PSYC 301 Biological Basis of Behavior

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Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA)

A macromolecule that delivers genetic information concerning the synthesis of a protein from a portion of a chromosome to a ribosome


A belief in the dual nature of reality. Mind and body are separate; the body is made of ordinary matter, but the mind is not.


A belief that everything in the universe consists of matter and energy and that the mind is a phenomenon produced by the workings of the nervous system.


A branched, tree like structure attached to the soma of a neuron; receives info from the terminal buttons of other neurons

Schwann Cells

A cell in the peripheral nervous system that is wrapped around a myelinated axon, providing one segment of it's myelin sheath


A change in the genetic info contained in the chromosomes of sperm and/or eggs, which can be passed on to an organisms offspring; provides genetic variability.

Selective Advantage

A characteristic of an organism that permits it to produce more than the average number of offspring of its species


A charged molecule. Cations are positively charged and anions are negatively charged


A chemical that binds with the blinding sight of a receptor


A chemical that is released by a terminal button; has an excitatory or an inhibitory effect on another neuron

Golgi Apparatus

A complex of parallel membranes in the cytoplasm that wraps the products of a secretory cell


A conductive medium used to apply electrical stimulation or record two electrical potentials


A cytoplasmic structure, made of protein, that serves as the site of production of proteins translated from mRNA

Non-Coding RNA (ncRNA)

A form of RNA that does not encode for protein but has functions of its own


A glial cell that provides support for neurons of the CNS, provieds nutrients and other substances, and regulates the chemical composition of extracellular fluid


A gradual change in the structure and physiology of plant and animal species - generally producing more complex organisms - as a result of natural selection


A junction between the terminal button of an axon and the membrane of another neuron


A laboratory instrument that is capable of displaying a graph of voltage as a function of time on the face of a cathode ray tube


A long strand of bundles of protein filaments arranged around a hollow cone; part of the cytoskeleton and involved in transporting substances from place to place within the cell

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

A long, complex macromolecule consisting of two interconnected helical strands; along with associated proteins, strands of DNA constitute the chromosomes


A mathematical or physical analogy for a physiological process; for example, computers have been used as models for various functions of the brain.

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

A molecule of prime importance to cellular energy metabolism; its breakdown liberates energy


A molecule that controls a chemical reaction, combining two substances or breaking a substance in two parts

node of Ranvier

A naked portion of a myelinated axon between adjacent oligodendrogilia, or schwann cells


A neuron located entirely within the central nervous system

Motor Neuron

A neuron located within the central nervous system that controls the contraction of a muscle or the secretion of a gland

Sensory Neuron

A neuron that detects changes in the external or internal environment and sends information about these changes to the central nervous system

Multipolar Neuron

A neuron with one axon and many dendrites attached to its soma

Bipolar Neuron

A neuron with one axon and one dendrite attached to its soma

Unipolar Neuron

A neuron with one axon attached to it's soma; the axon divides, with one branch receiving sensory info and the other sending the info into the central nervous system

Sodium Potassium Transporter

A protein found in the membrane of all cells that extrudes sodium ions from and transports potassium ions into the cell

Postsynaptic Receptor

A receptor molecule in the postsynaptic membrane of a synapse that contains a binding site for a neurotransmitter

Area Postrema

A region of the medulla where the blood brain barrier is weak; poisons can be detected there and can initiate vomitting

Release Zone

A region the interior of the presynaptic membrne of a synapse to which synaptic vesicles attach and release their neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft

Behavioral Neuroscientist

A scientist who studies the physiology of behavior, primarily by performing physiological and behavioral experiments with laboratory animals

Blood-Brain Barrier

A semipermeable barrier between the blood and the brain produced by the cells in the walls of the brains capillaries

Myelin Sheath

A sheath that surrounds axons and insulates them, preventing messages from spreading between adjacent acons


A slowing of the process of maturation, allowing more time for growth; an important factor in the development of large brains

Dendritic Spine

A small bud on the surface of a dendrite with which a terminal button of another neuron forms a synapse

Synaptic Vessicle

A small, hollow, beadlike structure found in terminal buttons; contains molecules of a neurotransmitter

Ion channel

A specialized protein molecule that permits specific ions to enter or leave cells


A strand of DNA with associated proteins found in the nucleus; carries genetic information


A structure consisting principally of lipid molecules that defines the outer boundaries of a cell and also constitutes many of the cells organelles, such as the golgi apparatus


A structure in the central region of a cell, containing the nucleolus and chromosomes


A structure within the nucleus of a cell that produces the ribosomes

Unilateral Neglect

A syndrome in which people ignore objects located toward their left and the left sides of objects located anywhere; most often caused by damage to the right parietal lobe


A type of glial cell in the central nervous system that forms myelin sheaths


A type of scientific explanation; a general conclusion based on many observations of similar phenomena.


A type of scientific explanation; a phenomenon is described in terms of the more elementary processes that underlie it


A very fine electrode, generally used to record individual activity of individual neurons

Psychoactive Drugs

Alter behavior by acting on the nervous system (ex. caffeine)

Post Synaptic Potential

Alterations in the membrane potential of a post synaptic neuron, produced by liberation of neurotransmitter at the synapse

Axoplasmic Transport

An active process by which substances are propelled along microtubules that run the length of the axon


An aqueous solution of a material that ionizes-namely, a soluble acid, base, or salt


An automatic, stereotyped movement that is produced as the direct result of a stimulus


An increase in the membrane potential of a cell, relative to the normal resting potential

Voltage Dependent Ion Channel

An ion channel that opens or closes according to the value of the membrane potential


An organelle surrounded by membranes contains enzymes that break down waste products


An organelle that is responsible for extracting energy from nutrients

Extracellular Fluid

Body fluids located outside of cells

Split Brain Operation

Brain surgery that is occasionally performed to treat a form of epilepsy; the surgeon cuts the corpus callosum, which connects the two hemispheres of the brain.

Doctrine of Specific Nerve Energies

Muller's conclusion that because all nerve fibers carry the same type of message, sensory info must be specified by the particular nerve factors that are active.

Saltatory Conduction

Conduction of action potentials by myelinated axons. The axon potential appears to jump from one rode of Ranvier to the next

Primitive Visual System

Eye/head movements. Reaching movements with hands. Other simple behaviors.


Movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration


Movements not governed by the mind


Formed of microtubules and other protein fibers, linked to each other and forming a cohesive mass that gives a cell its shape


In a direction along an axon from the cell body toward the terminal buttons


In a direction along an axon from the terminal buttons toward the cell body

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Parallel layers of a membrane found within the cytoplasm of a cell. Rough endoplasmic reticulum constains ribosomes and is involved with the production of proteins that are secreted by the cell. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the site of synthesis of lipids and provides channels for the segregation of molecules involved in various cellular processes


Reduction (towards zero) of the membrane potential of a cell from its normal resting potential

Electrostatic Pressure

The attractive force between atomic particles charged with opposite signs or the repulsive force between atomic particles charged with the same sign

Central Nervous System (CNS)

The brain and the spinal chord

Action Potential

The brief electrical impulse that provides the basis of conduction of information along an axcon

Terminal Button

The bud at the end of an axon; forms synapses with another neuron; sends info to that neuron


The cell body of a neuron, which contains the nucleus

Postsynaptic Membrane

The cell membrane opposite the terminal button in a synapse; the membrane of the cell that recieves the message

Membrane Potential

The electrical charge across a cell membrane; the difference in electrical potential inside and outside the cell

Intracellular Fluid

The fluid contained within cells


The functional unit of the chromosome, which directs synthesis of one or more proteins

Corpus Callosum

The largest commisure of the brain, interconnecting the areas of neocortex on each side of the brain

Blinding Sight

The location on a receptor protein to which a ligand bonds


The long, thin, cylindrical structure that conveys information from the soma of a neuron to its terminal buttons

Presynaptic Membrane

The membrane of a terminal button that lies adjacent to the post synaptic membrane and through which the neurotransmitter is release

Resting Potential

The membrane potentional of a neuron when it is not being altered by excitatory or inhibitory post synaptic potentials

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

The part of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal chord, including the nerves attached to the brain and spinal chord

All-Or-None Law

The principle that once an action potential is triggered in the axon, it is propogated without decretement to the end of the fiber


The principle that the best way to understand a biological phenomenon (a behavior of physiological structure) is to try to understand its useful functions for the organism

Rate Law

The principle that variations of intensity of a stimulus or other information being transmitted into the axon are represented by variations in rate at which the axon fills


The process by which cells engulf and digest other cells or debris caused by cellular degeneration

Natural Selection

The process by which inherited traits that confer a selective advantage (increase an animal's likelihood to live and reproduce) become more prevalent in a population

Experimental Ablation

The research method in which the function of a part of the brain is inferred by observing the behaviors an animal can no longer perform after that part of the brain is damaged


The secretion of a substance by a cell through means of vesicles; the process by which neurotransmitters are secreted


The smallest of glial cells; acts as phagocytes and protect the brain from invading microorganisms

Synaptic Cleft

The space between the presynaptic membrane and postsynaptic membrane


The supporting cells of the Central Nervous System

Cerebral Hemisphere

The two symmetrical halves of the brain; constitute major part of the brain.

Threshold of Excitation

The value of the membrane potential that must be reached to produce an action potential


The viscous, semiliquid substance contained in the interior of a cell

Physiological Psychology

Understanding behavior through the nervous system

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