scenario, which of the following methods did Dave use?

systematic random search algorithm

If the BLANK is damaged, a person can form visual memories but not verbal memories.


The pain message is relayed from the spinal cord to the BLANK and then protected to the cerebral cortex, making us aware of the location and intensity of the damage.


B.F. Skinner proposed

that organisms learn to behave in certain ways because their behavior has a positive outcome

According to cognitive psychologists, BLANK.

the changes caused by learning influence an organism's behavior

Amy accidentally hit her elbow against the edge of a wall. Amy's mother rushed to her and rubbed the affected elbow. Amy's pain subsided. Which theory would best explain this incident?

the gate theory

According to the American Psychological Association's Handbooks of Ethics in Psychology, which of the following criteria must be met for psychologists to use deception in their experiments?

the participants are debriefed afterwards

The critical factor in state-dependent retrieval is the influence of

the person's mood at the time is encoded and retrieved

BLANK refers to the tendency to perceive a broken figure as complete or whole.

the principle of closure

Which best characterizes Howard Gardner's view of intelligence?

there are multiple intelligences which are influenced by different areas in the brain

In the context of the theories of intelligence, which of the following statements is true of creative people?

they appreciate art and music

Which of the following statements is true of hormones?

they are secreted directly into the bloodstream

One potential reason why women and certain ethnic groups are significantly affected by alcohol is because

they produce less aldehyde dehydrogenase than other groups

Which of the following statements is tru of amphetamines?

they provide a euphoric rush when consumed in high doses

Darryl has been a cocaine addict for over three years. He is a regular user of the drug. His body is now habituated to the drug , and hence he requires twice as much cocaine as he did initially to achieve similar effects. In this scenario, Darryl is displaying BLANK.


Which of the following is a new basic taste that was recently added to the primary taste qualities?


Prior to conditioning, Michael salivates in response to lasagna placed in his mouth. Using classical conditioning terms, the food would be the BLANK, while Michael salivating would be labeled the BLANK.

unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response

Every morning, Jaclyn's parents watch for the school bus to arrive. They are repeatedly looking out the window to se if the bus has arrived. This schedules a BLANK.

variable-interval schedule

Michaela works as a waitress and she knows that the more tables she waits on the better the likelihood of more tips. This schedule is a BLANK.

variable-ratio schedule

If you were having trouble with balance, it would most likely be a problem with your BLANK system.


BLANK tells us whether we are falling and provides cues to whether our body is changing speed.

vestibular sense

Which of the following senses is dominant in human beings?


In a study by Elizabeth Loftus, subjects watched a film of an automobile accident, then answered a series of questions, including one asking them to estimate the speed of the cars. What factor affected the subjects' estimate of how fast the cars in the film were traveling?

whether the words used in the question suggested greater speed (e.g. contacted vs. smashed)

Jane is a 10 year-old girl with a mental age of 12. Jane's intelligence quotient calculated using Wilhelm Stern's formula is BLANK.


BLANK believed that general intelligence was responsible for overall performance on mental ability tests.

Charles Spearman

Which of the following statements is true of applied research?

It is designed to find solutions to specific personal or social problems

Which of the following statements is true of the scientific method?

Psychologists are guided by principles of critical thinking as they try to draw conclusions from research evidence collected through the scientific method

Which of the following terms denotes a trick of perceptual constancies on the eye?

a visual illusion

Bobby was standing in line to purchase a movie ticket. All of a sudden, the man in front of him took a few steps back and stepped on Bobby's foot. Bobby felt pain immediately. This sensation was transmitted to the spinal cord and the brain through BLANK

afferent neurons

If you are upset over something that you saw on social media, most likely your BLANK is highly active right now.


Chelsea sells used cars and she has noticed over the years that when you initially quote a high price for a car, people tend to not have drastically different counteroffer. This is an example of BLANK.

an anchoring and adjustment heuristic

Which of the following statements is true of prelinguistic vocalizations?

babies' babbling frequently combines consonants and vowels

When you are training a pet, you are most likely relying on which of the following psychological perspectives?


The BLANK perspective works on the assumption that thoughts, fantasies, and dreams- and the inborn or instinctive behavior patterns of various species- are made possible by the nervous system and the brain.


In relation to the question of what determines intelligence, most psychologists agree that

both heredity and environment are important in determining intelligence

Phoebe recently suffered a major fall in which she sustained brain injuries. Since then, she has had immense difficulty in communicating with others. She appears to understand what is said to her, but her responses are slow and laborious. Her sentences are always incomplete with important grammatical words missing. Which of the following conditions best reflects Phoebe's case?

broca's aphasia

The brain and spinal cord make up the BLANK, which controls and commands bodily functions.

central nervous system

Which of the following statements is true of the nativist theory of language and development?

children bring neurological prewiring to language learning

BLANK primarily study how we perceive and mentally represent the world, how we learn, remember the past, plan, problem solve, and use language.

cognitive psychologists

A number of people with severe cases of epilepsy have split-brain operations in which much of BLANK is severed.

corpus callosum

An association among variables is known as BLANK


A(n) BLANK expresses the strength and direction (positive or negative) of the relationship between two variables.

correlation coefficient

BLANK is defined as a way of evaluating the claims and comments of other people that involved skepticism and examination of evidence

critical thinking

The loudness of a sound is expressed in BLANK

decibels (dB)

People withdrawing from chronic alcohol use may experience BLANK with heavy sweating, restlessness, disorientation, and frightening hallucinations.

delirium tremens

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to BLANK.

determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory

Jeff's dog barks and growls at the sound of a stranger's car pulling into his driveway, yet the dog wags its tail and gets excited at the sound of Jeff's car. In this scenario, the difference in the dog's reactions is due to BLANK.


BLANK is the quality of language that permits one to communicate information about objects and events in another time and place.


BLANK is the loss of memory of personal that is thought to stem from psychological conflict or trauma

dissociative amnesia

Nearsightedness can result when the eyeball is elongated such that the images of

distant objects are focused in front of the retina

In BLANK, the problem solver associates freely to the elements of the problem, allowing "leads" to run a nearly limitless course.

divergent thinking

Nicotine, alcohol, and many other drugs are pleasurable because they heighten levels of


Derris is a research assistant in Dr. Smith's psychology lab. When the participant asked him what the conditions of the study were, Derris replied, "I do not know." This is an example of BLANK study.


Mr. Rupp's memory has always been spectacular. He can see an image, and recalll exactly all of the details of either one. Mr. Rupp's ability to remember these specific details is known as BLANK.

eidetic memory

BLANK intensifies most emotions and is central to the experience of fear and anxiety.


Mindfulness meditation (MM) provides clients with techniques they can use to

focus on the present

Jane is a practicing psychologist who assesses the mental status of people charged with crimes and shares her findings with the courts. Jane is most likely a BLANK

forensic psychologist

Esteban finds that he is often very anxious and not at ease. Which of the following neurotransmitters might help him the most?

gamma-aminbutyric acid

3 year-old Derris watches the children's television show "Spongebob Squarepants." At first, Derris became really excited whenever he saw Spongebob doll. Now Derris get excited whenever he sees any yellow sponge. Derris is displaying stimulus BLANK.


Which of the following represents your full genetic potential?


BLANK form a fatty substance called myelin

glial cells

In the context of behavioral genetics, identify the correct system.

heredity is apparently involved in psychological disorders ranging from anxiety and depression to personality disorders

In the context of organization in long-term memory, a(n) BLANK is an arrangement of items into groups or classes according to common or distinct features.


In the context of behavior therapy methods, which of the following is true of flooding?

it involves continuous exposure to fear-evoking stimuli

Which of the following statements is true about long-term memory?

it is analogous to a biochemical "hard drive"

Which of the following statements is true of the absolutions threshold?

it is determined by exposing individuals to progressively stronger stimuli until the minimum stimuli the person can detect is found

Which of the following statements is true of shaping?

it reinforces progressive steps toward the behavioral goal

What is the name of the concept that infants are born with the innate ability to learn language?

language acquisition device

BLANK refers to learning that is hidden or concealed.

latent learning

People deprived of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

learn more slowly

In the context in memory and forgetting, one of the cognitive explanations for infantile amnesia states that

infants do not make reliable use of language to symbolize or classify events

Ava, a 4 year-old girl, combines words to form her own sentences. In this scenario, Ava is demonstrating BLANK.

infinite creativity

Explicit memory is

information that can be clearly stated

In Gestalt psychology, BLANK is a sudden perception of relationships among elements of the mentally represented elements of a problem that permits its solution.


Which of the following is a principle of critical thinking?

insist on evidence

The blind spot

is insensitive to visual stimulation

Visual acuity is highest when images are focused on the fovea because of the high concentration of BLANK in the region.


Johnny has always feared going to the dentist as he associated these visits with pain. After repeated visits to the dentist, Johnny also developed the fear of bright lights as he had started associating it with the dentist's cabin. In the given scenario, the development of Johnny's fear of bright lights is due to BLANK.

higher-order conditioning

Shana is a young girl who was in a bus accident a few years ago. Since her accident, Shana is only able to remember people she met before the accident and instances from her childhood. However, she is unable to remember people she met recently or events that are currently happening in her life. She reads the same newspaper for several days without realizing that she has read it before. The accident has disabled Shana's ability to permanently store new information because she sustained an injury to her _____.​


When a child utters the word "Mama," it may signify meanings as varied as "There goes mama," "Come here, mama," and "You are my mama." Such single words used by children to express complex meanings are known as BLANK.


The flow of visual information seems smooth and continuous because of BLANK memory, which can hold visual stimuli for up to a second.


How to perform different skills is a component of BLANK.

implicit memory

Knowing how to play a piano without much conscious effort illustrates BLANK memory.

implicit memory

Essay tests are examples of


According to your text, children watching violence in the media are potentially impacted by all of the following EXCEPT

reduced probability of aggressive behavior

In the context of operant conditioning, an example of BLANK is when you keep posting comments on social media to receive more "likes."


Sofia does not like eating vegetables. To ensure that she eats her vegetables, her mother offers her an extra helping of dessert every time Sofia finishes her vegetables. In the context of behaviorism, this is known as BLANK.


BLANK are defined as stimuli that increase the frequency of behavior.


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