psych 2

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An advertiser wants to increase the likelihood of persuasion in their commercials. Based on research, they could

Both a & b would help.

Many criteria have been suggested to differentiate normal and abnormal behavior. All of the following are included EXCEPT

Correct risk-taking behaviors

In the Asch study, what percentage of the subjects went along with the majority's wrong answer at least once?


You did very poorly on your chemistry test. You are likely to attribute your failure to your

feeling uncomfortable during the test because of the distracting noise and cold temperature in the room.

Most suicides are linked to

feelings of depression and hopelessness.

A member of a jury disagrees with the other members. A key factor in encouraging this individual to "stick to his guns" in the face of majority opinion is

finding just one other person who supports his minority opinion.

Men are viewed as more attractive by women when they are

fond of children.

The tendency to assume that others act mainly on the basis of their dispositions (e.g., personality traits) is the

fundamental attribution error.

Free-floating anxiety is a feature of

generalized anxiety disorder.

Margaret worries about everything all the time. She is very restless and can't sleep at night. She is probably experiencing

generalized anxiety disorder.

Researchers who study variations in nervous system arousal as an explanation for the observation that antisocial personality disorders tend to run in families are exploring a __________ basis for the disorder.


Gerald is a professional who studies stress management. This field is called

health psychology.

The study of how psychological issues affect physical illness is called

health psychology.

Carole seems to be incredibly healthy; she is able to resist illness no matter how much stress she is under. She tends to fully involve herself in whatever she is doing, she believes that change is normal and that she has control over the course of her life. Psychologists would say that Carole has

high psychological hardiness.

Type A is to _________ as Type B is to __________.

hurry up; relaxation

People diagnosed with __________ insist that they are suffering from a serious disease or medical condition. They are known to seek help from many doctors, and personal relationships suffer as they expect consideration for their supposed illness.


Ted fell yesterday while playing hockey. His knee is now swollen. This inflammation is due to the functioning of the

immune system.

Vasily participated in a replication of Milgram's original obedience experiment. Like the other "teachers" in the Milgram experiments, as Vasily became more emotionally aroused, his emotions interfered with clear thinking. When this happened, the ___________ factor tended to increase the likelihood of obedience.

inaccessibility of values

Social psychology involves the study of all of the following EXCEPT


Vinnie takes steroids (corticosteroids) prescribed by his doctor. These drugs

interfere with the production of antibodies.

Psychological hardiness is to _________ locus of control as helplessness is to _________ locus of control.

internal; external

According to the triangular model of love, love consists of which three components?

intimacy, passion, commitment

Peter and Kirsten share a warm relationship and are able to count on each other for emotional support. Their relationship demonstrates


While anxiety is an appropriate response to a threat, it becomes evidence of a psychological disorder when it

is excessive.

Some people with conversion disorder seem unconcerned with their symptoms, even when they experience considerable disability such as paralysis. This feature of conversion disorder has been called

la belle indifference.

Research evidence supports the theory that __________ is a frequent characteristic of people with antisocial personality disorder.

lack of guilt

One reason why Milgram's subjects obeyed so readily was that they were "on their own" as far as being able to compare their behavior with that of other people in the same situation. This is called

lack of social comparison.

Attitudes are


Martine has a candida infection. In her body, __________ are engulfing and killing the fungus.


People with higher levels of self-efficacy are more likely to

lose weight or quit smoking.

Psychomotor retardation is associated with

major depression.

If the United States attributes too much of Iraq's behavior to dispositional factors, it is

making the fundamental attribution error.

Schizophrenic symptoms include core problems with

memory, attention, thinking, and communication.

Josephine was told by her doctor that the cancer has spread throughout her body. He said that her cancer has


Lewis has been kicked in the head. When it becomes inflamed,

more blood flows to that region.

Which of the following is a finding noted in the text regarding African Americans when compared with White Americans?

more likely to have heart attacks than European Americans

Orest is in a good mood because he just found $10 in the hallway at school. Suddenly, he walks next to someone who needs help. Because he is in a good mood, he is

more likely to help.

When people can laugh at their mistakes, they can cope with

more stress.

Greg is attempting to decide whether he should stay home or exercise at the gym. He wants to stay home because he likes to relax, but then he will feel guilty that he is not exercising. If he were to go to the gym, he would be glad that he is exercising but unhappy because he does not enjoy the exercise itself. This is __________ conflict.

multiple approach-avoidance

Lazarus found that daily hassles include all of the following except

natural disasters.

An individualistic society is to _________ as a collectivist society is to ________.

nonconformity; conformity

About one-half of us will meet the criteria for a DSM-VI-TR disorder at some point during our lives. These disorders most often begin in

none of these

Your boss tells you to report to work at 3:00 a.m. You are not happy about reporting to work at such an unusual hour, yet you report as requested. Your behavior is an example of


The current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual uses __________ to diagnose psychological disorders.

observable behavior

john's parents never cared for Southerners. They thought Southerners were slow and lazy. John often heard them make jokes about the south. John is being transferred to Alabama and he knows he won't like it because of the people there. He acquired this attitude through __________ learning.


A woman's preoccupation with the thought of her house burning down makes her become so troubled that she must begin to get ready for work an hour earlier than is necessary. She needs the extra time as she compulsively checks and rechecks all of the electrical appliances and outlets in her home. A doctor is likely to conclude that this behavior warrants a diagnosis of

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

People experiencing a __________ are often aware of cardiac sensations and often think they are having a heart attack.

panic attack

Evan and Amy are physically attracted to each other and can't stand to be apart. Their relationship demonstrates


Sexual attraction would be called


Sherry and Phil had a short-term relationship. Which aspect of the triangular model of love is most important in their relationship?


Tom wants to persuade his spouse to select the same movie he wants to see so they don't have a disagreement. Tom should

pay her a compliment and agree her choice is worthwhile before introducing his selection.

In the elaboration likelihood model, two types of persuasive communications can be used. These are the central route and the __________ route.


When a persuasive message attempts to change our attitude toward something by associating it with positive or negative cues, it is using the __________ route.


When a famous movie star endorses a cosmetic, advertisers are using a __________ to persuade customers to buy their product.

peripheral route

Your patient confides that the FBI and the CIA are Òout to get me.Ó Your patient has __________ delusions.


The central feature of a generalized anxiety disorder is that the anxiety is


Factors that contribute to attraction are

physical appearance, similarity, and reciprocity.

Rita is concerned about her job security and her ability to make her mortgage payments. These concerns can lead to

physical illness.

In Salem in 1692, people assumed that psychological disorders resulted from

possession by the devil.

If a diagnosis of a psychological disorder is valid, then we should be able to predict the course of the disorder. This is called

predictive validity

The media often presents certain racial groups as less capable or less successful. This can encourage


Myrona doesn't want to start smoking, but being a member of her group of friends implicitly means that everyone smokes. She is probably experiencing which aspect of groupthink?

pressure to conform

The extreme emotions of a major depression can result in suicide and even displays of faulty perception of reality or __________.

psychotic behaviors

Albert Ellis suggests that the best way to change irrational thoughts is to

recognize them as irrational and modify them.

Heidi is nervous about taking the bar exam at the end of the year. Knowledge of when this test will take place will likely

reduce her stress.

Researchers have concerns regarding the _______ and ________ of the DSM-IV-TR.

reliability, validity

Which of the following is NOT one of Selye's three stages in the General Adaptation Syndrome?


Intimacy and passion are to __________________ as intimacy, passion and commitment are to ________________

romantic love; consummate love

Concerns about job security, terrorism, taxes and property investments are called

security hassles.

Deliberately looking for and paying attention to information that is consistent with one's attitudes is

selective exposure

Confidence in one's own ability to deal with a situation, which helps one to withstand stress, is called

self-efficacy expectations.

Psychological factors that can moderate the way an individual handles stress include

self-efficacy expectations.

In the Solomon Asch study, the only real subject was always given the _______ seat (out of eight


Survey and interview methods have revealed that a majority of the people who are diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder report __________ during childhood.

sexual abuse

Everyone at a party is dancing and having a good time except one individual. You are likely to attribute this individual's behavior to


Yevhen is standing in line at school. When he isn't looking, another boy steps on his toe. Yevhen says to himself: "He must have stepped on my toe because it's so crowded in here and somebody else pushed this guy; it was probably an accident." Yevhen is making a _______ attribution.


People tend to attribute others' behaviors to dispositional factors such as personality traits. At the same time, we tend to attribute our own behavior to

situational influences.

Prejudices can form because of people's tendency to divide our social world into "us" and "them." This is known as

social categorization

Prejudices can form because of people's tendency to divide our social world into "us" and "them." This is known as

social categorization.

Sheryl's mom always screamed whenever she saw a spider. Sheryl now has the same reaction to spiders. According to ________ theorists, Sheryl acquired the behavior pattern by watching her mom.

social cognitive

Rules that govern group decision making are called

social decision schemes.

Some sociocultural theorists suggest that schizophrenia cannot be adequately treated unless ________ are resolved.

social ills

The area of social psychology concerned with first impressions, attribution theory, body language and ways in which we perceive other people is

social perception.

Katie is excessively fearful of doing something that will be humiliating or embarrassing when in public. Psychologists would likely diagnose Katie with a(n)

social phobia.

Ted, a college student, refuses to sign up for speech class because he is afraid that he will do something embarrassing in front of the class. He can't graduate until he completes the course. This behavior is most likely associated with a(n)

social phobia.

In collectivist cultures which stress interdependence, people are likely to attribute each other's behaviors to

social roles and obligations

Which of the following factors increases the tendency to conform?

social shyness

Introverts and people who live alone are more prone to developing the common cold under stress because of a lack of

social support

Which of the following includes emotional concern, information, and appraisal?

social support

Obedience to immoral demands from authority figures may be due, in part, to our learning in early childhood to obey such authority figures such as teachers and parents. This is known as the __________ hypothesis.


Evaluation of the role of factors such as poverty, crowding, and discrimination in the onset of schizophrenia is pursued by researchers with a(n) ________ view of schizophrenia.


Attitudes that are based on overgeneralizations that can be positive or negative are called _________.


Dana is worried about developing cancer. Which of the following would lessen her risk of developing cancer?

stress management

A demand made on an organism to adapt is called


Greg is fairly unattractive, and he is dating an unattractive woman. Psychologists would point to __________ to explain this.

the attraction-similarity hypothesis

Which of the following is an explanation proposed in the text for the selection of partners in a relationship?

the attraction-similarity hypothesis

The difference between major depression and depression is that

the feelings are more intense.

If Jack and Jill were talking strictly in colloquial terms, they would probably use which phrase to describe the primacy effect?

the first impression

Ihor has been in the Army for almost two years. He has gone through boot camp, learned drill, and now is able to do much automatically and without hesitation when commanded to do so. He is likely to risk his life when ordered to. This process is a good example of __________ applied to obedience.

the foot-in-the-door technique

Dominic learned that there is a system in the body that recognizes and destroys foreign agents. This system is properly called

the immune system.

The observation that women are more likely to suffer depression is now explained by

the social stressors experienced by women.

Sternberg put forth the concept of

the triangular model of love.

in a debate, when a politician first presents his opponent's side of the argument in an effort to refute their position, he is using the technique known as

the two-sided argument.

The area of social psychology called "social influence" studies

the ways people influence the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others.

Antisocial adolescents are more likely to view social provocations as _______.

threats to their "manhood"

joshua was a psychology major in college, and now he works for an ad agency. His boss tells him to create a type of ad that would be most believable. Joshua remembers from General Psychology 101 that

two-sided product claims are the most believable.

Stewart is relaxed and focuses on quality-of-life issues. He shows a __________ pattern.

type B

Risk factors for coronary heart disease include all of the following EXCEPT

type B behavior.

Individuals who experience more car accidents and often arrive early for appointments are _________ personalities.

type a

A man spends several hours in front of his mirror each morning in an effort to put every hair on his head in its exact place before leaving for work. This concern for trivial details suggests

unusual behavior.

Lazarus refers to the opposite of daily hassles as


Lazarus refers to the opposite of daily hassles as


As an executive of a company, you are likely to try your best on a project if you believe it could lead to a promotion. This shows how your __________ influences your behavior.

vested interest

During the Civil War, members of the North and South probably judged the opposition as

vicious killers who wanted to steal their homes

Karen is a highly driven person. She is competitive, impatient and often aggressive. She walks, eats and talks rapidly and constantly feels rushed and under pressure. Psychologists would say that Karen's behavior is typical of a person

with a Type A personality.

You are the first to observe an emergency situation. You are less likely to get involved if

you are stressed and in a hurry.

You are passing an accident on the road. You are more likely to get involved or at least make a call for help if

you are the first one on the scene.

You just received an outstanding grade on your research paper. You are likely to attribute your success to

your excellent academic abilities.

Stress researcher _________ described how the body responds to stress in his concept of the general adaptation syndrome.

Hans Selye

Susan is in the first stage of Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome; which of the following is most likely occurring?

Her body has been activated and she is experiencing a fight or flight reaction.

Boris has been under a great deal of stress. Which of the following is most likely true?

His immune system is weakened.

Which statement most accurately depicts the role of "predictability" as discovered in research on stress?

It decreases the impact of stress.

Who would be most at risk for CHD when looking only at the type of work they do?

Mark, who has a job with high psychological demand and low decision control

Eunice is highly prone to anger and is concerned about her risk of coronary heart disease. Which of the following is most true of her risk?

She is three times more likely to have heart attacks.

____________ is a demand made on an organism to adapt, cope or adjust.


_________ thinking is a factor in both depression and major depression.


__________ thinking is a factor in both depression and major depression.


Your best friend discloses the fact that he is thinking of committing suicide. What should you do?

Take him seriously; show you care and encourage him to seek help.

Body language is

The tendency to infer people's thoughts and feelings from their postures and gestures

Which newscast is an individual most likely to watch on a regular basis?

Tom Brokaw, who agrees with their views.

Betsy paces herself in her work, tends to be less impatient, and also tends to be less ambitious. She fits a __________ pattern.

Type B

Stewart is relaxed and focuses on quality-of-life issues. He shows a __________ pattern.

Type B

Individuals who are relaxed, patient, forgiving and focus on the quality of life are

Type B.

Your friend Suki's grandmother has always told her that happier people experience less stress. Since she knows that you are taking a psychology course, she asks you whether or not psychologists would agree with her grandmother. Which of the following would you be most likely to tell her?

Yes, Grandma was correct, research has shown that humor can moderate the effects of stress.

Abrupt attacks of acute anxiety in which the individual may experience shortness of breath, heavy sweating and pounding of the heart that is not triggered by a specific object or situation, is known as

a panic disorder

Which of the following are NOT risk factors for coronary heart disease?

a physically active life style

A woman doesn't have any friends, is not interested in making friends, and generally does not have warm feelings toward others. Her attitude is typical of a person with

a schizoid personality.

According to Ellis, a situation, such as failing a test, which results in stress is called a(n)

activating event.

Victims of rape generally experience feelings of anxiety and helplessness within a few weeks of the experience of rape. This kind of anxiety response is diagnosed as

acute stress disorder.

Life changes that are positive can still be stressful because __________ is involved.


Mark sees an attacker approaching him with a knife. During his reaction, he experiences increased energy and a faster heart rate. This is caused most directly by

adrenaline and noradrenaline.

Psychological moderators of stress include all of the following EXCEPT


The general adaptation stage that involves mobilization of resources and physiological arousal is called the

alarm phase.

The three stages of GAS (in their correct order) are

alarm, resistance, exhaustion.

According to Peggy Blake and her colleagues (1984), which of the following did college students rate as stressful?

all of these

Body language is important in social perception because it

all of these

Daily hassles can result in

all of these

Diffusion of responsibility contributes to

all of these

High self-efficacy expectations result in

all of these

Hormonal factors, a cognitive vulnerability and ________ have all been cited as possible contributing factors to depression in women.

all of these

Which provide(s) clues about individuals' moods and feelings about their companions?

all of these

Persuasive communicators usually have a good deal of

all of these.

When we make assumptions about why people do the things they do we are making ________________.

an attribution

If you believe that some people are just born lucky and that one of the best ways to handle problems is to not think about them, then you may have

an external locus of control.

Gene knows he will be having surgery to remove a tumor in his neck. He has done research to learn about the procedure. This knowledge will help him most if he has

an internal locus of control.

The idea that your past has influenced you immensely and must therefore continue to determine your feelings and behavior now is considered

an irrational belief

The idea that your past has influenced you immensely and must therefore continue to determine your feelings and behavior now is considered

an irrational belief.

Mabel had chicken pox as a child. Her body is now able to fight chicken pox because it has stored __________ in the bloodstream.


Vaccinations often introduce a small amount of antigen so the immune system produces _________, which remain in the bloodstream for years to fight off the disease in case of reexposure.


When Herman received a lung transplant, his body thought that it was a foreign pathogen. It reacted by producing


Kristen has a cold, and her body reacts to the virus in her system. This virus is considered a(n)


Jeffrey is a con artist who swindled his own grandmother out of her life savings. He shows no remorse and claims it was her own fault for being so gullible. Jeffrey exhibits the characteristics of ________ personality disorder.


People with __________ personality disorder are typically in conflict with society and predatory in their relationships with other people.


Mark is trying to make a choice between asking Helen or Lorelei to a party this weekend. He's having a tough time deciding because both are equally appealing options. This is indicative of a(n) __________ conflict.


Which of the following is the least stressful type of conflict?


Sam wants to be a clinical psychologist. He has been accepted at two different graduate schools. Both schools are equally prestigious and would provide him with an outstanding education. He must choose to attend one of the schools. Psychologists would call this type of conflict an

approach-approach conflict.

Sara is having trouble deciding whether to buy a BMW or a Mercedes because she likes them both immensely. This is

approach-approach conflict.

Dawn wants to be a veterinarian because she wants to help animals remain healthy. On the other hand, she knows she does not like to see animals suffering from illnesses. This produces a(n) __________ conflict.


Psychologists often classify conflict into 4 types. Which of the following is NOT one of those types?


People with high self-efficacy expectations

are able to withstand stress.

The situationist perspective studies the ways in which people can be goaded by social influences into doing things which

are not consistent with their personalities

Stressors such as hassles and life changes predict health problems such as heart disease and ______________

athletic injuries

Stressors such as hassles and life changes predict health problems such as heart disease and ________________.

athletic injuries

When you go home to visit for the holidays, you feel a tightening in your stomach. The tension starts even before you arrive. You wonder why you bother trying to be merry when it will probably just be like last year, another fiasco. Your __________ leaves you feeling miserable.


According to the _____________, we tend to date people who are similar to ourselves in physical attractiveness.

attraction-similarity hypothesis

An assumption about why people do the things they do is a(n)


Whether people consider the causes of failure to be internal or external depends upon the type of __________ style they use.


A patient has a choice between surgery or a painful treatment. This is indicative of an _______ conflict.


Sarah is very sympathetic towards others, but has few friends because she is so afraid of rejection. She tends to stay at home, unless her family assures her that no one will criticize her. Sarah exhibits ________ personality disorder.


Between activating events and consequences, Ellis proposed that __________ could increase the level of stress experienced.


Schizophrenia runs in Alan's family. Before he was born, his mother abused alcohol. His birth was long and difficult. He is showing signs of impaired perception and judgment. Based on the ________ model, Alan is at high risk for exhibiting schizophrenia.


The biopsychosocial view of depression claims that

biological predispositions are influenced by psychological factors in determining cause.

Elation and depression are both aspects of __________ disorder.


A young man is having trouble getting along with his roommate. Sometimes the roommate goes for days without speaking. Other days, the roommate is a nonstop talker, speaks rapidly, and is often abrasive and aggressive. The roommate is showing symptoms suggesting

bipolar disorder.

Craig is talking with his therapist, who can't get a word in the conversation. Craig just keeps talking about everything and anything. He is very restless and can't sit still. In past therapy sessions, Craig has been withdrawn and lethargic. It is likely Craig is exhibiting

bipolar disorder.

The amount of stress resulting from daily hassles and life changes depends upon the individual's

both a & b

Irrational beliefs can create or compound stress by

both of these

A person whose immune system is damaged by physical and psychological factors is more likely to develop

cancer and tumors

The development of mutant cells that take root in the body is known as


Edward's professor told him that his first paper could have been shorter in length. Edward becomes very concerned because now he realizes that he does not know how to write papers and will definitely fail the class. This is an example of


A salesperson for vitamins gives out a medical journal article that discusses the research on a particular vitamin's benefits. The salesperson is using the __________ route to persuade customers to buy his product.


Ethan and Lydia just got a new boss at work. Ethan views this as an interesting change and one that may advance his personal growth. Lydia views this change as negative and a possible threat to her job security. These differences exemplify which aspect of hardiness?


Psychological hardiness is characterized by

challenge, commitment, and control.

A counselor believes the cause of depression in his client is the client's insistence that he has no choices in life because he is governed by fate and chance. The counselor supports the _______ view of depression.


The argument that feelings of anxiety and helplessness are rooted in one's beliefs is consistent with the __________ view.


The Festinger & Carlsmith study (1959) in which some people were given $1, and others were given $20 for describing a chore as interesting when it was in fact not, was a study in_____________.

cognitive dissonance.

Bernadette not only takes a full schedule of classes at her college, but she also is involved in many clubs and other extracurricular activities. Which aspect of hardiness does she exhibit?


Claire and Dan are motivated to maintain their relationship even through the difficult times. Their relationship demonstrates


When Tamara and her classmates say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, their teacher smiles and approves. This is an example of children acquiring attitudes such as patriotism through


According to social psychologists, to __________ is to change one's behavior to adhere to social norms.


Lisa has been invited to a party. Immediately after receiving the invitation, she meets with a group of friends to discuss what they plan to wear to the party. Lisa then makes the decision on what she will wear. Lisa's party dressing behavior demonstrates


When behavior or attitudes are adjusted to go along with a group norm this is called


According to Ellis, the result of a situation that causes stress is called a(n)


A relationship that has all three components of the triangular model of love would be called

consummate love

A man witnessed an explosion in which a co-worker died, and afterward his vision failed. After many neurological tests, doctors could find no organic basis for the man's loss of his eyesight. A psychological explanation for this is

conversion disorder.

John is overweight, does not exercise and has a large amount of unresolved anger. He is most likely at risk for

coronary heart disease

Types of social support that can enhance the ability to cope with stress include all of the following except


Types of social support that can enhance the ability to cope with stress include all of the following except


William feels as if he has too much to do and not enough time to accomplish these things. These thoughts are considered

daily hassles

William feels as if he has too much to do and not enough time to accomplish these things. These thoughts are considered

daily hassles.

Gustave Le Bon wrote that people in crowds abandon their individuality and rationality to adopt a collective mind. Today this is referred to as


When members of a group loosen normal behavioral restraints and do things they wouldn't do on their own, ___________ has occurred.


While standing on a bus, a man overhears a discussion about a person who is about to be terminated from his job. The man decides that the people on the bus are talking about him and that he has been targeted for termination. The man demonstrates

delusions of reference.

A young mother is experiencing some loss of interest in her home and family. At the same time, her usual energy level is lower and has a lowered sense of self-esteem. She has good reality contact and she is not suicidal. These symptoms suggest


Maureen has been under continuing stress, and she is exhausted. This continued stress could lead to

diseases of adaptation.

Georgina's speech is very confusing and rarely makes sense. She makes funny faces and is often heard giggling. Georgina exhibits ________ schizophrenia.


Cory was driving the car when an accident occurred that killed his best friend who was with him. When Cory woke up the next morning, he couldn't remember where he was or what had happened the night before. He is most likely exhibiting

dissociative amnesia.

Your boss knows that you are enrolled in a psychology class. He tells you that his mother-in-law has suddenly left home and traveled to another state. When the police found her, she had been living in the new town for six months. She had invented a totally false past and had no memory of her real past life. He wants to know what psychological disorder you think she is likely to be diagnosed with?

dissociative fugue disorder

Jane has blackout periods where she can't remember what she did or where she was. She found clothing in her closet that she would never wear and doesn't know how it got there. When she goes to see the doctor she introduces herself as Suzy. Jane seems to be exhibiting

dissociative identity disorder.

Ed is a 75-year-old divorcee and his friend Mitch is a 76-year-old married individual. When faced with depression and overwhelming stressful events, who is more likely to attempt suicide?


In __________ terms, prejudice is connected with fear, dislike or hatred


Mary always tries to listen to her friend's problems and to express care and sympathy. Mary demonstrates

emotional concern.

Eric has high blood pressure, and his doctors have found no specific cause. This is most properly called

essential hypertension

Hans Selye termed stress that is healthful


Who would agree with the following statement, "Ignorance is bliss?"


Regarding stress responses, males tend to _________ whereas females tend to __________.

face the action; tend and befriend

Clarice wants to assess her risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). Which of the following is a risk factor for CHD?

family history

If a clothing company wants to sell their product to adolescents, it would be best to have a _________ endorse their product.

famous teenager

A cosmetic company is interested in selling their product by targeting women's concerns over their appearance, particularly in regard to aging. A technique that is likely to work would be a(n) __________ advertising campaign.

fear appeal

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Reproductive System --Structure & Function

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Week 3 - Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices

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