PSYC 306 Final

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recovery from brain damage

- depends on age extent of damage

complex partial seizure

normally begin in the temporal lobes and are associated with alterations in consciousness. memory loss and confusion

partial seizures

originate in an identifiable part of the brain and then spread outward.

Hippocampus & stress response

-Acts to inhibit CRH release -Contains receptors for glucocorticoids (cortisol is one kind); overstimulation kills cells

Sensory system & stress response:

-Detect stressful stimuli in the environment & Sends information to cortex and amygdala (analysis and emotion work together, and try to identify the patterns they have seen before in memories)

Types of tumors: Gilomas

-Develop from glia cells •Astrocytomas -Grade 1 -> ~20 years -Grade 4 -> ~12 months •Medulloblastomas -Usually fatal within ~2 years

Emotion and the autonomic nervous system

-Flight or fight response -Controlled by the hypothalamus and nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) -ANS produces different patterns of arousal during different emotional states

Chronic stress impact:

-interferes with memory, appetite, and sexual desire and performance -depletes energy and causes mood disruptions -compromises the immune system

Two components of anxiety disorder:

1) strong negative emotions. 2) physical reactions due to anticipated danger.

Anxiety Disorder:

A feeling of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear withoutapparent stimulus, associated with physiologicalchanges (tachycardia, sweating, tremor, etc.)

Grand mal seizures

A few seconds - a few minutes -Cycling of tonic and clonic phases followed by coma,

hemorrhage (cva)

A rupture of a blood vessel High blood pressure is more volume in the vessel, it might cause rupture. Hypertension, structural defects in arteries Aneurysms - bulges in arteries filled with blood that can burst

Schachter-Singer Theory

A theory of emotion that states that both physiological arousal and cognitive appraisal must occur before an emotion is consciously experienced.

two types of tumors

Begnin, Malignant

Treatments for generalized anxiety disorder:

Benzodiazepines & SSRI's

The limbic systems interconnected set of subcortical structures:

Cingulate gyrus, septum, amygdala, fornix, hippocampus, hypothalamus, mammillary bodies

treatments for depression?

Cognitive/Behavioral therapy Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

Trigeminal nerve (#5)

Controls deep facial muscles attached to bones, Primarily responsible for chewing and talking

Facial nerve (#7)

Controls superficial muscles attached to skin, Primarily responsible for facial expressions

Which of these is potentially responsible for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia?

Decreased dopamine in the frontal lobe

Frontal/prefrontal cortex and Function in Depression

Depression is correlated with increased right frontal lobe activityand decreased left frontal lobe activity;Left hemisphere damage due to stroke and other medicalcauses is associated with higher rates of depression

Treatments for Epilepsy:

Effective medications are usually GABA agonists or sodium channel blockers, Surgery, ketogenic diets

The repetitive uncontrolled electrical brain activity is called


Generalized Anxiety Disorder symptoms:

Excessive, unfocused anxiety not attributable to a definite stimulus or situationlasting longer than 6 months- Tense, tired, change in sleep patterns, irritability, trembling, dizziness, nausea,heart palpitations- Autonomic underarousal

Which nerve controls superficial muscles attached to skin

Facial nerve

True or False: The effective medication for Epilepsy are usually GABA Antagonists or sodium channel blockers


Which of the following structures is NOT considered to be part of the limbic system?

Frontal cortex; (cingulate cortex amygdala, septum are)

a treatment for epilepsy

GABA agonist

Biochemistry of Depression, Possibly due to problems in the _______ depressed people show elevated: growth hormone levels. thyroid hormone levels. cortisol levels

HPA Axis

Treatments for Unipolar Depression

Herbal Remedies,Therapy- (Cognitive/BehavioralPsychodynamic), ECT, Sleep deprivation

People with anxiety show _____ levels of activity in the amygdala in response to ______ stimuli.

Higher; neutral

The context & stress response:

Identify stimuli and access memories pertaining to the stimuli

What is the stress response in the Cortex?

Identify stimuli and access memories pertaining to the stimuli

Amygdala and function in depression

Involved in expression of negative emotions- Increased blood flow and metabolism in depressed pxts- Activity correlated with severity of depression

What are two major types of immune cells?

Leukocytes, or white blood cells recognize invaders by the unique proteins that every cell has on its surface and kills them; Natural killer cells that attack and destroy certain kinds of cancer cells.

The amygdala & stress response

Matches stimuli to emotional valence & -Sends information to hypothalamus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) via stria terminalis

The Amygdala Receives information from

Neocortex (sensory cortex), cingulate cortex, Hippocampus

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)axis

PVN of the hypothalamus releases corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) ->Anterior pituitary releases ACTH ->Adrenal glands release cortisol (stays in blood for ~3hrs!) ->Allows extra Ca++ to enter cells, which increases NT release

Diagonsis of bipolar disorder is

Rare prior to puberty; approachesadult prevalence in adolescence

Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury (CTBI)

Repeated concussions may produce: slurred speech, memory and personality changes. -a Parkinson's-like syndrome.

According to the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion:

Some physical responses are more general; fear, love

According to the James-Lange theory:

Some physical responses are very specific; disgust, embarrassment

The stress response includes activation of the ________ largely under ________ control.

Sympathetic nervous system; hypothalamic control.

True or false: Bipolar disorder is 3-4 times more common infamilies with members diagnosed with majordepressive disorder


What's going on in the HPA Axis?

The hypothalamus activates the pituitary gland, which stimulates the adrenal glands to release: epinephrine and norepinephrine,•increase output from the heart and liberate glucose from the muscles for energy Also releases cortisol which provides a sustained release of energy for coping with prolonged stress

Results of Closed Head Injury

The site of a blow is known as a coup & The area on the opposite side of the head is the countercoup

True or False: Males and females are equallylikely to be diagnosed with bipolardisorder.


True or False: Unipolar depression is the most common mental disorder


True or false: Grand Mal seizures consist of ,Loss of conciousness, Urination, defecation, increased sweating and saliva production due to activation of ANS


Closed Head Injury white matter damage

Usually due to twisting of the brain within the skull in response to the initial blow

Stroke (CVA)-Blockage-THROMBOSIS

a build-up of material that blocks a blood vessel but doesn't move from its point of origin

Stroke (CVA)-Blockage-EMBOLISM

a build-up of material that moves to smaller and smaller vessels until it gets stuck

Stress also activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA AXIS) which is

a group of structures thathelp the body cope with stress

Prefrontal cortex is the final destination for much of the brain's information

about emotion before action is taken

Adnormalities in the prefrontal cortex are associated with

aggression, depression, and schizophrenia

Vascular Malformations -Arteriovenous

are abnormally formed collections of blood vessels in the brain; Usually arteries and veins are separated by capillaries

Types of tumors meningiomas

are usually benign. -However, put pressure on surrounding brain tissue -Easiest to remove, as appear on the surface of the brain

The hypothalamus has primary control over the__________, and produces a variety of emotional expressions.

autonomic nervous system

Generalized seizures symmetrically affect_______ of the brain and do not appear to have a ___________ point of origin.

both sides; focus or clear

Vascular Malformations -Cavernous

brain tissue generally does not develop within the abnormal area. Symptoms include headache, seizures, hemorrhage.

Simple partial seizures

cause movements or sensations appropriate to the location of the starting point, or focus, of the seizure activity. -little change in consciousness -Jacksonian seizure (marching seizure)

Constantly checking that the stove is turned off before leaving the house out of fear of a house fire is an example of


The site of a blow in a closed head injury is called:


Stress is a ______ in the environment and it is the in individuals' __________ to that situation.

demanding condition; Internal response

Closed head injuries

do not involve penetration of the skull (eg. concussions)

Patients with right-hemisphere damage have trouble recognizing emotion in:

facial expressions and tone of voice.

n example of a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

flat affect

Possible causes of generalized anxiety disorder:

genetics, gaba receptors, 5-HT

brain tumors typically arise from

glia and the tissues of the meninges.

People with depression show ____ levels of acitivity in the amygdala.


In stress response epinephrine and norepinephrine does what?

increase output from the heart and liberate glucose from the muscles for energy

Brief stress _______ activity in the immune system.


open head injury

involve penetration of the skull. (eg. gunshot wounds, Fractures)

In stress response ACTH does what?

is released by Anterior pituitar

In stress response corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) does what?

is released by the PVN of the hypothalamus

Treatment fro bipolar disorder

lithium, anticonvulsants, SSRI's, antipsychotics

Ischemia: a condition of________ due to interruption to the blood supply to the brain

low oxygen levels

Petit mal seizures (absence seizures)

minor seizure lasting only a few seconds;-Loss of consciousness, but patient doesn't fall over-"Absence" refers to patients lack of awareness of surroundings

The right hemisphere of the brain is

more active during negative emotion. Those with damage in this area are more likely to be unperturbed or even euphoric, even when their arm or leg is paralyzed

The left hemisphere of the brain is

more active during positive emotions. People with damage in this area often express more anxiety and sadness about their situation

According to the Cannon-Bard theory, the feeling of emotion by the cortex and the expression of emotion by the autonomic and somatic nervous systems are

parallel processes

2 components of emotion

physiological experience, A conscious, subjective, experience

Dichotic listening -Left ear -> Right hemisphere is better at recognizing:

prosody and emotional tone

In stress response cortisol does what?

provides a sustained release of energy for coping with prolonged stress

frontal lobotomies

reduce fear, anxiety & empathy

•Encapsulated (benign) tumors rarely _______after surgery or metastasize.


Dichotic listening-Right ear -> Left hemisphere is better at identifying

semantic meaning

Treatment for tumors:

surgical removal, radiation, chemotherapy, thalidomide

According to the James-Lange theory, different emotional stimuli induce __________ patterns of autonomic nervous system activity.

the same

The brain relies on the ___________ to deliver the essentials oxygen and glucose.

the vascular system

James-Lange theory of emotion

theory in which a physiological reaction leads to the labeling of an emotion

Cannon-Bard theory of emotion

theory in which the physiological reaction and the emotion are assumed to occur at the same time independently

Prolonged stress and lead to

to brain damage or long-term brain changes.

Autonomic responses to emotional stimuli (facial expressions, emotional scenes) are greater when the stimuli are presented

to the right hemisphere.

People with amygdala damage are

unusually trusting.

Complex partial seizure

usually begins in the temporal lobe and is associated with alterations in consciousness, which may cause memory loss and/or confusion.

Infiltrating (malignant) tumors lack defined boundaries and are

usually return after surgical removal & often shed cells or metastasiz

Brain Infections: Encephalitis

•Inflammation of the brain caused by viral/bacterial/fungal infections. •Symptoms range from mild to severe (convulsions, delirium, coma, death). •Primary: infectious agent directly invades CNS (West Nile Virus) Secondary: Inflammation of CNS due to over activity of immune system in response to bodily infections

Neurocysticercosis (Brain Worms)

•brain Infection with the pork tapeworm. •Eggs hatch in the stomach and larvae enter the bloodstream through the intestines. •Larvae burrow into soft tissue: skin, muscle, eye, brain. •When the encysted worm dies, the immune response initiates focal seizures.

Brain infection: meningitis

•resulting from infection by bacteria/viruses/fungi. •Symptoms: flu-like (high temp, vomiting, diarrhea, joint/muscle pain), neck stiffness, aversion to bright lights, drowsiness, seizures. •Bacterial meningitis can be treated with antibiotics, and vaccines are available.

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