psych 110 Tauzin ch. 6

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A _____ schedule in operant conditioning rewards behaviors an average number of times on an unpredictable basis.

vicarious punishment

A process that makes an observer less likely to repeat a behavior on seeing the model reprimanded is called _____ in observational learning.

Alex's ears popping before entering the elevator

Alex and his family moved into an apartment on the 98th floor of a building. The first few times that Alex used the elevator, his ears popped and Alex found the sensation uncomfortable. As a result, whenever Alex enters a building with an elevator, he feels his ears pop before he gets to the elevator. In the context of classical conditioning, which of the following is the conditioned response?

aversive conditioning Correct

As the subject of an experiment for treating cigarette addiction, John is being given a chemical agent that makes him feel nauseated every time he smokes a cigarette. This experiment is most likely a(n) _____ experiment.

He should turn on the light before he drops the food into the tank

Boris uses classical conditioning to teach his goldfish to swim to the surface of its tank to eat whenever Boris turns on the aquarium light. He drops food into the tank and then turns on the light. After several such trials, the fish shows no more inclination to swim to the surface when the light is turned on than it did on the first trial. In the context of classical conditioning, which of the following should Boris do to improve his training technique?

negative reinforcment

Caleb, the owner of a small garage, is particular about paying his employees more than they ask for. He believes that this action will prevent his employees from leaving the organization due to job dissatisfaction. In this scenario, Caleb is using _____ in operant conditioning to ensure a desired outcome.

involuntary responses

Classical conditioning explains how neutral stimuli become associated with

negative reinforcement

Gary, a high school student with no interest in academics, has started to study for four hours every week to avoid getting poor grades in school. This scenario is reflective of _____ in operant conditioning.

variable ratio

Hitch-hikers are unable to predict when they will get a ride and when they will not. They are most likely functioning on a _____ schedule of reinforcement in operant conditioning

operant conditioning is a form of associative behavior

Identify the accurate statement about operant conditioning

unconditioned response

In Pavlov's experiments on classical conditioning, the dog salivated each time the food was presented. The dog's response to the food was a(n)

US and the CS must be presented very close together in time

In classical conditioning, in order for the pairing between the unconditioned stimulus (US) and the conditioned stimulus (CS) to work, the

spontaneous recovery

In classical conditioning, the process by which a conditioned response can recur after a time delay, without further conditioning is known as

encode the information to reproduce a model's actions.

In observational learning, retention is the process in which a learner must


In operant conditioning, _____ means responding appropriately to stimuli that signal that a behavior will or will not be reinforced.


In operant conditioning, _____ occurs when a behavior is no longer reinforced and decreases in frequency.

an organism preforms a reinforced behavior in a different situation

In operant conditioning, generalization occurs when

the association between a behavior and a consequence

In operant conditioning, organisms learn

classical conditioning

Jack always takes his dog out for a walk in the morning. Whenever Jack puts the leash on his dog, the dog gets very excited about going for a walk. In this scenario, the dog has learned to associate the leash with going for a walk through

aversive conditioning

Jacob, a police officer, wants to train his new dog, Rover. Jacob buys a "zap collar" that delivers a low intensity shock to the neck of the dog whenever it pulls on the leash. After wearing the collar for a few days, Rover recognizes that the shock is an undesirable result of pulling on the leash. Consequently, Rover stops pulling on the leash. In this scenario, which of the following methods has most likely been used to discipline Rover?

positive punishment

Janet scolds her daughter, Kelley, each time Kelley pinches her little brother. After two weeks, Janet notices that Kelley has stopped pinching her little brother. In this scenario, scolding Kelley is an example of _____ in operant conditioning.

positive reinforcement

Jennifer accidentally plays a radio channel that she has never heard before. She loves the music it plays and as a result, she plays only that channel whenever she wants to listen to music. In this scenario, Jennifer's behavior has most likely been learned through _____ in operant conditioning

Thorndike's Law of Effect

Jenny received a lot of praise in class when she was the only one who did her homework on time. As a result, Jenny has never had to be reminded to do her homework; she always submits it on time. In this scenario, Jenny's behavior illustrates

The dog becomes a conditioned stimulus after it bites John.

John, a six-year-old boy, loves dogs. However, after being bitten by one, he starts to fear dogs. Which of the following is true in the context of classical conditioning?

generalization in classical conditioning.

Joseph, a three-year-old boy, is afraid of the doctor who gave him a shot and made him cry. Consequently, whenever Joseph sees a person in a white laboratory coat, he starts crying. In this scenario, Joseph's behavior best exemplifies


June had dinner at an Indian restaurant and had food poisoning as a result. This caused her to gag at the sight of any Indian food. June's reaction to Indian food best illustrates the concept of _____ in classical conditioning.

negative punishment

Larry is in the habit of bullying his little brother by hitting and pushing him. Larry's parents try to stop this behavior by taking away Larry's video games whenever he hits his little brother. Over the next few weeks, Larry stops bullying his little brother. In this scenario, Larry's parents have used _____ in operant conditioning.

unconditioned stimulus

Watson, a research subject, is pricked with a needle every time he decides to have a sip of a soda. He is being conditioned to avoid drinking soda. In this scenario, the needle prick is the

generalization in classical conditioning

Wendell always gets anxious before taking a math test because he is not good with numbers and formulae. When his science teacher announces a physics test that requires him to apply numerical formulae, Wendell begins to feel anxious, even though he enjoys physics. Which of the following is Wendell most likely demonstrating in this scenario?

a child sneezing after accidently inhaling pepper

Which of the following best exemplifies an innate unconditioned stimulus-unconditioned response connection?

judging whether to repeat a behavior depending on the consequences of the behavior

Which of the following describes the reinforcement element in observational learning?


Which of the following is a cognitive form of learning?


Which of the following is a primary reinforcer in operant conditioning?


Which of the following is common to positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement?

it is a form of responsive behavior

Which of the following is true about classical conditioning?

it reinforces the first behavior after a set amount of time has passed

Which of the following is true of a fixed-interval schedule in the context of operant conditioning?

It reinforces a behavior after an inconsistent and unpredictable amount of time has elapsed.

Which of the following is true of a variable-interval schedule in operant conditioning?

during acquisition the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are presented very close together in time

Which of the following is true of acquisition in classical conditioning?

behaviorism maintains that the principles of learning are the same when talking about animals or humans

Which of the following is true of behaviorism as a theory of learning?

in continuous reinforcement, a behavior is reinforced every time it occurs

Which of the following is true of continuous reinforcement in operant conditioning?

A pig pushes an object on the ground instead of learning to carry it in its mouth.

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies instinctive drift in the context of biological constraints in learning

Tom wakes up just before the alarm clock goes off every morning so that he can avoid having to hear the alarm go off.

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies negative reinforcement in operant conditioning?

Mike works hard all through the week because he expects to get paid on Friday.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates Tolman's views on purposive behavior?

Alan does not think he has academic abilities, so he abandons the idea of going to college

Which of the following scenarios exemplifies a fixed mindset in the context of psychological constraints in learning?

It is a special kind of classical conditioning involving the learned association between a particular taste and nausea.

Which of the following statements about taste aversion learning is true?

It is a learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an innately meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response.

Which of the following statements best describes classical conditioning?

they are involuntary

Which of the following statements is true of unconditioned responses?


___ is the [process of learning the associations between two events

positive reinforcement

____ in operant conditioning occurs when the frequency of a behavior increases because it is followed by a desirable stimulus.


_____ in classical conditioning is the process of learning to respond to certain stimuli and not others.


_____ is the initial learning of the connection between an unconditioned stimulus and a conditioned stimulus when these two stimuli are paired.


_____ is the systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience



has nothing to do with "good" or "bad" behavior

negative reinforcment in operant conditioning

generalization in classical conditioning.

person in a white laboratory coat, he starts crying. In this scenario, Joseph's behavior best exemplifies

variable ratio

A _____ schedule in operant conditioning rewards behaviors an average number of times on an unpredictable basis.

changing the relationship between a conditioned stimulus and its conditioned response.

Counterconditioning is a classical conditioning procedure for

conditioned stimulus.

Dr. Meyer is known for his difficult pop quizzes. Immediately before he announces a pop quiz to his students, he walks to the classroom door and closes it. His students soon learn to anticipate a pop quiz whenever Dr. Meyer closes the classroom door. In the context of classical conditioning, closing the door has become a(n)

learned helplessness

Experience with unavoidable negative stimuli can lead to a particular deficit in avoidance learning called

the fixed-ratio schedule

Fred's mother allows him to watch television on Sundays only if he studies for four hours a day, every day of the week. Which of the following schedules of reinforcement in operant conditioning is Fred's mother using to discipline him?

insight learning

Liza's teacher has given her class a math problem to solve. She says that there is a trick to it but if they really think about it, the answer is quite simple. The class is silent for a few moments before Liza suddenly raises her hand and provides the correct solution to the problem. In this scenario, Liza's sudden understanding of the problem exemplifies

the placebo effect

Manny has been unable to sleep for the past one week. His wife gives him a vitamin pill and tells him that it will help him sleep at night. The next morning, Manny is thrilled because he has slept better than ever before. In this scenario, Manny's response to the vitamin can be attributed to

spontaneous recovery Correct

Marcia and John were married for eleven years before John passed away. Following his death, Marcia left her home and city because everything reminded her of John. Many years later, Marcia happened to meet a man, her new colleague, who smelled of the cologne that John always wore. Even after so many years, Marcia was drawn to this man because he reminded her of John. In this scenario, Marcia's reawakened feelings are an example of _____ in classical conditioning.

classical conditioning

Matt's school ends at three in the afternoon. So, whenever it becomes three in the afternoon he feels happy even if he is not in school. In this scenario, Matt has learned to associate a fixed timing with happiness through

operant conditioning

Ryan receives a scolding from his mother every time he picks his nose. Fearing retribution, Ryan hesitates to pick his nose whenever his mother is present with him. In this scenario, Ryan is demonstrating

learned helplessness

Shirley repeatedly ends up receiving bad grades in algebra no matter how hard she studies. Eventually, Shirley stops studying for algebra tests and accepts that nothing she does will help her get good grades. In this scenario, Shirley's behavior exemplifies _____ in operant conditioning.

fixed-ratio schedule

The _____ schedule in operant conditioning reinforces a behavior after a set number of behaviors.

the consequences of a behavior influence the likelihood of that behavior's recurrence

The law of effect is profoundly important because it presents the basic idea that

the use of operant conditioning principles to change human behavior.

appplied behavior analysis is....

the form of treatment that consists of repeated pairings of a stimulus with a very unpleasant stimulus

aversive conditioning is....


decreased responsiveness to a stimulus after repeated presentations.

it occurs without further conditioning

which of the following is true of spontanious recovery in classical coinditioning?

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