PSYCH 110 TEST 3 Christie Charles **PART 2**

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36. ______ is the negative attitude toward people who belong to a specific social group.


37. Mental images of universal human instincts, themes, and preoccupations are called:


38. All members of the MacGregor household are enthusiastic supporters of the new community recycling program. They consistently sort their garbage by placing paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum in their respective bins. The MacGregors' actions illustrate the ______ component of attitudes.

your actions regarding the topic or situation

39. The behavioral component of an attitude is most reflected through:


59. Professor Kelly's research involves describing and explaining similarities and differences in people's patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Professor Kelly likely studies ______ theory.

a trait

60. A relatively stable, enduring predisposition to behave in a certain way is called:

out-group homogeneity effect

61. Known as ______, this involves the tendency to see members of out-groups as very similar to one another.


62. According to Albert Bandura, all of us have a set of cognitive skills, abilities, and attitudes that guide how we perceive, evaluate, and control our behavior in different situations. Bandura referred to this as:

in-group bias

63. Kyle is in sixth grade, and like most children in his school, he believes that his school is better than all the other schools in town. Kyle's belief illustrates:


64. Which of the following theories of personality stresses the influence of unconscious mental processes, the importance of sexual and aggressive instincts, and the enduring effects of early childhood experience on personality?


65. The sex drive is also referred to as:

in-group; out-group

66. Mrs. Torre sends her children to a private elementary school and has made friends with several fellow parents. Mrs. Torre's neighbor, Mrs. Klucik, on the other hand, home-schools her children. Mrs. Torre does not take part in the activities and group events that Mrs. Klucik does as a home-schooling mother. Social psychologists would consider Mrs. Torre to be part of the ______ of the elementary school parents, and part of the ______ of the home-school parents.


67. Seven-year old Sean prefers to play with his male friends and does not like playing with girls very much. Sean is probably in the ______ stage of psychosexual development.


68. Joy says, "I think our reading group reads more sophisticated literature than Jenna's group. Frankly, between you and me, it's because most of us have a graduate degree." In using the word "we," Joy is referring to her:

Albert Bandura

69. According to ______, human functioning is caused by the interaction of behavioral, cognitive, and environmental factors, a process that he called reciprocal determinism.

reciprocal determinism

70. The term that describes human functioning as being caused by the interaction of behavioral, cognitive, and environmental factors is:

normative social influenced behavior

71. Behavior motivated by the desire to gain social acceptance and approval is described by the text as:


72. The death instinct, which Freud called ______, is often manifested in aggressive, destructive, and self-destructive actions.

direct, indirect

73. Male is to _____ aggression as female is to _____ aggression.


74. Liliana thinks that people her parents' age are old-fashioned, critical, intolerant, and unconcerned about important social issues. Liliana is assuming that people in a particular age category have certain characteristics, even though these qualities may be unrelated to the objective criteria that define this particular age group. This example illustrates:


75. The type of person who directs his energies outward toward the environment and other people would most likely be considered high on the ______ dimension of Eysenck's theory.

Informational social influence

76. When Inge was first elected to the student finance committee, she was asked to make a decision on some important financial matter with which she was not familiar. All the other members of the committee stated that they were going to vote against the proposal. Inge voted with the group because she assumed that they must have the correct information and more background information on it. This example illustrates:


77. Eysenck's theory includes a personality dimension known as ______, in which the person directs his or her energies inward toward self-focused experiences.

Observational learning

78. Which type of learning is associated with aggressive behavior?


79. Terry's view of parents who have many children has always been that they are selfish or irresponsible. Terry then moves next door to a woman who has 8 children. Terry's view of parents with many children is challenged when she learns that her neighbors, despite their number of children, are very generous, responsible, and caring people. Terry's former belief about what families with lots of children SHOULD be like is a type of social category known as:


The theory that emphasizes the description and measurement of specific personality differences in behavioral predispositions among individuals is called the:


40. ______ used the term self-efficacy to describe the degree to which we are subjectively convinced of our own effectiveness and capabilities in meeting the demands of a particular situation.


41. The term ______ is the term used by Bandura to describe the degree to which a person is subjectively convinced of his or her own effectiveness and capabilities in meeting the demands of a particular situation.

cognitive dissonance.

42. The unpleasant state of psychological tension or arousal that occurs in a person when there is an inconsistency between two thoughts or perceptions, is called:

actualizing tendency

43. Carl Rogers suggested that the ______ is the innate drive to maintain and enhance the human organism.

the oedipus complex

45. According to Freud, the notion that a little boy feels affection for his mother and hostility and jealousy toward his father as well as experiencing castration anxiety, is known as the:

jigsaw classroom

46. The teaching technique known as the ______ stresses a cooperative, rather than competitive, learning situation.

Carl Rogers; Albert Bandura

47. The actualizing tendency and the self-concept are to ______ as reciprocal determinism and self-efficacy are to ______.

fully functioning person

48. Jai could be described as a person who has a flexible, constantly evolving self-concept and is realistic, open to new experiences, and capable of changing in response to new experiences. Carl Rogers would characterize Jai as a(n):

Solomon Asch

50. ______ was the American social psychologist who is best known for his pioneering studies of conformity.

oedipus complex

51. According to Freud, the id is ruled by the ______, which is the relentless drive toward immediate satisfaction of the instinctual urges.


52. Greg, a new faculty member, is on the college committee concerned with student evaluation. He disagrees with the proposal to institute a college-wide percentage system for grading, but the other five members have already stated that they are in favor of the proposal. Greg decides that it would be in his best interests to go along with his colleagues and not risk antagonizing them, so he votes in favor of the proposed policy. This example best illustrates:

Muzafer Sherif

56. ______ is the American psychologist best known for the Robbers' Cave experiments and for his study of prejudice, conflict resolution, and group processes.

Humanistic theory

57. The theory of personality that represents an optimistic look at human nature, emphasizing the self and fulfillment of a person's unique potential, is the:

normal social influence

58. Fraser loves wearing sandals or thongs and hates wearing shoes. However, when he went out to dinner with his girlfriend's family he wore shoes because he did not want to evoke their disapproval. Fraser's behavior illustrates the importance of:

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