PSY 301 Study Guide

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As a rule of thumb, if your GPA is substantially lower (i.e., more than ___ points lower) than the mean or median listed for students actually admitted into the program, you probably will not be a viable candidate for admission.


It typically takes a full-time student ________ years to earn a master's degree in psychology.


A psychlogist had been providing treatment to a man with a cocaine dependency for about two months. The patient stopped showing up for appointments and treatment was interrupted. After a few weeks, the therapist tried to contact the patient, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Although the patient had made partial payments, $500 was still owed to the therapist and there was no insurance coverage. About one year later the therapist received an urgent call from a psychiatrist at the emergency room of the local county hospital. The patient had been admitted with an overdose and was unconscious. The patient had little identifying information on him except for an appointment card with the former psychologist's name on it. The psychiatrist thought it might be useful to learn some background information and requested the release of some information from the psychologist. When the patient stopped coming (Check all that apply) (APA).

A. The therapist should not have expected to receive/attempted to recover the remainder of the payment because the treatment was interrupted. C. The therapist was correct in attempting to contact the patient because of his concern for treatment continuity. D. The therapist should have discarded the patient's records since the patient stopped coming.

Education (or student loan) debt is a very real consequence faced by students in psychology, particularly those who seek graduate education. According to APA (2011), the median educational debt for students earning doctoral degrees was:

$120,000 for PsyDs and $50,000 for PhDs

According to NACE's Salary Survey (2014), the average starting salary for new graduates with bachelor's degrees in psychology in 2013 was _____ .


Students can be blinded by their desire to attend graduate school - at any cost. It is normal to have educational debt when you leave graduate school, but be aware of the potential amount and carefully consider if you want to afford it. For instance, 2011 data report that graduates in the practice-oriented subfields had a median debt of:


Regardless of the specialty you are applying for (e.g., clinical, school, I/O, health, etc.), all graduate programs prefer applicants have which TWO of the following undergraduate courses? (CHECK TWO BELOW)

- Statistics - research methods

Which of the following are TRUE about attending graduate classes? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- The typical class size is 6 - 20 students - High expectations are placed on your class participation

Which of the following areas of psychology view postdoctoral fellowships as a necessary step, given that the majority of their graduates are employed in these positions? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- neuroscience - biological psychology

Respect for persons, beneficence, and justice are the three principles of the: (BB)

Belmont Report

Who is considered the founder of American Behaviorism?

John Watson

The importance of applied psychology or "social action research" was emphasized by

Kurt Lewin

Your reading points out the inevitable personal sacrifice you will endure as you face the amount of time and commitment required to pursue your graduate studies. You are offered all of the following pieces of advice to be successful during this challenging time EXCEPT:

Learn to live on less sleep, so you can maximize your time and productivity

Degree programs other than the Ph.D. for those in consulting professions were first suggested by

Leta Hollingsworth

Which of the following statements about deception is consistent with APA Ethical Standards? (APA)

Prior to conducting a study, the researcher must be positive that, if revealed, the deceptive components would not decrease willingness to participate.

All of the following name actual journals in psychology. Most of them reflect the second future trend identified by Dr. Richard Petty. Which one does NOT?

Sex Roles

If you absolutely hate to write or are unwilling to acquire writing skills, you should seriously question whether to pursue a career in psychology.


Many graduate programs give more weight to your academic performance in the second half of your undergraduate career, rather than just your overall GPA.


The truth about letters of recommendation is that you should trust your letter writers or ask someone else.


_______________ was the first American psychologist to apply psychological principles to personnel selection.

Walter Dill Scott

Although the method of introspection was developed by _______________ as an examination of one's own mind to inspect and report on personal thoughts or feelings, it had its roots in the early philosophical work of _______________ as it related to self-knowledge.

Wundt; Socrates

Extracurricular activities are most important as _____________ that will enable you to enhance your attractiveness as a graduate school applicant.

an avenue for acquiring information and contacts

Which of the following provides you with the best overview for preparing for the Psychology GRE exam?

an introductory psychology textbook

Surveys (especially those prior to the last decade) reveal that the percentage of therapists who have sexual relations with their current therapy clients is: (BB)

anywhere from 5 to 15%

The Richard Petty powerpoint presentation notes three trends for the future of the field of psychology. The trends include greater emphasis on all of the following EXCEPT:

applied theory and research (as opposed to basic)

Regarding the graduate programs to which you actually decide to apply, your text recommends that half of your applications should be to programs where you ____ the statistics of their recent admissions.


Neobehaviorism __________ the scope of acceptable behavior to study.


Perhaps the best advice regarding graduate school interviews is to:

go, if you're invited

One of the early steps to selecting a graduate program that is right for you is to do a comprehensive search of available programs. Your reading recommends all of the following as excellent resources EXCEPT:

Regarding clinical, counseling, and school graduate programs, you will only be able to get licensed in many states if you graduate from an APA-accredited program. Information on how long a program has been accredited can be found:

in every December issue of APA's publication, American Psychologist

Regarding your career outlook, the increasing popularity of the psychology major means:

increased competition for employment at the bachelor's level

Although this should not be the deciding factor on selecting graduate programs, a better chance at admission to graduate school can be found with a school that:

is in a less desirable location

All of the following are TRUE of a bachelor's degree in psychology EXCEPT:

it is difficult to be competitive for employment without graduate training in psychology

Practice-oriented (e.g., clinical) PhD programs have a ____ number of applications and ____ acceptance rates.

large; lower

To evaluate your own work ethic, your reading suggests you can consider your own personal traits regarding your approach to your academic work. Your reading suggests that a person with a strong work ethic exhibits all of the following EXCEPT:

leadership (e.g., seeks officer roles in department clubs and organizations)

Plato was the first to recognize that psychological events are


Carl Rogers' major impact in the field of psychology changed the practice of


Doctoral students complete dissertations - extensive independent research projects that take the last few years of graduate school to write and revise. The dissertation process begins with a formal proposal and culminates in a formal defense, both of which occur in front of an expert faculty committee. Thus, to do these two parts of the process, you should feel comfortable with:

public speaking

Throughout your career as a psychologist, whether you are research- or practice-oriented, you will be expected to contribute your knowledge to the field by:

publishing your findings

Because job seekers send out so many applications, your text suggests that you use a ______ to keep track of specific, important information for each position you've sent in an application.


Sir Francis Galton claimed that if scientists were going to make claims about data they had collected, they had better use


In assessing the value of psychological research for the purpose of determining whether it is ethical and worth conducting, one should consider each of the following EXCEPT: (BB)

the prestige of the researcher

To draw forth knowledge from students by pursuing a series of questions and examining the implications of their answers is known as

the socratic dialogue

William James believed that the goal for psychology should be

the study of how people adapt to their environment.

A graduate student using rats for neuropsychological research is charged with inhumane treatment of her laboratory rats. The sanitary conditions of the animals' cages are questionnable and it appears that anesthesia was not used consistently during surgical procedures. The student maintains that she was never trained in research methodology related to the care and use of animals. The responsibility for this situation lies PRIMARILY with: (APA)

the supervisor

Which of the following represent extra credit opportunities that help prepare you for the major projects? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

(EC4) Project Consultation with Course Assistant - discuss which project is appropriate for you and have your questions about the projects answered (EC6) Attend a Jobs with a BA Project Workshop - Attend a workshop in the GRR of PRO (Psychology Resource Office) to get started on the Jobs project (EC5) Attend a Graduate School Workshop - Attend a workshop in the GRR of PRO (Psychology Resource Office) to get started on the Grad School project

Dr. Richard Petty identifies a future trend in the field for psychology to become a "hub" discipline. It appears from his information that psychology will: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

(literally) take center stage to enhance the knowledge of other disciplines hand over its applied subfields directly to "more applied" schools/departments (e.g., Law and Behavior will be taught in Law Schools, not psychology departments)

According to psychology professors, their most successful students are those who have which of the following characteristics? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- Hardworking - Self motivated - flexible mature passionate about psychology highly organized full of stamina

Data published in 2005 by the APA Research Office revealed which of the following to be TRUE facts about graduate school tuition? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- The average annual tuition for in-state residents in master's programs is $4812 - The average annual tuition for in-state residents in doctoral programs is $10,200

Many interviewers ask similar questions, so it is possible to anticipate and prepare for several questions that you may be asked before you actually interview. Some good potential interview questions to practice are: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses? - We're interviewing many candidates; why should we hire you? - What will you bring to the organization? - Tell me about an ethical dilemma you encountered and how you addressed it. - Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years?

Which of the following are TRUE of the sample chronological resume included in your text? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- Your telephone number is listed above your email address. - Relevant experiences are listed below education

Having withdrawals on your transcript does NOT look good to graduate admissions committees, because: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- failing to complete an undergraduate course questions your ability to be successful in graduate studies where the workload is much more difficult - they signal and draw attention to potential negative attributes - a withdrawal suggests you may take on more responsibility than you can handle

Do NOT postpone taking the "harder" psychology courses, because: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- graduate admissions faculty will want to see excellent grades in these upper-level courses on your transcript - these courses are likely to include material that you need for the GRE Psychology Subject Test which you should take by fall of your senior year

To wisely consider a job offer, it is important to consider information like: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

- the cost of living where you will be living and working - what is the work environment like - are there professional development opportunities - what benefits are included

A psychologist in a full-time, solo private practice advertises that he limits his practice to marital problems. In 20 years in private practice, he has been successful in solving his clients' marital problems but not in saving his own marriage. Because he works 60 to 70 hours each week, he is able to avoid focussing on his own problems. His secretary schedules his 5:00 opening with a new client, a 35-year married woman, and leaves to catch the 5:00 bus. The client impresses him as someone in need of confirmation of her own worth; after several sessions she admits that she was molested as a child by her father and that her sexual relationship with her husband is both unsatisfactory and coerced. After three months pass, the psychologist realizes that he is looking forward to seeing this client each week and is beginning to feel sexually attracted to her. At this point the psychologist could ethically: (check all that can be justified by the APA ethics code)

A. continue to treat her, seek counseling for his marital problems, and reschedule her appointment time, B. refer her to another therapist because he feels attracted to her. D. refer her to a therapist who specializes in child sexual abuse.

Which of the following are good pieces of advice for selecting a potential faculty mentor? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Choose professors who generally work with students. Choose professors who regularly have students presenting at conferences. Choose from among the professors you've had for classes.

Why are standardized admissions tests (e.g., the GRE) important considerations in evaluating graduate applications? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Standardized tests help to compare students across a wide variety of educational experiences. Students with the same GPA at the same school may not be "equally good" candidates for graduate study because of different choices in courses. A 3.8 GPA may not mean the same thing across different schools.

Which of the following are TRUE of how you can get involved in research? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Start early in your undergrad career--research projects & developing relationships w/ faculty takes serious time Ask a professor directly if you can help with research Offer to collect & enter data for one of your professors Demonstrate your commitment to simple research tasks to increase likelihood that you'll be included in more research later on Offer to gather background lit. for a professor's study

The California Supreme Court case which changed the way therapists view absolute confidentiality during therapy was: (BB)

Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California

Which of the following are TRUE regarding master's degrees? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Terminal master's programs have lower entrance requirements than nonterminal/doctoral programs. Doing well in a terminal master's program can improve your chances of getting accepted into a doctoral program.

The earliest Greek philosopher thought to have contributed to Western psychological thought was


Which of the following are TRUE of the Psychology Subject Test of the GRE?

The Experimental content area of the exam covers approximately 40% of the questions. The exam consists of approximately 205 questions with five answer options

There are primarily three different training models for the health service provider subfields of psychology (i.e., clinical, counseling, and school). Which of the following are TRUE of the Vail model? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

The PsyD degree developed from this model This model is often referred to as the practitioner-scholar model Students trained in the Vali model are consumers more than producers of research

The US study that demonstrated abuse of research and prompted the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research in 1974 was called: (BB)

The Tuskegee Study

The major difference between the principles and the standards of the APA Code of Ethics is: (BB)

The principles are aspirational while the standards provide specific guidance and are enforceable.

Which of the following are true regarding turning in your major project? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Due November 10, 2016 Due in Black Box by 3:00 PM - all sections including appendices Due to BeachBoard Dropbox by 11:30 PM - all sections of template only (NO appendices) NO late projects are accepted

Which of the following are all TRUE pieces of advice provided by your text regarding how you should handle the GRE? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Graduate programs will only see the GRE sets of scores you select to send to them, not necessarily all of your attempts. Regarding evaluating the scores published by graduate programs, ignore the required minimums; instead, focus on the actual scores of those admitted. Taking the GRE can be costly; currently $200 for the General Test, $150 for the Psychology Subject Test, $30 for each report you send to graduate programs.

Having devised a new way of doing premarital counseling, Dr. Jones, a psychologist, mails a circular proudly announcing his "unique service created to assure a happy start in marriage." (APA)

He should be made aware of the ethical violation of standard 5.01 a, b

The field of sensation and perception was originally established with the work of German physiologists, including __________ and ____________.

Helmholtz; Fechner

The greatest physician of antiquity who is also known as the father of medicine is


The first reference to psychological thought was reported by


When considering future career opportunities, the U.S. Department of Labor (2008) has projected that, between 2012 and 2022, the psychology subfield that will grow the most (in terms of percentage) is:


Who is credited with being the first clinical psychologist?

Lightner Witmer

Which of the following describe the purposes of the Graduate School Project? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

The project will help you learn the steps involved in applying to graduate school. The project will help you plan the remainder of your undergraduate academic career. The project provides a "reality check" about the competitiveness of specific graduate programs. The project will serve as a referral guide for those of you who submit "real" graduate school applications in the future. The project will serve as a "call to action" for you to contact mentors, seek out research and applied experiences, and participate in department and professional organizations.

A psychologist is conducting research on stress and forced-choice. Specifically a psychologist is using a cat as a subject in a study assessing the effects of sleep deprivation and hunger on decision-making. The research has been approved by the animal review committee. A colleague notices that the cat is suffering some mild discomfort and warns the researcher that this is a violation of APA's Ethical Principles. With regard to APA's Ethical Principles, which is most true about this situation? (APA)

The psychologist is acting ethically since the cat's mild discomfort is justified by the potential elimination of human discomfort that the research findings will provide

Which of the following is true of the new GRE test format?

There are real-life and data interpretation questions.

An excellent resource for students investigating different graduate school programs is Graduate Study in Psychology, published annually by the APA.


Most graduate programs readily provide information on where their students go on internships and postdoctoral training as well as where they are employed.


Most master's candidates in psychology are required to have foundation courses in research methods, design, and statistics, and to apply that knowledge in actual research


One of the benefits of belonging to a professional association is the opportunity to network with students and professors at other universities.


Quality of your graduate application materials counts. Fill out a practice application form and never hand-write your application.


The Jobs with a Psychology BA project is the "default" project because everyone will likely apply for a job in the future but not everyone meets minimum requirements for graduate school admission.


To decide which kinds of employment positions you should seek, it is advisable to be guided by your values and how you really are, not how you think you "should" be.


You must complete all sections of the Graduate School Project or the Jobs with BA Project (including ON TIME submissions to the Black Box and BeachBoard Dropbox) to earn an A, B, or C in PSY 301.


Your resume should be individually tailored to the position you are applying for (not generic).


The transition from Structuralism to Functionalism began with ____________, who, along with many early American psychologists, was influenced by the work of Charles Darwin.

William James

Which of the following e-mail addresses is most appropriate for inclusion on a resume?

[email protected]

Which of the following are TRUE regarding graduate certificates? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

You gain additional knowledge in a specified area. Certificate programs are generally a year in length. In terms of hiring, you will be more attractive than someone without the certificate.

You are involved in a multicenter trial on gender and computer usage. The researcher you are working with from Florida has written a consent document and is sending you a copy. (BB and APA)

You need to generate a consent document and have it reviewed and approved by your own university IRB.

Which of the following should be your primary goal regarding the information contained in your letters of recommendation for graduate school applications?

You should ensure that all information requested by the program from recommenders is covered across the combination of your letters.

Which of the following are TRUE of the Jobs with a BA Project and the Graduate School Project? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

You should retain the titles, and the numbering and the lettering system from each section of the template when typing your answers. Everyone's project will follow the same format (except for their specific answers).

According to the APA Ethics Code, it is not necessary to get the informed consent of research participants in research that uses: (BB and APA)

any of the above

It is the reality of our world that, although following all the advice we are giving you about applying to graduate school will increase the likelihood of your being accepted to programs, there are no guarantees for success. However, beyond the possibility of simply having "bad luck," you should review your applications to see if you made any of these common mistakes that often cost students an offer of admission: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

applying only to high-ranked programs having no research experience not applying widely enough (geographically or otherwise) having a low GPA/GRE relative to the means of those recently admitted to the programs

A psychologist is conducting research on human participants. It is necessary that the participants not be told about all aspects of the research. The psychologist is obligated to: (APA)

apprise the participants of the nature of the study as early as feasible, preferably upon its completion

Several behaviors are recommended for you to be successful on the day of the actual interview. All of the following are successful behaviors EXCEPT:

arriving at least 30 minutes early.

Most graduate programs in psychology want you to have already demonstrated your promise as a scientist before you apply for admission. The most common way to do this as an undergraduate is to:

assist a psychology professor with his or her own research

According to your textbook, 38% of employers have indicated that they plan to _______________ as part of their recruiting strategy.

attend more career fairs

One study investigated how graduate programs view different kinds of undergraduate research experiences (Kaiser, Kaiser, Richardson, & Fox, 2007). This study found that graduate programs do not value all research experiences equally. In particular, their survey found that the most important undergraduate research experience involves

being a coauthor on a publication and/or presenting the work at a professional conference

The most popular approach to experimental psychology today is _______________ psychology.


Regarding the second future trend noted by Dr. Richard Petty, which of the following most likely represents the future of the subfields in psychology?

cognitive development

Although _____ with a mentor should come first, a student will do well to choose a mentor in a field similar to the one he or she wants to pursue.


Your text provides a detailed four-year timeframe of suggested activities for preparing for graduate school. Which of the following correctly reflects a suggestion contained on the detailed timeframe?

completing the research foundation coursework should occur in your second year

In most research subfields, once you complete your dissertation, your final hurdle before obtaining your doctorate is a successful ______ in front of a faculty committee.


Numerous ethical violations were committed during the Tuskegee Study including: (Check all that apply.) (BB)

denial of treatment. lack of compensation. lack of informed consent.

The field of psychology faces a number of "threats" or events that will likely impact the field in a negative way. These threats include: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

developments in insurance and managed care that affect mental health practitioners decreased funding for psychological research decrease funding for higher education

(Another way of phrasing this question is to ask which means of client protest would be first in the ordering of choices.) (BB)

direct appeal to therapist

Sometimes, graduate admissions interviews take place by telephone. For telephone interviews, you should: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

dress as you would for an in-person interview be aware that some programs call without warning you have your application materials laid out in front of you prepare a "telephone card" for each program

According to the National Science Foundation's 2008 National Survey of Recent College Graduates, recent recipients of bachelor's degrees in psychology were overwhelmingly:

employed in business/private industry

When gaining informed consent from research participants, one must consider each of the following EXCEPT: (BB)

experience of participants in prior research

Which of the following are all "kisses of death" for your personal statement and can likely cause you to be rejected from graduate programs? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

expressing a strong need to help others providing excessively self-revealing information including religious issues that are unrelated to the program to which you are applying including references to your own mental health having grammatical or spelling errors in your statement using a canned, nonspecific, generic statement for all applications

Animals are routinely used in introductory psychology research courses to demonstrate the principles of learning. (BB)


In general, professors love to interact with students, and so it is to your benefit to be the student who professors remember as being the one that required tons of attention.


Most of the cats used in psychological research were once household pets. (BB)


The space allowed for answers on the template indicates the expected length of the answers that you should provide for each question.


Lloyd, Kennedy, and Dewey (1997) developed suggestions of coursework that strengthen some of the skills employers seek. To prepare for jobs in the human services sector, they recommend courses in: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

fieldwork abnormal psychology tests and measurement psychology of women

Studies also reveal that the therapists who have sexual relationships with current therapy clients are generally: (BB)

found across all theoretical orientations and levels of training

Letters from non-psychology professors and psychologists outside of academe may be more (unintentionally) ____.


If you have mediocre grades, having excellent qualifications in other areas may compensate to make you competitive for admission to graduate programs. The best compensations are to have all of which of the following? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

having solid letters of recommendation taking rigorous courses obtaining high GRE scores carefully writing and revising your personal statement

Abraham Maslow introduced a "third force" in psychology known as

humanistic psychology

Professional preparation of your graduate application packet is important. It is wise to: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

include a cover letter itemizing the contents of your application submit all your materials in a neutral folder with your name/contact info typed on it include a maximum of two writing samples send all application materials all at once

Socrates elicited "self-knowledge" through a process called


Psychology as a discipline

is about 120 years old.

Your text identifies three strengths of psychology as a field that help to provide it with a strong foundation for the future. Which of the following is NOT among those strengths?

its diversity of subfields

Freud's psychoanalysis was not well received in the U.S. by the academic community because it

lacked scientific rigor.

Although specific admission requirements vary across programs, in general, master's programs look for applicants who show strength in: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

letters of recommendation personal statement GPA

Which of the following is NOT recommended as a means of finding out what kinds of research are being conducted at a graduate program?

look in the APA's Graduate Study in Psychology

In a doctoral program, you are primarily associated with one specific professor. This is the professor who accepted you into the doctoral program, with whom you will establish a mentoring relationship and for whom you will contribute actively to their research program, and who will supervise your dissertation (your doctoral research). Your text refers to this professor as your:

major professor

The projects are designed to: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

make you aware of the many steps needed in the process of applying to graduate school or applying for a job. give you information about mentor contacts. give you a chance to plan the remainder of your academic career at CSULB. have you draft many of the documents you will need when applying to graduate school or for a job.

Psychology graduate admissions committees look favorably upon a variety of courses like those in ______, because these kinds of courses signal your willingness and ability to engage in scientific pursuits.


Figurines, wind-up toys, automata, and clocks were part of a contextual force of the 17th Century that influenced the development of the doctrine of


In reality, many graduate programs prefer that undergraduates complete coursework that is:

more generalist in nature than specialized in specific areas

That personality is determined by both current and early life experiences is a basic principle of all _______________ theories.


The animals used most often in psychological research are: (BB)

rats and birds

The project instructions are very detailed, ultimately for YOUR benefit! The best ways to understand the project instructions are to: (SELECT TWO BELOW)

read through the detailed instructions section by section attend an Extra Credit (EC) workshop on a Project

Rather than achieving knowledge by means of devine inspiration, the early Greek philosophers believed they had the ability to


A VA Hospital psychologist is ordered to discharge 20% of the chronic patients on his ward each day to help the hospital economize. According to standard 1.02, he should: (APA and Links)

refuse to comply and work within the organizational structure to have the order rescinded.

All of the following are included in the 3Rs of moderate animal reform groups except: (BB)

removal of animals from all research

Table 4.1 shows the importance of various criteria in admissions decisions for master's and doctoral programs. Which of the following criteria was most clearly rated as having medium importance?

research experience for master's candidates

______ for a graduate school interview can significantly reduce your anxiety during the actual interview


Regarding graduate degrees, expansion in career areas in the field has differed across master's and doctoral levels. In particular, between 1990 and 2010, the number of master's degrees granted in psychology _____________, while the number of doctoral degrees ____________.

rose 121%; rose 49%

Despite the diversity among psychologists in terms of their subject matter and professional activities, their work remains rooted in ______.


Descartes was significant to psychology as a science in that he helped liberate

science from the grasp of theology.

Students completing clinical, counseling and school doctoral programs will need to pass the national exam (the EPPP) to be licensed. To evaluate graduate programs based on their students' success for licensure, it is best to:

see where students tend to pass the EPPP on the first try

A psychologist in private practice going through a difficult divorce finds himself drinking heavily and getting depressed. He would be well to: (APA)

seek professional consultation and consider suspending his practice until he has resolved his issues.

Appleby (2000) developed an additional survey geared specifically for employers who interview many psychology majors. According to these employers who interview many psychology BA graduates, the top five job skills they value most include all of the following EXCEPT:

self-management skills

The difference between the early mental tests developed by Galton and Cattell and Binet's mental tests was the difference between _______________ and _______________.

sensory motor skills; cognitive factors

Through the years, one of the most frequent areas of complaint to professional ethics committees involves: (APA)

sexual improprieties by therapists

It is difficult to _____ raise the overall numerical value of a GPA.


For those of you interested in clinical, counseling, or school psychology, you need to get licensed after completing a doctorate. The data show that students from PsyD programs with higher acceptance rates have _______ scores on the tests necessary for licensure compared with PhD graduates.

significantly lower

As a philosophical approach, psychological thought is considered to be


The earliest questions of human nature were explained in terms of _________________ conceptualizations.


Early Greek philosophers rejected __________ explanations in favor of __________explanations.

spiritualistic; naturalistic

For internships, field practica, and psychology related work experiences to carry weight in graduate school admissions, your experiences must be:

structured and supervised

The ethical rules governing public statements are: (Multi)

subject to change with professional shifts in what is considered improper

While one of the newest perspectives in psychology, psychobiology, has deep roots going back to the early Greeks, only recently has scientific research been possible because,

technological advances and techniques are only recently available.

Many documents are provided for each of the two major projects to help you complete them successfully. The ___________ serves as the framework for formatting your answers to your project. It should be saved on your hard drive and answers should be directly typed into it.


Changes that prompted the 2002 revision of the ethical principles and code of conduct include all but: (BB)

the aftermath of 9/11

During the early history of the discipline of psychology there were few women who contributed to the field. The main reason for this lack of contribution was

the barrier of prejudice and descrimination.

One reason why animals are used in psychological research is: (BB)

their behavior is easier to control and their history is known making it easier to understand the effects of the research variables

As a graduate student, you might face times when you have to study intensely just to make a B, while other students seem comfortable in areas you haven't begun to grasp. What you need to know when this happens is that:

this is a natural part of being in a competitive program, and you should approach it as a challenge

Psychological thought includes three fundamental questions about:

thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Currently (as of 2014), the Psychology Subject Test of the GRE is offered:

three times per year (Apr, Sep, Oct)

This Getting In chapter suggests that, to be successful in graduate school, the most crucial skills of all might be:

time management

Animal rights supporters have succeeded in improving the living conditions of laboratory animals. (BB)


If you pursue training at the graduate level, you may find yourself having to select a subfield of focus before you feel ready given the need to apply to specialized programs of study.


Less that 10% of psychological research is conducted using animals. (BB)


The PSY 301 NO LATE WORK policy applies to the Graduate School project and the Job with a BA project.


The major project will require you to use some resources beyond our text book, like those found in PRO (Psychology Resource Office), so you must budget your time wisely and start the project WELL before the due date.


To ensure you find a doctoral program that fits your interests, it is appropriate to ask programs the percentages of your training that will be devoted to practice versus research.


Financial assistance takes many forms in graduate programs. The typical forms of financial assistance include all of the following EXCEPT:

tuition reduction based on income

To be well informed about the career outlook of the field, you have to be aware of areas of weakness within the field of psychology. All of the following are identified in your text as areas of concern EXCEPT:

undergraduate degrees in psychology are stereotyped as ones that don't "lead" directly to a specific job/career

Your should provide a packet for those writing your letters of recommendation that includes which of the following materials? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

unofficial copies of your transcript(s) and GRE scores web addresses (and passwords) for any recommendations submitted online any required recommendation forms (FYI: with the top section filled out by you!) a preaddressed, stamped envelope for each letter that must be mailed a copy of your personal statement and your vita a checklist of all programs with information on due dates

To find out if you can raise your GPA before you graduate, you can:

use the GPA calculators mentioned at the websites in the Graduate School Project

A type of learning identified by Bandura and the sociobehaviorists is

vicarious learning.

According to the APA Ethics Code, confidentiality of communication with a patient could ethically be broken:

when the patient reveals that she/he is intending to harm someone else during the course of treatment

It is generally extremely important to publish and disseminate research findings. Sometimes, however, it is important not to publish. When might it be important not to publish? (APA)

when the research design is of questionnable value.

For students interested in clinical and counseling graduate programs, you might want to seek out opportunities for gaining part-time paid experience in human services fields while you are still an undergraduate. Begin your search for meaningful experience by deciding on what kinds of ______ and _______ interest you. (CHECK TWO BELOW)

work settings populations

There are many benefits to internships, field practica, and discipline-relevant work experiences. One benefit is setting yourself above the pack of other applicants or interviewees for graduate programs, because:

your first-hand experience lets you provide a sophisticated answer to how you know you're interested in that area of graduate study

Who was the first to advance an empirical point of view?


Time to complete doctoral programs varies with an average of ____ years for research-oriented programs and ____ years for practice-oriented programs.

4 - 5; 5 - 6

In terms of organizing your letters of recommendation, you will want to allow your recommenders at least ________ to write the letters.

4 - 6 weeks

For those of you interested in careers involving applied work, a substantial asset will likely continue to be:

proficiency in multiple languages

America's first professor of psychology was

J. McKeen Cattell

Evidence of the beginnings of psychological thought came with the rise of


While increasing the importance of measurement and prediction, _________ advanced the idea of perfect design.


Vitae (academic resumes) are unique and different from typical work resumes in many ways. Unlike resumes, vitae: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

1. can be 20, 30, or more pages in length 2. present all of your presentations and publications in correct APA format 3. almost never use the "Career Objective" heading

On average, most clinical PhD programs with equal emphasis on practice and research accept approximately ___ percent of their applicants.


The major project, to be done thoroughly, takes at least ____ hours.


Your reading suggests that in deciding to re-take tests, like the GRE, you should be consistently performing at least ___ percent higher on practice tests than you did on your last actual test day.


Experimental application in the field of physiology was the zeitgeist of the last half of the _______________ century.


On average, the minimum grade point average (GPA) required to gain consideration for admission to a master's program in psychology is:


If you do not submit your entire completed template to the BeachBoard Dropbox on time, you will lose up to ___ percent of all the points you earned on the project AND you cannot earn an ____ in the course.

20; A, B, or C

The major project is worth a maximum of ________ points in the PSY 301 course. (INSERT NUMBER)


American Behaviorism is divided into how many distinct stages?


The Black Box in PSY 206D, where you turn in the paper copy of your project, will "magically disappear" at ______ on the due date, making it impossible to turn in your project after that time.

3 PM

Although most psychology clubs do not have requirements for membership, honor societies do. The minimum GPA needed for induction into Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, is:


PSY 301 students must do the Jobs with a Psychology BA project, if they don't qualify for the Graduate School project. To do the Graduate School Project, you must have, AT THIS MOMENT, an overall GPA of at least


On average, the minimum grade point average (GPA) required to gain consideration for admission to a doctoral program in psychology is:


It is important for graduate school applicants to understand that, even though programs often publish minimum requirements for qualifications, like GPA, the students who are actually admitted into the program usually far exceed the minimums in admissions criteria. For example, a 2003-2004 study found that, although the average minimums required for overall GPA was 3.11 for doctoral programs and 2.92 for masters' programs, the actual overall GPAs for student accepted were:

3.54 for doctoral and 3.37 for master's programs

According to 2014 data, the combined GRE General Test scores averaged ____ for doctoral programs and ____ for master's programs of students actually admitted into the programs.

312; 304

According to 2014 data, the minimum required combined Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning GRE scores averaged ____ for doctoral programs and ____ for master's programs.

312; 304

Recent data (US NCES, 2013) show that, in the academic year 2011-2012, minorities comprised ____ percent of the U.S. population and earned ____ percent of bachelor's degrees and ____ percent of PhD degrees.

37; 36; 27

The example vita in your text, for an active undergraduate student who will likely include her vita in her graduate application materials, is ___ pages in length.


For clinical psychology PhD programs, the overall average GPA for those applicants actually admitted to the program is close to:


Your text recommends that, when considering graduate programs, you should review as many as ______ and plan on applying to ______ programs.

40 - 50; 10 - 15

When completing your project, where paragraphs are expected, paragraphs consist of at least _____ sentences.


Freestanding PsyD programs (i.e., those not affiliated with a university, although they - misleadingly - use university in their name) accept approximately ___ percent of their applicants, while university-based PsyD programs accept approximately ___ percent of their applicants.

50; 35

The APA has ___ divisions, each devoted to a specific interest area in psychology.


Your text recommends that, to prepare for the GRE, you should make a concerted weekly effort for __ months.___6___


The majority of students obtaining a bachelor's degree in psychology do NOT go on to graduate school. The application process is no easy task, and neither is graduate school itself. Data from 2008 show that ten years after starting graduate school, _____ percent of students have actually completed their graduate degrees.


According to the NACE (2013) survey, ___ percent of employers indicated that they screen job applicants based on GPA.


GRE Psychology Subject Test scores for incoming students actually admitted to graduate programs averaged ____ for doctoral programs and ____ for master's programs.

686; 682

Psychology has enjoyed great popularity in education, with the greatest increase among undergraduates. Between 1990 and 2010, the number of psychology bachelor's degrees granted in the United States rose ____ percent.


One benefit to completing graduate school training is employment status and prospects. A survey of recent doctorate recipients (Michalski, Kohout, Wicherski, & Hart, 2011) found that _____ percent of respondents indicated that the employment position they currently held was their first choice.


___ percent of clinical and counseling psychology graduate programs require some type of interview prior to an offer of admission.


The General Test of the GRE (which includes Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing) is required by ___ percent of doctoral programs and ___ percent of masters programs for admission.

97; 80

_____________ disagreed with Freud about the amount of conscious ability individuals have to monitor and direct their lives.


Some students remain in a state of limbo for years regarding graduate school. This state, often referred to as ABD, is the abbreviation for:

All But Dissertation

What position did Locke take on the origin of human knowledge?

All knowledge is acquired from experience; no knowledge is innate.

Which of the following are good ways to prepare for the GRE test?

Allow many hours over several weeks or months to study. Consider obtaining at least one of the study guides available for the GREs. Review the test taking tips on the ETS (Educational Testing Service) website.

The founder of philosophical psychology is


A psychologist is investigating post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and perception modalities of coding distressing events. While considering the need to submit a proposal to the IRB, he developed an informed consent statement that he thought was comprehensive and concise. The informed consent form included many sentences from his grant proposal, verbatim, and added a few more sentences that addressed expectations and requirements of participants. His goal was to accurately convey a description of the research. His opening paragraph read as follows: This study will investigate the cognitive mapping and etiology of symptoms associated with posttraumatic stress disorder. It will examine the intensity of visual and auditory evoked potentials and concurrent subjective strength of eidetic imagery. Considering the mission of the APA ethics code, which statement(s) about the above scenario would be accurate as well as relevant to the ethics of the situation? (Check all that apply)

B. This type of investigation requires IRB approval. C. The language in the informed consent paragraph is not easily understandable to participants and should be restated in a clearer fashion.

When asked for information by the psychiatrist in the emergency room, the psychologist should have: (Check all that apply.) (APA)

B. released the records after the patient recovered and signed the release form C. provided only relevant information that might have been helpful in saving the client's life even though he had not signed a release

Which of the following is a general penalty that would cost you 25 points on your project grade?

Did not use template or deleted information from the template

Which of the following are TRUE of specialist degrees? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Degree requirements generally include a "project" - a thesis research study. The most common specialist degree (EdS) is almost exclusively for school psychology. The degree includes coursework, practica, and an internship.

To support his ideas about future trends, Dr. Richard Petty notes that departments of psychology aren't necessarily called that (i.e., "Department of Psychology") at all institutions anymore. Three of the following represent more "modern" names for psychology departments. Which one does NOT?

Department of Human Behavior

Given that students actually accepted to graduate programs have quite high GPAs, if you are planning to apply to graduate school, it is a good strategy to take a few "fluff" courses to raise your own GPA.


Graduate admissions committees do not consider laboratory-based courses in departments outside of psychology (e.g., natural or biological sciences) as helpful to your undergraduate training in psychological methods and theory.


Graduate admissions committees primarily consider only psychology (major) coursework when analyzing your transcripts during the application process.


If you are interested in academe, seeking teaching experience in graduate school will impress potential employers, whether you were the instructor of record or a teaching assistant.


Most scientific disciplines offer courses about the history of their field.


Only research that is federally funded must be approved by an IRB. (BB)


Research, that has been approved, must demonstrate zero risk of physical or psychological harm to all human subjects. (BB)


When applying to graduate school programs, you should not apply to a program unless you meet all admissions criteria, because graduate admission committees do not consider your strengths as compensation for your weaknesses (e.g., having strong research experience will not offset low GRE scores).


When you "retake" a course for a higher grade, only the grade you receive the second time is included in your GPA (i.e., the original grade does NOT affect your GPA any longer).


When you are lucky enough to receive a job offer, keep in mind that the salary offered is usually the highest amount the employer can afford.


You should submit the detailed project instructions with your answers to the project questions.


Which of the following are TRUE characteristics of internships or on-the-job experiences that you might have while in graduate school? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Future employers will use this experience to decide whether to hire you. These opportunities take place toward the end of your graduate education. Even as an intern, you will asked to solve difficult problems and make stressful decisions that significantly impact the lives of others.

Demonstrating the versatility of the new discipline ____________ paved the way for applied psychology.

G. Stanley Hall

Who was the first psychologist to receive a Ph.D. in psychology?

G. Stanley Hall

Although specific admission requirements vary across programs, in general, doctoral programs look for applicants who show strength in: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

GRE scores letters of recommendation research experience personal statement GPA interview

__________ proposed that the topography of a person's skull revealed his or her personality.


Who is credited with beginning the "Cognitive Revolution?"

George Miller and Jerome Bruner

The "publish or perish" ethic, which is the hallmark of the most prestigious U.S. universities and colleges, is a direct descendant of the 19th century _______________ universities.


Of all of the means of registering a complaint against a therapist, which is most likely to result in some possible monetary compensation to the dissatisfied client? (BB)

Initiation of a civil suit

College students often misperceive that what employers seek in potential employees is just their knowledge in a specific discipline. In reality, employers also want employees with specific skills and attributes. The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE; 2013) reports the top skills/attributes rated by employers. Which of the following are in the top 10 attributes that employers search for, according to the NACE report? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Initiative Detail oriented Teamwork skills Leadership Communication skills

According to the (2011) survey, 24% of employers rank a student's _____ as the most important criterion in evaluating new college graduates.


An important component to a graduate school application is the statement of purpose. Which of the following is true of your statement of purpose? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

Its theme is your reasons for choosing that particular program. Its theme is your areas of interest in psychology. It reveals your values and priorities. It requires drafting and rewriting after you get feedback from others.

Several classic studies have had considerable influence on the development of ethical standards in research including: (Check the key studies that apply.).(BB)

Milgram's Obediance to Authority Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Study

Consistently over time, research experience enjoys a place at the top in terms of its importance of determining which students are admitted to graduate programs. If you intend to obtain research experience as an undergraduate, beware of doing so too late. Research takes time and most (doctoral) applications are due in _____ for admission the following Fall semester.

November and December

The Belmont principle that acknowledges the dignity and freedom of every person is: (BB)

Respect for Persons

The doctoral degrees in psychology include:

PhD, PsyD, and EdD

While his views were criticized because they were incompatible with behaviorism, ___________ continued to develop his theory of ____________ stages of development in children.

Piaget; cognitive

Classical psychological positions became crystalized with the work of _____________ and ________________.

Plato; Aristotle

Letters of recommendation are one of the MOST important criteria used by graduate school admissions committees to evaluate candidates. Part of your success with letters of recommendation is your responsibility to ask the right people for letters. Of the following, the best choice for letters of recommendation is:

a psychology professor with whom you have taken multiple upper-division courses and done well, and who knows your academic work

Why go to graduate school? One reason is that you will learn a great deal more in graduate school than just the specialized information in your discipline. Salazar and Frincke (2005) note 15 skills that are improved in graduate school, regardless of the field of study. Which of the following is NOT one of those skills?

ability to remove ambiguity from complex ideas

Dr. Stewart is given a research idea by a colleague in a conversation. He goes ahead and does a study to follow-up on the idea. To be consistent with the APA guideline 8.12, it would be best for Dr. Stewart to:

acknowledge his colleague's part by footnote or an introductory statement.

A psychologist is conducting a research project that involves deception. Following collection of the data, she debriefs the participants. While most are impressed with the research, several participants do not like the idea of having been deceived. As an ethical psychologist, the researcher should: (APA)

all of the above

Ethical guidelines in psychology (BB)

all of the above

Instead of developing a unifying paradigm, psychology has developed

all of the above

The risks involved in a research study can include:(APA and BB)

all of the above

What alternative to the use of animals in laboratory research has been suggested? (BB)

all of the above

You could lose points on the Jobs with a BA project for selecting a career:

all of the above

Which sections of the Graduate School Project are submitted to BeachBoard Dropbox?

all sections - excluding appendices

Which sections of the Job with a BA Project are submitted to BeachBoard Dropbox?

all sections - excluding appendices

Regarding letters of recommendation for graduate applications, it is preferred to have:

all three from psychology professors, at least two with whom you've done research

A student participant in a research project involving matched pairs decides to withdraw from the research. The experimenter stresses the importance of the student's data to the study, but the student refuses to continue to participate. The experimenter should: (APA)

allow the student to withdraw from the study

If you choose to seek experience that is relevant to your career goals, you are expected to conduct yourself as a ______, whether you are being paid or not, which means being reliable, enthusiastic, and assuming responsibility appropriately.


The commitment to successfully complete graduate school is intensive and should not be taken lightly. Graduate school requires certain personal attributes, such as being self-motivated and organized, just to name a few. Your text suggests you make an honest assessment of your personal qualities and behaviors that are consistent with graduate training. The need for these qualities and behaviors reveals important characteristics about graduate school, including: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

most graduate courses require extensive writing assignments graduate school requires delayed gratification, such as giving up leisure activities with friends/family the expectation for most graduate programs is "A" work in all courses successful graduate students are able to focus on their academic work, even though other forces may lead to distraction (e.g., personal issues) graduate students are expected to work with little supervision/no hand-holding successful graduate students must accept and make good use of vast amounts of critical feedback

There are many job search resources described in your reading (see Box 5.4, for example). The process of looking actively for job openings along with letting people know you are looking for a position and establishing connections in the field you want to pursue is known as _____


Two of the fastest growing subfields in psychology in terms of career outlook are: (CHECK TWO BELOW)

neuropsychology Health

For most graduate programs, application deadlines are absolutely ________, and partially completed applications are not considered.


Before the middle of the 20th Century, a code of ethics for researchers was (BB)

not established because researchers were believed to act ethically and responsibly.

Early Greek physicians contributed to psychological thought with their increased


The British Empiricists believed that knowledge could only be derived from


Of the alternatives to animal research noted in the previous question and repeated below, identify the alternative most often used and most likely to provide helpful research data. (BB)

observing animals in their natural environment

PRIOR to conducting an experiment which entails potential physical harm for participants (e.g., an experiment involving the use of alcohol), the psychologist's primary INITIAL consideration and action is to: (BB and APA)

obtain medical consultaton to review the plans for the experiment

According to APA, it is acceptable for therapists to have sexual relations with former clients __________: (BB and APA)

only in the most unusual circumstances and only after two years

Which of the following are criteria evaluated during graduate school admissions?

overall GPA psychology GPA GRE scores (verbal and quantitative) GRE score (psychology subject test) research experience letters of recommendation personal statement psychology-related work experience

Which of the following best describes the appropriate level of detail for answering many of the questions for the major project?


In addition to biopsychology foundation courses, graduate programs in clinical and counseling programs prefer applicants have taken undergraduate courses in: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

personality developmental psychology research methods statistics abnormal psychology

During the 18th century _______________ became experimentally oriented and contributed both methods and knowledge to the study of the mind and of psychological thought.


Although ______ training is common (especially in the applied areas), the doctoral degree is the final step possible in the formal education process in psychology.


To prepare for a job interview, you should do all of the following EXCEPT:

practice interviewing with friends who will provide you with positive feedback

A bachelor's degree in psychology can be viewed as either a liberal arts degree, where you develop a set of core skills and general knowledge that can be applied to a wide array of job settings and opportunities or as a ____ degree, where it is the stepping stone on your way to graduate education (MA, PhD, PsyD, MD, etc.).


The _______ view of your bachelor's degree in psychology has the primary goal of gaining admission to graduate school.


Experts warn students developing graduate application materials to not misinterpret the "personal" nature of required statements of purpose. They recommend that personal should not in any way be construed as ____, rather it should instead be defined as your ____ statement of purpose.

private; professional

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