psych 105 exam 2

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historical roots of health psych

-dualism: mind and body are seperate Rene Descartes believed in interactive dualism- body affects mental states and vice versa

what can impact job opportunities/job security when working in academia?

-may depend on ability to secure to funding for research ($$$) -grant writing is an important skill -productivity expectations -tenure

where do neuropsycholgists works?

-research/teaching -therapy/rehab (TBIs, concussions) -assessment: neuropsych assessment can determine the integrity of cognitive processes, differential diagnosis, and treatment planning

criminal treatment areas

-sex offender treatment: goal=reduce recidivism (repeating the same crime upon release from prison) -drug dependence treatment: treatment more effective than prison in reducing recidivism

what are the 3 interrelated areas of exercise/sport psychology and what does each one focus on?

-social psychology area o focuses on individual and group processes in sport and exercise settings -performance enhancement/ intervention area o research, theory, and practice intended to improve performance o using biofeedback to improve performance of sharp shooters -imagery training - Phil Jackson using Mindfulness with the LA Lakers -health and exercise psychology area o application of psychological principles to the promotion of health enhancing behaviors and the consequences of those behaviors

what is applied research

-use existing knowledge to solve a real-world problem -how does altering the layout of a textbook impact student learning?

who certifies exercise/sport psychologists?

Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) -certifies sports psychologists North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

who ran the Hawthrone studies?

Elton Mayo

who started scientific management?

Frederick Winslow Taylor (late 19th early 20th c)

what is social psych

Gordon Allport- "an attempt to understand and explain how the thought, feeling, and behavior of individuals is influenced by actual, imagined, or implied presence of others" o also includes the effect of the situation, context and environment

median income for psychologists

48-68k, social psychologists are the lower end

in which settings do most researchers work?

68% work in academia (colleges, universities, medical schools) 36% work in private sector and government positions (private sectors commands higher salary) and the median income is $91k

in which setting do most IO psychologists work?

69% work in business/government settings (within the organization our "outside" consultant) 24% in academics

according to Corruble and Guelfi what percentage of inpatients wit depression reported physical pain in their study? what does this have to do with health psych?

92% of depressed patients reported physical pain at admission - as depression increased, so did physical pain (represents interactive dualism)

social psychologists are least employed in

o other or unknown o government o non profit

how much post doc training is required for a neuropsychologist?

at least 2 years full-time training

other Io related careers

industrial designer -professional practice of designing products, including appearance, functioning and manufacturing -household items, cars, appliances -combines art, business and engineering

what is civil forensic psychology?

interacting with civil legal systems (family and administrative courts) which focuses on regress of wrongs (compensation or reinstitution through personal injury claims, etc.)

fun fact about Lillian Gilbreth

she is the only US psychologist to appear on a postage stamp

what are the three broad interest areas of health psycholgy?

stress and coping health behaviors issues in health care

what is developmental psychology?

study the emotional, cognitive and physical development of people across the lifespan -genetics, physiology, nutrition, education, personality, culture and environment--how they impact our development

What courses or possible double major should you pursue if you want to be an exercise/sport psychologist?

take courses in or double major in Kinesiology

how is the criminal profiling myth related to forensic psych?

the job market for this is essentially non-existent -sometimes done by law enforcement professionals -forensic psychologists generally do not do this and programs do not train you for this

What is exercise/sport psychology?

the scientific study of the psychological factors associated with participation and performance in sport, exercise and other types of physical activity -not limited to ___, may involve any kind of physical activity

do forensic psychologists serve as trail consultants and sometimes provide expert testimony?

yes they do

what was the beginning of Organizational Psychology?

-Hawthorne Studies

why did Kurt lewin conclude related to leadership styles?

-advocated for action research and studied leadership style and productivity o democratic- produced the best quality work and best worker satisfaction, even when the leader wasn't present o authoritarian o laissez- faire (hands off) - this study showed the important of social-psychological variables on workplace outcome- its important to recognize workers as part of the decision making process in the industry

what is scientific management? "taylorism"

-analyzing a job to determine one "right" way to do the job -efficiency experts studied the workers by timing them with a stopwatch, etc -piece-rate work= being paid for each unit one produces

criminal forensic assessment

-competency to stand trail: use interviews, psychological tests, observations, review records -competency to waive Miranda rights: did the person knowingly, voluntarily waive their right to silence and the assistance of an attorney? -transfer evaluations for juvenile offenders: should juvenile offenders be transferred to the adult system? -competency to be sentenced and executed -violence risk assessment

what courses should you take to prepare for research psychology? which degree should you obtain?

-doctoral degree in research-intense fields for the most interdependece -there are opportunities with masters degree -prepare by taking statistics, research methods, experimental design, natural sciences (chem, bio)

What did Harry Hollingworth contribute to IO psychology? What was he doing for Coca-Cola?

-emphasized human motives (wants & needs) -advertisement has 4 goals o get a persons attention o hold it to the message of the ad o fix the message in the persons memory o motivate the person to take the desired action (=effectiveness) - pretested the effectiveness of ads and ranked them o his rankings were highly correlated with sales the ad generated (r=.82) o studied the stimuli of ads that seemed most related to the 4 goals (stimulus-response approach)

what are the 5 research intensive subfields?

-experimental -developmental -social -cognitive -biopsychology

Coleman Griffith and sports psych

-first sports psychologist -researched factors predicting success in basketball and football -taught a course called "psychology and athletics" -opened first sports psych lab at the U of Illinois -acted as a consultant for the U of Illinois: most of his recommendations were ingoried

what is basic research

-goal is to advance our understanding of a topic -what is the best way to present information being learned?

what is criminal forensic psych?

-interacting with the criminal legal system, which focuses on punishment

what is the difference between exercise/sport psychologists and a kinesiologist?

-kinesiologists are not licensed clinicians and cannot treat mental illness -many programs are housed in the Kinesiology departments

common topics that experimental psychologists study

-learning, sensation, perception, human performance, motivation, language, thinking and communication

according to the CDC, what is the key component to the leading cause of death in the US

-lifestyle -leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, stroke

what bachelors level careers are available in IO psych?

-management o employee selection, valuation and training o median salary 95k -administrative services manager o 94k, 10% growth (faster than average) -human resources o responsible for managing organizations employees o recruitment, hiring, placement, benefits, training o titles- Benefits Coordinator, Personnel Admin, Human resources associate o training and certificate programs Human Resources Specialist • $60,350, 7% growth (average) Human Resources Manager • $110,250, 9% growth (average) Training & development Manager • $108,250, 10% growth (faster than average) Compensation & Benefits Manager • $119,120, 5% growth (average)

What did Bargh, Chen, and Burrows (1996) do and what did they find (two studies)?

-participants completed sentences with a word bank: florida, nigh, grey, wrinkle -participants were timed leaving the experiment -participants walked slower than those who had neutral words

bachelors level careers related to sport psych (both on the rise)

-personal trainer/fitness instructor (40k) -sport instructors/coaches ($32k)

what degree and subfield should you pursue if you want to be an exercise/sports psychologist?

-there are opportunities at Masters and doctorate level -clinical oriented (practice) o MA in Mental Health Counseling, LPC o Doctorate in Clinical or Counseling psych, state licensure to practice -research oriented/applied programs o may require AASP certification

what is experimental psychology

-trained in the process of conducting research; they apply these methods to learn about how people perceive the world, think, make decisions, and behave -wide variety or research topics but must choose a speciality or focus -animal experimentation

civil criminal treatment areas

-victim treatment -treatment of law enforcement -divorce mediation/dispute resolution

how do you become a forensic psychologist? 2 paths

1) become a licensed clinical, counseling or school psychologist and specialize along the way via forensic practicum and internship experiences 2) go to a graduate program specifically for forensic psychology (psychology and law)

what are the 2 problems areas that Neuropsychology addresses?

1) neurological problems; dementias due to disease processes like alzheimers and parkinson's, stroke, tumors 2) psychiatric problems; conversion disorder, differential diagnosis

what are the 4 main activities that forensic psychologists do?

1) research; eyewitness testimony, jury selection 2) public policy development and analysis 3) education/teaching 4) clinical practice

where are training programs in Exercise/sport psych found?

clinical oriented at Boston U and U of N. Texas practice oriented at Purdue and U of Denver

when did modern social psychology begin?

early 1900s

human facotrs=


why did scientific management/taylorism come to an end?

in 1911 there was a strike in MA that led to the dissolution of Taylorism -Lillian Gilbreth argued that workers are NOT machines and their voices should be heard -in opposition to Taylor, psychologists stressed individual differences like intelligence, personality and motivation in efficiency

organizational part of IO psychology

o how characteristics of the organization impact productivity and well-being of the company -organizational structure -leadership -environment -job satisfaction/ commitment -organization change and development

who is the modern father of social psych and what did he establish?

o kurt lewin o established the Research Center for group dynamics o enthusiastic and influential leader with a strong focus on experimentation and application

what did Walter Dill Scott contribute to IO psych?

o pioneer in psychology of advertising o consumer - "non rational, and suggestible creature" -compulsively obedient o power of suggestion -direct command= Drink Budweiser -the return coupon

what historical contributions contributed to the growth of social psych?

o post WW1 -communism -Great Depression -Rise of hitler -genocide of Jews -WW2 - nuclear threats

In addition to Scientific Management, what else were psychologists competing with in the early 1900s?


what settings can an exercise/sport psychologist work in and what would they do in that setting?

Academia (Teaching and research) -GLBT issues in sport -adapting activities for those with disabilities -alcohol and drug use in athletes -coping with pressure -disorder eating among athletes (dancers) -maintaining an exercise program Practice - assessment- coping strategies, emotional stability -treatment: eating disorders, anxiety -consultation with teams/coaches Private Practice -rarely able to work ____ -most have licensing

fact or crap: is a lie detector test accurate?

CRAP - a polygraph is NOT an accurate mean of detecting dishonesty -its better called a "physiological arousal test" -lie detectors are problematic for many reasons, including examiner bias and the ability of the test takers to manipulate their arousal

fact or crap: informal job interviews, or adapting the interview to the individual candidate results int he best prediction of later job performance

CRAP - structured interviews are better predictors of later job performance -questions based on careful job analysis - standard set of questions -rating system to rate responses

fact or crap: if you are unsure of your answer when taking a test, it is best to stick with your initial test

CRAP -based on a review of over 60 studies, changing answers on a multiple choice test more often resulted in changing a wrong answer to a right one

fact or crap: when someone accused of a criminal e is found not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI), they must be released from custody

CRAP -when found NGRI, the individual is sent to a mental hospital for an indeterminate amount of time -research shows that often, those who are found NGRi are confined to a hospital longer for the same crimes than those who are convicted and sent to prison

what are the 2 bachelor level careers in research psychology?

Data Entry Keyer- enter, verify accuracy, manage datasets o median salary is 30k - on the DECLINE (-2%) Market Research analyst- collect and analyze data related to consumer demographics, being habits, etc median salary is $63k -growth much faster than average

in 1908, who published the first two social psych books?

E.A. Ross and William McDougall

who published the first social psych textbook

Floyd Allport- published "social psych" which became a regular part of curriculum in American Universities o argued that social behavior stems from many factors, including the presence of others o emphasized the value of experimentation

what is health psychology?

a branch of psychology concerned with how individual behaviors and lifestyles affect physical health

conversion disorder

a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms (into paralysis or anesthesia having no apparent cause)

what do human factor psychologists do?

apply psychological principles in the design of equipment, work spaces and software

what are common topics of cognitive psychology?

attention, information processing, perception, memory, reasoning, language, retrieval and forgetting, problem solving

what is the most common activity for forensic psychologists?

clinical practice

what is the goal of a Neuropsychologia assessment?

determine -integrity of cognitive processes (memory, attention, speed of processing) -differential diagnosis -treatment planning

what is the criminal profiling myth?

dev: developing a description of the likely perpetrator of a crime who has yet to be apprehended: based on the use of stereotypes (racial profiling) -this myth has been perpetrated by false, misleading portrayal in the entertainment media

what is the most common activity of IO psychologists

employment selection

what is the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

falls (28%)

what 3 core emotions motivated advertising (Watson)

fear, rage, love

what is the most in demand Clinical Forensic assessment?

forensic psych assessment

who is inaccurately called the father of IO psych?

hugo munsterburg


macro (organization) level

what is business efficiency?

matching workers skills with job requirements

industrial (personnel)=

micro (individual level)

what is the hottest and fastest growing field of psych?


how old is forensic psych relative to other fields?

newest subfield- became formal in 2001

is a law degree (J.D.)required to become a forensic psychologist?

no but some get it

results of the Hawthorne Studies

o initial results were puzzling o further study involving psychological variables (workers attitudes, group dynamics, etc) showed that psychological variables were MORE influential than physical variables o given special attention to workers and listening to them was crucial - the Hawthorne effect: positive changes in individuals behaviors once they knew they were being observed

what does Sian Block (2008) research tell us about "choking: under pressure?

o mental factors play an important role in the success of athletes - athletes who remain cool under pressure vs. chokers -penalty kicks in soccer -Sian Bielock expect golfers o "Paralysis by Analysis" o learned skills happened outside of conscious awareness o anxiety and over-focus create a brain shift

of the bachelors level health psych careers, which are expected to grow faster than average?

o occupational therapy assistent o health educator

who is katherine blackford?

o personnel system based on the "science" of physiognomy o blondes are best for sales jobs- convex faces indicate aggressiveness and persistence

what settings do health psychologists work in?

o research - interdisciplinary collaboration - strong ties to local hospitals/clinics o teaching/training o practice -assessment -intervention -consultation -work in hospitals, pain/community clinics, private practice

most social psychologists are employed in

o seeking employment or study o academic job o post-doc

industrial level of IO psychology

o selection and placement (hiring/promotion) -job analysis: job is defined in terms of tasks performed and the human qualifications needed -assess candidates (cognitive abilities, interpersonal skills, physical abilities, personality) o employee selection is the most common activity of IO psychologists o performance evaluation and appraisal -systems to evaluate and track performance over time -decisions to retain, terminate, or promote o training and education -assess needs for training -lead courses and workshops -executive coaching -succession planning

history of social psychology traces back to when

plato and aristotle trying to understand the social nature of humans

of the bachelor level health psych careers, which are expected to grow the least?

research assistant in health settings

whats neuropsychology

specialty area concerned with enhancing the understanding of brain-behavior relationships and the application of such knowledge to human problems

What is biopsychology?

studies the link between biological functioning and behavior -investigate neuroanatomy, neural communication pharmacology, endocrine functioning and genetics

what is cognitive psychology?

study how people take in, manipulate, store and retrieve information, as well as how they make decisions and solve problems -human and non-human (animal) cognitive processes

what is forensic psych?

the most misunderstood area of psych def: providing professional psychological expertise to the judicial system

differential diagnosis

the process of differentiating between two or more conditions that share similar signs or symptoms.

what did Normal Triplett contribute to Sport Psych?

1989- he observed social facilitation among cyclists

what percentage of doctoral degrees are awarded in research-intensive subfields?

33% of doctoral degrees are awarded in 5 research intensive subfields

who created the bio-psycho-social model?

Psychiatrist George Engel

what was John Watsons approach to advertising?

-1920s: he left academia to work in advertising - applied behaviorism to advertising -used celebrity endorsemnets -believed 3 core emotions motivated buying: fear, rage, love

what are the Hawthorne studies?

-Elton Mayo (1927) was hired by Western electric Company Chicago to improve productivity (efficiency & effectiveness) at Hawthorne Works Division -Mayo studied: o illumination o rest intervals o wage incentives o length of work day and work week

what did William jenkins contribute to human factors psychology?

- WW2: the military designed tanks, planes, and artillery with little consideration to human behavior - planes were crashing because of pilots raising landing gear during landing - problem: control knobs felt the same -Jenkins was brought in to fix the problem o blindfolded subjects and had them try out different control knobs o when the easy to discriminate knobs were used in the planes, crashed stopped -1970: Human factors started gradually splitting away from psychology to becomes its own field

which BA level careers in Io psych are expected to grow the most?

- administrative services manager -training and development manager

civil forensic assessments

- child custody -guardianship: can a person care for him/herself? -competency to make treatment decisions -personal injury evaluations: was an injury due to another negligence or was it preexisting?

how do you become a health psychologist?

- doctoral degree is entry-level - most health psych programs are specialty areas within clinical psych programs; also found in counseling and social psych programs -requires knowledge of bio, pharmacology, anatomy, human physiology, pathophysiology -practicing requires state license

what are the 4 goals of advertising?

- get a persons attention - hold it to the message of the ad - fix the message in the persons memory -motivate the person to take the desired action (=effectiveness)

how did Hugo Munsterberg contribute to IO?

- he wrote a book called "psychology & industrial efficiency" (1913) -"efficiency" was a buzz word in the early 20th century -psychology as the science of human efficiency

Harry Hollingworth and Coca Cola

- in 1909, caffiene was in violation of the Food and Drug Act (coca cola vs the US government) -Harry Hollingworth was invited by Coke to study the effects of caffeine on behavior -Hollingworth was concerned about the integrity of such research (research funded by a large corporation) - found that even huge doses of caffeine had no adverse affects on behavior and cognitive performance - hollingworths work bridged the gap between academic psych and the business world

what are the goals of health psychology?

- manage cholesterol/stress/weight/pain -stop smoking/risky behaviors -encouraging health promoting behaviors

in which departments can you find training programs in Human Factors?

- some psychology departments - mostly in colleges of Engineering

what is the bio-psycho-social model of health/illness?

- systematically considers biological, psychological and social factors and their complex interactions in understanding health, illness and health care delivery - reaction to reductionist approach -hollistic approach that considers heath/illness in a broader context

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