Psych 160 Quiz Questions

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At approximately what age can children first follow the principles of grammar most of the time?

3 years old

According to Piaget, what do adolescents rely on during the formal operational stage of cognitive development that helps them reason differently than children in the concrete operations stage?

propositional thought

About an hour or so after sperm enter the ovum, these two cells suddenly fuse, becoming on cell called_______.

A zygote

Abner is consistently able to overcome and withstand adversity that comes his way; in fact he thrives on meeting and beating serious challenges. Abner is most likely high in______.


Which reflex allows an infant to turn its head towards things that touch its cheeks?

Rooting reflex

Kris and Sara put their infant son Gabe to bed for his regular afternoon nap. When they went to check on him several hours later Gabe was unresponsive and never woke again. Which term is used for this outcome?

SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)

Ivanhoe has difficulty hearing but also has a problem identifying the direction and origin of a sound. What function is Ivanhoe having trouble with?

Sound localization

If a child is demonstrating difficulties in the acquisition and the use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, or mathematical abilities, the child is exhibiting?

Specific learning disorders

Temperament involves all but which of the following:

completely dependent on environmental pressures

By age 8, what percentage of Caucasian American girls have developed breasts or pubic hair?

1 out of 7

Piaget's " first habits and primary circular reactions stage" occurs during which age range?

1 to 4 Months

According to K. Warner Schaie, what is the main cognitive-developmental task of young adulthood?

Achievement Stage

What kind of test measures a person's level of knowledge in a given subject area?

Achievement test

Just before birth, a fetus spends the most time in which of the following stages:

Active sleep

Bella has just retired from working at the library and could not be happier. Recently, she has been enjoying reading per usual and picked up a new hobby of going to yoga at the studio in town. Bella is an example of which theory?

Activity theory

Freud believed that the ego_________.

Acts as a buffer that desires of the Id and the constraints of the real world.

According to Piaget, what is a central aspect of the preoperational stage?

The ability to use symbolic functions

What definition best describes the "age of viability"?

The point at which an infant can survive prematurely, approximately 22 weeks

How do developmentalists conceptualize attachment?

The positive emotional bond that develops between a child and a particular individual.

A baby is considered small-for-gestation based on which characteristics?

The baby weights 90 percent or less of the average weight of other infants the same gestational age.

Why do people overspend on funerals?

The bereaved are in an especially vulnerable emotional state.

What is considered the hallmark of secure attachment?

The caregiver is sensitive to the child's needs, is aware of the child's moods, can discriminate the infant's signals, and is responsive, warm, and affectionate.

A two-month baby has developed a round, chubby upper body but has not yet developed chubbiness in the legs. The baby's growth pattern is evidence of what?

The cephalocaudal trend

True or false: The intensity of the stress reaction you have is response to environmental stressors are largely under your own control


Ture or False: The sensitive period occurs during brain lateralization?


Which statement is correct regarding brain development and aging?

blood flow is reduced with in the brain, and less glucose and oxygen are used

What is the fatty substance that helps insulate neurons and speeds the transmission of nerve impulses?


Sara is a 62-year-old woman who recently suffered a stroke, in addition to her chronic pulmonary disease and osteoporosis. She relies on relatives and caretakers to help her on a daily basis, even with some of her most basic tasks. Which category best describes Sara's functional age?

oldest old

Which type of attachment style involves children using their mother or attachment figure as a home base?


The strategy in which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas is called______.

selective optimization

Which term describes one's positive and negative self-evaluation?


What does an average infant's birth weight look like by her or his first birthday?

weight has tripled since birth

According to Labouvie-Vief, post formal thought is:

when the nature of problem-solving changes from using only formal logic to also using practical experience, morals, and values.

Are you paying attention fully while multi-tasking?


When does personality become stable?

In adulthood

What is the leading cause of death in middle adulthood?


What are the rules that govern the meaning of words and sentences?


What do the letters "DNR" on a patient's medical chart mean?

" Do Not Resuscitate"

Which definition applies to the "oldest old?"

Frail and in need of care

What kind of memory has a large capacity yet decays rapidly?

Sensory memory

What correlation would be moderate and negative?


At approximately what age can a child first follow the principle of grammar most of the time?

3 years of age

Two parents are wondering about the likelihood of their child having red hair. Red hair is recessive. Both parents have genotype Rr. What is the likelihood of their child having red hair?


During the time between purberty and menopause, females will ovulate in periods of approximately how many days?


Which of the following is true? 1- then environment is the best predictor of intelligence for children from advantaged reading conditions 2- ethnic minorities do better on IQ tests if they are not asked to identify their race or ethnicity before beginning the test 3- women do better on math test i the completive spirt is kindled by being told that men typically do better then women on math 4- genes predict IQ better then the environment no matter what


Dieter has started using his first words to communicate. Statistically, how old is Dieter likely to be?

14 month old

What percentage of people over the age of 65 shows some symptoms of a psychological disorder?

15 to 25 percent

Infants demonstrate self-awareness at about what age in the USA?

18 months

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) typically occurs in babies in which age range?

2 to 4 months

Children in the preoperational stage development fall into which age range?

2 to 7 years

At what age would it be best for Antonio to set a goal to climb Everest in terms of his physical abilities?

30 years old

By what age has an infant first begun to understand the emotions that lie behind the facial and vocal expressions of others?

4 months old

Which is true: 1- as you get older, your ability to multi-task improves 2- task switching is more efficient that doing one task at a time 3- how well we can tune into stimulus and tune out extraneous stimuli gets worse as we enter young adulthood 4- the brain can only do 2 things at the same time if they are 2 separate tasks that don't require a specialized area of the brain.


According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie's longitudinal study, cognitive declines were found in all abilities by age__________, but they are minimal until _________.


At approximately what age does a baby begin to demonstrate social referencing?

8 to 9 months

Which of the following is an effect of prolonged stress?

A breakdown of neural circuits in the brain

Which of these people is a child most likely to be securely attached to?

A mother who offers quality care and comfort, but is financially poor

What is a doula?

A person well versed in birthing alternatives who provides support to the mother.

What kind of assessment procedure did Arnold Gesell develop in the 1940s?

A test to distinguish between normal and atypical development in babies.

Which of the following situations is extraordinarily unlikely?

A valid test is unreliable

According to K. Warner Schaie, what is the main cognitive development task of young adulthood?


Which factor is NOT part of what makes language unique? A. Must be verbally spoken B. Grammatically complex C. Used to share information about the past, present, & future D. Arbitrary and referential


Mai Ling is an 85-year-old woman who has a long history of stokes that have debilitated her and left her bedridden. She recently had another stroke, and she knows her death is imminent. She has no emotional reaction to this realization and just wants to be left alone. According to Kübler-Ross, it is likely that Mai Ling is experiencing which of the five stages of death and dying?


Buddy is a 3-year-old and has a pet dog. He goes to the zoo for the first time and sees a lion and says "dog" and his mm corrects him and says "no buddy, that's a lion." what is buddy's brain doing as a result of learning this new distinction?


What is the likely reason adolescents rely on their peers rather than their parents for social comparison?

Adolescents' desire for autonomy makes parents seem to be inadequate and invalid sources for information.

Which of these factors has the most significant impact on lowering the body's stress response?

Aerobic exercise

Which term do theorists use to describe the options that a given situation or stimulus provides to a perceiver?


Biological and environmental influences that are similar for individuals in a particular age group, regardless of where they are raised, are called _________ influences.


Occupations that are associated with getting things accomplished are often conceptualized as________ professions.


Which psychologist adopted a pragmatic, trial- and error approach to psychological measurements that continues to serve as the predominate approach to test construction today?

Alfred Binet

Why are girls who get their periods at a younger age at greater risk for eating disorders, depression, anxiety, and risky behaviors?

Although they are physically mature, they may not e emotionally mature yet they are seeking relationships with people who "who look like them"

Alex is playing in a room with his mother nearby. Alex becomes distressed when a stranger enter the room and rushes to his mother's side. When his mother and the stranger leave the room for moment, Alexa wails and cries. however, when his mother returns, he runes to her, and instead of giving her a hug, he punches her in the arm. What type of attachment is Alex demonstrating?

Ambivalent attachment pattern

Which attachment style is characterized by high degrees of distress and agitation under a variety of circumstances?

Ambivalent attachment patterns

The more related concepts are that are activated in the brain (e.g. leaf, nest, trunk, bark, branches), the more likely it is that we will experience

An association error

Which statement is true: A. A disorganized baby usually becomes secure once removed from the neglectful situation. B. An orphan with no attachment will never become attached even if adopted by a loving family. C. An insecure relationship can become secure with increased social support. D. Your attachment style forms in infancy and can never change.

An insecure relationship can become secure with increased social support.

Andrew is an adult male who consistently has relationship troubles. A psychologist would categorize Andrew as having an avoidant insecure/dismissive adult attachment style. Which of the following best describes how Andrew may act in a relationship?

Andrew has a hard time becoming close to others. He often feels lonely and has gone through many breakups.

Anna is a five year old girl and overhears a conversation between her parents. Anna's mom proclaims, "I love my job so much. Working hard, being disrespected, and hardly making any money is all I have ever wanted." Eventually Anna jumps into their conversation saying, "I'm glad you love your job mom." why might Anna be confused here?

Anna doesn't understand pragmatics of langauge

A person who is depressed and unhappy about their appearance begins to monitor every calorie they eat, excessively exercise, and dramatically limit the number of calories they consume. even after losing a lot of weight, this person is unhappy about how their body appears. what may this person be suffering from?

Anorexia Nervosa

What kind of test predicts a person's level of success or ability in a particular area?

Aptitude test

What kind of test test predicts a person's level of success or ability in a particular area?

Aptitude test

According to some studies, women who give birth at home instead of hospitals:

Are less likely to have an epidural

Maria is a 65-year-old women who has difficulty managing simple everyday tasks because of the painful swelling of the joints in her hands. What condition is Maria likely to be diagnosed with?


Who is the theorist that developed the idea of the Zone of Proximal Development?

Lev Vygotsky

Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method?

Ask a question

Two-year old Alex and his mother visited the zoo. while they were there, Alex's mother took him to see the otter exhibit. When he saw an otter swimming rapidly, re pointed and said, "A Fish". in the context of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, which is Alex demonstrating?


Andrew is 2 years old. His parents love the outdoors; therefore, Andrew is outside a lot with them. When they are outside in their yard, his parents allow him to walk around to explore his surroundings. They encourage him to touch objects that are safe to touch, and they tell him what the name of the objects are. As a result, Andrew is starting to develop independence. According to Erikson, what stage is Andrew in?

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Stage

Romeo seems indifferent to the presence or absence of his mother as he plays. When she leaves the room to answer the telephone, Romeo barely notices and doesn't seem particularly distressed. What attachment style has Romeo developed with his mother?


Which of the following is a true statement? A. A child with high energy, intense mood expressions, and irregular rhythmic patterns would most likely be described as being slow to warm up B. The best parenting style to have with a child depends on that child's temperament. This is true based off the goodness of fit model. C. The likelihood that difficult children will have future behavior problems is about the same as the likelihood that easy children will have future behavior problems D. Someone high in neuroticism most likely has many protective behaviors

B. the best parenting style to have with a child depends on that child's temprement. this is true based off the goodness of fit model.

Which is true? a- IQ scores do not predict school performance at all; no correlation b- IQ scores don't have a strong correlation with later income level c- IQ score correlate strongly with later income level d- IQ scores in infancy are strongly correlated with IQ scores in adulthood.


What kind of communication is a 5 month old most likely to use?


According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, what is the third step people pass through as they move toward death?


Billy is 24 years old. Billy's friend Jack wants Billy to do some illegal drugs together. Although Jack tries his hardest to peer pressure Billy, Billy chooses not to participate. A few years ago Billy would've succumbed to the peer pressure. Why is Billy able to say no?

Billy's brain is better connected between the rational and reward centers.

Which statement is correct regarding brain development and aging?

Blood flow is reduced within the brain, and less glucose and oxygen are used.

Which broad pattern did psychologist Ravenna Helson identify in her research of women's social roles?

Both women who choose to focus on family and women who chose to focus on career generally demonstrate positive changes in personality development.

Which childbirth method is occasionally known as "husband-coached childbirth"?

Bradley Method

Which begins to develop first prenatally?


A diagnosis of death based on the cessation of all signs of brain activity, as measured by electrical brain waves, is classified as which outcome?

Brain death

Which term refers to a condition in which electrical brain waves have ceased in a human?

Brain death

When a highly trained professional experiences dissatisfaction, disillusionment, frustration, and weariness from her or his job, it is called______


When a highly trained professional experiences dissatisfaction, disillusionment, frustration, and weariness from her or his job, it is called_________.


Across the lifespan, which period is the only time when girls are, on average taller than body?

By age 11

Which of these is NOT true about emotions? A. Feelings that are felt internally B. There must be personal significance C. Is largely dependent on an individual's hormone levels D. Related to negative/positive appraisals

C. is largely dependent on and individual's hormone levels

What conclusion did Harry Harlow reach based on his research with infant monkeys?

Contacts comfort was more important than food for monkeys during this developmental stage.

When a person exhibits success facing every day, real-world demands, Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence would suggest that person was demonstrating what kind of intelligence?

Contextual intelligence

Psychologist George Vaillant proposed that between the age of 20 and 40, young adults become centered on their careers, entering a developmental stage called________.

Career consolidation

Which term refers to cloudy areas on the lens of the eye that interfere with the passing of light?


An observer noted that students who wore Chaco sandals tended to also get poor grades, whereas students wearing Keens tended to get good grades. The observer concluded that people who buy Keens are better and smarter than people who buy Chacos. This erroneous conclusion is an example of:

Causation from correlation

Which term is used to descried a birth in which the baby is surgically removed from the uterus, rather then traveling though the birth canal?

Cesarean delivery

Which alternative view of intelligence believes that there is one single entity that influences all aspects of cognitive functioning?

Charles Spearman's "g"

According to Piaget, what is the major accomplishment of the "beginnings of thought" substage of the sensorimotor period?

Children exhibit the capacity of mental representation

Which of the following is true regarding language and socioeconomic status?

Children who are from advantaged backgrounds hear about 13 million more words than poor children by the age of four

Which set of factors most likely contributes to the high level of accidents among children?

Children's high level of physical activity, curiosity, lack of judgement.

What conclusion did Harry Harlow reach based on his research with infant monkeys?

Contact comfort was more important then food for monkeys during this developmental stage.

Which term describes the actual age of a child taking an intelligence test?

Chronological age

Telephone numbers are designed to take 10 numbers and place them in 3 groups (5554894608 555-489-4608) in order to help us remember them. what type of encoding strategy is this?


Along with genetic characteristics, which factor is s major contributor to heart and circularly disease?

Cigarette smoking

A type of learning in which an organism responds in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about that type of response is called_______.

Classical conditioning

Preschool-age children's views of themselves also reflect the way their culture views the self. For example, many Asian societies tend to adopt a(n)_______.

Collectivist orientation

Preschool-age children's views of themselves also reflect the way their culture views the self. For example, many Asian societies tend to adopt a(n)________.

Collectivist orientation

Which term describes a philosophy that promotes interdependence?

Collectivist orientation

Which Piagetian term refers to the period of cognitive development that occurs between age 7 and 12, and is characterized by the active appropriate use of logic?

Concrete operational stage

Which Piagetian term refers to the period of cognitive development that occurs between ages 7 and 12, and is characterized by the active and appropriate use of logic?

Concrete operational stage

Which of the following is not one of the Big Five personality traits?


According to James Marcia's view of adolescent development, crisis is a period in which adolescent _______.

Consciously choose between various alternatives and makes a decision.

Which term did Jean Piaget use to refer to the understanding that quality is unrelated to the arrangement and physical appearance of objects?


Piaget's approach to cognitive development is best characterized as____ and Vygotsky's approach as based on_____.

Constructive; social interaction

When Greta was in her 30's, she took up a variety of hobbies such as rock climbing, being part of a book club, and playing tennis. She continued her active lifestyle into her 50's. Now as 75 year old, she is very happy as she walks every day with friends for exercise and has joined a book club with a group in the neighborhood. She is about as active now as she was earlier in life. In contrast, Alberta tends to stay to herself, which is similar to how she led her life when she was younger too. She's very happy, just like Greta. Alberta's and Greta's happiness can be attributed to which theory of late adulthood?

Continuity theory

Benito conducts an experiment in which group A is exposed to a particular treatment and group B is given no treatment. If group A is designed as the treatment group, then group B is the _______.

Control group

Natasha is just over 8 months old. Which skill is she likely to begin demonstrating?


Which attribute involves combining responses or ideas in novel ways?


What type of research is used when people of different ages are compared at the same point in time?


Mallory was with a group of friends at the House of Clues, an Escape Room in Harrisonburg. Her friends joked that she would be the least helpful because she could be kind of clueless sometimes. When the challenge started, Mallory was actually the first one to unlock one of the clues which required her to solve a puzzle involving vocabulary words! What type of intelligence was she using?

Crystalized intelligence

Which term did Lev Vygotsky use to describe they physical items that a child uses to learn, as well as the intellectual and conceptual framework that the child uses to learn?

Cultural tools

Which of the following statements about careers is true? A. When people are driven by rewards such as money, fame, or status they are considered to have intrinsic motivation B. Early on in careers individuals have satisfaction from their job based on what the pay and working conditions are like C. Ginzberg's career choice theory is a precise step by step process that people go through in order to determine their career path D. There is a glass ceiling effect that might be related to the gender wage gap

D.) There is a glass ceiling effect that might related to the gender wage gap

Which is true? A. A recent graduate who is passionate about his or her job will most likely stay in that job for at least 10 years B. Job satisfaction is when you feel motivated by the amount of money you are making and the fact that everyone in your family is proud of you for getting that job C. If you ever stop working to raise a family, it is pretty easy to jump back in to the job market D. If you wake up and dread going to work, it is likely that you are feeling burnt out

D.) if you wake up and dread going to work, it is likely that you are feeling burnt out.

Binge drinking most likely increases the risk for...

Damaged brain tissue

Seven-year-old Marvin and Four-year-old Edger are sitting at the table their mother pours milk into their glasses. Both glasses are the same size and shape. However, Marvin's mother notices a chip on the lip of his glass and decided that is safer if she pours that milk into another glass. The new glass is shorter and wider, and then she fours the milk into the new glass Edger laughs and says that now he has more milk than Marvin. However, Marvin is not upset because he knows that he still has the same amount of milk. Which Piagetian principle is Marvin demonstrating?


Which term applies to a person's attempts to cope that involve unconscious statigies that distort or deny the true nature of a situation?

Defensive coping

Ingrid was told by her physician that her health was beyond medical treatment, and that her chances of dying within the next 12 months were 90 percent. "I'm sorry," Ingrid replied, "That's not right. Please run the tests again while I get a third opinion. I'm not sure why you're telling me this falsehood." What stage of dealing with dying is Ingrid in?


What is the substance that genes are composed of, that determines the nature of each cell in the body and hoe it will function?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

What is the substance that genes are composed of, that determines the nature of each cell in the body and how it will function?

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Which term refers to an overall development score that relates to performance in the domains of motor skills, language use, adaptive behavior, and personal-social behavior?

Developmental quotient (DQ)

2 year old James has difficulty switching from tasks and is highly sensitive to changes in the environment. How would Chess and Thomas describe James's temperament?


Which of these basic emotions is described correctly?

Disgust originally is reflexive, but eventually becomes socialized

What is the term used for the one trait that is expressed when two competing traits are present?


A researcher is testing an anxiety medication and has formed two random groups (one placebo and one which will receive the treatment). Neither the researcher nor participants know which condition the participants are in. What do we call this design?

Double Bind Procedure

What disease is due to abnormalities of the chromosomes?

Down's Syndrome

Why is it wrong to ask "which theoretical perceptive on lifespan development is correct?

Each perspective looks at development form a different vantage point; as such, each emphasizes a slightly difference aspect while retaining a piece of the truth.

According to Freud's psychosexual theory, the _______is the conscious, relational part of our personality.


As Juanito looks back over his long life, he feels a sense of unity in his life's accomplishments. He can be said to be in Erikson's _______ Stage of psychosocial development.

Ego-integrity vs. Despair

Three-year-old Wendy is playing hide-and -seek with some older children. however, instead of running to find a hiding place away from the other children, Wendy simply covers her eyes and stands in place. Wendy is demonstrating which Piagetian concept?


When Walter devotes attention and practice to completing his tac returns, and has gained decades of experience in that area, he is demonstrating


Which research strategy involves observing naturally occurring behavior without interacting in the situation?

Naturalistic observation

Which developmental researchers conducted a classic experiment utilizing the "visual cliff" apparatus?

Eleanor Gibson and Richard Walk

Which individual has had the greatest influence in our understanding of the way people confront death?

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

At what stage does the baby begin to develop fingers and toes in the womb?


Which developmental period has been proposed between adolescence and adulthood?

Emerging Adulthood

Being able to adjust one's emotions to achieve a desired state is hallmark of which activity?

Emotional Self-regulation

What kind of intelligence encompasses skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of feelings?

Emotional intelligence

Being able to adjust one's emotions to achieve a desired state is a hallmark of which activity?

Emotional self-regulation

Two-year-old Duane and his older brother are eating lunch, and both boys are given cookies for dessert. Duane's older brother accidentally drops his cookie on the floor and begins crying, so Duane offers to share his cookie with his brother. Duane's actions indicate he has reached the point where he is able to demonstrate __________.


Which is NOT one of John Holland's personality types?


Based on Charles Murray's, The Bell Curve, what statement would most likely support his claims?

Environmental factors do not close the IQ gap all the way; IQ is influenced by genes

The combination of race and gender simultaneously affecting an adolescent's self-esteem is called ______.


Which term refers to the practice of assisting people who are terminally ill to die more quickly?


What theory believes behaviors may be naturally selected if they are adaptive?


According to Schaie's stages of cognitive development, at which stage does the individual being to care about the global matter and begin their involvement in an organization that affects the society at large.

Executive stage

Bernice is a go-getter at her sales job because she likes the finer things in life, such as sports cars, jewelry, and exotic vacations. Bernice is most likely motivated to succeed by________.

Extrinsic Factors

Which of the following do infants prefer most?


A new mom noticed that her 4 week old baby was smiling in her sleep. She said, "Aw, she must being having a good dream she is so happy." True or False, the mom is correct.


Quickening is the first time a fetus moves.


The gender wage gap means that women are paid less than men because they don't do as good of a job as men.


True or False: Babies form stronger attachments to their mothers when they've been breastfed by them.


True or False: During your adolescent years, hormones are raging/fluctuating at extreme, unpredictable levels


True or False: Temperament fluctuates a lot during adolescence due to changing hormones.


True or False: stress in inherently bad


According to a review of telephone calls to suicide hotlines, the predominate adolescent difficulty that leads to a suicide attempt is______.

Family problems

When Moe was 8 years old, he was sure he wanted to grow up to be a firefighter. But just a year later, Moe told everybody that he wanted to be a cowboy. A few months later he wanted to be a professional quoits player. According to Eli Ginzberg, Moe is in the __________ period of career choice.


Which of these is NOT one of the interactions that John Bowlby said was needed to develop an attachment?

Feeding a baby

Bitsy is pregnant, but continues to consume substantial qualities of alcohol. What risk is she imposing on her unborn child?

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)

Charles has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability. His mother consumed alcohol on a regular basis during her pregnancy. What is the most likely cause of Charles's impairment?

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Using a real-world setting for an experiment is the hallmark of A(n) ________.

Field study

The emotional response to one's loss is known by which term?


Which term describes intelligence that reflects information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory?

Fluid intelligence

When developmentalists consider fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence to determine if intelligence continues to grow, slow, or decline with age, what did they discover?

Fluid intelligence does decline; however, crystallized intelligence holds steady and can improve.

How did Jean Piaget describe the developmental stage during which people acquire the ability to think abstractly?

Formal operational stage

Which theory would be an example of a discontinuous theory?

Freud, psychodynamic

Which approach to education would do away with the need for separate special education programs?

Full inclusion

________ identifies eight bits of intelligence as the basis of a distinct set of processing operations applied in culturally valued activities.

Gardner's theory

Identical twins are separated at birth and raised in different families without knowledge of each other. They both work as mathematicians and love cilantro, but love different football teams. We can say that their love for math and cilantro is being more influenced by their _______ whereas their sports preferences are more influenced by________.

Genes, environment

What are the three most prevalent STIs among the college-aged population?

HPV, Chlamydia, Herpes

This person is responsible for creating the social experiment using a wire monkey and a cloth monkey to determine if the bond between infant and mother was purely based on providing food or comfort.

Harry Harlow

Which factor is an important influence on wealth an adolescent suffers from a major depressive disorder?

Having an alcoholic or depressed parent

Which factor is important influence on weather an adolescent suffers from major depressive disorder?

Having an alcoholic or depressed parent

Timmy went to school and noticed that his favorite pencil was missing from his desk. This isn't the first time this has happened and he begins panicking and starts yelling at his classmates. What is causing Timmy to react in panic and anger?

He experienced a negative appraisal

Which definition applies to the "young old"?

Healthy and active

________ estimate is a measure of the extent to which individual differences in complex traits, measured in a population of people, are due to genetic factors.


Kaylee is sociable, fun loving, and affectionate. Which of the Big 5 Personality Dimensions does Kaylee prove to be in this example?

High extraversion

Lauren and her friends decide to go to a party. At the party, her friends want to convince Lauren to drink. Even though Lauren knows she shouldn't, she knows she would impress her friends and have more fun at the party. What change is occurring in Laurens's brain?

Higher sensitivity to rewards

Baby Katie drops her sippy cup and yells "Juice!" at her mom. What phase of language development is this an example of?


Allison is sitting in her high chair while her father prepares her dinner. Allison tries to get her father's attention by saying "eat" and "cookie." What are Allison's words an example of?


What are on-word utterances that stand for the whole phrase, but whose meaning depends on the particular context in which they are used?


What is the most important factor when it comes to adolescents' self-esteem?

How attractive they think they look

Erikson's theory of psychosocial development considers________.

How individuals come to understand themselves and the meaning of others' and their own behavior

Which issue has dominated many of the research questions lifespan development?

How much of people's behavior is due to their genetically determined nature and how much is due to nature?

Which of the following is most likely to be stored as a procedural memory?

How to eat with a spoon

The "silent killer" in middle adulthood refers to which condition?


Tom is a caucasian male middle schooler who loves to play basketball and joke around with his friends. What would most likely be his self concept at this age?

I am a smart and funny person who is good at sports, especially basketball.

According to James Marcia, which category of identity development leads to "rigid strength," authoritarian behavior, and a high need for social approval?

Identity foreclosure

Which of the following is an example of gene X environment interaction?

If you have high stress, the genotype can predict risk of depression, but genotype doesn't predict depression risk of low stress.

Stress can produce indirect health-related behaviors, such as which of the following?

Increased delays in seeking medical care

Which term is used to describe the death of a child with in the first year of life?

Infant mortality

Rebecca wants her baby to stop playing and come across the room to her. Rebecca uses a short phrase such as "Come to Mommy" to prompt her baby. This is an example of?

Infant-directed speech

Which of the following provides evidence for perceptual narrowing?

Infants can recognize phonemes from all languages until about 10 months of age.

Sperling's Practical Report demonstrates that people have a hard time reporting all of the letters flashed quickly on a screen, but had a much easier time reposting a single letter that was in the space indicated by the arrow. This is because

Information decays before it could be written down.

Before asking people to participate in a research project, an investigator must provide them with a document providing_______.

Informed consent

The preschool years largely encompass what Erikson called the ________ stage of psychosocial development.


Which of these claims did Charles Murray NOT make in his book: The Bell Curve

Intelligence only predicts how well one will do in school

When a caregiver responds appropriately to an infant, and the caregiver and the child's emotional states match, it is called_________.

Interactional synchrony

The sentences "I'm SO thrilled to be here," "I'm so THRILLIED to be here," "I'm so thrilled to be HERE," and I'M so thrilled to be here" differ in ________.


Marley just started a new job as a teacher. She chose to be a teacher because it gives her joy to be able to help students succeed in and out of the classroom. What is the term associated with the reason Marley chose to be a teacher?


The motivation that causes people to work for their own enjoyment, not for the rewards work may bring, is called_______.

Intrinsic motivation

in 4-year-old Amanda's preschool class, the group discussion focused on airplanes. After that, Amanda considered herself an expert on airplanes and believed she knew everything there was to know about the subject, even though she was unable to provide a reasonable explanation about why she thought she knew so much. Amanda is demonstrating which Piagetian concept?

Intuitive thought

Michael studies really hard for a test. He gets a 65 on it. The teacher allows him to take it again in a week. He takes the test again and receives a 65 once again. Assuming that the problem is with the test, the test _______.

Is reliable but not valid

What happens to the suicide rate for men in late adulthood?

It climbs steadily, especially for men over the age of 85.

What is true about infant-directed speech?

It is helpful not not necessary for language acquisition

Which situation is an example of enduring self?

John got A's on all his PSYC 160 exams, so he expects to get an A on the cumulative final.

Johnny was building a tower using blocks. He built it 12 blocks high before it toppled over. If you were his teacher, which statement would you say if you wanted to provide mastery oriented feedback?

Johnny, I'm so proud of how hard you worked on that tower!

Which diseases affects older children due to malnutrition, and causes their stomachs, limbs, and face to swell with water?


What is the systematic, meaningful arrangement of symbols for the purpose of communication also known as?


Noam Chomsky came up with which specific idea:

Language acquisition device (LAD)

What general conclusion can be drawn correctly from the research evidence linking language and thought?

Language shapes thought, thought shapes language, and language and thought influence one another.

Using K. Warner Schiae's stages of adult development, which issue would a senior citizen most likely be focused on and interested in?

Legislation to enact universal health care benefits

Carmela is a whiz at problem solving. She one several prizes in robotics competitions while in elementary school, and recently received a summer grant to study applied knot theory, now she's in high school. According to Howard Gardner's conception of intelligence, what kind of intelligence is Carmela demonstrating?

Logical Mathematical intelligence

How does effort play a role on the cycle of failure?

Low self-esteem leads to low performance expectation, which in turn leads to reduced effort.

Which term refers to an educational approach in which exceptional children are integrated to the extent possible into the traditional educational system?


Which term refers to an educational approach in which exceptional children are integrated to the extent possible into the traditionally educational system?


For men, the period of physical and psychological change in the reproductive system is referred to by which term?

Male climacteric

Gametes are formed in the human body though a process called _______.


Ben and his mother are talking in their house as she cooks. What level of Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological System would this interactions take place in?


At what part in life does intimacy vs isolation occur?

Middle adulthood

Which childbirth attendant stays with a mother throughout labor and delivery, and has become an increasingly popular option during the past few decades?


If a person has an IQ score that falls in the range of 50 or 55 to70, it would be classified as

Mild intellectual disability

The dysfunction of _______ may be related to the development of disorder involving theory of mind, such as autism.

Mirror neurons

Which process accounts for the replication of most types of cells, resulting in nearly all the cells in the body containing the same 46 chromosomes as the zygote?


Marissa and Melissa are twins and are genetically identical. Which tern would a geneticist use to describe them?

Monozygotic twins

Kelly is a sophomore at JMU. She started college declaring a philosophy major. Now she has switched to biology but isn't sure if this is what she really wants. She is considering changing her major again to nursing. Kelly is most likely in which category of James Marcia's adolescent development:


Josh is playing with his 4-month old and tosses him into the air. The baby flails its arms out in response. what reflex is most responsible for that action?


What are the smallest units of language that have meaning?


Why would babies be born with a variety of reflexes?

Most reflexes confer came survival value to the infant

How do mothers in the United States compare to mothers in Japan in the styles of speech they use with their children?

Mothers in the United States tend to use a referential style, whereas mothers in Japan tend to use an expressive style of speech.

Which term summarizes an overall perspective that identifies the process by which sensory information is integrated and coordinated?

Multimodal approach to perception

Zara's mom asks her for the chopsticks on the table. Zara doesn't know what chopsticks are, but the only other thing on the table is a cup. Zara was able to give her mom the chopsticks because she understands...

Mutual exclusivity

Which structure in the neuron allows messages to be sent?

Myelin sheath

The ____________ of connections between the prefrontal cortex and __________ is one reason why emotion reactions are less well-regulated in adolescence than adulthood.

Myelination; amygdala

Which theory proposes that a genetically determined, innate mechanism directs language development?

Nativist approach

Professor Johnson records how children behave during free play. Which type of research is Professor Johnson using?

Naturalistic observation

How much your caregiver talks to your during infancy can influence how quickly language is developed. This is an example of which basic principle?


Lilly is the president of her National Honor Society. She is great at meeting and inviting new members into the club and loves organizing and attending social events. She is known to be extremely helpful and approachable by the members of the NHS. According to what you know about Lilly and the traits on the Big 5, on which trait does Lilly most likely score low?


Which of the "Big Five" personality traits pertains to the degree to which a person is moody, anxious, and self-critical?


Which traits comprise the "Big Five" dimensions of personality?

Neuroticism, extroversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness

Which theorist proposed that nativist approach and universal grammar to explain how children learn language skills?

Noam Chomsky

Infants who receive adequate nutrition but act as though they have been deprived of food, because they are listless and apathetic, are exhibiting signs of which condition?

Nonorganic failure to thrive

sally is playing peek-a-boo with her dad. He hides behind a pillow and pops out with a smile saying, "peek-a-boo" sally is startled and laughs. Her dad hides behind the pillow again and she wonders where he went. This suggests that sally may not yet understand:

Object permanence

Which statement is correct regarding middle-aged workers compared to younger workers?

Older workers hold their jobs longer and are more reliable

Which term refers to the basic sounds of language that can be combined to produce words and sentences?


Which term best describes the meaning of "Functional Age?"

Physical and Psychological well-being

In a study, researchers found that on-month-olds were able to mentally represent what pacifier they felt when sucking on it, despite then not seeing it. This discovery challenges what cognitive psychologists' theory?


What kind of communication is a 1 year-old most likely to use?

One-word phrases

Which criticism has been applied to Piaget's stag theory of cognitive development?

Piaget overestimated the ages at which children could master various cognitive tasks.

What hormone is increased during birth and is known as the love hormone?


Which is true for children that are preschool to elementary aged?

Parents should give children choices of what to eat and allow them to choose what they want and how much they want to eat?

Which term describes the adolescent belief that death can't happen to them, leading adolescents to get involved in risky behavior?

Personal Fable

What kind of inheritance results in a combination of multiple gene pairs contributing to the production of a particular trait?


A researcher is trying to investigate how the amount of sleep impacts average test scores. The researcher finds that the more sleep the student gets, the higher the test score. What type of correlation does this represent?

Positive correlation

Recent findings show that in the United States, twice as many African Americans students was white American student are classified as mildly intellectually disabled , which is a difference that experts attribute to _________.

Poverty and cultural bias in testing.

According to the theories of Gisela Labouvie-Vief, the complexity of society requires specialization of thought. Therefore, thought is not necessarily based on only logic but also requires which of the following?

Practical experience

Billy was talking to Sally about his day. He said, "My day was FANTASTIC!" and rolled his eyes. To understand Billy's intended meaning, you must make use of:


When school-age children become more competent with the rules governing the use of language to communicate in a given social setting, they are demonstrating knowledge of __________.


When school-age children become more competent with the rules governing the use of language to communicate in a given social setting, they are demonstrating knowledge of ___________.


Which two areas of the brain change the most throughout adolescence?

Prefrontal cortex and the limbic system

A child who is babbling conversationally is in what stage of language development?


The development of sophisticated symbolic thought and mental representation occurs in which stage?

Preoperational stage

Ava and her sister were each given a big carrot for a snack by their mom. Ava's mom cut Ava's sister's carrot into 5 pieces. Ava got really upset because she thought her sister had more carrots than she did. Based on Piaget's stages of cognitive development, what stage is Ava in? what does she not understand?

Preoperational; conservation

Kelly is two months old and just looking around her. Her hand moves across her face and her fingers go in her mouth. She wonders how she did that and wants to know if she can do it again, Which substage in sensorimotor is this?

Primary circular

What kind of reactions would be categorized as schema reflecting an infant's repetition of interesting and enjoyable actions that focuses on the infant's own body?

Primary circular reactions

What kind of reactions would be categorized as schema reflecting an infant's repetition of interesting or enjoyable actions that focus on the infant's own body?

Primary circular reactions

Which term relates to an individual's overall and specific positive and negative self-evaluation?


Andrew has a cumulative math final in a week. He looks over his notes and believes that he can be prepared for it if he creates a study schedule. He makes a plan to study for 2 hours each day of the week before the final. which method is Andrew using?

Problem-based coping

According to Sigmund Freud, the series of stages that children progress though in which pleasure and gratification are focused on a particular biological function is called?

Psychosexual development

Erik Erikson proposed a ________ theory, which emphasized that society and culture influences and shape us.


John is a college student and he decided to go out drinking one night. john became very drunk. Which stage of sleep will john NOT get due to his drinking?


although no test is completely without bias, which of the following tests is designed to be equally valid regardless of the cultural background of the test-taker?

Raven Progressive Matrices Test

According to John Holland's personality type theory, people who are down-to-earth, practical problem solvers, and physically strong, but have mediocre social skills, are best described as __________.


Groups of people with whom one compares oneself are called________.

Reference groups

Melissa is teaching he baby to speak by learning the names of lots of familiar and different objects that the baby sees. What style of speech is Melissa advocating?


Which term describes a style of communicating in which language is used primarily to label objects?

Referential style

Five-year-old Wendell is new to his kindergarten classroom. His teachers ask him heat he is good at and what he likes. Wendell responds, " I can run fast" and "I like to eat pizza." Wendall's response illustrate his_______.


Mei Lin learned at a young age that developing good study habits, such as doing homework, brought about good grades and made her want to work harder in school. This kind of encouraging outcome of an action is called__________.


According to K. Warner Schaie, what is the main cognitive-developmental task of late adulthood?

Reintegration of personal interests

Mark is listening to a debate about climate change. Mark believes that each of the candidate's viewpoints are equally valid. " Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, " he says. what type of thinking is he engaging in?


_______ is demonstrated when a test measures consistently what is is trying to measure; __________ is demonstrated when a test actually measures what it is supposed to measure.

Reliability; validity

Ryan has a big exam coming up in Psychology. He wants to encode the information so it can be stored in long-term memory. which of the following would be LEAST helpful in encoding that information so that he does well on the exam?

Repetition (re-reading or re-writing notes)

From an "ethgender" point of view, which adolescent likely has the lowest self-esteem?

Rita, an Asian American female

A baby randomly kicked a button of this toy and it made a sound. he then kicks again to see if it will happen again. This is an example of:

Secondary circular

A baby who examines her stuffed elephant first from the top, then from the side, then from the bottom, then from the top again, is demonstrating ________.

Secondary circular reactions

Wally is facing an important test and expects to do poorly. He is so anxious that he cannot concentrate or study effectively, but he figures that since he's going to do badly anyways, he shouldn't bother studying. This reasoning is an indications of Wally's __________.


_________refers to an individual's overall and specific self-evaluations, whereas_______ reflects beliefs and cognitions about the self.

Self-esteem; self-concept

What is a specific but limited time, usually early in life, during which an organism is particularly susceptible to environmental influences relating so tome particular facet of development?

Sensitive period

What is the term for Piaget's initial major stage of cognitive development, which can be divided further into six stages?


Barrabas watches as his mother leaves the room, but he does not cry because he understands that his mother still exists even though he cannot see her. This is an example of which reaction concept?

Sensorimotor substage4: object permanence

What is the correct sequence of developmental stages that Jean Piaget claimed all infants pass though?

Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational.

Rhonda's mother is dropping her off at preschool for the first time, and Rhonda's behavior changes from a calm, happy baby, to a crying, cranky youngster who will not let go of her mother. Rhonda is demonstrating___________.

Separation Anxiety

In a ________ design, groups of participants born in different years are followed over time.


Which type of research study is a "compromise" that examines a number of different age groups over several points in time?


What may be a factor in how much a child weighs and how tall she or he is?

Sex; boys tend to gain more weight and height than girls

Kevin has a blood disorder that gets its name form the shape of his malformed red blood cells. What disorder does Kevin have?

Sickle-cell anima

What teratogen increases the likelihood of cleft lips and plates in babies?


According to John Holland's personality type theory, people who are possess good verbal and interpersonal skills are descried as_______.


According to John Holland's personality type theory, people who possess good verbal and interpersonal skills are described as _______.


Before the age of 3, most children are unable to effectively demonstrate __________ speech.


Which term describes a child's intentional search for information about others' feelings to help explain the meaning of uncertain circumstances and events?

Social Referencing

Which learning approach emphasizes the importance of modeling?

Social-cognitive learning

What perspective did Vygotsky contribute to?


When cultural factors affects a particular individual at a particular time, and include forces such as ethnicity, social class, and subcultural membership, these factors are called

Sociocultural-graded influences

From the Quillette article, in The Bell Curve, Herrnstein and Murray analyzed a representative longitudinal data set from the United States. Which of the following examples did intelligence strongly predict a positive relationship?

Socioeconomic status

Which term refers to speech that deviates so much from the speech of others that it calls attention to itself, interferes with communication, or produces maladjustment in the speaker?

Speech impairment

Which occurrence represents a primary sex characteristic of boys?


Which occurrence represents a primary sex characteristic in boys?


Which intelligence test consists of a series of items that vary according to the age of the person being tested?

Stanford-Binet Intelligence scales, Fifth edition (SB5)

Which teratogen can increase the risk of psychiatric disorder in the baby when the baby is an adult?

Stress(chronic, high)

When a group of people chosen to represent a larger population and are asked about their attitudes behaviors, or thinking on a given topic, this considered __________ research.


Which term refers to the way an individual combines words and phrases to form sentences?


_______ reflects the idea that we come into the world as a "blank slate" and our personality/characteristics are shaped solely by experience.

Tabula rasa

What kind of speech omits con0critical words in a sentence?


Patterns of arousal and emotionality that are consistent and enduring characteristics of an individual are called ________.


Patterns of arousal and emotionality that are consistent and enduring characteristics of an individual are called_______.


According to Ginzberg's career choice theory, the stage that occurs in early adulthood, when people begin to explore specific career options and narrow their choices, is called the__________.

Tentative period

Ashley is 16 years old. She has discovered she really enjoys interacting with others and helping people. She also discovered that she is really into the practice of medicine since she is interested in her science classes. She is thinking about becoming a nurse. According to Ginzberg, what period is Ashley in?Ashley

Tentative period

Ron is in high school and is seriously considering what type of job he would like to have in the future. He knows that he is not the best when working in a fast paced environment so food service wouldn't be the best for him. However he knows that he loves interacting with people so finding a job that allows him to work with people might fit him. Which period of Ginzberg's career choice theory is Ron currently in?

Tentative period

_______ emphasizes the processes that allow people to know, understand, and think about the world.

The Cognitive perspective

________can be used to demonstrate the limits of a 3- year-old child's theory of mind.

The False belief task

What is problematic about the legal criteria used to determine degrees of visual impaired, especially with regard to the development of children?

The criteria pertain solely to distance vision, whereas children with visual difficulties engage in close-up visual tasks in the classroom.

When considering data from the 2000 and 2010 U.S. censuses, what is one notable feature that emerges?

The data indicate a significant increase in number of individuals who think of themselves as belonging to more than one race.

Which statement correctly summarizes internal bodily changes due to aging?

The digestive system is less efficient in pushing food though the system, which often leads to constipation.

Which statement correctly summarizes internal bodily changes due to aging?

The digestive system is less efficient in pushing through the system, which often leads to constipation

What does synaptic pruning refer to?

The elimination of neurons as a result of nonuse or lack of stimulation

According to Eli Ginzberg, the period lasting until about age 11, when career choices are made and discarded without regard to skill, abilities, or available job opportunities, is called__________.

The fantasy period

Bethany is 19 weeks pregnant and decided to have a glass of wine. How would this affect the fetus?

The fetus will stop moving and breathing for up to 2 hours

How do premature babies compare to full-term babies by the time both reach adulthood?

There are usually few differences between the two groups

Mothers of 1-month-old infants have reported that_______.

They felt their child had shown expressions of interest and joy.

Which attribute is a likely cause of major depressive disorder in adolescent females?

Traditional gender roles for girls produce multiple and conflicting demands

Robert Sternberg proposed a _______ that divided intellectual functioning into different types of information processing.

Triarchic theory of intelligence

Robert Sternberg proposed a theory that intelligence is made up of componential, experiential, and contextual forms. what is this theory called?

Triarchic theory of intelligence

The rate of adolescent suicide in the United States has _______over the past 30 years.


Mothers who eat a lot of pepper during pregnancy will likely have babies who also like the smell of taste of pepper. is this true or false?


Freud believed that the ________ contains infantile wishes, desires, demands, and needs that are hidden from conscious awareness because they are disturbing.


Which term refers to a specific deficiency in a child's diet?


Matt and Zach are best friends and are both 19 years old. Matt makes really risky decisions and Zach is overly careful. Which of Sternberg's Suggestions for determining the "age range of responsibility" best describes this example?


Which condition is considered the most extreme case of prematurity?

Very-low-birthweight infants

During the prenatal period, just before birth, the least developed sense is:


What typically happens to a child's vocabulary between the age of 16 and 24 months?

Vocabulary increases from about 50 to400 words.

Which of the following is an adult who is 50+ years old most likely to consider important in a job?

Weather the amount of money they are making is enough for financial goals

What is parental sensitivity?

When the parent responds in appropriate ways to their child's needs

What type of gene is considered recessive and located only on the X chromosome?


Norma is a 91-year-old who lives independently, has no major illnesses, and is able to take daily walks to the local grocery store. Which category best describes Norma's functional age?

Young old

According to Vygotsky, what is the level at which a child cannot fully perform a task independently, but can do with the assistance of someone more competent?

Zone of Proximal development

What is the name of the new cell formed by the process of fertilization?


What is the fundamental factor that determines the sex of a child?

a man's sperm

Which of these statements do NOT support the nativist view of language? A. Language is dependent upon social interactions B. Certain regions in our brain are predisposed to language C. Language is unique to humans D. There is a sensitive period of brain lateralization


Which term did Piaget use to describe changes in existing ways of thinking that occur in response with new stimuli or events?


Lifespan developmentalist typically focus on a particular___________.

age range

Carly's Boyfriend, Max, tells Carly that she is suffocating, needy, and excessively jealous. He tells Carly that he can't be with her anymore, and breaks up with her for the 3rd time. Which Attachment style does Carly most likely have?

ambivalent insecure

Bryan is 7 years old and is in second grade. His teacher notices that Bryan avoids closeness with adults, is withdrawn, and distant. He seldom expresses when he is upset. Bryan most likely possesses which attachment style?


Which part of a neuron receives messages sent by other neurons?


What form do intelligence test scores currently take?

deviation IQ scores

Which of the following does not have any correlation with intelligence?

eye color

Which is a type of malnutrition?

food insecurity

According to theorist Charles Corr, people who are dying face a set of psychological tasks including which of the following?

fostering hope through spiritual searching

In the second stage of grief, people tend to engage in which behavior?

fully experience grief and acknowledge the reality that the separation from the dead person is permanent

Children who show evidence of high performance capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or specific academic fields, are referred to as

gifted and talented

Our ability to recognize phonemes from all languages ________________.

is something we are born with, but quickly disappears.

Julien is learning English and Spanish at the same time. Compared to other children Julien is learning...

less English than children only learning English.

An adolescent who is overweight most likely has what factor that correlates?

living in a household that eats in front of the T.V.

joes is beginning to lose the ability to direct fine spatial detail in close and distant objects. which term refers to his condition?

loss of visual acuity

What do the Bayley Scales of infant development measure?

mental and motor abilities

Josh is very curious and outgoing, he loves finding new experiences. He most likely has a high score in which of the Big 5 Personality Traits.


When Jana is riding in the car with her parents, she occasionally points at passing vehicles and calls out "see cars," even though some of the vehicles are buses and trucks. What is Jana's speech an example of?


Olivia was excited to tell her mom a story from school. She says, "Mommy! Guess what? I petted a bunny in school today!" What common mistake is Olivia making?


When a respirator or other medical equipment that is sustaining a patient's life is removed, it is known as which process?

passive euthanasia

According to Kübler-Ross, when dying people feel sadness over future losses, know that death will bring an end to their relationships, know they will never see future generations, know death is inescapable, and experience a profound sense over the unalterable conclusion of their life, it is an example of which response to dying?

preparatory depression

According to K. Warner Schaie, which is the main cognitive developmental task of people in late adulthood?

reintegration of personal interests

One reason why brain functioning begins to change in middle adulthood is that__________.

researchers have found that 20 genes that are vital to learning, memory, and metal flexibility begin to function less efficiently as early as age 40.

if a child is unable to calm down after their mother returns and is angry, which of Ainsworth's main attachment relationships are they exhibiting?

resistant/ ambivalent

Jenn is a new mother, however, she tends to be aware of her child's moods, and she takes into account her child's feelings as they interact. She is practicing what in terms of caring for her child?


What is the term for Piaget's initial major stage of cognitive development, which can be divided further into six substages?


The intentional search for information about others' feelings to help make sense of uncertain circumstances and events is:

social referencing

Which characteristic is an example of temperament in babies?

the quality of the baby's mood

What is the main purpose of hospice care?

to provide a warm, supportive environment for the dying and help make life as full as possible

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