PSY 379 Quiz Ch. 9

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What is the organizational injustice model? Examples? 275

Assumes stress occurs when the organization's interpersonal transactions, procedures, or outcomes are perceived as unfair Seen not only as unfair, but as sources of stress

What is the Framingham Heart Study and its results? 277

CHD rates twice as high in women clerical workers than homemakers.

What are reasons why police and fire-fighting work are stressful? What are problems these two groups have higher rates than the general population? 276

Deal with work of an erratic nature; sometimes boring and sometimes physically dangerous Higher rates of divorce and alcoholism than the general public; may reflect job stress

What is burnout? Note there are two theorists, Maslach and Shirom and a Burnout Measure. What are the vigor and engagement concepts.? 281-285

Emotional depletion that affects motivation and ability to satisfactorily complete work A long-term process mediated by emotional reactions to stress Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) originally focused on people-oriented occupations: -Emotional exhaustion: person feels depleted of emotional resources -Cynicism: negativity and a loss of idealism -Reduced efficacy: feelings of diminished self-efficacy, personal competency, and productivity

What kinds of stressors are often found among social workers and teachers? 276

Generally experience high stress and a greater likelihood of burnout. Social workers-little positive feedback from their jobs or the public, unsafe work environments, frustration in dealing with excessive paperwork... Teachers- excessive paperwork, lack of adequate supplies, work overload...

In using a positive psychology approach to work stress, what is important to add to job stress reduction? 296

If employees learn to savor eustress experiences and learn how to cope with distress, they will be more likely to be able to manage their work stress Values in Action

What are negative consequences of discrimination and harassment? 288

Individuals who experience sexual harassment report higher levels of alcohol consumption including alcohol abuse. Its also associated with an increase in physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, fatigue, Gi disturbances, and teeth grinding. Racial discrimination is linked to physical symptoms such as greater cardiovascular activity.

What is the job demands-control model? What is low decision latitude? 274

Job Demands-Control (Job Strain) Model -Strain occurs when a worker experiences high psychological job demands and has little control Low decision latitude: having insufficient control or authority over one's job to autonomously complete job tasks- the less autonomy and control one has over job stressors, the more strain one experiences.

What are ways to manage time better? 291-93

Keep a daily time log Establish goals and prioritize Follow the Pareto principle: spend most time on most important goals; 80/20 Prune and weed Set boundaries to manage your physical workspace and technostress Delegate when feasible and appropriate Schedule relaxation time

Be familiar with the studies on pages 278-9, especially the results.

Kivimaki(2006) found work stress confers additional 50% excess CHD risk. Interheart study found workers who experienced several periods of stress had risk adjusted odds of an MI of 1.38, but those who had permanent stress at work were more than twice as likely to experience an MI as their matched. Whitehall2 study- among 37-49 year olds by phase 2 there was a clear association between greater reports of work stress and higher risks of incident CHD events.

What are problems that result in poor time management? 289-91

Lack of goals Too many goals Procrastination Perfectionism Work interruptions

What did Sulsky and Smith (2005) find in their review of strategies designed to reduce burnout in organizational settings? 286

Organizational strategies for reducing burnout (Sulsky & Smith, 2005) have not been adequately used: Hiring additional employees to reduce work overload Instituting job orientations for new employees Give employees realistic and timely job performance feedback Worker social support groups Use cognitive restructuring intervention programs

What is person-environment (P-E) fit? Is it a perception or more objective? What are two aspects of it? Examples? 274

Person-Environmental Fit Model-Stress occurs when there is a poor fit between the worker and the work environment. More perception because a worker perceives that his or her abilities do not match demands of organization Needs are not met by the organization.

Why might physicians report higher emotional stress than nurses? (Rutledge et al., 2009)? What problems do physicians have in higher numbers than the general population? 277

Physicians report high levels of emotional stress, have higher rates of divorce, suicide, and abuse of prescription drugs than general population. Excess stress, the rate of divorce, suicide, and abuse of prescription drugs among physicians is higher than in general population.

What are the three types of prevention and examples of each? 295-6

Primary prevention strategies: minimize the source of stress and promote a supportive organizational culture Secondary prevention: teaching stress management skills Tertiary prevention: employee assistance due to mental or physical health conditions related to stress

What is the effort-reward imbalance model? 275

Proposes that high-cost low-gain work efforts are stressful Imbalance in reciprocity causes one to experience distress Threatens one's sense of mastery and self-efficacy Types of remuneration

What is circadian rhythm? What physiological processes are impacted by this? When disturbed, what does it disrupt? What is jet lag? 279

Refers to our 24 hour biological cycle linked to the light-dark cycle that regulates one's internal physiological processes. Processes such as core body temperature, hormone levels, blood pressure, heart rate, and so forth. When this is disturbed, it disrupts our concentration and ability to perform work tasks well.

What is role ambiguity? 273

Role ambiguity: duties, responsibilities, and performance expectations of the job are not clearly defined by leaders Examples: A new working in an organization is unsure how much time to devote to report writing and how much to spend in improving customer relations.

What is role conflict? 273

Role conflict: two or more role demands are incompatible with another Examples: being a responsible worker means working overtime to complete your work tasks, but being a responsible parent means going to your child's soccer game instead.

What is role overload? 274

Role overload: work load is too great and there are insufficient resources to complete tasks Examples: when an employee doesn't have the required competencies to complete the tasks even when there is sufficient time.

What is self-care? What are ways to engage in it? 286-7

Self-care: each individual takes responsibility for using strategies to minimize burnout Examples: using humor, quality time with friends and family, engaging in wellness behaviors, taking vacations, etc. Staying current on occupational strategies is also promoted

What is self-determination theory and its role in well-being? 293

Self-determination theory: when we are intrinsically motivated to move toward realistic goals we choose, we have a greater chance of experiencing well-being A job is more likely to foster well-being if there is flow, we develop meaningful relationships with community and employees, and we move forward with goals

What is shift work? What are documented adverse effects of shift work? 279

Shift work: work outside of 7 am - 6 pm frame 20-25% of workers do shifts Adverse effects are chronic fatigue, sleep loss, family and social life disruptions, etc.

What are the adverse health consequences associated with burnout? 285-6

Some elements similar to depression, but different and only associated with work environments Advanced burnout does not necessarily lead to depression, could just be cynicism with one's job and client interactions 40% increased risk of CVD (Boggild & Knutsson, 1999) In the prospective Nurses Health study (79,109 females), those working long-term rotating shifts, had 1.51 elevated risk of CHD compared to those never working shifts Karoshi = death from overwork

What demographic and other factors are associated with greater sexual harassment? 287

Women who are single, young, and uneducated most likely to be harassed Stress from sexual harassment associated with job turnover, use of sick leave, and low productivity Effects are alcohol abuse, headaches, GI disturbances, etc.

What is workplace discrimination? Sexual harassment? What are ways it manifests? 287

Workplace discrimination: workers receive adverse employment opportunities due to their race, sex, sexual orientation, etc. Forms of sexual harassment: Insulting behaviors targeting gender Unwanted attention of a sexual nature Sexual coercion: pressure for sexual involvement tied to job outcomes.

What are suggested ways of handling harassment and discrimination? 288-9

one strategy is to use the minimally effective response which involves setting limits by starting with a minimal level of assertion that can accomplish the objective and escalate in measured steps from there if necessary. Informing a supervisor or HR is always an option if the offensive behavior pattern persists. Keeping a detailed log of interactions with the offending party also is a good idea.

What is job strain? What are ways this manifests? What are moderators or buffers of this? 274

refers to harmful consequences that result from exposure to job stressors. According to this model, the less autonomy and control (latitude to make job decisions) one has over one's significant job stressors, the more strain one experiences. A factor like social support from coworkers can serve to moderate or buffer the health consequences of job strain.

What is the Pareto Principle? 291-2

spend most time on most important goals; 80/20

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