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The air in American cities is pretty bad because i was in Houston the other day and the air was foul.

hasty generalization

The police report said there were four arrests involving alcohol over the weekend near the university. Students drinking is now an epidemic.

hasty generalization

They make us come home by ten! Our parents don't let us do anything!

hasty generalization

You can't walk fifty feet down the Las Vegas Strip without somebody handing you a card advertising call girls. The economy of this town must be built on prostitution.

hasty generalization

If you want to work your way up from being a hostess to being a server at The Cheesecake Factory, plan on it taking about a thousand year.


Rachet and Clank just has to be the funniest movie ever made. Go see it. You won't stop laughing ever.


Inconsistency (Ad Hominem)

hypocrisy. claiming the argument is flawed by pointing out that the one making the argument is not acting consistently with the claims of the arguments.

I am sure many of the people who complain are the same people who used to be stumbling down Ivy Street twenty years ago doing the same thing that the current students are doing.

inconsistency ad hominem

MR. IMHOFF: That does it. I'm cutting down on your peanut butter cookies. Those things really fatten me up. MRS. IMHOFF: Oh, Imhoff, get real. What about all the ice cream you eat?

inconsistency ad hominem

Outlawing gambling? Man, that's a strange idea coming from you. Aren't you the one who plays the lottery all the time?

inconsistency ad hominem

The congressman thought the president's behavior was an impeachable offense. But that's nonsense, coming from the congressman. He had an adulterous affair himself, after all.

inconsistency ad hominem

What, you of all people complaining about violence on TV? You, with all the pro football you watch?

inconsistency ad hominem

romney was for abortion rights before he began running for president. Now he's anti-abortion. I think he should be ignored completely on the subject since you can't depend on what he says.

inconsistency ad hominem

Has Harry been a faithful husband? Well, he's not been through a Tiger Woods phase.


"Can Governor Evans be believed when he says he will fight for the death penalty? You be the judge."


"I agree that my opponent is telling the truth this time."


"I don't know what my opponents will base their speeches on, I'm basing mine on love for my country."


No, I'm sure you'll enjoy playing tennis with Jerome. He gets around pretty well for a guy his age.


Why is it, do you suppose, that pit bulls are all mean and vicious ?


Line-Drawing Fallacy

insisting that a line must be drawn at some precise point when in fact it is not necessary.

Appeal To Popularity

instead of giving reasons, it cites popular opinion in order to compel your acceptance of an opinion. majority can be wrong.

Red Herring

irrelevant topic/consideration to divert attention from the original issue.

A lot of people attend Chico State because of the social aspects. If rules are too tight,t he school could lose its appeal. Without the students, local businesses would go under. Students keep the town floating. It's not just bars and liquor stores, but gas stations and grocery stores and apartment houses. This town would be like Orland.

red herring

Fatal accidents have decreased in recent years despite the fact speed limits are gradually being raised. The only conclusion you can draw from this is that driving fast makes people more careful.

post hoc

Hey, it works! After i sprinkled Arm & Hammer around the sink, the ants disappeared.

post hoc

I had severe arthritis until- thank goodness- I started taking glucosamine.

post hoc

I signed up for one of those car giveaways at a casino, and bam! My inbox started to fill up with spam within a week. Don't sign up for one of those things, ever.

post hoc

Just after I started doing yoga in the mornings, my golf swing improved. Yoga improved my golf game!

post hoc

Last year student test scores at our school were lower than usual. We responded by having teachers emphasize spelling. This year the scores were higher, showing how spelling helps kids learn.

post hoc

My students' scores have improved dramatically since i started tests online, which indicates that students learn more on online courses.

post hoc

Poisoning the Well

prime the audience with adverse information about the opponent from the start in an attempt to make your claim more acceptable or discount the credibility of your opponent's claim.

"Rush Limbaugh doesn't make things up? C'mon you know as well as I do he makes things up."

proof surrogate


put a negative/ neutral on something generally considered positive.


puts a positive/ neutral slant on something generally considered negative. People use this to be nice.

Should I spend time doing more of these logic exercises when I could be outside playing golf? Well, one thing is for sure. Doing one or two more exercises won't make a difference to my grade, but playing golf will make a difference to my health.


DEMOCRAT: What do you think of your party's new plan for Social Security? REPUBLICAN: I think it is pretty good, as a matter of fact. DEMOCRAT: Oh? And why is that? REPUBLICAN: Because you Democrats haven't even offered a plant that's why!

red herring


type of peer pressure. use the pride you feel in being the member of some group as a substitute for coming to a reasoned conclusion.

Boiled eggs are great. I'll bet boiled salmon would be great, too.

weak analogy

If I can make time for a movie, then you can make time for a movie.

weak analogy

It isn't legal to text when you drive. I'll bet it's not legal to text when you ride a bike.

weak analogy

Jean plays the flute beautifully. I'll bet she could learn the guitar in no time.

weak analogy

Low-fat milk has a lot of sugar in it. You want to stay away from those low-fat frozen dinners unless you want extra sugar in your diet.

weak analogy

Salmon is very bad for dogs. You shouldn't let your cat eat it either, I'd guess.

weak analogy

The professor is a fantastic teacher. He should run for Congress.

weak analogy

These university kids drink like crazy on Halloween and St. Patrick's Day. They probably drink like crazy on Christmas, too.

weak analogy

This student isn't good at math. Therefore she won't be good at writing, either.

weak analogy

MOE: You going to class tomorrow? JOE: I suppose. Why? MOE: Say, don't you get tired of being a Goody-Two shoes? You must have the most perfect attendance record of anyone who ever went to this school- certainly better than the rest of us; right, guys?

argument from pity

JUAN: But, Dad, I like Horace. Why shouldn't I room with him, anyway? JUAN"S DAD: Because I'll cut off your allowance, that's why!

argument to pity.

Argument From Pity

arousing pity rather than offering legitimate argument.

Personal Attack (Ad Hominem)

attacking the person making the argument than the argument itself. wrongly attacks the person rather than the saying.


attempt to apply general rule to all situations when there are exceptions to the rule.

Argument From Outrage

attempt to persuade other by provoking anger

Guilt Trip

attempting to get someone to accept a claim by making them feel guilty.

Which fallacy is at work in the following? "You have to discount Mr. McGill's views on abortion. As a member of the Pre-Natal Liberation Organization, he can't help being prejudiced.

circumstantial ad hominem

Director Jones is in charge of running the state waste management program. When it is found that the program that doesn't go on in all state programs.

appeal to common practice

Slippery Slope

chain of steps that lead to the disastrous results but fails to explain why one step leads to another.

TV is fabulous these days. Just look at Downton Abbey. Refined, cultured, superb.

hasty generalization


tone of voice portrays a negative attitude toward the expression.


type of groupthink. no matter what your country does, it is right.

Loaded Question

type of innuendo in the load of a question. replying forces you to tacitly accept the assumptions.

Cum Hoc

"With this, therefore because of this"

Parker says Macs are better than PCs, but what would you expect him to say? He's owned macs for years.

circumstantial ad hominem

Look at Bill Gates. He didn't go to college, and he's millionaire. College is such a waste of time.

hasty generalization

Most Americans watch American Idol. That's clear since over one million people cast votes on the season finale.

hasty generalization

"Cable news has gone round the bend: The only thing you hear on Fox News is right-wing rants, and the only thing you hear on MSNBC are left-wing rants."


I'll tell you, there's never been anybody in the entire state of Florida as blitzed as Tom and I were last night.


"You can't sleep with the covers over your head. All the medical journals will tell you that's harmful."

Proof Surrogate

Anybody who understands how alcohol works can tell you that three drinks is enough to make that guy seriously impaired.

Proof Surrogate

Laboratory tests has shown that Cloyon produces a sweeter taste than any other artificial sweetener.

Proof Surrogates

Medical school huh? Right. You and your fancy 2.9 grade point are going to get into a fine medical school all right.


The proposal isn't bad when you consider it comes from a group of Knuckle-dragging morons.


Imagine yourself alone beside your broken-down car at the side of a country road in the middle of the night. Few pass by, and no one stops to help. Don't get caught like that. You need a No-Tel cellular telephone!

The passage gives someone no reason for buying a No-Tel cell phone

My blasted pen leaked and ruined my shirt. I'll never buy another Bic.

hasty generalization

People in Hegins, Pennsylvania, hold an annual pigeon shoot in order to control the pigeon population and to raise money for the town. this year, the pigeon shoot was disrupted by animal rights activist who tried to release the pigeons from their cages. I can't help but think these animal rights activists are the same people who believe in controlling the human population through the use of abortion. yet, they recoil at a similar means of controlling pigeons. What rank hypocrisy.

Strawman, red herring

Watts has been doing the weather on the local channel for over ten years. I put more stock in what he says about global warming than on somebody I never heard of.

appeal to authority

"Is this going to be another bright suggestion like your proposal that we take scuba lessons?"

a loaded question

"The obvious truth is that bilingual education has been a failure." In this statement, 'the obvious truth' might be best viewed as:

a proof surrogate

"The reason Republicans oppose health care is they don't care about anyone except their friends in the insurance industry" The phrase, "don't care about anyone except" is

a rhetorical explanation

Wishful Thinking

accepting a claim because you want it to be true or rejecting a claim because you don't want it to be true.

Be prepared. We are traveling to a Third World country; there won't be good hotels.


Everyone should have access to a college education. Therefore there should be no entrance requirements here at Cal Poly.


I have every right to burn tires in my backyard. It's a free country.


ONE GUY: The guy Paulson shot had climbed through a window and was coming down the darkened hallway. ANOTHER GUY: Doesn't matter; he still should have been charged with murder because the guy he shot was unarmed.


The new law says everybody who takes a firearms course can carry a concealed weapon, so I don't see why I can't take my gun to school.


We live in a democracy. That's why children should be allowed to vote.


Poisoning the well and argument from inconsistency are versions of which of the following?

ad hominem

The device that attacks the arguer instead of the argument

ad hominem

My parents both smoked and I am perfectly healthy, so, secondhand smoke isn't harmful


There's no unemployment in this country. I had no problem finding a job.


They say stretching test scores at our school were lower than usual. We responded by having teachers emphasize spelling. This year the scores were higher, showing how spelling helps kids learn.


Hank has sold Subaru for years, and he knows them well as anybody. So when he says they make a better car than Toyota, I believe it.

appeal to authority

I'm putting my money in a Vanguard account. My history teachers thinks the firm has the best mutual funds, and he is a smart man.

appeal to authority

My son thinks Galaxies are better than iPhones, and he should know since he is a teenager.

appeal to authority

Stress bad for you? That's a myth. I know all sorts of Type A people who are in excellent health.

appeal to authority

FRED: I think we should just buy the new truck and call it business expense so we can write it off on our taxes. ETHEL: I don't know, Fred. That sounds like cheating to me. We wouldn't really use the truck very much in the business, you know. FRED: Oh, don't worry about it. This kind of thing is done all the time.

appeal to common practice

Which fallacy is at work in the following? "The life on other planets must be highly intelligent. After all, we've never documented a single case of aliens landing on Earth- which proves that they realize how dangerous it would be to make contact."

appeal to ignorance

Which fallacy is at work in the following? "You should bathe three times a day in a tub of whole milk to keep your skin looking young. No one has ever proved that it doesn't work."

appeal to ignorance

HE: Tell you what. Let's get some ice cream for a change. Sunrise Creamery has the best - let's go there. SHE: Not that old dump! What makes you think their ice cream is so good, anyway? HE: Because it is. Besides, that old guy who owns it never gets any business anymore. Every time i go by the place, I see him in there all alone, just staring out the window, waiting for a customer. He can't help it that he's in such an awful location. I'm sure he couldn't afford to move.

appeal to pity

I've come before you to ask that you rehire Professor Johnson. I realize that Mr. Johnson does not have a Ph. D., and I am aware that he has yet to publish his first article. But Mr. Johnson is over forty now, and he has a wife and two high-school-aged children to support. it will be very difficult for him to find another teaching job at his age, I'm sure you will agree.

appeal to pity

Public opinion polls? They're rigged. Just ask anyone.

appeal to popularity

Studies confirms what everyone already knows: Smaller classes make students better learners.

appeal to popularity

The tax system in this country is unfair and ridiculous! Just ask anyone!

appeal to popularity

They finally passed the immigration law. Did you see the latest polls? It says that over two-thirds of Americans believe it's going to solve the immigration problem once and for all. It's about time they did the right thing in Congress.

appeal to popularity

What's wrong with socialism? I'll tell you what's wrong with socialism. Americans don't like it, is what's wrong with socialism.

appeal to popularity

I support what the person is saying. If 250 people are having fun, one person shouldn't be able to stop them. Having parties and having a good time are a way of life for Chico State students. The areas around campus have always been this way.

appeal to tradition and popularity

"Of course it is right to spank your children when they misbehave. My parents spanked me; their parents spanked them, and so on."

appeal to tradition.

"That was a wonderful joke about AIDS boss, and I agree with you that the damn liberals are wrecking the country. Now about my raise... "

apple polishing

Ladies and gentlemen, as you know, I endorsed council member Morrissey's bid for reelection based on his outstanding record during his first term. Because you are he movers and shakers in this community, other people place the same high value on your opinions that I do. Jim and I would feel privileged to have your support.

apple polishing

Morgan, you're down-to-earth and I trust your judgment. That's why I know I can count on you to back me up at the meeting this afternoon.

apple polishing

Appeal To Tradition

arguing that a claim is true on the grounds that it is traditional to believe it is true.

Boss to employee: "I'll be happy to tell you why this report needs to be finished by Friday. If it isn't ready by then, you'll be looking for another job. How's that for a reason?

argument by force

ONE FAN: The field goal has become too big a part of the game. I think it would be more reasonable to change it from a 3-point play to a 2-point play. That would make advancing the ball more important, which is as it should be. ANOTHER FAN: Oh, come on. Field goals have always been three points; it's just silly to think of changing a part of the game that's been around for so long.

argument by outrage

Student speaker: "Why, students fees have jumped by more than 300% in just two years! This is outrageous! The governor is working for a balanced budget, but it'll be on the backs of us students, the people who have the very least to spend! It seems pretty clear that these increased student fees are undermining higher education in this state. Anybody who isn't mad about this just doesn't understand the situation."

argument by outrage

MOTHER: "I think he has earned an increase in his allowance. He doesn't have any spending money at all, and he's always having to make excuses about not being able to go out with the rest of his friends because of that."

argument by pity

A mural for the municipal building? Excuse me, but why should public money, our tax dollars, be used for a totally unnecessary thing like art? There are potholes that need fixing. Traffic signals that need to be put up. There are a million things that are more important. It is an outrage spending taxpayers' money on unnecessary frills like art. Give me a break!

argument from outrage

Medical research that involves animals is completely unnecessary and a waste of money. Just think of the poor creatures! We burn and blind and torture them, and then we kill them. They don't know what is going to happen to them, but they know something is going to happen. They are scared to death. It's really an outrage

argument from outrage/ pity

Letter to the editor: "Your food section frequently features recipes with veal, a wholesome, nutritious food. Well, I have a different opinion of veal. Do you know how it comes to be on your plate? At birth, a newborn calf is separated from its mother, placed in a dark enclosure, and chained by its neck so it cannot move freely. This limits muscular development so that the animal is tender. it is kept in the dark pen until the day it is cruelly slaughtered.

argument from pity

If you give the cat your leftover asparagus, next thing you know you'll be feeding him your potatoes, maybe even your roast beef. Where will it all end? Pretty soon that wretched animal will be sitting up here on the table for dinner. he'll be eating us out of house and home.

begging the question

POWELL FAN: Colin Powell says that diplomatic efforts to avoid war with Iraq were serious and genuine, and his word is good enough for me. SKEPTIC: And what makes you so sure he's telling it like it is? POWELL FAN: Because he's the one guy in the administration you can trust.

begging the question

Select the name of the device that unfairly places the onus (burden) of providing evidence for a position on the wrong side of an issue.

burden of proof

Post Hoc

cause and effect. "After this, therefore because of this"

Former presidential chief of staff John Sununu was charged with using air force executive jets for frequent trips to vacation spots. In a letter to a news magazine, a writer observed, "What's all the fuss about? If everybody is doing it, why get excited about Sununu?"

common practice

So what if the senator accepted a little kickback money- most politicians are corrupt, after all.

common practice

Weak Analogy

comparing two things causing a weak argument.

Rhetorical Analogy

comparison designed to provide positive or negative emotional association.

Perfectionist Fallacy

concluding that a policy or proposal is bad simply because it doesn't accomplish its goal to perfection. the only two options for actions are (1) its perfect success and (2) nothing, and then rejecting anything that will not work perfectly.

Begging the Question (Circular Reasoning)

conclusion restates a point made in the premises or clearly assumed by the premises.

Circumstantial (Ad Hominem)

conflict of interest. attempting to discredit a person's claim by referring to the person's circumstances. suggesting that the person making an argument is biased.

Obesity is more prevalent among people who live below the poverty line. It is paradoxical that a low-income level can make you fat, but it's the truth.

cum hoc

Prostate cancer is almost unheard of it in countries where they don't eat meat, proof positive that meat in your diet will lead to prostate cancer.

cum hoc

Statistics show that smokers disproportionately come from low-income areas. We are trying to figure out what it is about poverty that makes people smoke.

cum hoc

The heart attack rate spikes the day clocks are set ahead for daylight saving time, demonstrating how time change can affect our health.

cum hoc


decide on a group based off a single feature. persistent idea about a group of people based on little/ no evidence.


distorts can opponent's position in order to make it easier to attack. you misrepresented someones' argument to make it easier to attack.

"Ecology? I will tell you what ecology is. Ecology is the Marxist 'science' that tries to shove bogus facts about global warming down everyone's throat" The quotation marks around 'science' are


"Right, George Bush 'won' thee lection in 2000, didn't he?" The use of quotation marks around "won" has the effect of


"Yes, there may be instances of abuse connected with the new immigration law. But on the whole it will help Arizona deal with a serious problem"


Despite all the fancy technology that went into Sam's new car, it still gets a mere 29 miles per gallon.


He was at the bar for two hours, officer, but I know he had only four drinks during that time.


Henry had a little trouble in calculus but will make a great math teacher


[Said when comforting a friend] There,there; it could be worse


Hasty Generalization

drawing a conclusion based on a small sample side. general statement is made on the basis of insufficient evidence or on the basis of only a few examples.

Retailers have declared a war on Christmas. Walmart has replaced the traditional "Merry Christmas" greeting with "Happy Holidays."

hasty generalization

I'm sure that these "narcs" have nothing else better to do than to harass the "party people".


Obama and his Democrat-Communist party have bloated the already bloated federal bureaucracy by 25% in ONE YEAR.


Republicans stand on principle against the irresponsible plans put forth by environmental extremists to wreck the economy.


"The key principle is 'responsible energy exploration.' And remember, it's NOT drilling for oil. It's responsible energy exploration."


"We will fund this new program through revenue enhancements from the sale of beer and cigarettes."


Man selling his car: "True, it has a few dents, but that's just normal wear and tear."


Using the term "delivery system" for "missile"



exaggeration. can be positive or negative.


expression that provides a way out when the argument is going badly. look out words: possibly, maybe, as far as we know, within reasonable limits, it is possible that

"Do you want to sign this petition to the governor?" "What's it about?" "We want him to veto that handgun registration bill that's come out of legislature." "Oh. No, I don't think I want to sign that." "Oh, really? So are you telling me you want to get rid of the Second Amendment?"

false dilemma

"Many, but not all, on the other side of the aisle lack the will to win," said Representative Charlie Norwood of Georgia. "The American people need to know precisely who they are." He said, "It is time to stand up and vote. Is it AL Qaeda, or is it America?"-

false dilemma

Dear Editor- If Christians do not participate in government, only sinners will.

false dilemma

Look, either we refrain from feeding the cat table scraps, or he'll be up here on the table with us. So don't go giving him your asparagus

false dilemma

Noise is a fact of life around most college campuses. People should know what they are getting into before they move there. If they don't like it, they should just get earplugs or leave.

false dilemma

Select the name of the device that limits consideration to only two alternatives when there are, in fact, more than two.

false dilemma

So my professor told me if he gave me an A for getting an 89.9 on the test, next he'd have to give people an A for getting an 89.9 on the test, and pretty soon he'd have to give everyone in the class an A. How could I argue with that?

false dilemma

Which fallacy is at work here? "Either join in political life or resign yourself to a lonely and meaningless existence."

false dilemma

Which fallacy is at work in the following? "Either you floss daily or your teeth look pathetic."

false dilemma

Apple Polishing (Appeal to Flattery)

flattery is disguised as a reason for accepting a claim.

Appeal To Common Practice

focuses on what people do instead of on what people believe. justify or defend an action or a practice on the grounds that it is common.

Argument From Envy

get acceptance of a claim by arousing feelings of envy.

"Jim I'm very disappointed you felt it necessary to talk to the media about the problems here in the department. When you join the FBI, you join a family, and you shouldn't want to embarrass your family."


"What? you aren't a Cornhuskers fan? Listen, around here everybody is for the Huskers!This is Nebraska!"


Me? I'm going to vote with the company on this one. After all, I've been with them for fifteen years

groupthink fallacy

If you ask me, I think breaking up with Anton is a big mistake. Have you forgotten how he stuck by you last year when you really needed somebody? Is this how you repay that kind of devotion?

guilt trip

I had a great time at the party last night; I'll bet all university parties are great.

hasty generalization

I took Psych 100 last semester and it was terrible. The instruction went on and on about stuff that never turned up on any of the quizzes or exams. I'm glad I never have to take another psychology class.

hasty generalization

I tried to buy a portable heater from the Saber Company last winter, and it was back-ordered. After a month, I juts canceled and decided not to do any more business with them.

hasty generalization

If the delays in this flight are any indication, this is not an airline I want to fly again.

hasty generalization

TERRY: I failed my test, but I gave my prof this nifty argument. I said, "Look, suppose somebody did 0.0001 percent better than I, would that be a big enough difference to give him a higher grade?" And he had to say "no," so then I said, "And if someone did 0.0001 percent better than the second person, would that be a big enough difference?" And he had to say "no" to that, too, so I just kept it up, and he never could point to the place where the difference was big enough to give the other person a higher grade. He finally saw he couldn't justify giving anyone a better grade. HARRY: Well? What happened? TERRY: He had to fail the whole class.

line drawing fallacy

The way I see it, either the senator resigns, or he sends a message that no one should admit to his misdeeds.

line drawing fallacy

Just how much sex has to be in a movie before you call it pornographic? Seems to me the whole concepts makes no sense.

line-drawing fallacy

An attorney questioning a witness: "So, if you were awake when you crossed the bridge, just when did you go to sleep at the wheel?"

loaded question

Why did Obama fail to act swiftly to end the BP oil spill?

loaded questions

Ad Hominem

make an irrelevant attack on the arguer and suggest that this attack undermines the argument itself.


make something seem less important that it actually is. look out words: mere, merely, so-called

How do I know God exists? Hey, how do you know he doesn't.

misplacing the burden

Overheard: "The reason I don't accept evolution is that ever since Darwin, scientists have been trying to prove that we evolved from some apelike primate ancestor. Well, they still haven't succeeded. Case closed.

misplacing the burden of proof

They need to understand that it's okay for the good guys to have nuclear weapons and its not okay for the bad guy to have them. And U.S.A. is one of the good guys, you see. The US is always going to do the right thing by these weapons , and we can't trust most of the rest of the world to do that. There's your nuclear arms policy in a nutshell.


Even though Sidney was old enough to buy a drink at the bar, he had no identification with him, and the bartender would not serve him.

no fallacy

I don't' care if Nike has signed up Michael Jordon, Tiger Woods, and even Santa Claus to endorse their shoes. They're a crummy company that makes a crummy product, and I wouldn't buy their shoes no matter what the circumstance. You don't need any reason beyond the fact that they pay poor women a dollar sixty for a long day's work in their Vietnamese shoe factories. That's not even enough to buy a day's worth of decent meals.

no fallacy

Mathematics is more difficult than sociology, and I really need an easier term this fall. So I'm going to take a sociology class instead of a math class.

no fallacy

You have three Fs and a D on your exams, and your quizzes are on the borderline between passing and failing. I'm afraid you don't deserve to pass the course.

no fallacy

The Chico noise ordinance was put there by the duly elected officials of the city and is the law. People do not have the right to break a law that was put in place under proper legal procedures.


"Liberals need to understand the global health argument for abortion is deeply offensive. It is like fighting disease by killing everyone who has a disease."

none of the above

Appeal to Authority

not legitimate authority. biased authority.

Eating fish three times a week is supposed to be good for you, but I tried it for several months and never noticed an improvement.

past hoc

One political newcomer to another. "I tell you, Sam, you'd better change those liberal views of yours. The general slant toward conservatism is obvious. You'll be left behind unless you change your mind about some things.

peer pressure

I can safely say that no law, no matter how stiff the consequence is, will completely stop illegal drug use. Outlawing drugs us a waste of time.

perfectionist fallacy

Laws against teenagers drinking?-They are total waste of time, frankly. No matter how many laws we pass, there are always going to be some teens who drink.

perfectionist fallacy

You can't get rid of all the noise around a college campus no matter what you do .

perfectionist fallacy

Burden of Proof, Misplacing

placing a point is placed on the wrong side. lack of evidence on one side is taken as evidence for the other side.

The opposing party is going to give its reply to the president's speech in just a few minutes. Prepare yourself for the usual misstatements of fact, exaggerated criticism, and attempts to distract from the real issues

poisoning the well

Your professor wants you to read Moore and Parker? Forget it. Their book is so far to the right it's falling off the shelf.

poisoning the well

After my granddad had his heart attack, his hair turned completely white. I didn't know a heart attack could cause that.

post hoc

I don't' care if Nike has signed up Michael Jordon, Tiger Woods, and even Santa Claus to endorse their shoes. They're a crummy company that makes a crummy product. The proof is the fact they pay women a dollar sixty for a long day's work in their Vietnamese shoe factories. That's not even enough to buy a day's worth of decent meals.

red herring

If students aren't allowed to party, the college will go out of business.

red herring

Nike is a crummy company that makes crummy shoes. Look: they still sponsor Tiger Woods even after all the bad stuff that came to light about him.

red herring

REPORTER COKIE ROBERTS: Mr. Cheney, aside from the legal issues that stem from the various United Nations resolutions, isn't there an overriding moral dimension to the suffering of so many Kurdish people in Iraq? DICK CHENEY: Well, we recognize that's a tragic situations occurring all over the world.

red herring

The animals rights people shouldn't pick on rodeos about animal treatment. If they'd come out and see the clowns put smiles on kids' faces and see horses buck off the cowboys and hear the crowd go "ooh" and "ahh" at the bull riding, ehy, then, they'd change their minds.

red herring

We work hard all week long studying and going to classes. We deserve to let off steam after a hard week.

red herring

YAEKO: The character Dana Scully on The X-Files realy provides a good role model for young women. She's a medical doctor and an FBI agent, and she's intelligent, professional, and devoted to her work. MICHAEL: Those shows about paranormal activities are so unrealistic. Alien abductions, government conspiracies- it's all ridiculous.

red herring

False Dilemma

reducing the options you consider to just two options often sharply opposed. words to look out: either this, that

Genetic Fallacy

rejecting a claim on the basis of its origin or history.

"Making a former corporate CEO the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission is like putting a fox in charge of the henhouse."

rhetorical analogy

Text messaging teaches people to misspell and adopt the crudest style of writing possible. It's like an advanced degree in Bonehead English.

rhetorical analogy

"Ecology? i will tell you what ecology is. Ecology is the Marxist 'science' that tries to shove bogus facts global warming down everyone's throat."

rhetorical definition

Dear Mr. Swanson: I realized I'm not up for a salary increase yet, but I thought it might make my review a bit more timely if I pointed out to you that I have a copy of all the recent e-mail messages between you and Ms. Flood in the purchasing department

scare tactics

Statistics shows that flying is much safer than driving. So why put your family at risk? This summer, travel the safe way: Fly Fracaso Airlines

scare tactics + red herrnig

Scare Tactics

scaring someone into accepting or rejecting a claim

If we expand the commuter bus program, where is it going to end? Will we want to have a trolley system? Then a light rail system? Then expand Metrolink to our area? A city this size hardly needs and certainly cannot afford all these amenities.

slippery slope

The trouble with impeaching the president is this. If we start going after him, next we'll be going after senators, representatives, governors. Pretty soon, no elected official will be safe from partisan attack.

slippery slope

Which fallacy is at work in the following? "Once your kids are watching cartoons, they're also watching those toy commercials. If they see the commercials they'll want the toys; before you know it, they're commercials they'll obsessed with the toys and you've lost all control over them. So don't let children watch cartoons."

slippery slope

Year-round schools? I'm opposed. Once we let them do that, the next thing you know they'll be cutting into our vacation time and asking us to teach in the evenings and on the weekends, and who knows where it will end. We teachers have to stand up for our rights.

slippery slope

"Better lock up your whisky before Patrick gets here. Didn't you know he is Irish?"


"[Former Treasury secretary] Bob Rubin;s a smart guy, a nice man, but he hates tax cuts. To listen to Rubin on domestic issues, you could just die. He's a free-spending left-winger."


Name of the device that ignores an opponent's actual position and instead presents and attacks a distorted, oversimplified, or misrepresented version of that position.

straw man

Look, maybe you think it's okay to legalize tribal casinos but I don't. Letting every last group of people in the country open a casino is a ridiculous idea. Letting every last group of people in the country open a casino is a ridiculous idea, bound to cause trouble.


The trouble with impeaching the president is this. If we start going after every person who occupies the presidency will take up everyone's time, and the government will never get anything else done.


Two weeks ago, I was at a party, and it was only about 9:00 p.m. There were only a few people there, and it was quiet. And then the police came and told us we had to break it up because a neighbor complained. Well, that neighbor is an elderly lady who would complain if you flushed the toilet. I think it's totally unreasonable.



suggest a notion without saying it. implying something

Proof Surrogates

suggesting evidence without actually providing it. look out words: obviously, everybody knows

Appeal to Ignorance (Burden of Proof)

the view that an absence of evidence against a claim counts as evidence for that claim. arguing that a claims true because it has not been shown to be false.

Peer Pressure (Bandwagon)

threatened with rejection by your friends, relatives ETC.

Tom Wolfe characterized Freud's theory of sexual repression as similar to the way a boiler works. A boiler builds up pressure over time, and if the steam isn't let off somehow, an explosion will result. Similarly, therefore, if sexual "pressure" isn't released, the result will be an emotional explosion.

weak analogy

You would not go into the woods if you knew there were bears there, and the same thing therefore holds for getting into a bear market. Hang on to your money until the market changes.

weak analogy

"She is quite possibly one of the most gifted students I am now teaching."


Nicotine is not addictive, as we understand the word addiction.


Try the Neutron Diet for just four weeks, and you can lose as many as twenty pounds!


Hey! It can't be time for the bars to close. I'm having too much fun.

wishful thinking

Overheard: "Hmmmm. Nice day. Think I'll go catch some rays." "Says here in this magazine that doing that sort of thing is guaranteed to get you a case of skin cancer." "Yeah, I've heard that, too. I think it's a bunch of baloney, personally. If that were true, you wouldn't be able to do anything - no tubing, skiing, nothing. You wouldn't even be able to just plain out lie out in this sun. Ugh!"

wishful thinking

Two Wrongs Make A Right

wrongful behavior does not elicit more wrongful behavior. If an act is wrong, it is wrong.

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