psyc 350A final

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transurethral therapy

-MUSE = medical urethral sys for erection -small pelleted inserted inside urethra via tube -release pellet by pressing applicator button -medicine absorbed thru membrane lining urethra (relaxes muscles so increases blood flow) -eretion develops in 10 mins, last for 30-60 mins); effective depending on dose (higher dose = higher efficacy)


-STI: infection from sexually transmitted bacteria, virus, parasite or protozoa -may not have symptoms of disease -less stigmatizing -STD: abnormal condition resulting from a STI

attachment style in childhood

-ainsworth - specific attachment styles -secure = responsive caregivers who provided infants with warmth, safety, and consistent emotional support often had children with a secure attachment style. B)Anxious: overprotective or inconsistent caregivers tended to have children with an anxious/ambivalent style of attachment. C)Avoidant= caregivers who were unresponsive or inattentive to the needs of their children -swimming pool example - jump into pool and come out cold 1)caregiver shelters you 2) caregiver ignores child/belittles stress 3) caregivers give reassurance and help child with the water -central theme of attachment theory is that caregivers who are available and responsive to their infants needs establish a sense of security in their children. The infant knows that the caregiver is dependable, which creates a secure base for the child to explore the world

SSRIs for premature ejaculation

-antidepressants which increase lvl of serotonin -based on low serotonin (or ejaculation threshold) hypothesis -has replaced psychological therapy as first line treatment -stimulation of penis is reduced

eros therapy for SD in women (medical)

-device that facilitates connection w/ sexual response -used to treat sexual arousal/ desire disorders & orgasmic disorders -benefits: increased lubrication, improved clitoral sensation, enhanced ability to achieve an orgasm, improved sexual satisfaction -fda approved treatment


-empathetic state of happiness and joy experienced when another mdivid experience happiness and joy and regularly used by members of polyamory community in context of polyamorous relationships -used to describe when person experiences positive feelings when lover is enjoying another relationship

hooking up trends (heterosexual)

-england: almost 40% involve vaginal intercourse on sexual activity on most recent hookup -30% kiss/touch; 15% hand to genital stimulating, 11% oral "how many times had you prev hooked up w/ this person b4 this hookup; 50% ppl hooked, only 10% had one hookup , 30% had 10+ "how well did u know the person hooked up w/ b4 u hooked up; men - 6 drinks before hookup (so not knowing that well), women = 4

viagra for women

-erectile tissue in clitoris -4 studies showing benefit -at least 3 studies showing no benefit -pfizer no longer funding viagra studies in women

anthony bogaert 2004

-first paper to explicitly address and explore asexuality -asexuality: prevalence and associated factors in national probability sample -national probability sample (N>18l) -approx 1% (n=195) are asexual = "i have never felt sexually attracted to anyone at all"

female libido drug

-flibanserin -FDA approval -cntrolled study: improvements in sexual desire 10% -taken daily basis to increase desire

asexuality changing definitions

-kinsey: no sociosexual contacts or reactions -storms: lack of sexual orientation -rothblum: lack of sexual behaviour -Bogaert: lack of sexual attraction -Prause& Graham: low excitatory processes

cohabitation: why increased relationship failure?

-lack of external pressures to stay togethers ( expectations from friends/family; financial) -type of ppl that are ore likely to cohabit may be more likely to get divorce if faced w/ marital problems -need to "test" because they ain't ready

sexuality in western society

-largely sex positive (less stigmatized/shamed, better sexual health, lower pre rates, less fear/misinformation; more inclusion of non-heteronormative identities) -however not having sex is now shamed & stigmatized -people pressured into sexual activity -ppl who don't have sex are teased and bullied -virgin = loser -burden of sexual compromise falls w/ less sexual parter -consent based sex edu lacking

do women experience premature ejaculation

-little research -study n =510 women (18-45) -40% at least 1 ep -14$ experienced fairly frequently -3% so frequent could be dysfunction -most women who experienced premature ejaculation found it upsetting -difficult to draw conclusions

female disorder of sexual interest/arousal

-major change- empirically based but controversial -based on hypoactive desire disorder -4 new criteria w/ absent or decreased interest or erotic thoughts and fantasies 1. initiation of sexual activity (responsiveness to partner's attempts to initiate) 2.excitement & pleasure 3.response to sexual cues 4.sensations during sexual activity 5. genital vs non-genital -3/6 is required for diagnosis -not fantasizing is NOT considered sexual disorder -reason for merging sexual desire + arousal disorder is lubrication as the hallmark index for FSAD is highly problematic

misdirected sexual desire in gay men

-occur in case of closeted gay men and women -while actual sexual desire may be quite high 4 members of their appropro same sex sexual orientation, many ppl ashamed or insecure bat sexual orientation will still force themselves to desire wrong (opposite) sex


-originated in chimpanzees -immnodeficiency - destroys immune ssytem by destroying -CD4/T-cells: immune system cells that fight infections -Viral Load: the amount of virus in your blood; HIV attacks the CD4/T-Cells in your blood (Uses these cells to replicate) -By decreasing the amount of CD4/T-cells in your blood, it renders you incapable of fighting infections -Symptoms: mostly asymptomatic, some experience flu-like symptoms transmission: semen, vaginal secretion, blood, breast milk, needles, childbirth -35 mill live with HIV; 90% live in low-middle income countries (africa)

stop-start technique & squeeze technique for premature ejaculation

-partner manually stimulates until erection -either stop stimulation or squeeze the prepuce (muscle under head of penis) -extends foreplay and teaches ejaculatory control other treatments: use thick condom, masturbating before sex, mentally distracting yourself, priligy med delaying them reactions causing ejaculation + elongates time, EMLA = anaesthetic cream that numbs nerve endings responsible for ejaculation

delayed ejaculation

-persistent/recurrent delay in or absence of orgasms following normal sexual excitement phase during sexual activity -must take into acct age, judges orgasm to be inadequate in focus, intensity, duration -is this a problem (can be frustration to ppl who just wanna get it over with and can lead into low self confidence -> performance anxiety (fear of sex/avoidance + women report pain) -no = prolonged erection report greater sexual satisfaction

premature ejaculation

-persistent/recurrent ejaculation w/ minimal sexual stimulation b4 on or shortly after penetration and before person wishes it -factors that affect duration of the excitement phase 1.age 2. novelty of sexual partner or situation 3. recent frequency of sexual activity -most prevalent sexual dysfunction in men -nearly 15% of all men experienced it the last year


-person who doesn't experience sexual attraction -can be used as orientation (lack of sexual attraction) or an identity (i'm feeling asexual, it's an asexual relationship) -TOOL (NOT LABEL)

aven community

-places of self discovery, coming out and identity questioning -users share experiences for validation advice support, organize meet ups in major cities, create and maintain resources for education on asexuality -JFF, asexual musings & rantings, welcome lounge

HIV HISTORY - big milestones

-pre 1980; HIV orginated in kinshasa, crossed species from chimps -> humans ; unknown transmission -1981: rare lung infection called pneumocystis cairn pneumonia found in 5 young healthy gay men -1982: suggests cause of immune deficiency = sexual + called gay-related immune deficiency (GRID) -1983: female partners had it -1984: found cause of aids - retrovirus HTLV -1987- FDA approved first antiretroviral drug, zidovudine as HIV treatment + blot blood test kit + mother -> fetus transmission -1993: us ban entry into country for ppl living w/ HIV; lifted in 2010 -1995: FDA approved first protease inhibitor HAART

penile dysmorphic disorder

-prevalence in online study (45% of 25,000 men wished penis was bigger) -overestimation of what is normal -few of them are objectively small;rest are usually average -obsessive preoccupation interferes w/ QoL -not DSM diagnosis -subtype of BDD

having children or remaining childless

-relationship quality is impacted by timing of having children bc decrease relationship time -married couples w/ children tend to have lower marital satisfaction than those w/o -satisfaction decreases as # of children increase -satisfaction is high b4 kids, declines until kids are teens, increases when kids leave


-romantic love: total absorption in another, w strong elation,sexual desire, anxiety + arousal -biological urge/ intoxicating -romantic love + obsession share same neurochemical properties -low serotonin is associated w/ feelings of love & obsession -SSRIs may lead you to fall out of love

persistent sexual arousal syndrome

-sensations of insistent and persistent vaginal congestion and other physical signs of sexual arousal in absence of any initial or deliberate attempt to invoke desire or arousal -occasionally relieved by orgasm -arousal is distressing, intrusive & unwanted -a new described disorder (2001) -only case studies avail -rarely occurs

asexuality & grey area

-sexuality isn't black and white -grey area defines identity bridging identities -demisexual: someone who feels sexual attraction under rare/specific circumstances (i only feel sexual attraction to someone after i've falln in love - grey-A, semisexual


-situation in which ppl who live together and share sexual relation and are not married ("living in sin") -has increased in recent years; 40% US couples, precursor to marriage -common law marriage: if couple lives together for certain length of time; 13 states -1/2 cohabiting couples break up w/in one year or less -those who eventually marry are more likely to divorce even more w/ long cohabitations -less common in traditional cultures like asian/ islamic -most western countries have many cohabitation couples -france & sweden


-socially supported union involving two or more individuals in what is regarded as stable, enduring arrangement based atleast in part of sexual bond of some kind (civi/religious sanctions -married couples tend to be happier, healthier, live longer (mostly for men)

romantic orientation

-some asexual ppl identify w/ romantic orientation -genders: hetero, homo,bi, androromantic -traits: sapioromantic (intelligence), lithromantic (unrequited) -some asexual don't desire romantic relationships (romantic, greyaromantic, WTFromantic) -higher prevalence of nonheteromantic identities (i'm attracted to same personality traits regardless of gender)

canadian HIV trends

-steady decrease since 2008 ~71k in 2011 living w/ aids/hiv -AIDS: peaked in 1993, declined bc HAART, ~172 cases reported 2012

CBT model

-thoughts, behaviours, physical sensations, feelings -all related, if one changes, all will change -in any given situation, there are thoughts, connected to feelings, connected to behaviours, w/ sexual interest + arousla we can split feelings -> emotions and physical sensations -during sexual situation we experience automatic thoughts + emotions/ phys sensations which influence our sexual interest/arousal/experience

vacuum erection device for ed

-tube placed over flaccid penis -automatic or manual pump draws blood into penis -rubber band placed over base of erect penis to maintain erection (cock ring) -excellent alternative for men who can't tolerate medications

storms model

-two dimensional model of human sexuality based on kinsey model w/ addition of sexuality -homo and hetero, high and low -asexuality = low heteroerotic,homoerotic

physical treatments: dilators

-used for vaginismus, dysapareunia -graduated exposure in size of dilators -often combined w/ CBT & mindfulness -should relax to challenge fear/ avoidance and minimize technical side (such as embarrassment)


-used to treat many medical issues by temporarily paralyzing certain muscles -can be used to treat sexual dysfunctions such as vaginismus and premature ejaculation (test on rats but not sure of human use)

premature ejaculation Qs

-who defines early? -kinsey believed this wasn't a sexual dysfunction bc most sample ejaculated w/in 2 mins of penetration -recently researchers have attempted to quantify what early is -in large studies; time taken to ejaculate varies widely from 7-14 mins (germ = 7 mins; US = 13.6, england/france/italy = 9.6mins) -DSM-5 -> 1 min -1/10 men

biofeedback & physiotherapy for genital pain disorders

-woman inserts sEMG into vagina is asked to contract PC muscles (kegel exercise) and use visual feedback to attempt control over her pelvic floor muscles -form of biofeedback -can be combined w/ physiotherapy -learn how to relax PC muscles bc its often source of vaginal pain

types of sexual pain men

1. Priapism: persistent abnormal eretion of penis, accompanied by pain and tenderness (associated w/ antipsychotic use, can be side effect of erectile treatment injections) -treatment: saline irrigation, injection, prompt treatment needed -50% pts w/ priapism ave persistent impotence -blood clots can form -> penile tissue may die -can occur in women (clit) but less dangerous/painful 2. peyronie's disease: curvature of penis associated w/ plaques in corpus cavernosa (affects 1% 40-60 age)

common STIs

1. bacterial (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis) 2. viral (herpes, hiv, hpv, hep B) 3.parasitic (pubic lice, scabies, trichomoniasis)

types of adult sexual relationships

1. dating - a way to discover and compare qualities in search of best partner 2. cohabitation 3. marriage

3 stages of love

1. lust - driven by sex hormones (testosterone/estrogen) and craving for sexual gratification 2. attraction - increased energy and focus on preferred mating partner; feelings of exhilaration, intrusive thinking, craving for emotional union, high lvls of dopamine and norepinephrine and low levels of serotonin 3. attachment -motivation to form partnerships -feeling of calm, security, social comfort and emotional union (nesting) -primarily associated w/ oxytocin (feeling of closeness after orgasm)

sexual disorders: diagnosis & classification

1. must cause marked distress -New: 75-100% of time; minimum duration of ~ 6 months *clinical distress* 2. specifiers -life long (primary) vs acquired (secondary) -global vs situational -gradual vs sudden onset -mild, moderate, severe (new) 3. associated features A) partner factors (e.g., partner sexual problem; partner health status); B) relationship factors (e.g., poor communication, discrepancies in desire for sexual activity); C) individual vulnerability factors (e.g., poor body image; history of sexual or emotional abuse), psychiatric comorbidity (e.g., depression; anxiety), or stressors (e.g., job loss; bereavement); D) cultural or religious factors (e.g., inhibitions related to prohibitions against sexual activity or pleasure; attitudes toward sexuality); and finally E) medical factors relevant to prognosis, course, or treatment. 4. differentiate if secondary to a medical or psychiatric condition -physical disease, substance disease, other axis 1 disorder, medicatoin EXCLUSION CRITERIA: not explained by mental disorder, severe relationship distress (new), other significant stressors

recent research

1. rothblum and brehony - characterized asexuals as individuals who engaged in fewer or no behaviours 2. prause & graham -based on qualitative interviews/standardized Q -asexually rated below avg on scales of sexual desire + arousability -there was little or no diff in sexual inhibition scales (so they are NOT repressed) 3. lori brotto: hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) where woman who were sexual beings but in some way lost their sexual desire -findings: self-identified asexuals experience lower frequency of sexual activity but there was not higher rate of psychopathology in asexuals > control -pilot study: findings suggest normal subjective and physiological sexual arousal capacity for asexual woman (but mentally turned off)

bowlby's attachment style

1. secure children are able to separate from their parents, seek comfort when frightened. As an adult, they have good self esteem, positive emotionality, and seek out social support. 2. Avoident children may avoid parents, and don't seek comfort or contact with their parents. As an adult these individuals are unable or unwilling to open up to others, have problems with intimacy, and invest little emotion in social relationships. 3. Ambivilant, or anxiously attached children may be wary of strangers, become distressed in the absence of their parents, and are not comforted by the return of their parents. Anxious ambivilant adults are insecure, have low self esteem, and high emotionality

sexual styles

1. sexually naive: low self esteem, low sexual self assertion, precaution, high on ability to say no to sex, largely female virgins 2. sexually unassured: low sexual self esteem: perceived bodies as unappealing, sexually anxious, mostly younger male virgins 3. sexually competent: sexually confident, could assert desire, refusal and use precaution; slightly G>B and older 4. sexually adventurous: high levels of sexual self esteem, esp confident bat asserting needs and precautions, extremely high interest in sexual exploration and low anxiety -smallest group, mostly older and males, some str8 but did MSM 5. sexually driven: highest sexual self esteem + body image; moderate confidence in precautions and assertiveness, extremely low on ability to say no, lowest scores on sexual commitment, highest sexual arousal and lowest anxiety; high interest in exploration -older mostly male nearly all sexually experience

oral treatments for ED

1. sildenafil (viagra) -4 hour half life -1 hr before planned sexual activity -side effecting: 10% headaches , flushing,dyspepsia, nasal congestion, visual disturbances 2. vardenafil (levitra -1 hour b4 planned sex -4-6 hr half life 3. tadalafil (cialis) -30 mins b4 sex -17 hr half life -fewer side effects (no food absorption effective, reduced visual disturbances)

herpes simplex virus (HSV)

1. transmission -main mode is through direct contact with skin *sharing objects such as lp balm or razor HSV I more common (oral) ; HSV 2 is genital -HSV I potential link w/ alzheimer's disease 2. symptoms -mostly asymptomatic -increases likelihood of transmission -blisters, even b4 blisters -tingling/itching snesatio -flu like symptoms (fever, body aches, swollen glands) -last abt 2-4 weeks 3. HSV dormancy -it is not cleared by body; after 1st outbreak, virus moves into hiding -triggers virus = stress, illness, sunburn 4. Treatment -cannot remove virus from body -using ointments you can treat blisters which make it heal faster, relieve some of pain (use it when tingling sensation) -genital herpes (area more likely to bleed) + hiv complications (make it more likely to transfer HIV) -Genital herpes can cause sores or breaks in the skin. The genital sores caused by herpes can bleed easily. When the sores come into contact with the mouth, vagina, or rectum during sex, they increase the risk of giving or getting HIV if you or your partner has HIV. 5. prevention * use condoms *ask if they had symptoms (blister)

marital satisfaction factors

- in general: self disclosure, physical & emotional intimacy, personality similarities -M = frequency of pleasurable activities done together W= frequency of pleasurable activities focused n emotional closeness -quality of spousal friendship influences satisfaction -peaks first few years, declines midlife, rises again -marriage last longer if have positive marital attitude, view partner = best friend, partner = person, marriage = lt commitment

intracavernosal injections for ED

-1983, effective treatment for ED -FDA approved mediations -small amt of chemical injected into corpora cavernous -smooth muscle relaxants, increase blood flow to penis -5-20 mins after injection -70-94% success rate


-93% happy marriage = important life goal -avg age of first marriage is getting later -1/2 of 18+ ppl are married rather than 2/3

STi facts

-HPV (human papilloma virus) most common viral sti -chlamydia is most common bacterial STI -HPV same virus that causes genital warts + cervical cancer -1/5 would get genital warts


-HPV is a virus that causes cell changes on the skin all over the body; more than 100 types -5 mill newly infected each yr -1/2 of sexually active men/women acquire genital HPV infection at one point ;by age 50; 80% of women will have -~30 sexually transmitted -low risk strings (warts) -high risk strains (invisible abnormal changes on cellular lvl - dangerous) -most infections cleared by immune system -if you get dangerous strands and now w/o vaccination it's a concern -potential lifetime risk: 70-80% HPV ratesS: 33k (20k fm, 13 M); women = cervical cancer; M = oropharyngeal cancer (persistent high risk HPV -> cancers) diagnosis: pap test Treatment: no cure; symptoms can be treated and abnormal cells (freezing/surgery/ laser) prevention -condoms/vaccination

secure attachment & sexuality

-Score low on both insecure dimensions -Satisfying long term relationships -More positive views towards sexuality -High levels of sexual esteem -Comfortable with sexual intimacy -Openness to sexual exploration -Higher frequency of intercourse -Greater enjoyment from sex


-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome -<200 cd4/t cell count in blood

casual sex study

-alcohol implicated in most hookups -twice as likely w/ friends -with friends: more affectionate & genital behaviours -more sexual partners associated w/ females = early sexual behaviour; negative 1st intercourse -depression: lower for males, higher for females more findings: 3 groups: 1) no hookups, 2) hookups w/ no sexual intercourse 3) hookups w/ sexual intercourse -HU:sex - more alcohol intoxication -No-HU higher self esteem - secure attachment style -HU sex predictor = alcohol -use of condoms was high - are ppl protective in hookups? -among those who initially reported depression & loneliness and subsequently hooked up: less depression and loneliness at time 2 compared to those who didn't hook up BUT among those who were NOT depressed/loney, hooking up -> more depression and loneliness

asexuality & relationships

-asexual ppl form relations to fulfill emotional needs 1. partner based 2. community based, polyamorous (more ppl to fulfill need) -affection can look identical regardless of orientation -language: "iloveyou partner, best friend" -touch: hugging, cuddling, kissing -sexual monogamy can be challenged; cheating is commonly redefined -language around non-sexual relations is limited

asexual & LGBT community

-asexuality = invisible sexual minoriy -umbrella terms like LGBTQ don't address asexuality explicitly -romantic orientation and relation status can hide imdivid orientation (also affects bi and transgender) -large overlap of LGBT identified asexual invidious -65% asexuals identifies as LGBT -30% IDs as a LGBT ally -excluded from larger discussions bat human sexuality (not as controversial, no rights explicitly denied)

asexuality vs celibacy & antisexuality

-asexuality: lack of attraction, not choice, or belief -celibacy: abstinence from sexual intercourse -antisexuality: belief that is sex is uncivilized/ unnecessary -can be overlap identities but not synonymous

treatments for sexual dysfunction (CBT)

-combo of cognitive (challenging maladaptive sexual beliefs), behavioural therapy (exercises), psychoeducation (bout sexual disorder) -success rate 45-8% for women -is often combined w/ mindfulness-based therapy (acceptance-oriented) - state of mind or cognitive skill se emphasizing awareness of present moment in an accepting, nonjudgmental way -esp for women w/ PVD

desire discrepancies

-common misconception: men > women -can occur in any direction -relationship problem (not gender/heterosexual problem) -problems w/ common misconceptions (man may feel less like a man/confidence, woman may feel less attractive/lower confidence)

surgery: vestibulectomy

-surgery for vaginal pain -close to 100% cure rates -excision of hymen and sensitive areas

female orgasmic disorder

A: 1 or both should be present 75-100% of time 1. anorgasmia (absence, infrequence or delay in orgasm) 2. reduced intensity of orgasm -although self report of high sexual arousal/excitement; there is either lack of orgasm, markedly diminished intensity of orgasmic sensations, or marked delay of orgasm from any kind of stimulation (bassoon)

cohabitation advantages & disadvantages

Advantages: - learn more abt each other w/o legal or economic ties -"testing compatibility -domestic partner benefits (ie. health insurance) disadvantages: 1. discrimination in housing, insurance, taxes, child custody, and other areas

hormones for low desire

In men -effective for low desire in hypogonadal men in women -topical or oral, very marked placebo response -side effects: cardiac symptoms, acne, hirsutism, unknown effects on breast cancer -6 recent large randomized control trails showed improved sexual desire w/ satisfaction in surgically menopausal women


Past: -Diagnosis: Death Sentence -Introduction of AZT: side effects -GRID & Stigma associated with diagnosis -Blood Transfusions / HIV-infected mothers & infants Present: -Medical Case Management / Medications & Treatment -Healthcare access: pre-existing conditions, AICP, etc. -Longevity -Stigma -Emerging problems -Incidence rates remain stable -Still affecting marginalized groups

how do sexual difficulties happen

The 4 P's 1. predisposing factors (vulnerabilities to sexual difficulties, or damaging early life experiences like non sexuality household, child abuse/rape) 2. precipitating factors (immediate conditions that set off sexual difficulties like stress, low self esteem, current relationship discord) 3. perpetuating factors (conditions that interfere with possible resolutions with the problems - like cultural stigmas bout learning sexuality, medical conditions/ anxiet ) 4. protective factors (comprehensive sex ed, positive body image, supportive relationships)

internet & SEM

- increasing use -Studies of university students suggest many young men and women are using the Internet to look at sexual images and videos. -Many find it arousing, have learned new techniques from it, and masturbated while online. -Rates and frequency are typically higher among men than women. -Repeated exposure to same pornographic materials progressively lessons the sexual response to them.

ave community diversity

-14k total particiapnts (11k aseuxal, 3k nonasexual) mean age: 22.45; range 13-77 -gender &genderidentity (62% female, 12% male, 26% non binary) -mean age self recognition: 18.7

sex work in germany

-1901: sex work = immoral; sex workers didn't receive any social security insurance, or sue buyer -2002 - became legal and sex workers have been given more rights; they pay income tax and get public health insurance and other rights -many germans still condemn sex work/ debate

canadian attitudes on prostitution

-2009 angus reid poll found that most canadians would like to see canada's prostitution laws - 50% thought some aspects should be decriminalized -25% prostitution prohibited entirely -16% - same laws -8% not sure

prostitution/sex work law in canada

-2014: prostitution itself was legal but almost all activities involved w/ prositution were illegal 1. transporting or directing another person to brothel 2. keeping, being an inmate of, being found w/o lawful excuse in or allow a place to be used for purposes of a brothel 3. procuring or living off avails of prostitution 4. communication in public place for purposes of offering or obtaining sexual services -1983: special committee appointed by canadian minister of justice recommended that prostitution offence be removed from criminal code -instead federal govt brought more restrictive legislation; making it illegal to communicate -police + politicians have been concerned w/ teen sex work -significantly increased penalties for clients who attempt to obtain sexual services from someone under age of 18 -police in canada often use strategy of entrapment, to obtain convictions against sex workers and their clients

fisting risks

-Fisting can cause laceration or perforation of the vagina, perineum, rectum, and/or colon, resulting in serious injury and even death. -In addition, sexual activities that cause air to enter the vagina can lead to a fatal air embolism, and the risk is probably even higher during pregnancy. -Anal fisting carries risks of colorectal perforation; participants are advised to use latex gloves and lubricant,and designate a safeword. -Hep B risk

male sex workers

-Gigolos (service females) are rare - usually aim for welathy older unattached women -Lots service gay men -hustlers -Score = customer of hustler; like females, come from troubled homes/ physical/sexual abuse, economic problems -Drug dealing/use common and can be gay, bi, hetero (most describe as gay) -Aren't attached to pimps - learn to hustle from others -1) strippers 2) kept boys (males have relations w/ olderrich men - sugar dadied) 3) call boys, 4) punks - prison inmates who are used sexually by other inmates for protection/other stuff 5) drag prostitutes - trans or presurgical male-to-female who impersonate female prostitutes 6) brothel prostitutes- rare 7) bar hustlers/street hustlers - low status, and most common/ younger

oral genital sexual contact

-Involves contact between the mouth of one partner and the genitals of another 1. Cunnilinugs -Stimulation of the female genitalia by the mouth of her sexual partner 2.Fellatio -Oral contact with the penis 3.Analingus -Licking of the anus Commonly referred to as "rimming" 4.69 -Two partners simultaneously stimulate each others genitals orally Some find they cannot concentrate on their own pleasure while concentrating on pleasuring someone else

critiques of kink

-LGBTQ(K) -Kink community appropriation of queer language -Kinky presence in pride events -Many queer people say that kinky/poly people appropriate a lot of their language, in terms of feeling oppressed, in terms of coming to pride, in terms of coming out of the closet- the critique of this is that kink is a sexual behaviour (poly there's less of a case to be made here) and not appropriate to share in all circumstances. 2.Feminist responses to kink Second Wave/Third Wave/Sex positive feminists -masochism and submissiveness are socialized into women and the expressions of a kinky sexuality are the internalized product of patriarchal gender norms. -Culture of oppression and sexualisation of violence -Kink as false liberation

& of women who engaged in masturbation and vaginal intercourse over past year by age

-Many women remain sexually active (either on their own or with a partner) throughout their life. -Many women who are not sexually active with a partner may still be sexually active on their own. -PVI rates for women over 70 are twice as high as 14-15 year olds despite stereotypes and media portrayals of sexually active/promiscuous teens and asexuality that occurs in advanced age.

other paraphilia

-Obscene communication -Bestiality-sex with animals -Necrophilia-Sexual pleasure from viewing or having sex with a dead person -Troilism-Sexual relations with another person while a third person watches -Asphyxiophilia-Sexual arousal through oxygen deficiency -Coprophilia-Feces -Urophilia-Urine

social exchange theory & ABCDE model

-SET: view that relationships development reflects unfolding of social exchanges, rewards + costs of maintaining -ABCDE 1. attraction: occurs when two ppl become aware and find each other enticing 2. building: the relationship including similarity in lvl of physical attraction/attitudes/interest/positive evaluations; DETER: mismatched 3. continuation: establish patterns of interaction remaining stable 4. deterioration: when less rewarding than it was initially (active vs passive) 5. ending: partners have lil satisfaction/barriers/ alternative partners


-Sexual gratification resulting from exhibiting ones genitals to observers. 3 key features 1.There is sexual arousal directly related to the shock 2. The victim is unwilling 3. No further sexual contact is desired -Best response is to ignore the behavior

greek heritage + styles of love

-Storge (storegay): loving attachment and nonsexual affection (emotion that binds parent to child) -Agape: selfess love (generosity & charity) -Philia: love between friends (liking & respect) -Eros: passion; char in greek myth (cupid) -Romantic love begins w/ physical attracitons/feelings of passion/sexual desire associated w/ strong physiological arousal -Love attitudes scale 1. Romantic love (eros): lover = ideal 2. Game playing love (ludus): i keep lover up in air abt commitment, love affairs 3. Friendship (stroge,philia) = best love grows out of enduring friendship 4. Logical love (pragma) - i consider lovers potential in life b4 commitment 5. possessive , excited love (mania) - i get excited abt love that i can't sleep 6. Selfless love (agape) - i'd do anything i could to help my lover Uni men more likely to develop game playing/romantic love styles; women - friendly, logical and possessive love; couples tend to experience same love styles

media representations

-The morally shameful, slavishly reported 'S&M Scandal' Scapegoat (e.g. CBC Jian Ghomeshi) -Kink in advertising -Fashion and fetish -The internet -Fetlife/access/education -Kink in pop culture From Madonna to Rihanna Fifty Shades of Grey

drug facilitated sexual assault

-administration of any drug in order to incapacitate a person to point where they are no longer able to give or withhold consent in regards to any sexual activity -alcohol = common "heavy pouring" other drugs = date rape drugs (odourless, colourless, tasteless when placed in liquid) Watch out for impaired judgment/inhibition; dizziness/confusion/lack of coordination; memory loss/injuries/blackouts/hallucination/death; feeling more intoxicated that normal


-allows health professions + clients to differentiate b/t sexual problems that can be resolved through counselling/education or intensive sex therapy P(permission) - therapist gives client permission to talk abut sexuality/Qs LI(limited info) providing correction to info bout sexual functioning SS(specific suggestions) provide suggestions to gain more knowledge (read book/watchmovie) IT(intensive therapy): advanced training in treating dysfunction if ^ doesn't work)


-an enthusiastic and freely given yes to any sexual activity -consent must be given b4 & during all sex act even if consent has been given before -must be continuously negotiated -can be withdrawn anytime consent not given: -intoxicated, incapacitated, or incapable of giving consent -initiator not taking reasonable steps to determine whether person truly consented -coercion by using position of power/authority -no w/ words, no w/ body language -yes first and then no later on

treatment: conditioning

-aversion therapy to change conditioned responses -masturbatory reconditioning (switch fantasies just as orgasm approaches) -systematic desentisitiz

bdsm activities

-bondage (rope, devices, predicament, decorative, functional) -impact play: stingy (canes/whips); thuddy (paddles, floggers); physics (surface area, dimensions, cut outs, textures) materials - leather, rubber, neoprene, fur rattan, bamboo, acrylic, steel, titanium, wood -medical ply ( often uses medical devices like needles) -humiliation play, sensory deprivation play (blocking out one or more senses - blindfolding), animal play (puppy/pony), power play, fear play (anything you find scary and pushing ppl to their boundaries), electrical play, edge play

child pornography

-canadians almost universally view child porn as obscene & harmful -illegal to sell child porn as well as possess anything ppl under 18 engaging in real or stimulated sex behaviour -visual representations of sex organs of ppl under 18/written materials/pictures that advocate having sex w/ underaged individuals are forbidden Law: -allows exemption from prosecution if material has artistic merit or educational scientific, or medical purpose but in 2001 exceptions were made to include private materials and SEM created by children and adolescents that are meant to be for private use

safe words moser

-caution: yes = maybe = no = heck no -no means no -concept of consensual non-consent -traffic light system = universal (red - drop everything n stop, yellow -slow down , green) -personalized safe words (flamingo)

effect of coming out as asexual

-commonly share feelings of isolation, depression, believing they are broken/ unworthy of love

psychological treatment: sensate focus

-developed by masters & johnson Stage 1: -touch body ( no genitals or breast) w/ goal of increasing awareness -limited touching (no contact of genital zones) -ignore arousal -exploring what feels nice until it becomes boring and you take turns Stage 2: -touching all over -receiver guides hand of toucher -no genitals Stage 3: -mutual touching that feels natural -begin to shift attention away from own body onto partners -intercourse is still off limits Subsequent stages -increase genital touching w/ goal of arousal -proceed to intercourse when ready

theories of development of sexual sadism & masochism

-develops based n early life experiences - For example, being punished after being caught masturbating as a child may lead one to associate pain (if spanked) or humiliation with sexual arousal; however, -Moser (1979) found that the majority of sadomasochists did not recall any erotic enjoyment from punishment as children. -masochism: desire to escape from awareness & remove pressures/responsibilities (burdens and pressures of one life -> more desire to give up) -sadism - diminish own sexual anxiety

prevalence bdsm

-durex sexual wellbeing global survey (5% BDSM, 20% kinky experience) -kinsey -1/5 men & women erotic response to biting -12% females & 24% males reported an erotic response to SM story -M>W but women not well represented (story of O)

asexuality visbility & education network

-founded in 2001 through google, mailing lists -slowly grew from small forum for discussion -> international resource on sexuality -considered organizing hub for asexual outreach and education -serves three main purposes: visibility, validation, procrastination; 200k+ internationally

ever had sti

-gay males have the highest rates of STI , prevalence is higher for men -females: bisexua/lesbian have higher rates -5700 everyday get diagnosed w/ HIV -3.2 mill living w/ HIV are under 15 2013: 2.1 mill were newly infected w/ HIV in 2013, 1.5 mill died from AIDS


-handballing, fistfking, brachioaginal, brachioproctic insertion -sexual activity that involves inserting a hand into vagina or rectum (once complete, fingers either clenched into fist or keep straight; may be performed w/o partner but usually is -only sexual practice invented in 20th century ; thought it was gay men who invented

Hepatitis C (HCV)

-hepatitis: inflammation of liver -80 k live w/ hep C, however many ppl have no symptoms, 1/3 they don't know they have it transmission = blood, bodily fluids (semen/saliva -complications: comorbid w/ HIV (blood transfer thru needles etc) Symtoms -long period of no symptoms (silent killer) 20% change u get flu symptoms -symptoms appear 30-35+ yrs after infection (severe dmg to liver symptoms, jaundice, yellow skin and eyes) .... Treatment -type of treatment available if diagnosed early -$1000/pill ( 1 pill/day for 24 weeks = 170k -if it is diagnosed during late stages: usually liver transplant

nonconsensual extramarital affairs

-highly stigmatized in US -20% of women; 15-35% men reported extramarital sex Women More likely disturbed by emotional infidelity Tend to engage in emotional affairs Tend to have affairs when older Men More likely disturbed by sexual infidelity Tend to engage in sexual affairs Typically when younger 90%+ affairs due to emotional needs not met

consent bDSm

-key word in any bids exchange is consent -mutual consent of al parties involved -it isn't BDSM if it's not consensual -bottom = one in charge when it comes to consent; negotiation is important

terminology of import

-kink: wide range of sexualistic practices, including fetishism/ consensual objectification, conventional or non sex toys -BDSM: bondage & discipline, dominance & submission, SM (incorporates role-playing and other mental aspects that reflect the participants' kinky interests ) -SM involves rituals and scripts surrounding the infliction of pain (sadism) or the recievingof pain (masochism) in an erotic context. Pain outside of a set sexual script (eg. stabbing a toe or cutting a finger) is not arousing for individuals who engage in BDSM Slogans SSC: safe, sane, consensual RACK: risk aware consensual kink YKINMK: your kink is not my kink (and that's okay)

history of apathologized kink

-krafft ebing : innate, gendered sadomasochism (1885) a seed of truth, masochism 20:1 female -men were constructed as inherently aggressive, dominant, and somewhat sadistic; while women were construed as being inherently passive, submissive, naturally masochistic in their receipt of male sexuality, and that they are to blame for male sadism; That is, their shyness PROVOKES men's aggression. -Kraft-Ebing was actually the one who coined the terms sadism and masochism, in 1885. And there is a seed of truth in this, in that the diagnosis of masochism is much more common in women, and masochist-identified individuals in the bdsm scene are more often women than men -freud and psychoanalytic -fetishism is condition wherein nonliving objects are used as exclusive or consistently preferred method of stimulating sexual arousal -Oedipus complex - castration fear and splitting of ego

avoidant attachment & sexuality

-less stable relations -low levels of trust, low partner satisfaction, fear emotional involvement -teens -> less likely to be date/be sexual adults -> high lvl of -causal sex, emotionless sex -negative motivations for sex

gender differences

-link b/t insecure attachment and sexuality (stronger associate in women who are insecurely attached but lil research) -women - SF hindered by avoidant men- SF hindered by anxious -congruence w/ gender normative sexual/relation roles? -Anxious attachment in women appear more congruent with gender-normative sexual and relationship roles and desires and therefore may cause less dysfunctions, while avoidant attachment in women appear less congruent with gender-normative sexual and relationship roles and desires and therefore cause more dysfunctions. The opposite is likely to be true for men.

supporting a survivor

-listen, refrain from offering advice -it's not your fault, believe in person's story -ask if they'd like to know about helpful resources or services -let them make their own decisions about what they want to do -maintain confidentiality don't ask why, make decisions for them, be super hero or rescuers

gender - attachent in women

-majortiy of attachment & sexuality on women -more likely to be anxiously attached; men more avoidant -conflicted findings - anxious vs avoidant worse for sexual function -Specifically, women high in anxious attachment reported lower levels of sexual satisfaction, sexual intimacy, orgasmic responsitivity and sexual arousal, whereas women higher on attachment avoidance only showed impairment in sexual intimacy. -also impacts orgasmic ability + sexual pain (decrease in overall sexual function esp 4 avoidant attachment)

sexual pain in men

-male sexual pain disorders no longer included bc rare -can take place w/ eretion, intromission (inserting penis into vagina/anus), thrusting, or ejaculation -likely medical aetiologies: 1. prostatitis = inflammation of prostate 2. allergic reaction to spermicidal creams 3. poor hygiene in uncircumcised men

newborns sexuality

-males: spontaneous erections occur awake and asleep -often observed while crying, coughing, stretching or urinating -females: vaginal lubrication and clitoral swelling occurs -sexual response cycle is present at birth

employers and seem

-many canadian employers have policies which forbid viewing SEM in work place -filtering software/screen email messages -some employees have lost jobs for looking at internet SEM at work

dating trends

-many diff levels of commitment -online dating + social networking sites -3rd most common reported way in which americans met their spouses after work/school, friends/family -young ppl meet sex partners on sites but ay not date traditionally

sex workers for elderly

-many elderly have erotic needs -often they cannot fulfill them (widowed, not able to do it on their own esp in retirement homes) -sexual interest of older ppl are often disregarded and considered to be perverted if they express them in any form -sex assistants offer their service to older ppl, visit elderly in homes, they must talk to family members/nurses of elderly, engage with an institution that acts as agent, negotiate prices, have an acct the money can be transferred -to become sex assistant, sex workers; can take course w/ non profit organizations that teaches them relevant material (legal rights, psychological bg, potential physical limitations, ways to engage w/ ppl w/ disabilities such as dementia)

treatment for paraphilia

-may be difficult for those who aren't unwilling -may feel out of control -some therapists feel Citi s role of criminal justice system to treat paraphilia fours types 1. support groups 2. psychotherapy 3. behaviour therapy 4. pharmacological approaches (SSRIs)

HIV treatment

-medication : anti-retroviral meds are expensive, lifetime treatment, reduces viral load + maintains CD4 count -HAART( highly active antiretroviral therapy) - detect HIV in non replicated CD4 cells; ~10k yearly

dominatrixes (matrics0, prodoms, femdoms and like

-men who buy pain, submission or bondage -maide to serve - want to be punished, humiliated tormented and frightened the limit of their endurance -very few men buy female masochists

attachment in men

-minimal research, more avoidant, insecure attachment linked to erectile problems -lower levels of sexual satisfaction -evidence anxious attachment worse for S F (sexual problems like physiological competence, impotence, sexual satisfaction) -general anxiety = reduced sexual function + severe dysfunctions -gender differences in construal of sexuality may be contributing factor to relation b/t attachment + sexual dysfunction

fried with benefits

-more positive than negative emotional reactions for both men & woman -alcohol was associated w/ FWB: stronger for women -those who felt more constraints had more negative -Is this new relationship form? precursor ?


-multiple romantic relations at same time w/ full knowledge + consent of all partners, each of whom as other romantic relations -communication is single best indicator of health in any relationship


-no physical harm can be attributed to masturbation -several physical + mental health benefits: relief from stress, migraine, headaches, and menstrual cramps -self knowledge bat sexual functioning that can be shared w/ partner -no change of STIs or pregnancy -you know what u like

anxious attachment & sexuality

-obsessive & overly dependent , controlling -high breakup rates -low relationship satisfaction -strong need for affection/intimacy -A)equate sex = love -B)equate quality of sex = quality of relationship -perceive negative sexual epxeriences = rejection & relationship strife


-obtaining pleasure from watching unsuspecting ppl undress or engage in sexual behaviour -more common among men; but some women are crotch watchers -rarely caught bc don't interact -common traits: shy, lonely, lacks social skills, not violence (fear being caught = exciting)

infant sexuality

-open & curious bat bodies/functions -7 mos: boys discover penis -9 mos: girls discover vulva -genital exploration is not masturbation

marital sex: changes over time

-passion is high early in marriage but slowly dissipates -40% married couples have intercourse 2+/week, 50% do few times/month -most couples decrease in sex over time due to marital pressures

what is rape culture

-people are surrounded with images, language, laws, and other everyday phenomena that validate and perpetuate, rape. -includes jokes, TV, music, advertising, legal jargon, laws, words and imagery, that make violence against women and sexual coercion seem so normal that people believe that rape is inevitable. -Rather than viewing the culture of rape as a problem to change, people in a rape culture think about the persistence of rape as 'just the way things are.'"

erectile dysfunction

-persistent or recurrent inability to attain/maintain an adequate erection -prevalence : over 50% of men aged 40-70 -causes (usually physical problems, diabetes, low testosterone, high cholesterol ) -bicycle and ED -theory : pressure on pudendal artery in glands penis can lead to ED -dettori 2004: 463 cyclists studied b4 and after320 km; none had ED before race (4.2 % had ED 1 week, 1.8% had ED 1 month later) -decreases risk of ED by riding road bicycle instead of mountain bicycle; keep handlebar height higher than saddle height, use saddle w/o cut out)

attraction-similarity hypothesis + propinquity

-ppl tend to develop romantic relations w/ ppl who are similar to themselves in factors of physical attractiveness, cultural bg, personality traits/interest -propinquity: proximity- relationships made w/ ppl who are close to each other + most likely hold similar attitudes

Television & SEM

-prior 1990s, SEM and nudity were rarely found on broadcast tele -SEM on video became very popular in 1980s which led to sexually explicit pay per view movies on cable television -canadian satellite companies offer channels that show hard core material -soft core readily available on cable

is childhood sex play harmful

-problematic if more than 3 yrs part; aggressive, angry, fearful, withdrawn -activities: oral, anal or vaginal intercourse or penetration -behaviour continues vs stops after parental intervention -usually do NOT engage in simulated or real penetration w/ body parts or objects w/ another child

sexual masochism disorder

-recurrent and intense sexual arousal from act of being humiliated, beaten, bound or otherwise made to suffer as manifested by fantasies urges or behaviours -should not be due to social fall out -unknown prevalence but 2.2 % males, 1.3% F -mean age of onset in community samples of who engaged in BDSM in past yr = 19 yrs (earlier ages more commonly reported, childhood interest in bondage/fetish material) -at risk for accidental death w/ autoerotic procedures)

sexual sadism disorder

-recurrent and intense sexual arousal from physical or psychological suffering of another person as manifested by fantasies urges or behaviours -prevalence varies widely (2-30% M) -<10% US sexual offenders -37-75% of individuals who commit sexually motivated homicides -onset early-late teens -sexual sadism = lifelong character


-recurring unconventional sexual behaviour that is obsessive and compulsive -more common among men -causes stress to one's social, occupational or other aspects of life and functioning may involve -non-human objects -suffering or humiliation of oneself or one's partner -children or other non-consenting adults

sex work

-sale of sexual activity for money or goods of value -oldest profession -sex worker has increasingly replaced prostitute- prostitution or sex work? -many prostitutes have redefined themselves as sex workers, prostitution as sex work -these terms are coined by sex workers themselves to redefine commercial sex -underscores economic and labour aspects of work -need for worker protection


-sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviours involving use of inanimate objects to produce or enhance sexual arousal with or in the absence of partner -reoccur for at least 6 months and causes significant distress -usually needs fetish present to be aroused, more common among males and begins in childhood/teens -two types of inanimate objects 1. form fetishes - object and shaped are important 2. media fetishes - material is important (leather/silk) -partialism -AROUSED BY PARTICULar body part


-sexual gratification resulting from experiencing pain -May result from the belief that sexual activity is dirty and evil -More common in males but increasing among women -May be dangerous to the participants (and high risk) -Common traits: low self-esteem, chameleonlike behavior, and self-abasement and apology


-sexual gratification resulting from inflicting pain on another person -May result from an expression of anger and hostility -As long as the partner is willing, this is not a psychological disorder -More common among males


-sexual pleasure from rubbing or pressing against a non-consenting person -occurs in crowded + public places -recipients are usually women/girls


-sexual pleasure from wearing clothes of other gender -more common among hetero males -no drag queens

Changes b/t DSM-IV & DSM 5

-simplified in DSM-5 -Female hypoactive desire dysfunction + female arousal dysfunction -> sexual interest/arousal disorder. -dyspareunia and vaginismus are now called genito- pelvic pain/penetration disorder. -Female orgasmic disorder =same -male hypoactive sexual desire disorder now has a separate entry. -Male orgasmic disorder was changed to delayed ejaculation, the "male" adjective was dropped from erectile disorder, and premature ejaculation remains unchanged. -Male dyspareunia or male sexual pain gone b/c exceedingly rare -sexual aversion disorder and sexual dysfunction due to a general medical condition are absent from the new edition -sexual aversion disorder was deleted from the DSM bc very little empirical support + shared a number of similarities with phobias and other anxiety disorders -The Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) category was scrapped -substance- or medication-induced sexual dysfunction remains unchanged. -changes bc aims at increasing its validity and clinical usefulness.


-sternberg epxlains transition from passionate -> companionate love -passionate love develops rapidly and intensely and declines (more quickly for woman) -ntimacy ( continues to rise in lt relations and commitment grow slowly if not relations end) -intimacy + commitment = stability

study on sex work in US

-under 18 (child victims of trafficking) -they are either imprisoned or referred to family services (not have agency to decide to exchange sex for money) -pimps are prosecuted and imprisoned as traffickers -problem: little evidence that all adolescents are coerced victims and pimps -Results: sex workers didn't view person referring them to clients as their pimp (partner, friend, roommates) but under current law this person is considered pimp -sex workers had more agency than is typically assumed -diff b/t 17.5 and 18? -young sex workers turn to sex industry due to struggle to survive (to finance drug addiction) -> have other problems and need hope in form of education, social services, housing, treatment; but to merely have sex work illegal will neither stop them from engaging it nor does it address real issues that led to their work in first place

water sports "urolagnia"

-urine may be consumed or person may bathe in it -clothes wetting (sexually aroused by someone wetting their clothes), exhibitionism (wetting oneself to express purpose of being seen), human urinal (individuals are urinating on other) , omorashi (holding urine until urinating is so urgent that it turns you on, thru childhood memories of needing to urinate can be triggered by facial expressions or movements), pussing (consenting couple where males watch females urinate undetected in semi public place usually toilet cubicle at pub), voyeurism (seeing ppl pee w/o knowledge)


-use condom -IDU do not share needles, childbirth (mother in treatment) -occupational: immediate ARV treatment -Truvada (preventative medicine)

continuum from normal to abnormal

-when something becomes a necessity and when person cannot become aroused and have intercourse unless they are present (abnormal)

victim blaming

-when victim/survivor is assigned to whole or partial responsibility for violence perpetrate against them -ie: list of tips that limit women's activities/access -telling women's to have firmer boundaries -questioning why a survivor was dressed like that, was drinking, was out late, went home w/ someone -putting onus of preventing violence on women & survivors rather than on perpetrators and institutions

Bill C-36

-would make selling of sex legal w/ some restrictions -buying of sex would be illegal: targets customers -penalties for attempting to buy sex would range from fine to up to 5 yrs -stiff penalties for those who receive financial benefits (pimps, escort service) from prostitution -significant restrictions on how sex workers can advertise (a) create an offence that prohibits purchasing sexual services or communicating in any place for that purpose; (b) create an offence that prohibits receiving a material benefit that derived from the commission of an offence referred to in paragraph (a); (c) create an offence that prohibits the advertisement of sexual services offered for sale and to authorize the courts to order the seizure of materials containing such advertisements and their removal from the Internet; (d) modernize the offence that prohibits the procurement of persons for the purpose of prostitution; (e) create an offence that prohibits communicating — for the purpose of selling sexual services — in a public place, or in any place open to public view, that is or is next to a school ground, playground or daycare centre; (f) ensure consistency between prostitution offences and the existing human trafficking offences; and (g) specify that, for the purposes of certain offences, a weapon includes any thing used, designed to be use or intended for use in binding or tying up a person against their will.

sexually explicit material (SEM)

-written, visual or audiotaped material that is graphic and produced to elicit or enhance sexual arousal -Erotica: SEM not involving violence or degradation of women and can be as sexually explicit as porn -obscenity: SEM that offends community standards

3 categories of obscenity

1) material that mixes sex w/ violence or includes children 2) material that involves sex and degradation therefore seen as encouraging violence or harm to women 3) materials that considered nonviolent and not degrading to women or involve women -> acceptable to canadian society

types of sex workers females

1. Street based sex workers -Sex workers who solicit customers in street -20% commercial sex workers go on street, earn less than off street + high risk of abuse from pimps (men who serve as agents for sex workers and live off their owners) and customers -High level of psychological disturbances, bad histories, substance abuse, violence, disease, usually coerced 2. Massage parlour workers/ brothel workers -Give only massages (nude massage, rub massage w/ body etc), sex is illegal (masseuses/masseurs licensed by govt) -Limit to masturbation of client 3.Escorts -Offer sexual services typically, found in major cities, present themselves as businesses that provide escorts for men -Sex workers here come from middle class bgs and are well educated 4. Call girls -Sex workers who arrange for hteir sexual contacts by telephone, call refers to both to telephone calls and to being on class -Most attractive and best educated sex workers + charge more for their services -Usually don't split with pimps -May escort clients to dinners/social functions, not just sex

parasitic infections

1. Trichomoniasis (aka trich) Symptoms: Appear 4-20 days after exposure Women: Itching, burning, discharge (green, yellow or gray), painful urination/intercourse, odor Men: Most are asymptomatic but may include penile discharge and painful urination -Diagnosis: culture of vaginal or penile secretions -Cure/Treatment: antibiotics -Complications: Bladder and UTI's 2. Pubic lice (aka crabs) Symptoms: Severe itching, Rash in genital area, Pinhead blood spots on underwear Diagnosis: Visible lice and/or eggs Cure/Treatment: Special OTC shampoo, Extremely contagious-wash clothes, towels and bed linens thoroughly' 3. scabies: skin irritation caused by tiny mite that is transferred from one person to another by close contact -writs b/t fingers, under breasts, on butt, -lindane most effect (no counter medications)

tracking sexual assault

1. Uniform crime reporting survey (UCR) -tracks # of substantiated sexual assaults reported to pop (usually lvl 1) 2. General social survey (GSS) -asks if u were victim + any other times u didn't report to popo

romantic/sexual pairings

1. Unsurprisingly, secure adults paired with another securely attached adult tend to result in the happiest and most well functioning relationships 2. Secure with Anxious - anxious partners can be very frusterating, but being with a securely attached person can improve an anxiously attached persons attachment orientation - such that repeated positive interactions surrounding need fulfillment and affection seeking can help an anxiously attached person overcome their attachment insecurity 3. Secure with Avoidant - secure partners are likely to feel unfulfilled by avoidant partners, but are typically secure enough in them selves to put up with an avoidant persons lack of intimacy and affection 4. Anxious with Avoidant - this is by far the worst paring, as each partner's needs conflicts directly with the others. As discussed, anxious people tend to be needy and clingy, thirsty for emotional reassurance and affection, while avoidant people tend to avoid intimacy and emotional investment. As a result, such pairings are very unable to meet each others needs and thus not likely to last 5.Anxious with anxious - again, this isn't ideal, as the high emotionality of two such people would often come into conflict. In these relationships, you see a lot of approach and withdrawal, approach and withdrawl. Each partner is worried about losing the other 6. Avoidant with avoidant - this is probably the best pairing for avoidant individuals, as each partner will likely desire distance and space, and wont be pressured for further emotional involvement and increased intimacy

perspectives on porn

1. anti pornography feminist approach: portrays women as objects intended to provide pleasure to men; presents women in dehumanized, degrading ways 2. pro-porngrpahy feminist approach - SEM can promote gender equality Canadian law & SEM 3.canadian obscenity laws provide legal framework for outlawing the dissemination of porn -rlies on offending ppl or violating community -all materials coming into canada can be confiscated by border service agency -influenced by anti-porn feminist approach

vaginal infecitons

1. bacterial vaginosis -Sexually transmitted; foul smelling vaginal discharge but usually no symptoms -may increase risk of gynaecological problems -oral treatments/topical treatments effective 2. candidiasis -yeast like fungus (yeast infection) producing soreness, inflammation, itching + thick white curdle vaginal discharge -not ST all the time; 1/2 W experience at least once, 1/4 recurrent problem -treatment: vaginal suppositories/creams 3. trichomoniasis -most common parasitic STI characterized by burning/itching in vulva, pain during pee/sex, odorous foamy whitish-yellow green discharge -facilitate HIV + tubal adhesions 0> infertility -usually ST or contact w/ infected discharge on wet towels

Genito pelvic pain/penetration disorder

1. dyspareunia: persistent/recurrent pain w/ attempted vaginal entry -most common cause = provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) - prevalence 12-15% 2. vaginismus: persistent/recurrent difficulties to allow vaginal entry of any object despite woman's expressed w/ to do so -often phobic avoidance/anticipation of pain (prev: 1-6%) -these can't be reliably differentiated (diagnostic formulation for vaginismus not empirically supported, fear of pain/penetration is commonplace in vaginismus) one of following should occur: 1. difficulty in vaginal penetration 2. marked vulvovaginal or pelvic pain during penetration 3. fear or anxiety bat pain in anticipation of, during, or after penetration, 4. tightening or tensing of pelvic floor muscles during attempted penetration

stern bergs triangular theory of love

1. liking = emotional component of love -feelings of mutual understanding, boundedness, willingness to share, giving emotional support, valuing the other person 2. passion - motivational drive of love -includes physical attraction, sexual relations, romance, ignorance/ignore faults 3. commitment - cognitive component of love -makes conscious decision: love to other person, make LT commitment to maintain relationship

Myth or fact?

1. most sexual assaults b/t strangers = False. 80% of perpetrators are known to the survivor. 2. can't give consent when drunk =True! Intoxication (drinking, using drugs) means that legal consent cannot be given. 3. consenting to one sex act means you've consented to every= False. Consent must be sought for every new sex act, is an ongoing process, and can be revoked at any time. 4. ppl false report rape all the time = False. Exact numbers are hard to come by but false reporting of sexual assault is estimated to occur between 2-8% of all reports to police, fewer than many other crimes. And 90% of sexual assaults are never reported at all. 5. sexual assault never happens in same gender relations = False. Sexual assault can be perpetrated by people of any gender and experienced by people of any gender. This myth makes it harder for some survivors to report and get the help they need. 6. alcohol is most commonly used drug in drug facilitated sexual assault = True!

8 phases of love

1. non love - all 3 missing 2. liking: intimacy only 3. infatuation: passion only 4. empty: commitment only 5. romantic: passion + intimacy but no commitment 6. companionate: intimacy + commitment but no passion 7. fatuous: passion + commitment but not intimacy 8. consummate: complete measure of love passion + intimacy + commitment

extramarital relationships

1. nonconsensual: married (partnered) person's engaging in sexual interocurse w/o consent of his/her partner 2. consensual: a married (or partner_ person engaging in extramarital sexual activity w/ consent of partner

common trauma responses

1. physical reactions -aches/pains -sleep pattern changes -eating pattern changes -increase/decreased interest in sex -constipation,diarrhea, nausea -increased use f alcohol/drugs -self injury 2. emotional reactions -hyperalertness/vigilance -shock/disbelief, fear/anxiety, instability, restlessness, nightmares, detachment/dissociation, anger, shame/guilt, suicidal thoughts, concentration trouble, trust issues, depression,sadness, out of control

2 main types PE

1. primary PE: often psychological, and starting when man first becomes sexually active; can remain lifelong issue if untreated 2. secondary PE: occurs later in life, can be caused by psyc/phys factors, stress, anxiety can effect

2007 lawyers + sex workers

1. provision against communication for purpose of prostitution bc it prevents sex workers from screening potentially violent clients 2. provision against brothels bc it prohibits se workers from working in indoor enviro which is safer than working on streets 3. provision against living off avails of prostitution bc its too broad + prevent sex workers from hiring security personnel As a result 2010: issued rulings that struct it down 2013: supreme court ruled following unconstitutional bc violated charters of human rights to "security of person" and freedom of expression A) communicating for purposes of prostitution B) keeping common brothel C) living off avails of prostitution


1. rapid testing: finger prick (clearview- takes 15 mins) 2.blood test via hospital/clinic 3. oral testing: mouth swab (eraser takes 2 week for results) 4. screening test vs confirmatory testing - screening rapid test, confirmatory (orasure ->westernblot) 5. at home HIV tests (Oraquick) sent to lab for testing

adult attachment style & relationships

1. secure attachment - trusting, appropriate emotional expression = These individuals tend to share ideas and feelings with their partners in a flexible, appropriate manner that is sensitive to their partners needs and concerns. 2. insecure attachment A. anxiety (fear abandonment, preoccupied w/ rejection, needy B. avoidance - uncomfortable w/ intimacy, overly self reliant -anxiety dimension is concerned with deep fears of abandonment, persistent attempts for closeness with romantic partners, and preoccupations about rejection by attachment figures and potential losses of attachment figures. Anxious peole differ from secure people in being more jealous and "clingy". Anxious adults are likely to fall in love at first sight and then long intensely for their partners reciprocation. -avoidance dimension pertains to discomfort with intimacy, evasion of closeness in relationships, and difficulty depending on others. Avoident people sharply differ from secure people in the areas of proximity seeking and self-reliance. Avoident adults are less likely to accept their partner's faults. -Both anxiously and avoidently attached adults are low in trust within the context of romantic relationships compared with securely attached adults -empirical evidence that infant attachment styles persist throughout life into adulthood

DSM-IV-TR Sexual dysfunction

1. sexual desire disorders (hypoactive sexual desire, sexual aversion) 2. disorders of orgasm (female orgasmic disorder

kink as it stands

1.Community Structures -Old leather still exists -Munches -Play parties -Public, private sphere -Fetish parties 2.Atypical behaviour -Both includes pain but also a wide variety of other acts. -Bondage and rope work, fear play and sensory stimulation. 3.Capitalism & Kink -Monthly parties, equipment sales, conferences. The cost of a whip. 4.Emphasis on education -Conferences, workshops & Conventions -Skill building, playing at 'your level' -Seattle - the Center for Sex Positive Culture One in your very back yard earlier this year 5.Beyond 'simply spanking.' Some people argue that s&m is an orientation, not a proclivity.

Types of paraphilia

1.Fetishism 2. Transvestic Fetishism 3.Sexual Sadism (Cara will lecture on) 4.Sexual Masochism (Cara will lecture on) 5.Voyeurism 6.Frotteurism 7.Exhibitionism 8.Pedophilia gender differences: except for masochism, other paraphilia never diagnosed in women -both adult women + men commonly engage in consensual kink involving masochism, sadism, voyeurism, exhibitionism

current sexual assault law

3 lvls of sexual assault Level 1: assault w/o bodily harm Lvl 2: assault causing or threatening to cause bodily harm w/ a weapon Lvl 3: assault that causes aggravated bodily harm or threatens life of survivor or others laws on sexual assault were change in 1983 -sexual history of survivor cannot be brought before court -no statute of limitations on reporting sexual assault or abuse -marital rape now illegal most risk: 15-24 yr old, physical/mental disabilities, low income or marginalized populations, womens, trans/gendervariant

paraphilias & DSM

DSM III -first to include term paraphilia: pattern of sexual arousal that isn't normative arousal activity patterns + may interfere w/ capacity or reciprocal affectionate sexual activity) DSM-IV: -recurrent intense sexually arousing fantasies sexual urges or behaviour general involving 1) non human objects 2) suffering or humiliation of onself or one's partner 3) children or other non consenting persons -occur at least over 6 months and cause distress + dysfunction DSM-5: -redefined distress as distress not related to social fallout due to unusual interests -defined that in instances of sadistic tendencies, other person must be non consenting for it qualify as disorder -redefines language -sexual masochism is now sexual masochism disorder

labels/kink identity

Dominance and submission, often called DS or MS, are about elaborate play scripts that can be specific to sexual interactions, or that can permeate into all areas of an individuals life through the formation of a DS romantic relationship. The dominant partner is often referred to as the "Master" or the "Top" and the submissive partner is often referred to as the "slave" or the "Bottom". However, D/s comes in many forms. -Tops and Bottoms can be thought of the giver and the receiver of stimulation. There is typically not a power exchange beyond the giving and receiving of painful stimuli, and any power play that does occur is limited to a given splay session or "scene", and not to the overall relationship. The same can be said for the terms Sadist and Masochist in the context of BDSM. -The other labels in this table have more power associated with them. You will notice that the terms on the left are all capitalized, while the terms on the right (besides Bottom and Masochist) are all lower case. This reflects a pre negotiated and mutually agreed upon power imbalance. -Dominant and submissive usually go together, and indicate a level of power exchange that goes beyond simple BDSM scenes. -Likewise, a Daddy/girl or Mommy/boi relationship (which can refer to heterosexual or homosexual parings), -as well as Owner/pet, implies a power dynamic that exists largely outside of BDSM scenes. -Master/slave relationships might be viewed as the most intensive form of power exchange, as the slave in this situation consensually relinquishes much of their power and personal autonomy to the Master, who in turn takes on responsibility for their slave. M/s relationships can also be what is called 24/7 in the lifestyle, which refers to a continuous and ongoing Master slave relationship. -People who engage in these relationships, especially the more power-laden dynamics, are very meticulous and cautious in setting up the script and establishing consent and boundaries prior to beginning the scenario or relationship, to avoid any lasting physical or psychological damage.

why so many ppl have stis

PSYC 1. Perceived low risk: ppl see themselves as low risk when in fact many youth/adults significantly underestimate their risk, and don't get tested 2. Lack of communication: ppl are embarassed abt asking partners abt their past risk behaviours/ sti or HIV status, therefore promoting communication and negotiation skills can be effective preventative measure; can be prosecuted if u didn't tell someone u had HIV 3. Psychological obstacles to condom use: promoting use of condoms is most important factor in reducing spread, usually sexually active teens have higher condom rates; some ppl dont use becaue they love and trust their partner (but sometimes partners don't even know); ppl don't want to use condom use because fear of erection loss, urgency of passion, stress/depression/ low self esteem/ reliance on intuition / trusting relations w/ partner 4. Alcohol and drug use: evidence linking alcohol consumption + illicit drug use to elevate risk for STI; women's alcohol consumption predicted likelihood of sti, increase sexual risk taking bc of drugs/alcoho Social factors Socioeconomic status: SES strong predictor of risk for STIs; those w/ lower SES had higher prevalence of chlamydia/ STIs esp if they were youth Social capital: canadian oyuth w/ strong social ties to family, peers, community are less likely ot engage in risky sexual behaviours and therefore make healthier decisions and low risk of STIs Gender inequality: women have disadvantaged postion in negotiating for condom use; lower power w/in romantic/sexual relations with men are more likely to be high risk for STI than those in egalitarian relations, higher prevalence of STI if in abusive relations , girls more pressured to have sex w/o condom Sexual orientation: LGB more likely than hetero to engage in behaviours that pose high risk for HIV bc stigmatization cna influence risk-taking as well as high risk of sexual abuse + coercion; men who have unprotected anal intercourse high risk for hiV and STIs as well as bacterial vaginosis between lesbians bc they aren't cautious during sexual activity Ethnocultura factors: aboriginal people have higher than avg STI ratings bc low SES, social exclusion and isolation; esp first nations women bc more poor + live in enviros w/ high rates of substance of abuse/spousal violence; some immigrants reluctant to talk about sexual health care and less likely to access services

middle school & sexuality

Puberty Menarche (age 12) Masturbation Limited data Sex of any kind is limited. 2011 YRBS data: 6% of participants report having had sexual intercourse before age 13. Sexual behavior are often not motivated by sexual pleasure. Rather, they reflect peer norms, boredom, conflicts with adults, low self-esteem, and poor ability to control impulsivity. Most adolescent girls who have vaginal sex at this age do so with an older partner.

pre school (4-6) & sexuality

Purposefully touching private parts (masturbation), occasionally in the presence of others Attempting to see other people when they are naked or undressing Mimicking dating behavior (such as kissing, or holding hands) Talking about private parts and using "naughty" words, even when they don't understand the meaning Exploring private parts with children their own age (such as "playing doctor", "I'll show you mine if you show me yours," etc.)

elementary school years (7-12)

Purposefully touching private parts (masturbation), usually in private Playing games with children their own age that involve sexual behavior (such as "truth or dare", "playing family," or "boyfriend/girlfriend") Attempting to see other people naked or undressing; Viewing/listening to sexual content in media (television, movies, games, the Internet, music, etc.) Wanting more privacy (for example, not wanting to undress in front of other people) and being reluctant to talk to adults about sexual issues Beginnings of sexual attraction to/interest in peers

sexual addiction, compulsive sexual behaviour & hyper sexuality

SA: engages in sexual behaviour to relieve anxiety but doesn't achieve high lvl gratification and unable to control/resist sexual urges and faces withdrawal symptoms -> want more Compulsive sexual behaviour: recurrent sexually arousing fantasies that individual is unable to get out of mind + intense sexual urges that when acted upon release anxiety hyper sexuality: time consumed by sexual fantasies/behaviours interferes w/ important activities (come from mood states, frequency + intensity of these -> clinical distress + unable to reduce it)

Sexual assault definitions

Sexual assault: legal term to refer to any form of sexual contact w/o voluntary consent intimate partner violence: pattern of behaviour where one person intimdates, oscillates, dominates, or maintains power and control over another harassment: objectionable and unwanted behaviour that is verbally/physically abusive, vexatious or hostile, that is without reasonable justification and that creates hostile or intimidating environment for working, learning or living; can be one incident w/ lasting harmful effects -child sexual abuse = anytime child is tricked, forced, bribed into any sexual act, contact, behaviour

evolution of kink community

The Marquis de Sade and other historical kink (wrote about his sadistic experiences and sent to mental asylums) Leather Scene: Leathersexuality and the World War II era biker bars (In the wake of the war, some people credit the rise of leather as part of a push back against the image that gay men were effeminate. These men, many of them veterans, many of them bikers, began to group together in a specific bar-culture that evolved into high-protocol, queer, sexual subcultures. ) Modern day, hedonistic BDSM, fetish clubs, and the financial transaction BDSM as profession.

method of transmission

body fluids 1. sperm 2. saliva 3. blood 4. vaginal discharge -skintoskin/skin-to-mucosa (genital rubbing) -condom ain't as effective in preventing skin-based infection bc may not even cover -more than 1/2 adults 18-24 never been tested for STI other than HIV

who is qualified to treat sexual dysfunctions

canada: no special certification for being sex therapist (clinical counsellor, psychologist, obstetrician/gynecologist, psychiatrist, family physician urologist, endocrinologist) -USA: board certification from american association of sex educators, counsellors & therapists

how to masturbate

males 1.Stroke the penis Stranger hand? 2,Use "Tools:" -Artificial mouths/vaginas/anuses -Rub against materials -Sex dolls Females 1.Rub the vulva, particularly the clitoris 2.Insert an object into the vaginal canal 3. Squeeze thighs together BOTH: stimulate anus

low desire in men

manifests in 3 ways 1. psychological through thoughts fantasies and dreams 2. behaviourally in sexual activity w/ partner 3. behavioural through sexual activity w/ ones self -18% men in 18-24 experienced lack

what counts as sex in sexually transmitted

outercourse: mutual masturbation or rubbing against partner w/o penetration -oral sex: fellatio, cunninglus, analingus -anal sex, vagina sex

syphilis (pox _

transmission: skin-to-skin contact -1st Stage: called PRIMARY syphilis, a chancre (painless sores) (contagious stage- transmitted through thin skin not the elbow or knee!) 10-90 days after exposure chancre appears and will disappear without treatment 2-6 weeks later THIS DOES NOT MEAN INFECTION IS CURED! -2nd Stage: called SECONDARY syphilis, a rash on palms & soles, flu-like symptoms, rash on mucus membranes also 6 weeks later 2nd Stage occurs, still infectious -3rd Stage: called LATENT syphilis, damage to central nervous system, insanity Occurs 2-5 years later diagnosis: blood test w/ 6 wk window Treatment: antibiotics, dmg may not be cured -complications: dmg to organ, death (also death of fetus) -more likely for men, huge increase

chlamydia & gonorrhea

transmission: vaginal, penile, oral, anal secretion contact; mother -> newborn symptoms: discharge, painful urination, burning, pain during intercourse, bleeding, pelvic pain diagnosis: lab culture of vaginal or penile secretion -urine test (10 day window) treatment: curable w/ antibiotics (note: drug resistant gonorrhea!) complications: pelvic inflammatory disease (40$ of women + untreated chlamydia will develop PID) -sterility -ectopic pregnancy -chlamydia + gonorrhoea more likely to affect younger woman -overtime w/ advent of social media, there are increases in prevalence due to social media

sexual assault stats

• 1/4 W, 1/6 Men will experience unwanted sexual contact b4 they are 16, 1/3 , 1/5 men will experience unwanted sexual contact in their life time • 1/2 trans folk will experience sexualized violence • 1st 8 weeks of classes - greatest amounts of sexual assaults • Majority of sexual assaults reported to police are by individuals b/t 15-24 • In 2007, 82% offender knew other person, 56% sexual assaults occur in or near residence of victim/survivor

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